Refrigerator Feng Shui location in the room. General feng shui rules for kitchen arrangement

The kitchen is the most important and most used room in the house - a place where all households gather and communicate. Therefore, if you are imbued with Feng Shui, be sure to apply its principles in the kitchen.

feng shui, ancient Chinese philosophy and special rules for organizing living space to attract well-being, regardless of our belief or disbelief; follow its rules, as well as apply it in your home or not - everyone's independent decision.

Before starting, we warn you: there are many different teachings, schools and principles of Feng Shui, which vary depending on the characteristics of the object of application (garden, apartment, house). Nevertheless, the basic principles of Feng Shui for the kitchen room stand out, which are the same for all houses and apartments.

In the kitchen, Feng Shui is used to create a constant flow of Qi energy and its unhindered circulation.

How to arrange a feng shui kitchen

What does Feng Shui say about where to place the kitchen?

Feng Shui about the organization of the kitchen space

kitchen design, interior decoration and the device - all this should provide comfort for the person preparing the food.

Crockery, utensils and necessary appliances should be easily accessible. The kitchen must have good lighting, high-quality ventilation and the space necessary for convenient location and unimpeded movement of all household members around the room.

  1. Sharp objects, as well as knives, scissors and forks, etc., should be kept in closed boxes. Sharp corners give birth negative energy Sha, which negatively affects the well-being and well-being of all family members. Order, cleanliness of windows with window sills and general cleanliness, sunlight and constant ventilation of the room will neutralize evil energy and harmful information flows and rid the kitchen of them. In no case do not quarrel, do not sort things out in the kitchen. Do not store, immediately throw away chipped or cracked dishes and broken things.
  2. It would be just fine if the kitchen Feng Shui turned out to be in accordance with the rule of the triangle, according to which the most necessary elements of the kitchen (sink, refrigerator and stove) would be in the imagination in the corners of the triangle. The distance between the corners should be at least 1.5-2 m to ensure the greatest number of amenities and the least movement in the kitchen. Moreover, with this arrangement, the fiery elements (stove, oven, etc.) will not come into contact with the water ones (sink, dryer, etc.). Elements of the Tree (boards, green utensils, plants or images of plants, wooden) are designed to separate the opposite elements of Fire and Water.
  3. Gas and water pipes should not be visible. When in sight, they attract negative Sha energy.

Stove and Feng Shui

The stove is a fiery element, a symbol of well-being and prosperity. Do not place it next to the window, otherwise the money will disappear through the window. It is best for the fiery element to be near the south wall, because the south is the homeland for this element.

The stove can be installed next to the wall leading to the center of the apartment. It is advisable to avoid placing the stove in the direction of the entrance to the house, the stairs, the shower and toilet room and the bedroom.

An excellent solution for a large kitchen area can be a kitchen island - a stove installed in the center of the room. The chef will be equally comfortable working with the stove and communicating with the guests, seeing them all. Fire should not be near Water, so sinks or refrigerators should not become neighbors of the stove.

Separate them all with Wood elements: objects painted in green light, green-brown tiles, cutting tables.

According to Feng Shui, it is better to cook on a stove or on an open fire, because microwave electromagnetic waves have a negative effect on well-being. However, different families have different needs and varying degrees of need for certain kitchen appliances.

Where to put a fridge in feng shui

We found out that the refrigerator belongs to the water element, so the southern part of the kitchen, according to Feng Shui, is clearly not for him. Good “friends” of the refrigerator are mirrors, because they double the objects reflected in them. Put a mirror on the bottom shelf to reflect the products on top, and according to Feng Shui, your refrigerator will never be empty due to the lack of products in it.

A sink, like a refrigerator, belongs to the water element, which is responsible for family financial well-being. Both in the refrigerator and in the sink should be clean and tidy.

A leaking faucet almost literally flushes your money down the drain. Do not keep dirty dishes, grease, rust stains, rubbish in the sink, do not clog it. According to Feng Shui, the most desirable material for washing is stainless steel, since Metal destroys the energy structure and allows the water element to better wash away negative information and energy from dirty dishes. As a result, dishes are pristine, both physically and energetically.

According to the principles, a kitchen without a chef is not a kitchen. The place of the cook in the kitchen is incredibly important The cook who stands at the stove, takes a "position of control" and must be aware of everything that happens in his kitchen kingdom. He does not turn his back to the door - this fundamentally destroys the balance of feng shui. If this state of affairs cannot be avoided, and the door is still behind the cook, then wind music suspended above the door or a mirror surface should notify about incoming people, with the help of which the cook will see who looked into the kitchen. main role in the preparation of healthy and healthy food, the peaceful state of mind of the cook plays.

feng shui kitchen colors

The best colors for the kitchen are natural colors of warm shades (green, brown, yellow, orange), white is very successful. It is highly undesirable to emphasize the preference for Fire or Water in the design, using red and orange or blue and blue tones, so you break the balance between the elements. White color is a symbol of the Metal element, and it is an excellent intermediary between these two elements and, as a rule, is combined with metal kitchen items.

In addition, when creating a kitchen design and its decoration, Feng Shui recommends not using the colors of elements in zones of elements alien to them. For example, the color Wood should not appear in the Metal zones, and the red fire color should not be used in the water element zone.

General feng shui rules for kitchen arrangement

  1. Sharp objects should not be in sight, try to avoid sharp corners;
  2. Use kitchen appliances according to intended purpose, otherwise the circulation of the flow of Qi is disturbed, and energy will stagnate near them. Get rid of broken or broken items - the accumulation of negative Sha energy in them contributes to family scandals and conflicts and strife.
  3. Each element has its own color, you should not create color combinations in areas where the opposite element reigns.

Be careful when using mirrors: the constant reflection of eating people provokes an endless cooking process and an endless meal. The kitchen should not become a walk-through yard!

Attention, only TODAY!

A person opens the door of the refrigerator very often, in fact, every time he wants to have a snack. This is one of the main items in the kitchen. Read on about the feng shui refrigerator and find out how to use it correctly.

Feng Shui refrigerator and how to use it

The refrigerator is an item that is very sensitive to changes in the energy of the house. Remember that the longer you keep food in the refrigerator, the better the atmosphere in your home. But if they start to spoil even before their expiration date, this means that something is wrong.

Remember that the element Water is present in the refrigerator, which perfectly absorbs any information. Therefore, if there are a lot of disagreements, quarrels and conflicts in the house, then this item in the kitchen will absorb all the negativity into itself. And this will affect the freshness of your products. Do not provoke conflicts and learn to control your own emotions. And if a quarrel cannot be avoided, then leave the kitchen and open the window in the room in which you will be located. So the negative will leave your home.

Feng Shui refrigerator and rules for its placement

Moreover, the refrigerator may begin to buzz out of anger. This may be due to the fact that you placed it incorrectly. For example, you can’t put it near the stove, because in this case two incompatible elements begin to interact: Water and Fire. Such placement of the refrigerator can provoke the loss of money from the family. Between the refrigerator and the stove is better to put a nightstand or table. So you can separate the two opposite energies and there will be harmony and happiness in the house.

How to choose a refrigerator and how to care for it according to Feng Shui

Pay attention to the color of the refrigerator. It doesn't have to be monochromatic. Hang magnets on the door of this household item. Colored things attract positive energy. And if you put them in it, then this energy will be absorbed by food. You can also hang pictures on the refrigerator where you are happy.

Remember that this item needs to be thawed. This will cleanse him of the negativity that has accumulated in him. If an unpleasant smell appeared in the refrigerator, then it means that there is too high a concentration of negative energy in it.

When choosing the color of the appliance, you should focus not only on how harmoniously it will fit into the kitchen, but also on how it will affect your life. First of all, you need to remember that each zone corresponds to a certain color:

  • in the north (quarry zone), blue, light blue and black devices should be located;
  • but the northwestern zone (sector of mentors and travel) corresponds to white, metal, gold and silver refrigerators;
  • in the wisdom zone (in the northeast), it is better to install a beige or brown refrigerator;
  • wealth sector (southeast) corresponds rather green color;
  • and in the southwest (the zone of love and marriage), all the colors of the earth must be located;
  • green and purple refrigerators will have a beneficial effect on the family if you place them in the east;
  • and, finally, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcreativity and children (in the west), white and silver refrigerators should be installed.

However, in the case when the refrigerator has already been purchased in a certain color and does not fit into the corresponding zone, then it's okay. You can put it in the place where it is convenient for you, having previously decorated it with elements of a suitable shade.

Where to place the refrigerator according to feng shui

Finally, you successfully walked around all the stores, chose the color you needed, filled out all the paperwork, and now a new beautiful refrigerator is in your apartment. The first problem you face after delivery is where to put it. The most important rule is that the refrigerator should not be in any room other than the kitchen. Only in this way can you bring health and prosperity to your home.

  1. The most important rule is that the refrigerator should not be in any room other than the kitchen. Only in this way can you bring health and prosperity to your home.
  2. In order to attract wealth to the house, this irreplaceable thing in the house must be installed in the appropriate zone - the southeast.
  3. Never place objects from different elements next to each other. So, for example, the water element of the refrigerator will compete with the fire element of the stove.
  4. If you dream of a strong and friendly family, then install it in the eastern or southwestern zone.
  5. But installing a refrigerator in the north side will help you climb the corporate ladder.
  6. Remember very important rule- a full refrigerator will always enhance the effect of a particular zone, an empty one, on the contrary, will weaken it.
  7. It is highly undesirable to place the refrigerator against the south wall of the kitchen. This zone belongs to the element of Fire - the clash of energies will cause problems in the family and financial spheres. The same thing will happen if the refrigerator door is directed towards the stove or the front door. Also, do not place the device near the wall adjacent to the bathroom - favorable energy in literally words will be flushed down the toilet. All other positions are neutral.

Also read: feng shui cuisine.

  • The most basic rule, according to experts, is to keep the refrigerator clean. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to achieve success at work, as well as maintain a harmonious atmosphere in the family. Therefore, carefully monitor the cleanliness of all compartments and store various fruits and vegetables in them - saturated with the energy of the sun, they personify growth and development.
  • Canned food should be stored above the bottom row. In this way, they will retain the auspicious energy of the fruit. And above it is worth placing dishes from meat products. Leave dairy products on the next shelf. At the same time, it is very important to monitor their freshness, otherwise it will attract bad energy.
  • But in order to avoid conflicts and improve your life, on the very top shelf you should leave those products that bring you the greatest pleasure.
  • Often in the refrigerator you can find medicines. However, according to Feng Shui experts, this can bring bad energy, causing health problems. If necessary, store medicines in a lockable compartment.
  • And so that money and prosperity are always found in the house, keep a red bag of rice and coins under it.

Fridge magnets

Today it is already impossible to imagine a refrigerator where there were no magnets that decorate our kitchen and remind us of successful travels. Just before installing a magnet on the refrigerator, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of Feng Shui:

  • a magnet with the image of a couple in love will help you achieve harmony and understanding in your relationship;
  • to strengthen the wealth zone, then on the refrigerator, located in the southeast, it is worth putting something that is associated with water - for example, a decorative fountain, and a magnet with the image of goldfish will only enhance the effect and attract good luck and prosperity.

Feng Shui (literally meaning "wind and water") is an ancient planning practice that ensures harmony with the environment. The organization of the interior according to the rules prescribed by her not only guarantees good decor, but also improves the quality of life. In order for the house to attract health, it is necessary to individually adjust the color of its walls and functionality.

The fundamental rule of feng shui is to realize that environment affects our lives. Disorder and chaos in the apartment impede well-being and material prosperity. Balance is the basic norm of Chinese philosophy. Positive energy is the key to success.

The feng shui kitchen is the central place in the house, used not only for cooking, but also for family gatherings. This is the heart of the house, so it is worth the effort to properly arrange the room.

So that the kitchen really matches its own high position, according to the theory of Feng Shui, the following rules must be met:

  1. The cooking room is associated with the elements of Fire and Wood, so its ideal location would be the south or southeast side of the house. Geographic direction may affect functionality. IN ancient China the southeast orientation was considered the best, as it helped to catch the wind fanning the fire in the furnace. If the kitchen is located in the northern or northwestern part of the house, it cannot be moved, but by applying other elements, you can compensate for the negative impact.
  2. The door to the kitchen should not be directly in front of the entrance to the toilet or bedroom, as well as in front of the window.
  3. An open kitchen has a positive effect on strengthening family ties, but according to Feng Shui, it is necessary to separate it with a partition or floor covering to stop the energy escaping.
  4. The best shape of the kitchen is quadrangular. It is recommended to avoid pentagons and hexagons.
  5. The basic rule is to separate the stove from the sink. Due to belonging to opposite elements, namely Fire and Water, it is necessary to place some kind of wooden element between them to create a border.
  6. The dishwasher (Water) must not be located next to the refrigerator (Water). An excess of this element is able to extinguish the fire on the stove.
  7. A large number of burners in the kitchen contributes to wealth.
  8. Order, cleanliness and detachment are the three principles of feng shui. Therefore, it is important to properly organize the space and get rid of what is not used. The kitchen should not contain unnecessary items and decorations. Waste bins are hidden in cabinets. The work surface is always kept clean and ready for use.

Kitchen set

Traditional Chinese feng shui seeks to harmonize all the elements, so dominance of one or two of them is not welcome.

It is preferable to choose a wooden kitchen set with a rounded shape to avoid angularity. Shelves are not used, all utensils are placed in cabinets with lockable doors. In open places it is allowed to put rounded jars with bulk products.

Hanging cabinets are located away from the dining space so as not to disturb people sitting at the table. Be sure to provide drawers for storing kitchen utensils and other cutting and piercing items. If they are outside in special stands, then the sharp side should be directed down.


It is recommended to choose an oval or round dining table with a symmetrical shape. It is desirable that it be made of wood, since, for example, energy flows freely through a glass table top. However, the use of an opaque surface is acceptable. The ideal location of the furniture product is in the center, but for this the room needs space. If the kitchen has a common wall with a toilet, it is not recommended to install a table in such a place.

Favorite by many stools will not work because of the uncomfortable position of the body. For the kitchen, it is preferable to use chairs with comfortable backs, the optimal number of which is determined by the dimensions of the room and the number of people living in the house.

When arranging furniture, you should not fill every section of the space. It is recommended to leave some space for freedom of movement. In cramped spaces, the flow of energy is limited.


The arrangement of the kitchen according to Feng Shui requires good lighting, which means that no decorative curtains should interfere with this. It is desirable that the curtains do not cover the window sills. This allows you to control the order in this place and the absence of unnecessary items.

A good solution would be lifting roller blinds or shortened curtains. The last window accessory does not have to be strictly shaped; asymmetry and waves from below are acceptable.


When installing this device, you must follow general principles balance of the elements of Water and Fire. In order not to violate it, the refrigerator, stove and sink must be placed not in one line, but along the vertices of the triangle. This method, in addition to balanced energy, will bring ease of use.

Products from the refrigerator are immediately removed after the expiration date. Spoiled food blocks positive energy. On the other hand, you need to constantly ensure that the refrigerator is filled with food. If it is empty, it is a sign of a lack of independence.

Stove and oven

The stove is a very important element in the kitchen. It is a symbol of love and good luck for the whole family. It is necessary to opt for a gas model, as fire brings wealth. The oven must be positioned so that the front door is visible. The microwave oven should be discarded, as it destroys the positive Qi energy contained in dishes and foods.

The stove is located in such a way that it is not visible from the adjacent room. This also achieves the correct position of what cooks food: he will not stand with his back to the door.

A few principles for the location of the plate:

  • the place under the window is not suitable for installing a heater;
  • do not place the kitchen stove under a beam or sloping ceiling;
  • behind should be a solid wall, behind which there is no toilet or bathroom;
  • the ideal position of the heater is in the southwestern or southern part of the room.

According to the principles of Feng Shui, a pot of rice is placed in the welfare sector, namely by the stove. In practice, you can fill it with salt, which also symbolizes wealth.

The stove must be kept clean and tidy, and it is recommended to use the burners in turn so that the energy does not stagnate.


The best sink material is stainless steel. Metal, interacting with water, contributes to the destruction of harmful energy effects. As in all other parts of the kitchen, perfect order must be present here. It is necessary to carefully monitor the taps: repair them in time and not keep them open unnecessarily, since the flowing water carries away wealth. The location of the sink is acceptable in the northern or eastern part of the room, for example, by a window with a beautiful view.

When decorating a room, it is important to consider the tones in which it will be executed. Main principle- do not overload the interior. An excess of glossy and metallic surfaces in industrial-type kitchens is not welcome, as there will be a lack of heat. In addition, metallic shades can slow down the energy of a room.

The colors that are traditionally associated with the kitchen are warm and stimulate the digestive energy. These include all shades of yellow, as well as beige and orange. In feng shui practices, lemon is considered the color of joy. It creates a cozy atmosphere and adds energy and optimism to the room, which contributes to the strengthening of family ties and provides a balance in social relations.

However, it is not recommended to use bright colors as the main ones. It is advisable to use them for decorative elements. If you want to make the kitchen more joyful, then on the dining table, for example, you can place a vase with delicious fruits or a bright bouquet.

To facilitate the choice of tones that should prevail in the design of the room, a specially compiled map of directions is used - the Bagua octagon. It shows the color scheme depending on the geographical orientation of the kitchen:

  1. The north involves the choice of bluish tones interspersed with green and brown (water element).
  2. For the western direction, white and gray colors with the addition of metal are suitable.
  3. The east is characterized by greenish tones (element of the Earth) in combination with beige shades. Home plants are welcome in such rooms.
  4. For a kitchen located on the south side, it is recommended to use the following colors: pink, light orange, white.

The northeast and southwest belong to the elements of Earth, the southeast to Wood, and the northwest to Metal.

When designing a kitchen according to Feng Shui, the following prohibitions on the use of flowers must be observed:

  1. Water extinguishes Fire, so blue and black tones are not suitable for the southern direction.
  2. Red is not allowed in northern cuisine.
  3. In the room, which is located on the east side of the house, you should refrain from using metallic shades.
  4. Western orientation does not accept the abundance of wood and plants.

Feng Shui room decorators also make general recommendations aimed at ensuring that positive energy accompanies the preparation and consumption of food. Among them are the following:

  1. The kitchen should be well lit, clean and properly organized. Then the energy will easily flow through it. Countertops are recommended to be freed from unnecessary items, as they bring chaos and anxiety into the room. If the room looks too harsh, you can liven it up with a curtain, tablecloth, etc.
  2. The mood during cooking affects the Qi energy. It is important to think about something pleasant, to exclude disputes and showdown.
  3. It is necessary to remove all ugly and damaged things, as well as broken household appliances. They spread bad energy.
  4. It is recommended to put a basket of oranges in a conspicuous place. These fruits are a symbol of happiness, health and prosperity.
  5. On the windowsill you can grow herbs in a pot. They are considered a sign of abundance. Planted and other plants, but not poisonous. Bouquets and compositions of dried flowers are absolutely impractical.
  6. There is no place for wall clocks in the kitchen. If you need to keep track of time, you can use a small alarm clock, which should not be visible when eating.
  7. The water in the kettle is not stored for a long time. Such liquid weakens vital energy.
  8. You need to use the stove as often as possible. This contributes to the development of one's own potential and increases the chances of health, wealth and love.
  9. The kitchen should not be inconvenient places. The more comfortable the room, the easier it is to find love and support.
  10. Pet bowls are best taken outside the premises.
  11. Do not cook food with your back to front door. Uncertainty behind or surprise at someone's appearance fills the dishes negative energy. When there is no other entrance, you can place a mirror on the wall so that you can see the door.
  12. If the kitchen and dining area is not decorated in accordance with the above principles, do not worry. You can change the energy of a room by hanging mirrors, jingling pendants, or reflective crystals.


Designing a kitchen according to Feng Shui principles is difficult task. However, many rules ancient philosophy coincide with the advice of modern architects and designers. Even without trusting the theory of the accumulation of good energy, you can get tangible benefits when arranging a room according to Feng Shui. First of all, it is convenience and harmony with nature.

In this article you will learn:

In the culture of all peoples, the kitchen room plays a big role, because it is associated with a family hearth - sacred place, which gathers close people. In order to achieve prosperity and harmony in life, many equip the kitchen according to Feng Shui: the rules of the ancient Taoist teaching of wind and water, which promises to solve all problems by distributing energy flows in space.

The location of the kitchen when planning an apartment

According to the doctrine, the competent design of the kitchen interior affects the positive energy of the whole house, helps to restore peace of mind, achieve family happiness. By organizing the location of the kitchen according to feng shui, you can bring health, good luck and material well-being into family life.

A kitchen in the southeast, south (fire sign) or east will be in the correct zones. The wrong place for her is the north - the sign of Water. In this case, a tree should be used to correct the negative impact; the west is also an unsuitable place for the location of the kitchen. Water and Fire are elements that are in constant confrontation, so the kitchen in the north can provoke disagreements between loved ones, their illnesses and failures.

What to do if there are violations

In order to comply with the rules of Feng Shui in the kitchen, you can correct the situation with the help of some decorative elements or space zoning:

  1. If the room is arranged in the northern sector of the house, you need to use the Tree to correct the negative. Live plants or paintings with their image, green walls and curtains can neutralize the negative impact of the Water element.
  2. When the room is opposite the entrance to the house, there is an energy draft that destroys the well-being of the residents. A door can protect against destructive energy. Near the entrance you can put a powerful plant, hang bamboo curtains.
  3. According to the rules of Feng Shui, the layout of a studio apartment is unacceptable. To mitigate the negative impact, the space is zoned with the help of screens, decorative partitions, and filament curtains.
  4. If the room is located next to the bathroom, a tightly closed door or “wind music” above the entrance to the kitchen can improve the situation.

These principles for adjusting the distribution of energy flows are applicable to all types of kitchens.

Feng Shui rules for the kitchen

To bring good luck to the house in the Feng Shui kitchen, there must be 5 elements endowed with positive Qi energy. These include:

  • Fire in the form of kitchen appliances, personifying the hearth (oven, microwave, hob, toaster);
  • Land, which includes stone (ceramic) floor or wall tiles, window sills, tables made of granite and marble;
  • Metal (dishes and cutlery, refrigerator);
  • Water (sink, boiler, washing machine);
  • Wood (live plants and their images, wooden furniture, wooden decor elements).

The presence of all 5 elements and their harmonious arrangement ensures the competent arrangement of the kitchen. To increase the flow of Qi energy, when designing a kitchen, you must follow some rules:

  1. Faucets must be in good working order so that positive Qi energy does not leak along with dripping water.
  2. In interior design, textiles or paintings depicting fruits and plants are used.
  3. Furniture must be made from natural materials: tables, according to Feng Shui, it is better to choose wooden or stone ones.
  4. Round containers for cereals reduce the amount of negative Sha energy.
  5. Stinging and sharp objects should not be left on the table, they produce Sha energy, which leads to quarrels, problems and illnesses. Forks and knives should not be stored in a conspicuous place, they are put away in a cupboard.
  6. In order for Qi energy to circulate freely, there must be free space in the kitchen.
  7. The kitchen should not have sharp corners (this leads to energy stagnation, attracts illness and discord), so you should buy corner cabinets, countertops and tables with rounded edges.

According to Taoist teachings, cleanliness and impeccable order, properly working appliances and the absence of unnecessary items will attract favorable Qi energy into the house.

feng shui colors

In order to harmonize the space and prepare it for the proper circulation of energy, for interior design you need to correctly select colors for the kitchen according to Feng Shui. The correct colors in the kitchen are combinations of green, red, orange and yellow.

White color connects 2 elements presented in the kitchen - Fire and Water, combines well with metal objects. When choosing colors for the kitchen according to Feng Shui, you should pay attention to the natural shades of beige and brown, as well as green, representing natural wealth.


The hearth at all times has been a symbol of the unity of loved ones, a sign of prosperity and well-being. Its meaning today remains the same, only the varieties change. It is believed that the more burners are simultaneously involved, the more good energy will enter the house.

When creating a kitchen design, special attention should be paid to the location of the hob. The stove - the center of the kitchen space - should always be kept in order. It cannot be installed in a corner or near a window: together with the steam coming from pots and pans, well-being will disappear.

IN Taoist practice great importance attached to reflective surfaces. The kitchen is not suitable for mirrors. In addition, the mirror opposite the stove will be splashed with drops of fat.

Wash location

A Feng Shui sink in the kitchen represents the element of Water. It cannot be placed next to the stove, symbolizing Fire - the dominant kitchen element. Being close, two opposite elements can harm the family. To prevent this from happening, the stove and sink are separated using a wooden countertop, a living plant, or a green object that personifies a tree. According to Taoist beliefs, the sink should be made of stainless steel: the metal destroys negative energy and helps water wash it away.

Refrigerator and other electrical appliances

Refrigerator belongs to the sign of Water. If it is placed in the south, the food stored in it will quickly deteriorate. According to the doctrine, it is considered successful to place a refrigerator in the southeast or southwest of the kitchen - this will increase the wealth of the family. Taoist theory teaches to place a stove (Fire), a sink (Water) and a refrigerator (Metal) according to the rule of the “golden triangle”, so that the distance between them is 1.5-2 m. They are separated by things made of wood or stone.

Electrical appliances stimulate the work of the area in which they are located. Knowing this, you can consciously activate the necessary areas by arranging household appliances.

Chef positioning

According to Feng Shui, a special place in the house is the kitchen, in the space of which the positive energy of Qi, the personality of the chef and the food prepared by him unite. The main role here is played by the chef. He can dictate the basic rules for interior design, organize the space of the kitchen so that he is comfortable, because. The taste and quality of the food prepared by him depends on the mood of the cook.

According to Taoist teachings, the stove is not installed in front of the door, so that the door is not behind the back of the cook preparing dinner. The entire space of the room should be located in front of the chef's eyes so that he can direct the cooking process and respond to those entering the room.

In order to increase the flow of Qi with the help of Feng Shui, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • eliminate unnecessary things in which Qi energy lingers - spoiled food, broken dishes, old sponges, rags;
  • put a vase with fresh flowers or fruits on the table;
  • place a clock on the wall;
  • hang photos of ancestors on the wall;
  • place pictures for the kitchen according to Feng Shui on the walls: it is better to choose still lifes depicting fruits and vegetables - symbols of prosperity.

It is necessary to enter the room with joy, so that a bad mood does not overshadow cooking. Quarrels have a destructive effect on positive energy, so it is better to leave all the bad things outside.
