Taoist practices for men. Taoist practices for women's health

The exercises for longevity and health that Bian Zhizhong describes are part of a Taoist system designed to maintain health and strengthen the body. They are smooth, calm movements that people practiced in ancient times. Taoist practices are especially good for the weakened after illness and the elderly. You don't need good weather outside or a lot of space to do them. You can perform Taoist practices at any time of the day. In doing so, you will receive good results soon after the start.

Taoist sexual practices, for example, are very effective. So, a case was recorded with one man who, at the age of about 70, lost sexual activity. He regularly performed these exercises for two months, and the potency returned. This proves that Taoist sexual practices really work. Now this old man notes that he feels as if he is regaining his youth.

A little about Bian Zhizhong

Bian Zhizhong, the author of the exercises, is in his seventies. He has been performing Taoist practices for over 40 years. This man is now as strong as a middle-aged healthy man. We bring to your attention the most popular and interesting Taoist practices included in the system called "10 Golden Exercises".

"Recovery Source"

The purpose of this exercise is to help the body absorb fresh elements, as well as get rid of used ones. You will also learn how to control your internal organs, stimulate blood circulation and energy, which will increase vitality. This exercise is the basis for the following. It is also indispensable for diseases of the shoulder joints and spine, painful menstruation and gastric disorders. You can especially advise it to those who want to strengthen the tone of the body, as well as change weight, improve the functioning of the reproductive system. Taoist practice does not reveal the secrets of love, but it really helps to feel young long years. Beginners should be very careful with this exercise. It should be repeated 2 times a day, each time for 3-5 minutes.

Description of the exercise

You need to stand up straight, freely lower your arms along the body, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Look straight ahead, relax. The mind must be free from thoughts.

Now inhale deeply, while straightening your shoulders and rising on your toes. It is best for beginners to breathe only through the nose. With regular exercises, after a while you will be able to do this with your mouth and nose, and also use the lower abdomen for this. As you exhale, try to draw a little on your heels, bending your knees. Take 16 such breaths.

Now hold your breath for a minute, then shake your whole body. Relax your muscles while standing straight. The knees are slightly bent, the arms hang freely along the body. Start shaking, vibrating every joint and muscle in your body. At the same time, men should slightly shake their testicles in the perineum, and women should keep their vagina ajar (Taoist women's practices sometimes slightly different from men's). Fingers should be slightly bent. As you straighten them, you should feel them swell. You need to shake it for about a minute, that is, make about 4 vibrations.

"Eight Diagrams"

This exercise affects all of our body. Very good hand movements activate the neck, shoulder joints and shoulder blades. It is useful in the treatment of cerebral thrombosis, headache, dizziness, neurasthenia, helps to prevent and treat pleurisy, as well as myocardial infarction. Among other things, these movements improve coordination and increase concentration.

Stand straight, arms hanging freely along the body, feet shoulder-width apart. Look in front of you, freeing your mind from thoughts.

Raise both arms slowly up to shoulder level. At the same time, imagine that you are holding a basketball with them in front of you. Bend your knees slowly. Continue moving your left hand up until it is above your head. The right hand moves to the right and down. Rotate 45 degrees so that your upper body is straight. Fully bend the left leg, and only half - the right.

Describe now with your right hand in front of you in the air (that is, on the right side) the symbol called "Eight Diagrams". To do this, do the following. The right hand now at the bottom right should be raised up and forward until it is above the head. Now turn your palm back, describe the circle with your hand. Now describe an S-shaped figure from the bottom up, doing this along an imaginary circle, its vertical diameter. Now the right hand should be above the head. Roll it forward and down to make another circle. With your right foot, step forward, bend it completely, and the left - only half. After describing the circle, the right hand is above the head, the left begins to move to the left and down, describing the symbol of the "Eight Diagrams" in the air, but now from the left side. These movements are identical to those made with the right, except that they should be performed in the opposite direction.

After the left hand is above the head, make the right movement from the right down. The right leg takes a step back. Bend the left completely, the right half. This is the end of the exercise, you can do it again. You need to do it without stopping, alternately different hands(both - 16, 8 movements each). The execution time is approximately one minute.

"Flight of the Roc"

The following exercise will help you get rid of excess weight, therefore, it is included especially often in Taoist women's practices. All movements in it resemble the flight of a bird: hands in the air describe a figure that looks like a figure eight, lying on its side.

Stand up straight. Your feet should be shoulder width apart. Stand still with your stomach in and chest out. Bend your knees a little.

Now raise both hands to the level of the chest, while describing the “lying eight” with them. The left one, when you describe this figure on the left side of the chest, should be on top, and the right one seems to follow it. When both hands are directly in front of the chest, swap them. The left is now on the bottom, the top is on the right. Describe the number eight on the right. Do this 16 times, alternately changing the position of the hands. Then do the following exercises. Taoist practices are not limited to this.

"Turtle retracts its head"

With this exercise, you can strengthen nervous system get rid of excess weight and diabetes. In it, the basic movement resembles the behavior of a turtle hiding its head under its shell.

Stand up straight, spread your chest. Bend your knees slightly with your arms along your torso.

Raise both hands in front of your chest, palms down, parallel to the ground. Bend your elbows slightly. With your left hand, slide down a semicircle to the level of your stomach, then turn it up with your palm as if you were holding a ball. Shift your body weight onto your right foot. Lean forward, turn your body slightly to the left. Now move your left leg half a step in the same direction, bend your knee. The right leg should be extended. The foot is completely on the ground. Pull forward at the same time left hand, bend it into a brush. In this case, the fingers should be horizontal to the ground. Lower your right hand until it touches the thigh. This pose resembles a person galloping on a horse.

Turn your left hand outward with your palm, stretch it, while the left shoulder should describe a circle - the shoulder joint first moves up, then back, then down. Press the left hand to the same part of the chest as close as possible, describe a semicircle with the right. After that, press the right one as close as possible to the chest (to its right side), lean back with the upper part of your body, bend your back, pull in your stomach and neck, like a turtle hiding its head under the shell.

Now return to the normal position of the shoulders (first make a rotational movement back, then forward). With both hands, describe a circle in front of the chest: first down, then forward and up. The shoulder joints during this movement move back and then forward, returning to their original position. With both hands, describe now another circle. Draw it this time first up, then back and forth. When the hands are at the level of the abdomen, make a rotational movement with the shoulder joints, first back, then forward, returning them to their original position. Then repeat the circular motion.

When they are at the level of the abdomen, the shoulders return to their original position, you should turn to the right with the upper body. Place your hands in front of your chest as if you were holding a ball in front of you. Transfer the weight of the body to the left leg, lift the right leg and move it forward half a step so that your posture resembles a person galloping on a horse. From this position, you can begin to perform the exercise on the right side. All movements are exactly the same as described above. However, they should be done in reverse side. Do this exercise 4 times in each side, alternating directions (8 times in total). Turn left to finish it. Thus, you will return to the starting position.

"Floating Dragon"

Taoist practices for women and men include the following exercise. It improves kidney function, strengthens the spine. In it, the movements resemble the tail of a dragon playing in the water (the Taoist practices of the "10 Golden Exercises", as you probably already noticed, often imitate various animals). You should describe three circles with your hands in front of you.

How to do this exercise?

Squeeze your hips tightly, your feet should be close to each other, and your ankles should touch. Hang your arms loosely along your body, clench your fingers. Pull in your chin now, then smile and think that you are still young (Taoist practice "inner smile").

Press your hands tightly to your sides, bend them, folding your palms in front of your chest, as if in prayer. Hands now move to the left so that on the left is right palm. Raise your right elbow now. At the same time, the head moves to the left, and the right thigh to the right. Stretch your arms up and to the left, pressing your palms against each other. They need to be held above the head, and then lowered to the right of the head. When they are in front of the neck, you will describe a full circle. Now the left palm is on top, fingers point forward. While making a circle with your arms, swing your hips from right to left, then return to the center position. Squat down slightly, bending your knees so that the center of gravity moves slightly lower.

Now describe a semicircle to the right and down with closed palms. As a result, the hands should be in front of the chest (covers the left palm with the right one). Fingers point forward. Swing your hips to the right while your arms describe a semicircle. Return them to their original position. Crouching, complete the second lower semi-circle.

Further to the right and down, continue it, the left palm should be above the right. Fingers point forward. After describing a semicircle with your hands, swing your hips to the left, then return them to their original position. The center of gravity moves lower and lower. You should now be half squatting, completing the third half circle.

All the movements described above go from top to bottom. Let's proceed now to the movements in the opposite direction - from the bottom up. Complete the exercise in the same way. Now repeat it 4 times. In the final part, when the hands describe the third circle and are at the left side of your chest, continue to the left and up. Lower them loosely when they are directly overhead.

"Swimming Frog"

The Taoist practices of the "10 Golden Exercises" include the following, which heals the thyroid gland. It imitates the movements of a frog floating on water.

Squeeze your thighs tightly, placing your feet close together, your ankles should touch. Lower your arms freely along the torso, squeeze your fingers on both. Smile with your chin in.

Now raise your bent arms so that your palms are at your chest. You need to close your fingers, bend your knees, pull in your neck and stomach. Now you are half crouched. Raise your heels a little. Stretch your arms forward at chest level, describe two circles with both hands at the same time, and then return them back to the position in front of the chest. Remember, making movements with your hands, how a frog swims.

As you describe circles, remember to stick out your buttocks and stretch your neck. With both hands, make 8 circular movements forward, and then to the sides and towards you. After that - 8 times on the contrary, from yourself. When the palms are at the chest, start a circular motion. Describing circles clockwise, you should put forward the upper abdomen and chest, straighten the legs, and stick out the buttocks and stretch the neck. It is recommended to do only 16 movements.

"Phoenix Spreads Its Wings"

Basic Taoist practices for men and women (this complex) completes the following exercise. With the help of it, we restore calmness, increase vitality. The flapping of the wings of the phoenix resembles the movements of the hands.

By doing this exercise, you will get rid of the excitement that arose after the previous ones. Therefore, it completes a cycle that completes both Taoist female practices and male ones.

The legs are now shoulder-width apart, and the arms hang freely along the torso. The muscles are relaxed, the fingers are slightly bent.

Now raise your hands as if there is a ball in them (above the left hand - right). Turn your hands back to each other. Now lift the left as far as possible to the left and up, palm down. At this time, take the right down and to the right as much as possible, palm up. At the same time, take a half step to the left with your left foot, assuming the pose of an archer. Shift your body weight to the left, turn your head (look like a phoenix spreading its wings).

Return your hands to the starting position. Raise your right hand as far to the right and up as possible, palm down. At the same time, take the left one as far as possible to the left and down, palm up. At the same time, take a half step to the right with your right foot, assuming the pose of an archer.

Transfer the body weight to the right, look down, turning your head like a phoenix spreading its wings. Repeat the exercise 4 times on both sides, 8 times in total.

These are the basic Taoist practices of the 10 Golden Exercises. It is better to perform them in a complex, but you can also separately. Try it and you will feel for yourself what Taoist rejuvenation practices are. Others are also very interesting. For example, Taoist practices to improve vision will help those who have it falls. Today, such exercises are especially relevant for many. Taoist love practices are also gaining popularity.

This article on Taoist practices is based on the introductory lecture I used to give at the very beginning of qigong and tai chi seminars. The main goal of the article is to convey a certain mood, an approach to energy practices that I myself use in my classes. Why exactly Taoist practices, what are their features and features of my approach to this system of knowledge. I will try to make the main emphasis on internal understanding and internal energy work using Taoist technology.

Unity of knowledge

And let's start, perhaps, with the question of a holistic approach to knowledge in general and to Taoist practices in particular. Unfortunately for modern society separation is characteristic in almost all spheres of life, which is a serious obstacle to comprehending the knowledge that will be discussed. Most people think that, for example, the Taoist tradition is separate, Indian yoga is separate, Japanese karate is separate, and so on.

In my opinion, most of the differences are external. With a superficial perception, indeed, such dissimilar attributes of different schools and cultures can be misleading. In fact, there is only one truth. At the foot of a mountain there may be many paths to the top, but at the top they all inevitably connect.

I myself managed to study and try many knowledge, books, schools, seminars. And although I treat my teachers with great respect and gratitude, I do not consider myself to belong to any particular school or particular tradition.

Three kinds of energies

In order not to be unfounded, I will give an example of the unity of knowledge. The basis of the Taoist tradition is the threefold structure of the universe and man. Taoists distinguish three main types of energy, which in the human body correspond to 3 energy centers. The center of the abdomen stores the energy of life, the energy of the Earth. Center of the chest - accumulates the energy of love and creativity. The center of the head is responsible for the energy of Spirit, Heaven. Now we can "translate" the figurative Chinese expression: "Man between Heaven and Earth": under the control of the Spirit, Man transforms the energy of the physical world into love and creativity.

Note the analogy with the Christian Trinity. However, knowledgeable readers have probably already seen analogies with many other teachings that suggest a threefold model of the structure of the Universe.

So, to separate directions and teachings now, in my opinion, it makes no sense. Indeed, for a long time, many schools were faced with the task of preserving the tradition in its purest form, so the line of knowledge transfer was jealously guarded from alien intrusions and mixing between different directions. But now other times have come, knowledge is being revealed, and today strictly adhering to one tradition means limiting oneself.

For the same reason, by the way, I try to get away from everyone Chinese titles and terms. At some seminars, the presenters try to preserve the paraphernalia and mood of the tradition. But, in my opinion, the words “focus on the ming-men point” sound a little strange. It is much easier to say: "focus on the center of the lower back." In my opinion, paraphernalia and beautiful rituals are not as important as the inner content of practices.

Features of Taoist practices

Why do I pay so much attention to Taoist knowledge, and not to some other tradition, since they all have the same essence? The first reason is that it was the Chinese who compiled the most accurate and detailed description human body and the work of all its energy mechanisms. The Taoist tradition has a very extensive theory: how many energy meridians are in the body, where they pass, what type of energy this or that organ produces, where active points are located (for example, for acupuncture), and what rhythms this whole factory has depending on the time of day or season

In general, the body is considered as a vessel in which certain types of energy are accumulated, stored and converted. And, thanks to a harmonious and all-encompassing system of knowledge, we can link the physical body, energy body and consciousness. That is, through the performance of certain exercises by the physical body (of course, directing one's attention in a certain way at the same time) - to develop the energy body. Conversely, with the development energy body our physical body is strengthened and healed, as well as the ability to realize and concentrate.

Human integrity

I would like to emphasize once again the importance of a holistic approach. Taoist practices are not just "physical education", here both energy and consciousness are necessarily involved in work. Moreover, it is not divorced from Everyday life practice, through them it is possible to solve a number of issues. For example, if a person has a suppressed fear, it is also reflected at all levels. And in consciousness, and in energy in the form of blocks and in the body in the form of muscle clamps. Integrated work allows you to work out such things most fully and harmoniously.

In my opinion, there is no point in practicing if you cannot then apply the experience gained in your life. In addition to the everyday examples described above, in the process of mastering Taoist knowledge, a person comprehends the basic laws of the work of energy and the body, which can then be applied in many other areas, from dancing or yoga to scientific activities.

At ordinary person energy is often fragmented into several independent parts. The meridians connecting them do not work. In other words, the vessel is full of holes, it is impossible to hold water in it. This is all the result of the wrong rhythm of life (especially in big cities), stressful situations etc. Taoist practices allow you to achieve the integrity of the body - and, as a result, the same integrity automatically appears in actions, it becomes possible to set goals and achieve them.

Energy conversion

So, at the first stage of training, the practitioner restores the integrity of the vessel of the body, which automatically leads to an increase in the level of energy (water is now retained in the vessel). The next stage, perhaps the most interesting, mysterious and exciting in the Taoist tradition, is the transformation of energy, internal alchemy.

Our whole life is energy. life force, good mood, emotional energy, thought energy, love energy - all this can be considered as different types energy. And the ability to transform coarse vibrations into finer ones incredibly improves the quality of life.

The Importance of a Teacher

Now I would like to talk about the second reason why I began to engage in Taoist practices. It so happened historically that it was in this area that I was lucky to meet teachers who have real practical knowledge. Unfortunately, I have met many schools where there is no such inner content. Movements are simply copied outwardly, beautiful movements, without an internal understanding of the ongoing processes. The result is fitness or rhythmic gymnastics.

The fact is that it is almost pointless to try to copy the exercises externally. If only because the features of the physical body are individual for each, so the correct position for each will be slightly different. Not to mention the fact that without work with consciousness and attention it is impossible to start energy processes.

At least for initial stage lessons, an experienced teacher is very important, who will not only show external movements, but also make you feel the inner essence. But for this he must have a certain level, so that at least in in general terms be able to feel and correct, if necessary, the energy state of another person.

As a result, the student learns to capture and distinguish subtle shades of energy flows, which ultimately makes him independent. I like doing Taoist practices because I found a creative aspect in them. For me, each lesson is a fascinating exploration of my capabilities and the capabilities of my body. Thanks to this approach, I can now independently choose the direction of work and explore those things that my teachers and mentors never told me about.


Of course, the format of the article does not allow going into details, but I hope I have outlined the big picture. If you have any questions - you can ask them below, in the comments to the article.

On a woman's shoulders modern world have many different responsibilities. She must manage to manage at home, and collect the children for school or kindergarten, clean up, and even go to official work.

But some women devote themselves so selflessly to all household and work affairs that they forget about their physical and spiritual condition. But it is stress, short-term rest, constant mental and physical stress, poor sleep and malnutrition that negatively affect not only the female body, but also her intimate health.

Taoist Women's Practices

Since ancient times, Chinese healers have known that the pledge happy life is sexual health. Based on Taoist knowledge, we can conclude that the main female mission is the accumulation and conservation of energy. And you can use this energy only in the name of preserving the hearth.

The Taoist secrets of love are as follows:

  1. Self love- this is one of the main conditions of women's intimate health. The main condition for every girl is to accept herself for who she is. Do not constantly reproach yourself for minor physical defects. It is recommended to stand in front of a mirror and shower yourself with compliments. The greatest effect of this exercise will be if you perform it completely naked.
  2. Taoist breast massage. It helps not only in revealing sexual potential, but also in normalizing the menstrual cycle and improving health. For this exercise, it is best to use the palm of your hand. Put your hand on your chest and make circular motions. You need to repeat this nine times. And after that, put a little pressure on the chest and do such pressing several times. During such a massage, you must definitely think about your attractiveness and sexuality.
  3. Taoist practices for women also include ovarian breathing. Thanks to this “breathing”, the female body is enriched with energy, sexual strength, and blood circulation in the pelvic area improves. To perform such actions, it is necessary to sit comfortably on the edge of the chair, the legs should be parallel to each other and be shoulder-width apart. Hands should be kneaded in the area of ​​​​the ovaries. Then you need to start doing a light massage and feel how the internal organs are filled with warmth. In doing all this, it is advisable to use belly breathing. When inhaling, a woman is advised to imagine that pink light enters the body through the vagina, and everything dark and negative is exhaled. Then you need to move your hands to your stomach and continue to perform circular movements. Such exercises have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the ovaries and uterus.

Each of these activities is very important to end with gratitude. And it should be directed, directly, to itself. Having finished all the above actions, you need to feel that every cell of the body is filled with warmth and love. After doing these exercises several times, a woman will feel that her life is changing for the better.

Important! Women's Taoist practices are available and recommended for all ages!

Exercise for maintaining sexual health

So, the main focus of Taoist philosophy is the preservation of longevity and sexual health. Taoist teacher Mantak Chia, master Li Jin-Yuen and many other Taoist scholars, who lived each in their time, made up various exercises contributing to the strengthening internal organs. Based on all this, 10 golden exercises have been compiled that will always help a woman to remain beautiful, sexy and inspired.

Here are some of them:

  1. Deer. Before performing this action, the thumb must be hidden in a fist. And you can relax your hand only after completing all the manipulations. With the middle fingers, you need to press on the dimple, which is located at the base of the skull, and massage it thirty-six times. Then you need to tighten the pubococcygeus muscle, lifting it up, and taking deep breaths for seven seconds. After tension, you need to relax, this is also done for seven seconds. Such manipulations are performed forty-nine times. After all this, the woman should feel pleasure. If this happened, then everything was done correctly, and the desired effect was achieved. Taoists came to the conclusion that the implementation of such a technique helps to rejuvenate the endocrine system, strengthens the immune system and the nervous system.
  2. Crane.
  3. Turtle.
  4. 8 diagrams. This action favorably affects active points female body. The execution consists in moving the arms, which, in turn, helps to relax the muscles of the neck, shoulders and shoulder blades. Starting position for execution: you need to stand up straight, arms are relaxed and are along the body, legs shoulder-width apart. It is necessary to get rid of all thoughts, freeing the brain for positive thoughts. Next, you need to raise your hands halfway, imagining that you are holding a basketball in your hands. The knees are slightly bent. Next, the left hand must be raised up, and the right lowered down. Everything is done very slowly. The legs also need to be bent, the left completely, and the right half. Then the exercise is performed, alternating the left and right arms and legs.
  5. Flight of the Roc. The movements that characterize this technique help to get rid of excess weight. Therefore, Taoist yoga for women often uses just such a technique. The movements of this exercise resemble the flight of a bird.
  6. floating dragon. Among the teachings of Taoism, this technique is used. It promotes good kidney function and strengthens the spine. The execution technique consists in the fact that in front of you you need to describe three circles with your hands.
  7. swimming frog. "Frog" helps in the treatment of the thyroid gland. The execution is to imitate a swimming frog.
  8. Phoenix spreads its wings. This complex helps to restore physical and spiritual strength and is the final among all exercises.

Attention! The implementation of such techniques requires complete relaxation, concentration and serious attitude to the exercises!

Taoist practices - it is a complex system of human self-development. Through the use of internal forces, a person's own nature is improved in order to achieve immortality. Thanks to them harmonious development of man on the physical, mental and spiritual planes. A person goes beyond physical limitations through the development of the soul and spirit.

Various meditative and energy exercises allow you to increase the amount of physical energy, relieve tension, improve health, acquire the ability to heal yourself and others, improve the practice of self-defense. Through building a solid foundation for the health and wellness of the physical body a person can also develop spiritually. To do this, the practitioner uses the energy of the Sun, Moon, Earth and stars. All this helps the development of awareness in him, in which the nourishment and development of the "dense" spiritual body is carried out.

Today there are several international centers Healing Tao in the USA, Canada, Bermuda, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, France, Spain, India, Japan and Australia, offering individual training practices such as Microcosmic Orbit Work, Healing Love Meditation, Tai Chi Chi Kung, Iron Shirt Chi Kung, and Fusion Meditation.

These practices are also known as meditation "Warm flow of healing Tao". They direct and maintain the life-producing Qi, and organize its circulation through the main acupuncture meridians of the body. Thanks to this, stress and nervous tension are relieved, internal organs are massaged and health is restored to damaged tissues.

At the initial stage, a healing light is awakened in a person. This happens in several stages:

  1. Discovery of the Microcosmic Orbit through its passage through the hands and eyes into the energy channels, allows a person to connect with the Universe and the forces of the Earth.
  2. Inner smile technique gives powerful relaxation, the spread of happiness, as a language of communication between the internal organs of the body. This helps a person to gain love and respect for himself, and consequently love and respect for everyone around him. This not only helps to counteract stress, but also increases and directs the flow of vital qi energy.
  3. Six-word spell (six healing sounds) - basic relaxation technique that uses simple moves hands and special sounds that cool the internal organs. This helps to improve digestion, eliminate insomnia, and relieve stress. The technique is especially favorable for those who play sports, practice martial arts because they accumulate excess heat in their body.
  4. Taoist rejuvenation - self-massage using qi. In essence, this is self-healing using qi, which results in rejuvenation of the senses, teeth, skin and internal organs. Thanks to self-massage, some energy blocks and points of tension in the body, which are sources of tension and aging of the body, dissolve.

The next stage of the introductory course develops inner strength person. For this, the following methods are used:

  1. Healing love. This is the transformation of sexual energy to higher centers (seminal and ovarian kung fu), which allows you to create harmonious relationship between a man and a woman, and also contributes to spiritual development due to the fact that sexual energy is not consumed, but transformed. There is a turn of the generating force in the opposite direction - from the genital organs to the higher centers - its circulation throughout the body and the restoration of the strength of all vital organs, which significantly rejuvenates the body.
  2. Qigong "iron shirt" is one of the foundations of spiritual practices that help raise the spirit in the body. This happens through the use of various postures and qigong breathing practices. There is a "rooting" of a person, he begins to feel his strong connection with the Earth, as a result of which he can raise his inner spirit. Through the tendon exercise, the student learns how to integrate the mind, heart, skeletal system, and flow. qi into a whole. This develops the ability to release and absorb energy through the tendons and cleanse the muscles of accumulated toxins. It also teaches how to build up and cleanse the bone marrow, restore sex hormones.
  3. Fusion of the Five Elements refers to the inner alchemy of man. The practitioner learns to transform his negative emotions, worries, fear, anger into pure energy. Each negative emotion is associated with one of the five organs of the body (spleen, lungs, heart, liver, and kidneys). In turn, these organs correspond to the five elements (earth, metal, fire, wood and water), which gave the name this method. This practice combines these elements into one harmonious whole. Emerging positive emotions balance the person. They are then sent through open channels microcosmic orbits.
  4. Tai Chi Qigong. Thanks to her, the practitioner moves his body as a whole, using mainly energy. This physical exercise with a slight impact on the structure of the body, which teach a person to move correctly, thereby avoiding any blockages of energy, and therefore prevents the occurrence of diseases in the body.
  5. Therapeutic Taoist Diet takes into account the prevailing elements of man and temporary seasonal fluctuations in nature.

IN introductory level of "improving health" students learn how to heal themselves and others. It is especially suitable for therapists. It includes massage, learning how to interact with one's own energy with the energies of other people.

At an advanced level, practitioners learn the Tao of Immortality(realm of the soul and spirit). Here qi literally transforms from physical to mental(spiritual). This seals the five senses, the yin and yang energies are mixed within the person, and the pineal gland is grown above the crown of the head, which then serves as a compass showing in which direction we will achieve satisfaction in our aspirations. The spirit goes into the void. But the highest achievement is the presence of an immortal spirit in an immortal body.

Thus, Taoist practices are a holistic system of movement from ill health to health, then from health to a complete transformation of the whole organism and its energy, and in the end to complete renewal, to super-wisdom, to merge with the Tao.

The value of Taoist practices lies in unity and harmony, in the interaction of a person with everything around him, with Heaven and Earth. So there is his reunion in primordial true harmony.

Perhaps I will surprise you, but female Taoist practices are primarily a complex breathing exercises. As the name suggests, only women can practice them. Various accessories (for example, a jade egg) that are placed in the vagina act as a simulator and indicator of the correct exercise. For what? What does it give? Let's figure it out.

Myth #1

We must learn to squeeze the egg inside. Then the muscles will be strong, and the sensations of sex will be bright

This technique is indeed taught in some schools, but real practices are built on finding a new, even deeper level of relaxation of the muscles of the perineum, abdomen and lower back.

Why is this needed? This area is a territory of excess muscle tension. She tenses up, in particular, in response to any acute emotion. Over time, the tension of this zone becomes habitual, ceases to be felt - which means that the opportunity to relax it disappears. Against the background of habitual tension, circulatory stagnation is formed - the cause of most female gynecological diseases.

Therefore, relaxation is the most important goal of the practices. Only by restoring normal tone (that is, both the skill of tension and the skill of relaxation), we can talk about the control of intimate muscles.

Normal blood circulation is restored, and sensations become brighter with each new breath.

- And what about the egg? - you ask.

As part of the practices, women master a specific breath-holding - lifting the diaphragm. And at the first stages of practice, the egg serves only as an indicator of the correct execution of the exercise. If the relaxation of the muscles of the perineum, abdomen and lower back is done correctly, deeply, then the egg begins to move upward, against the force of gravity.

This exercise does wonders for intimate feelings. It provides a good outflow and inflow of fresh blood to the genitals, and as soon as normal blood circulation is restored in the perineum and abdomen, the sensations become brighter with each new breath.

Myth #2

This is only for women who want some sexual sophistication.

Such a view is fundamentally wrong. These are practices for women who want to enjoy sex.

But even if the sex is on this moment not in your priorities, practices are a tool for healing the body (if only because they allow you to eliminate circulatory stasis).

You may have heard from a gynecologist: “Well, what do you want, this is age ... A chronic disease ... The consequences of an operation ...” Unfortunately, official medicine does not solve all problems, and then specialists send their patients to us for women's practices.

You can start practicing Taoist practices at any age - in particular, during the postmenopausal period, just to improve health and prevent so-called age-related diseases.

Myth #3

As part of the practice, you need to perform complex "tricks"

True female Taoist practices exist in the field of real female anatomy, so the exercises consist of relatively simple and understandable movements. Important point: when choosing from whom to learn Taoist practices, give preference to trainers who clearly and understandably explain each exercise.

I have repeatedly encountered women who did the exercises without understanding the anatomy of what was happening - in the hope that over time everything will become clearer. The exercise should be clear from the first day of its implementation. This does not mean that you will immediately be able to complete it, but you will understand what results and what guidelines to strive for.

about the author

Anna Vladimirova- Specialist in Chinese medicine, founder of the Wu Ming Dao School of Healing Practices.
