Game guess a phrase from a fairy tale. Literary leisure "Connoisseurs of fairy tales" in the preparatory group

Event type: quiz game.


  • generalize students' knowledge about fairy tales;
  • to correct the speech-cogitative activity of students;
  • cultivate a love of reading.

Equipment: wonderful bag (apple, egg, soap, flour, needle, wooden spoon, alphabet), telegrams, split pictures, crossword puzzles.


Leading: Good afternoon, dear guys! Hello dear guests! All of you know fairy tales very well, among them there are the most beloved ones that tell about good and evil wizards, about mighty heroes and beautiful princesses. Today we will take a trip to a fairy tale, we will play a quiz game “What a charm these fairy tales are!”

- Today we have two teams. They prepared a name and a greeting for each other. (Teams perform)

1. Warm up

Well guys, let's play.
I'll start and you finish
Just answer in rhyme!

1. He trembled before the wolf,
Run away from the bear
And the fox on the tooth
Got it anyway... (kolobok).

2. In the rivers of Africa for a long time
Evil floats a log.
Whoever swims towards
Everyone will be swallowed up... (crocodile).

3. The enemy of people and the enemy of animals -
Evil robber... (Barmaley).

4. He is kinder than everyone in the world,
He heals sick animals.
And once a hippopotamus
He pulled it out of the swamp.
Known for kindness
This is a doctor... (Aibolit).

5. He is invariably with everyone
Be polite to whoever comes.
Guess it's Gena
This is Gena... (crocodile).

6. His master is the boy Robin,
His friend is Piglet.
He once was like a cloud,
He is simple, but he is not stupid.
For him, a walk is a holiday,
And honey has a special scent.
It's a plush prankster
Bear cub ... (Winnie the Pooh).

7. He is familiar to all small children,
Everyone loves him.
But such in the whole world
You won't find one.
He is not a lion, not an elephant, not a bird,
Not a tiger cub, not a titmouse,
Not a kitten, not a puppy
Not a wolf cub, not a groundhog.
He acts in films
And known to all for a long time
This cute face
And it's called... (Cheburashka).

2. Complete the name

Guessed to each team in turn.

  • Koschei the Deathless
  • Vasilisa the Beautiful
  • Baba Yaga
  • Dragon
  • Sister Alyonushka
  • Thumb boy
  • Ivan Tsarevich
  • Brother Ivanushka
  • Tiny-Havroshechka
  • Hen-Ryaba
  • The Little Humpbacked Horse
  • Princess Frog
  • Firebird
  • Carpet plane
  • Swan geese
  • Ivan the Fool

3. Learn the tale from the passage

- Guys, do you really know all the fairy tales? Amazing! And yet I doubt your knowledge a little. I offer you the game “Recognize the tale from the passage“. Listen carefully.

1. The girl took the biggest spoon and sipped from the biggest cup. ("Three Bears")

2. The red girl is sad -
Spring is coming.
It's hard for her in the sun -
Tears shed, poor thing. ("Snow Maiden")

3. And the road is far,
And the basket is not easy.
Misha would sit on a stump,
Eat a delicious pie. ("Masha and the Bear")

4. There is no river or pond.
Where to drink water.
Very tasty water
In a hoof hole. (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

5. An old man lived with his old woman near the Blue Sea. They lived in a dilapidated dugout for exactly thirty years and three years. ("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

6. Here in the hut the corners cracked, the roof shook, the walls flew out, and the stove itself went down the street, along the road straight to the king. ("By magic")

7. Bears rode on a bicycle,
And behind them is the cat backwards. ("Cockroach")

8. An arrow flew and hit the swamp,
And in this swamp someone caught her,
Who said goodbye to green skin.
He instantly became beautiful, handsome. ("Princess Frog")

9. My father had a strange boy,
Unusual wooden.
He had a long nose.
What kind of fairy tale - that's the question? (“The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”)

10. Looked a little like a ball
And rode the tracks.
Rolled away from everyone except the redhead,
That's so laughter! (“Kolobok”)

11. Guarding the city is not in vain
Thirty-three heroes.
There is wealth in that city,
Gold, silver can not be counted. ("The Tale of Tsar Saltan…")

12. The fish is not simple, it sparkles with scales,
Swims, dives, fulfills desires. ("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

4. Telegrams

- Guys, this morning a package was delivered to our school. Let's see who is it for? (There is an inscription on the envelope: “Zelenogorsk, the school of Masters. For children who know fairy tales well.”)
Guys, do you know fairy tales well?
Well, let's see what's inside. (I take out telegrams.)
- Guys, it turns out that these telegrams came from the characters of fairy tales. Let's guess who they are from.

  • Grandma and Grandpa Help! I ran away from the wolf, but the fox is chasing me! (Kolobok)
  • A wolf came and ate six kids. Save my brothers! (Kid)
  • Come, laid a golden egg! (Hen Ryaba)
  • Uncle Fedor! Come urgently! Cat Matroskin and Sharik had a fight! (Postman Pechkin)
  • Come urgently! It's time to pull the turnip. (Turnip)
  • Save! My grandfather caught me in the Blue Sea! (Gold fish)

5. Troubles from the bag

- Guys, did you notice that we have a wonderful bag. Who knows what's in it? And here is a note next to it, what does it say? (opening note)“Guys, help bring these things back to fairy tales. We really need them!” Heroes of fairy tales.

One child from the team is called in turn. They take out objects, guess what fairy tale they are from.

In the bag: soap (“Moydodyr”), flour (“Kolobok”), egg (“Ryaba Hen”), alphabet ("The Adventures of Pinocchio"), apple, mirror (“The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes"),

6. Complete the puzzle

- Guys, and now I offer you the following task: you need to make a picture from cut pieces of paper and guess what fairy tale it is from.

Two envelopes are given - the children collect the mosaic.

1st tale - “Grey Neck.”

2nd tale - “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs.”


- Well, now, I think, you will be offered the most difficult task: you must solve a crossword puzzle. So, which one of you will be the first? (Cm. Application )

7. Cheerful typesetter

Rearrange the letters so that you get the name of the fairy tale.

1. N S R K A Y A A P K S O C A

(Little Red Riding Hood.)

2. M O V O C H K A D Y Y


3. T R D E D M I V E

(Three Bears.)

- Guys, almost all fairy tales begin and end with very wise words. I suggest you collect the ending of the fairy tale from syllables. (Cm. Application )

1. They began to live, live, and make good.
2. That's the end of the tale, and whoever listened - well done!

- Today you really proved that you know fairy tales very well. I will be happy to give each of you a book of fairy tales.

Quiz game "Visiting a fairy tale"


  • to interest children in reading books;
  • broaden their horizons and lexicon;
  • to educate children in a sense of goodness, justice, the ability to love to see the beautiful.

Equipment: team emblems, an exhibition of books, drawings of fairy-tale characters, tickets with tasks, cards with tongue twisters, a CD with songs, incentive prizes.

Game conditions: younger children take part in the game school age. 2 teams are playing. For each correct answer - 1 point. The team with the most points wins.

Quiz progress.

Every person from the very early age strives to be smart, inquisitive, quick-witted, comprehensively developed. We all want to be interesting conversationalists and know a lot. And it can only happen to someone who loves to read. Our very first works are fairy tales. In early childhood, we get acquainted with Russian folk tales. Coming to school, we study literary tales and oral folk art. Why do you think? (children's answers) That's right, because thanks to a fairy tale we become more sensitive to beauty, we learn to condemn evil, to admire kindness.

The purpose of our today's quiz is to remember, as much as possible, their authors and heroes, and even more to join reading.

Jury presentation. The class is divided into two teams, the answering participant earns a point for his team. If the representative of the team does not know the answer, a member of the other team may answer, bringing his team a point.

Let's we play!

One two three four five…

Who will win the quiz?

Of course, the best erudite!

We have no doubts about it -

He will be the first to answer.

The first competition "Fairy phrases".

There is a beginning of a phrase from a fairy tale, but there is no end. Finish the phrase.

(teams answer in turn)

  1. In a certain kingdom ... (in a certain state).
  2. At the behest of the pike ... (at my will).
  3. Soon the fairy tale affects ... (yes, the thing is not done soon).
  4. The fox is carrying me ... (for distant forests, for fast rivers, for high mountains).
  5. And I was there, honey - I drank beer ... (it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth).
  6. They began to live - to live ... (and to make good).

The second competition "Guess the tale".

(1 point for each correct answer)

Questions for the first team:

red cheat,

Cunning and dexterous.

She came to the house - deceived the rooster.

Carried him to the dark forests,

For high mountains, for fast rivers.

(Cockerel is a golden comb.)

2. In which fairy tale the main characters are saved from catching up geese by a river with kissel banks, an apple tree with rye pies?

(Swan geese.)

3. In the fairy tale, the hostess had three daughters: one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed?

(Tiny Khavroshechka.)

4. “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived and was a king with a queen; he had three sons - all young, single, daring such that neither in a fairy tale can be said, nor with a pen to describe ... ”(Russian folk tale. Frog Princess.)

Questions for the second team:

1. Pounded and pummeled

On a plate with a nose,

Didn't swallow anything

2. In which fairy tale did the girl hide in a box of pies carried by a bear to get home from the forest?

(Masha and the Bear.)

3. In what fairy tale main character says these words:

Ku-ka-re-ku! I walk on my feet, in red boots.

I carry a scythe on my shoulders: I want to cut the fox!

Get down, fox, from the stove!

(Fox and hare.)

4. “Once upon a time there was an old man, he had three sons. The elders were busy with the household, they were torovat and dapper, and the younger, Ivan - a fool, was so-so - he loved to go mushroom picking in the forest, and at home he sat more and more on the stove. The time has come for the old man to die ... ”(Sivka-burka.)

The third competition "Fight of tongue twisters".

Allow us to begin.

Let someone speak quickly.

The rest please be silent.

Who three times without a mistake

Say it out loud right away

Two points for my team

Will definitely bring.

To pronounce a tongue twister, the one who made the fewest mistakes wins.

(Team captains compete).

The king is an eagle, the eagle is a king.

Mother Romasha gave whey from yogurt.

The fourth competition "Invisible".

(the song "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds)

Riddles about fairy tale characters. (teams take turns answering)

He got the leeches

I sold Karabas

The whole smell of marsh mud,

His name was ... (Pinocchio - Duremar).

He lived in Prostokvashino

And he was friends with Matroskin.

He was a little simple.

The dog's name was ... (Totoshka - Sharik).

He walked boldly through the forest.

But the fox ate the hero.

At parting, the poor thing sang.

His name was ... (Cheburashka - Kolobok).

Poor dolls are beaten and tormented,

He is looking for a magic key.

He has a terrible look

This is a doctor ... (Aibolit - Karabas).

And beautiful and sweet

Only very small!

slender figurine,

And the name is ... (Snow Maiden - Thumbelina).

He somehow lost his tail,

But the guests brought him back.

He's grumpy like an old man

This sad ... (Piglet - donkey Eeyore).

With blue hair

And big eyes

This doll is an actress

And her name is ... (Alice - Malvina).

What is this very strange

Wooden man?

On land and underwater

Looking for a golden key.

He has a long nose everywhere. Who is this? (Pinocchio).

Musical pause to the song "Pinocchio".

Fifth competition "Amazing transformations".

Who did the fairy tale characters turn into or bewitched into?

Questions for 1 team:

Prince Guidon (into a mosquito, into a fly, into a bumblebee).

The ugly duckling (into a swan).

The monster from Aksakov's fairy tale The Scarlet Flower(into the prince).

Questions for 2 teams:

Brother Ivanushka (as a kid).

Vasilisa the Beautiful (into a frog).

Eleven brothers - princes from the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen "Wild Swans" (in swans).

Sixth competition "Lottery".

So that the ardor of fun does not fade away,

To make time go faster

Friends, we invite you

To the competition - lottery.

Participants approach the jury, take tickets on which it is written what they need to do: read a poem, sing a song, name a few proverbs or riddles. The best in this competition brings the team 2 points.

(Cheburashka's song sounds)

Well done! Guys, you all worked hard today and coped with all the tasks. You know fairy tales very well and can accurately guess them. And in conclusion, I want to say: “Guys, read fairy tales, they will help you in life. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!


1. Kuznetsova E.G. Games, quizzes, holidays at school and at home. Entertaining scenarios. / M .: "Aquarium". K .: GIPPV, 1999

2. extracurricular activities: 1 class. / Auth. - comp. O.E. Zhirenko, L.N. Yarovaya and others - 3rd ed. revised and additional - m.: VAKO, 2006

3. cool watch ethical and aesthetic education: 1-4 grades. - M.: Wako, 2007

4. Summer camp based on the school / Ed. - comp. E.V. Savchenko, O.E. Zhirenko, S.I. Lobacheva, E.I. Goncharova. - M.: VAKO, 2007

5. Basyuk O.V., Golovkina M.A. etc. Class hours 1-4 classes. - Issue 2. Book. for the teacher. - Volgograd, 2008

Extra-curricular event in elementary school "Visiting a fairy tale"

Target: repeat and systematize knowledge about fairy tales.


1) development of speech, thinking, imagination; ability to answer questions;

2) fostering love for fairy tales;

3) the formation of reader interest.

The competition program is designed for younger students.

Two teams take part in the competition.

For a correct answer 1 point. The winner is determined by the number of points.

1 contest "Change the letter"

One letter has been changed in the names of fairy tales. Determine the title of the story.

1 team

1. Cap. (Turnip)

2. Cat and kitty. (Cat and fox)

3. Golden felling. (Gold fish)

2 team

1. Balloon bird. (Firebird)

2. Fox and poppy. (Fox and Cancer)

3. Child of the forest. (Wonder of the forest)

2 contest "Magic Items"

Guess the hero by the subject.

1 team

1. Shoe (Cinderella)

2. Mortar and broom. (Baba Yaga)

3. Needle (Koschey the Immortal)

2 team

1. Boots (Puss in Boots)

2. Golden key (Pinocchio)

3. Egg (Ryaba Hen)

3 contest "Think""

Guess the riddle and name the hero of the fairy tale.

1 team

1. The fat man lives on the roof, he flies higher than everyone. (Carlson)

2. He loves everyone invariably, no matter who comes to him.

Guessed? This is Gena, this is Gena ... (Crocodile)

3. Near the forest, at the edge of the forest, three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs, three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue who the heroes of this fairy tale are? (Three Bears)

2 team

1. She is beautiful and sweet, and her name is from the word "ash". (Cinderella)

2. Treats small children, treats birds and animals,

A good doctor looks through his glasses ... (Aibolit)

3. He is both cheerful and gentle, this cute eccentric.

With him is the owner - the boy Robin and a friend - Piglet.

For him, a walk is a holiday and honey is a special scent.

This teddy bear is a prankster ... (Winnie the Pooh)

4 competition "Decipher the rebus"

Decipher the rebus-name of the Russian folk tale.

What is the clue?

1 team


Yabyalochyako (Apple)

2 team



5 competition "Confusion"

Rearrange the letters so that you get the names of fairy-tale characters.

1 team

1. RNGSEUOAKCH (Snegurochka)

2. OLKAYASHKP (Shapoklyak)

2 team

1. YDMORYDO (Moydodyr)

2. UAKCHBRAESH (Cheburashka)

6 contest "Guess the name of the fairy tale"

Guess the story from the passage.

1 team

1. Elena took a magic book, looked - and seemed to see everything in the palm of her hand. ("Elena the Wise")

2. - We will go far, and you stay at home, but don’t give a voice: when the fox comes, don’t look out the window. ("The cockerel is a golden comb")

3. Once upon a time there was Tsar Berendey, he had three sons, the youngest was called Ivan. (Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf)

2 team

1. Vasilisa got everything she needed and went to bed, and the doll prepared a glorious camp overnight.? ("Vasilisa the Beautiful")

2. The eldest was called One-eye, the middle one was called Two-eye, and the smaller one was Three-eye. ("Tiny-Khavroshechka")

3. Buckets go through the village, people marvel, and Emelya walks behind, chuckles ... (At the command of the pike)

7 contest "Where, who?"

Answer questions for each team.

1 team

1. Where did the seventh kid hide? (Under the stove)

2. Who defeated the cockroach from K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Cockroach"? (Sparrow)

3. What did the Fairy make a carriage for Cinderella? (From a pumpkin)

2 team

1. Where did the woman get the flour for the bun? (Scraped in the bottom of the barrel)

2. Who brought Dr. Aibolit to Africa? (Eagle)

3. What color was Malvina's hair? (blue)

8 contest "When we say so"

1 team

"The bear stepped on the ear"

"Like a fish in water"

2 team

"Kill two birds with one stone"

"Keep your nose to the wind"

9 competition "Make a proverb"

Each team is given cards. Words are written on the cards. The children must collect a proverb from them.


(Soon the fairy tale affects, but the deed is not done soon)

10 competition "Come on, find it!"

Eight are inscribed in the grid horizontally and vertically. actors book "Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat." Find them and highlight them.


Horizontally: Mitya, Sharik, Gavryusha, Pechkin.

Vertical: Matroskin, Khvatayka, Murka, Fedor.


1. Kozak O.N. "Riddles and tongue twisters" - St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 1997

2. N.V.Yolkina, T.I.Tarabarina "1000 riddles" - Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 1997

3. Mishchenkova L.V. "36 classes for future excellent students", grade 1 - M .: ROST, 2011

4. E.V. Pomerantseva "Russian proverbs and sayings" - M .: Children's literature, 1973

5. Russian folk tales. CJSC "Slavic House of Books" - M.: Slovo, 2001

Quiz on Russian folk tales

(Average preschool age)

Target: expanding children's knowledge of Russian folk tales and creating a positive emotional state in children during educational activities.



Learn to name correctly Russian folk tales and their heroes; continue to acquaint children with the greatest wealth of Russian folk culture- fairy tales.

Develop safe behavior when handling unfamiliar objects.


Develop the ability to build a dialogue in the process of communication and answer questions with a full sentence; activate the mental activity of children.


Cultivate a love of oral folk art, the desire to read them.

Preliminary work:

Reading Russian folk tales;

Examining illustrations for fairy tales ;

Setting up a book exhibition Russian folk tales with the participation of parents.

Equipment: “A chest with fairy tales”, books with fairy tales, a letter, split pictures for fairy tales, cards with elements of fairy tales, presentation.

Course progress.


The teacher invites the children to say hello to the guests, and then invites them into the circle.


Hello right hand (stretch forward),

Hello left hand(pull forward)

Hello my friend on the right (holds out his hand to the neighbor to the right),

Hello my friend on the left (holds out his hand to the neighbor to the left),

Hello, hello friendly circle (shake hands back and forth)

Surprise moment - game situation"Chest of fairy tales".

Educator: Guys, today we will go on a trip to the country fairy tales, where we will meet the heroes of fairy tales and play with them.

There are many fairy tales in the world, sad and funny

And live in the world, we can not live without them,

IN fairy tales can happen

Our fairy tale is ahead

A fairy tale is knocking at our door

Let's say to the guest: "Come in"

(The teacher draws attention to the chest covered with a scarf, opens it, and in it is a book of fairy tales and a letter.)

Educator: Guys, look, what is this?

Children: - Chest.

caregiver: Well done, this is a chest. I think that this chest is magical and will not open just like that.

So it is necessary ... (Children's answers)

caregiver: - Before opening the chest, I would like to remind you guys that when you find unfamiliar toys and objects, you cannot touch them without adults. Therefore, I will open the chest today . (tries to open)

It does not open, it seems that it needs to be disenchanted. Let's blow on it (Children blow on the chest).

Doesn't open, can we... clap (Children clapping).

Something does not open, I suggest ... stomp (Children stomp).

Guys, the chest is very heavily enchanted, let's all blow, stomp and clap together at the same time (children blow, clap and stomp at the same time).


Look, the chest has opened, I suggest you sit down so that everyone can see and feel comfortable. (Picks up a large book with blank pages.)

This is a book of fairy tales, we will read it now. Oh, look, the book is... empty. Where are the fairy tales? (Children's guesses)

Maybe, fairy tales offended, that no one reads them.

Oh, there's some letter here. (Is reading)

- « A fairy tale is a miracle and a magical land.

IN fairy tales have many adventures, a lot of fabulous accomplishments.

But to fairy tales you find, a lot to go through: difficult tasks, funny dates.

Hey guys hurry up fairy tales you won't get lost!

And the signature: Your fairy tales.

caregiver: - Guys, are you ready to pass the test and return fairy tales to the book? (children's answers)


And so the first task "Guess a fairy tale."

I will give you riddles, and you will try to guess the name of the fairy tale. .

There was a painted house,

Oh, how beautiful he is!

Animals lived in it -

Lived not grieve.

But the bear came

and let's roar.

Bear filled up the house,

Almost crushed my friends.

What is this fairy tale? ( "Teremok")

Who came to the tower first? (Mouse-norushka)

Educator:- And who is the last one? (Bear)

Educator: Why couldn't the bear enter the tower? (The bear is big, but the teremok is small).

Educator: Well done, now listen to the next riddle.

In the dark forest at the edge, everyone lived together in a hut.

The children were waiting for their mother, they did not let the wolf into the house.

This fairy tale is for children…) Wolf and seven kids).

How many kids did the mother goat have? (Seven kids.)

Educator:- What fairy tale is this from?

A girl sits in a basket with a bear behind her back.

He, without knowing it, carries her home. …( "Masha and the Bear")

What did Masha say when the bear wanted to sit on a stump and eat a pie? (I see, I see, don't sit on a stump...)


Before the wolf did not tremble,

Run away from the bear

Did the fox still get caught in the tooth? ( "Kolobok")

Who did the bun meet in the forest? Hare, bear, wolf, fox.)

Who remembers what song the bun sang? (I left my grandmother and left my grandfather.)

caregiver: - Well done. Guess the following story:

The apple tree helped us

The stove helped us

Helped a good, blue river,

Everyone helped us, everyone sheltered us,

We got home to mother and father.

Who took the brother? Name the story? (Swan geese)

caregiver: - Well done. We guess the following tale: once everyone was pulling a root crop - a hail of sweat. The mouse is small, but still it helped to snatch the vegetable. (Russian folk tale"Turnip").

caregiver: - Well done. Guess the following story:

Grandfather and grandmother lived together

They blinded a daughter from a snowball,

But the campfire is hot

Turned a girl into steam.

Grandfather and grandmother are sad.

What was their daughter's name? (Snow Maiden.)

caregiver : Fine. Everyone did well. Ourquiz continues.

I know that you all enjoy solving puzzles. Therefore, now I propose to collect puzzles for fairy tales and name, guess the name of the fairy tale.

Second task "Collect and name a fairy tale."

(Children take envelopes with split pictures. Collected in groups of 3-4 people. While the children collect puzzles sounds fabulous music .)

caregiver : - Well done, everyone did a great job. I suggest you loosen up.


Four steps ahead

Back four steps.

Spin around in a round dance

They stomped their feet,

Shoulder moved

And they jumped a little.

caregiver : - Warmed up a little? Well done.

caregiver: Let's continue our test, I suggest you guess fairy tale by subject.

Third task "Name the fairy tale by objects."

(The envelopes contain images of objects, and the children must namefairy tale, according to the proposed set of items.)

1 set: Bowl, bed, house in the forest - "Three Bears"

2 set: Rooster, hut, snow and ice - "Zayushkina's hut"

3 set: Hut on chicken legs, stove, river - "Swan geese"

4 set: House, frog, wolf - "Teremok"

5 set: Fish, hole, dough - "Fox - sister and gray wolf"

6 set: A puddle in the shape of a hoof, Sister Alyonushka - Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.

caregiver: - Well done. In fairy tales, one more word is often added to the name of the character, characterizing him. For example, Ivan... (Prince). I will name the character's name, and you will choose a characterizing, fabulous word for it.

The fourth task is "Pick a word for the hero."

Princess ... (frog)

Geese… (swans)

Grey… (wolf)

Bear… (clubfoot)

Bunny … (run away)

Red… (Cap)

Baba… (Yaga)

Koschey… (Immortal)

Cockerel… (gold comb)

caregiver: Well done guessed all the characters.

Guys, we completely forgot about the chest. Let's take a look at it again.

(The teacher with the children goes to the chest and looks into it. Picks up a book withfairy tales. )

Look, it's in the book fairy tales appeared!!!

caregiver: - Well done, guys, they did a good job with the tasks of our quiz. Now I see you know fairy tales very well .

Now we will put the book with fairy tales back in the chest and send it to fairyland. Let's all say together first magic words: Focus, mocus, pocus, and then I suggest everyone blow, stomp and clap together at the same time so that the magic happens!

(The children stand around the chest, repeat the magic words, clap, stomp and blow. And the teacher hides the book in the chest under the lining, and then shows that there is no book in the chest.)

Shall we take a look at the chest? It turned out to send a book to a fabulous country.

Well done! We have succeeded!

Quiz game "Visiting a fairy tale"

 To interest children in reading books;

 expand their horizons and vocabulary;

 To educate children in a sense of goodness, justice, the ability to love to see beautiful things.

Equipment: team emblems, an exhibition of books, drawings of fairy-tale characters, tickets with tasks, cards with tongue twisters, a CD with songs, incentive prizes.

Terms of the game: children from 1 to 5 classes take part in the game. 2 teams are playing. For each correct answer - 1 point. The team with the most points wins.

Quiz progress.

Hello, dear guys, today we will visit a fairy tale.

From the early childhood we hear stories. Mom reads them to us when she puts us to bed, grandmother tells quiet winter evenings. We listen to stories kindergarten We meet with them at school. Fairy tales accompany us throughout our lives. They are loved not only by children, but also by adults.

Listening and reading a fairy tale, we find ourselves in Magic world where miracles happen, where good always triumphs over evil.

The purpose of our today's quiz is to remember as many fairy tales as possible, their authors and heroes, and even more to join reading.

Now let's introduce our jury.

2 teams participate in our quiz, the team "Storytellers" and the team "Wizards"!!!

Teams in the studio!

The team in which the participant answers the task earns a point for their team. If the representative of the team does not know the answer, a member of the other team may answer, bringing his team a point.

(the song "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds)

Let's we play!

One two three four five…

Who will win the quiz?

Of course, the best erudite!

We have no doubts about it -

He will be the first to answer.

The first competition "Fairy phrases".

There is a beginning of a phrase from a fairy tale, but there is no end. Finish the phrase.

(teams answer in turn)

1. In a certain kingdom ... (in a certain state).

2. At the behest of the pike ... (according to my desire).

3. Soon the fairy tale affects ... (yes, the thing is not done soon).

4. The fox carries me ... (for distant forests, for fast rivers, for high mountains).

5. And I was there, honey - I drank beer ... (it flowed down my mustache, but didn’t get into my mouth).

6. They began to live - live ... (and make good).

The second competition "Guess the tale".

(1 point for each correct answer)

Questions for the first team:

red cheat,

Cunning and dexterous.

She came up to the house - she deceived the rooster.

Carried him to the dark forests,

For high mountains, for fast rivers.

(Cockerel is a golden comb.)

2. In which fairy tale the main characters are saved from catching up geese by a river with kissel banks, an apple tree with rye pies?

(Swan geese.)

3. In the fairy tale, the hostess had three daughters: one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed?

(Tiny Khavroshechka.)

4. “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived and was a king with a queen; he had three sons - all young, single, daring such that neither in a fairy tale can be said, nor with a pen to describe ... ”(Russian folk tale. Frog Princess.)

Questions for the second team:

1. Pounded and pummeled

On a plate with a nose,

Didn't swallow anything

2. In which fairy tale did the girl hide in a box of pies carried by a bear to get home from the forest?

(Masha and the Bear.)

3. In what fairy tale does the main character say these words:

Ku-ka-re-ku! I walk on my feet, in red boots.

I carry a scythe on my shoulders: I want to cut the fox!

Get down, fox, from the stove!

(Fox and hare.)

4. “Once upon a time there was an old man, he had three sons. The elders were busy with the household, they were torovat and dapper, and the younger, Ivan - a fool, was so-so - he loved to go mushroom picking in the forest, and at home he sat more and more on the stove. The time has come for the old man to die ... ”(Sivka-burka.)

The third competition "Name the hero"

Leading. Fairy-tale characters have double names, and fairy-tale objects have double names. I will name the word, and you will name the missing part of it.

The first part of an object or name is called fairy tale hero, and everyone agrees on the second part.

1 team

Karabas ... (Barabas)

Koschei the Deathless)

Little Red Riding Hood)

Ivan Tsarevich)

Tom Thumb)

Elena the beautiful)


Chicken ... (Ryaba)

2 team

Gold fish)

Dr. Aibolit)

Baba ... (Yaga)

Sivka… (Burka)

Sinbad ... (Seafarer)

Swan geese)

The Little Humpbacked Horse)


Fourth Contest "Telegrams".

(The teacher reads the telegrams brought by the postman Pechkin. The children guess the author of the telegram.)

Dear guests, help!

Kill the villainous spider! (Fly Tsokotukha)

Everything ended well

only the tail remained in the hole. (Wolf)

Very upset.

I accidentally broke a golden egg. (mouse)

Save! ate us Gray wolf! (Kids)

Help me find glass slipper. (Cinderella)

I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, I will be with you soon! (Kolobok)

Calm, just calm. I ate another jar of jam. (Carlson)

Do not sit on a stump, do not eat a pie. (Masha)

Fifth competition "Amazing transformations".

Who did the fairy tale characters turn into or bewitched into?

Questions for 1 team:

Prince Guidon (into a mosquito, into a fly, into a bumblebee).

The ugly duckling (into a swan).

The monster from Aksakov's fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" (in the prince).

Questions for 2 teams:

Brother Ivanushka (as a kid).

Vasilisa the Beautiful (into a frog).

Eleven brothers - princes from the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen "Wild Swans" (in swans).

Sixth competition "Lottery".

So that the ardor of fun does not fade away,

To make time go faster

Friends, we invite you

For the competition - lottery.

Participants approach the jury, take tickets on which it is written what they need to do: read a poem, sing a song, name a few proverbs or riddles. The best in this competition brings the team 2 points.

In the meantime, our participants are preparing, we will hold a competition for spectators:

Seventh competition "Blitztournament" (Quick question - quick answer.)

Residence of Baba Yaga. (a hut on chicken legs)

Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the wife of Ivan Tsarevich? (frog)

The apparatus on which Baba Yaga flies. (broom)

What did Cinderella lose? (shoe)

What flowers did the Stepdaughter pick in the fairy tale "Twelve Months"? (snowdrops)

The hero of a fairy tale traveling on a stove. (Emelya)

Who made Pinocchio? (Papa Karla)

Who became ugly duck? (swan)

A postman from the village of Prostokvashino. (Pechkin)

Crocodile, friend of Cheburashka. (Gene)

The turtle that gave Pinocchio the Golden Key. (tortilla)

How did the Wolf catch fish from the fairy tale "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf"? (tail)

In which fairy tale cannibal turns into a mouse, and the cat eats it? (Puss in Boots)

Girlfriend of the Seven Dwarfs? (Snow White)

 The fat man lives on the roof, he flies higher than everyone. (Carlson)

(Cheburashka's song sounds)

Well done! Guys, you all worked hard today and coped with all the tasks. You know fairy tales very well and can accurately guess them. And in conclusion, I want to say: “Guys, read fairy tales, they will help you in life.

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!
