How to quickly learn to play the guitar: practical tips. Guitarist Training - Learn to Play Fast Quick Guitar Training from Scratch

Good afternoon, in this article you will not find practical techniques, but you will learn how to quickly learn to play the guitar in 5 ways from the pros just for you.

To begin with, answer yourself the question “quickly” is how much:

per hour / day / week / month, 2 or 3 months

The internet is full wonderful videos courses, which I promise to make you a guitarist very quickly, downloaded, looked at and let's cut hardcore, blues, metal, in general, whatever you like more.

Has the question above been answered?

From experience I can say that someone who can quickly learn to play the guitar can:

(any, even if they played the flute will go faster, if they played the piano, then even faster and you won’t need to learn notes)

Ready to devote a lot of time to classes, i.e. 2-3 hours a day(less of course, the same is possible, but we need it quickly, 30 minutes is also enough, but the result will not be immediately)

Working with a teacher(video courses are great, of course, but live communication and pointing out numerous mistakes, correct setting hands, the choice of songs melodies on initial stage etc. in a word, you will have questions and errors, and there will be no one to correct)

Another question that you need to answer is what level do you want to reach:

  • play simple songs with chords
  • at the level I sit at home "rub" what I like (simple riff songs)
  • join a music band - play in a band and become a popular superstar;)
  • become a pro and work in the studio
  • your own answer

Each of these options involves its own way of studying, from independent to entering the conservatory and obtaining higher music education, the choice is yours.

Now the promised ways to speed up learning.

1. Dedicate 2 hours a day to playing the guitar.

This method is universal and it is suitable for learning anything from Photoshop to table tennis. If you count, then in a month you will play 60 hours. If you devote 30 minutes a day, then in 30 days you get only 15 hours, which, of course, is not a little, but much less than 60 hours.

2. Handy tool.

It is very important to start with a comfortable musical instrument, the strings should be close to the fretboard and easy to pick up. If the guitar is not comfortable, then the training will begin to be delayed, and the desire will begin to disappear.

3. Inspiration.

You must want to play some song, not for anyone but for yourself (this is very important point just play for yourself).

Many times they came to me for training and said that they wanted to surprise a friend or unexpectedly show off in a company and play some song, but 80% of such students did not want to study for more than 3-5 lessons because they did not correctly choose the goal of training (show-off before friends and acquaintances is not the right goal)

4. Don't start with chords.

Most beginners think that you need to start learning with chords, but this is not so. You will need chords, but later start with simple one-voiced melodies (this is when one note sounds, then another, and so on)

Try playing these tunes:

I think you understand what I mean.

In this case, you will clamp only one string on one fret, when you play enough, you can move on to more “advanced” melodies, and then take on the chords.

5. Record yourself on video or audio.

Record yourself not for YouTube, but for yourself.
A simple example, at the beginning of the week you decided to learn how to play one of the simple melodies or a song, record on video how you do it, let there be many mistakes and there will be no rhythm now it doesn’t matter, a week will pass (it is assumed that during the week you train and work out the song/melodies) and you will compare how you played a week ago, if it gets better, then you are on the right track, if not, then you should think about it.

Perhaps you have chosen a difficult song, take something simpler.

If the melody began to sound better, then continue and do not stop.

P / S - Conclusion - the result.

It is possible to quickly learn how to play the guitar, but for this you must:

  1. devote a lot of time to classes;
  2. choose a comfortable guitar;
  3. choose light and simple melodies that you like;
Please write in the comments, your opinion is very important to me. What to write? wishes / thanks / insults; what do you agree with; with which they do not agree; how long did it take you to learn to play the guitar; How much do you want to learn? etc


When choosing an instrument, be guided by your own preferences: the shape, size of the soundboard and the color of the guitar can be any, but the guitar should be comfortable to hold in your hands. When playing the guitar, its weight is transferred to the right knee, the deck is held on top with the right hand. The left hand should be completely free. It is preferable, of course, to take either a western.

The main thing to pay attention to, in addition to convenience, is the height of the strings above the fretboard. The higher the strings are above the fretboard, the more difficult it will be to play and pinch chords.

Also, run your fingers along the edges of the neck - the iron nut should not protrude from the neck on the sides, otherwise, when playing the guitar, you can seriously injure your fingers.

And, of course, the guitar must build. Ask a friend who can play the guitar to go to the store with you, tune and play the guitar. The sound of the extracted chords must be pure and correspond to the truth.

So, the guitar is chosen. The first thing you must learn to do is tune your guitar. Newer strings especially tend to stretch quickly when played, and the instrument gets out of tune. You can tune your guitar by tuning fork, electric or online tuner, through the Internet.

You need to check the tuning of the guitar before each lesson, so as not to spoil your hearing: as you know, it is impossible to restore it.

Now the hard work lies ahead - developing fingers for chords. To do this, put your index finger on the first fret of the sixth string next to the nut, pinch the string and extract the sound with your right thumb. Without removing the index, put the 6 strings on the 2nd fret middle finger, repeat the exercise, then sequentially clamp the 6th string with the ring finger at the 3rd fret and the little finger at the 4th fret.

We remove the fingers from the strings, while extracting the sound, in the reverse order: from the little finger to the middle.

Fingers that do not know the strings will be very sore at first and will not obey, but do not lose perseverance. As soon as left hand very tired, rest for a while, then start the lesson again.

All great guitarists do this exercise, which allows you to not lose manual dexterity.

You can pick up scales on the guitar and practice on them: the extracted sound will become more interesting and allow you to continue learning. Or ask fellow musicians to show you some simple, strumming tunes. It is by playing with brute force that you will quickly develop your fingers.

Remember that the sound is extracted in the following way: the thumb of the right hand "works" with the sixth and fifth strings. Index finger - with the fourth string. The middle one - from the third, the ring finger - from the second and the little finger - from the first.

It is very easy for a person who plays the guitar to become the soul of the company. Would you like to express yourself? To do this, it is enough to learn how to produce melodic sounds from six strings. If there is absolutely no time for music school or for lessons from a specialist, it is worth trying to master the instrument at home. You will need to stock up on patience, perseverance and a little inspiration will not hurt.

To get started, you need a tool. If you go to the store for a new guitar - call with you knowing person. There are many features that you may not pay attention to, but the connoisseur will notice. It's a good idea to set up the instrument right there and try to play it. It is advisable to choose a guitar adapted to metal strings. But it's not worth starting with them. They require a lot of effort when pressed and as a result pierce the skin. Synthetic strings are pretty good to start with. Their duration is more modest, but the fingers from them are less vulnerable. Subsequently, when the skin becomes rough, replace them with metal ones. Get ready for the fact that you will need a lot of time. Classes should not be suspended even for a day. Having hearing makes the task much easier, but it is not a prerequisite. Anyone can learn how to play. The weight of the guitar during playing is transferred to the right knee, and the soundboard is held on top with the right hand. As for the left hand, it should be absolutely free. The strings are numbered from bottom to top. A neck is attached to the body, with a head at the base. On it you can find the pegs on which the strings are wound. The neck itself is divided by narrow strips into intervals - frets. Their numbering starts from the side of the head towards the body. The fret located near the head is called the first.

First you need to learn the location of the fingers on the fingerboard, then quickly rearrange them. The most common chords are Em /E-minor/, Am /A-minor/, Dm /D-minor/. To take Am will require index finger press the 2nd string of the first fret, and set the nameless and middle strings to the 3rd and 4th of the second fret. To play the Dm chord: press the 1st string of the first fret with your index finger, set the middle one to the 3rd st. second fret, and nameless, at this time, we emboss on the 2nd and 3rd. The most unpretentious Em sounds when clamping the 5th and 4th strings of the 2nd fret. When playing chords, see if the strings are sounding, if they are not touched by other fingers or are clamped. Press them not between the thresholds, but near them. Difficult? Not at all. With a little practice, the fingers themselves will be able to be installed in the right places. After taking the chord with the left hand, we begin to use the right. It is used for alternately pulling the strings /picking/ or beating with fingers from top to bottom (fight game). One common picking is to twitch the bass with your thumb. For an Em chord, the bass is the sixth string, Am is the fifth, and Dm is the fourth. Bring your performance to perfection. Then work on a continuous sound - press the chords with your left hand, pluck the strings with your right. With the change of the chord, we change the bass. It will take persistence to master the automatic "movement" of the fingers. But if it comes out - hear the melody. Studying musical notation start after you know a little about the chords. Many beginners, when they see the notes, are so frightened that the inspiration fades to nothing.

guitar like best friend and, as befits any creativity, will set you in the best mood and calm you down. Hard time. Many first-time guitarists find it difficult to make friends, but my experience is that by imagining all the hardships of learning the guitar, you will easily succeed.

Difficulties in learning the guitar

  1. 1. Opinion that learning to play is very difficult. This confidence is formed from someone else's negative experience, your fear of starting and the fear that you will have to learn a lot. Well, you have to learn the notes. As a result, you should pick up a tutorial or even more than one and study a bunch of information you don’t need.
  2. 2. The opinion that it takes talent to play the guitar. Maybe you were instilled with fear of your own efforts in childhood, saying that you have neither hearing nor voice, so now if you dare to sing, then only in front of a mirror.
  3. 3. Confidence that you can learn to play on any guitar. A beginner tries to learn from everything that comes to hand, but the wrong guitar, which suits experienced "grandfathers", can discourage any desire to learn.
  4. 4. The opinion of teachers on what to start with classical guitar. Someone else's experience, when your friend had to study for a long time and unsuccessfully, discouraged your desire to learn something new.
  5. 5. Pain and discomfort after the first steps in mastering the guitar. The first stages of the exercise are the most difficult, because you develop the motor skills of the fingers, the skin on them hurts, the brush gets tired from constant tension, and the back starts to hurt from the wrong position of the arms and body. Pain is sure to turn away the most persistent.
  6. 6. Repulsive sound. Perfectionism, which you have in abundance, prevents you from exploring new horizons. As well as maximalism, pushing you to study complex works bypassing the lungs. And in the end, you will study one song for months, achieving the best sound, take the guitar in your hands through force and, in the end, give up this business.
  7. 7. Do not go out to sing and play at the same time. When you learn to sing and play separately, you immediately want to try to combine these two skills, but without practice, the first attempts will be deplorable.
  8. 8. No listeners. There are many reasons why you may not be listened to, but the most important is your lack of self-confidence and love for your work.

We solve difficulties

  1. 1. Stop listening to others. Three months of training is enough to play the guitar, and you don’t need to know the notes at all, but ear for music absolutely everyone has it. Unless it needs to be developed, like a voice.
  2. 2. Forget what you've been told. Constant training will give results in a month or two, and even if you have not hit the notes before, your singing will change unrecognizably. The guitar will accelerate your progress, because it is a wonderful stimulus.
  3. 3. Choose a tool for yourself. For beginners, it is best to take a guitar with a small resonator and steel strings for further replacement with others, about 10 gauge or less.
  4. 4. Prepare for work. Remember that the first two months of training, the fingers will hurt. It is better to do it every other day, after classes, lower your fingers into warm water. Posture should be even, do not lean over the guitar, do not raise the elbow of the right hand and do not clasp the neck with your thumb
  5. 5. Play simple songs first. Choose those with a maximum of three or six chords. When you start playing more confidently, diversify your game, you can improvise.
  6. 6. Metronome. Buy a metronome and play your favorite song slowly. The most important thing is the rhythm. Then try singing to the metronome, adjust your rhythm to the beat of the metronome. When you realize that you won't need the metronome, play without it, with the original recording of the song.
  7. 7. Reflection is your best friend. Tune your guitar and start playing while looking in the mirror. Remember, the singer should be open and looking straight at the audience, not hunched over the guitar. Of course, for this it will be necessary to learn chords to automatism.

The very first steps

  1. 1. Make a cheat sheet for yourself by drawing the fingerings of the main chords.
  2. 2. Sit down and play. Right now, start playing these three chords to the metronome, in turn, which is how every beginner starts.
  3. 3. Don't be afraid, let go of fear and judgment. Believe in your strength.
  4. 4. Chat with other guitarists. Ask for advice, watch videos with them. Learning from older comrades is perfectly normal.

How to learn to play the guitar from scratch?

Probably, many of us at least once thought about how you can learn to play the guitar at home. Learning to play the guitar is a fairly simple, but at the same time very painstaking process that requires patience and attention. In this article, we will cover the basic theory that will help you quickly learn how to play the guitar.

Basic elements of the guitar

Let's list the basic concepts that will be needed when learning to play the guitar.

Frets are sections on the fretboard that are separated by transverse partitions (nuts) and are numbered starting from the peg mechanism at the end of the fretboard (I, II, III, etc.).

The classical bass guitar has 6 strings, which are numbered from bottom to top with numbers from 1 to 6. The "1" string is the thinnest and the "6" string is the thickest.

Before you pick up a guitar, you must learn three things:

  • be able to hold the right hand relaxed and free;
  • sit correctly;
  • hold the guitar correctly.

Hand placement and finger numbering

With the right hand we extract the sound on the guitar. It is very important that the hand is relaxed. Put your right palm on your knee and twitch all your fingers in turn as if you were playing strings. This exercise must be repeated several times in order to feel how the fingers of the hand become more and more free and independent of each other in movements.

The left hand should grip the bar tightly while playing. The thumb is either slightly bent or straight, but in any case, it should always be parallel to the frets. Do not press the thumb of the left hand hard against the neck, because of this, the muscle of the thumb may hurt. For the convenience of describing the process of playing the guitar, the fingers of the left hand are numbered:

  • index - 1;
  • medium - 2;
  • nameless - 3;
  • little finger - 4.

First sound extraction

To begin, pick up the first string at the third fret with the first finger of your left hand, and hook this string with your right thumb to produce a sound. Your goal is to achieve a sonorous and clear tone of sound. To do this, you need to place the first finger as close to the threshold as possible.

Then repeat the exercise with the first finger on the other string and on the other fret and achieve a clear sound. Practice in this way until you clearly remember the numbering of frets, fingers and strings, and also consolidate the ability to extract sonorous sounds.

While playing, sit up straight, but not tense. Do not press the guitar too hard against you, so as not to distort the acoustic effect.

How to learn to play the guitar from scratch

The most important thing in playing the guitar is knowing how to play the chords. First, let's look at one of the most common and simple chords - the Am chord. For him, we will need to use the strings 2, 3 and 4, fingers 1, 2 and 3 and I and II frets.

  1. With finger 1, you need to hold string 2 on the I fret;
  2. With finger 2 we pinch string 4 at the 2nd fret;
  3. And with finger 3, also on the 2nd fret, we clamp string 3.

Once all the fingers are in place, pluck the strings slightly with your right hand and listen to the sound. If the sound is not very loud, then try place the fingers of the left hand closer to the threshold, and keep the right hand as relaxed as possible. After you get the ringing sound, you can try to learn other chords, the diagrams of which can be found on the yf site

If you can't seem to get the tone you want, your guitar is probably out of tune. Experienced guitarists can tune it by ear, but for musicians starting from scratch, there are special services that allow you to tune your guitar online. For example, There are also electronic tuners available from music stores.

To consolidate the skills of extracting chords, you need to repeat the same chord until the moment when you can play it intuitively, that is, without thinking about the location of the fingers.

Further education

After you learn how to play chords, you can start learning more difficult things, including brute force and guitar fighting. You can learn the basics of playing the guitar with these techniques in the article.

Also, for maximum effectiveness of learning to play the guitar from scratch, after learning the chords, you can use the services of tutors or go to courses to achieve real mastery.
