Paintings on the theme of war artists presentation. Presentation "The Great Patriotic War in the works of artists"

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Great Patriotic War- one of the brightest and most tragic pages in the history of Russia. To survive in the confrontation with the most powerful of the developed countries of that time - fascist Germany became possible only at the cost of enormous exertion of forces and the greatest sacrifices. A significant role in achieving the Victory was played by scientists and artists. The Motherland Calls! - poster of the first days of the Great Patriotic War

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Gerasimov, Sergei Vasilievich soviet artist Sergei Vasilyevich Gerasimov was born on September 26, 1885 in Mozhaisk. From 1901 to 1907 he studied at the Stroganov Central School of Industrial Art. From 1907 to 1912 he studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. The artist was awarded the Lenin Prize in 1966 posthumously, two orders of the Red Banner of Labor, as well as medals. Gerasimov - owner silver medal International Exhibition 1937 in Paris, the gold medal of the 1958 World Exhibition in Brussels, the gold medal of the USSR Ministry of Culture in 1958, the gold medal of the USSR Academy of Arts in 1962.

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ALEXANDER KAPITONOVICH SYTOV Alexander Kapitonovich Sytov (born 1957) - folk artist Russia, artist of the Studio named after M.B. Grekov. Author of a series of works on the historical and heroic theme. In particular, his brushes belong to the paintings "Meeting on the Elbe", "Glory!". The period of the Great Patriotic War is also widely reflected in his canvases, but the artist devoted especially many works to today Russian army. He repeatedly visited remote garrisons, and traveled to "hot spots". So, in 1995, Sytov, together with his friend, also a Greek artist Sergei Prisekin, was sent to Chechnya. There, the craftsmen prepared a series of portraits of warriors operating at the forefront. Paintings by Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Sytov are regularly exhibited in central exhibition halls our country. As part of a large exposition dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, Sytov's works were shown at a traveling exhibition in America.

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Heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Artist A. G. Kruchina

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Heroes of the Soviet Union. Artist A.G. Kruchinina

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Stalingrad battle. Artist A.G. Kruchinina

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Vyushkov Grigory Ivanovich Born on January 16, 1898 in the village of Lesnovo, Gorohovets District, Vladimir Region. He graduated from the Saransk Bogolyubsk Art School in 1917 as a teacher of drafting and drawing. In Dzerzhinsk he worked in secondary schools: No. 5, since 1945 - No. 20. In 1962 he retired. He died in 1977. He had awards: the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, medals "For Valiant Labor in 1941-1945", "For Labor Distinction". He raised many students, including V. I. Ganshin.

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Davydko Bronislav Ivanovich 1908 - 1983 Born in Viterbsk. I have been drawing since childhood. As a young man, he took lessons from the honored artist Pena. He studied at the art studio at the club. He loved nature and painted it from nature. He played the guitar. At the end of the 30s he graduated from the Faculty of Law of Minsk University and two courses at an art school. Participated in the Great Patriotic War. Awarded the Order of the Great Patriotic War 2nd degree, medals "For the Defense of Moscow" and "For Victory in the Great Patriotic War" 1941-1945. "Since 1948, after demobilization, he lived in Dzerzhinsk. He worked in the city executive committee, the court, the prosecutor's office. He took part in city and regional exhibitions amateur artists. He was awarded certificates of honor, prizes, diplomas. In Dzerzhinsk, he has been participating in exhibitions annually since 1951. Since 1970, he was chairman of the art council of amateur artists in Dzerzhinsk.

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Zakhlestin Mikhail Petrovich 1923-1979 Born on November 21, 1923. Graduated from the Kirov Art and Industrial College in 1930. Participated in the Great Patriotic War. Major. Awarded the medal "For Military Merit", "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945." He worked as a teacher of drawing and drawing in schools No. 10 and No. 30.

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Alexander Alexandrovich Deineka He was born on May 8 (20), 1899 in Kursk, in the family of a railway worker. He received his primary education in Kharkov art school(1915-1917). The youth of the artist, like many of his contemporaries, was associated with revolutionary events. From 1919 to 1920, Deineka was in the army, where he directed the art studio at the Kursk political administration and the "Growth Windows" in Kursk. The creative image of Deineka was vividly and clearly presented in his works at the very first exhibition in 1924, in which he participated as part of the Group of Three. In 1928, Deineka became a member of the Oktyabr art association, and in 1931-1932 - a member Russian Association proletarian artists During the Great Patriotic War, Deineka created intense and dramatic works. In 1942, Deineka created the canvas “Defense of Sevastopol” (1942), filled with heroic pathos, which was a kind of hymn to the courage of the defenders of the city.

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Bulatov Eduard Efimovich Born in 1923. Graduated from the GISI them. Chkalova in 1952. Member of the Great Patriotic War. Awarded with the Order of the Great Patriotic War of the 2nd degree and the medal "For Military Merit", etc. Until 1983, he worked as the chief designer of projects at the GIPROKHIMMONTAZH Institute. Member of the city studio of amateur artists.

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Znamensky Yuri Dmitrievich Born in 1923 in the city of Gus-Khrustalny Graduated from the Ivanovo Institute of Chemical Technology in 1949 Participation in the Great Patriotic War from 1942 to 1945 Merit", "For the Defense of the Caucasus". Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor.Before retiring, he worked as a senior researcher Dzerzhinsky branch of NIIOGAZ. He began to draw after his retirement. Since 1990, he has been taking part in city exhibitions. Member of the city studio of amateur artists. Passed away on May 19, 2004.

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References: History of Russia, 20th-early 21st century: textbook. for grade 9 general education Institutions / A.A. Danilov, L.G. Kosulina, M.Yu. Brandt. - 2nd ed. Enlightenment, 2005. Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 Photographs, posters, portraits and biographies of heroes. Publishing house Sagittarius, Moscow 2005 Maslennikov V. A. Editorial-workshop for the production of the military-defense poster “TASS Window” by hand-stencil method. - M., PPO "Izvestia", 1997. A feat of the century. Artists, sculptors, architects, art historians during the Great Patriotic War and the Siege of Leningrad. - L., 1969. - S. 237-238. A.A. Deneyka "Life, Art, Time" Literary and artistic heritage. Volume 2 Comp. V.P. Sysoev "Fine Arts" 1989

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Painting of the Great Patriotic War
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In the early morning of June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany treacherously attacked Soviet Union. Deadly danger hung over our homeland. At the call of the party, the entire people rose up to fight the enemy. "Everything for the front, everything for victory" - these words became the motto of the life and work of the Soviet people.

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Soviet artists also felt mobilized and called upon to serve the people with their art, so from the first days of the war they were together with the defenders of the Motherland.

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"Motherland is calling!" - the famous poster of the Great Patriotic War, created by the artist Irakli Toidze at the end of June 1941.
The image of the "Motherland" later became one of the most common images of Soviet propaganda. Numerous interpretations of the image and parodies of this poster are known in fine arts, sculpture, folk art.

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Battle of Stalingrad
In 1942, the fate of the entire civilized world was being decided at the walls of Stalingrad. In the interfluve of the Volga and the Don, the greatest battle in the history of wars unfolded. On July 12, 1942, the Stalingrad Front was formed, and the day of July 17 went down in history as the beginning Battle of Stalingrad. The significance of the Battle of Stalingrad, its influence on the course of not only the Great Patriotic War, but also the Second World War as a whole, is invaluable. It surpassed all previous battles in its scope and fierceness: more than two million people fought on a territory of almost one hundred thousand square kilometers.

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The wounded soldiers of the Wehrmacht in the trench are depicted in the picture German artist Franz Eichhorst - Memories of Stalingrad.

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"Stalingrad Madonna" was written by the German military doctor Kurt Reiber on Christmas night from December 24 to 25, 1942 on a piece of the Soviet geographical map. By this time, the Nazi troops under the command of General Paulus were already completely surrounded in the Stalingrad "cauldron" by units of the Red Army and suffered heavy losses, aggravated by harsh winter conditions.
The sheet depicts a seated woman hugging and covering the baby Jesus Christ with her wide veil. The head of the mother is bowed to the head of the child, the eyes are closed. The right hand of the Virgin Mary with a protective gesture presses the baby to her chest, the left is hidden by a handkerchief. Around the figures there are inscriptions on German: "Licht. Leben. Liebe. Weihnachten im Kessel. Festung Stalingrad" - "Light. Life. Love. Christmas in a cauldron. Fortress Stalingrad»

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Front-line drawings can tell about the war what is not written in orders and reports. Full of sincere feelings and observation, the works of military artists are quite comparable with the best literary essays of front-line writers and correspondents who wrote down the first, most vivid impressions. Sketches made between battles were published in army newspapers, sent home, where they were carefully kept in family albums as the most expensive relics. Today they allow a glimpse into spiritual world defenders of Stalingrad.

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A survey conducted on the most popular network showed the preferences of 70 people

Artists about the Great Patriotic War


students of grade 7 B, secondary school No. 2 named after V. Maskin

railway station Klyavlino

Relevance of the topic.

  • The Great Patriotic War is a huge spiritual wound in human hearts. This terrible tragedy began on June 22, 1941, and ended only four years later, after four difficult years - on May 9, 1945. It was the most greatest war throughout the history of mankind. A huge number of people died in this war.
  • Soon we will celebrate the 71st anniversary of the Victory, but think about it - at what cost did we get this victory! Few have reached Berlin, but the glory of the dead, their names live in our hearts.
  • We know about this war from historical documents, veterans' stories, poems and songs, literary works, but paintings by artists of that time are also of great importance.
  • I was very interested to know who these artists were and what their work was like.

Objective of the project.

Get to know creativity battle painters that depicted the Second World War.

Project tasks.

1. Analyze literature and Internet sources.

2. Create a presentation on the topic "Artists about the Great Patriotic War"

3. Introduce classmates to the project.

Research methods.

Analysis, synthesis, planning, presentation, evaluation.

Project product.


Project type.

Information and practical.

The significance of the project.

This presentation can be used in the lessons of fine arts, history, classroom hours children, teachers, etc.

Today we will look at the events of the Great Patriotic War through the eyes of battle painters and warrior artists.

battlelists- artists, main theme creativity, which are military events.

The founder of battle painters M.B. Grekov

Very often, Soviet battle painters were called "Greeks".

During the Second World War, many artists defended our Motherland with weapons in their hands.

Once, in a remote ravine, he began to draw me too. They wound or kill a fighter, but at home His portrait hangs on the wall And with one familiar smile It consoles that there are no letters. The day has come, the artist soldier died, I did not have time to finish my portrait, I did not know the end of the disturbing paths. There is no fighter, but the drawing is intact. It is stored in a small notebook This is the memory of my friend Looking at the unfinished portrait I see not myself, but him.

It is not easy for an artist to a soldier A brief halt on the way of his halt Our front-line comrade once used to draw Us in his leisure hours.

Who wanted to send a portrait to the bride, Who was in a hurry to please relatives. Draw me, but honor by honor Beardless, as before the front was. And the artist drew on scraps of paper, not appreciating leisure.

On June 22 at 4 am, without declaring war, the Nazis attacked our Motherland. Many husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters were called to the front. This is how the artists portrayed their departure.

Soldiers of 1941” Yuri th Petrovich Kugach


Goodbye Slav. Vasiliev.

Summer 1941. 1985


Early Sunday morning

thousands of fascist shells and bombs fell on the city of Brest. The heroic feat was accomplished by the border guards of the Brest Fortress. It was they who were the first to experience the blow of the German army.

The theme of the Brest Fortress sounds in the paintings many artists - battle scene.

P.A. Krivonogov

Defenders of the Brest Fortress. 1951.

P. Krivonogov "Commissioner"

V. Titov "They can't be defeated."

N. Tolkunov "Immortality. Brest. 1941st”

Nikolay But "Brest Fortress". 1941

Nikolay But

"Last Ammo"

A. Deineka

Outskirts of Moscow. 1941"

L. Kartashev.

Moscow, 1941

Artist Ivan Vasilyevich Evstigneev was a machine gunner for 3 years. Experienced impressions, after the war, the artist told us. “On the outskirts of Moscow”

Leningrad blockade-

another major theme.


Leningrad blockade.

250 days and nights the defense of Sevastopol took place.

The brave defenders of the city offered stubborn resistance .

A. Shirokov "For the Motherland!"

P. Maltsev "Assault on Sapun Mountain"

Artist Alexander Alexandrovich Deineka returned from the front in 1942. And in the same breath, driven by hatred for the enemy who came to conquer his beloved city, he wrote painting "Defense of Sevastopol".

IN. AND. Nesterenko

"Let's defend Sevastopol!"

Booth Nicholas Panorama "Battle of Stalingrad"


Near Stalingrad" :

M. Samsonov.

Fighters of Stalingrad. 1983.

I.A. Penzov.

The feat of the Komsomol member Natasha Kachuevskaya. (1971)

I. Baldin.

Heroine of the Battle of Stalingrad Natasha Kachuevskaya. 1984 .

The most violent event Battle of Kursk - battle near Prokhorovka

July 12, 1943 - went down in history "Battle of the Giants" and occupied a huge place in the work of battle painters.

Painting by the artist - warrior, Peter Krivonogov , who from the first days of the war was at the front and reached Berlin, is called

"On the Kursk Bulge"

on "Kursk Bulge".


Battle of Kursk

Nikolay But Diorama "Arc of Fire"

F. USYPENKO. "Fight Night"

  • "Enemy Stopped"

"Enemy Stopped"

N. But "Battle for the Dnieper in the area Troop-Vovnigi"

Y. Neprintsev.

Forcing the Dnieper. 195 4.

Here they are the heroes of that war

Vladimir Pamfilov captured the feat of Alexander Matrosov A .

Portrait of General Panfilov

Nicholas Booth


"Hero of the USSR

captain Jan Nalepka"

1979 .

"Hero of the Novorossiysk landing Hero of the USSR Lieutenant Commander V. Botylev."

A.Semenov “The feat of junior lieutenant Nikolai Shevlyakov”

Minutes of silence.

P. Krivonogov.

"Rest of fighters".


"Letter to Mom"

Here they are the heroes-scouts

Nikolay But

"Philippok from brigade intelligence."


S. Gerasimov "Mother of the Partisan"

A. and S. Tkachev "Children of War"

V. Babitsyn "In the days of the war »

V. Kukol "Defender"

Arkady Plastov

Ivan Aristov

Saving the Banner"

Pyotr Pavlova "To the partisans"

M. Samsonov


N. But "Nurse Natasha"

T. Talalaeva "Portrait R.I. Abakumova"

Nikolay but

"Care for a Wounded Commander"


B. Nemensky


B. Nemensky

Nikolay But

"Combat Friends"

Sanitary instructor Nelly Kozhukhova is bandaging the wounded.

A. Surovtsev "Children of War"

A. Laktionov

"Letter from the Front"

A. Gorsky "Missing"

Nikolay But War-torn childhood .

A. Kozlov.

Competition at a military factory. 1942.

S. Ryangina

Gifts for the front 1943

"Breath of spring" B. NEMENSKY

A.M. Lopukhov "Victory Day". 1973-1975 G.

V. Mochalsky. Victory. Berlin 1945. 1947.

On the steps of the Reichstag Volodin S.A. .

"Surrender" P. Krivonogov



K.Antonov "Winners"

B. Domashnikov "Victory Day. Red Square"

Way home

Return with victory. A. Kitaev

"Return" M.KUGACH.



I'm going to the memorial park

On slabs as smooth as glass.

From the sounds of sad music

The heart is sad and light.

The cast-iron banners are silent,

Shimmering marble and granite

And the green of the quiet lawn

Keeps midnight dew.

Not a fiery bird waving

With his thoughtful wing -

A fire burns in a brass bowl -

Living memory of the past.

The Great Patriotic War

in the works of artists

"great art is born as a result of a great natural feeling, and this can be not only joy,

but also with anger.

artist A. Deineka.

I will avenge Russian culture

For every bloody trail on earth,

For every broken sculpture

Shot through portrait for Pushkin.

June 22, 1941 the war began. And already on June 24, the first poster was pasted on the walls of houses in Moscow - a sheet of artists Kukryniksy (Kupriyanov, Krylov, Sokolov) "We will mercilessly defeat and destroy the enemy!"

On it is Hitler who treacherously attacked our country and a Red Army soldier who stuck a bayonet into his head.


"We will ruthlessly crush and destroy the enemy!" (1941).

"Motherland is calling!" - the famous poster of the Great Patriotic War. The artist began work on it at the time of the message from the Sovinformburo

And in mid-July, the poster was already known throughout the country ...

"Motherland is calling"

Irakli Moiseevich Toid ze.

A military poster is like a shooter: he unmistakably hits the target with his appearance and his word.

The poster itself sounds loud. When it comes to a military poster, it is doubly loud, because it screams (sometimes almost literally). He appeals to feelings.

Clinging to each other, huddled together, mother and son in front of the bloody fascist weapons. Horror in the eyes of the child, hatred in the eyes of the mother.

V.G.Koretsky. "Warrior of the Red Army, save!"

"Mother of the Partisan"

In 1943

painting by Plastov "Fascist flew" at the direction of Stalin was exhibited at the Tehran conference.

According to eyewitnesses, Roosevelt and Churchill were so amazed by this canvas,

what did it affect

to their decision

about opening

second front.

Plastov Arkady Alexandrovich

"The fascist has flown."

A. A. Deineka "Defense of Sevastopol"

The picture was created in hot pursuit of events. The artist painted it in 1942, at the most difficult moment of the war, when Sevastopol was still in the hands of the enemy. Now, many years later, we perceive this canvas as a historical epic about the unparalleled heroism of the people who stood up to defend their homeland.

V.E. Pamfilov. "The feat of A. Matrosov"

We were all released beyond measure -

Love, and anger, and courage in battle.

We lost friends, relatives, but faith

They did not lose their homeland.

The painting “Letter from the Front” by Alexander Laktionov is permeated with sunlight. The artist managed to convey the happiness that overwhelmed people: the family of a front-line soldier received long-awaited news from him.

A.I. Laktionov "Letter from the front"

On November 7, 1942, at the first large exhibition of the war years, Pavel Korin exhibited his

Triptych Alexander Nevsky.

At Babi Yar

"Behind the Barbed Wire"

Before us is a soldier in old age life, in a tunic crowned with orders and medals.

A 19-year-old boy returned from the front without both legs, this man.

He needed the courage to live, not to succumb to self-pity, a huge spiritual strength to overcome himself, for the sake of a life worthy of a person. Courage and fortitude, pain and bitterness of the life lived is conveyed by the artist in the eyes of this man.

The whole image is full of true greatness, before which we all must bow our heads low.

A. Shilov

"On Victory Day. Machine gunner P.P. Shorin"

Remember! Through the centuries, through the years - Remember! About those, Who will never come again - Remember! As long as hearts are beating Remember. At what cost Happiness won - Please remember! Meet the vibrant spring. People of the earth, Kill the war Curse the war People of the earth!

You guys own the future.

But no memory of the past

with no regard for heroic history our people cannot take a worthy place in it.

That is why we, adults, are pleased with the songs you sincerely perform about the war, compositions, and drawings.
