Is it possible to work on the rainbow after lunch. Wedding on Radonitsa - is it possible? What are artificial flowers made of?

Radonitsa in 2017 fell on Tuesday, April 25th. By tradition, the most important parental day is celebrated on Tuesday, on the 9th day after Easter. And this is no coincidence. If on Easter the church does not recommend going to the cemetery, then just on Radonitsa it is worth sharing with the departed the feast of God's Victory over death.

Radonitsa calls on all believers to pray for the departed relatives. At the same time, the pagan rituals of offering food and drinks to the grave are in no way justified by the church. For the dead, only prayer matters.

Is it possible to work on Radonitsa in the garden, in the country, in the garden, at home?

Since Radonitsa falls on Tuesday, and this is a weekday, it is allowed to work on this day. If a worker has the opportunity to go to the cemetery to pray for the deceased relatives, then it is better to do this. If this is not possible, then you can pray at a memorial service in the temple.

The church does not give any prohibitions on working on the ground, in the garden or in the garden. On this day, you can work, however, do not forget that you need to share this day with the dead and rejoice at their holiday. eternal life.

Is it possible to clean the cemetery on Radonitsa?

You can clean up at the grave in Radnitsa. Moreover, if you did not have time to do this during Great Lent, then from Palm Sunday until Radonitsa the cemetery is not visited by the Orthodox, and cleaning is done on that day (April 25, 2017).

Well, and most importantly: when visiting the cemetery on Radonitsa, behave decently, do not talk loudly, clean up the grave, pray. Handouts (sweets or cookies) that you bring in order to commemorate the dead, distribute to the poor. No need to put them on the grave and put a glass of vodka. It is even more impossible to pour vodka on a grave mound. All these traditions come from paganism and have no connection with the Orthodox Church.

Radonitsa in 2015 is celebrated on April 21. This is the day of commemoration of the dead, which follows after Easter, on the 9th day after this holiday. On Radonitsa it is customary to go to the cemetery, clean up the graves and remember their dead relatives.

Initially, Radonitsa was a pagan holiday. This day was called Feasts, Radavanitsy, Graves. The pagans believed that the souls of the dead were under the auspices of the deity Radunitsa, and in order to appease her, gifts were brought to the graves, in particular, food.

After the baptism of Rus', Radonitsa gained new meaning. Orthodox Church says that all believers do not die, but live in the Lord. The Son of God, Jesus Christ, by his resurrection conquered death, and now every believer will be given eternal life.

Folk traditions and customs on Radonitsa

Commemoration of the dead on Radonitsa- it's old folk tradition. But the way our ancestors did it is strikingly different from modern Orthodox canons.

In the old days, everyone gathered at the cemetery to commemorate deceased relatives. People arranged rich meals, sometimes they could even fall asleep next to the grave. Especially for this day, eggs were dyed, but not red, as at Easter, but yellow or green - these colors were considered the colors of sorrow and pity. In the evening, mass festivities were organized.

There were those who did not go to the cemetery on this holiday he stayed at home, since it was believed that on Radonitsa the dead visit the houses of the living. That is why people "met" the souls of the dead at home - they set the table and put an empty plate for a guest from the other world.

Also on this day it was customary to give cooked food to the poor so that they also remember their relatives and pray for their peace.

Today's traditions and customs of Radonitsa somewhat depart from the Orthodox meaning of the holiday. Nowadays, food is often left on the graves, which is contrary to the Christian faith (after all, this pagan tradition which is not related to Orthodoxy).

Also on Radonitsa you can see rich laid tables in cemeteries and an abundance of alcohol. Often, the commemoration of the dead because of this turns into a real party. According to the priests, this is a sin. On Radonitsa, it is better to pray for the souls of the dead than to drink and fill your stomach.

You can’t leave food and drinks on the grave, it’s better to give it all to the poor. The only thing that is allowed to be left on the graves is a lit candle and flowers.

Signs on Radonitsa

  • On this day, you can not work in the field, in the garden and garden. If you sow, plow or plant on this day, the harvest will be poor.
  • If it rains on Radonitsa before lunch, and in the afternoon and evening it blows strong wind, that is Bad sign. It is believed that the deceased are worried that they are not visited at the cemetery. If it rains without wind on Radonitsa, then this is for happiness and for a rich harvest.

On the day of remembrance of the dead, it is not necessary to follow all the traditions and customs. The most important thing is to remember the dead with a kind word and pray for them. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

According to Christian religion A person's life does not end with death. It continues in heaven, where the dead help the living. In turn, the departed are worried if they are forgotten. To commemorate the dead in Christianity there is a special day - parent saturday, or Radonitsa. Everyone knows about its existence, but few know what can and cannot be done on parental day.

It is not by chance that the holiday is celebrated on the ninth day. All week after Easter, believers rejoice at the Resurrection, and on Tuesday of the following week they remember the souls of deceased relatives. The holiday calls not to mourn for the dead, but to rejoice at their transition to the afterlife.

What can you do on parent's day?

  1. Go to church and pray for the souls of the dead.
  2. Visit the graves and remember the positive moments of the life of the deceased.
  3. Have a funeral dinner.
  4. Give to the poor so that they commemorate the dead.
  5. Leave food for the dead on the table.

Parental Saturday begins with a divine service. People give the priest a note with the names of the departed, so that he mentions them during prayer. Then candles are lit for the repose of souls. In addition, it is customary to treat all guests or acquaintances so that they commemorate the dead. Then they visit the cemetery, clean up the graves. At the churchyard, relatives commemorate the departed with kind words, remember all the most good moments life.

It is customary to clean up the graves the day before, but if there was no such opportunity, it is not forbidden to clean up there even in Radonitsa itself.

Is it possible to take care of your body and soul on parental Saturday

According to tradition, a bathhouse is heated in front of the radonite so that the dead can wash themselves. But you should not visit it alive: you can scare away the dead. There is a belief that one should not cut one's hair, dye one's hair, shave, etc. This is considered disrespectful towards the deceased, because this is their day. However, the church does not forbid this. Before that, you just need to read a prayer.

On Radunitsa you can celebrate a birthday. After all, it is supposed to be happy, not sad. You can't just abuse alcohol. You can also perform the rite of baptism. The church believes that the coincidence of christening and radonitsa is good. Just need to pray for the souls of the departed.

Is it allowed to work, fish and hunt

The ban on fishing and hunting for the radonite has pagan roots. Some believe that misfortune can happen or there will be no luck. The official church opposes superstitions, so hunting and fishing are not prohibited.

Can I work on parent's day? No work is prohibited, especially since the holiday falls on a weekday. If a person needs to wash the floors in the house, clean the windows, do laundry or dig up the garden, the church does not forbid it at any time. In addition, you can transplant flowers on the graves. The only thing is to remember the dead and pray for their souls.

Many are concerned about the issue of burial on the Rainbow. The church says that you can bury a person on any day. In addition to the funeral of the deceased, it is necessary to order a funeral prayer service for the long gone.

The goal of a Christian is to gain eternal life in heaven. No one knows where the souls of relatives are, how they feel in the afterlife. The task of the living is to help alleviate the plight of the dead. The more prayers for them and good memories, the better the state of the souls of the departed.

Radonitsa is a day of special all-church commemoration of the dead on the 9th day after Easter. It was specially established in order, on the one hand, to renew and replenish the daily prayers for the dead, which were not in the period from Maundy Thursday and the entire Bright Week. On the other hand, this holiday reminds us that Easter is the holiday of God's Victory over death, and on this day we share this great joy with our departed loved ones. On this day, the Liturgy and panikhida (requiem service) are served in all churches. What kind of holiday is this, how to spend this day correctly, whether the Church prescribes something - we answered these and other popular questions in this material.

What kind of holiday is Radonitsa and what can you do?

Radonitsa is the day of commemoration of the dead, which falls on the Easter period, and therefore this day is filled not only with sorrow, but also with hope for a future meeting with those who died bodily, but who are close in soul. On this day, you can and should pray for your dead loved ones in the temple, as well as in the cemetery and put things in order at the graves.

On Radonitsa, it is customary to attend a service in the temple, as well as visit the cemetery, where you can independently perform a lithium (a short memorial service) with a worldly rank. If this was not done earlier (before Palm Sunday, since it is not customary for believers to visit the cemetery in the period from Palm Sunday to Radonitsa), you need to put things in order at the grave. But there is no need to leave food, colored eggs, a glass of vodka on the graves. The souls of dead people do not need such pagan offerings. The only thing they need is memory and prayer. Food for the remembrance of the dead can be distributed to the poor or taken to the temple on the eve.

Easter is the holiday of Victory over death, the affirmation of eternal life. That is why Christians on this day want to share the Paschal Joy with their relatives who died for earthly, but live for eternal life. And even the very name of this holiday - Radonitsa - emphasizes that this is not just a day of sadness for those who are not around, but also a day of joy.

Is it possible to go to the cemetery on Radonitsa?

You can get out of the cemetery on Radonitsa. Since Palm Sunday before Radonitsa, Orthodox believers do not visit cemeteries (except for funerals), since the whole life of a Christian at that time is centered around events that took place two thousand years ago - the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. On Radonitsa, it is customary to commemorate deceased loved ones in the temple, as well as by prayer at the cemetery, and, of course, having arrived at the grave, it is strange not to put things in order if necessary.

Is it possible to work for Radonitsa?

You can work for Radonitsa. You can work even in the twelfth and great church holidays, if there is such a need, but it is important not to forget about the meaning holiday. At the same time, you need to find time in your life not only for work, but also for prayer and going to church.

Radonitsa falls on the second Tuesday after Easter. It is good if a working person has the opportunity to visit the temple on that day, pray at a memorial service for deceased loved ones, and go to the cemetery. If things do not allow doing this precisely on Radonitsa, you can choose another day, and on this day pray for your deceased at home.

Can pregnant women go to Radonitsa?

Of course, pregnant women on Radonitsa can go both to church and to the cemetery. Prayer for deceased loved ones can in no way harm either the mother or the child. Another thing is that the physical and psychological state of a pregnant woman can be different, and if it’s hard for her to go to the cemetery on Radonitsa, then you shouldn’t do it through force. You can pray for the deceased relatives in the temple or even at home.

Wedding on Radonitsa - is it possible?

It is possible to arrange a wedding on Radonitsa, if it is registration in the registry office and / or gatherings with friends. Radonitsa is an ordinary non-fasting day of the church year, on which it is customary to commemorate the dead. But you can’t get married on Radonitsa. Radonitsa always falls on Tuesday, and on Tuesdays the Sacrament of the Wedding is not performed so that the first day family life the newlyweds did not fall on the day of fasting Wednesday.

Radonitsa is a day of commemoration of the dead, but it is celebrated during the period of Easter joy. There are usually a lot of weddings at this time, as for a long time before that - from Maslenitsa to Antipascha (the resurrection following Easter) - there were no weddings in the churches. You can get married on the eve of Radonitsa (Sunday or Monday) or the next day (Wednesday), and you can arrange some other wedding events on Radonitsa.

Is it possible to celebrate a birthday on Radonitsa?

You can celebrate your birthday on Radonitsa. Radonitsa is the day of the general church commemoration of the dead, which falls on the Easter period, and even the name of the holiday calls us not to grieve, but to rejoice. But before celebrating your personal joy, on this day, perhaps, it is worth remembering and praying with love and gratitude for the departed ancestors.

Is it possible to baptize on Radonitsa?

You can baptize on Radonitsa, as on any other day of the year. But it is necessary to negotiate the Sacrament in a particular church or with a particular priest. Radonitsa is a church-wide day of commemoration of the dead. Priests can be very busy, and then you will be asked to reschedule the baptism to another day.

Is it possible to do an operation in Radonitsa?

You can do an operation in Radonitsa.

Radonitsa is an ordinary day on which a memorial service is served for the first time after Easter (there are no memorial services from Maundy Thursday to Radonitsa). Therefore, it is customary on Radonitsa to commemorate deceased loved ones in the temple and in the cemetery. If some important matters are scheduled for this day and there is no opportunity to pray at a memorial service, then this can be done on any other day, and not only on the days of the special church-wide commemoration of the departed.

Is it possible to commemorate the suicidal on Radonitsa?

Commemoration for a believer is primarily a prayer, but the Church does not pray for suicides as for those who arbitrarily rejected God. The names of suicides are not written in notes, a piece of the Liturgy is not taken out for them, they are not prayed for at memorial services.

Of course, the relatives of a person who has committed suicide still remain dear, and the impossibility of prayer only intensifies the pain. The Church has a special rite of prayer for the comfort and support of grieving relatives, but it is performed by separate agreement with the priest and is not a commemoration. Suicides can be commemorated in personal prayer, reading, for example, the prayer of the venerable elder Leo of Optina: Seek, O Lord, the lost soul of Thy servant (name): if it is possible to eat, have mercy. Your destinies are unsearchable. Do not put me in sin with this prayer of mine, but may Thy holy will be done.

Is it possible to bury on Radonitsa?

You can both bury and perform a funeral service on Radonitsa. The Church has no special instructions on which days it is impossible to bury, because the death of a person cannot be predicted and adjusted to church calendar. But there are a few days on which funerals are usually not performed - Good Friday, the very day of Easter and Christmas. If it is on these days that the third day after the death of a person falls, then the funeral service is most often transferred.

After Orthodoxy was established as the dominant religion in Rus', many customs and traditions passed from paganism. This also applies to the Radonitsa holiday. He does not have a clearly established date, since the holiday is celebrated 9 days after Easter. This day is considered special in commemoration of the dead.

Radunitsa is celebrated on Fomin week on Tuesday. It's a business day unless it falls on calendar holidays in which it is not customary to work. But, despite this, in the churches at the end of the evening service or after the liturgy, a memorial service is performed. It happens in a special way. Easter songs are sung that speak of joy and eternal life.

“Let us try, as much as possible, to help the departed, instead of tears, instead of sobs, instead of magnificent tombs - with our prayers, alms and offerings for them, so that, in this way, both they and us will receive the promised blessings,” writes St. John Chrysostom.

Is it possible to work for the radonite in the garden, plant flowers, seedlings?

It is believed that on Radunitsa it is not necessary to work in the garden. The same applies to backyard flower beds, front gardens. You can not plant anything, otherwise the harvest will be poor. If you plant the earth on this day with seeds, it means to gain a year for crop failure and drought.

Before Radunitsa, it is better not to touch the ground. The dead feel everything. First of all, you need to get out of the cemetery. If you forget about your buried relatives, they will be saddened and send bad weather.

Is it possible to wash, clean on the radonitsa?

Nothing wrong with committing homework No. You can iron, wash, clean. The Church does not allow this. Just light a candle first and pray for the departed.

Just imagine, in a house where there are small children, laundry and cleaning is an integral part of every day. Therefore, on this day, work of a similar plan is allowed.

Is it possible to go to the cemetery on the Radonitsa?

On the day of Radonitsa, the living commemorate the dead and celebrate the victory of life over death, firmly believing that their loved ones have entered the Kingdom of Heaven. Hence the name of the holiday (from the word "joy").

Until that day, the graves of deceased relatives must be put in order. Monuments were washed, fences were painted, the ground was cleared of foliage and weeds. It is also allowed to clean up in Radonitsa. After cleaning the grave of the deceased, light a candle, pray and commemorate with an edible treat.

Is it possible to go to the cemetery before the radonitsa?

Before Radonitsa, they go to the cemetery on Fomino Sunday or, in other words, Krasnaya Gorka. IN Easter Sunday you don't have to go to church. Since this tradition came from Soviet times, when it was impossible to attend church. People went to the cemetery en masse to honor the dead.

The Church Charter forbids visiting the cemetery on the days of Holy Week and bright week. On other days, you can go to the graves of the dead at will. The Church does not allow it.

If you didn’t manage to get to the cemetery completely that day, then you need to set the table at home. It should contain the deceased's favorite treats, as well as three empty plates. They commemorate the breakfast, lunch and dinner of this day for the deceased.

Is it possible to commemorate the suicidal?

Suicides on Radonitsa are not commemorated. There is a special day for this - Trinity parental Saturday. During the memorial service in the church, words of sorrow for the suicides are read.

But! There are exceptional cases for which the Bishop gives permission. In the case of unauthorized murder under pressure, in a mental state, as well as in those cases when a person gave his life, saving others, when a gun misfire came out, and other accidents, then you can commemorate the dead. And not only in Radonitsa. Moreover, these dead can be buried in the church. They are not to blame for their death.

Is it possible to wash, swim in the radonitsa, go to the bath?

There is a special tradition, it is especially revered in suburban households. In Radonitsa it is necessary to melt the bath. leave there clean linen and a towel. But it is impossible for living people to wash on this day, so as not to frighten away the deceased. It is believed that on this day he should wash away all worldly sins and cleanse himself of dirty thoughts.

Is it possible to cut and dye hair on Radonitsa?

Nothing is written in the laws of God about cutting hair and dyeing for Radonitsa. And that means when you need to cut and dye your hair, then do it. But before the procedure in this joyful God's holiday you need to pray. And closer to dinner or evening, you can take care of yourself.

Some believers tend to argue that on this day one should rejoice at a spiritual meeting with the dead and, in relation to them, this will be disrespectful. Like it or not, no one knows. This holiday goes deep into the centuries, when there was no hair coloring, as well as a large variety of haircuts.

Is it possible to listen to music on the joystick, celebrate a birthday?

Radonitsa is a holiday of joy, not sorrow. And, if it so happened that both the birthday and the Christian holiday fell on this day, then remember the dead and celebrate your birthday, listen to music. Just do not turn this day into drunken revelry and chants. Drunkenness is considered a great sin.

Is it possible to baptize on a joystick?

It is believed that the child should be baptized at the moment when you are ready for it. The sooner, the better. And, if christening falls with Radonitsa, then this is very good.

While in church, do not forget to pray for the souls of the departed.

Is it possible to bury on a radonite?

It is believed that a person can be buried on any day. Departure to another world during the week of the Easter holidays means that a person will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. A memorial service is read at the tombstone, and at the grave on Radunitsa, you can order a mourning lithium. It can be read to the clergy, not only to those who died on this day, but also to those who have long since died.

Is it possible to have sex?

The Church does not forbid carnal pleasures between spouses on any day, except for the time allotted for fasting. For those who are out of wedlock, any sexual intercourse according to the Bible is considered fornication.

The 1st letter of the Apostle Paul to the Church in Corinth read: “In order to avoid fornication, each one should have his own wife, and each one should have her own husband. Husband show his wife due favor; like a wife to her husband. The wife has no power over her body, but the husband; likewise, the husband has no power over his own body, but the wife does. Do not deviate from each other, except by agreement, for a time, for exercise in fasting and prayer, and then be together again, so that Satan does not tempt you with your intemperance.

What is done on the joystick: customs, signs.

  • First of all, pay attention to the weather on Radonitsa. If the wind blows and it rains, then the dead are sad that they are not remembered. To keep your soul calm, go to the morning service in the church, light a candle for the repose of the deceased. Next, head to the cemetery. You can commemorate him there, but the main commemoration should be done at home at the set table.
  • On parental day, this is what this holiday is also called, it is customary to fill the table with treats. In addition, devices are placed on the "otherworldly" guest. You can light a candle and read a prayer. Before the meal, the words are said: "Kingdom of Heaven (name of the deceased)." Even in the house it is customary to open the windows and put colored eggs, cookies, sweets on the windowsill.
  • During the feast, you can not drink alcohol and be sad about the departure of the dead. This holiday marks the imminent meeting of loved ones in the other world. Also on this day you can not swear. It is believed that abuse and quarrels upset the deceased.

Also on this day, the channel is considered open not only for a spiritual meeting with loved ones, but also for good requests. On this day, after prayer, people ask for healing, the birth of children, a good harvest, something that is not related to material wealth.

In Rus', it was believed that if it rains that day, then you need to wash under it. If there was no rain, then he was called. With requests to go down at least for a few minutes. For girls to wash in the rain through golden or silver ring It was considered the extension of youth and beauty, and for men, the acquisition of happiness.

What should be done on the radonitsa in the cemetery?

According to the traditions of pagan holidays on Radunitsa, the people brought gifts to the deities who guarded the peace of the dead. These gods were called Radovalki and Mogilki. After people treated them to the cemetery, they went home.

There they set the table, commemorated the dead, and on the street, when meeting with beggars, they gave them gifts and treats. So, it is believed that once living family members are not forgotten, and their souls are still revered.

The tradition has come down to our days. You must bring boiled eggs with you to the cemetery for a commemoration. Break one egg on the cross. Scatter the cleanings on the ground, and give the inside to the poor.

At the grave, it is allowed to commemorate the deceased with treats, but not turn it into a large-scale celebration. You can also invite a clergyman to read a memorial prayer. The rest of the commemoration is best moved to the home table.

If you don’t go to the cemetery to your loved ones, then no one will remember you when the soul goes to another world. Therefore, do not forget the traditions and memorable parent days. Just a couple of hours to commemorate loved ones will not take you much time.

Video: A word about the joystick and commemoration of the dead
