I don’t walk on the ground, I don’t look at the sky, I don’t count the stars, I don’t see the month. Riddle about fish Orthodox worship, i: heaven on earth

Riddles about fish are intended for the youngest researchers, as they do not require knowledge of their names. All you need to know to give a correct answer in this section is that fish live in water, have golden scales, and swim, not walk or fly. We have collected online the best riddles about fish with answers.

I don't walk on earth
I don't look up
I don't build a nest
And I take the kids out.

For parents and children
All clothing made from coins.

We live in water
We'll be lost without water.

Swimming under the bridge
And I wag my tail.
I don't walk on earth
I have a mouth, but I don’t say
I have eyes - I do not blink,
I have wings - I can't fly.

There is a head, but no hair,
There are eyes, but no eyebrows,
Has wings, but does not fly.

Shines in the clean river
The back is silver.

There are feathers, but not flying.
There are no legs, but you can’t catch up.

Wags its tail
Back and forth -
And she's not there
And there is no trace.

In water
She lives.
No beak
And he pecks.

I have wings - I can't fly
I have no legs, but I walk
I don't walk on earth
I don't look at the sky
I don't count the stars
I avoid people.

I don't walk and I don't fly
And try to catch up!
I am golden
Well, look at the fairy tale!

Under the bridge wags its tail.

Lives without air
Cold as ice
He does not want to drink, but he drinks.
Armor shines, but does not ring
And everything is silent, silent.

Riddles about fish for children

Riddles about fish are best guessed immediately after or during a visit to friends who have an aquarium at home, as well as fishing, oceanariums and similar places and events. Of course, if you yourself do not have an aquarium at home. This section contains the best and most interesting children's puzzles about fish, not very difficult, feasible for solving even for kids. Each riddle will help them better understand the underwater world.

Ideally, if you accompany all this interesting facts about fish, for example, such ...

  • The largest freshwater fish is catfish. Its record size and weight was recorded in the 19th century in Russia: its length was 4.6 m, and its weight was 336 kg.
  • Sharks are the only fish that have eyelids.
  • Among the fish, there is one species that is able to crawl on the ground - this is the swordfish or, as it is also called, the climbing perch. It's unique to imagine water world, which, thanks to the amazing ability of its gills to release oxygen from wet environment can not only move on land, but even climb trees.
  • Only seahorses move vertically.
  • The sailboat is the fastest fish. In terms of speed of movement, it can compete with a good car rushing along the highway. The slowest owner of fins is a skate. In an hour, he swims only one and a half meters.
  • The most unpretentious for home maintenance is considered to be: guppies, swordtails, zebrafish, barbs and gours.
  • Fish, just like people, can catch colds, cough and sneeze. Only due to the fact that such an indisposition is imperceptible to a person, it can be recognized (heard) only with the help of special devices.
  • Fish have every chance of drowning, suffocating in water if the latter contains an insufficient amount of oxygen for them.
  • Most inhabitants of the underwater kingdom can only swim head first, although some eels can do this with their tail forward.
  • The most poisonous is the stone fish (wart), the bite of which provokes paralysis, and if disinfecting measures are not taken in time, then even death.
  • Some species of fish (larger than sharks) do not have scales, they are replaced by rough skin.
  • Swimming in calm water requires much more energy from fish than moving against the current. This happens because they are endowed with a unique ability to catch emerging whirlpools with minimal tension on the lateral muscles when tacking.
  • The discharge of current from stingrays and eels is so strong that it can kill a horse.

I don’t walk on the ground, I don’t look at the sky, I don’t count the stars, I don’t see the month (fish).

  • - From Latin: Barbam video, sed phihsofum pop video ...

    Dictionary winged words and expressions

  • - As a joke about his own hospitality and hospitality ...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

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  • - GO, go. present temp. from walking...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - Krylov. Ant...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

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    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

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  • - joke. a threat, a call to do something. fast...

    Dictionary of Russian Argo

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 1 in my opinion ...

    Synonym dictionary

“I don’t walk on earth, I don’t look at the sky, I don’t count the stars, I don’t see the month.” in books


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I LOOK AND SEE ONE THING: THE END Marina Ivanovna heard about the war on the street. At twelve o'clock in the afternoon, Molotov spoke on the radio, in all squares from horns, from open windows rushed this terrible word - war! - and passers-by froze in place ... “June 22 - war; learned from the radio


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15. "Build heaven on earth" If you couldn't experience heaven while you were alive, how will you know about it after death? Even after death you cannot experience it. If in life you have not learned to smile, to be happy and joyful, then what will you learn after death?

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14.8. Here I see, but here I don't see, or the Opium Wars in China We don't need anyone. Come back to yourself. Take your gifts. From the address of the Chinese Emperor Qianlong to Ambassador George III to Lord McCartney, 1793 I, friends, allowed myself to change famous phrase from The Gentlemen

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Heaven on Earth The main task of all religions is to unite the world with God. Isn't the Sophian All-Unity a kind of excess, an illusion? On this basis, Fr. G. Florovsky completely rejects the sophiology of Fr. S. Bulgakov and Fr. P. Florensky, believing that liturgical texts and


From the book Orthodox Church author Bishop Kallistos of Diokleia

ORTHODOX SERVICE, I: HEAVEN ON EARTH. Article cited in edition Orthodox Church. Bishop Kallistos of Diokleia (Ware). Biblical Theological Institute of St. Apostle Andrew. M., 2001. Pp. 273–283. The Church is heaven on earth, where the heavenly God dwells and acts. St.

13. And he said in his heart: "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on a mountain in the assembly of the gods, on the edge of the north; 14. I will ascend to the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High."

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

13. And he said in his heart: "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on a mountain in the assembly of the gods, on the edge of the north; 14. I will ascend to the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High." But he spoke in his heart, i.e. thought, dreamed. I will ascend to heaven. The king of Babylon could dream

3. "Sky without stars"

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My life is failing. With my first man, I did not live a month. With the second - six months. With the third and even less. Then I had a fourth and fifth, which also did not linger. But I don't consider myself loose or promiscuous. And you? And we don't think so either. For

Under the bridge wags its tail. (Fish)

I have wings, but I don’t fly, I don’t have legs, but you can’t catch up. (Fish)

With a tail, not a beast, with feathers, not a bird. (Fish)

The little brute has a hundred silver coins in his back. (Fish)

She doesn’t walk on the ground, she doesn’t look at the light, but for lunch, for dinner - everyone calls her. (Fish)

I have wings - I don’t fly, I don’t have legs, but I walk, I don’t walk on the ground, I don’t look at the sky, I don’t count the stars, I avoid people. (Fish)

There is a language, but it does not speak, there are wings, but it does not fly. (Fish)

At one end is a weirdo, and at the other end is a worm. (Catching fish with a rod)

He walks along the bridge - he won’t find anything, but as soon as he stepped into the water, he bought everything. (Fisherman)

I don’t walk on the ground, I don’t look up, I don’t make nests, but I take out children. (Fish)

In the underground-underground there is a pie with carrots, you want to eat, but you don’t want to climb. (Fish in the water)

Riddle about fish

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