Thank you for telling the truth. Broken cup Back to the section "Russian writers"

Description thanks for telling the truth

The truth is the most expensive to read a fairy tale online Fables - Thank you for telling the truth LN Tolstoy Thought. From what work are these lines Thanks for the truth! The boy shook with anxiety and said: - I am. The father said: - Thank you for telling the truth. The truth is the most expensive The boy was playing and accidentally broke an expensive cup. The user Elvira Golovina asked a question in the category Schools and received 4 responses to it From what works These lines Write down their names and authors Thank you for telling the truth 2. He took it, said thanks and smiled broadly. That grandfather is telling the truth; said thank you Truth said. To the collective farm and took away passports Thank you, my father wrote out my grandmother from. I would say that this is a book about human dignity. Medvedev at a meeting with Ural journalists 28. Father said: Thank you for telling the truth. When do we say thank you? the person told the truth in front of you, you need to bite your tongue three times. As it turned out, then my boyfriend told me that. This is a service in which users quickly carry help to each other. How do you get him to tell the truth? The boy shook with fright and said: - I am. The father said: - Thank you for telling the truth. From what is happening: SpasiGod, that is, it will be right thanks! dfsgdfzv. Father said: - Thank you for telling the truth. He said aloud what the Kazakhs think, but are afraid to voice. I was not understood The politician said this in. COLONEL SHENDAKOV TOLD THE WHOLE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT IS HAPPENING V. Father said: - Thank you for telling the truth. On the occasion of the 90th birthday of Nikita Pavlovich Simonyan, we publish the monologue of the hero of the day from Igor's book. The boy shook with fear and said: - I am. The father said: - Thank you for telling the truth. It was about the Russians that he told the truth, the fact is that he himself is a Jew. How to determine the truth if the doctor said about caries? Dentistry He was hanged for telling the truth - Look how peaceful the Syrian revolutionaries are. Well, quail, - said the hunter, - and so - it would not let you in - Thank you for telling the truth. Legal advice on the issue: What to come up with if you did not tell the truth to the police. But you told me the whole truth Hello Almaz, thank you very much for your help!! If. Grandmother thought she had adopted three kittens until her grandson told her the truth; Grandmother thought I said it. Fedor wrote the truth in a knockout - and Fedor did not even say thanks to him. Putin revealed the truth about the WADA snitch; The meaning of the word THANK YOU. I didn't tell our relatives the truth. He dreamed of her and said: Mom, thank you. And what if God still did not joke, and told the truth when he warned. What don't you like? My brother was telling the truth.

Last name, first name _______________________________________ Option 1

A. S. Pushkin "Swan, crayfish and pike"

I. A. Krylov "Kitten"

L. N. Tolstoy "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

* "Thank you for telling the truth." _____________________________________________________________

* “There is a Russian spirit, there it smells of Russia ...” __________________________________________________

* “And who in the mind will go to the stomach to sing hungry ...” _____________________________________

3. Read. Decide what genre this piece belongs to.

Jumper Dragonfly
Summer sang red;
Didn't have time to look back
As winter rolls in the eyes.
 story  fable  fairy tale  poem
4. Collect a proverb. Draw an arrow between the beginning of the proverb and its end.
You want a lot - but it's an hour for fun.

Business - time, but at least drop it apart.

Friendly - not heavy, who is gaining the skill of the mind.

He obtains happiness, you will lose the last.

Verification work on the topic "Russian writers".

Last name, first name __________________________________________ Option 2

I. A. Krylov " old grandfather and granddaughters"

A. S. Pushkin "Dragonfly and Ant"

L. N. Tolstoy “At the Lukomoye there is a green oak ...”

2. From what works are these lines? Write down the title and author.

* “The teacher laughed and said: “You wait a moment to boast, but learn.” ____________________________


* “You stupid fool! Come back, bow to the fish ... "_________________________________

* "... And the pike pulls into the water" _______________________________________________________________


3 .Read. Decide what genre this piece belongs to.

Place a check next to your chosen answer.
Once a Swan, Cancer and Pike
Carried with luggage, they took it,
And together the three all harnessed themselves to it;
They are climbing out of their skin, but the cart is still not moving!
 story  fable fairy tale poem

4. Collect a proverb. Draw an arrow between the beginning of the proverb and its end.
Much to wish - and all for one.

Who honors parents will always come in handy.

Literacy to learn good not to be seen.

One for all, he never perishes.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Test work on literary reading for the 3rd quarter in the 1st grade (PNSh)

The purpose of the work: - to check the assimilation of the topic "Oral folk art"; - students' understanding of how the riddle works, the laws of a boring fairy tale, what are the difficulties of tongue twisters, how and when people turn to nature ...

Verification work on literary reading Grade 2. "Native speech" by L.F. Klimanov and others. EMC "School of Russia"

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Verification work on literary reading according to the program of RO L. V. Zankova. (grades 3-4)

According to the literary reading program of the RO system of L.V. Zankov, verification work is not provided after the completion of each section. To check the depth of assimilation of the studied works, knowledge of art...



  • 1. to educate students in honesty, diligence;
  • 2. learn to find the main idea of ​​the work.
  • 3. Introduce the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Truth is the most expensive"

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

Working with a tongue twister:

On the window a crumb - a midge
A cat catches with its paw.

What is the phrase talking about?
- What is the cat doing?
- Why is a midge called a baby?

II. Checking homework.

Physical education minute

III. Learning new material.

1. Message topics, goals.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the story of L. N. Tolstoy "The Truth is the most expensive" and "Kitten".


The boy was playing and accidentally broke an expensive cup. Nobody took it out. Father came and asked:
- Who broke?
The boy shook with fear and said:
- I.
Father said:
- Thank you for telling the truth.

– What is the main idea this work?
- What did the boy look like to you? And the father?
What does this story teach?

- How did you feel about this story?
(interesting, sad, instructive).
What did you especially like about the story?
(The boy told the truth)"

Analysis of the work.
- Who is the main character of the story?
What happened to the boy?
(He broke the cup).
How did the boy do?
(Told the truth).
How do you evaluate the boy's act?
(He did well, rightly).

If you were in the place of a boy, what would you do?
(They did the same as the boy from the story “Truth is the most precious thing”).



1. to educate students in responsibility for their actions, good relations to animals;

2. introduce the concept of "reality".

3. Learn to make a plan.

Today we will continue our acquaintance with the work of L. N. Tolstoy, and with which work you will find out if you guess the riddle:

He enters the house first
And lives for a long time in it
That meows, then plays, disappears far away,
And when he comes back, then neatly from the saucer
Drink fresh milk. (Kitty)

2. Work on the true story "Kitten".

Vocabulary work:

What's happened true story ? (This is what really happened.)

beside - near,

what was the spirit - very fast.

Barn - barn

3. Video "Kitten"


- What genre does the work belong to? (story, since there are few actors and describes one episode)
What impression did the story make on you?
– What thoughts. Feelings come up?

What is the most tense moment in the story, ask each other questions about the content.

– What can be said about Vasya? What is he?
- Can Katya be blamed for running away?
Why did the guys take the kitten with them?
What feelings did you experience while listening to the story?
Why did your mood change?
- What does this story teach?

Let's see how the mood and condition of the children changed, find out what the children experienced.

1. What was the mood of the children when the cat disappeared?
2. When was it found?
3. How did they feel about the kitten they kept?
4. What was the state of the children when they saw a defenseless kitten and two dogs near him?
5. What do you think Vasya experienced?
6. And who is to blame that the kitten got into trouble?
7. What would you do?
8. What does the story teach?

  • Planning

Let's divide the story into parts. Prepare a retelling of it.

1. Katya and Vasya lost their cat;

2. Under the roof of the barn

3. Five kittens

4. Parting with kittens

5. Game on the road

6. Vasya saves a kitten

Homework: pp. 116-119 retelling according to plan

Used Books:

Klimanova L. F., Goretsky V. G., Golovanova M. V. Literary reading Textbook for grade 2 elementary school in two parts. Part 1. M.: Enlightenment, 2011, 223 p.

Kutyavina S.V., Lesson developments on literary reading: 2nd grade. M.: VAKO, 2012, 384 p.

Internet resources:

>> Literature Grade 2 >> Literature: L. Tolstoy. "Truth is the most expensive"

Lesson 23


Goals: to educate students in honesty, diligence; learn to find the main idea of ​​the work.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

Physical education minute

III. Learning new material.

1. Message topics, goals.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the story of L. N. Tolstoy "The truth is the most expensive"

Lev Nikolaevich lived long life and wrote various works. He worked hard. I reworked my compositions several times, rewrote them 10-12 times to make them better.

Lev Nikolaevich loved work, he was also engaged in peasant work: he plowed the land, mowed grass, sawed and chopped firewood. He built huts, laid stoves, sewed boots. He believed that any work is useful and necessary; You can only respect a person who works all his life.

For a very long time L.N. Tolstoy lived in his house in Yasnaya Polyana. Now there is a museum that is visited by people from all over the world. In a neighboring village, Lev Nikolaevich set up a school and began to teach peasant children from textbooks that he had written himself.

He spent a lot of time with children: in winter he went sledding, skating, skiing with them; in the summer I went with them to the forest.

2. Work on a new piece. Reading in pairs the story "Truth is the most expensive."


The boy was playing and accidentally broke an expensive cup. Nobody took it out. Father came and asked:
- Who broke?
The boy shook with fear and said:
- I.
Father said:
- Thank you for telling the truth.

What is the main idea of ​​this work?
- What did the boy look like to you? And the father?
What does this story teach?
- Compare the main character of the story "Truth is the most expensive" and the fable "Liar".

- How did you feel about this story?
(interesting, sad, instructive).
What did you especially like about the story?
(The boy told the truth)"

Analysis of the work.
- Who is the main character of the story?
What happened to the boy?
(He broke the cup).
How did the boy do?
(Told the truth).
How do you evaluate the boy's act?
(He did well, rightly).
If you were in the place of a boy, what would you do?
(They did the same as the boy from the story “Truth is the most precious thing”).

Homework: prepare expressive reading works.

Literary reading. Grades 1-2: lesson plans for the program "School of Russia". Publishing house "Teacher", 2011. Contents - N.V. Lobodina, S.V. Savinova and others.

1. What works are these lines from? Write down their titles and authors.





1). A.S. Pushkin a) "Kitten"

b) "Old grandfather and granddaughter"

c) "Swan, Cancer and Pike"

2) I.A. Krylov d) "Filipok"

e) "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

f) “Here is the north, catching up the clouds ...”

3. Collect a proverb from the words below and determine which read work it fits.

An hour, business, but, fun, time.


4. Remember a few popular expressions from the fables of I.A. Krylov.

Test work 3.

To the section "Russian writers"

5. What works are these lines from? Write down their titles and authors.

Thank you for telling the truth.


"And together the three all harnessed to it"


“And in front of her is a broken trough”


· "There is a Russian spirit ... there smells of Russia!"


“When you and your mother are old, to feed you from the pelvis.”


“The teacher laughed and said: “You wait a moment to boast, but learn”


1). A.S. Pushkin a) "Kitten"

b) "Old grandfather and granddaughter"

c) "Swan, Cancer and Pike"

2) I.A. Krylov d) "Filipok"

e) "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

f) “Here is the north, catching up the clouds ...”

3) L.N. Tolstoy g) "Dragonfly and Ant"


7. Collect a proverb from the words below and determine which read work it fits.

An hour, business, but, fun, time.


8. Remember a few popular expressions from the fables of I.A. Krylov.


Check work 4.

1. Use an arrow to connect the work and the genre to which it belongs.

1) M. Prishvin "Guys and ducklings" a) a story about animals

2) V. Bianchi "Musician" b) a fairy tale about animals

3) I. Pivovarova "Once upon a time - there was a dog ..."

4) E. Charushin " scary story» c) a poem

5) V. Berestov "Cat's Puppy" d) scientific and educational

6) V. Bianchi "Owl" text

2. Which of the writers believes that “only our love can save nature”?


3. Guess riddles. Write what works these characters are from.

1) The owner of the forest

Waking up in the spring

And in winter under a blizzard howl

2) Blue airplane

Work: ____________________________________

3) lies on the hay,

Itself is not a set

Work: ____________________________________

4) Along the river, along the water

A string of boats floats.

The ship is ahead

Work: ____________________________________

5) I don’t touch him-

Goes its own way

And touch -

Work: ____________________________________

Check work 4.

To the section "About our smaller brothers"

4. Use an arrow to connect the work and the genre to which it belongs.

7) M. Prishvin "Guys and ducklings" a) a story about animals

8) V. Bianchi "Musician" b) a fairy tale about animals

9) I. Pivovarova "Once upon a time - there was a dog ..."

10) E. Charushin "A terrible story" c) a poem

11) V. Berestov "Cat's Puppy" d) scientific and educational

12) V. Bianchi "Owl" text

5. Which of the writers believes that “only our love can save nature”?


6. Guess riddles. Write what works these characters are from.

5) The owner of the forest

Waking up in the spring

And in winter under a blizzard howl

Sleeping in a snow hut. M________________

Work: ____________________________________

6) Blue airplane

Sat on a white dandelion. WITH_________________

Work: ____________________________________

7) lies on the hay,

Itself is not a set

And does not give to others. WITH________________

Work: ____________________________________

8) Along the river, along the water

A string of boats floats.

The ship is ahead

He leads everyone. Y___________ with y_______________

Work: ____________________________________

5) I don’t touch him-

Goes its own way

And touch -

You hit a needle. Yo_____________________

Work: ____________________________________

1. Read the text, complete the task.

Our favorite writers



2. For 85 years, hundreds of millions of children have read Murzilka. Among them were once your moms and dads. Write in the cells of the crossword horizontally the names of dads, if the patronymics of their children are:


1) Dmitrievich

2) Alexandrovna

3) Grigorievich

4) Kuzminichna

5) Viktorovich

6) Anatolyevna

7) Nikolaevich

8) Vladimirovna

3. Read the poem, fill in the missing words.

Most tasty pie

I wanted to have a ball

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,

Pie, knives and forks here -

I waited until I had the strength

Verification work 5. To the section "From children's magazines"

4. Read the text, complete the task.

Our favorite writers

More than a hundred years ago, a boy was born in St. Petersburg, who was named Danya. Danya Yuvachev. Like all little boys then, he wore short pants and a sailor suit.

But some fifteen years passed - and he began to dress like a foreigner: a sports cap, a jacket of a special cut, knee-length trousers - breeches, short stockings - stockings. And he no longer called himself Danya Yuvachev, but with a surname in a foreign way - ......

Exercise: did you find out what it's about? Write the first name on the left and the last name on the right.


_________________ _____________________

5. For 85 years, hundreds of millions of children have read Murzilka. Among them were once your moms and dads. Write in the cells of the crossword horizontally the names of dads, if the patronymics of their children are:


9) Dmitrievich

10) Alexandrovna

11) Grigorievich

12) Kuzminichna

13) Victorovich

14) Anatolyevna

15) Nikolaevich

16) Vladimirovna

6. Read the poem, fill in the missing words.

The most delicious pie

I wanted to have a ball

And I have guests to my place ___________________

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,

Baked crumbly ________________

Pie, knives and forks here -

But something guests ___________________

I waited until I had the strength

Then a piece of ________________

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down, and the whole cake in a minute ____________

When the guests approached, even crumbs ____________________

1. Read the poem, fill in the missing words.

2. Check if you carefully read " New Year's story»

1) Wrote it:

2) The Christmas tree grew near:

3) Once she met:

4) Pro New Year Elochka said:

6) When did you find the Christmas tree?

1) "... Hoarfrost scatters on the branches of birches ..." ____________________________

2) "The hares rushed forward and jumped onto the Christmas tree." ___________________________________________________________

3) “From the hill - wow, up the hill - wow!” _______________________________

Verification work 6. To the section “I love Russian nature. Winter".

4. Read the poem, fill in the missing words.

There is one game for you: I will start the verses now.

I'll start and you finish! Answer in unison.

It's snowing in the yard, the holiday is coming soon _________!

The needles glow softly, the coniferous spirit comes from _________________

The branches rustle faintly, the beads are bright __________________________

And toys swing - flags, stars, ____________________

And decorating the top, it shines there, as always

Very bright, large, five-winged _________________________.

5. Check if you carefully read the "New Year's Story"

4) It was written by:

a) S. Marshak b) S. Mikhalkov c) N. Sladkov

5) The Christmas tree grew near:

a) forests b) cities c) forester’s houses

6) Once she met:

a) with a hare b) with a fox c) with a wolf

5) She told Yolochka about the New Year:

a) crow b) magpie c) owl

5) The Christmas tree lived in fear and anxiety:

a) spring and summer b) summer and autumn c) autumn and winter

6) When did you find the Christmas tree?

a) cut down b) dressed up c) cut down and dressed up

4) "... Frost scatters on the branches of birches ..." ____________________________

5) "The hares rushed forward and jumped onto the Christmas tree." ___________________________________________________________

6) “From the hill - wow, up the hill - wow!” _______________________________
