Pavel Dmitrichenko: “Everything that does not kill us makes us stronger. Ballet avenger Pavel Dmitrichenko Group in support of Dmitrichenko

Pavel Dmitrichenko. Scene from the ballet "Ivan the Terrible" staged by Yuri Grigorovich

Opera company Bolshoi Theater called the dancer Pavel Dmitrichenko (recall, he spent three years in prison on charges of organizing an assassination attempt on the former artistic director ballet troupe Sergey Filin) ​​to head the creative trade union of BT workers.

Pavel told us about his plans in a new capacity, as well as about his views on the current theater in an exclusive interview.

- So, Pavel, you were elected the head of the trade union, if I correctly name the position ...

Chairman of the creative trade union of workers of the Bolshoi Theater.

- A few words - what will be your duties?

This is important for the artists themselves: apparently, internal problems have ripened if they turned to me for help ... I am now far from any of their internal problems, but the meeting was two weeks ago, they told me about these problems, and now they need my help from a legal point of view.

Because the management of the theater, at times, does not comply with its own accepted rules, which were prescribed in the collective agreement. And now there are many problems in the opera troupe. And I'm always open to help, people get me in Hard time supported, and I am also ready to support colleagues as chairman.

- Did you continue to be an employee of the Bolshoi Theater all this time? Did this line break?

Interrupted. The trade union is a different structure, it is independent, and is more of a supervisory body over the employer. As for the theater, I did not return to it for one simple reason: I have not seen such a boorish attitude towards artists for a long time. I promised myself that I would return to the profession only under the guidance of Nikolai Tsiskaridze.

Yes, but you went out at the Bolshoi in the summer at a concert, in a number from Swan Lake with the part of Prince Siegfried ...

The fact that I went on this stage can be called a return to the profession. But I repeat, I will return to the theater only under the guidance of Tsiskaridze, since only he has experience in communicating with the team, he has great taste - who to invite from ballet and opera directors ...

Only with him is the flourishing of the Bolshoi Theater possible. It's my opinion.

- So, what exactly happened that you were called?

The rights of artists began to be infringed. I was lying with a temperature, I didn’t know myself, but the artists initiated a meeting, and just yesterday I was informed that I had been elected. And now I'm ready to help them.

Trade unions in our country are historically not as strong as, say, in the West. It was more of a decoration. But your trade union will have real power?

Yes, our trade unions are not at all the same as European ones. But if trade unions were usually headed by people dependent on the employer, then I am just an independent person. I have no interests and fears regarding the management of the Bolshoi Theatre. Therefore, I will strictly act within the framework of the law, strictly within the framework of the collective agreement, which the employers themselves accepted. There are a lot of shortcomings. I know about them. Now we are inciting statistics and will demand the implementation of legislative acts in the area of ​​labor legislation.

- So what is the nature of the problem?

The main problem is that the employees of the opera company, on the basis of the contract, do not receive the work that the employer is obliged to provide them. That is, it is easier for the management of the Bolshoi to invite someone from the outside to the contract than to involve their employees. And we will ensure that people have jobs. It's no joke: the full-time employees of the opera troupe are sitting without work!

- Does the ballet troupe have the same problem?

I haven't met with union members yet, but I think the problem is everywhere. Therefore, in the next two weeks, I will meet with the ballet troupe and discuss their problems with them. Either way, I'm ready to stand up for them. I will gladly help.

Remember, the Moscow Art Theater at one time was divided into Chekhov and Gorky precisely because the troupe was too bloated. Isn't there something like this in the Bolshoi?

No in Big troupe not exaggerated. Moreover, it is prescribed by the employer himself how much he is obliged to give work to his employees, and how much he is not obliged to. And our task is neither to fight, nor to build any barricades there, but simply to achieve the rule of law. Because in this moment the collective agreement is violated. This is a violation of the law. We will be in dialogue with...

- ... with General Director Urin?

Yes. Dialogue about how he complies with labor standards. In the name of Urin there will be appeals on urgent problems. If the leadership goes to dialogue - hears, admits its violations, then the problem will be quickly resolved.

- And if not?

If not, then the commission is going to continue, if we don’t decide through it, we will go to court. Why the guys called me: naturally, people have a fear of the employer. I have no fear and never have. That's why I became chairman.

- That is, in the near future you will recover, and will hold meetings?

First, we will notify the higher organization - the trade union of cultural workers that I have been elected. Then we will notify the employer, that is, the general director Urin officially (I think he already knows). And then let's get started, that's all ...

- And you and Urin Lately did you communicate at all? Everything is fine?

The last time we talked was last summer, it was normal communication, no counters, no problems…

- And can you - this is of interest to many - go on stage as a dancer?

Well, last summer I went on stage, then an injury happened - I treated my knee for a long time. Now the treatment is still in process, and my profession as a dancer has been put on pause for the time being. But I didn't officially finish my career.

- A pause, but temporary?

Today, yes, temporary.

- How difficult was it to keep yourself in shape at the time of imprisonment and after? Is it theoretically possible?

Theoretically, this is impossible. And I couldn't keep myself in shape. It was difficult then to enter this form. The spirit was enough. But you can't fool the body. When this entry into the form took place, of course, there was a wild pain in the ligaments, in the joints. Was on painkillers. But the goal was set, and the goal was achieved.

- But back: according to your forecast, the problem of the opera troupe can be solved?

According to my forecast, any problem can be solved through dialogue. If two people sit down - one is not stupid and the other is not stupid - they will come to a single decision. They will always find a way. And if the interlocutor is dominated by some kind of ambition, some kind of significance, a desire to show that you are nobody to me, but I can do everything myself, then, of course, it will be difficult to agree on something.

But I hope that all smart people will find a way out ... because when the team is dissatisfied, it can spill over beyond the theater. We will try to resolve this internally. Calmly. Quiet. Legally correct.

The last question - in what capacity is the Bolshoi Theater now? He's on the rise, he's stable, what's wrong with him?

If you take twelve years of my work, I can say briefly: it used to be better. I have something to compare. This is without going into details. What I saw during the years of my work at the Bolshoi (meaning both the opera and ballet repertoire) was better. What is now is not the best period of the Bolshoi's life.

- Have you seen Nureyev?

I saw snippets. In short: a ballet created on a scandal. Although the guys all worked 100%, they are great, they work like that in any situation, the Bolshoi troupe is considered the best in the whole world. And always will be. And what about the essence of the performance - the taste and color ... someone likes a naked man on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, someone considers it enchanting art. Someone thinks that Bolshoy is a pure classic.

And I think that the stage of the Bolshoi is not an experimental stage, these are established canons ... the dancer Nuriev himself became famous not for what the directors tried to show, but for his talent. And the personal life of each of us is our personal life, there is no need to show it on stage.

The name of Pavel Dmitrichenko is in bold type in the ballet. The 33-year-old artist has gained fame for his bright roles in brilliant performances. However, the difficult years in the biography of Pavel Dmitrichenko are also known, which are associated with an attempt on the artistic director of the Bolshoi Theater. It is known that this story ended in a criminal case with a sentence.


Pavel Vitalyevich Dmitrichenko was born into a family of artists on January 3, 1984. His parents Vitaly Pavlovich and Nadezhda Alekseevna worked in the Ensemble folk dance Igor Moiseev. Pavel was the third, late child in the family and the first boy, so his father devoted a lot of time to his only son and developed in him an exceptionally athletic personality.

Pavel Dmitrichenko played football, hockey, martial arts; ballet was out of the question. A family friend and famous USSR hockey player Vladimir Lutchenko was ready to take on the boy and train him to be a professional athlete. However, the mother predicted the future of the dancer to her son, and her opinion determined further fate future ballet dancer Pavel Dmitrichenko.

Carier start

In 1993, Pavel entered State Academy choreography, where he was mentored by outstanding artists of the Bolshoi Theater in the past, Yuri Vasyuchenko and Igor Uksusnikov.

The perseverance and industriousness inherent in the dancer helped to graduate from the university with honors in 2002. Ballet for Pavel Dmitrichenko becomes a matter of life, he is invited to work by the most the best theaters, but he prefers the State Academic Bolshoi Theater (GABT). Rehearsals were led by Vasily Vorokhobko and Alexander Vetrov. At first, Dmitrichenko performed small parts, was a corps de ballet dancer, but even this required a lot of dedication, including health.

Work in the Bolshoi and the main roles

Having worked for only a year at the Bolshoi, in 2003 Pavel Dmitrichenko faced serious health problems. It should be noted that in his youth, the artist underwent surgery related to sports injuries. The next surgical intervention was associated with medical error. An abscess that had begun in the area of ​​the Achilles tendon was urgently operated on again. A long rehabilitation, the strictest prohibition of doctors to continue dancing, every step was given through hellish pain - all this could put an end to Pavel Dmitrichenko's biography as a ballet dancer. Strong pain relief and the dancer's determination not only helped to cope with the disease, but also led to the first notable roles in the Bolshoi Theater.

In the same 2003, Dmitrichenko was approved for the role of Montecchi's father in the production of Romeo and Juliet, and in 2004 Pavel soloed in the play Ward No. 6. During this period, he undergoes a decisive operation on the foot, doctors return almost complete mobility to it.

The year 2005 is marked by two events: receiving a diploma in the specialty "choreographer-director" and acquaintance with the luminary of Russian ballet Yuri Grigorovich. The master notices the young man while learning the role of Yashka, the central figure in the play "The Golden Age". It can be said that in creative biography Pavel Dmitrichenko, this performance was fateful. The artist is one of Grigorovich's favorites. IN track record the ballets "Giselle", "Esmeralda", "Don Quixote" appeared. In 2007, Dmitrichenko performed the part of the Evil Genius in the production of " Swan Lake"The year 2008 brings two important and complex roles at once. The main parts in the performances of Raymond and Spartak were given to a talented artist. After a long reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater, they decided to return Ivan the Terrible to its stage, in 2012 the premiere of the play with Dmitrichenko took place in the role of a king.

Drinking Big

Ballet, like any creative community, has its own intrigues, frictions, rivalries within the troupe and misunderstanding.between artists and leadership. Scandals originated in the Bolshoi from the beginning of the 2000s, they were associated with Anastasia Volochkova, Tsiskaridze. There were also checks related to the distribution of funds aimed at the reconstruction of the theater. The most loud and restless time for the troupe was the tenure as artistic director of Sergei Filin. There were many reasons for dissatisfaction with the new artistic director.

He was accused of demanding money for certain roles, of harassment in creative plan some ballet dancers. The troupe split into two camps: those who were satisfied with everything, and those who had questions for the leadership. The confrontation eventually resulted in a tragedy and a criminal case, which spread all over the world's media.

An attempt on the artistic director

On the evening of January 17, 2013, when he was approaching the house, an unknown person called him. Lightning splash in the face artistic director burning reagent, the attacker fled. Filin was diagnosed with a severe burn and was hospitalized in Germany. In the case of an attempt on a person, a criminal case was opened, the Investigative Committee determined the circle of persons involved, which the victim himself declared while being treated. Filin accused Nikolai Tsiskaridze of being involved as an influential and ardent opponent of Sergei Filin's theatrical policy. The situation around the eminent dancer, which was inflated by the media, eventually cleared up. Tsiskaridze was summoned for questioning, where investigators did not find Nikolai involved in the attack. Other artists were also questioned.

Trial and versions of the motive for the crime

Some time later, the investigators came to Pavel Dmitrichenko's home with a search. After analyzing the calls to the mobile that took place that ill-fated evening, we soon managed to get on the trail of the direct perpetrator of the assassination. It turned out to be a previously convicted unemployed Yuri Zarutsky. They also detained Andrei Lipatov, who delivered the criminal to the scene of the assassination.

All three defendants in the case were arrested. Since March 2013, a new, difficult round has begun in the biography of Pavel Dmitrichenko.

"Guilty" verdict

As the investigation found out, Zarutsky was Dmitrichenko's neighbor in the country. In a conversation about the situation in the theater, Pavel advised me to contact Filin. As a result, according to Zarutsky, Dmitrichenko asked to beat the artistic director, having previously bought phones for the performers and financed the criminal operation.

During interrogation, Dmitrichenko denied that he was preparing a severe reprisal with acid. Zarutsky himself fully admitted his guilt and clarified that neither the dancer nor the driver Lipatov knew about the method of assassination of Filin. However, state prosecutors and Filin's lawyers insisted on a thorough investigation and the search for irrefutable evidence of Pavel Dmitrichenko's guilt.

The main motives were considered, among which were the desire of Dmitrichenko to take the post of artistic director, revenge for the oppressed ballerina and civil wife Dmitrichenko - Angelina Vorontsova. The name Tsiskaridze surfaced again, with whom Dmitrichenko was allegedly in cahoots. Also, the characterization of Pavel as a quick-tempered "truth-seeker" and said that he was quite capable of such a crime. All motives were refuted, the theater troupe, headed by Tsiskaridze, repeatedly wrote letters in defense of Dmitrichenko.

Twenty-eight court sessions, and the verdict was delivered under article 111 of the Criminal Code ("Causing grievous bodily harm by prior agreement"). Zarutsky and Lipatov received 10 years and 4 years in prison, respectively. Dmitrichenko Pavel Vitalievich was sentenced to six years in prison in a strict regime colony. All three were also obliged to pay Filin compensation in the amount of 3 million rubles.

Prison wedding and early release

Dmitrichenko served his sentence in Ryazan region. Throughout the time, he continued to keep himself in shape as much as possible. Colleagues did not forget about the artist, they constantly wrote letters, encouraged him. Pavel had a particularly dear addressee, to whom he sent letters and waited impatiently for an answer. It was an old friend Yana Fadeeva. The girl began to travel with Pavel's parents on dates to prison. After the next meeting, the artist made an offer to Yana. On July 3, 2014, the girl became the wife of Pavel Dmitrichenko. The couple got married right in prison.

Dmitrichenko's defense sent several petitions for early release of the artist. On May 31, 2016, the dancer was released from custody for good behavior. Pavel served three years in the colony.

Return to ballet

Returning to freedom, the artist immediately thanked everyone who supported him for three long years. Difficulties in the biography of Pavel Dmitrichenko are over. It's time to think again about what you love.

It should be noted that Pavel Dmitrichenko returned to the Bolshoi Theater, though only for the purpose of training and recovery. required form for ballet. The dancer also has a diploma as a choreographer, which he is going to apply in the future, since the "retirement" age of the artist is not far off. Director of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Urin said that he allowed Pavel Dmitrichenko to return to the Bolshoi Theater. But the artist will have to enter on a competitive basis and subject to availability.

After the release of Pavel, the story of the assassination attempt again began to be actively raised by the media. What Pavel Dmitrichenko was imprisoned for raises a lot of questions from observers of the process. The artist himself is sure that the disclosure of the truth and true reasons- a matter of time. While Pavel Dmitrichenko is pleased with his wife, parents, faithful friends and fortitude, which he acquired as a result of this test.

The evil genius in Swan Lake, Ivan the Terrible, Spartak... Before his arrest in the spring of 2013, Bolshoi Theater soloist Pavel Dmitrichenko was one of the most brilliant dancers of the main ballet musical theater countries. However, three years in prison can easily cross out a career as a dancer... Dmitrichenko dreams of returning to the Bolshoi Theatre, he attends classes here again. But is it possible?

In May 2016, Dmitrichenko was released from the colony on parole. He did not admit his guilt in the acid attack on Sergei Filin, but called the case fabricated. The version that Pavel took revenge on the artistic director of the ballet for the oppression of his girlfriend Anzhelina Vorontsova did not play out in court.

Shortly after his release, in an interview with the BBC, Pavel Dmitrichenko did not rule out the possibility of returning to the Bolshoi Theater.

I have a lot of proposals, but I still consider the Bolshoi Theater my home, and the director officially said that I could safely return to the Bolshoi Theater. It was not an official invitation, but I can apply on a general basis. I'm in shape, I have great experience, I worked on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater for 10 years, - said the dancer.
According to him, he actively supported physical form in the colony. And at the end of September, according to MK, Dmitrichenko began classes with teacher Vladimir Nikonov, to whom he attends morning classes at the Bolshoi Theater.

It is impossible to get a permanent pass to the theater without the knowledge CEO Vladimir Urin. In a recent interview with the British magazine Dancing Times, Urin said: “There are rumors that Pavel Dmitrichenko is returning to the Bolshoi, and this will not be an easy situation. However, after 3 years in prison, he is no longer the same dancer, physically and emotionally. Therefore, the main question is whether he will be able to return the form that is necessary for the dancer of the Bolshoi? Big is work, and it should be built on professional principles.”

In the troupe, the appearance of Dmitrichenko within the walls of the theater was rather favorably treated. But the pros are well aware of how difficult it will be for a dancer to regain their former shape. The same Nikolai Tsiskaridze not so long ago expressed great doubts about the happy scenario for Pavel Dmitrichenko. But what if? Pavel has a fighting character. In any case, he will return to the profession. The scenes of many theaters are open to him. But he's aiming for the Big One.

P.S. On September 21, 2015, Anzhelina Vorontsova married Mikhail Tatarnikov, chief conductor and music director Mikhailovsky Theater. There she is now on staff as a leading ballerina.

Dmitrichenko was the first performer of the role of Ivan the Terrible after the resumption of ballet performances in 2012. Photo - RIA Novosti

The evil genius in Swan Lake, Ivan the Terrible, Spartak and Abderakhman in Raymond.

Before his arrest in the spring of 2013 former soloist Bolshoi Theater Pavel Dmitrichenko was one of the favorite artists of the famous choreographer Yuri Grigorovich.

On January 17, 2013, the artistic director of the Bolshoi Ballet Company Sergei Filin near his house in the center of Moscow, as a result of which the victim received facial burns, partially lost his sight and underwent several expensive operations abroad.

Pavel Dmitrichenko and his friend Yuri Zarutsky were charged with causing grievous bodily harm to Filin. Zarutsky, as a performer, received 10 years, Dmitrichenko in a strict regime colony for organizing the attack.

According to investigators, Dmitrichenko was dissatisfied with the way Filin distributed the roles in the troupe, in connection with which he decided to organize an attack on the artistic director. To do this, he hired his dacha neighbor Zarutsky, who was brought to Filin's house by another person involved in the case, Andrei Lipatov.
