Step by step drawing of a rooster presentation. Drawing a cockerel in unusual ways (finger drawing)

The rooster is considered the symbol of the sun and the keeper of the hearth. Yes, it is he who wakes up the sun in the morning and acts as a sentry in every village yard. Let's try to learn how to draw a rooster with a pencil in stages for children.

Bird yard drawing for kids

When reading fairy tales, children often ask their parents to help them draw their favorite characters. They may want to draw or bright, .

And even the smallest ones want a rooster with a pencil, but how to explain the principle of drawing to a kid? Very easy no need to use complex figures and coloring techniques, simple lines are enough.
It is from them that we will build on, giving an example below. All you need for the lesson is a set of colored pencils and a sheet.

Draw a picture of the bird yard:

  1. Approximately in the center of the sheet we draw an oval torso of a rooster.
    Add to it a shape for the neck and head. Circle denote where the head will be located.
  2. Starting from the top, draw elongated oval feathers. Let's draw the wings on the body. We derive beautiful feathers for the tail, pointed at the ends. Neat lines draw the legs of a cockerel.
  3. Color the body and tail of the cockerel. We use bright colored pencils for this, for example, green, blue, red. Draw a scallop above the head with a wavy line, add a sharp beak and an eye.
  4. Now we will learn how to draw a chicken with a cockerel with pencils. We will place it next to the first picture. Draw an oval in the same way. Add the neck and head. The tail of the chicken is different from the first picture. Here you need to add a figure similar to a triangle, but with a wavy ending. We draw paws and a wing.
  5. Coloring the drawing. We shade the bird with a brown pencil. Add some yellow color and finish drawing the scallop, beak and eye.
  6. Now you can visit our birds. They are drawn similarly to adult birds, but should be smaller in shape. We depict a circle for the body and for the head. Coloring in the shapes.
    At the bottom we draw small, red paws, and on the head there is a beak and eyes. Add as many chickens as you like.

Rooster pattern by cells

Another simple drawing example. Let's try to draw with a simple pencil picture and color it:

  1. We draw the body and head of the cockerel.
    We draw a circle, do not bring the lines of the circle to the end. From below, we begin to display the body. We draw the body with the help of arcs, connect them in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tail into a corner.
  2. On the left side of the head, draw an open beak. To do this, you need to draw two triangles. We direct one end up, the other down. Add a scallop and draw a round eye.
  3. We will draw a wing on the body, immediately detail the feathers on it. We go down, add rounded figures, from which we will derive paws.
  4. It remains to draw the tail. Our cockerel will have it big and beautiful. We draw a large arc, attach another one from below. It turned out to be a big pen.
    In the same way, only with smaller figures we depict the rest of the tail feathers.
  5. Separate the neck from the body with a zigzag. Outline the drawing black pen and start coloring.
    Let's make the comb and one of the feathers of the tail red. Let's make the paws and the second feather yellow. Color the contours of the cockerel and the third feather blue pencil. Let's make the rest of the feather pink. Shade the gaps on the tail with gray. If desired, green grass can be added to the cockerel drawing.

The picture is ready.

Fairy cockerel

We have reviewed several interesting examples, in which the birds are depicted in a form close to the originals. Now, together with the site, we will try to create a drawing of a rooster so that it looks like a fabulous one. For work, you can use any tools that are convenient for you, for example, a simple pencil or felt-tip pens.

Getting Started:

  1. Draw an oval eye, add a pupil inside.
    We paint over it and leave a small highlight. Add a line under the eye. We attach two arcs to it from below and from above. It turned out a beak, on it you need to draw a nostril.
  2. Starting from the beak, draw a circle. We circle her eyes. We draw the line a little forward. Now you can use zigzags to add a scallop on top.
    Carefully add the lower part, which is called earrings, in the form of droplets. Leave a few lines for highlights.
  3. Now we will draw the body of the cockerel. We draw a wavy line for the torso and starting from the back of the head draw feathers. Please note that they should be pointed downwards.
    We stop in drawing feathers on the neck. We bring to the end the contours of the body, we designate places for the paws.
  4. Draw the tail of the bird with long lines. Make it tall and lush. Add feathers to the chest.
  5. We draw paws. We draw straight lines from the base, and at the ends we add brackets for the fingers. Decorate the paws with dashes to detail this part.
    It remains to add small feathers on the remaining parts of the body and indicate the location of the wing.
  6. To color the cockerel, use bright colors. In our case, red was used for the comb and earrings. Orange for the legs and part of the feathers. We colored the rest of the feathers in blue, yellow, pink and purple.

Here is such a smiling bird turned out, we were able to draw a rooster.

Realistic painting with paints

We have already figured out how to draw a rooster with a pencil. Now, starting from the acquired skills, let's try to depict a bird with the help of paint.

Prepare for work:

  • simple pencil;
  • eraser or nag;
  • watercolor paints;
  • round brushes No. 3 and 8;
  • watercolor paper;
  • palette (you can use a separate sheet of paper);
  • napkins;
  • water.

It will be difficult for a child to draw a rooster, so you will need the help of adults:

  1. First, let's make a simple markup with a pencil.
    With lines we mark the height of the rooster, we denote the approximate volume of the torso and neck. We mark the head with a circle, and from above we will sketch the position of the scallop. We mark the beak with a line.
  2. Let's move on to fine detail. We work with the beak. Let's add volume to it. We draw earrings under the beak. We have one in big size, the second - in the background with a thin line.
  3. We draw a scallop on top and immediately give it volume. We make a smooth transition to the neck. More accurately note the volume of the neck. Add an eye circle and mark the upper and lower eyelids. Add feathers with thin lines and start coloring.
  4. We spread carmine paint on the palette and dilute it with water. You can add some red. With the resulting color, paint over the scallop, head and earrings.
  5. Mixing Orange color with water. We cover the top of the feathers. You need to color those that are at the bottom of the picture. Add red to the color and mark shadow areas on the feathers. We make strokes in the direction of feather growth.
  6. We return to the carmine and arrange the shadows on the dried scallop. We mark the shadows under the eye and under the beak on the earrings. With a clean brush dipped in water, make the transitions in the picture softer.
    Once again, deepen the shadows with carmine color and add strokes to the feathers. For soft transitions, blend everything with a clean brush.
  7. We use yellow. We close the beak with this color. Add brown in color and darken the base of the beak.
  8. Now you need to paint over the central part of the breast. Mix indigo with blue. We cover the desired area. Closer to the bright plumage, the color should be used darker.
  9. In brown, we begin to structure the feathers. We make strokes on bright paint. We arrange them in a random order. With a dark blue color, draw the feathers on the breast and darken the areas where there are transitions from light to dark feathers. With the same color we put reflections on orange feathers. With a thin brush and dark blue, we will intensify the shadows on the beak, scallop and catkins of the rooster.
  10. Leave the painted bird to dry. For now, let's take a look at the background. We made it green. You can use a different color, but don't make it a solid color. Use both concentrated paint and diluted with water and another color, such as yellow.
  11. With black color add a round eye of the rooster and mark the nostril. The drawing is ready.

For beginning artists it will be interesting to study the material

Draw a rooster, so that your friends gasp with admiration? Easily! Catch drawing schemes of a cockerel for every taste, get inspired and decorate your room with the image of a bird. Do not hesitate, the vociferous songbird will not remain in debt - it will certainly bring good luck next year.

A simple pencil drawing of a rooster

The rooster is a born leader, requiring special attention and respect for his person. Therefore, placing a winged one in your album, try hard - the owner next year doesn't like sluts.

1. Draw a circle at the top of the sheet. This is the head of a rooster.

2. Draw the neck. Pay attention to proportions.

3. To make the rooster come out as a real handsome, decorate his head with a comb.

4. The bird's beak consists of two sharp parts. Since the cockerel is turned to the side, draw two small triangles on the right side of the head.

5. It's time to draw the torso.

6. Decorate the tail with a bunch of feathers.

7. Draw the cockerel's eyes and paws.

8. And now draw a wing. Clearly draw a line, add strokes.

The drawing is ready!

How to draw a rooster with colored pencils?

What appears to the human ear as clicking, crowing and clucking is actually chicken speech. Scientists have identified more than 30 meanings for the language of chickens, ranging from the simple “time for me to lay my egg” or “everyone here, there are a lot of worms!” before calling a partner during the mating season.

Let's make another one bright representative chicken families with colored pencils, because he asks: “Draw me!”

1. Designate the main parts of the body of the rooster with ovals.

2. Draw the eyes, crest, beak and earrings underneath.

3. Now you can outline the paws.

4. Add plumage to the tail, detail the legs.

5. And now - the most important thing. Color the cockerel with colored pencils.

First, clearly draw the eye, paint over the crest and beak.

6. The neck and legs will be yellow.

8. Clearly draw the feathers.

9. With a black pencil, add contrast to the drawing.

Congratulations! The proud handsome rooster is ready.

How to draw a rooster step by step

In the wild, female chickens face many dangers. The worst of them are predators. That is why the representatives of the weaker sex, who incubate eggs and raise offspring, have plumage that reliably hides them in the forest. What can you say about roosters! That's who can boast of luxurious feathers: red, bright red, blue with green tints ... It's a sin not to portray such a handsome man in your album. Shall we start?

1. Draw two ovals on a piece of paper: a large one (torso) and a small one (head). Connect with a slightly curved line (cockerel neck). Mark the paws with light pencil movements.

2. Next in line is the beak. Draw it like a small triangle. Then draw a bent arc - the future tail of the rooster. Outline the comb and earrings, add lines on the neck. Mark the paws with cross lines.

3. Inside the large oval, draw a line that defines the boundaries of the wing of the rooster. Do not forget to outline the "panties" on the paws and draw the contours of the tip of the tail.

4. Detail the tail and wing by drawing the plumage. Draw the teeth of the comb.

5. Well draw paws with sharp claws. You can finish the drawing with colored pencils on plain paper or transfer it to tinted paper and paint over with oil pastels.

6. Paint over the head, legs, part of the wing and some of the tail feathers with a light brown color. The comb and earrings will be red. In purple, paint over the lower part of the body and wing, as well as the tail. Outline the head and scallop with cherry color, and the wing, body and tail with black.

How to draw a rooster with oil pastels

Interestingly, roosters have a sufficient level of intelligence and are able to remember those who treat them badly or well. Therefore, do not be lazy, portraying the next handsome man, otherwise in 2017 he will still remember this for you.

I propose to draw a rooster with oil pastels. The main thing here is to color the bird correctly. Watch the photo master class and repeat after the author.

1. First draw a rooster (partially use the upper diagrams). The crest, eyes and beak were seen in red.

2. Let's move on to coloring the feathers. Start with light colors and gradually add darker shades and shadows. You should get a bright picture.

3. For this little masterpiece, you will need pencils in all the colors of the rainbow. Draw the background with thick strokes.

The drawing is ready. A bright cockerel will decorate any interior and will certainly bring happiness to its talented owner.

On the eve of the new year, many are interested in the question: how to draw a rooster in stages, is it not difficult to do it yourself? Still, because this bird is a symbol of the coming 2017, so its photograph or pictures must be in the house for all 365 days.

Rooster has bright color, it is magnificent, unusual, always diverse. His image brings incredible joy with its beauty. Many overflows in feathers on a chic tail look so wonderful that you don’t even want to take your eyes off them.

His gait is proud, his posture is even, he speaks importantly, looking around.

All this can be accurately conveyed by depicting a rooster with a pencil in stages. Enough to have Blank sheet paper to try yourself as an artist and prepare a surprise for everyone for the New Year's series of holidays.

beautiful drawing will be a nice gift for loved ones. And do not worry about the presence or absence of inclinations towards the fine arts.

Thanks to simple step-by-step instructions, rooster pictures will be easy for everyone. It remains only to choose which of the proposed schemes you like the most and perform it yourself.

green-tailed bully

Roosters are pretty bullies, they love to bully each other, they tend to constantly rush into battle. A beautiful tail and long spurs help them to always be among the leaders. It is such a fighter that we will try to portray.

To begin with, to draw a rooster with a pencil, you need to identify the main elements.

Singing alarm clock

The story goes that before the roosters were planted at the very top of the houses and kept there so that he woke up the owners with his singing in the morning.

Now no one torments the poor bird in this way, but the tradition of “getting up with the first roosters” has remained. Of course, people living in the city hardly know about it, but all the villagers know it firsthand.

Next, we suggest that you draw a rooster in stages such that the most noble nobles decorated their mansions in the old days.

Hero from fairy tales and cartoons

Petya is the favorite hero of all kids. Much has been written about him. fairy tales, created a lot of exciting cartoons. The characters are smart, sensible and always truthful. That is why the guys do not have a soul in him.

Together with your child, you can try to portray a fabulous handsome man. And the following diagram will help you figure out how to draw roosters from magical world accessible and very easy.

For children, these pictures will be more understandable if we draw an analogy with geometric shapes: head-circle, beak-triangle, body - two arcs, wing-oval.

What they say about the cockerel in the world

You cannot even imagine that this little bird is held in high esteem by many peoples on earth. Many writers in their works claimed that the rooster casts out ghosts, frees from evil spirits. And it happened exactly when he first shouted his “ku-ka-re-ku” after the night.

Therefore, painted pictures stored in rooms in a conspicuous place will be an excellent protection against any evil spirits. Rather, take pencils and immediately create yourself a bright symbol of protection.

The more colorful the shades are, the happier the mood will be when looking at the picture with the cockerel.

, Correctional Pedagogy

Presentation for the lesson

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Lesson type: combined.

Type of lesson: traditional.

Target: to form the ability to draw a cockerel in non-traditional ways.


  • Educational: to teach children to draw a cockerel in non-traditional (unusual) ways: with palms, fingers, pokes, a brush (by sticking).
  • Developing: develop fine motor skills when working with finger paints, as well as to develop the creativity of students.
  • Nurturing: cultivate a love for poultry and an aesthetic perception of nature.

Teaching methods and techniques: explanatory-illustrative, conversation, story, explanation, clarification, example, practical (performing a practical task), encouragement.

Means of education: finger paint, poke (ear sticks), brushes, table "Unconventional ways of drawing", routing"Drawing a cockerel", plot pictures depicting cockerels different breed, collective work of children with the image of the sun (finger activity), cards with the didactic task “Find an extra object”, multimedia equipment.

Basic concepts and terms:

Plumage - feathers, poke - stick with cotton wool for imprinting dots, small circles.

Lesson plan:

I. Organizing time.

II. Main stage.

  1. Introduction to the topic. The topic of the lesson.
  2. Repetition of the material covered.
  3. Explanation of new material.
  4. Updating new knowledge.
  5. Fizkultminutka.
  6. Practical work.

III. Summarizing.

  1. Exhibition of drawings.
  2. Self-analysis of students' activities.
  3. Questions session.
  4. Summary of the lesson.


I. Organizational moment

- Hello guys. Today will be an interesting lesson.

II. main stage

1. Introduction to the topic

Guys, sit up straight and listen carefully to the riddle. When you guess it, you will find out whom we will draw in the lesson.

Rises at dawn
Singing in the yard
Scallop on the head
Who is this?

- That's right, cock.

2. Posting the topic of the lesson

– Today at the lesson we will draw a cockerel in unusual ways.

3. Repetition of the material covered.

– Did you guys draw anything in unusual ways?

Suggested responses from children.

We drew the sun with fingers and palms.

Teacher: It is interesting to draw with fingers, but you need not to repeat the mistakes that were made in the last lesson (error prevention). You need to draw carefully.

4. Explanation of new material

The cockerel is a domestic bird. The people love the cockerel, he wakes everyone up early, finds food for his hens and chickens, protects them from enemies. In the old days, it was believed that the rooster greets the sunrise with its loud singing and, as it were, calls on the sun, driving away evil spirit and awakening the sleeping nature to life. This bird in the yard, as well as the stork on the roof, guarded the house from all kinds of disasters. Fairy tales were written about him.

Teacher: Name the fairy tales in which the cockerel is found.
- In what fairy tale did the cockerel help the bunny? (Slide 3) (children's answers)

Didactic task for generalization "Find an extra object" (Slide 4)

- What is missing here? Why?
- And now let's see what kind of cockerels are (viewing cockerels of various breeds). (Slide 5)
- Tell me, what do these cockerels have in common? (They have a comb, a large tail, sharp spurs on their legs)
- Tell me what different these roosters? (In appearance, feather coloration)
- What colour plumage (feathers)? (variegated (multi-colored) plumage; plumage of a single color)
- Tell us about the habits of fighting cockerels? (They fight)
- Tell me, is it good to fight? (No)
- So you do not quarrel, be friendly. Today we will draw a kind, beautiful, caring rooster.
In class, you can use non-traditional (unusual) ways of drawing: (Slide 6)
Name some unusual ways of drawing that you know.

Children's answers:

- drawing with a palm (element "palm": painting with a brush, dipping in paint),
finger painting(element "finger"),
- a method of "sticking" with a brush.

Teacher: pay attention to new way drawing - poke (stick with cotton or ear stick dipped in paint and an imprint is made in the form of a dot, a small circle). In this way, you can draw eyes, a pattern for plumage.

(Teacher showing a new way poke drawing)

5. Actualization of new knowledge

Teacher: Guys, do you have pets? Do you love them? What do you like about the rooster?
See in what order you need to draw a cockerel.<Annex 1 >

Method 1(Slide 7)

Paint plain cockerel is easy: the palm is painted in one color (for example, yellow) with a brush or dipping method and an imprint is made on paper, in the middle of the sheet. Then wash your hand of paint, wipe dry. After that, draw with fingertips: scallop, wings. poke draw eyes, a pattern for plumage. Paws and beak draw with a brush.

Method 2(Slide 8)

colorful cockerel is more difficult to draw. First you need to choose a color, paint your fingers with paints of various colors and make an imprint on paper. Then wash your hand and finish the missing elements of the picture with your fingers, poke, brush.

If desired, you can draw in the way dabbing with a brush grass in the clearing, draw flowers with your fingers, the sun. It is very important to show creativity and imagination so that your drawing is unusual and different from others. To do this, each of you will choose a color for the plumage, decorate the clearing with plants (grass, flowers) in your own way and draw the sun.

- How can you draw the body of a cockerel? (element "palm")
- How can you draw a scallop, wings? (Element "finger")
How can you draw eyes? ("Poke")
How can you draw grass? (“Finger” or “dipping” with a brush)

6. Physical education and finger gymnastics

early in the morning (play with fingers on the "pipe")
Shepherd - tu-ru-ru-ru.
early in the morning (turns)
Cockerel - ku-ka-re-ku! (flapping their wings)

7. Practical work.

Before we start drawing, let's remember safety precautions when working with paints and brushes.
- Colors cannot be tasted. The brush needs to be handled with care and precision. After work, you need to clean up the workplace.

Exercise: draw a cockerel in unusual ways, showing creativity. Position your drawing correctly on paper. Draw carefully.

– Try! You will succeed!

Control by the teacher of the practical work of students:

  • The correctness of the implementation of non-traditional methods of drawing.
  • Individual work with students who are having difficulty.
  • Quality control of the work performed, correction of errors.

III. Summarizing

1. Exhibition of drawings. <Appendix 2 >(Slides 9, 10)

Protection of works with the song "Cockerel - Golden Comb".

2. Self-analysis of students' activities.

- What mistakes were made?
- How did you show creativity?
- Are you satisfied with your work?

3. Conversation on questions

- What new did you learn today?
What unusual ways of drawing do you know?
Which drawing do you like the most and why?
Are you interested in drawing in unusual ways?

4. The result of the lesson:

The teacher comments on the work of the children, evaluates them and sums up:

- All the guys showed creativity, tried, and also learned how to draw a cockerel in unusual ways. The cockerels turned out beautiful and bright. Well done!


  1. Journal "Education and education of children with developmental disorders of speech". 3 2008
  2. Zakharova Yu.Zh. Article "Drawing Together in Unusual Ways"
  3. Selevko T.K."Alternative technologies" "Technology of workshops" JFES
  4. Methodology for conducting fine arts lessons on the topic "Decorative and applied art in human life" Pedagogical University. First of September. Lectures 1-4.

Drawing a cockerel with gouache step by step with a photo for children from 6 years old

Drawing a cockerel with gouache for children from 6 years old. Master class with step by step photos

Yakovleva Natalia Anatolievna
Description: this master class is intended for children from 6 years old, educators, teachers additional education, loving parents and creative people.
Purpose: can be used in drawing classes with children, for interior decoration, as a gift.
Target: perform a drawing of a cockerel in gouache, using a template
Learn how to fill in the background
Learn to draw a rooster in gouache on a sheet using a template.
Develop the ability to mix paints on a sheet of paper, on a palette.
To cultivate the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in the drawing.

Materials: gouache, brushes, a sheet of A-3 paper, a simple pencil, a jar of water, a coloring book with a picture of a rooster, scissors

Cockerel pattern:

Dear colleagues! I present to you a master class on drawing a cockerel. This work can be done with children from 6 years of age.
For achievement best result, I recommend preparing templates for children before starting the lesson

To get started, print out the coloring page with the image of a rooster and cut it out along the contour of the torso with the head.

Then you can transfer to cardboard several times (according to the number of children) and cut out

Before starting drawing in the lesson, consider photos of cockerels. Let's pay attention to the size of the head, to its ratio with the body; on the ratio of the body and tail; for coloring

Let's start filling in the background. Yellow thin lines denote the hills and rising Sun. Here I want to note that the number of hills in children can be different.

From the top edge of the sheet in yellow, we begin to tint the sky with arched strokes

We continue A little adding red to make light orange

Closer to the outline of the sun, add some more red to make the orange brighter. We do not paint over the sun.

We start painting over the hills. First green, gradually adding yellow to get a transition from dark to light

second hill

This is how it will look after painting all the hills

Let's draw dark green Christmas trees in the background

Attach the template and trace with a pencil. When positioning it, PAY ATTENTION to the fact that there is room on the right for a magnificent tail, and below for a fence

Color the head light brown. Dark brown we draw an eye, a beak.

We outline the scallop in red. It starts at the beak

Finishing the scallop

We draw a beard. She walks along the body

With yellow, with the addition of red, with small strokes, we fill the neck. We try to do this carefully so that the colors do not mix. We outline the wing.

We paint over the wing in blue, with the addition of white

We draw in blue, in the entire width of the brush, the lines are tail feathers

Emerald color paint over the lower part of the body and add a few lines-feathers on the tail

We add light strokes with white color to give expressiveness to the cockerel

Light brown, with the addition of dark brown, draw a fence

We finish drawing the legs of the rooster

If time permits, you can draw grass and flowers at the bottom of the sheet

Finished work can be framed

Below I bring to your attention the work of children 6 years old
