Ragnar will appear in season 5. Ragnar Lothbrok is a legendary Danish character in the Scandinavian sagas.

The television series "Vikings" has become the most successful project of the Canadian television channel "History". Over the past 4 seasons, the audience managed to fall in love with the harsh Vikings performed by the actors of the series and feel the atmosphere of the gloomy Middle Ages.

Luxurious scenery, expensive costumes, a fascinating plot - all this keeps millions of fans of the series in suspense, forcing them to count the days until the release of the new season. And it will certainly be - according to the creators, the project can be easily extended - the plot and audience support will allow it to exist long years. Series creator and screenwriter Michael Hurst announced the show's renewal on September 12, 2018, and filming began in the summer of 2019. Ciarán Donnelly, who has worked on such large-scale projects as The Tudors and Titanic: Blood and Steel, continues to direct. . The 1st episode of the 6th season of Vikings will be released in November 2019, a total of 20 episodes will be released. It also became known that this part will be final.

main feature series - reliance on real historical characters and events. In the center of the plot is the majestic figure of the descendant of Odin himself, the brave Viking - Ragnar Lothbrok. Having done hard way from an ordinary warrior to a Viking leader, he conquers lands and peoples, performs legendary feats, but nothing human is alien to him: Ragnar has many sons who are ready to continue his glorious work.


The action of season 1 begins in Scandinavia in 793, the young ambitious warrior of the Danish tribe - Ragnar - is tired of the short-sighted decisions of the local ruler. Enlisting the support of his brother Rollo and the shipbuilder Floki, he decides to go on a trip to the lands of England. The long journey ends successfully: the Vikings return to their homeland with rich booty. Ragnar's position among the people is strengthened, he becomes the ruler of the Danes and organizes new raids on Northumbria. But betrayal awaits the young ruler from the loved one: Rollo not only wants his brother's wife, he conspires against Ragnar with the leader of the Geth tribe - Borg, an internecine conflict is brewing.

Season 2 was no less exciting: Ragnar, who emerged victorious in internecine wars, decides on a new campaign - this time the lands of Wessex will tremble. His wife - Lagertha - leaves the warrior, taking her son, and becomes the ruler of Hedeby. In the absence of the leader of his land, Borg takes over, but Ragnar, with the support of ex-wife returns Kattegat, and then becomes a king, killing Horik. Lodbrok suffers the first defeat from the combined forces of Wessex and Northumbria, but everything ends in peace: the Vikings were offered new lands in exchange for service.

In season 3, Ragnar and Lagertha fight on the side of Princess Kwenthrith, victoriously crushing the troops of her relatives. But a much larger idea is already brewing in the warrior's head: the capture of Paris. The vast wealth that victory promises unites even his enemies around Ragnar. In 845, the Vikings came out: a long siege ended in victory and the sack of the city. Rollo leaves his brother to serve the French.

In season 4, Ragnar is seriously ill, the management of Kattegat passes into the hands of his son, Bjorn. As soon as the disease recedes, the tireless Ragnar makes a new attack on Paris. But Rollo defends with dignity, as a result of which the Vikings suffer a crushing defeat. The tribesmen force Ragnar to leave the village, returning, he finds that his younger sons have become adult men who feel nothing but hatred for him. Only Ivar still loves him - a cripple from birth. Together with their father, they make an unsuccessful attack on England, as a result of which Ragnar is executed. And Ivar, returning to his homeland, joins his brothers in a great raid on Northumbria and Wessex: the death of his father will be avenged.

In season 5, the plot will focus on the sons of the legendary Ragnar, who has retired from government affairs. The triumphant victory in Paris and the conquest of England push the Vikings to new raids: Bjorn asks for Rollo's help in conquering the Mediterranean.

The creators of the series will introduce many new characters in season 5: one of the roles will be played by Hollywood actor Irish-born Jonathan Rhys Meyers, known for the projects "The Tudors" and "Dracula". Famous historical characters will appear in the series: Alfred the Great, Ivar the Boneless, the Vikings will travel to Kievan Rus and Iceland. Floki and Bjorn will remain in the spotlight, but Lagertha's future in the project is very vague: there are rumors that death awaits her in the new season.

Season 6 announcement

In the sixth season of the series, our glorious warriors set off across the Great silk road. This road became a link between the ancient Mediterranean and East Asia. They will meet the rulers ancient Rus' and start trading. In addition, they will reach China, which at that time had technologies and capabilities that were unprecedented for them. warships sail half the world to bring silk to Europe.


Most of the filming of the series is on location, that is, they take place in unique natural places. The creators of the series were attracted by Ireland, and not surprisingly, in reserved places this ancient country the directors of Game of Thrones and many other large-scale historical projects went for beautiful shots. A favorite place for filming was County Wicklow, located 100 km from Dublin. The name of the county is translated as "meadow of the Vikings", the place was predetermined for filming by fate itself.

One of the most spectacular scenes of the series is the conquest of Paris by the Vikings; unique scenery, the largest in Europe, was built for it. During filming, hundreds of stuntmen literally burned at work: they were really set on fire for the scene of taking the castle. The castle itself also deserves special attention: all the stained-glass windows and statues, each tile is the handwork of the project's production designers.

Cast members

The selection of actors is an important component of the filming process, it is necessary to discern the possibilities and potential of thousands of candidates for the roles. For the filming of the series "Vikings" performers were first selected minor roles, only then the creators decided on the fate of the main characters. Most of the actors of the series are of Canadian and Irish origin, all of them had to learn the basics of fencing before work.

The Australian actor Travis Fimmel was approved for the role of Ragnar Lothbrok, for the already aged Travis this role was a real breakthrough in his career.
Clive Standen brilliantly played the role of Ragnar's brother Rollo, behind his back a stunt past, which had a lot to do with the statement in the series.
The Canadian actress Katheryn Winnick, who is familiar to the audience for the role of Lagertha, unusual surname- she is real, the ancestors of the actress were from Ukraine.

Gustav Skarsgard became almost the only real descendant of the Vikings on the set - the performer of the role of Floki was born in Sweden, his height is as much as 193 cm.

  • Ragnar Lothbrok was supposedly the ruler of Sweden and Denmark in the 9th century, but there are no historical documents confirming this fact.
  • Ravens are often shown in the series, this is no coincidence: in Scandinavian mythology, these birds were revered as Odin's companions, telling him all the events in the world.
  • The Vikings endowed the characteristic nicknames of the most prominent figures in history: “lodbrok” is translated as leather pants, “harbard” is a gray-bearded one.
  • All the characters in the series are decorated with tattoos: according to historians, drawing on the body was indeed inherent in the Scandinavians.
  • One of the most unusual tattoos in the project belongs to Rollo: it depicts a classic apocalypse scene from Norse mythology.

When will Vikings Season 6 be released?

Episode numberNamerelease date
6x01Series 1November 27, 2019
6x02Series 2December 4, 2019
6x03Series 3December 11, 2019
6x04Series 4December 18, 2019
6x05Series 5December 25, 2019
6x06Series 6January 1, 2020
6x07Series 7January 8, 2020
6x08Series 8January 15, 2020
6x09Series 9January 22, 2020
6x10Series 10January 29, 2020
6x11Series 11November 25, 2020
6x12Series 12December 2, 2020
6x13Episode 13December 9, 2020
6x14Episode 14December 16, 2020
6x15Episode 15December 23, 2020
6x16Episode 16December 30, 2020
6x17Episode 17January 6, 2021
6x18Series 18January 13, 2021
6x19Episode 19January 20, 2021
6x20Series 20January 27, 2021

A new episode of the series "Vikings" season 4 has been released. Episode 15 can be watched in Russian translation right now.

New episode TV series "Vikings" season 4 was released in Russian translation. Her viewing will upset many fans of the series. In the new episode of the series, there is a lot of cruelty and blood, as well as sadness, sadness and the nascent thirst for revenge.

It all starts with Ragnar saying goodbye to his son Ivar the Boneless. Finally, he gives him advice on how to continue to live and, most importantly, how to avenge him. Previously, Lodbrok agreed with King Egbert that he would save him from the revenge of his sons. In return, he asked to release his son. However, the king himself says to Ivar that the sons should take revenge on Egbert, and not Ella. So the great Viking decided to last time pull off a cunning plan against the hated Saxons.

Ragnar in a cage is handed over to King Ella. A blind driver guides the horses along the way. He turns to the prisoner and says he sees him. This was precisely the prediction of Ragnar's death: he would die when the blind man saw him. The wagon in the forest meets with Ellie's retinue and then a long bloody feast begins. An old enemy of Lothbrok is enjoying every minute of his torment. First, his cage is hung high on a tree. The king's guards poke him with spears and burn the floor with torches. Ella himself watches this during the meal and laughs happily. The next day, the exhausted Viking is taken to torture the king himself. First he hits him. But not in a fair fight. Ragnar is held by guards while he beats him. Then Ella tries to extort requests from the Viking to forgive sins. But loyal to Odin and his other gods, Ragnar is not going to do it.

The Viking's execution is scheduled for the next day. A deep hole is dug for him, and poisonous snakes are thrown into it. Before his death, Ragnar Lothbrok says that he is not afraid of oblivion and joyfully goes to Odin. The frightened King Egberd also came to watch his execution. He disguises himself as an old man and attends the bloody battle incognito.

Meanwhile, a ship with Ivar the Boneless arrives in Kattegat. And then Ubba and Siggurd take their brother away. Relatives are waiting for a difficult conversation. Ivar tells the brothers that his father has been taken prisoner by King Ella. And also the fact that Ragnar is most likely already dead. And then his brothers tell him their sad news: their mother is dead. In the last episode, Lagertha shot Aslaung in the back when she had already given up and refused to fight. Ivar had the closest relationship with his mother, as she loved her youngest son more than anyone else. Therefore, the news of the death of a beloved woman hurts Ivar painfully. He clutches tightly the chess piece given to him by Egbert's grandson before leaving. This causes blood to flow from his palms.

This is possible, given that in the fourth season, Ragnar Lothbrok (played by Travis Fimmel) was allegedly killed off. The audience saw how the main character Ragnar was thrown into a pit with poisonous snakes by the enemies.

There's a chance this is one of the ploys to keep them looking forward to the release of Season 5. This can be represented as a vision or a dream.

Finally, his brother Rollo (Clive Standen) showed up unexpectedly at last episode of Vikings in episode 10 "Moments of Sight".

Vikings creator Michael Hirst has already hinted that Rollo is going on a trip and maybe he will meet his brother.

In an interview, the writer said, “The viewer needs to understand why he came back. He returned for a reason that carries over into the first season of the series. There are unresolved issues in his life with his brother and Lagertha that he still wants to resolve."

Will it Season 6 of Vikings? There is good news for the fans! Back in 2017, a popular television network in the United States announced this.

Executive Producer Eli Lehrer stated: Season 6 of Vikings brutal scenes of the battle between Rognar Lothbrok and the Great Chinese Army will be shown. And his sons will continue to explore and conquer the world. It is planned to shoot about 40 more episodes historical series"Vikings".

Filming for season 6 has already begun. film set in Ireland. And at the end of this year, viewers will see the 5th season of the Vikings series.

Brief biography of the life of Ragnar Lodbrok and his children.

According to legend, Ragnar Lodbrok was one of the Ynglings - the rulers of Sweden and Norway. To date, there is no reliable information that he really existed, but various epics and myths tell that the Danish king is not a fictional character.

Ragnar Lodbrok played an important role in the history of Denmark, being an excellent commander and commander, he won the battle of Bravellir in East Gautland. Many epics and songs were told about the bloodiest battle, thanks to which the story of the feat Ragnar Lodbrok

has come down to our days.

King of Denmark - Sigurda Ring was the father Ragnar Lothbrok and was also part of the Yngling family, he ruled for a very long time, until his death.

By 845, Ragnar Lodbrok becomes an influential jarl of his time. He was always at the epicenter of battles and battles because he wanted glory, he wanted to be a hero. According to legend, Ragnar was afraid that his children would become more famous than he. In the Scandinavian countries, he is proclaimed a real legend, a robber, an adventurer and just an adventurer.

Ragnar Lothbrok believed in paganism and saw himself as a direct follower of the god Odin.

In honor of the hero there is a celebration - March 28 "Day of Ragnar Lothbrok". On this day they tell different stories, there are festivities and extensive festivities. March 28, 845 Ragnar conquered Paris, according to legend, he had 120 ships with five thousand soldiers in his arsenal.

Karl the Bald- the ruler of France, admitted defeat and agreed to pay tribute in silver in exchange for the fact that Paris would remain untouched. As a result, the Parisian lands were still plundered.

Children of Ragnar Lothbrok

Ragnar was a polygamist, his first wife, Lagertha, sewed leather pants for him, which were a protective symbol for him. Because of this, Ragnar Lodbrok was nicknamed "Ragnar Leatherpants".

He had many sons and illegitimate children, all of whom were also famous and enjoyed fame. The most famous son of Ragnar - Ivar the Boneless(Ragnarsson), he was known for his bloodthirstiness and cruelty, having gathered a whole army, Ivar tried to conquer England.

Scandinavian legends tell that Ragnar Lodbrok belonged to the Ynglings and was related to Freyr, the god of fertility and sunlight. Freyr's father was a van (a deity following the Æsir in the hierarchy). He remained with Odin as a hostage to mark the truce between the Æsir and the Vanir. It is said that Freyr was inhumanly handsome and peaceful. He could not stand wars and became the ancestor of the first kings (these are the future Swedish and Norwegian kings).

In fact, there is very little evidence that Ragnar Lothbrok existed at all, as a result, it is not possible to know for sure about his ancestry. It is possible that there was such a character. Then he was the son of the Danish king Sigurd Ring. Sigurd is the great-grandson of the Skyr king, who represented the Yngling clan.

Sigurd Kolts managed to achieve the Danish throne by defeating one king. It was King Harold the Toothless, and the battle itself took place in the region of Bravellir. This battle is mentioned in many tribal sagas. Moreover, this fight is widely described as the bloodiest massacre that could only be seen in the North.

According to the assumptions of some expert historians, Ragnar is most likely one of the most senior Danish leaders in the first half of the 9th century. In addition, if at one time he was recognized as a jarl, then most likely this could have happened five years before his death.

What does Lodbrok mean?

According to legend, the nickname Lodbrok (translated as “Leather Pants”) was assigned to Ragnar in his childhood. One day, while walking in the forest, he suddenly found himself in a hole. It was dug by hunters to catch wild animals. The hole was dug too long ago, because during this period many snakes crawled into it and made their home there. According to this legend, Ragnar was saved from imminent death thanks to thick leather pants, because the snakes could not bite through them.

Another version says that Ragnar's leather pants were sewn by his first wife Lagerta, or Lazgerta. She gave them to her husband as a talisman or amulet, which was supposed to protect its owner. Some stories say that the Danish king had to put them on before every battle, while others say that he stayed in them even in peacetime.

Scholars and linguists are still arguing over Ragnar's nickname. Some people think that "Lodbrok" ​​would be correctly translated as "dark green pants." Others think that this element of clothing does not matter. In particular, the writer and researcher Rory McTurk has an assumption that Lodbrock came from the distorted name of the Lodbrick River, which flows through the territory of the English county of Devonshire. This name is translated as “hating stream” or “stream of hatred”.

The eminent Icelandic historian and linguist Herman Palsson has no doubt that "Lodbrok" ​​is an Old English word. However, he believes that it comes from the corrupted Icelandic "leodbroga", which can be translated as "scaring people" or "terrifying".

There is another translated nickname for Lodbrok as "Fate-Blessed". According to this interpretation, Ragnar went to battle under a banner bearing a single image of Odin's raven. This raven showed with its wing where the Vikings of Ragnar should go.

Marital status: wives and children

According to the Ynglinga Saga, Ragnar Lodbrok had three wives. The first was Lagerta (Lazgerta), who was called shieldmaiden (warrior maiden). Ragnar managed to achieve her hand only after passing the test. He fought wolf and bear. From Lagertha, Lodbrok had a son and two daughters, but they did not play significant roles for the Scandinavians.

According to the legends, the gods sent omens to Lothbrok, first setting dogs on him, and then a bear. This was the pretext for the king to divorce Lagertha and marry Thora, the daughter of Jarl Herred. From his second wife, Lodbrok had three more children - two sons and a daughter. Thora Ragnar also abandoned.

The third wife Aslaug had noble birth. She was her own berry with Lothbrok himself. Aslaug - daughter famous hero who killed the dragon Fafnir. This marriage brought Lodbrok four sons - Sigurd the Serpent-in-the-eye, Bjorn Ironside, Ivar the Boneless, Hvitserk and daughter Ragnhilda.

Historians who believe Ragnar Lothbrok is real historical personality, one has to prove the fact that only official marriages brought at least eleven children. Some of them started the Danish conquest of England.

At the same time, many researchers are of the opinion that Lodbrok was quite prolific and disdainful of the concept of marital devotion. As a consequence, in fact, he possessed many bastards, not only in Denmark, but throughout Scandinavia.

Paris campaign

Ragnar Lothbrok managed to enter the legends not as a result of his polygony or kinship with deities. It is generally accepted that he trembled before his descendants could not surpass all his successes. In an effort to prevent this, he got involved in a wide variety of adventures and adventurous campaigns. Thanks to this, he managed to earn fame, fame and reputation. He was known as an experienced navigator and a skilled warrior.

Therefore, when in 845 Ragnar drew attention to the West Frankish kingdom, up to five thousand Viking warriors decided to support him. Approximately one and a half hundred drakars, together with powerful northern warriors, left the Danish coast. All together they went in search of fame and fortune in the Frankish lands.

Having reached the French coast, the troops split in half. The army of Ragnar went to the Seine, and his soldiers devoted friend Hasting set off in the direction of the Loire. Leaving behind ruined temples, burned villages and piles of corpses, the two armies united on the way to Paris.

The Frankish ruler Charles II the Bald wanted to circle the attacking side of the northerners around his finger. He divided his troops and deployed them on both banks of the Seine River. However, Charles II was poorly prepared for the defense. He did not foresee differences in the width of the river. So, at the moment one half of the French troops took over the main blow, the other could not help in any way and simply watched the massacre.

Having defeated the enemies on one bank, Lodbrok ordered the execution by hanging of more than a hundred French prisoners on a small island in the middle of the Seine. The troops on the opposite bank immediately fled when they saw this horrific sight. On March 28, Ragnar Lothbrok managed to enter Paris as the winner. As soon as he received a well-deserved payoff, he immediately returned home. However, this was not enough for him. After some time, he returned again and ruined all the villages along the banks in the lowlands of the Seine.

According to some historians, the fall of Paris was not due to the military talents of Ragnar, it was a happy accident. The French of that time knew how to fight in the same way as the northerners, just during the aggression of the Vikings, France was bled to death by internecine wars. Then three sons of Louis the Pious fought for the throne. And Charles II himself was not the best military leader.

Hog with his piglets: the death of Ragnar Lothbrok

Twenty years after his Parisian triumphal procession, Ragnar Lodbrok decided to remember his youth and again gathered an army, but now to plunder Britain. He chose as a victim one (and there were seven in all) island kingdom - Northumbria. In those days, power was in the hands of King Ella II.

In accordance with the sagas, in this battle the gods were not on the side of Lothbrok, and the Northumbrian army put up a worthy resistance. The Viking army was defeated, and Ragnar himself was captured with numerous wounds. The local king prepared a refined execution for the legendary jarl.

He was thrown into a well filled with poisonous snakes. The sagas claimed that the snakes failed to bite Ragnar because of his leather clothes. However, one of them managed to bite him in the face area, and he died. According to the skalds, last words were like, “Oh, how my pigs will grunt when they find out how the old hog died!”

Historians do not dispute the death of Ragnar as a result of the ill-fated raid on the Northumbra kingdom. However, they believe that in 865, due to an error in navigation, his ship was destined to run aground. Why did the local army defeat the northern raiders without any problems, and captured their leader, after which they put him to death. Many researchers question the fact that he actually died the way it is narrated in the saga, however, like his poetic dying speeches. It is possible that they were added later.

Upon learning of the death of a parent, and that he was put to death as a criminal and would not go to Valhalla after that, Ivar the Boneless and Bjorn Ironside were angry. They agreed with several more brothers and set about organizing an army of many thousands, which in 867 went to the British Isles.

After capturing Northumbria and taking revenge on Ella II, the army moved on and defeated part of England. In history, it became known as the Great Pagan Army (Great Danish Army). Some historians do not deny the fact that there was an attack on the British Isles by a large number of Vikings, and that this happened in the second half of the 9th century. However, it is not recognized that the invasion of the Danish army began because of revenge for Lodbrok. Perhaps this was only an excuse to cover the sons of Ragnar in order to gather a large army to march on new lands.

To date, the history main character Ragnar Lodbrok, still alive. It is still overgrown with legends and clothed with new interpretations. Large numbers books, films, computer games, with semi-legendary characters, adheres to the centuries-old traditions of myth-making. The stories known to all are complemented by new colors and plot twists, and a new look at the affairs of bygone years.
