The legend of the quiche is the image of the protagonist. "The Tale of Kish" main characters

Gritsenko Elizabeth

Research work.The image of the main character in the work of Jack London "The Tale of Kish".



branch of the Municipal educational institution

Secondary school No. 17 -

Medium comprehensive school № 3

Research work

The image of the main character in the work of Jack London "The Tale of Kish"


Gritsenko, Elizabeth

5th grade student

Branch of MOU secondary school No. 17-School No. 3


Tolmacheva Natalya Mikhailovna

teacher of Russian language and literature

Kartaly, 2015

  1. Introduction …………………………………………………………….3
  2. Main part
  1. Interesting Facts from the biography of the writer…………………... 4
  2. Terms: image, main character, legend…………………….6
  3. The image of Kishi…………………………………………………………8
  1. Conclusion…………………………………………………………10
  2. References…………………………………………………..11
  1. Introduction

I just got started scientific research and this is my first job. But I'm with full responsibility I can say that doing literary research is very useful for several reasons:

  1. Expand your horizons and gain new knowledge.
  2. Perhaps it is we (young scientists) who will be able to find something new that researchers have not noticed before. After all, we are looking at works from a completely new angle.
  3. We (young scientists) will be able to reveal the images of the heroes of the works we have studied, which will help our classmates save time and broaden their horizons no less than ours.

My choice fell on the work of Jack London "The Tale of Kish", not only because it is interesting to read. The image of the protagonist seemed to me rather complicated and relevant for our time.Most children really want to grow up, they try to seem like adults. Girls start wearing makeup early, and guys show their masculinity in conversations using obscene language. In my opinion, revealing the image of the main character will help many young guys understand what it means to be adults at such an early age.

The degree of knowledge of the problem.

I was able to find only various lesson notes for the “Tale of Kish” lessons: either one lesson or a series of literature lessons with foreign authors. This allows us to say that little attention was paid to this work, which means that the topic of my research was little studied. It follows from this that it is relevant.

The purpose of my work: To reveal the image of the main character and at the same time show how it is possible at a very young age not only to seem like an adult, but to act like an adult.

Thus, the tasks my research became:

  1. Identify the main stages of growing up the main character.
  2. Study his life position.
  3. Answer main question: Does Kishi seem like an adult or is he a precocious kid?

Object of study:The main character (Kishi).

Subject of study:Jack London's The Tale of Kish.

Methodological basis of the study. In the course of the study, the comparative literary method, the biographical method, as well as the principle of selectivity and the principle of integrity were used.

  1. Main part

2.1 Interesting facts from the biography of Jack London

In my opinion, Jack London is not only great author but also very interesting. One of the lakes was named after him. Far East. There are two versions of the name of this lake.

One of the versions says that the old-timers living near this lake claim that during the discovery of the lake, a book by Jack London "Martin Eden" was found on the shore.

However, there is another version of the origin of this name near the lake. There is a version that many geologists were very fond of the works of London. There are beliefs that as many as two leaders of various expeditions wanted to name one of the geographical objects in honor of this author. And in 1932 the geologist P.I. Skornyakov fulfilled his dream and named one of the lakes of the northeast in his honor, giving him the name of Jack London.

As Lunina Irina Evgenievna notes in her dissertation “ Art world Jack London”, “according to a study conducted in 1952 by UNESCO, J. London was recognized as the most popular writer in Europe and Russia and the most "translated" writer.

I think it's important to know that Jack London is not his real name. Present - John Griffith Cheney. Jack is an abbreviation for John, as his closest people called him. His mother married John London, at that time baby Cheney was almost a year old. After the marriage of his mother, John Griffiti Cheyne, everyone began to call, like his stepfather, John London.

Little Jack London knew firsthand what it meant to behave like an adult. The boy worked no less than an adult man. He began early in his working life, which was full of hardships. In elementary school, he sold morning and evening newspapers. After graduating from elementary school, he began working at a cannery as a simple worker, but the work turned out to be too hard for the boy, and he left. After that, he illegally caught oysters in San Francisco Bay. After that, he was hired as a sailor on a schooner, where he first went to sea. The schooner that Jack hired was a fishing schooner, she went to the shores of Japan and the Bering Sea.

I believe that it was precisely such a varied and working life of Jack London that allowed him to write one of the most remarkable works, which I analyze in my work - The Tale of Kish.

But if Jack London were an uneducated sailor, then we would never be able to read his works. That is why I think that in my work it is worth talking about the education of this writer.

He self-prepared and passed all the exams in order to enter the University of California. However, after the 3rd semester, due to lack of funds for studies, he was forced to leave. In the spring of 1897, he went to the mines, at that time it was called the "gold rush". He left for Alaska. He returned to San Francisco in 1898. London experienced all the "charms" of the northern winter. He was not showered with gold, but fate gave him a huge number of meetings, I think that it was there that he met our hero Kishi.

Thus, Jack London was a man who:

I believe that it was the events of his life that I have listed that allowed London to create the image of "Kishi".

  1. Terms: Image, protagonist, legend.

Having examined the term image in various explanatory dictionaries, I came to the conclusion that in the dictionaries edited by Efremova, Ozhegov, Shvedova and Ushakov, there are common and different. General can be considered: appearance, appearance, likeness. Different in these explanatory dictionaries - living, reflection, idea, feeling, image, generalization, reflection, type, character.

And in the philosophical encyclopedic dictionary, in my opinion, the most correct concept is given to the image: “the result of the reflection of an object in the human mind”.

Thus, each definition supplements and extends the general that is given in them. I brought out my definition of the image in order to understand what I mean when I talk about the image of Kishi.

The image is the result of reflection in the mind of a person, appearance, type, likeness, which is a living, generalized reflection of the ideas, feelings and character of someone.

Since I am considering not just the image in the work, but the image of the main character, it is necessary to consider the definition: the main character.

When I was looking for a definition of this term, I ran into a problem. I didn't find this phrase. The wording of the term "hero" is very common, as well as in literary dictionary one can find the term literary hero»: « one of the main characters in a work of art (as opposed to a character). In my opinion, this definition can be equated with the desired concept of "protagonist". In explanatory dictionaries, in the definition of the word "hero" there is an indication of a literary hero. Common in explanatory dictionaries edited by Ozhegov, Shvedova and Efremova is: main, acting, exploits, person; and different: unusual, arouses interest, embodies the features of the era.

Thus, the terms literary hero and protagonist of the work can be considered identical. To the term in the literary dictionary "literary hero", for a complete understanding, it is necessary to add the common and different that is in the explanatory dictionaries. We get the following definition:the protagonist is the main protagonist of the work, which is unusual due to the fact that it embodies the features of the era, and therefore arouses interest.

The work in which I will consider the image of the protagonist is a legend, this is indicated in the very title of the work: “The Legend of Kish”. It turns out that the author himself from the very beginning implies knowledge of this word. This says that we just need to talk about the meaning of this word.

The meaning of this definition can only be looked for in a literary dictionary. So in the dictionary edited by Fritsche, Lunacharsky it is said that the legend implies several types: historical, hagiographic, apocryphal, teachings and stories. After reading the work itself, one can say with accuracy that it refers to a story-tale. The story-tale is "an extensive genre of secular and spiritual stories, translated and original, which are similar to the modern literary story".

From all of the above, it follows that in the story-talethe image of the main character can be considered the result of reflection in the mind of a person, the appearance, appearance of the main actor in the work.

2.3 Kishi's image

The events described in the legend took place near the polar sea, where the main character lived. He lived in a needle. The igloo is the ice house of the Eskimos, which has a domed shape.

The main character is the boy Kishi, who is 12 years old.

His voice is heard at the council, despite the fact that such small ones were forbidden to speak out. The first time his voice was heard, because,when they ate, the meat was tough and old and had a lot of bones in it.Then Kish's voice came again, because he was proud of his father. The boy openly, without fear of anyone, declares that he will be able to go hunting and kill bears on his own.

"Justice" is a key concept in Kish's words. Kish wanted to achieve justice and equality, despite his age. He considered it fair to help his tribe if you can do it, no matter how old you are. It is fair if every inhabitant of the city gets a good piece of meat. But the men of the tribe considered it unfair if some kind of a little boy who has not seen life.

I compiled a table of evidence that speaks about the correctness of the tribe's hunters and the opposite arguments, and this is what happened:

Thus, the reader must understand both the boy who speaks like a grown man and the men of the tribe.

Leaving the council, Kish experienced anger, frustration and annoyance. The author conveys his feelings with the words: “Kish's eyes lit up, the blood boiled and rushed to his cheeks with a hot blush .... he gritted his teeth and went.

Kish still managed to defend his case, because he was able to prove that he himself could kill a bear without any help.

The successful hunt of the protagonist began to cause rumors about witchcraft in the village. There is an explanation for this. The boy killed five bears, remained invincible, there were no scratches on him. That is why the inhabitants considered him a sorcerer.

Kish did not consider his successful and easy hunting a secret or secret. He took whale oil and stuck around a crumpled baleen, the ends of which were very sharp and turned out to be a lump of fat with a whalebone inside. These lumps of fat brought great pain to the bear and could be easily dealt with. The men wanted to get the secret of his stealth hunt, but all they had to do was ask. When Klosh-Kwan came to him and asked him to tell him how he hunted. The boy spoke about it without hesitation.

Of the parents, the main character had only a mother. She did not live richly, the inhabitants of the city did not pay attention to her, she got bad meat, like many women from the tribe. Kishi's mother lived in a small needle. But then, when Kish began to catch bears, they looked at Kish's mother and at him with a different look.

Despite the fact that he was expelled from the council, he did not become embittered, he brought meat to the whole village, fed everyone, shared everything honestly, as he promised, did not forget about the family, about the house: “I want to build myself a new needle, - Kish once said to Klosh-Kwan and other hunters. “It should be a spacious igloo so that Aikiga and I can live comfortably in it.”

I believe that Kish can be called an honest, kind, proud and hardworking person.

The writer explains to us why Kish became the first person in the tribe, and then the leader: You need to think and work not only with your hands, but also with your head, you don’t need to rely on a miracle, his ingenuity helped to rise, and not witchcraft.

  1. Conclusion

Conducting my research in order to study the image of the protagonist of the work "The Tale of Kishi", I got acquainted with the terms: image, protagonist, legend, and I also deduced the most complete definitions, covering all aspects of these definitions. I got acquainted with the work and studied literary terminology.

The purpose of my work was to reveal the image of the hero in such a way as to show how a teenager should act if he wants adults to listen to him and consider him an equal.

I believe that the goal has been achieved. The main features of the main character are:

  1. Words are related to deeds.
  2. Words are not thrown to the wind.
  3. Goes on hard labour, for work not correlated with age.
  4. Labor should be not only physical, but also mental.
  5. "Justice" is the key concept in words.

The main stages of growing up can be called the following:

First: Boldly expresses his point of view at the council.

Second: He decides to go on a difficult task - hunting.

Third: Begins to benefit the tribe by bringing good prey from the hunt.

Fourth: Awareness that he is entitled to appropriate housing according to his status. He cannot build it himself, as he is constantly busy hunting, his fellow tribesmen, who feed at his expense, must build it for him.

Fifth: Easily reveals the secret of his successful hunt, thereby helping other hunters bring more meat to the tribe.

Sixth: Becomes the first person of the tribe, and later the leader.

Thus, answering the question: does Kishi seem like an adult or is he an early grown-up kid? It's safe to say that he's a grown-up kid. He had to grow up because his father died early, and his mother needed help, she needed to eat well. That is why Kishi goes through all the stages of growing up.

Having carried out this research, I will be able to introduce a large number of students not only to the terms, but also to the image of the main character of The Tale of Kishi. I will be able to convey to them my idea that the painted faces of girls and the curses from the lips of boys do not make them adults. I can confirm this with a twelve-year-old boy named Kishi.

  1. Bibliography
  1. Dissertation of the doctor of philological sciences. - Lunina, Irina Evgenievna. – Moscow//Philological sciences. Fiction- USA - American Literature - con. 19 - beg. 20th century (2nd half of the 90s of the 19th century - 1917) - Personalities of writers-- London Jack (1876-1916) - Writer -- general characteristics and the significance of the writer's work. – 618 C.
  2. Efremova T. F. New dictionary Russian language. Explanatory derivational. - M.: Russian language, 2000
  3. Literary encyclopedia. - In 11 tons; M .: publishing house of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Friche, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929-1939.
  4. S.I. Ozhegova, N.Yu. Shvedova Dictionary Russian language. - M., 2005
  5. Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language / Ed. D.N. Ushakov. - M.: State. in-t "Sov. entsikl."; OGIZ; State. foreign publishing house and national words., 1935-1940. (4 tons)
  6. Terminological dictionary-thesaurus on literary criticism. From allegory to iambic. - M.: Flint, Science. N.Yu. Rusova. 2004.
  7. Philosophical encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch. editors: L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. 1983.
  8. Electronic resource: Jack London "The Tale of Kishi".

    Goal of the work consists in studying the content and originality of the work of Jack London, primarily in the aspect of perception and artistic display of the image of the protagonist.

    The first chapter of the project refers to Jack London as the author of the book "The Tale of Kish". Having studied the biographical information about this author, the following factors were identified that influenced the content of the text under consideration:

    1. Tested on myself early childhood, the most varied and difficult work.
    2. He was engaged in self-education, since he did not have enough money to get an education at the university.
    3. I met a huge number of people, whose images, in my opinion, became the basis of many works.
    4. I visited the Sea of ​​Japan and the Baltic Sea, as well as in the north.

    In the second paragraph of the project, the terms necessary for the literary analysis of the image were considered, namely: the main character, the image, the legend.

    The third paragraph reveals the image of the protagonist in the work "The Tale of Kish".

    Kish can be called an honest, kind, proud and hardworking person. The writer explains to us why Kish became the first person in the tribe, and then the leader: You need to think and work not only with your hands, but also with your head, you don’t need to rely on a miracle, his ingenuity helped him rise.

    Kish will grow good boy, since at such a young age he thinks not only about himself, but about the whole tribe.

    The story of Kishi teaches us not just to throw words, but to do. If you want to be an adult, then be prepared to do adult things. Be prepared to not be believed. And only perseverance and hard work can achieve respect among adults.

    The new knowledge gained will allow me not only to reveal the image of the hero, when discussing this work on extracurricular activities but also to show the children what it means to be an adult.


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    Gritsenko Elizaveta 5 a class branch MOUSOSH No. 17 School No. 3

    "The image of the main character in the work of Jack London" The Tale of Kish "

    Thank you for your attention!

"The Tale of Kish" the main characters of Jack London's story show an example of behavior in difficult life situations.

"The Tale of Kish" main characters

  • Kish-main character
  • Aikiga- Kish's mother
  • Klosh-Kwan- tribal leader
  • massuk- tribesman
  • Uk Gluk- tribe hunter
  • Beam and Bone-two young, best hunters in the village

"The Tale of Misha" characteristic of Kish

Kish's character traits- courage, courage, ingenuity, ingenuity, self-esteem.

The protagonist, a 13-year-old boy named Kish, took responsibility for his life and the life of his mother. To survive, he had to become a man at the age of 13 and go hunting.

"Justice" is a key concept in Kish's words. Kish wanted to achieve justice and equality, despite his age. He considered it fair to help his tribe if you can do it, no matter how old you are. It is fair if every inhabitant of the city gets a good piece of meat. But the men of the tribe considered it unfair if they were pointed out by some little boy who had not seen life.

Leaving the council, Kish experienced anger, frustration and annoyance. The author conveys his feelings with the words: “Kish's eyes lit up, the blood boiled and rushed to his cheeks with a hot blush .... he gritted his teeth and went.

Kish still managed to defend his case, because he was able to prove that he himself could kill a bear without any help.

The successful hunt of the protagonist began to cause rumors of witchcraft in the village. There is an explanation for this. The boy killed five bears, and there were no scratches on him. That is why the inhabitants considered him a sorcerer.

Kish did not consider his successful and easy hunting a secret or secret. He took whale oil and stuck around a crumpled baleen, the ends of which were very sharp and turned out to be a lump of fat with a whalebone inside. These lumps of fat brought great pain to the bear and could be easily dealt with. The men wanted to get the secret of his stealth hunt, but all they had to do was ask. When Klosh-Kwan came to him and asked him to tell him how he hunted. The boy spoke about it without hesitation.

Of the parents, the main character had only a mother. She did not live richly, the inhabitants of the city did not pay attention to her, she got bad meat, like many women from the tribe. Kishi's mother lived in a small needle. But then, when Kish started catching bears, they looked at Kish's mother and at him with a different look.

Despite the fact that he was expelled from the council, he did not become embittered, he brought meat to the whole village, fed everyone, divided everything fairly, and did not forget about the family, about the house: “I want to build myself a new needle,” Kish once said Klosh-Kwan and other hunters. “It should be a spacious needle so that Aikige and I can live comfortably in it.”

Kish can be called an honest, kind, proud and hardworking person.

The writer explains to us why Kish became the first person in the tribe, and then the leader: You need to think and work not only with your hands, but also with your head, you don’t need to rely on a miracle, his ingenuity helped to rise, and not witchcraft.

\ Documentation \ For a teacher of Russian language and literature

When using materials from this site - and placement of the banner is MANDATORY!!!

Development of a literature lesson based on the work of Jack London "The Tale of Kish"

The lesson plan was sent to: Naumova Marina Nikolaevna, teacher of Russian language and literature, high category, secondary school No. 6 of the city of Volzhsk, the Republic of Mari El.

"13 Suns of Kish..." (Literature lesson in grade 5 based on Jack London's "The Tale of Kish")

The purpose of the lesson:

  • - To acquaint students with the work of D. London "The Tale of Kish";
  • - Introduce the concept of "tale" in the context of literary education;
  • - Continue work on the characteristics of the hero;
  • - Define what it means to be an adult.

Equipment: The text of the work; "Workbooks on literature for grade 5 M.N. Naumova; portrait of D. London; reference materials for the lesson.

During the classes:

I. Preliminary work on the topic of the lesson.

Teacher: Our journey through the country of Literature continues... The works of the great Russians and foreign writers have already been read by us this academic year. These are not just works, this is the beginning of a great acquaintance with the treasures of Russian and world art. Our lessons are built according to the program of A.G. Kutuzov. We learn not only to read works, but also to think, think, express our point of view.

Today is another meeting with the great ... This Jack London's story "The Tale of Kish".

Jack London- one of the most popular in our country American writers. His biography, his personality as an active, strong-willed person, somewhat reminiscent of his Jack London heroes, aroused no less interest than his work, in which the autobiographical beginning was strongly affected.

So who is Jack London?

Pupil: Jack London, illegitimate son astrologer William Cheney and spiritualist Flora Wellman, never met his father and bore the name of his stepfather - John London, a farmer. The affairs of John London went with varying degrees of success, so that his stepson, barely graduating primary school, got a job at a canning factory with a ten-hour working day. It was a living hell, and at the age of fifteen, Jack left the factory - in the oyster pirates of the San Francisco Bay. He then alternated a free life with forced labor and attempts to complete his education. Ocean sailing on the schooner "Sophie Sutherland", a jute factory in Auckland, vagrancy, prison, a year and a half in high school, a semester at the University of California, odd jobs; in the midst of the "gold rush" - wintering in the Klondike.

From there, Jack returned without a single ounce of gold and determined to earn a living by writing. He clearly realized that he had no talent, impressions and zeal. He made it a point to work out a thousand words a day. The magazines didn't last. Twenty-four-year-old Jack London entered the twentieth century as a professional writer. And quickly became a well-known and highly paid writer. However, this did not calm down. In 1902, specifically to write the book "People of the Abyss", Jack London, a member of the American Socialist Party, spent three months in the London slums, posing as a sailor decommissioned ashore. In early 1904, he went as a correspondent to the Russo-Japanese War. In 1907, according to his own design, he built the Snark yacht and made a two-year voyage to the islands of Oceania on it. He did not allow concessions for himself in his work: a thousand words a day - "The Call of the Ancestors", " Sea Wolf", "Martin Eden" ... Crazy money and crazy spending. It cannot be said that he was lucky. The barely built "Wolf House", conceived as a "family castle" for future generations of Londons, burned down. The long-awaited heir never appeared. creative imagination dried up.

Yes, guys, Jack London was a special person, even on the outside. Here is how the writer I. Stone describes him: "Jack was naturally kind, recklessly generous - truly a friend of friends, the king of glorious fellows ... What an excellent example of a human breed! He had a pure, full of joy, gentle, gentle heart ... He looked older than his years, his body was flexible and strong, his neck was open at the collar, a mop of matted hair - they fell on his forehead, and he, busy with a lively conversation, impatiently threw them back. - in a word, real man, man. He was obsessed with a thirst for truth" (Appeal to the portrait of the writer)

He lived his life as a fighter, "a sailor in the saddle", as he once put it, became great writer, although life from childhood heaped upon him one obstacle after another. He passed away at the age of forty. Fifty books - the result of it literary activity. One of these books includes the story "The Tale of Kish". At home you read this work.

II. Work on text analysis.

Did you like the story? Why? (Yes, he talks about a brave boy, about how the hero, at the age of 13, was not afraid of the leader of the tribe and entered into a confrontation with him; this is a story about a courageous boy).

Name the characters in the story.

  • Kish- the main character of the story;
  • Klosh-Kwan- the leader of the tribe;
  • Side- Kish's father;
  • Aikiga- the hero's mother;
  • massuk- tribesman;
  • Ug Gluk- tribe hunter;
  • Beam and Bone- two young, best hunters in the village.

In what part of the world does the story take place? (Northern United States of America).

Continuation of the lesson in the archive .....

Literature lesson in grade 5

D. London "The Tale of Kish" as a story about a person growing up in harsh conditions

Target: revealing the artistic idea of ​​the legend - the affirmation of faith in justice, the high laws of friendship, love.


1.form skills expressive reading, reading by roles, artistic retelling, working with text, lexical work;

2. develop the moral and aesthetic ideas of students in the course of identifying lexical meaning wordsbold.

During the classes

1. teacher's word .

What events and facts from the life of young Jack London seemed unusual to you, made a special impression on you? Why?

The real name of the writer is John Griffith. Two passions owned him throughout his life - the love of books and the love of adventure. It was the craving for travel and adventure that drove him to catch oysters in forbidden places, engage in fur trade off the Bering coast, and become a witness and participant in the "gold rush" in the Klondike.

Years of wanderings and adventures did not pass without a trace: the legends of the north, amazing human fates embodied in the pages of his books.

At home you read The Tale of Kish. A legend, or a legend, a legend is a genre of folklore that reports on the events of "long gone days" that have been preserved in the grateful memory of descendants.

2. Conversation with the class.

Where did the events described in the story take place? How do you imagine the life of Canadian Eskimos?

Why, then, once at the council of the tribe, the voice of thirteen-year-old Kish was heard? What is his manner of dealing with adults?

- "Justice" - key concept in the words of Kish. What did Kish want to achieve? Why couldn't the council do it? Why were the men of the tribe angry at Kish?

Lexical work: determine the meaning of the wordbold . Which of the meanings is most suitable for characterizing Kish's act?

3.Work on groups. One group argues the hunters are right, the other argues the opposite.

4.Work With text.

What were Kish's feelings when he left the council? How the author conveys internal state boy?

Did Kish manage to defend his innocence?

Why did Kish's successful hunt begin to cause rumors about witchcraft in the village?

What was the secret of Kish and how was it revealed?

Why did Kish reveal his secret to the men of the tribe?

Respect for Kish also influenced the attitude towards his mother. Tell us how the women of the tribe lived. Why did Aikiga enjoy special honor in the village?

Why did the legend of Kish outlive him? What makes the main character attractive? Can we call Kish a proud and courageous, honest and hardworking person? Support your answer with examples from the text.

How do you understand last phrase story? What is the meaning of the author in the end of his story?

Why did Kish become the first person in his village?

5 .Summing up the lesson.

How, in your opinion, will Kish grow up and will his family be proud of him?

What does London's story teach? (write a written answer to the question)
