Scenarios with 30 years of happy birthday. Cool contests for the anniversary for women and men

Thirty years is a very important mark on the scale of life. Thirty years is a kind of boundary between youth and adulthood. The thirtieth anniversary is celebrated on a grand scale more often than the twentieth and fortieth. If you have to celebrate your thirtieth birthday and you want it to be a bright, memorable holiday, there are three ways: to spend a lot of money on celebrating your birthday, to have a party in unusual place or come up with an original holiday idea. Just about the ideas and themes for the celebration of the thirtieth anniversary, we will talk.

How to celebrate the anniversary of 30 years: a few ideas

You can choose almost any topic for the thirtieth birthday that is interesting to the hero of the day, his relatives and friends: it could be a Mexican fiesta, etc. However, you can link the topic either specifically to the birthday person - that is, to his hobby, profession, vital interests, or directly to the thirtieth birthday. We will just consider the last option.

1. Party "We are 20" (15, 18, etc.). IN this case the 30th anniversary party is dedicated to that short period when the birthday boy and his classmates (classmates) were 20 years old.

That is, for example, a party can be dedicated to the year 2001. The slogan of the holiday: "In our hearts we are always 20!" . For a woman's thirtieth birthday, you can choose the year when she was 18. Then the slogan will be slightly different: “Body and soul we are always 18!” .

The hero of the day and the guests try to dress the way they dressed when they were 20. To remember what the fashion was like, you can look at the photos in your photo albums and on the net.

Selected music, fashionable at the time. If possible, objects that are relevant for that time are used - for example, you can make a “garland” from antediluvian mobile phones, which at that time only appeared in our life. Floppy disks, Kodak film rolls, etc. will also work.

How to have fun? Firstly, you can watch video collages of photos of the hero of the day and his friends at the age of 20. Secondly, you can arrange a quiz on the knowledge of that era. The host names any event in the world (politics, art, science, natural disasters, etc.) that could have happened that year, and the guests guess whether this event actually happened in that year or it happened in another time or did not happen at all. You can also arrange games and entertainment that were popular at parties at the time when the hero of the day was 20 years old.

2. Party in honor of the thirtieth anniversary of "30!". Everything revolves around the number "thirty". Firstly, the room is decorated with thirty - it can be numbers made of paper, electric garlands fixed on the wall in the form of a thirty, Balloons with this number etc.

You can order a birthday decoration such as decoration with balloons. At the entrance to the place of celebration, a large arch of balls will look amazing, on the sides of which are the numbers "3" and "0".

You can give guests any details with the number "30". For example, shoulder straps, caps, T-shirts, etc.

The more thirty at the holiday - the more entertaining. It can be 30 dishes, 30 cocktails on the table, 30 bouquets, etc. By the way, when inviting guests, you need to inform them that the gift also contains a “thirty”. For example, relatives can give a gift certificate for 30 thousand rubles; someone will present 30 fish hooks or 30 wine glasses, and someone will order an engraving. It will be interesting.

Another option is to ask the guests to tell what they will use the ambulance method for the hero of the day to save him from the blues. There can be a lot of ideas, ranging from “I will come to him with champagne” or “I will take him on a fishing trip” and ending with “a striptease” and “I will give birth to his child.”

Second fun. If the number "thirty" is read differently - the number 3 as "three", and 0 as the letter "o", then the word "trio" will be obtained. This can be presented as a rebus by asking the guests to read in thirty the word denoting musical ensemble. When the rebus is solved, you can organize a creative number of three people. Moreover, it can be quite a serious, lyrical number or humorous, playful. For example, male guests with taped mouths can serenade the hero of the day.

Third fun. The number "thirty" can be read as the syllable "ZO". The facilitator may invite guests to name two words ending in -zo. There are 2 words in -zo: belly and iron. When the guests guess them, the host will say: “We wish the hero of the day (jubilee) always eat from the belly and have character like iron” . Then competitions can be held related to these topics (joking strength competition "iron muscles", cooking competition, etc.).

3. Retro party in honor of the thirtieth anniversary "I was born." The celebration of the thirtieth birthday can be held in the form of a retro party dedicated to the era when the hero of the day was born. Retro decor is used, guests come in clothes of that time, appropriate music is selected. Entertaining moments can also be tied to the place where the hero of the day was born, and to the profession of his parents.

4. Film anniversary 30 years. A film shot in the year when the hero of the day was born is selected. This film is taken as the basis for the scenario of the holiday.

For example, in 1981, films were made "Carnival" with Irina Muravyova leading role And "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles" - these films are just right as a theme for a holiday.

For example, the hero of the day can be in the image of Sherlock, and his wife - in the form of Watson. The holiday can be held in the form of an investigation into the case of the loss of the Elixir of Youth, which is accepted by the mother of the hero of the day.

A carnival party can be a lot of fun, with performances by professional singers and dancers, magic tricks, juggling competitions among guests, and the ability to speak tongue twisters with nuts in your mouth.

If the holiday has an idea, then the whole structure obeys it. There is nothing superfluous in, all its elements are harmonious and interesting. Such holidays are always remembered, because they leave the impression of something very bright.

We wish you a successful and very beautiful thirtieth anniversary!

The thirtieth birthday is the most memorable date in the life of every person. It's still full vitality, but already acquired a store of some wisdom. Competitions for such a date should be both fun and moving. And then the holiday will succeed!

Bacon and Egg Contest

All participants, with their hands tied behind their backs, must somehow manage to peel the boiled egg. The fastest and most agile will be the winner. For more fun, you can slip a wooden egg to some participant, which is painted with a real fruit. This game can also be played in pairs. Then you can complicate the task: peeled with an egg, you need to feed your partner.

Competition "Cherry"

The host of the competition calls an arbitrary letter from the alphabet, and all the contestants participating in the competition must holiday table find a dish that begins with this letter and try at least a little. the most dexterous and fastest gets a cherry as a reward. The rest of the participants continue the competition. At the end of the competition, the winner will be the one who saw through the host and just tried all the treats on the festive table. For this he gets a whole plate of cherries.

Competition "Expensive gift"

Those who wish to take part in this competition receive from the presenter an old edition of some magazine, newspaper filing, etc. to complete the task, very little time is given, approximately 1 minute. And for this minute it is necessary to cut out from this waste paper a symbolic gift intended for the hero of the day. It can be either a photo image, or a specific text or words that can be used to make a congratulation. It will be difficult for viewers to determine whose gift will be more valuable.

Competition "Manualist"

All guests of your celebration can take part in this original competition. One person needs to be blindfolded tightly, the rest of the participants receive notes in which words are written that denote parts of the human body. The chiropractor must feel the person who approached, and you can feel only that part of the body that is indicated in the note. Then, the chiropractor must guess what kind of person is standing in front of him.

Competition "Dairyarochki"

You need to take as many rubber gloves as you want to take part in this original competition. Gloves are filled with ordinary water and are well tied at the top. Then the gloves must be firmly fixed on the clothesline. The host takes a thick needle and quickly pierces one finger into each glove. The “Start” command sounds, and now all the contestants with buckets rushed to milk. Who will cope with this task the fastest will receive an incentive prize.

Competition "Congratulations on the topic"

All guests must be divided into several teams, each of which receives original name. And now the teams must come up with original congratulations for the hero of the occasion in such a way that the theme of the invented congratulations coincides with the theme of the team name. Invented the most original congratulations and become the winners of this competition.

Competition "King of animals"

To show respect for the hero of the day, he is assigned the role of a lion. And now his place is on a beautiful throne. The king of animals points to one of those present and, with the help of various gestures, tries to make it clear which of the animals the specified guest should portray. Guests should carefully follow the gestures in order to understand which animal the lion is demonstrating and copy the habits of the indicated animal. When all the animals gather at the throne of the king, the king will reward the most ingenious and understanding with delicious delicacies.

The 30th anniversary is a memorable date that needs to be properly celebrated. This is a young anniversary, in which both the main figure of the holiday and all its guests have fun to the fullest. Look for interesting scenario anniversary 30 years girl? We will help you not only with the choice interesting program and useful recommendations, but we will also advise suitable gifts for such a wonderful occasion.

So, the first thing that should be written in the scenario of the 30th anniversary of the girl is various organizational issues. Of course, for many, this may not seem quite fun, but without it there is not a single banquet, especially an anniversary one.

1. Meeting guests. Think about how the host will greet the guests, or will the hero of the day do it? The festive atmosphere should be felt from the threshold of the banquet hall.

2. Decoration of the room. If this is a theme party, then the decor of the room should be appropriate. If the topic of the anniversary is not defined and the script for the anniversary of 30 years for a girl is simply holiday program, you can build on tradition. As a rule, the paraphernalia of such a holiday as a birthday is balloons, flowers - this does not happen much, also do not forget about the photos of the hero of the day, which can also serve as an interesting decoration for the festive hall.

3. Seating of guests. It is important that each guest has fun at the anniversary, and therefore the task of the presenter, as a rule, is to introduce them all to each other. Of course, participation in competitions helps in this, but you should not forget about the seating plan either.

4. Entertainment. This moment is fundamental in every scenario for a girl's 30th birthday. The holiday should be remembered not only by the birthday girl herself, but also by everyone who came to congratulate her.

Before the guests begin to have fun, it is necessary to give them the floor to congratulate the hero of the day. The so-called solemn part is necessary, since in this way a tribute is paid to the birthday girl, it must be noted for what reason everyone gathered. It is good if each pair of guests introduce themselves and make a short toast to the hero of the occasion.

Next come the competitions. Each script for the anniversary of 30 years for a girl can contain a large number of them. Usually the presenter has several games "in reserve", and following the mood of the audience, he offers certain contests, games and entertainment. The task of every professional is to shake the invitees, in this case the holiday will be a success.

So, let's talk about some games that can be included in your script for a girl's 30th birthday and will certainly interest and entertain all guests at the holiday. Before the start of the entertainment program, you can inform the invitees that for each win they will receive an incentive prize. These can be fake banknotes, or balloons, sweets, anything, and at the end of the holiday, the five guests who won the most victories will receive a special prize.

Guess from the photo

Guests are shown a slide show where they will see celebrities as children. In a series of pictures there is also a birthday girl (maybe also her husband and parents if desired), but the guests are not informed about this. You can help them and suggest which stars are captured in the pictures. Here you will see: Urgant. Pugachev, Brad Pete, and so on ... (not a word about the hero of the occasion). Guests must guess who is in the photographs. For each correct answer, the participant receives an incentive prize.

repeat the dance

The guests are watching frames from films. Where the characters are dancing. Each passage is played for approximately 10-30 seconds, the task of the participant is to repeat the movements to the soundtrack. It can be famous plots from such cult films as Pulp Fiction, Mask, Dirty Dancing, etc. Everyone who is somehow able to move is invited to the game. Each participant receives a prize.

Do you know the hero of the day?

This competition will show how well those gathered are familiar with the tastes of the hero of the day, the facts of her life. Questions should be funny, serious, and tricky. You can ask anything you want: What was the name of her first love? Her favorite salad? Her favorite alcoholic drink? What was painted on the locker in kindergarten? And so on. Each correct answer should be awarded.

Outdoor games for the anniversary can also be included in the script for the anniversary of a 30-year-old girl. Most of those gathered for such a young anniversary are young people. Although, regardless of age, many will want to warm up after a hearty treat.

· Participants are given the task to jump a certain distance on one leg, holding glasses of water in their hands. At the same time, it is necessary that players finish with full glasses.

· You need to walk a certain distance as quickly as possible, holding a book on your head, while in one hand there should be a full glass of water, in the other - a broom, the task is to walk and sweep the road in front of you.

· Participants line up in a train, they are offered a small ball. First, you need to pass it with your hands from top to back (to the tail of the train), and back - from below between the legs. The game alternates, the ball is passed over the head, under the feet, etc., all this is done to the music. At a certain moment, the music stops, and the one who did not have time to pass the ball to another is out of the game. The fastest one wins and he gets the prize.

The host constantly invites guests to participate in competitions, and promises them a big surprise at the end of the holiday. The hero of the day also takes an active part in the celebration, it’s good if the end of the celebration also comes as a surprise to her.

Another game that many decide to include in the scenario of a girl's 30th birthday is to walk under the rope. The rope is pulled, and under it, without touching it, the guests must pass. It is necessary to pass “nose up”, that is, each participant will have to arch into a bridge. After all, the rope with each horse will fall lower and lower. The one who is the most flexible will win, such a participant receives a prize.

The culmination of the holiday should be a concert in honor of the birthday girl. The host determines the top five guests who received the largest number of incentive prizes. The one who has the maximum number of them is declared the soloist. musical group, the next one is a drummer, the other is a solo guitarist, the fourth is a saxophonist, the fifth is a backup dancer. Then the host tells them that they have to play in honor of the Anniversary. There are no tools, of course. Musicians must pretend to play them, speaking to the soundtrack, the soloist will have to sing live, as is done in karaoke. As a result, they receive a T-shirt with the lips of the hero of the occasion and her autograph.

Naturally, any script for a girl's 30th birthday should also contain time for toasts and dances. The more complete the program of the evening, the greater the chance that no one will get bored at the anniversary! Not to do without the presentation of gifts.

The full range of themed anniversary gifts can be found in the section

Although 30 years is an anniversary, it is a very young anniversary. Isn't that the age of 30? Of course not! Therefore, competitions at such a holiday should be youthful and cool. We offer you just such competitions that your guests will like, and they will definitely take part in them. Don't believe? Then watch the cool contests for the anniversary of a girl at 30 yourself, and spend them with friends. And they, your friends, will thank you for such a wonderful holiday.

And couples participate in the first competition: a man and a girl. They bend their hands behind their backs, and their hands are tied to each other. And in this position, each pair must peel a boiled egg from the shell. Who will cope with the task faster and more accurately, he is the winner.
If you want to laugh at some guests, then put them a raw egg. Just heat it up a little in warm water so that it looks cooked. And since, in order to peel an egg, you need to break it, there will be an “explosion”.

Now we give each participant a magazine in which, as possible, more drawings. But it is necessary that everyone has the same magazines. We also give scissors, a sheet of drawing paper and glue or tape. The task of the contest participants is to quickly look through the magazine and cut out pictures from it, from which to make a little story about the hero of the day. And then tell the story with pictures. Who will succeed more interesting story in the pictures, he won.
You can also make a story in the form of a comic book. Then it will be necessary to sign each picture.

Do you like to play spin the bottle? Then let's play it, but only slightly by different rules.
You need to make beautiful cards with tasks for guests. And spread the cards in a circle, and in the center of the circle there will be a bottle, which the guests will twist. The first one spins the bottle, and which card the neck points to, that card he takes. And he does what is written there.
Examples of tasks for cards:
1. You twisted the bottle
And I got the job.
You twist your booty
And invite all the guests!

2. You stand on one leg,
And still sing along!
Sing a clockwork song
And he himself, as a soldier, stand still!

3. Tell us the alphabet
And show each letter.
You draw the figures
And show us letters!

4. left hand you take
And with her right chain.
And like a crab you go through
Show us, show us!

5. Tell me a toast
Surprise the jubilee.
Only you are very surprised
Grunt the toast, hum!

Everyone knows what Chinese food is and many are already real gurus in eating with Chinese chopsticks. And is it really so? Let's check!
For the competition, you need green peas, you can even canned ones from a can. We put 7 peas on a plate for each guest. Their task is to eat all the peas with Chinese chopsticks. But you can take peas one at a time, and not all at once.

And the last dance competition. And it will be divided into several parts. The essence of the competition is to show the time of the year in which the anniversary is celebrated. We'll use winter as an example.
The first stage of the competition is to show the dance of the snowflakes. Each participant in turn (but you can all at once) dance like snowflakes. If they dance in turn, then it is impossible to repeat the dance after another participant. Usually snowflakes are shown like this: hands in different directions and spinning. But the winner will be the one who shows the original dance.
The second option is to show a blizzard. Everything is the same here as with a snowflake, only a blizzard is already a lot of snowflakes, so the participants must figure it out and invite one guest to dance with them.
And the third version of the dance is to show the Christmas tree. And again, whoever shows the most original Christmas tree dance wins this round.
And so, you have three finalists left. They will show the first flower that blooms after winter, the snowdrop. But guests don't have to know what they're showing. Therefore, each of the finalists dances his dance, and then the guests are told that they showed a snowdrop. And the winner is determined by applause.

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It is hard to argue with the fact that for any girl, a birthday is an incredibly important and significant event that requires careful preparation and attitude.

It is also worth remembering that 30 means some transition, the line between youth and maturity. No, this does not say that you are losing the status of a girl and turning into a woman. It's just likely that life values ​​and guidelines will change and will go in a slightly different direction. There are many stories when, after a girl turned 30, she completely changed beyond recognition. Not so much externally as internally. Of course, for these changes to have a positive start, it is necessary to celebrate this date well. You need to make sure that the anniversary is remembered for a long time by your friends and relatives.

So, let's try to answer the question of how to celebrate a girl's 30th birthday. First, remember that this date must be celebrated. In this case, signs do not work, unlike the fortieth anniversary. Absolutely anyone can participate in the celebration, regardless of gender, age and family affiliation. You just need to choose the most suitable environment and call the prospective guests in advance.

And yet, how to celebrate a girl's 30th birthday, how to spend this day in such a way that there will be many pleasant memories later. First, decide in advance what you want from this day in order to outline a plan of action. After deliberation, you need to start turning your dream into reality.

To directly understand what you want from this day and how to celebrate a girl’s 30th birthday, you need to count your savings, correlate with the number of guests. After all, whatever one may say, first of all such events hit the pocket.

If financial opportunities are limited, it is better not to take risks and not take a loan so as not to drag yourself into debt obligations. Do not forget that with a great desire, you can have a great time meeting this wonderful date without big investments.

Celebrate at home

How to celebrate 30 years for a girl, if with money for this moment tight, but you want to arrange a celebration? Firstly, you can always celebrate this holiday at home. Shopping for groceries instead of booking a table in a cafe will significantly reduce your costs. Also, if you are in a trusting relationship with friends, then you can simply explain the situation, and they will meet you halfway.

You can agree that instead of a gift, they will help you decorate and purchase products for the festive table.

Of great importance when choosing a place is the time of year. Of course, it is most favorable to celebrate your day in the summer, when you can have a picnic right on the street. But at other times of the year, you can also find something to your liking for yourself and invited friends.

Celebrating in a country house

How to celebrate 30 years for a girl? Autumn is an amazing time to change and start a new life. It's great if your birthday fell on such a wonderful time. It is also good that nature during this period pleases with its extraordinary beauty and brightness. Therefore, a great option would be to invite friends to a country house.

In rainy weather, you can hide indoors, and if you want to watch the amazing nature, you can just go outside.

Going to a Philharmonic or Theater

How to celebrate 30 years for a girl in the fall? You can try to travel out of town. You can also invite friends to a movie or a play. Most likely, concerts often take place in your city symphony orchestra. Such a trip to the Philharmonic will be remembered by your friends for a long time.

Celebrating at the rink

How to celebrate 30 years for a girl in winter? In the event that your thirtieth anniversary fell on the winter month - do not be discouraged. During this period of the year, you can have a great time, despite this weather. There are many options for celebrating a birthday in winter. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Firstly, you can invite friends and relatives to the skating rink. Pleasant atmosphere, music will fill your hearts with joy and give new impressions. You can also go skiing. This holiday will be remembered for a long time.

It will be good in winter evening go somewhere out of town, play snowballs, ride the slides, and in the evening sit by the fireplace with hot and fragrant tea.

We figured out how to celebrate a girl's 30th birthday, now let's try to consider in detail the question of where to do it. Of course, I would like to celebrate such a date so that pleasant memories are etched into my memory for a long time. Therefore, in addition to a good company, you need to carefully choose the right place. What conditions must be met in order for everyone to be satisfied? First, you should ask people close to you what they want from the holiday and where they would prefer to meet it. After that, it is already worth taking more decisive action.

Cafe or bowling?

So, where to celebrate a girl's 30th birthday? The first thing that comes to mind is a cafe. Of course, this is rather banal, but nonetheless.

If your favorite band or singer arrives there that day, it will make a splash among the guests. You can invite your friends to bowling and combine business with pleasure. It will be great to go to see a movie together. It will be especially good if the subject is somehow connected with your date.


Another place where one could celebrate the thirtieth anniversary is the sauna.

This is quite an unusual and peculiar place. Before going into it, you should think about whether such an exotic choice will cause embarrassment for your girlfriends.


If your financial capabilities allow you to order a limousine, then you can organize an unforgettable adventure with travel through the city at night. Believe me, you will remember this for a long time.

Stylized party for anniversary celebration

When we talk about how to celebrate a girl's 30th birthday, we hardly think of a theme party.

Meanwhile, the decision to spend the holiday in this way is a guarantee of incredible fun and many ridiculous and funny moments. Just imagine how unusually you can celebrate your anniversary. There is only one question left: in what style to celebrate the girl's 30th birthday. It all depends on your boundless imagination. You can make a real pirate party, put on vests, paint faces and turn on appropriate music.

You can also arrange a disco 90s. Get Soviet dresses, an old record player out of the closet, stylize the apartment in a certain way and turn on old legendary songs.

You can make a real foam party. Buy a special machine to create foam and be patient. The best thing to do, of course, is outdoors. Although you can also rent a room.

We are celebrating our anniversary in Moscow. What are the options?

If you live somewhere on the outskirts, then a luxurious celebration will be very difficult. If you live in Moscow or St. Petersburg, then everything is much simpler. Let's think about where to celebrate a girl's 30th birthday in Moscow. It can be a water park, a trip to the stables or attending a concert. organ music. In this sense, the capital of Russia is truly unique city. As you know, in Moscow there is an amazing cafe "The Sea Inside". Here you can get advice on yoga classes or relax and listen to classical music.

There is also a restaurant in Moscow where there is absolute darkness around. Nobody sees what is happening around. Even what visitors eat is not visible to them. If you are interested in secrets and mysteries, then visiting this restaurant will be a great alternative to a regular cafe.

in Moscow in summer period You can order a boat. Of course, pleasure is not the cheapest, but what views will open before you.

Also in the capital you can visit a restaurant called "Expedition". It contains a bathhouse and a restaurant. By visiting it, you can immediately "kill two birds with one stone."

To date, quests have become very popular. For a birthday, this is also a good option, especially if you are a gambling and addicted woman.

By the way, it is very important to capture all the moments. Therefore, it is worth hiring a photographer or inviting a friend who has a professional camera.

A small conclusion

So, in this article we examined in detail the issue of celebrating the thirtieth anniversary. Do not spare money for yourself and your loved ones, allow yourself to celebrate this day in such a way that it will be remembered for a lifetime. You should not save on creating a mood, moreover, sometimes this is not something fundamental. Remember that the most important thing is the smile of your loved ones and pleasant memories after a long time.
