That in 9 days. Detailed timing

IN Christian religion It is customary to commemorate the dead. Special days are set aside for this: the third, ninth and fortieth after death.
Where does this tradition originate? From the 3rd to the 9th day, the deceased person sees paradise, in which the grief for the abandoned body stops and past life on the ground. On this day, they pay tribute to the nine angelic ranks, which represent the soul of the deceased to God and ask the Almighty to have mercy on the soul. On the ninth day, the soul is brought to God for worship. Close people and relatives gather to commemorate the deceased.

Nine days are counted, including the day the person died. This condition is adhered to even when a person left the earth late in the evening (before 12 o'clock at night).

Organization of commemoration on the 9th day after death

In the church, a candle is placed for the deceased, a prayer is read for the repose of the soul. It is advised to distribute alms and prosphora to needy people and ask them to read a prayer for the dead. It is customary to put millet and crumbled eggs on the grave. Easter cakes or cookies and sweets are placed on the fence.
The covers are removed from the mirrors in the apartment of the deceased. The room of the deceased is not touched. There is no such canon in the Orthodox religion. It's more of a pagan custom. People believed that the soul of the deceased would be lost in the mirrors and would not find other world.
On the ninth day, it is customary to arrange a wake with pies. It is advisable not to put alcohol on the table. In a conversation, they necessarily touch on the positive aspects of the deceased, remember with kind words. They will be counted in the other world.
The funeral feast is not plentiful. What is important here is not the feast itself, but the presence of people who respected the deceased person. The modesty of the dinner does not indicate the need of the organizers; rather, it is a symbol of the frailty of being before spirituality.
At the table you can not joke, laugh, sing songs and use foul language. Backgammon should not despair and cry with this. Sorrow and sadness in Christianity are considered sins. The soul of the deceased leaves the earthly path. People commemorate the deceased, staying in good mood. Otherwise, the deceased will be tormented.
The appearance of the commemorating people is important. It is desirable for women to sit in headscarves, and for men without hats. At the commemoration, one cannot speak negatively about the departed person. Everyone in his speech expresses sorrow and hope that paradise awaits the deceased.

Key moments of the memorial dinner for 9 days

  1. Kutya is definitely on the table. For cooking, wheat is boiled, to which honey and raisins are added. In the church, such porridge symbolizes eternity.
  2. Shchi or noodles with chicken are served from the dishes. If the commemoration is held during fasting, then the menu is lean borscht or noodles with mushrooms.
  3. The second course is served with fish, meatballs, chicken, stuffed peppers. For a side dish, they offer to taste buckwheat porridge, sometimes mashed peas or potatoes. Don't forget that some people don't fast. Therefore, the menu is supplemented fried fish, boiled meat and other snacks. The main thing is that the participants in the meal distinguish between lean and meat food.
  4. At the end of the dinner, jelly or compote is served. Pancakes, rolls and sweets are put for a snack. Tea and coffee are optional.
  5. At the end of the meal, people are advised to offer to take with them fruits and sweets that have not been eaten.

No one is specially invited to the wake. The people who come with a pure heart commemorate the deceased. It is unacceptable to drive objectionable people from the commemoration. This is considered a sin. Many people will increase the number of prayers for the salvation of the soul of a deceased person. The soul on the way to heaven is easier. On this day, treats are distributed to those who meet them.
Life dictates new rules. People inquire in advance about the place of the memorial feast and the time of the event. Organization issues are taken over by a group of people who agree on the details of the wake with the participants.
On the ninth day, it is not necessary to go to the cemetery. For the church, the mortal remains on the grave do not symbolize anything. Visiting temples and reading prayers is welcome. People themselves go to the grave, but this does not apply to religion. On this day, you can help the soul of the deceased, or you can harm it.


Any tradition is based not only on the beliefs of people. It is associated with ancient knowledge that has long been forgotten or has come down to us in a truncated form. Nevertheless, it is better to honor traditions, at least out of respect for the memory of our ancestors. This is especially true of customs associated with the 9th day after the death of a person.

In this article

What does this date mean in Orthodoxy

Orthodoxy pays special attention to the third, ninth and fortieth day from the moment a person leaves for another world. Dates have a sacred meaning, so the commemoration for the deceased is held on these days. The number 9 belongs to the category of sacred. Nine angelic ranks will intercede before the Almighty for the soul of the deceased.

The ninth day is dedicated to nine angels who will intercede before God for the salvation of the soul of the deceased.

It is believed that on the 9th day after death, the soul will first appear before the eyes of God. This is an extremely important moment. It is important that on this day, relatives and friends who remained on Earth be mentally with the deceased and commemorate with prayers and kind words. The further path of the soul depends on how relatives and friends behave.

The Orthodox tradition does not approve when tears are constantly shed over the deceased and they ask: “Who did you leave us for?” Such behavior speaks, rather, of one's own egoism. Endless tears and groans do not allow the soul to leave the earth and go to the afterlife. Releasing the soul in peace, relatives and friends, firstly, show humility, and secondly, allow the soul of the deceased to continue its unearthly journey.

Of course, this does not mean that you need to suppress the feeling of loss and pain in yourself. It's just not possible. You need to understand that for the soul of a departed relative, prayers will do more good than tears.

Significance for the deceased

One can imagine what feelings the soul experiences when it is brought to the Creator. How exactly this important conversation takes place, we are not given to know. Most likely, the nature of the conversation determines the individuality of a person, the number of bad and good deeds, his sincerity. This meeting can be decisive, since all doubts about the existence of God and the afterlife will go away. A person can experience sincere repentance, which will radically change his fate in another world.

According to Christian beliefs, after meeting with the Creator, the soul will face a serious test - it will have to visit the space of hell. This is not done for the purpose of punishment, since the final decision is not made by God.

On the one hand, the deceased will have an introductory tour, where he will see the whole picture with his own eyes: how sinners live in hell, what torments they undergo. Passing through different parts of the underworld, a soul burdened with sins can realize the unrighteousness of its earthly life and repent. If at the same time she hears the prayers of loved ones, then the chances of salvation are much greater.

After the ninth day, the soul will have a tour of hell.

On the other hand, ordeals await the soul itself - various trials based on temptations. Moreover, temptations are built on the sinful inclinations of the deceased, which he manifested in earthly life. A glutton can expect a table with various dishes, a greedy person - a bag of gold, a lustful person - a whole harem of women. If the soul overcomes passions and refuses temptations, it can hope for God's forgiveness on the 40th day.

Perhaps because of the upcoming ordeals, the 9th day is so important. Prayers, kind words of relatives and friends on this day will be a powerful support for the one who is remembered. It is especially important to forgive the deceased for all insults and ask for his forgiveness. This will greatly facilitate the soul of the deceased and will make it possible to go to heaven.

Where is the soul of the deceased before the 9th day

Much of the posthumous journey depends on the personality of the deceased and the circumstances of the death. Deeply believing people who pass away at an advanced age feel the approach of the last hour and, in principle, are ready for it.

Such a person, having left the body shell, will not waste time. He knows that the first 3 days after death will be spent on earth. Knowing the rules, he will spend the remaining earth day visiting people and places with which the best memories of life are associated. He has time until an angel descends from heaven, who will deliver the soul to paradise.

These three days will be much more difficult for those whose lives were cut short as a result of an accident or murder. Such souls, suddenly torn out of life, cannot reconcile themselves and try in every possible way to "correct the mistake." With a strong will and a passionate desire to return life, they can endlessly rush around the world of the living, clinging to the illusion of return. In this case, no angel will be able to reason with such a restless dead person until he realizes his position and completes unfinished business. Such a soul turns into a ghost. Fortunately, this is not the rule, but the exception.

From the 3rd to the 9th day, the soul resides in paradise.

On the 3rd day, but before the funeral, the guardian angel helps the soul to ascend to heaven. For the next six days, the deceased has the opportunity to inspect the paradise. He is allowed to find peace, to rest from the suffering that fills earthly life. Here they give a sense of what divine goodness and eternal peace, devoid of worldly fuss, mean. The soul is gaining strength to stand before the Creator on the ninth day.

Documentary about the journey of the soul after death:

How to behave in a cemetery

Tradition suggests visiting the grave of a deceased relative on the 9th day after death. It is better to go to the cemetery during the day. It is advisable to put the grave in order: remove garbage from the site, fix wreaths, put flowers, in the summer it is better to put them in containers with water so that they last longer.

In calm weather, you can light a candle on the grave, but do not forget to extinguish it when you leave. If the deceased was a deeply religious person during his lifetime, then on the 9th day a clergyman can be invited to the cemetery to conduct a special service over the burial place. Or read the prayer yourself.

Remember that the cemetery is not a place for idle talk. It is better to focus your thoughts on the personality of the departed relative. Remember it in a good way, to yourself or out loud.

It is better to bring flowers to the grave.

You should not take alcoholic beverages to the cemetery, especially leave vodka in a glass right on the grave and pour it onto the burial place. It can harm the soul of the deceased. You can take sweets, sweets and pies with you. They are treated to poor people so that they commemorate the deceased.

Behavior in the Church

If relatives adhere to Orthodox traditions, they should definitely go to the temple on the 9th day and perform a funeral service. The order of the ritual is as follows.

  1. There is an icon in the temple, next to which parishioners put candles for the repose. Traditionally, this is the image of the crucified Jesus. You need to go to the icon and cross yourself.
  2. Pre-prepared candles are lit by relatives from other candles standing next to the icon. If there are none, you can light a candle from a lamp. But it is not permissible to use matches or a lighter for this.
  3. When the candle flares up, it should be installed next to the icon in a free place. To give stability, you can pre-melt the bottom of the candle.
  4. After the candle is placed for the repose, one must turn to the Almighty and ask him to give rest to the soul of the deceased. At the same time, it is necessary to name full name the person you are praying for.
  5. Then you should overshadow yourself with a cross, bow to the icon and calmly move away from the table.

As a rule, candles for the dead are placed on a special table in the left half of the temple. Such a table has a rectangular shape, and round ones are designed for candles for health.

Candles for the repose are placed next to the crucifix.

Lighted candles - a symbol common prayer for the soul of a man who has left this world. They intensify collective prayer, as if illuminating the path of the soul in the afterlife. It is believed that the more people ask God for forgiveness of the deceased's sins, the more chances the soul has to end up in paradise.

Prayer can be addressed to the Almighty, and to the angels, and to the Saints.

wake tradition

The commemoration should not be taken as an ordinary formal ritual. Relatives and friends of the deceased gather for a memorial dinner to remember good deeds who left this world, the merits and best events of his life. It is believed that the bright memory of the deceased will ease the ordeal after the 9th day.

It is not customary to invite guests to nineteens, so the commemoration is uninvited. Anyone can come if they want to commemorate the deceased. The presence of the closest relatives is considered obligatory.

According to the traditions of Orthodoxy

Our Father, Who art in heaven!

May your name be hallowed,

let your kingdom come,

let your will be done

as in heaven and on earth.

Give us our daily bread today;

and leave us our debts,

like we also leave our debtor;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from the evil one.

For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

Some say it out loud, some silently. This is the personal choice of each guest. If you do not know the prayer by heart, then it is more convenient to simply repeat it after those who pray out loud. It is better to say a prayer while standing, out of respect for the deceased.

How to properly set the table

There must be one obligatory element on the memorial table. It's about about the traditional dish called kutya. For commemoration, it is usually prepared from rice, honey and raisins. Sometimes sugar or jam is added instead of honey. A stricter tradition recommends using boiled wheat.

Many perceive it as a simple delicacy. This is a superficial view, since kutya is a symbolic sacred dish. Grains mean seeds of new life, resurrection from the dead. Sweet components indicate the bliss of the soul in the afterlife. It is desirable that this traditional dish be consecrated by the priest, but if this is not possible, then you should take holy water in the temple and sprinkle it with kutya.

Kutya is an obligatory dish at the memorial meal.

In addition to kutya, jelly or compote, as well as sweet pies, should be on the table. However, they put pies with cabbage and fish on the table. The first course is usually borscht.

Orthodox commemoration has one important limitation, which is often violated. This is a ban on alcohol, because drunkenness is considered a sin by priests. Therefore, a believer at a wake will not drink alcohol, knowing that this will harm the soul of the deceased. For the same reason, you should not bring alcohol to the grave and drink it there.

Another sin that is best avoided at the memorial meal is gluttony. Therefore, the church advises against arranging sumptuous dinners in memory of the deceased. Dishes should be simple, delicacies are out of place here. Since it is allowed to come to the wake without an invitation, it is very difficult to calculate the number of guests. After the memorial dinner, food remains, they should be given to the poor and asked to remember the deceased. Throwing away food after the wake is a sin.

Rules of conduct during the funeral dinner

In the memorial meal, it is not the fact of eating that is important, but the atmosphere. People come to honor the memory of the deceased and support relatives in the difficult days of loss. We must remember that this is a mourning event. Therefore, one should not allow frivolous fun, loud laughter at the table. All the more inappropriate collective singing.

The ancient Romans said: "About the dead, either good or nothing." This wisdom must be kept in mind during the commemoration. Criticizing the deceased, discussing bad deeds, negative character traits is inappropriate and ugly.

This is due to the belief that on the 40th day in heaven a decision will be made on where to send the soul of the deceased: to heaven or hell. Any negative assessments, condemnation and criticism can become decisive in sentencing.

What do the relatives of the deceased

On the day when the soul appears before the Creator, relatives and friends should make every effort to help the deceased deserve paradise. It is believed that on the 9th day after death, angels intercede for the soul. But the prayers of living people are also of great importance.

Of course, if we treat funeral customs formally, then this will be of little use. Prayer for the salvation of the soul must be sincere, then it acquires true power.

Lord Jesus, accept the soul of your servant (the name of the deceased), forgive him all his sins, small and large, and take him to paradise. As he was tormented in his life, how tired he was of suffering and sorrow on this earth, so now let him rest in peace and sleep in eternal sleep. Save him from the fire of hell, do not let him get to the demons and to the devil to be torn to pieces. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It is desirable that on this day relatives visit the temple and hold a prayer service for the repose. But if this is not possible, then they turn to God at home, and also light candles in memory of the deceased.

During nine days, relatives should focus on the bright qualities of a person who has left the world. You need to sincerely ask for his forgiveness and forgive him. It is necessary to remember the deceased only from the good side.

It is advisable to light a candle or lamp in the house and on the grave. It is better to install it in front of the framed photo mourning ribbon black color. Before the portrait, you can put a glass of water and bread.

On the 9th day after death, it is allowed to free the mirrors from the covers. Only the mirror in the bedroom of the deceased should be left covered.

What is the 9th day after death

The first day is the day the person passed away. It does not matter when exactly this happened: in the morning, in the evening or at night. A calendar day lasts from 0:00 to 23:59. On this day next year celebrate the anniversary of death.

If a person left this world on February 1, then the ninth day will be February 9. The mathematical difference is not 9, but 8 days (9 - 1 = 8). That is, when calculating, you need to add the number 8. Let's say the day of death was March 17, then the nineteenths will be March 25.

The date of the funeral does not affect the calculation in any way. A person was buried on the third or fifth day, the commemorative ninth day is not transferred. It is considered solely by the date when the soul left the physical body.

There is one special case when funeral rites associated with deviatiny are transferred. This is the period of Great Lent. The Church recommends not holding commemorations on weekdays, but moving them to the next Saturday. More precisely, a priest from the current temple can tell you about holding a commemoration during fasting.

Does the type of clothing matter?

Mourning traditions suggest requirements for clothing. Black is the classic color. This is optional, but clothing must be strict. Bright, frivolous outfits are out of place here.

Men must take off their hats when they enter the room where the funeral ritual is taking place.

In this video, the priest talks in detail about Orthodox traditions related to death.


Any person on Earth sooner or later loses relatives and friends. And everyone wants the soul of the deceased to fall into better world. Of course, we are not allowed to decide someone's fate in the afterlife. This is the prerogative of God. However, the Higher powers take into account our behavior within 40 days from the moment of death. Therefore, it is important to know the funeral and memorial traditions not to harm the soul loved one who passed away.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

To commemorate dead people, according to Christian canons, is accepted on the 3rd, 9th and 40th days after death. Besides, in church calendar special days of commemoration of the dead are indicated. Special ritual significance is attached to the ninth day after death. According to tradition, on this day, relatives and friends of the deceased gather to remember him. life path and have good things to say about him.

Calculation of the exact date of the commemoration

In order not to be mistaken, you need to count exactly 9 days from the moment of death of a person, including the day of death itself. This also applies to cases where death occurred late in the evening or even at night, before midnight. For example, death occurred on March 2. The ninth day in this case is not March 11, as would happen with arithmetic addition (that is, 2 + 9 = 11), but March 10, including the day of death.


What to do on the ninth day after death?

memorial table

On the memorial table on the 9th day there are traditionally pies, pancakes, buns and baked goods in general. We should not forget about kutya. But from alcoholic beverages on day 9, it is quite possible to refuse. It is better to pay special attention to memorial speeches. The more kind words are said about the deceased, about his good deeds during his lifetime, the better his soul will be. Orthodox teachings interpret the posthumous state of the soul as preparation for the afterlife within 40 days after death. Day 9, according to the canons, is the last day of the soul's stay in paradise, and the rest of the time until the expiration of 40 days the soul will be in hell. Therefore, all the kind words spoken at the memorial table addressed to the deceased will be read to him and will ease the burden of being in the place of suffering of sinners.

Visit to church and cemetery

In the morning, before the commemoration, it is supposed to put a candle in the church and read the funeral prayer for the deceased servant of God (name). The poor on this day are given alms, they are given prosphora, cookies or buns, asking to remember the name of the departed person in prayers. After visiting the church, you need to visit the grave, leaving the treat there. You can leave cookies, sweets in the cemetery, pour kuti or millet for birds.

What else can be done on day 9?

Hanging mirrors in the home of the deceased is not prescribed Orthodox rite. However, this tradition has taken root from time immemorial. If the mirrors were hung at the time of death, on the 9th day the veils can be removed in all rooms, except for the room of the deceased, where they must be left until the end of 40 days.

Every person who has experienced the loss of a close relative or friend tries to arrange a wake according to all the rules and canons of the Orthodox Church.

It is generally accepted that up to a year the soul of the deceased explores heaven and hell, and during this time a place is selected for it according to the life lived and according to how the living mourn and remember it. Therefore, the wake of 9 days, the rules for which every Orthodox should know, are of particular importance.

The meaning of the date in Orthodoxy

In Orthodoxy, it is customary to celebrate the third, ninth, fortieth days and anniversary after the death of a person. But some nations memorial dinners do for six months. Each of these days has its own special, sacred meaning, which every Orthodox person should know.

On the ninth day after death, the soul is just finishing its earthly journey. She is looking for a way to new life. And if the third day is considered to be the beginning of the afterlife, and the fortieth - its end, then the ninth is the most important time in the posthumous journey of the soul.

The number 9 is considered sacred in Orthodoxy. It is this number of angelic ranks that exists in the hierarchy. Therefore, memorial prayers on this day are read not only for the soul of the deceased, but also for these angels to protect it at God's judgment.

Until the third day after death, the soul of the deceased is accompanied by his guardian angel b. After that, he goes to explore the paradise. Still not knowing where it will go, the soul of a person can look around Heaven and Hell and find out what awaits him next.

On the 9th day after death, the Lord orders the angels to bring the soul of the deceased to himself. It is on this day that she will appear before the face of the Lord and learn that she will have to go to explore Hell. And by the fortieth day, heavenly judgment will await her.

It is on this day that the soul of the deceased must be tested together with the guardian angel. If she manages to come out of them clean and undefiled, then the scales of justice will lean towards good.

Importance for the deceased

For the soul of the deceased, the ninth day after death is extremely important. After all, at this time he is preparing to find his permanent home. Therefore, it is extremely important for relatives to try to let go of the soul of the deceased and commemorate him with prayers, and not with tears and lamentations. Of course, it is impossible to completely forget the deceased and the pain that followed his departure. But it is worth trying to calm your soul and let go of your loved one.

Prayers for the repose of the soul are also read because on this day she appears before the Lord for the first time. And the commemoration helps the soul to cope with the fear of the Almighty and go further without regret and fear.

On this day, it is customary to pray that the soul of the deceased be numbered among the angels. So, a deceased relative can become the guardian angel of a person who prays for him. After all, it was not in vain that the pagans also believed that the spirits of the dead are always there and help the living.

Memorial day traditions

According to the traditions of Orthodoxy, it is necessary to prepare a funeral dinner, which belongs to the cemetery. Also, close relatives go to church and light candles for the repose of the soul of the deceased and order a commemoration and reading a prayer. Traditional dishes are:

  • kutya;
  • jelly;
  • pancakes and pies.

Kutya is made from wheat with sugar or honey. But modern people more often it is made from rice. Each grain represents the birth of a new life. It represents the rebirth of the human soul in the afterlife or after incarnation. Sugar, honey or jam, which are added to kutya, are a symbol of the sweetness of the afterlife. The prepared dish must be sprinkled with holy water or consecrated in the church.

Compote and jelly should also be on the memorial table. Often pancakes are carried to the cemetery, with which the deceased is commemorated. Fish dishes are also recommended to be placed on the table, at which relatives and friends of the deceased will sit.

Knowing what they commemorate for 9 days of the deceased, it will not be difficult to set the table. Very often, the usual borscht is served for the first course. It is the most popular dish.

As they commemorate on the 9th day after death, a church minister can also tell. But it should be remembered that this day is uninvited. That is, guests are not invited to remember the soul. Anyone who knew the deceased or attended the funeral can come.

The main prayer for 9 days after death, which is read at the table in the first place, is “Our Father”. It is allowed to read it aloud or to oneself, thinking about the deceased person. Only after that is it allowed to serve the first memorial dish - kutya. Putting alcohol on the table is strictly prohibited. Drinking alcohol is a sin that will not bring peace to the deceased. Therefore, it is forbidden to carry them to the cemetery or drink at the table during the commemoration.

Do not cook too many dishes. After all, gluttony is also a great sin. What is important here is not eating food, but the fact that loved ones gathered at the same table to commemorate the soul of the deceased. And if after the feast there are food or dishes left, then they should not be thrown away. It is necessary to distribute food to the poor or simply needy people.

It is strictly forbidden to have fun, laugh and sing songs at the table. Also, one should not remember the deceased with bad words and remember all his misdeeds in life. You need to do the following:

  • remember all the best about him;
  • say only nice things about the deceased.

After all, until the fortieth day, a decision will be made about where the soul of the deceased will go, and what the living remember about him will be taken into account.

At the memorial table, women are supposed to be with their heads covered and their hair tied up. Today, only the closest relatives wear headscarves. And men need to take off their hats at the entrance to the house.

Rules for relatives

Knowing what the relatives of the deceased are doing for 9 days after death, many mistakes can be avoided. So, it is imperative that relatives go to church, and not only put candles for the repose, but also order a prayer service. You should also pray in front of the icon for the mercy of God and the help of the Heavenly Defenders. Praying is also allowed near the home icon, but a prayer service must be ordered.

At lunch, you should visit the grave of the deceased. You need to put things in order on it, remove garbage and bring flowers and wreaths. In an icon lamp near a cross or a monument, it is imperative to light a candle. You should not talk about extraneous topics near the grave, it is better to talk about the deceased or read a prayer.

Memorials should not be held at the cemetery. In no case should you drink alcoholic beverages, and even more so put vodka in a glass near the grave. This will not bring anything good to the soul of the deceased. It is allowed to leave a lunch of sweets, pancakes and kutya. In most cases, those foods and dishes that are put on the table during the wake are brought to the grave.

Be sure to give alms to the poor and needy so that they can remember the deceased. For this, either the products remaining after the commemoration or money are used..

In the house where the commemoration is held, one should light a lamp or a candle near the photograph of the deceased. Veils from mirrors are allowed to be removed immediately after the commemoration. They remain only in the room of the deceased.

"Nothing disappears anywhere, but passes from one form to another" .

Even in works of scientific content related to the exact sciences, there are many disagreements in theories and exceptions to accepted rules, and in matters of faith and religion, there are more than enough differences in interpretations and explanations of traditions. Thus, to find the only true one - the remembrance of 9 and 40 days after death - simply does not exist. Below you will find answers given by various representatives of the spiritual world, as well as Interesting Facts and important tips.

If you read Castaneda, then everything is perfectly described there, what happens to a person after death. In the Tibetan book of the dead: the disintegration of the mental shell ends on the 40th day, the former personality and memory disappear (as a rule, but there are exceptions ...), in pre-religious descriptions it was believed that up to 9 days - the deceased could still be returned, the soul was still in him. And forty days - the soul has already left, but is attached to the body ... Previously, they buried only after the past nine days
If we turn to Christianity, then the version about the "energetic shells" of a person is also supported there. No wonder there is a tradition to commemorate the dead on the 9th and 40th day. It is on these days that the energy shells depart (at the time of death, the first shell departs, on the 9th day - the second, on the 40th day - the third). The religious custom has now been explained scientifically, and this once again confirmed that these customs did not just appear, and in ancient times people knew more about the soul than we do now.

My drawing is the eternal passage of time @Milendia:

The commemoration of the deceased is a long tradition that originated at the time of the rise of Christianity. According to religion, the soul of every person is immortal, it most needs prayers in the afterlife. The duty of any living Christian is to pray to God for the repose of the spirit of a loved one who has died. One of the most important religious duties is the organization of a commemoration with the participation of everyone who knew the deceased during his lifetime.

The version of the representatives of the Sretensky Monastery

Why is the 9th day after death celebrated?

The Bible says that human soul cannot die. This is confirmed by the practice of commemorating those who are no longer around in this world. The Church Tradition says that after death, the spirit of a person stays for three days in those places that were dear to him during his lifetime. After that, the soul appears before the Creator. God shows her all the bliss of paradise, in which the souls of people who lead a righteous lifestyle abide. Exactly six days the soul stays in this environment, blissful and delighted with all the delights of paradise. On the 9th day, the spirit again appears before the Lord for the second time. It is in memory of this event that relatives and friends organize funeral dinners. On this day, prayers are ordered in the Church.

Often people make the mistake of starting the countdown from next day after death. In fact, the countdown time should be the day on which the deceased left this world, even if it happened late in the evening (before 12:00). Thus, if a person died on December 2, then December 10 will become ninth day after death. Adding numbers mathematically (December 2 + 9 days = December 11) and starting counting from the day after death is wrong.

On the ninth day, you can remove the curtains from the mirrors.

On the ninth day after the death of the deceased, you can remove the curtains from the mirrors in the house (in all but the bedroom of the deceased). It is noteworthy that the hanging of mirrors is a non-Orthodox tradition. These are echoes of an old Russian belief, which says that in the mirrors the soul of the deceased can get lost and not find the way to the next world.

On the ninth day, the wake should be modest.

Alcohol at the feast is optional, and according to the popular opinion of primordially believing people, it is completely an extra attribute. In a table conversation, one should remember the good deeds and good deeds of the deceased. It is believed that every good word spoken about the deceased will be credited to him.

Why commemorate for 40 days?

The fortieth day after death is considered the most important for the afterlife. From the 9th to the 39th day, the soul is shown hell, in which sinners are tormented. Exactly on the fortieth day, the soul again appears before the Higher Power for a bow. During this period, a judgment takes place, at the end of which it will be known where the spirit will go - to hell or heaven. Therefore, it is very important in this decisive and important period to ask God for alms in relation to the deceased.

The history and giving of the Church say that 40 days is the period necessary for the soul to prepare to receive help and a Divine gift from the Heavenly Father. The number 40 appears repeatedly in church traditions.

Saturday is generally dedicated to the memory of all the Saints and the dead. On Saturday (meaning in Hebrew - rest), the Church prays for all those who have passed from the earth to the afterlife.
In addition to daily prayers and prayers on Saturdays in the year, there are separate days, mainly dedicated to prayers for the departed. These are the so-called parent days:
1. Universal meat-fat parent saturday. It happens a week before Lent. This Saturday received the name of meat-fare after the day following it - "Meat-fare Week", that is, the Day on which last time allowed to eat meat.
2. Parent ecumenical Saturday of the 2nd week of Great Lent.
3. Parental ecumenical Saturday of the 3rd week of Great Lent
4. Parental ecumenical Saturday of the 4th week of Great Lent
5. Radonitsa - Tuesday of the second week after Easter. This day is called Radonitsa to commemorate the joy of the living and the dead about the Resurrection of Christ.
6. May 9 is the day of commemoration of all those who died and tragically died during the Great Patriotic War.
7. Trinity Ecumenical Parental Saturday - Saturday before the day of the Holy Trinity. At present, the wrong custom has developed to consider the feast of the Trinity itself to be the parental day.
8. On the day of the Beheading of the head of the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John (September 11, according to a new style), the Church commemorates the Orthodox soldiers who were killed on the battlefield for Faith and Fatherland. This commemoration was established in 1769 during the war with the Turks and Poles by decree of Empress Catherine II.
9. Dimitrevskaya parental Saturday - Saturday a week before the feast of the memory of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica (November 8, according to a new style), the Heavenly Patron of the Right-believing Grand Duke Dimitri of the Don. Having won a victory on the Kulikovo field, Prince Dimitri made a commemoration by name of the soldiers who fell on the battlefield on the eve of his day of the Angel. Since then, the Church has commemorated on this day, called by the people the Demetrius Saturday, not only the soldiers who died for the Fatherland, but also all the deceased Orthodox Christians.
On parental days, Orthodox Christians visit the temple, in which funeral services are performed. These days it is customary to make sacrifices on the memorial table (eve) - various products (with the exception of meat). After the memorial service, the products are distributed to the temple employees, those in need, sent to orphanages and nursing homes. Products are also brought to the funeral table on other days when a memorial service is performed, that is, this is almsgiving for the dead.
On spring and summer parental days (Radonitsa and Trinity Saturday), it is customary to visit the cemetery after the church: correct the graves of deceased relatives and pray next to their buried bodies.

And not only in Orthodoxy there is a tradition of commemoration of the dead- it is believed that on the 9th day it collapses astral body(body of emotions), and on day 40 - mental (body of thoughts). That is, the soul comes out of its shells.

In the sacred Tibetan Book of the Dead ("Bardo Thedol") the body is only a vessel that temporarily contains the soul. Just as an earthen pot is broken when it is empty, so the body is destroyed when the soul no longer needs it. Bardo Thedol contains a whole science of what tests the soul goes through when overcoming death, and how to ease its path in the ocean of samsara, the illusion of rebirth, on the way to the next reincarnation, or incarnation.

The process of separating the soul from the former shell lasts three days, during which the monks sing special mantras. These mantras, as a guide, pave the way for the consciousness of the soul through the steps of the bardo, from death to new life. In the process, the old body becomes an empty form, forever devoid of meaningful content.

The main metamorphosis takes place with the body, it is split into primary elements: earth, air, fire and water. The soul becomes completely free from the shell in order to plunge into a new vessel, in which, perhaps, it will be able to approach nirvana.

Physicists believe that 40 days after death - this is the period after which DNA ceases to produce a reference vibration (loses its individual electromagnetic field)Death is not the end. In fact, death is the beginning, another stage of growing up. At the time of physical death, your spirit will go to spiritual world where he will continue to learn and develop. Death is a necessary step in your development, just like birth. Someday, after your death, your spirit and body will unite again, never to be separated again. It's called "resurrection"
