Regulations on the sale of tickets. Regulations on the procedure for the sale and return of theater tickets Rules for the sale of theater tickets


on the procedure for the sale of theater tickets preferential categories citizens

2.5. All changes to the Regulations are approved by order of the First Deputy Artistic Director - Director of the Theatre. The benefits established by these Regulations are valid until the release of amendments to the Regulations or until changes in the relevant legislative framework.

2.6. Categories of spectators who, in accordance with the Regulations, are given the opportunity to purchase theater tickets at a discount, are reflected in Appendix No. 1, which is an integral part of the Regulations.

3. The procedure for granting and using benefits for individuals

3.1. Any individual who has the right preferential visit The theater, in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations, is obliged to present to the ticket cashier (or administrator) documents confirming the right to the benefit.

3.2. When selling a reduced-price ticket, the ticket clerk shall affix on the theater ticket issued to the spectator the number of the document confirming the right to the benefit, as well as the surname and initials of the spectator entitled to the benefit.

3.3. By purchasing theater tickets using the benefits provided for by the Regulations, the viewer agrees to the processing of their personal data, which include: passport data, numbers of documents giving the right to the benefit and other information that is necessary for the correct documentation of legal relations between the Theater and the viewer in order to: sale, return of preferential tickets, as well as any actions with respect to personal data that are necessary or desirable to achieve the above goals, including (without limitation) collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, distribution (including transfer to third parties), depersonalization, as well as the implementation of any other actions with personal data provided for by applicable law Russian Federation.

The theater guarantees that the processing of the buyer's personal data is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of 01.01.2001 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data" and other applicable legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of personal data.

3.4. When purchasing a reduced ticket in accordance with the Regulations, the viewer is notified that entry to the auditorium with a reduced ticket is possible only upon presentation of the document indicated by the cashier on the ticket when it was sold (clause 3.2 of the Regulations). In the absence of a document certifying the right to a benefit, the spectator is not allowed to the performance.

4. The procedure for granting and using benefits for legal entities

4.1. Any legal entity has the right to apply to the management of the Theater with a request to allocate preferential tickets for performances of the current repertoire.

4.2. The appeal is drawn up on the letterhead of the organization in a free form, however, the following information must be reflected in its content:

a) the number of expected discount tickets and the basis for the discount (indicating the number and name of the document confirming this right);

b) the date of the intended visit and the name of the performance;

c) full name of the curator of the intended group of spectators;

G ) contact information.

4.3. Within a reasonable time, the Theater administrators verbally inform the legal entity about the results of the consideration of the application using the contacts left in the letter.

4.4. The Theater reserves the right to refuse a collective application if there are not enough free places for the specified performance, or offer to attend another performance from the current repertoire of the Theatre, or offer to reduce the estimated number of spectators.

4.5. The theater reserves the right to refuse legal entity without explanation, if his application does not contain preferential categories of individuals defined by these Regulations and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


to the Regulations on the procedure for the implementation of theatrical

to purchase discounted tickets


eligibility for benefits

Amount of discount

Wheelchair users (no more than two people per day)

Accompanying person

for free

(by appointment)

50% of ticket price

Disabled children and persons accompanying them (1 person) to performances with an information product sign corresponding to the age of the child

certificate confirming the fact of disability

50% of ticket price

Orphans and persons accompanying them (1 person) to performances with an information product sign corresponding to the age of the child

any document confirming the status of the child

for free

(by appointment)

Children left without parental care to performances with an information product sign corresponding to the age of the child

a document confirming the establishment of guardianship (trusteeship), transfer to foster family

for free

(by appointment)

Members of the Great Patriotic War

war veteran's certificate

50% of ticket price

Residents of besieged Leningrad

certificate of a resident of besieged Leningrad

30% of ticket price

students full-time learning

student ID

by program

"Moscow Art Theater for students"

Children from large families (under 18 years old) and their parents to performances with an information product sign corresponding to the age of the child

large family certificate

for free

(by appointment)

Participants in the wars in Afghanistan and Chechnya

certificate of a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

30% of ticket price
