The Princess and the Pea is a Russian folk tale. Online reading of the book The Princess and the Pea The Princess and the Pea

Dear Parents, it is very useful to read the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea" by Hans Christian Andersen to children before going to bed, so that a good ending to the fairy tale pleases and calms them and they fall asleep. The dialogues of the characters often evoke tenderness, they are full of kindness, kindness, directness, and with their help a different picture of reality emerges. Charm, admiration and indescribable inner joy are produced by pictures drawn by our imagination when reading such works. Here, harmony is felt in everything, even negative characters, they seem to be an integral part of beingness, although, of course, they go beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable. Faced with such strong, strong-willed and kind qualities of the hero, you involuntarily feel the desire to transform yourself into better side. Surprisingly easily and naturally, the text written in the last millennium is combined with our present, its relevance has not diminished at all. A person's worldview is formed gradually, and such works are extremely important and instructive for our young readers. The fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea" by Hans Christian Andersen can be read for free online countless times without losing love and hunting for this creation.

Once upon a time there was a prince, he wanted to marry a princess, but only a real princess. So he traveled all over the world, looking for such, but everywhere there was something wrong; there were plenty of princesses, but whether they were real, he could not fully recognize this, there was always something wrong with them. So he returned home and was very sad: he really wanted a real princess.
One evening a terrible storm broke out: lightning flashed, thunder rumbled, the rain poured down like a bucket, what a horror! And suddenly there was a knock at the city gates, and the old king went to open the door.
The princess was at the gate. My God, what did she look like from the rain and bad weather! Water dripped from her hair and dress, dripped right into the toes of her shoes and flowed out of her heels, and she said that she was a real princess.
"Well, we'll find out!"; thought the old queen, but she said nothing, but went into the bedchamber, removed all the mattresses and pillows from the bed, and laid a pea on the boards, and then took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and on the mattresses twenty more eiderdown duvets.
On this bed they laid the princess for the night.
In the morning they asked her how she slept.
“Ah, terribly bad! the princess replied. “I didn’t close my eyes all night. God knows what I had in bed! I was lying on something hard and now I have bruises all over my body! It's just awful what it is!
Then everyone realized that in front of them was a real princess. Why, she felt the pea through twenty mattresses and twenty eiderdown duvets! Only a real princess can be so tender.
The prince took her as his wife, because now he knew that he was taking a real princess for himself, and the pea ended up in the cabinet of curiosities, where she can be seen to this day, if only no one stole her. Know that this is a true story!


Surely little girls will love it. This tale by G.Kh. Andersen seemed to write specifically for girls. Indeed, what boy is able to believe, or even understand, that you can feel a pea through 20 mattresses and featherbeds? But the girls willingly believe in the story with the pea. At least my girl believes. So I highly recommend you to my girls Read the story "The Princess and the Pea", with illustrations by D. Patience.

Once upon a time there was a prince in one kingdom-state. Real prince. He was so real that when he wanted to get married, he decided to marry not just some princess, but only a real princess.

So he went around the world to look for such a princess. Traveled, traveled, traveled the whole world. I looked everywhere, but just the one I wanted, I still couldn’t find it. None of the princesses he met could satisfy him. There were plenty of princesses, but whether they were real or not, he could not fully understand. And it always seemed to him that something was wrong with them, something was wrong.

He returned home and was sad: he really wanted to marry a real princess.

And then one evening a terrible storm broke out in the street. Thunder rumbled, lightning flashed, rain poured down from buckets. And all this in total darkness, torn by flashes of lightning. Well, what a horror!

Suddenly, someone knocked on the castle gate. Of course, in such weather, no one should be left outside. Therefore, the king, despite the darkness, went to open it.

The princess was at the door. But my God, what did she look like now! The girl was all wet from the rain, the water flowed from her dress and hair straight into the toes of her shoes, and flowed out of her heels. But despite this, she kept and spoke like a real princess.

“Well, now we’ll check what kind of princess you are,” the queen mother thought, but, of course, she didn’t say anything out loud. Instead, she went into the bedroom, removed all the pillows, mattresses and feather beds from the bed, and placed a small pea on the very bottom of the bed, on the boards.

On top of the pea, she put back all the twenty mattresses she had taken off, and on top of the mattresses, the same number of goose down duvets. The bed came out - soft for a feast for the eyes.

It was on this bed that the princess was laid to sleep. wished her Good night and left one.

And in the morning they asked her how she slept.

Oh, it was a terrible night! the princess replied. I haven't been able to close my eyes for one minute! I can't even imagine how it was possible to make such a disgusting bed. God only knows what was in it! I had the feeling that I was lying on something very hard and uneven, and in the morning my whole body was bruised!

And here, not only the queen mother, but everyone around realized that they were in front of a real princess. After all, only the most real princess can feel a small pea through twenty mattresses and the same number of featherbeds.

Of course, the prince was immediately delighted and asked the princess to marry him. The princess gladly agreed, they played a wedding and then lived happily ever after.

A small pea is still stored in royal museum. You can go and see. Unless, of course, someone pulled it out of there.

Once upon a time there was a prince, he wanted to marry a princess, but only a real princess. So he traveled all over the world, looking for one, but there was something wrong everywhere: there were a lot of princesses, but whether they were real, he could not fully recognize this, there was always something wrong with them. So he returned home and was very sad: he really wanted a real princess.

One evening a terrible storm broke out; lightning flashed, thunder rumbled, the rain poured like buckets, what a horror! And suddenly there was a knock at the city gates, and the old king went to open the door.

The princess was at the gate. My God, what did she look like from the rain and bad weather! Water dripped from her hair and dress, dripped right into the toes of her shoes and flowed out of her heels, and she said that she was a real princess.

"Well, we'll find out!" thought the old queen, but she said nothing, but went into the bedchamber, took all the mattresses and pillows off the bed, and laid a pea on the boards, and then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and on the mattresses twenty more eiderdown duvets.

On this bed they laid the princess for the night.

In the morning they asked her how she slept.

Ah, terribly bad! the princess answered. I haven't closed my eyes all night. God knows what I had in bed! I was lying on something hard and now I have bruises all over my body! It's just awful what it is!

Then everyone realized that in front of them was a real princess. Why, she felt the pea through twenty mattresses and twenty eiderdown duvets! Only a real princess can be so tender.

The prince took her as his wife, because now he knew that he was taking a real princess for himself, and the pea ended up in the cabinet of curiosities, where she can be seen to this day, if only no one stole her.

Know that this is a true story!

About the fairy tale

The Princess and the Pea: A Short Tale of Cunning and Tenderness

The great Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen left a huge number of brilliant fairy tales as a legacy to mankind. The author himself did not like being called a children's storyteller. Because, as Hans claimed, he wrote smart stories for adults. His fairy tales contain a meaning that parents must first understand, and then convey the words of the great writer to the new younger generation.

Note to readers!

G. H. Andersen was the most popular in the USSR foreign writer. Over 70 years in the period from 1918-1988, more than 500 editions of the great storyteller were published with a total circulation of 100,000,000 copies.

Descendants must say a huge thank you to the Russian translator of Scandinavian writers Anna Vasilievna Ganzen. It was she who did a titanic job, translated into Russian and conveyed to Russian-speaking readers the meaning of brilliant fairy tales. Many years have passed, and now any child or adult can get acquainted with creativity good storyteller Hans Christian Andersen.

The benefits of smart fairy tales for child development

Dear readers, on our pages with pictures there are all popular fairy tales famous Danish writer. We are trying to keep the Soviet literary heritage and convey to the children the beauty of the Russian word.

Read fairy tales with children and feel the benefits for their harmonious development:

- capital letters and large print on the pages will allow you to quickly memorize words and whole sentences.

- Colorful illustrations will help visualize the events from the fairy tale and imagine the main characters.

- Reading at night is good for nervous system child, soothes and helps to see beautiful fairy-tale dreams.

- Fairy tales are for family reading aloud. This is a great opportunity to spend time with children and pass on the experience of older generations to them.

Dear parents, kindergarten teachers, school teachers! Use good smart fairy tales for the harmonious development of kids. Did you have a free minute? Read a fairy tale to a child, and another sprout of goodness, light and faith in a happy future will sprout in his soul.

About the plot of the short fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea"

How the plot of a new story is born in the head of a storyteller magic story? Very simple! He looks at some object or observes a natural phenomenon, and fantasy begins to work and create new images in the imagination. For example, when Andersen found a piece of tin in the ashes, he immediately imagined a one-legged tin soldier. Only a real genius's imagination gives birth to unusually beautiful fairy tales!

How did the princess and the pea appear? Most likely, the writer saw an unfortunate wet girl on the street and thought that she could be a princess. And then he came up with a lonely prince who has been looking for his true soul mate all his life.

Then the writer drew in his imagination the castle, where the wet princess knocked. And what did the cunning queen do? She decided to give the girl a test. The prince's caring mother put one dry pea under 20 mattresses and under 20 featherbeds. And the princess could not sleep all night because something was disturbing her!

Is it true? Hard to tell!

Maybe the queen, in order to marry her son, decided to go for a little trick? Most likely, she hinted at the hidden pea to the princess. In order for the young to find happiness, did the queen wrap everyone around her finger? Everything can be, we don’t know the answers, and we invite the guys to think out the plot of a simple short fairy tale on their own.

Once upon a time there was a prince, he wanted to marry a princess, but only a real princess. So he traveled all over the world, looking for such, but everywhere there was something wrong; there were plenty of princesses, but whether they were real, he could not fully recognize this, there was always something wrong with them. So he returned home and was very sad: he really wanted a real princess.

One evening a terrible storm broke out; lightning flashed, thunder rumbled, the rain poured like buckets, what a horror! And suddenly there was a knock at the city gates, and the old king went to open the door.

The princess was at the gate. My God, what did she look like from the rain and bad weather! Water dripped from her hair and dress, dripped right into the toes of her shoes and flowed out of her heels, and she said that she was a real princess.

"Well, we'll find out!" thought the old queen, but she said nothing, but went into the bedchamber, took all the mattresses and pillows off the bed, and laid a pea on the boards, and then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and on the mattresses twenty more eiderdown duvets.

On this bed they laid the princess for the night.

In the morning they asked her how she slept.

Ah, terribly bad! the princess answered. I haven't closed my eyes all night. God knows what I had in bed! I was lying on something hard and now I have bruises all over my body! It's just awful what it is!

Then everyone realized that in front of them was a real princess. Why, she felt the pea through twenty mattresses and twenty eiderdown duvets! Only a real princess can be so tender.

The prince took her as his wife, because now he knew that he was taking a real princess for himself, and the pea ended up in the cabinet of curiosities, where she can be seen to this day, if only no one stole her.

Know that this is a true story!

We read, watch and listen to children's fairy tales:

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G.H. Andersen

Princess on the Pea

il-there was a prince, he wanted to marry a princess, but only a real princess. So he traveled all over the world, looking for such, but everywhere there was something wrong; there were plenty of princesses, but whether they were real, he could not fully recognize this, there was always something wrong with them. So he returned home and was very sad: he really wanted a real princess.

One evening a terrible storm broke out: lightning flashed, thunder rumbled, the rain poured down like a bucket, what a horror! And suddenly there was a knock at the city gates, and the old king went to open the door.

The princess was at the gate. My God, what did she look like from the rain and bad weather! Water dripped from her hair and dress, dripped right into the toes of her shoes and flowed out of her heels, and she said that she was a real princess.

"Well, we'll find out!"; thought the old queen, but she said nothing, but went into the bedchamber, took all the mattresses and pillows off the bed, and laid a pea on the boards, and then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and on the mattresses twenty more eiderdown duvets.

On this bed they laid the princess for the night.

In the morning they asked her how she slept.

Ah, terribly bad! the princess answered. I haven't closed my eyes all night. God knows what I had in bed! I was lying on something hard and now I have bruises all over my body! It's just awful what it is!

Then everyone realized that in front of them was a real princess. Why, she felt the pea through twenty mattresses and twenty eiderdown duvets! Only a real princess can be so tender.

The prince took her as his wife, because now he knew that he was taking a real princess for himself, and the pea ended up in the cabinet of curiosities, where she can be seen to this day, if only no one stole her. Know that this is a true story!
