Diet cottage cheese casserole with honey. Diet cottage cheese casserole: recipes

All recipes are easy to prepare and do not require any special investment of time and money, no culinary skills. The ingredients are simple: cottage cheese, eggs, kefir and raisins. All! In order to diversify the dish, some add prunes and dried apricots to it.

The calorie content of cottage cheese casserole is very small - only 90 Kcal per 100g.

As you know, a dietary cottage cheese casserole plays an important role in the development of a child's body. Cottage cheese is rich in calcium, protein and is one of the best products by its nutritional properties, and raisins are a storehouse of mineral salts, vitamins and organic acids. Therefore it perfect recipe for small children under the age of even a year.

Options for cooking diet cottage cheese casserole

Today, many recipes are used for making flourless cottage cheese casseroles. But the main ingredients are usually the same for everyone: cottage cheese, eggs. By the way, when preparing this dish, you can add not only fruits that have become traditional for cottage cheese casseroles to the dough, but also vegetables, primarily

To prepare a low-calorie cottage cheese casserole you will need:

  • 2 eggs,
  • 250 g cottage cheese,
  • 2 table spoons of low-fat kefir,
  • 2 teaspoons sugar (or to taste)
  • a handful of raisins.

Beat the eggs, mix 250 g of cottage cheese with two tablespoons of kefir. Then combine the two masses into one and add sugar and raisins there. You can also use an apple, prunes or dried apricots.

Spread the curd mass in a greased form and send it to the oven for 30-40 minutes. Such a casserole can be prepared very simply in a double boiler. To do this, make sure that the kit includes a special bowl for rice, casseroles and other liquid products.

Recipe diet cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker

We will need:

  • Fat-free cottage cheese (3 packs ~ 600 grams)
  • White yogurt / sour cream 15%
  • 1 egg
  • Sweetener / fructose (to taste)
  • Semolina (5 tablespoons)
  • Fruits / berries (to taste)

Cottage cheese is thoroughly kneaded with a fork, or using a blender. Add egg, yogurt or sour cream (~4 tablespoons), sweetener/fructose (~5 tablespoons), semolina (~4-6 tablespoons), and mix thoroughly. You can add any fruit or berries to taste, but remember that because of them cottage cheese casserole it may turn out to be watery, not dense, since fruits and berries give off a lot of liquid.

Having kneaded a homogeneous dough, you need to put it in a bowl. Cottage cheese diet casserole in a slow cooker turns out very well in the baking mode. Lightly grease the multicooker bowl with oil so that the casserole does not burn, and spread the dough evenly. We close the lid, turn on the baking mode for 50 minutes, and go about our business.

Diet cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin

We will need:

  • pumpkin pulp - 300-400 g
  • cottage cheese - 200 g
  • eggs - 3 pcs
  • apple 1 pc
  • sugar (you can without it) - up to 0.5 cups,
  • raisins - a handful,
  • salt - a pinch
  • sachet of vanilla sugar optional

And grind the pumpkin and apple or three of them on a coarse grater and add the rest of the ingredients to them. We put sugar to taste, when adding 0.5 cups, the casserole turns out to be quite sweet, so it is important to consider the sweetness of pumpkin. Mix everything well until smooth. We spread the resulting dough into a mold (I have a diameter of 19 cm) and bake in the oven at 180C for about 30 minutes. Let cool slightly in the oven and then put on a dish.

Cottage cheese casserole with dried apricots and raisins

  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 500 g
  • Eggs - 4-5 pcs. (depending on size)
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp (you can use its substitute)
  • Dried fruits or fruits - to taste
  • Soda - a pinch

Beat egg whites with sugar. Combine the yolks with mashed cottage cheese, a pinch of soda, steamed dried fruits or pieces of fruit. Mix the curd mixture. Gently combine the cottage cheese and proteins, put in a greased form and bake at 190-200 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

Diet cottage cheese casserole with cheese and herbs

  • Curd - 250 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Kefir - 2 tablespoons
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp
  • Low calorie cheese - 100 g
  • Bran - 2 tablespoons
  • chopped greens

Whisk the eggs in a bowl, add to the grated cottage cheese and mix well. Soda extinguish in kefir, add to the curd mass along with bran, cheese grated on a fine grater and finely chopped herbs. Pour the resulting mass into a silicone mold. Bake the casserole at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes. If desired, you can add a cheese crust - for this, 5 minutes before cooking, sprinkle the casserole with a small amount of grated cheese.

Cottage cheese casserole with yogurt, pear and banana

Since sweet fruits are used in this recipe, sugar can be omitted.


  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 250 g
  • Yogurt - 30 ml
  • Banana
  • Pear

Banana mashed. Combine it with cottage cheese, egg and yogurt. Whisk with a blender. Peel the pear from the peel and core, cut into cubes, put in the curd mass. Transfer the dough into a silicone mold (it needs to be lightly greased) or into a metal mold (grease it and sprinkle with breadcrumbs). Bake the casserole in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees or in the microwave under the lid (it will take 5-6 minutes at 100% power). If cooking in the microwave, leave the dish in it for another 10-15 minutes.

Diet cottage cheese casserole is loved for the speed of its preparation. and lots of options to experiment with. This dish requires a minimum of products and only half an hour of time, which is a weighty argument for busy housewives.

Besides, low-calorie cottage cheese casserole is a dietary, very delicate and tasty product, which is perfect for as a lung dinner in case you really want to eat late in the evening without harm to the figure. If you care about your figure, then we recommend.

Cottage cheese has long been on the list of the most useful natural products. It is rich in protein and minerals, the most important of which are calcium and phosphorus. This dairy product can be consumed raw or prepared from it in a variety of delicacies. The most favorite dish among adults and children is a diet curd casserole.

Cottage cheese for weight loss

This unique fermented milk product is easily digestible with almost all types of food, and its low fat and carbohydrate content allows it to be used as a dietary food in the fight against obesity. For weight loss, it is best to use fat-free cottage cheese. Cottage cheese “unloading” can be done once a week, alternating with lighter diets.

Many argue about how healthy or harmful fat-free cottage cheese is. It is known that the higher the fat content of the product, the harder it is for the body to absorb it. But eating only fat-free foods is often harmful to the body. Eliminating fat completely from the diet for a long time, in the first place it will affect the hair and skin.

Therefore, in this case, the rule “Everything is good in moderation” should also not be forgotten. Finding harmony, a woman intends to become more beautiful, but not at the cost of health. On the basis of cottage cheese, many diets for weight loss have been developed, among which everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves.

Types of cottage cheese

There are several types of cottage cheese. First of all, cottage cheese should be chosen based on its fat content.

Fat curd. Cottage cheese 18% fat is widely used in cooking and is a source of calcium and phosphorus.

Low-fat cottage cheese. The average fat content in this curd is from 1.8%. Perhaps this is the most sold type of cottage cheese.

Skim cheese. Due to the zero fat content, this cottage cheese can be indispensable for certain diseases or diets.

The method of producing cottage cheese can also be different, but this practically does not affect the taste.

Acid-rennet curd. The basis is lactic acid, rennet and pasteurized milk.

Acid curd. In the production of this type of cottage cheese, pasteurized whole or skimmed milk and lactic acid are mixed.

Separate curd. Separated cottage cheese is a mixture of fat-free cottage cheese with cream. This type of cottage cheese can be of any fat content (often dietary curd products are made in this way).

What is cottage cheese made of?

Most of all in cottage cheese protein and calcium. Protein is the basis of life, calcium is the basis of bone tissue.

The composition of the product varies depending on the type of raw material used in production and the fat content.

In 100 gr. cottage cheese contains:

§ 15 gr. squirrel;

§ 18 gr. fats;

§ 2.9 gr. carbohydrates;

§ more than 50 gr. water.

In bold cottage cheese there is more protein (18 grams), but less fat, and in fat-free cottage cheese there is a lot of water and practically no fat, but there is more than 20 grams of protein.

Cottage cheese contains vitamins B, H, C, E, and PP, as well as vitamin A. Among the minerals are: iron, phosphorus, choline, zinc, sodium, chlorine, calcium, potassium, magnesium, fluorine, selenium, copper, cobalt and manganese. Almost all of them are well absorbed by the body.

The benefits of cottage cheese casserole

This dietary dish is one of the most useful. Suitable for children as it helps proper development child's body. Cottage cheese has a lot of calcium, protein, it is one of the best nutritional products. The addition of raisins to it further enhances the value of the product, enriching it with mineral salts, vitamins and organic acids. All this makes a cottage cheese casserole the perfect dish for small children.

It must be in the diet of a person who suffers from diseases of the digestive system. Since cottage cheese casserole is easily digestible and is a fermented milk dish, which has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. So, we bring to your attention various recipes this dish.

Diet classic cottage cheese casserole in the oven recipe with photo

The traditional recipe for a dietary cottage cheese casserole in the oven does not require the addition of flour at all.

This is a low-fat, protein-rich dish that requires:

  • 500 g fat-free cottage cheese;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • a pinch of soda.

Whip egg whites together with sugar. Blend cottage cheese with a blender until smooth. Mix the yolks with the curd mass, then add the whipped whites and soda. Put the dough in a greased form and bake for half an hour at 190 degrees.

The casserole has 8 servings of 115 calories, each serving contains 14 g of protein and only 3 g of fat.

For a brighter taste, put the zest of one lemon or orange into the dough.

A handful of raisins added to the batter will sweeten the cake and add another 10 calories per serving. You can make a casserole with higher-fat cottage cheese for a milder creamy taste, but note that 2% cottage cheese adds 13 calories per serving, 5% cottage cheese adds 24 calories, and 9% cottage cheese adds 44 calories.

Want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you.

Diet cottage cheese casserole with apples


  • Cottage cheese 1% fat 250 g
  • Chicken egg 1 pc.
  • Apple 2 pcs. (medium size)
  • Fat-free kefir 3 tbsp.


  1. Cottage cheese is mixed with an egg, if it is with lumps, then you can knead it with a fork.
  2. Kefir is added to the dough and everything is thoroughly mixed.
  3. Apples are peeled, the core is removed from them, after which they are coarsely rubbed.
  4. The apple mixture is added to the curd dough, which is laid out in a silicone mold.
  5. The cottage cheese casserole is baked for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Diet cottage cheese casserole according to Dukan

For those who are on a diet, there is a recipe named after Dukan, a dietitian. He developed a list of 100 natural products that are allowed to be consumed in unlimited quantities.

  • fat-free soft (not grainy) cottage cheese - 3 packs of 200 g each;
  • eggs - 4 pcs. (not very large);
  • about 3 tablespoons skimmed dry (powdered) milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch (corn);
  • 11 g of any sugar substitute (you can Fitparad);
  • a pinch of vanilla.

Preparation: First you need to separate the proteins and beat them with a mixer until thick foam (peaks).

Next, mix the yolks with cottage cheese. Then carefully, without whipping, add half of the dry products and half of the protein mass to the curd, mix. Then put all the remaining ingredients, mix again.

For the multicooker, select the "baking" program and set the time to 50 minutes. It can also be cooked in an oven at 180°C. This way of preparing treats according to Dukan's recipe is simpler, but no less tasty.

Diet cottage cheese and vanilla casserole "Pudding"

Serve this vanilla cottage cheese casserole with a scoop of ice cream and raspberry jam.


  • 600-700 grams of cottage cheese;
  • Four table eggs;
  • Three table. spoons of granulated sugar;
  • One pack of vanilla pudding mix;
  • One tea. a spoonful of baking powder;
  • Raisins - to taste;
  • One pack of vanilla sugar;
  • Butter.

Cooking method:

Eggs are beaten well in a deep bowl, cottage cheese is added. Pour in sugar. Add vanilla sugar. Pour in the pudding mix and baking powder. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Then the mass is thoroughly beaten with a mixer or food processor. Put the soaked raisins and mix. Grease a baking dish with butter. Spread curd mass. Bake until done.

Diet cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin

  • pumpkin pulp - 300-400 g,
  • cottage cheese - 200 g,
  • eggs - 3 pcs.,
  • apple 1 pc.,
  • sugar (you can without it) - up to 0.5 cups,
  • raisins - a handful,
  • salt - a pinch,
  • sachet of vanilla sugar optional

Grind the pumpkin and apple or three of them on a coarse grater and add the rest of the ingredients to them. We put sugar to taste, when adding 0.5 cups, the casserole turns out to be quite sweet, so it is important to take into account the sweetness of the pumpkin. Mix everything well until smooth. We spread the resulting dough into a mold (I have a diameter of 19 cm) and bake in the oven at 180C for about 30 minutes. Let cool slightly in the oven and then put on a dish.

Diet cottage cheese casserole with raisins and dried apricots

The casserole prepared according to this recipe will not overload your body with excess calories. Instead of dried apricots and raisins, you can use canned pineapples or pieces of your favorite hard fruit in the recipe. If the fruits are sweet, then you can cook without sugar.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • Fresh and low-fat cottage cheese - 500 grams. The curd should not be too wet;
  • Medium-sized eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon, use in the recipe as desired;
  • Raisins, dried apricots or fruits - according to your taste;
  • Soda - a small pinch.

Preparing the casserole:

  1. We wipe the cottage cheese, separate the proteins from the yolks.
  2. Beat the whites with sugar, and combine the yolks with the mashed cottage cheese.
  3. Gently combine the curd mass with whipped proteins, add a pinch of soda - mix. Add steamed dried fruits or pieces of fresh fruit.
  4. Put the prepared curd mass into a greased form.
  5. We heat the oven, and put our casserole in it - bake at a temperature of 190 - 200 degrees, 30 minutes. Cool the finished curd dessert and cut into portions, you can when serving.

Diet cottage cheese casserole with banana and quail eggs

Very tasty and quick to prepare casserole. Exceptional diet food. If you are watching your weight and do not like too sweet casseroles - cook this one! In addition, quail eggs are very useful. This recipe does not contain sugar, butter, flour and semolina. It can serve as a great dietary start and end to your day.

  • Cottage cheese 200 gr.,
  • Bananas 1 pc.,
  • Quail eggs 6 pcs,
  • Vanilla to taste
  • Ground cinnamon to taste
  • Lemon juice 2 tsp,
  • Salt to taste.

Want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you.

cooking casserole

  1. Ideally, separate egg whites and yolks, and beat whites with lemon juice until stiff peaks form (I didn't do this, but I ate the casserole right away before it went stale, so do as you please).
  2. Mash the yolks with cottage cheese and a pinch of salt. If your cottage cheese is hard, add a little milk. But I didn't need it.
  3. We mix both masses.
  4. You can add cinnamon and vanilla to taste.
  5. Slice the banana into thin circles. It took me only half a banana to make my tiny mold.
  6. We spread the resulting products in a form in layers, starting and ending with the curd layer. It is best to use silicone molds, any pastry comes out of them easily and they do not need to be lubricated with oil or sprinkled with semolina.
  7. Bake at 180 * until brown edges appear. If you see that the top remains.

Today, many people strive to eat rationally - this allows you to maintain both a figure and health. diet casserole from cottage cheese is included in the menu of diverse diets. This dish is used in sports nutrition, it is useful for people with various pathologies, and in addition, it is ideal for those who want to lose weight.

Cottage cheese casserole with raisins and dried apricots

Diet cottage cheese casserole prepared according to this recipe does not overload the body with calories. Instead of raisins and dried apricots, you can use pieces of hard fruit or canned pineapple. When using sweet fruits, sugar can be omitted.

Low-fat cottage cheese - 500 g
Eggs - 4-5 pcs. (depending on size)
Sugar - 1 tbsp. (you can use its substitute)
Dried fruits or fruits - to taste
Soda - a pinch

Beat egg whites with sugar. Combine the yolks with mashed cottage cheese, a pinch of soda, steamed dried fruits or pieces of fruit. Mix the curd mixture. Gently combine the cottage cheese and proteins, put in a greased form and bake at 190-200 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole with vegetables

Onion - 1 pc.
Fat-free cottage cheese - 200 g
Tomatoes -1-2 pcs.
Cauliflower - 3-4 inflorescences
bell pepper– 0.5 pcs.
Garlic - 2 cloves
Bran - 1 tbsp.

Fry the onion for 0.5 tsp. olive oil, transfer to a bowl. Add tomato slices, boiled and chopped cauliflower inflorescences, pepper cubes, crushed garlic cloves, bran, mashed cottage cheese and whipped protein. Season the mass and mix. Lay it out
into a silicone mold and bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Curd casserole with apples

Low-fat cottage cheese - 500 g
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Oat flakes, ground into flour - 3 tbsp.
Green apple
Sour cream of minimum fat content - 2 tbsp.
Sugar - 2 tbsp.

Add yolks, sour cream, oatmeal to grated cottage cheese and mix. Beat egg whites with sugar until a white fluffy mass is obtained. Peel the washed apple from the core and peel, cut into slices or straws. Gently combine the curd and protein mass. Put the dough in a greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs form. Place apple slices on top, sprinkle with sugar. Bake at 200 degrees for half an hour.

Cottage cheese casserole with low-calorie cheese and herbs

A dietary casserole made from cottage cheese does not have to be sweet at all - you can easily cook a snack option. This dish is ideal for those who are actively involved in sports, as it provides a loading dose of protein.

Curd - 250 g
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Kefir - 2 tbsp.
Soda - 0.5 tsp
Low-calorie cheese - 100 g
Bran - 2 tbsp.
chopped greens

Whisk the eggs in a bowl, add to the grated cottage cheese and mix well. Soda extinguish in kefir, add to the curd mass along with bran, cheese grated on a fine grater and finely chopped herbs. Pour the resulting mass into a silicone mold. Bake the casserole at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes. If desired, you can add a cheese crust - for this, 5 minutes before cooking, sprinkle the casserole with a small amount of grated cheese.

Cottage cheese casserole with yogurt, pear and banana

Since sweet fruits are used in this recipe, sugar can be omitted.

Low-fat cottage cheese - 250 g
Yogurt - 30 ml

Banana mashed. Combine it with cottage cheese, egg and yogurt. Whisk with a blender. Peel the pear from the peel and core, cut into cubes, put in the curd mass. Transfer the dough into a silicone mold (it needs to be lightly greased) or into a metal mold (grease it and sprinkle with breadcrumbs). Bake the casserole in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees or in the microwave under the lid (it will take 5-6 minutes at 100% power). If cooking in the microwave, leave the dish in it for another 10-15 minutes.

Due to the high concentration of easily digestible protein, diet cottage cheese casserole perfectly suppresses hunger, but does not overload with calories. It can be both sweet fruit and salty vegetable - when preparing the casserole, show your imagination (you may well come up with your own recipe). Remember that it is worth cutting the cooked dish after cooling.

Cottage cheese has long been on the list of the most useful natural products. It is rich in protein and minerals, the most important of which are calcium and phosphorus. This dairy product can be consumed raw or prepared from it in a variety of delicacies. The most favorite dish among adults and children is a diet curd casserole.

Cottage cheese for casseroles, you can take any. But for those who are on a diet, fat-free or low-fat is suitable. Undoubtedly the best option- a home-made product, especially if you are cooking for a child.

The recipes are varied. A big plus of cottage cheese casseroles is the ability to change the composition to your liking. For example, if you add fresh fruits (apples, bananas, etc.) to a dish, it will become even tastier and healthier. Many options and heat treatment: the most common way of cooking is in the oven. But in Lately housewives prefer to cook in a slow cooker or double boiler.

Multicooker Recipes

If you cook a diet casserole in a slow cooker, it will turn out to be very tender, juicy, and ideal for a children's menu.

Method number 1. Components:

  • two packs of cottage cheese, 250 g each;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • berries, dried fruits;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
  • by 4 tbsp. l. flour and granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

With a mixer, beat the regular sugar and eggs, then add the vanilla sugar. Put in the same bowl butter(room temperature) and cottage cheese, mix thoroughly. Continuing to stir, gradually add flour. Lastly, add fruits or berries to the curd mass.

In the slow cooker, select the “baking” program, the cooking time is 45 minutes. Then leave in the “heating” mode for ⅓ hours.

Diet Casserole Recipe #2(without flour):

  • two packs of cottage cheese 200 g each;
  • 2 eggs (medium-sized);
  • sugar and semolina - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • from 100 to 200 ml of fat-free kefir (the amount depends on whether the cottage cheese is wet or dry);
  • berries, dried fruits or just fruits.

Pour the cereal into kefir and leave to swell. Beat eggs with sugar, combine with semolina-kefir mixture. Add cottage cheese, fillers (fruits, berries). Cooking in steam mode. To do this, wrap the double boiler container with foil, and pour water into the bowl. Time - 50 minutes.

Cooking without the use of semolina

Diet casseroles without flour and semolina are popular as low-calorie dishes.

No. 1. Compound:

  • a pack of cottage cheese 250 g;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • kefir (2 tablespoons);
  • raisins, sugar

Whisk the eggs. Separately combine cottage cheese, kefir and add them to the eggs. Put the remaining components. Cook in the oven for 30 minutes (or 40 - whoever has which oven) at 180 ° C. Dessert can also be cooked in a double boiler. Its readiness is determined by the crust - it should be golden in color, and the edges should lag behind the walls of the dishes.

Method number 2:

  • a kilo of cottage cheese;
  • 7 pcs. eggs;
  • a handful of dried fruits or dried berries;
  • sugar, a sachet of vanillin.

The sequence of steps is the same as in the previous recipe.

Cooking with semolina

The recipe with semolina is very simple, and the dessert ends up being very airy and melts in your mouth (see photo).


  • two packs of cottage cheese, 250 g each;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • sugar - about 1 cup;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of semolina

Mix cereals, eggs and leave to swell. During this time, punch the cottage cheese with a blender or grind through a sieve. Combine all the ingredients, mix: first with a fork, then with a mixer for three minutes.

Bake the curd mass in the oven at 200°C.

Recipes based on oatmeal

If you cook this dish with oatmeal, then it turns out to be especially tasty and nutritious.


  • a pack of cottage cheese weighing 200 g;
  • about 7 pcs. dried apricots;
  • half a glass of oatmeal;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • if desired - vanillin.

Beat the egg, add cottage cheese to it, mix. Combine the mixture with oatmeal and grind thoroughly, then add chopped dried apricots. Put this composition into the multicooker bowl. Select the "multi-cook" program, cooking time - 50 minutes. But it would be better if you hold on for another ten minutes after the signal.

Dish with carrots

Curd-carrot casserole is obtained with a spicy and unusual taste.


  • a pack of cottage cheese weighing 200 g;
  • one piece - carrots, eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • raisins, nuts (walnuts);
  • cinnamon, salt, vanillin, cardamom.

Combine egg, sugar, salt, spices. Mix this composition with chopped carrots. Add remaining components.

Cook at 180°C for half an hour.

According to Dukan

For those who are on a diet, there is a recipe named after Dukan, a dietitian. He developed a list of 100 natural products that are allowed to be consumed in unlimited quantities.

  1. Compound:
  • fat-free soft (not grainy) cottage cheese - 3 packs of 200 g each;
  • eggs - 4 pcs. (not very large);
  • about 3 tablespoons skimmed dry (powdered) milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch (corn);
  • 11 g of any sugar substitute (you can Fitparad);
  • a pinch of vanilla.

Preparation: First you need to separate the proteins and beat them with a mixer until thick foam (peaks).

Next, mix the yolks with cottage cheese. Then carefully, without whipping, add half of the dry products and half of the protein mass to the curd, mix. Then put all the remaining ingredients, mix again.

For the multicooker, select the "baking" program and set the time to 50 minutes. It can also be cooked in an oven at 180°C. This way of preparing treats according to Dukan's recipe is simpler, but no less tasty.

  1. We need:
  • half a kilo of dry cottage cheese;
  • eggs - 3 pcs. (medium-sized);
  • zest of one small lemon;
  • sugar substitute to taste;
  • about 2 tbsp. l. starch (corn);
  • vanillin.

Combine cottage cheese with eggs, add the remaining ingredients, mix. Put in an unheated oven, set the temperature to 180 ° C, time 40 minutes.

P.S. Diet cottage cheese casserole is suitable for any meal: you can use it to energize the whole family in the morning, or you can feed hearty after a hard day. In any case, it takes a little time to cook, which is another advantage of these dishes.

Diet cottage cheese casserole without flour is one of the most useful. It is perfect for both children and people with digestive problems. This dish will become indispensable in the menu of a person suffering from hepatitis, since, in fact, it is very light. diet dish. Low-calorie cottage cheese casserole is also good for those who follow the Kremlin diet.

One name - cottage cheese casserole brings us back to distant childhood, this is the dish that you should definitely return to your diet.

Diet cottage cheese casserole can serve as an independent dish or be a light dessert.

Diet casserole recipes:

All recipes are easy to prepare and do not require any special time and money, or any culinary skills. The ingredients are simple: cottage cheese, eggs, kefir and raisins. All! In order to diversify the dish, some add prunes and dried apricots to it.

The calorie content of cottage cheese casserole is very small - only 90 Kcal per 100g.

As you know, a dietary cottage cheese casserole plays an important role in the development of a child's body. Cottage cheese is rich in calcium, protein and is one of the best foods in terms of its nutritional properties, and raisins are a storehouse of mineral salts, vitamins and organic acids. Therefore, this is an ideal recipe for small children even up to a year old.

Options for cooking diet cottage cheese casserole

Today, many recipes are used for making flourless cottage cheese casseroles. But the main ingredients are usually the same for everyone: cottage cheese, eggs. By the way, when preparing this dish, you can add not only fruits, which have become traditional for cottage cheese casseroles, but also vegetables, especially pumpkin, to the dough.

To prepare a low-calorie cottage cheese casserole you will need:

  • 2 eggs,
  • 250 g cottage cheese,
  • 2 table spoons of low-fat kefir,
  • 2 teaspoons sugar (or to taste)
  • a handful of raisins.

Beat the eggs, mix 250 g of cottage cheese with two tablespoons of kefir. Then combine the two masses into one and add sugar and raisins there. You can also use an apple, prunes or dried apricots.

Spread the curd mass in a greased form and send it to the oven for 30-40 minutes. Such a casserole can be prepared very simply in a double boiler. To do this, make sure that the kit includes a special bowl for rice, casseroles and other liquid products.

Recipe diet cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker

  • Fat-free cottage cheese (3 packs

600 grams)

  • White yogurt / sour cream 15%
  • 1 egg
  • Sweetener / fructose (to taste)
  • Semolina (5 tablespoons)
  • Fruits / berries (to taste)

Cottage cheese is thoroughly kneaded with a fork, or using a blender. Add egg, yogurt or sour cream (

4 tablespoons), sweetener / fructose (

5 tablespoons), semolina (

4-6 tablespoons), and mix thoroughly. You can add any fruits or berries to taste, but remember that because of them, the curd casserole can turn out to be liquidish, not dense, since fruits and berries give off a lot of liquid.

Having kneaded a homogeneous dough, you need to put it in a bowl. Cottage cheese diet casserole in a slow cooker turns out very well in the baking mode. Lightly grease the multicooker bowl with oil so that the casserole does not burn, and spread the dough evenly. We close the lid, turn on the baking mode for 50 minutes, and go about our business.

Diet cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin

  • pumpkin pulp - 300-400 g
  • cottage cheese - 200 g
  • eggs - 3 pcs
  • apple 1 pc
  • sugar (you can without it) - up to 0.5 cups,
  • raisins - a handful,
  • salt - a pinch
  • sachet of vanilla sugar optional

And grind the pumpkin and apple or three of them on a coarse grater and add the rest of the ingredients to them. We put sugar to taste, when adding 0.5 cups, the casserole turns out to be quite sweet, so it is important to take into account the sweetness of the pumpkin. Mix everything well until smooth. We spread the resulting dough into a mold (I have a diameter of 19 cm) and bake in the oven at 180C for about 30 minutes. Let cool slightly in the oven and then put on a dish.

Cottage cheese casserole with dried apricots and raisins

  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 500 g
  • Eggs - 4-5 pcs. (depending on size)
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp (you can use its substitute)
  • Dried fruits or fruits - to taste
  • Soda - a pinch

Beat egg whites with sugar. Combine the yolks with mashed cottage cheese, a pinch of soda, steamed dried fruits or pieces of fruit. Mix the curd mixture. Gently combine the cottage cheese and proteins, put in a greased form and bake at 190-200 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

Diet cottage cheese casserole with cheese and herbs

  • Curd - 250 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Kefir - 2 tablespoons
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp
  • Low calorie cheese - 100 g
  • Bran - 2 tablespoons
  • chopped greens

Whisk the eggs in a bowl, add to the grated cottage cheese and mix well. Soda extinguish in kefir, add to the curd mass along with bran, cheese grated on a fine grater and finely chopped herbs. Pour the resulting mass into a silicone mold. Bake the casserole at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes. If desired, you can add a cheese crust - for this, 5 minutes before cooking, sprinkle the casserole with a small amount of grated cheese.

Cottage cheese casserole with yogurt, pear and banana

Since sweet fruits are used in this recipe, sugar can be omitted.

  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 250 g
  • Yogurt - 30 ml
  • Banana
  • Pear

Banana mashed. Combine it with cottage cheese, egg and yogurt. Whisk with a blender. Peel the pear from the peel and core, cut into cubes, put in the curd mass. Transfer the dough into a silicone mold (it needs to be lightly greased) or into a metal mold (grease it and sprinkle with breadcrumbs). Bake the casserole in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees or in the microwave under the lid (it will take 5-6 minutes at 100% power). If cooking in the microwave, leave the dish in it for another 10-15 minutes.

Diet cottage cheese casserole is loved for its speed of preparation and many options for experimentation. This dish requires a minimum of products and only half an hour of time, which is a weighty argument for busy housewives.

In addition, a low-calorie cottage cheese casserole is a dietary, very delicate and tasty product that is perfect as a light dinner if you really want to enjoy it late in the evening without harming your figure. If you care about your figure, then we recommend the maggi curd diet.
