Guitar drawing step by step. How to draw a guitar with a pencil step by step? — Useful information for everyone

This is an average lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing a guitar for this lesson for young children, but if you have a great desire, then you can try. I also want to note the lesson "" - be sure to try to repeat it if you have time and desire to draw today.

What you need

In order to draw a guitar, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grained special paper: it will be much more pleasant for novice artists to draw on this particular paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each must be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. She will rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Ordinary everyday things are the easiest to draw, because you can always look at the guitar, always at hand and you can consider every detail. You have to draw not from the head, but from nature, and this is much more pleasant and easier. If you do not have the opportunity to look at what you are drawing, it is better to turn to the search engine and look at the photos before taking the lesson.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to turn your attention to the lesson "". It will help improve your mastery or just give you a little pleasure.

Please note that every object, every living being, every phenomenon on paper can be depicted using simple geometric objects: circles, squares and triangles. It is they who create the form, it is them that the artist needs to see in the surrounding objects. There is no house, there are several large rectangles and a triangle. This makes building complex objects much easier.

Tip: sketch with as light strokes as possible. The thicker the strokes of the sketch, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather zero, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will give you an idea of ​​where exactly the drawing will be. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of a sheet layout in the center:

Right now we have to outline the outline of the future guitar. Because we are drawing a 24-fret guitar, the neck is very long. The fewer frets, the shorter the neck. Once the neck is drawn, draw the body of the guitar before moving on to step 2.

I advise you to take the time to draw all 6 lines, starting from the bridge of the guitar and ending with the top of the neck. But before we start drawing the strings, which we will naturally do shortly, carefully draw all the frets. I think it is clear why they cannot be drawn over the strings. On the neck, you need to apply a number of bases for fastening the pegs.

Now let's focus on the tailpiece, which ideally is just a couple of simple rectangles. It's best to enlarge the picture and redraw it as accurately as possible before we start step 4. There's no need to rush if we want our work to be done neatly. Don't forget to draw the controls (levers, buttons, etc.) that are on the right side of the case. And finally, we detail the top of the neck.

It must be admitted that the shards with bones (marks on the fingerboard) are too light to draw them now, but we will deal with their image right now. Carefully. Let's not forget. that the strings are already drawn. By the way, I want to say that they can be drawn in step 1. It all depends on how it is more convenient specific person. There are not so many main contour lines on this sketch, so you don’t have to be especially afraid to erase them, but if we are concerned about the cleanliness and accuracy of the drawing, we should improve the lines.

This is what the sketch will look like when we finally finish it. Well, he looks a little intimidating ... Now all that remains is to color the drawing.


So you learned how to draw a guitar. If you make an effort, I believe that you will achieve everything you wanted to. Now you can pay attention to the lesson "" - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share this tutorial with your friends on social media. networks.

Whatever modern style we would not take music, whether it be country, rock, jazz, blues, chanson and even classical, in all of them the guitar sounds with a melodic note. She publishes unreal basses, and groovy busts and sad ballads. As you may have guessed, our lesson will be about.

You probably know that the guitar, like a woman, has perfect shape, gentle and affectionate when treated with care and not submissive and mysterious to those who are unfamiliar with her. Like women, guitars are very different. Acoustic and electric guitars, solo, rhythm and bass guitars, classical, flamenco, folk and jazz guitars, regular, fretless and slide, five, six, seven and even twelve strings.

IN modern world they have become a symbol of rock culture, a symbol of music. All the boys once wanted to play like Kurt Cobain or Bono from U2, they spent many hours behind the Guitar Hero console, so that later they could show off their talent and win over the girls.

The world considers Jimi Hendrix a virtuoso of playing this instrument. He did with her what the musicians of that time could not even imagine. I strongly recommend not only to listen to him, but also to see how he did it. But in our lesson we will consider not the usual, acoustic.

To begin with, consider the structure of this stringed instrument, which is the most famous and widespread in the world. The body consists of a soundboard, a stand to which the strings are attached, and a resonator hole that helps to extract sound. The neck consists of frets, frets, nut, peg mechanism, with which the guitar is tuned, and the actual strings (metal or nylon). You can play it both with your fingers and with a special mediator.

Before that, it is very important not only to understand their structure, but also to try to play them. I think you have a friend who is fond of playing it, or even a member of a rock, jazz, country or flamenco band.

I would also advise you to turn on the acoustic guitar music while drawing. For example, I listen to Alexander Vasiliev's album "Drafts". It is very melodic and helps to concentrate. It is also desirable that in front of you was guitar. Pencil drawing it comes out much better if we see what we draw.

So, let's begin! Everything is very simple! We draw a vertically elongated rectangle that will serve as a neck. Next, draw two circles, one on top of the other, larger from below, smaller from above. From them we will draw a deck. A little higher from their cross section we draw a resonator hole, which is round in most guitars and a stand. At the top of the rectangle, draw six dots, and separate them with a horizontal line. Now we connect the two circles with a smooth line, like a female waist. We erase the lines we do not need with an eraser so that they do not spoil the picture for us. Let's go back to the peg mechanism. From the dots that we have recently applied, we will make small string adjusters. The deck can be embellished with some kind of pattern, for example, the so-called drop. And, of course, the strings. They should be drawn under the ruler, or, if it is not there, any object with at least one even side. Well, the final touch will be tracing the contours with a thicker line.

We would not have taken the modern style of music, be it country, rock, jazz, blues, chanson and even classical, in all of them the guitar sounds like a melodic note. She publishes unreal basses, and groovy busts and sad ballads. As you may have guessed, our lesson will be about how to draw a guitar with a pencil.
You probably know yourself that the guitar, like a woman, has an ideal shape, is gentle and affectionate when treated with care and is not submissive and mysterious to those who are unfamiliar with it. Like women, guitars are very different. Acoustic and electric guitars, solo, rhythm and bass guitars, classical, flamenco, folk and jazz guitars, regular, fretless and slide, five, six, seven and even twelve strings.
In the modern world, they have become a symbol of rock culture, a symbol of music. All the boys once wanted to play like Kurt Cobain or Bono from U2, they spent many hours behind the Guitar Hero console, so that later they could show off their talent and win over the girls.
The world considers Jimi Hendrix a virtuoso of playing this instrument. He did with her what the musicians of that time could not even imagine. I strongly recommend not only to listen to him, but also to see how he did it. But in our lesson we will not consider how to draw an electric guitar, but a regular, acoustic one.
To begin with, consider the structure of this stringed instrument, which is the most famous and widespread in the world. The body consists of a soundboard, a stand to which the strings are attached, and a resonator hole that helps to extract sound. The neck consists of frets, frets, nut, peg mechanism, with which the guitar is tuned, and the actual strings (metal or nylon). You can play it both with your fingers and with a special mediator.

Before you draw musical instruments, it is very important not only to understand their structure, but also to try to play them. I think you have a friend who is fond of playing it, or even a member of a rock, jazz, country or flamenco band.
I would also advise you to turn on acoustic guitar music while drawing. For example, I listen to Alexander Vasiliev's album "Drafts". It is very melodic and helps to concentrate. It is also desirable that you have a guitar in front of you. Pencil drawing comes out much better if we see what we are drawing.
So, let's begin! Everything is very simple! We draw a vertically elongated rectangle that will serve as a neck. Next, draw two circles, one on top of the other, larger from below, smaller from above. From them we will draw a deck. A little higher from their cross section we draw a resonator hole, which is round in most guitars and a stand. At the top of the rectangle, draw six dots, and separate them with a horizontal line.
Now we connect the two circles with a smooth line, like a female waist. We erase the lines we do not need with an eraser so that they do not spoil the picture for us. Let's go back to the peg mechanism. From the dots that we have recently applied, we will make small string adjusters. The deck can be embellished with some kind of pattern, for example, the so-called drop. And, of course, the strings. They should be drawn under the ruler, or, if it is not there, any object with at least one even side. Well, the final touch will be tracing the contours with a thicker line.
Now you can proudly show this guitar to your friends! If you want to learn how to draw musical instruments write to us and we will make a lesson especially for you. I hope it wasn't difficult, it's for love!



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What could be better songs with a guitar by the fire? And declarations of love to the sounds of this instrument? Someone is looking for consolation in her, someone sees in her the tender camp of her beloved. And someone lights rock concerts! So versatile musical instrument we will draw today.

Pencil drawing example

To get started, we suggest looking at how to draw a guitar with a pencil.

You need to sketch. Outline with a light pencil big circle, then next to another smaller one. Smoothly connect them, as if depicting a female waist. Then, stepping back a little, repeat a similar contour, so you will form a shell in the future. Without pressing on the pencil, draw a straight line in the center. Between the two circles, draw another very small one. Next, outline the outline of the neck and its head.

Take a darker pencil. Draw the stand, strings, pegs and other details. Darken the resonator hole. It's good if you have a nature with which to draw. In extreme cases, you can use a photo.

Erase the unnecessary pencil. Add a couple more strokes and shadows, giving volume to the picture. That's it.

step by step

Let's still figure out how to draw a guitar in stages.

Stage 1
Draw two circles, one on top of the other. Draw a line and divide it into equal segments. Draw a stand for the strings.

Stage 2
Give shape to your musical instrument and draw a voice box. Then take care of the neck, its head and pegs. Draw a protective lining.

Stage 3
Erase all extra sketch lines. Circle all the contours and details with a dark pencil. Show all the subtleties of the fretboard: frets, nut. You can also add a couple of little things to the resonator hole. Draw the strings carefully.

Stage 4
Color the resulting drawing.

For beginners

For beginners in the field of art, we offer the following instructions. Guided by it, you will learn how to draw a guitar in stages for beginners.

Modern guitars have many amazing shapes Literally for every taste. For beginners, we suggest depicting it in the form of a star.

Draw a four-pointed uneven star. This will be the body of your electric guitar.

Draw the neck, headstock and pegs, there are pickups on the body. Beginners don't need to worry about the details, so draw the pickups as rectangles and the pegs as small circles.

Draw the strings and two more circles on the body.

For children

If your child is interested in music or he likes guitars, then invite him to draw it. And we will show you how to draw a guitar for a child.

Draw the outlines of a pear-shaped musical instrument. It turns out something like an open eight.

Approximately from the middle of the upper face, draw a line similar to the contour line, but slightly bring it under the bottom face, as shown in the figure.

Then invite the child to shade the shell. The child is fun and interesting, and at the same time he develops writing skills. At the narrowest part of the body (waist), draw a circle. And a little lower is a thin rectangle that will serve as a stand for the strings.

Do not torment the child with various trifles and details. Therefore, draw a small trapezoid a little higher, draw dashes from it with bold dots at the ends. Draw a few strings from the headstock, it doesn't have to be six.

This is how easy and fast you can portray a guitar to a child.

man with guitar

More experienced artists can depict a musical instrument in action. The following instruction will show you how to draw a girl with a guitar.

Armed with a pencil and ruler, draw the base lines of your image.

Shape the tool and draw the main details. Mark where the girl's hands will be. Then sketch out a sketch of the girl herself.

DO NOT be too lazy to depict the electric guitar in detail and draw each finger of the guitarist.

Draw a girl in anime style. Pay attention to the huge eyes, tiny nose and small mouth. Try to convey as many subtleties as possible.

Thoroughly engage in shading, darkening and shading. It will take a lot of time, but the result is worth it!

rock guitar

And finally, let's take a closer look at how to draw a bass guitar.

Use a ruler and compass to sketch. Draw the outline of the body.

We have already said that it is important to know the structure of the guitar. Try to show as many nuances as possible, convey everything you did.

Erase the auxiliary lines, circle the drawing with a dark pencil.

Color the image as you wish.

Here are the last chords of our lesson. Thanks to our instructions, you will get excellent guitars. Good luck!

    To draw a guitar, you need to take paper, an eraser, colored pencils or gouache and a simple pencil.

    The guitar is musical stringed instrument, the body must be symmetrical, the proportions must be maintained according to the fretboard - a stick where the strings are. The color can be different and with different patterns.

    Draw a guitar step by step with a pencil Can.

    Today there are a lot of such examples on the Internet.

    Everyone is trying to show how to draw a guitar better and faster with a pencil.

    I liked this way of drawing, where you just need to have a blank white sheet of paper and a simple pencil:

    draw a guitar not difficult, the main thing is to draw the body, the only snag is the strings and small parts, perhaps problems may arise with them, it will be difficult to accurately portray them.

    In order to draw regular guitar we use the following steps:

    And now let's try draw an electric guitar:

    In the end, everything turned out very beautifully - just like real guitars!

    Drawing a guitar with a pencil in stages is quite easy if you resort to the help of one of step by step instructions, for example like this:

    If you want to draw a guitar with a child, you can try to draw it according to this scheme:

    guitar to draw pretty simple. It is important to draw an even lead - this is the place where the strings are located. And the guitar itself with a hole. Of course, it's better to draw from life, but if you don't have a guitar, you can just copy it on BV, there are plenty of drawings here.

    It is also possible to study step by step drawing guitars. Start drawing with horizontal line, then, to draw a guitar, it is very convenient to use a compass. All more detailed steps for drawing an acoustic guitar can be seen in the video tutorial.

    Before you draw a guitar, first consider what it consists of, if you don’t have your own guitar, then you can find a photo on the Internet.

    First, draw the neck of the guitar, it is a vertically elongated rectangle and two circles, bigger from the bottom, smaller from the top. We make the drawing thin lines, so that after that it is easy to remove unnecessary lines, correct mistakes. We draw a deck, and a little higher a resonator hole. On the neck, draw six dots, which are separated by a horizontal line.

    You can draw any guitar with a pencil in stages. Decide first what kind of guitar you want to portray: a classic acoustic six-string, bass guitar, electric guitar or the original rock star's girlfriend? :)

    And so any guitar consists of two main parts: neck and body or body. We draw an oval - this is our body, we add a vertical (or horizontal) stick or an elongated oval to it.

    And then we draw the body, you can draw a classic one that resembles a woman’s figure :), or you can come up with your own, as in the picture above. With the neck, things are easier - draw the headstock and, depending on our imagination, draw the pegs on one side or on both sides of the headstock.
