Pictures landscapes winter night. Winter that only seems white...

Pieter Brueghel is considered the last Netherlandish Renaissance painter. He had to travel a lot in Europe. Rome awakened a special feeling of delight in him.

Pieter Brueghel never painted to order - he was a freelance artist. The master of the brush liked to depict people of the lower classes in his paintings, for which he was nicknamed "Peasant".

One of his most famous paintings is "Hunters in the Snow" from the "Twelve Months" cycle. Only five paintings from this cycle have survived (it is assumed that there were originally six). "Hunters in the snow" correspond to December and January. This winter drawing shows people with their way of life, which represent a generalized image of the whole world.

Hunters in the snow

Claude Monet "Magpie"

Before that, the winter landscape genre was introduced by Gustave Coubret. In his picture there were people, horses, dogs, and only then . Claude Monet moved away from this and depicted only one, barely noticeable magpie. The painter called it "a lonely note." This showed the lightness and beauty of the winter landscape. Playing with light and shadow helps the artist create a special sensual atmosphere on a cold day.

Interestingly, the jury of the Paris Salon (one of the most prestigious art exhibitions in France) rejected this painting. And this is understandable, because she was very bold, the novelty of Monet's manner made the picture not like the classic images of a winter day of that time.


Vincent Van Gogh "Landscape with Snow"

Vincent van Gogh decided to become a painter at the age of twenty-seven. When Vincent came to Paris to visit his brother Theo, he quickly became disillusioned with the capital's art society. He left the winter capital and moved to sunny Arles.

At that time, the weather here was unusual for those places. Getting off the train, the painter felt himself in the realm of snow, he was not accustomed to heavy snowfalls and huge snowdrifts. True, a thaw soon set in and most of the snow melted. The artist hastened to capture what was left of the snow on the fields.

Landscape with snow

Paul Gauguin "Breton Village in the Snow"

Paul Gauguin - famous french artist. During his lifetime, his paintings were not in demand, so Gauguin was very poor. Glory to him, as well as to his friend Van Gogh, came only a few years after his death.

Recently, Paul Gauguin's painting "When is the wedding?" was sold for $300 million. Now this is the most expensive picture ever sold! The masterpiece was bought by the organization Qatar Museums, the seller is the famous Swiss collector Rudolf Stechelin.

When Paul Gauguin moved to the northwest of France, he set about painting Breton Village in the Snow. It was found on an unsigned and dated easel in the workshop of Paul Gauguin at the time of his death on May 8, 1903.

The artist created the heavy contours of snow-covered thatched roofs , the spire of a church, and the trees that suddenly appear in this desert landscape. The high skyline, the distant smoking chimneys, all evoke a sense of drama and frost in a barren winter.

Breton village in the snow

Hendrik Averkamp "Winter Landscape with Skaters"

Hendrik Averkamp is a Dutch painter. He was the first who began to work in the style of realistic landscape painting: the nature in his paintings was as it really is.

Averkamp was born deaf and mute. Early work - exclusively urban winter landscapes. It was they who made the artist widely known.

Since Averkamp could not feel this world with the help of hearing, his eyesight perfectly captured the sense of color, the ability to notice the smallest elements in multi-figured compositions became more acute. No one could compare with him in the transmission of changing lighting.

A famous painting by Hendrik Averkamp is “Winter Landscape with Skaters”. Notice the door trap and bird stick in the lower left corner of the painting – this is a direct reference to Pieter Brueghel’s painting “Winter Landscape with Bird Trap” (here it is in the lower right corner ).

Winter landscape with skaters

Winter landscape with bird trap

Winter landscapes by contemporary artists

Robert Duncan is a contemporary American artist born in Utah. There were 10 children in his family. Robert started drawing at the age of 5.

He liked to visit his grandparents at the ranch in the summer. It was the grandmother who, when the boy was 11 years old, gave him a set of paints and paid for 3 oil painting lessons.

Duncan's winter paintings exude warmth and homeliness, despite the fact that they are still "winter"!

Kevin Walsh is an artist whose paintings we have to assemble from a thousand pieces. Why? Because his work can be found on puzzles, postcards and even on clothes as prints.

Kevin Walsh's work is noted for its attention to technical and historical detail. The highlight of his work is a special sensitivity to scale, palette and color reproduction. Here is a selection of his works on the winter theme.

Richard de Wolfe is a professional Canadian artist and blogger. He is a self-taught artist. The first exhibition of works by Richard de Wolfe was presented when he was 18 years old. Here are some of his works.

Judy Gibson is a contemporary American artist. In her paintings - spontaneity and warmth. Her winter drawings show a forest house where she invites your fantasy. You need to imagine how cozy it is, sitting by the fireplace with a cup of hot .

Stuart Sherwood is a self-taught artist. He painted portraits of many famous people: Pope John Paul II, John F. Kennedy and others. He is the only one to have received the prestigious Canadian award four times. It is said that he even painted pictures for the President of France.

Wouldn't you like to draw winter?

P eared white flakes. A cozy creak underfoot. Sparkling snow reflects the sunbeam. The perfect winter is the grace of nature. And if you don’t become generous, then art will not let you down. Russian artists have been painting winter for centuries. Without knowing it - for the future. We examine winter landscapes with Natalia Letnikova.

The mood of winter gives a little childish. Being in the village of Ladeyki near Krasnoyarsk, Vasily Surikov decided to convey all the Siberian prowess, which shows through even in winter fun. “I wrote what I saw many times myself.” The painter looked for images every market day. The organization of nature - a snow town and a mounted Cossack on the "assault" - is the merit of the artist's brother. Alexander Surikov himself took a place in the picture in " auditorium"- on a sleigh covered with a bright carpet.

Capture of the snow town. 1891. State Russian Museum

Landscapes of the marine painter. A real rarity. Aivazovsky wrote for his creative life about six thousand paintings. And almost every job - the sea. But the painter of the Main Naval Staff used silver in the palette, drawing not the crests of a wave ... but a snow-covered forest. The source of inspiration is not only southern Feodosia, but also northern St. Petersburg, where the gifted young man Hovhannes Ayvazyan grew up into the artist Ivan Aivazovsky.

Winter landscape. 1876. Private collection

"In the wild north..." Poetic lines by Mikhail Lermontov and the title of the painting by Ivan Shishkin. Half a century since the death of the poet… Russian artists painted pictures based on his poems. Shishkin chose the theme of loneliness and saw his pine tree in the town of Kemi in distant Finland, where the painter's daughter had moved. Night, twilight, silence, solitude - not a sentence, but a wonderful winter dream. "... In the region where the sun rises, / Alone and sad on a combustible cliff / A beautiful palm tree grows."

"In the wild north..." 1891. Kyiv Museum of Russian Art

Fairy tale, opera, picture. And it's all about her. The Snow Maiden was invented by the playwright Alexander Ostrovsky, the composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov endowed the coloratura soprano and brought to the edge of the forest by the artist Viktor Vasnetsov. A touching girl, the prototype of which was Sashenka, the daughter of Savva Mamontov, takes a step into Big world. Snow-white edge and gray haze in the distance. Anxiety in the girl's eyes and ... the feeling of a fairy tale, even with a sad ending.

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Those who, without your participation, may lose an exciting business, turned to you for help.
Many children, boys and girls, dream of becoming pilots on the track.
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Only constant exercises allow you to overtake correctly, build a trajectory and choose the speed.
The basis of victory on the track is a good qualification. And, of course, professional cards.
Children who participate in clubs are completely dependent on adults, because lack of money and broken parts do not allow them to participate in competitions.
How much pleasure and new sensations the guys experience when they get behind the wheel and start driving the car.
Maybe not only the champions of Russia, but even the future world champions in this sport grow up in such a circle?!
You can help the children's section of karting, which is located in the city of Syzran. They're in a dire situation right now. Everything rests on the enthusiasm of the leader: Sergey Krasnov.
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I appeal to you with a request to help the karting section survive in the city of Syzran.
There used to be TWO stations in the city young technicians, and each had a karting section. Karting was also in the Palace of Pioneers. Now there is not a single station in the city, and the circle in the Palace of Pioneers was also destroyed. Closed - does not turn to say, just destroyed!
We fought, wrote letters, everywhere they got the same answer. About five years ago I went to the governor Samara region appointment. He did not accept, but the deputy accepted me.
After that, we were given a room where we were based. We have a lot of children who want to go karting, but very poor material conditions do not allow recruiting children.
And most of the karts need repair. This is the position our circle is in.
We also turned to the mayor of the city of Syzran for help. We are waiting for help for the second year. We decided to contact you via the Internet for help.
Contact me, ADDRESS FOR PARCEL, 446012 Samara region, Syzran, Novosibirsk street 47, you can contact via social networks SERGEY IVANOVICH KRASNOV. [email protected] Always, being on the wave of success, one must do works of mercy, give alms. And if the Lord helps in difficult circumstances, then do not forget about gratitude later. Then He will not forget about your needs.

Dezn lies in the acceptance by the whole being of what is happening around you in this moment. The irrational aspect of admiring nature - without realizing oneself in it - is the zen of a child. It is very strange to see how Plastov's "First Snow" is given to children at school. Or not strange, right?

The art of drawing and painting itself are nothing but tools that contribute to literature and, consequently, to the enlightenment of the people.
Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov

winter picture contemporary master on the classic theme of frost and sun pleases with birch trees and snow. Nikolai Anokhin depicts Russian copses and a village house standing on the outskirts. This canvas will take its rightful place in our collection of winter reproductions.

Painting famous artist Konstantin Yuon is integral to its name - " March sun". Otherwise, we might not understand that it is March, the end of winter. Thank you for clarifying. Let's look at the canvas, bright and solid? Not quite. The composition "through" reflects the movement, turn, towards the light and towards the summer.

Famous picture Victor Grigoryevich Tsyplakov's "Frost and the Sun" depicts not the sun itself, but lighting effects. The picture contrasts strong houses and sleighs with horses moving along a snowy road towards us, the audience.

The painting by Alexei Savrasov depicts a corner of a courtyard littered with snow, fenced with a strong fence. Savrasov also painted rickety huts, and such courtyards, and wide desert winter landscapes of the Middle Strip.

Unsophisticated at first glance picture Alexey Savrasov depicts not even winter, but space. And not the road - the distance. Almost reduced to white and dark colors are interesting for analysis.

Interesting winter landscape Gustave Courbet depicts the deserted outskirts of the village in disgusting, dank, cold and damp weather. Where are the horses and people? In stalls and taverns, perhaps.

Marvelous contemporary artist Nikolay Krymov. His "Winter Evening" would look great in the gallery of artists on Vernissage or Krymsky Val. But now everyone writes like that, well, or through one, but Krymov- first. And very different.

The most favorite in painting among artists and viewers is the genre of landscape. The creators of works of art convey their own mood through their work. Paintings about winter by Russian artists reflect all the beauty and fabulous serenity of our nature at this amazing time of the year.

Landscape by Nikifor Krylov

Decorated with a work depicting a rural landscape, which is called "Russian Winter". Its author, Nikifor Krylov, comes from the city of Kalyazin, which is located on the Volga. In your picture talented artist depicted the outskirts of the village, behind which a forest of marvelous beauty flaunts. Foreground represent slowly walking women, towards whom a peasant is walking, leading his horse. The feeling of spaciousness and lightness is emphasized by serene winter clouds floating across the sky.

Painting by I. Shishkin

The famous Russian landscape painter, when creating his works, preferred summer theme. However, he strove for diversity in his work, painting paintings depicting other seasons as well. One of these creations is the canvas "Winter". The painting is impressive as it reveals the winter numbness Central way is Pinery covered with deep fluffy snow. The silence of a frosty day is conveyed by the grandeur of a clear sky and mighty centuries-old pines covered with a fluffy white blanket. Due to the bluish coloring, the work reveals the languid beauty of the sleeping forest. I. Shishkin proves that paintings about winter by Russian artists can inspire and amaze the imagination with their colors and shades, gradually revealing the meaning to the viewer.

B. Kustodiev's work

The winter landscapes of Russian artists amaze with their splendor. Favorite in Rus' folk holiday- Maslenitsa - depicted in the painting of the same name by B. Kustodiev. The work conveys the mood of a mischievous and cheerful farewell to winter and a meeting of spring. Pancakes and festivities are the main attributes of Maslenitsa. It is hard to believe that this cheerful picture was created when he was seriously ill and confined to a wheelchair.

March winter day in the painting by K. Yuon

Winter in the paintings of Russian artists seems mysterious and wary. Opposite in mood is the picture of K. Yuon "March Sun". Clear piercing blue sky, sparkling snow, bright spots convey the freshness of a frosty day. The temperamental artist depicted two riders who are moving on their horses along a narrow path. They are overtaken by a beautiful horse, next to which a dog runs leisurely. Triumphant joyful colors gave the picture fame and love of the audience.

Night in the image of A. Kuidzhi

Paintings about winter by Russian artists convey a sense of a fantastic atmosphere. As if proving this, A. Kuidzhi's work "Moonlight Spots in the Forest. Winter" depicts the space of a small forest clearing surrounded by trees and bushes in the snow. Moonlight illuminates motionless objects, turning the entire clearing into a mysterious space. The light areas were frozen in a daze. From different sides, thick shadows creep up on them in dark spots, which smoothly pass into the tops of the trees.

Thus, the paintings about the winter of Russian artists are filled with a contrast of mystery and harmony. They convey to the viewer not only all the splendor and beauty of Russian nature, but also deep meaning, mood, creator. Winter in the painting of Russian artists is presented in all its grandeur. All this together contribute to the creation of a special atmosphere in the mind of the viewer, allows you to feel like a participant in a revived landscape, "touch" its details.
