Literary game based on the story of Mumu. Literary tournament on the work of I

Lesson - quiz "Own game"

based on Turgenev's story "Mumu".


    educational – to give an idea of ​​the life and work of I.S. Turgenev;

    Educational - to form students' communication skills, develop speech, thinking of students, the ability to see and feel the beauty of the word;

    Educational - the development of a high civic feeling, love for the motherland, compassion for the oppressed.

During the classes

Teacher's word:

Hello guys, today we will have a quiz lesson with you.

Let's split into 2 teams. Name your team.

First, a little warm-up. Blitz Poll


based on the story of I. S. Turgenev "Mumu"

1. Whose portrait is shown below:

" , built by a hero ... Gifted with extraordinary strength, he worked for four - the matter was arguing in his hands ... "(Gerasim .)

2. What was the name of the girl who liked the main character of the work? (Tatiana .)

3. Why did Gerasim call his dog Mumu? (He was deaf .)

4. Who lived in such a room:

“... a bed made of oak boards on four logs ...; under the bed was a hefty chest; in the corner stood a table of the same strong quality, and near the table - a chair with three legs....»? (Gerasim .)

5. Why did the lady order the dog to be drowned? (The dog grinned at the lady when she tried to pet her .)

6. Did Gerasim have a prototype? (Was .)

7. Which heroes of the story can be called positive heroes, and which ones are negative? (Positive Gerasim, negative - mistress, Kapiton, Gavrila .)

8. What illness did Gerasim suffer from? (Silence .)

9. How did Gerasim work for the lady? (janitor .)

10. What happened to Gerasim's beloved in the middle of the story? (Her .)

11. What did she do to get rid of Gerasim's advances? (pretended to be drunk .)

12. At what time was the story written? (During serfdom .)

13. What was the name of the lady's butler? (Gavrila .)

14. What words can describe the lady? (Bored old age, capricious, domineering .)

15. For what purpose, in your opinion, was the story written? (To that under serfdom the peasants did not have any rights, they were the property of the landowner, they could do anything with them .)

Rules of the game :

Choose the category of the question and the number of points. 30 seconds are given to discuss the answer. If a team answers incorrectly or does not know the answer, then the other team is given the opportunity to answer. If the answer is correct, points are awarded.

So let's get started.



- What is the story "Mumu" about?

Circumstances explaining the appearance of the story "Mumu"

Even as a child, having known the horror of serfdom, young Turgenev wrote: “I could not breathe the same air, stay close to what I hated ... In my eyes, this enemy had a certain image, wore famous name: this enemy was - serfdom. Under this name, I collected and concentrated everything against which I decided to fight to the end - with which I swore never to try on ... "
"Mumu" is the first work in which Turgenev exposes the vices of serfdom.

In 1852, N.V. Gogol dies. Turgenev took the death of the writer hard. Sobbing, he wrote an obituary. But the authorities forbade the use of Gogol's name in the press. And for the article printed by Turgenev in Moskovskie Vedomosti, the tsar personally ordered Turgenev to be put under arrest and sent to his homeland under supervision a month later. Under arrest "on the Syezzhaya, in a room near the police for those arrested," Turgenev lived next to the execution room, where the serf servants sent by the owners were flogged. The whipping of rods and the cries of the peasants probably evoked the corresponding impressions of childhood. In such conditions, the story "Mumu" was written. It was written in 1952, 9 years before the abolition of serfdom. Serfdom secured for the landowners the opportunity to own living people as things.

The entire population of Russia was divided into estates ( nobility, clergy, merchants, philistinism - petty merchants and artisans - peasantry). The boundaries between classes were almost impenetrable.

Details of the portrait of Tatiana : she, as a skilled and learned laundress, was entrusted with one thin linen, short stature, thinness, a mole on her left cheek (a bad sign), her beauty jumped off her due to exhausting work, she was kept in a black body, she is mute, because can't say a word against.

Details of Kapiton's portrait: whitish hair, soiled and torn frock coat, patched trousers, boots with holes, empty pewter eyes, speaks illiterately, slovenly, distorts the tongue, empty chatter.

Details of the portrait of Gavrila : yellow eyes and a duck nose, the head of the servants, does not have the right to vote, the position of a serf made him dodgy, ugly, cunning, ready for anything. He stole sugar and other groceries together with Lyubov Lyubimovna. He is from the category of people.


prizhivalk a-poor woman living out of mercy in a rich house.

Companion - a woman who was hired in manor houses to entertain ladies

Servants -servants

Lackey - servant, sycophant

key keeper - a servant who was trusted with the keys to storerooms, cellars

postilion - a coachman sitting on the front horse when harnessed in a train (goose)

Castellane - a woman who owned the master's linen.

Butler - manager of the household and servants in the landowner's household.

Homework retelling of Fet's biography, express reading "Wonderful Picture" and questions on the bottom. "Spring rain"

Municipal budgetary educational institution
"Lyceum №3"

literary quiz
for students in grades 5-6
according to the story of V.P. Astafiev "Horse with pink mane»

Stary Oskol
Goals of the literary quiz:
help students understand the ideological and moral content of the story;
highlight spiritual values ​​that make a person richer and more generous;
develop Creative skills, students' imagination;
develop the speech culture of students.
Quiz tasks:
the formation of a conscious attitude to the study of literature,
development of communication skills of students,
the formation of the ability to interact with each other to achieve a common goal.
Quiz participants:
Requirements for participating teams:
The team should include students of grades 5-6, no more than 10 people;
Teachers play the role of organizers, but not
team members;
Each team needs to prepare a presentation of their participants (1 - 1.5 minutes);
The students represent the team.
Terms of the game: each team must:
Have a name, attributes (emblem) of a given subject, motto.
Present a business card. The form of speech is arbitrary. Time - no more than 1.5 minutes.
Prepare homework.
- Prepare plates with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 (format A 4) for convenient and quick participation in the blitz survey.
- Reread the story of V.P. Astafiev "Horse with a pink mane"
Equipment: a portrait of the writer, photographs, a presentation for the game, an exhibition of children's works.

Quiz progress
How many years have passed! How many events have passed!
And I still can’t forget my grandmother’s gingerbread - that
marvelous horse with a pink mane.
V.P. Astafiev.
The main theme of many of Viktor Astafiev's stories is the theme of growing up, the formation of a person's personality. The writer shows how one seemingly insignificant incident can affect a person's whole life, which makes a person older, changes him. V.P. Astafiev shows how evil is born in very simple and normal circumstances how it grows and begins to oust the good from the human heart, drown out the voice of conscience. The case described in the story that you read at home is just one of these.
The story "The horse with a pink mane" opens a kind and bright world folk life, seen with children's eyes, shows a lively and observant childlike character. “A horse with a pink mane”, such a romantic, fabulous image, turns out to be just a “carrot horse”. Our task is to analyze the content of the story and find out which life lessons he carries.
Stage "Representation of commands"
The first stage of our game will allow everyone to get to know each other better, please introduce your teams.
Teams present their business cards (team name, devipz)
Stage "Blitz - Poll"
The essence of the task: In a certain time it is necessary to answer 14 questions concerning the life, work of Viktor Astafiev, the heroes of his works.
1 question:
Viktor Petrovich Astafiev is
2 question:
In what century did Viktor Petrovich Astafiev live and work?
at 18
at 19
in 20
at 21
3 question:
What was the name of the village where the writer was born
4 question:
Define the genre of Astafiev's work "The Horse with a Pink Mane"
fairy tale
5 question:
Name the main character of the story
6 question:
What is the name of the hero's grandmother?
7 question:
What did all the village children dream about in the story of V. Astafiev?
about gingerbread horse
about a toy horse
about candy
about a real horse
8 question:
Why did the grandmother promise to buy the hero of the story a gingerbread?
for house cleaning
for work in the garden
for harvested berries
for helping the shepherds
9 question:
What caused the quarrel between the Levontievsky children in the forest?
because of the berries they ate
lost in the forest
10 question:
What did Sanka advise the hero of the story to do so that he would not get hit by his grandmother?
don't go home
pick up a bunch of mushrooms
honestly tell grandma
put water in a tub, and cover with berries on top
11 question:
What did his best friend blackmail the protagonist?
12 question:
What happened to the hero's mother?
she drowned
she was hit by a car
was in the hospital
she left her children behind
13 question:
What was the name of the object in which the guys picked berries?
14 question:
What was the name of the aunt who, after the hero's escape from his grandmother, fed him?
Stage " dialect words»
At this stage, it is necessary to present the results of the study of 3 dialect words from the story "The Horse with a Pink Mane" and similar dialects in the colloquial dialect of your region
The participating teams present their homework - computer presentations "Dialect words"
Stage "Poll"
This sociological survey is the result of the preliminary work of team members on the following issues:
What character traits did the grandmother try to instill in her grandson?
Can they literary works teach us a moral lesson?
Why should a child be punished?
Stage "Explanations"
It is necessary to explain the proposed set expression and compare its meaning with any episode of the story:
Caught on the hook
The secret becomes clear
A friend in need is a friend indeed
Not with a whip, but with a gingerbread
Bring to light
Without a twinge of conscience
We do good - good and dreams, but we do bad - bad and dreams

Summary of the game. Reflection
Final word from the teacher.
- This story is about childhood - a wonderful time of learning about the world, the first encounters with life, a time when you are incredibly happy and hopelessly alone. There is an expression: "We all come from childhood." It emphasizes that childhood is very important in the formation of character, in the formation of ideas about the world and people. This time is warmed by the love and care of native people, their endless patience and kindness, and therefore is remembered as a happy time in the life of any person. Today we had the opportunity to live another day with the heroes of the story "The Horse with the Pink Mane"
The jury sums up, announces and awards the winners of the game.

Criteria for evaluation
1st competition - "Business card" (homework). The name and motto must be heard. Compliance with the declared theme of the game, originality is evaluated. The rest is up to the jury.
2nd competition - "Blitz - Poll". One point for each correct answer
3rd competition - "Dialect words" (computer presentation). Compliance with the topic and quality of the speech (expressiveness, ability to navigate the presentation material, etc.) is assessed. It is possible to get one point for each word found in the work
4th competition - "Social survey". Five points for the most original interview, questionnaire, survey
5th competition - "Explainers". One point for each complete answer.
No. p / p
Team names


"Business card"
"Blitz - Poll"
"Dialect Words"

Aizerman L.S. Lessons of moral insight. M., 2001.
Astafiev V.P. Leads and stories. M.: Det.lit., 2002.
Astafiev V.P. Flying goose. Stories. Memories. Irkutsk, 2001.
Globachev M. A gift that blossomed in the cold. Writer Astafiev: in the interior of worldly bustle, but invariably by itself / M. Globachev // New time. -2001. - No. 49. - P. 40-41.
Kuznetsova, M.S. "About time, about life, about myself".: over the pages of the book by V.P. Supplement to the journal "Literature at School" - 2004. - No. 9. - C. 13 - 15.
Kurdyumova T.F. Literature. 5 cells Method.recommendations for the teacher. M., 2007.

Literary game: "Clever and smart" based on the story of I.S. Turgenev "Mumu".
Purpose: Generalization of the studied. Check knowledge of the text of the work, the ability to use excerpts from the text when answering questions, the ability to express own opinion on the issue.
The game consists of three agons (competitions), during which three out of 9 participants will reach the final. All the other guys are theorists. If the participant finds it difficult to answer, or the answer is incorrect, the question goes to the "theorists". After qualifying round each participant chooses a lane. You get tokens for correct answers. "U"
Red carpet - 2 questions. You can never be wrong.
Yellow track - 3 questions. You can make a mistake 1 time. (1 penalty point)
Green path - 4 questions. You can make a mistake 2 times. (2 penalty points).
1st qualifying round.
What is the name of the upper floor with low ceilings in old noble houses (mezzanine).
How old word the surrounding area, neighborhood (nearby) was called.
Who is a "shorter"? (a craftsman who makes saddles, bridles and other harnesses).
2nd qualifying round.
What was the name of the woman who was in charge of the master's linen (castellan).
What is the old word for the rooms in the manor's house (chambers).
Who is a “draft peasant” (a serf who was obliged either to work on a corvee or to pay a dues to the landowner.
3rd qualifying round.
What is the name of the shaft attached to the middle of the front axle of a stroller, a cart (usually with a paired team) (drawbar).
What is the old word for the silver ruble (ruble).
Who is a "hozhaly" (messenger with the police).

Additional questions.
What does "tireless work" mean?
ancient men's clothing(caftan).
What was the name of a large, well-fed person (fat).
Who is the "key"? (a servant who was trusted with the keys to the pantries, cellars).
What does the word "sneer" mean? (to scoff).
What was the name of the cotton handkerchief (paper handkerchief).
What does the word "vicissitudes" mean? (unexpected misfortunes, troubles).
What does “hefty man” mean (very strong, strong, healthy).
What was the name of the bench in the form of a long box with a lid (konik).

Green path. She was a widow, surrounded by numerous domestics. Her sons served in St. Petersburg, her daughters got married. (lady).
Yellow track. This man had a strict and serious disposition, he loved order in everything. (Gerasim).
The Red carpet. This man has yellow eyes and a duck nose. His position is the chief butler (Gavrila Andreevich).

Green: In one of the remote streets of Moscow (in a gray house with white columns, a mezzanine and a crooked balcony, a lady once lived)
Yellow: The old lady, with whom he lived as a janitors, followed the ancient customs in everything and kept numerous servants: in her house there were (not only laundresses, seamstresses, carpenters, tailors and dressmakers - there was even one saddler, he was also considered a veterinarian and a doctor for the people.
Red: He was given a closet above the kitchen; he arranged it himself, according to his own taste: (he built in it a bed of oak planks on four logs, a truly heroic bed; one could put a hundred pounds on it - it would not bend; there was a hefty chest under the bed; in the corner stood a table of the same strong quality, and near the table - a chair with three legs, but so strong and squat that Gerasim himself used to pick it up, drop it and grin).

Zelenaya: How did Gerasim feel about his new life? (At first he did not like his new life strongly. From childhood he was used to field work. To rural life.)
Yellow: What were the duties of Gerasim in the lady's house? (Gerasim’s occupation in his new position seemed to him a joke after hard peasant work; He had little business; his whole duty was to keep the yard clean, bring a barrel of water twice a day, drag and chop firewood for the kitchen and do not let strangers in at home and guard at night).

How did Gerasim's relationship develop with the servants? (G. He was in a relationship not exactly friendly - they were afraid of him - but short: he considered them to be his own. They communicated with him by signs, and he understood them, carried out all orders exactly, but he also knew his rights, and no one dared to take his place in the capital).

1. task. Find out by the portrait of the hero or heroine.
Green path. She was a woman of about twenty-eight, small, thin, blond, with moles on her left cheek. (Tatiana)
Yellow track. It was a man twelve inches tall, built as a hero and deaf-mute from birth. (Gerasim)
The Red carpet. He is a shoemaker. The drunkard is bitter, he considered himself an offended and unappreciated creature. (Kapito Klimov).
2. task. Continue description.
Green. Tatyana could not boast of her fate (From early youth she was kept in a black body; she worked for two, but she never saw any kindness; they dressed her poorly, she received the smallest salary; she didn’t have any relatives.).
Yellow. Once she (Tatiana) was known as a beauty, but (beauty very soon jumped off her. Her disposition was very meek, or, rather, intimidated, she felt complete indifference to herself, she was mortally afraid of others; she thought only about how finish work on time)
Red. Tatyana's first meeting with Gerasim. When Gerasim was brought from the village, she almost died of horror at the sight of his huge figure, tried in every possible way not to meet him, even blinked her eyes, it happened when she happened to run past him).
3 task. Answer the questions using quotes from the text.
Green. How are the further relations between Gerasim and Tatyana? (G. at first did not pay much attention to her, then he began to chuckle when he came across her, then he began to look at her, and finally, he did not take his eyes off her at all)
Yellow. What thought came into the head of the lady? Translate in your own words the dialogue between the lady and Gavrila. (Well, Gavrila, - she suddenly spoke, - shouldn't we marry him, what do you think? Maybe he will settle down.
- Why not marry, sir! You can, sir," answered Gavrila, "and it will be very good, sir).
4 task. Answer the question using quotes from the text.
Green. What kept Gerasim from going to the mistress with a request to marry Tatyana? (He was only waiting for a new caftan, promised to him by the butler, in order to appear in decent form before the mistress).

3rd agon.

1. task. Find out by the portrait of the hero or heroine.
Green. At first she was very weak, frail and not beautiful (Mumu).
Yellow. A hefty guy who works as a footman. (Stepan).
Red. He is wearing a soiled and torn frock coat, patched pantaloons, boots with holes (Capiton).

2. task.
The Red carpet. Continue description.
Of all her servants, the most remarkable person was the janitor Gerasim, a man of twelve inches tall, built by a hero and deaf-mute from birth (The lady took him from the village, he lived alone, in a small hut, apart from his brothers, and was considered perhaps the most serviceable he worked for four - the business was arguing in his hands, and it was fun to look at him when he either plowed and, leaning his huge palms on the plow, it seemed, alone, without the help of a horse, cut up the elastic chest of the earth, or about Peter's day, the oblique acted so crushingly that at least a young birch forest should be brushed off the roots)
Green path. Answer the questions using quotes from the text.
What was the reason for the embarrassment that took possession of the butler Gavrila after the lady's proposal to marry Kapiton to Tatyana. (Don’t report to the lady that Gerasim is courting Tatyana as soon as this goblin finds out that T. is given out as Kapiton, because he will break everything in the house).
Yellow track. How did Kapiton receive the news of his marriage to Tatyana? (K. goggled his eyes. After all, he will kill me, by God, as soon as he swats some kind of fly) ...

3 task.
Green path. What did the courtyards come up with to turn Gerasim away from Tatyana, and why this? (So ​​that she would pretend to be drunk and walk, staggering and swaying, past Gerasim. G. did not like drunk people.)
Yellow track. How did Tatyana react to the news of her marriage? What does this indicate? (The butler looked intently at her (Tatiana).
- Well, - he said, - Tanyusha, do you want to get married? The lady has found a groom for you.
- Listen, Gavrila Andreevich. And who are they appointing me as suitors? - she added with indecision.
- Kapiton, the shoemaker.
- I'm listening.
He's a frivolous person, that's for sure. But in this case, the lady is counting on you.
- I'm listening).

4 task. Answer the question using quotes from the text.
Green. How did Gerasim react to the trick invented by the courtyards to turn Gerasim away from Tatyana? (The cunning succeeded perfectly well. Seeing T., at first, as usual, he nodded his head with an affectionate lowing; then he peered, dropped the shovel, jumped up, went up to her, pushed his face to her very face. She staggered even more from fear and closed her eyes, He grabbed her by the hand, rushed across the whole courtyard and, entering with her into the room where the council met, pushed her straight to Kapiton).

The final.
1. task. Answer the questions.
Green path. Since Gerasim can’t tell anything about himself, the idea of ​​him is made up of comparing him with those around him. What makes him stand out among them? (He is a real hero, he works for four: he plows, mows, threshes, etc.).
Yellow track. The author calls his work "indefatigable". What is the meaning of this concept? (Gerasim does not know fatigue, although he works from morning to evening. Peasant work is to his heart, he occupies all of his free time and never get bored).
The Red carpet. But here habitual move his life is disrupted. How does the text say about it? (The lady took him from the village).
2 task.
Green path. What magic power does a lonely old woman possess to treat a hero like that? (It's not about fabulous strength, it's just that she is a landowner and Gerasim is a serf, who is completely in her power).
Yellow track. What was the move to Moscow for Gerasim from the point of view of the mistress? (a promotion: after all, a janitor's work is easier than a peasant's).
The Red carpet. The lady talks a lot about her worries and anxieties. Why do those present feel uncomfortable with these conversations? (Everyone understands that she is pretending to be sick. Her whole life is a complete pretense, which is why Turgenev called her a quaint old woman).
3 task.
Green path. Has Gerasim changed after the appearance of Mumu in his life? (He became attentive, gentle, caring, even happy).
Yellow track. Why does Gerasim decide to "destroy the dog" himself? (He cannot disobey the lady, but he understands that the “people” will not spare the dog, it is in his power to protect her from torment).
4 task.
Green path. What was the protest of Gerasim? What is he protesting against? (Gerasim goes to the village).
Additional question.
1. Young Turgenev swore an oath to Annibalov. “I could not breathe the same air, stay close to what I hated. In my eyes, this enemy had a certain image, bore a well-known name. Under this name, I collected and concentrated everything against which I decided to fight to the end - with which I swore never to reconcile. This enemy was (serfdom).
Conclusions. Summarizing. Determining the winner of the game.

Lesson - quiz "Own game"


· educational- to give an idea of ​​the life and work of I.S. Turgenev;

· Educational- to form students' communication skills, develop speech, thinking of students, the ability to see and feel the beauty of the word;

· Educational- the development of a high civic feeling, love for the motherland, compassion for the oppressed.

During the classes

1. Org moment:

2. Work on the topic of the lesson

Rules of the game:

So let's get started.


1. Biography of Turgenev

Name the years of the writer's life.

Where did the writer's childhood go?


2. The image of Gerasim

3. The image of the lady

4. Quotes from the story

Who does Turgenev describe like this?

5. The image of Tatiana

3. Generalizations:

- What is the story "Mumu" about?

Even as a child, having known the horror of serfdom, young Turgenev wrote: “I could not breathe the same air, stay close to what I hated ... In my eyes, this enemy had a certain image, bore a well-known name: this enemy was - serfdom. Under this name, I collected and concentrated everything against which I decided to fight to the end - with which I vowed never to try on ... "" Mumu "- the first work in which Turgenev exposes the vices of serfdom.

Details of the portrait of Tatiana

Details of Kapiton's portrait:





Lackey- servant, sycophant

key keeper




4. Homework retelling of Fet's biography, express reading of the poem "Wonderful Picture" and questions

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"Lesson-quiz on literature grade 5 I.S. Turgenev "Mumu""

Lesson - quiz "Own game"

based on Turgenev's story "Mumu".


    educational– to give an idea of ​​the life and work of I.S. Turgenev;

    Educational- to form students' communication skills, develop speech, thinking of students, the ability to see and feel the beauty of the word;

    Educational- the development of a high civic feeling, love for the motherland, compassion for the oppressed.

During the classes

    Teacher's word:

Hello guys, today we will have a quiz lesson with you.

Let's split into 2 teams. Name your team.

Rules of the game:

Choose the category of the question and the number of points. 30 seconds are given to discuss the answer. If a team answers incorrectly or does not know the answer, then the other team is given the opportunity to answer. If the answer is correct, points are awarded. The winning team gets 5, the losing team gets 4. In addition, you prepared sketches based on the story "Mumu". Participants in the skits will receive one more mark for the game.

So let's get started.


1. Biography of Turgenev

Name the years of the writer's life.

Where did the writer's childhood go?

The entire population of Russia was divided into estates ( nobility, clergy, merchants, philistinism - petty merchants and artisans - peasantry). What class did Turgenev represent?

Under what conditions was the story “Mumu” ​​written, where was the writer?

In 1852, the first collection of stories by I.S. Turgenev was published. What was his name?

2. The image of Gerasim

Who was the prototype of Gerasim?

What were the duties of Gerasim? Did he like his job? Was it hard for him or not?

Gerasim wanted to ask the mistress to marry Tatyana. Why didn't he do it?

Why does Gerasim decide to get rid of Mumu himself? How does this characterize him?

At first, the author compares Gerasim with a mighty tree, then with a bull, then with a sedate gander, and at the end of the story he "acted strongly and cheerfully like a lion." What changes in the soul and in the actions of the hero does the author want to show?

3. The image of the lady

Where did the lady, the heroine of the story, live?

Who was the prototype of the lady?

Why was it that “they didn’t really like it in the house when a merry hour found a mistress,” when she laughed and joked?

Why, a year after Kapiton's marriage to Tatyana, did the lady decide to send them to a distant village?

Why did the lady order to get rid of Mumu?

4. Quotes from the story

“From early youth she was kept in a black body; she worked for two, but she never saw any kindness; they dressed her badly, she received the smallest salary; She didn't have any relatives."

Who does Turgenev describe like this?

He “only screwed up his pewter eyes a little, but did not lower them. He even grinned and ran his hand through his whitish hair, which was ruffled in all directions. “Well, yes, I, they say, I. What are you looking at?

Who is this passage talking about?

“His face, already lifeless, like all deaf-mutes, now seemed to be petrified.” What event changed Gerasim so much?

“Gerasim looked at all these people in German caftans from above, slightly resting his hands on his hips; in his red peasant shirt, he looked like some kind of giant in front of them. What scene are these words taken from?

"Just coming summer night was quiet and warm; on the one hand, where the sun had set, the edge of the sky was still white and faintly blushed with the last reflection of the vanishing day; on the other hand, a blue, gray twilight was already rising. Why does the author include the landscape only at the end of the story, when Gerasim comes to his native village?

5. The image of Tatiana

List the details of Tatyana's portrait.

Why did Tatyana agree to pretend to be drunk?

“Tatyana didn’t leave the laundry for almost the whole day. At first she burst into tears, then she wiped away her tears and set to work as before. Why didn't Tatyana go to the mistress to ask her not to marry her unloved?

What is the similarity between the characters of Gerasim and Tatyana?

Why did Tatyana shed tears in the scene of farewell to Gerasim? (Tatyana, who with great indifference endured all the vicissitudes of her life up to that moment, here, however, could not bear it, shed a tear "...)


- What is the story "Mumu" about?

Circumstances explaining the appearance of the story "Mumu"

Even as a child, having known the horror of serfdom, young Turgenev wrote: “I could not breathe the same air, stay close to what I hated ... In my eyes, this enemy had a certain image, bore a well-known name: this enemy was serfdom. Under this name, I collected and concentrated everything against which I decided to fight to the end - with which I swore never to try on ... "
"Mumu" is the first work in which Turgenev exposes the vices of serfdom.

In 1852, N.V. Gogol dies. Turgenev took the death of the writer hard. Sobbing, he wrote an obituary. But the authorities forbade the use of Gogol's name in the press. And for the article printed by Turgenev in Moskovskie Vedomosti, the tsar personally ordered Turgenev to be put under arrest and sent to his homeland under supervision a month later. Under arrest "on the Syezzhaya, in a room near the police for those arrested," Turgenev lived next to the execution room, where the serf servants sent by the owners were flogged. The whipping of rods and the cries of the peasants probably evoked the corresponding impressions of childhood. In such conditions, the story "Mumu" was written. It was written in 1952, 9 years before the abolition of serfdom. Serfdom secured for the landowners the opportunity to own living people as things.

The entire population of Russia was divided into estates ( nobility, clergy, merchants, philistinism - petty merchants and artisans - peasantry). The boundaries between classes were almost impenetrable.

Details of the portrait of Tatiana: she, as a skilled and learned laundress, was entrusted with one thin linen, short stature, thinness, a mole on her left cheek (a bad sign), her beauty jumped off her due to exhausting work, she was kept in a black body, she is mute, because can't say a word against.

Details of Kapiton's portrait: whitish hair, soiled and torn frock coat, patched trousers, boots with holes, empty pewter eyes, speaks illiterately, slovenly, distorts the tongue, empty chatter.

Details of the portrait of Gavrila: yellow eyes and a duck nose, the head of the servants, does not have the right to vote, the position of a serf made him dodgy, ugly, cunning, ready for anything. He stole sugar and other groceries together with Lyubov Lyubimovna. He is from the category of people.


prizhivalk a-poor woman living out of mercy in a rich house.

Companion- a woman who was hired in manor houses to entertain ladies


Lackey- servant, sycophant

key keeper- a servant who was trusted with the keys to storerooms, cellars

postilion- a coachman sitting on the front horse when harnessed in a train (goose)

Castellane- a woman who owned the master's linen.

Butler- manager of the household and servants in the landowner's household.

Homework retelling of Fet's biography, express reading "Wonderful Picture" and questions on the bottom. "Spring rain"

The problem of mother and son in I.S. Turgenev's story "Mumu"

Literary tournament based on the work of I. Turgenev "Mumu"

for 5th grade students

Decor: Exhibition of works by I. Turgenev (special attention is paid to the exhibition of I. Turgenev's story "Mumu"); cards with numbers from 0 to 6 (for each participant); task cards; a stand on which cards with tasks are placed; portrait of I. Turgenev

Host: Guys! Today we will get acquainted with the work of the great Russian writer I. Turgenev, whose 180th anniversary is celebrated this year. I.S. Turgenev was born in 1818 in the city of Orel, into a noble family. His father Sergei Turgenev - officer, participant Patriotic War 1918 and his mother Turgenev - Lutovinova were noblemen. The childhood of the writer passed in the estate of his mother in the village. Spasskoye - Lutovinovo, Oryol province. Studied at the St. Petersburg University in the verbal department. The first poetic experiments of I. Turgenev date back to the mid-30s of the 19th century. From 1838-1840, I. Turgenev continued his education abroad at the University of Berlin. His most famous works are the novels " Noble Nest"," Rudin "," Leading Waters "and others. A prominent place in the work of I. Turgenev is occupied by works for children, such as" Hunter's Notes", "Bezhin Meadow", the story "Mumu" and many others.
Today we will talk about the story "Mumu". This story in its own way ideological orientation very close to "Notes of the hunter". In it, the writer not only once again expresses his negative attitude towards serfdom, but also expresses faith in the indestructible spiritual greatness of a man from the people. Consider the content of this work in more detail.

1 TOUR "Dates"

You have the following dates:

1) 1818 2) 1852 3) 1860 4) 1850 5) 1813 6) 1834


1) When was I. Turgenev's story "Mumu" written? (1852)

2) When was I. Turgenev born? (1818)

3) What year was the writer's first work written? (1834. This is the poem "The Wall", written in the then fashionable romantic style.)

2 TOUR "Settlements".

1) Petersburg.

2) Moscow.

4) Far village.

5) Spasskoye - Lutovinovo.

6) Lower - Novgorod.


1. Where does the story "Mumu" take place? (Moscow city.)

2. Where do the sons of the lady serve? (Petersburg.)

3. Where were the ladies of the Klimov wife sent? (far village)

ZTUR " female characters story."

1) Tatyana.

2) Varvara Petrovna.

3) Ustinya Feodorovna.

4) Lady.

5) Lyubov Lyubimovka.

6) Daria Tikhovna.

Who is the text talking about?

1) "She sometimes liked to pretend to be a downtrodden and orphan sufferer ... then all the people in the house became embarrassed ..." (Lady)

2) "A woman of about twenty-eight, small, thin, blond, with moles on her left cheek." (Tatiana)

3) What was the name of the old host in the lady's house? (Lyubov Lyubimovna)

4) Who was the prototype of the lady? (Varvara Petrovna)

Leading: Varvara Petrovna Turgeneva-Lutovinova is depicted as a lady, own mother writer. All the traits and habits of the lady are written off from her. Varvara Petrovna, for example, was unhappy that her son, a well-born nobleman, devoted himself to literature. He constantly had to listen to reproaches: "What do you want to be a writer? Is this a noble business?" The conflict between mother and son has been brewing for a long time. In his younger years, I. Turgenev passionately and devotedly loved his mother. And he was her favorite son, about whom she wrote in her diary when he left somewhere: "To my son Ivan. Ivan is my sunshine, I see him alone, and when he leaves, I don’t see anything anymore." There was always a portrait of her beloved son on her desk. But the day came when gently loving mother approached desk and threw "her jewel" on the floor. So the portrait lay on the floor for several weeks. After that, Varvara Petrovna never wanted to see her son again. The reason for the gap between them is serfdom. Different approaches to this issue led to a gap between mother and son. Without giving a name to the mistress in the story, I. Turgenev, as it were, indicates that this character is not fictional, but written off from life. Varvara Petrovna (like the image of the lady) embodies, if not the worst features of the landowner class (the landowners were also more brutal in character), but its most typical, repulsive properties. First of all, the view of the serf is not as a person. It's a constant day to day humiliation human dignity tormented and tormented I. Turgenev in the serfdom.

4 TUR. " Male characters story"

1. Kapiton.

2. Stepan.

3. Khariton.

4. Andrey is dumb.

5. Gavrila Andreevich.

6. Gerasim.

What is the text talking about?

1) "A bitter drunkard, a shoemaker, who considered himself an offended and unappreciated creature, as well as an educated and metropolitan person." (Kapito Klimov)

2) "A hefty guy who works as a lackey ..." (Stepan)

3) The chief butler, a man who, judging by his yellow eyes and duck nose, fate itself seemed to have determined to be a commanding person. "(Gavrila Andreevich)

4) A man of twelve inches tall, built by a hero and deaf-mute from birth. (Gerasim)

5) Who was the prototype of the janitor Gerasim? (Andrey Nemoy)

Moderator (commentary): Andrey Nemoy was Varvara Petrovna's serf. He is similar in description to Gerasim. He was a very hard-working, sober man, hard-working and unusually serviceable, and mute from birth.

Round 5 "Dwellings"

1) Closet.

2) A room in an outbuilding.

3) Hut.

4) Closet.

5) A gray house with white columns.

6) Lord's chambers.


1) Where did the chief butler of Lady Gavrila live? (The room was in an outbuilding and was almost entirely crammed with forged chests.)

2) Where did the lady live with the servants? (In a gray house with white columns, a mezzanine, a lopsided balcony.)

3) Where was Kapiton Klimov hidden from Gerasim for security purposes? (Closet)

4) Where was Mumu brought when the lady wished to see her? (master's quarters)

5) Where did Gerasim live? (A closet under the kitchen; he arranged it to his liking, built a bed in it from oak planks on four chocks; 100 pounds could be put on it - it would not bend; there was a hefty chest under the bed; in the corner stood a strong table ... "

Round 6 "Gifts"

1) Ruble
2) Paper handkerchief
3) Sundress
4) Dime
5) Gingerbread cockerel
6) Kaftan


1) What did the lady give Gerasim once for his impudent act? (Pole)

2) What did the maid receive as a gift from the lady for delicious tea? (A dime. Tea seemed especially tasty to the mistress, for which the maid received praise in words and in money a dime).

3) What did Gerasim present to Tatyana when she left Moscow with her husband Kapiton? (Red paper handkerchief)

4) What did Gerasim present to Tatyana when he expressed his sympathy for her? (Gingerbread cockerel)

Leading: And now let's sum up the results of our competition. We will determine the finalists and continue the game with them.

Final game.

Leading: I. Turgenev's story is called "Mumu", and we still have not said anything about this dog.


1) Where Gerasim first met Mumu the dog:
a) on the road
b) in the bushes;
c) in the mud near the shore.

2) How old was the dog found by Gerasim?

a) 1 month;
b) 3 weeks;
c) six months.

Answer:“It was towards evening. He walked quietly and looked at the water. Suddenly it seemed to him that something velvety was in the mud near the shore. He bent down and saw a small puppy, white with black spots, which, despite all his efforts, could not could get out of the water, struggled, slipped and trembled. The poor little dog was only three weeks old, her eyes cut through unevenly: one eye was a little larger than the other.
3) What breed was Mumu?
a) Spaniel;
b) a mongrel;
c) Spanish breed.
Mumu turned into a very fine Spanish breed dog, with long ears, a fluffy tail in the form of a pipe and large expressive eyes.
Host: Let's sum up the final results of our competition. (The jury finds out how many points have been scored.)
Leading; This is followed by the final competition in which 2 people take part. They are offered the following task: to characterize Gerasim as a person (i.e., list his character traits). Answer options:
dedicated just strong
faithful executive caring
honest attentive knows how to stand up for
sober, unsociable of others, etc. Presenter: So our winner was determined, who proved that he knows a lot about I. Turgenev's story "Mumu". Do you remember how this story ended? (The audience gives an answer.) But could Gerasim forgive the lady for her refined cruelty? (The audience gives an answer.) With this act of Gerasim (leaving the manor estate), Turgenev showed the indignation of the serfs against the landowners in general, and against this lady in particular.
So I. Turgenev, who opposed serfdom, of which his mother was a representative, left the family, doomed himself to loneliness, life without a person close to him - his mother, but did not want to submit to her will, her strength, could not look at those of her bullying that the serfs endured from their landowners.
Assignments: 1. Where did Gerasim first meet Mumu the dog?
a) on the road
b) in the bushes;
c) in the mud near the shore.

2. How old was the dog found by Gerasim?
a) 1 month;
b) 3 weeks;
c) six months. 3. What breed was Mumu?
a) Spaniel;
b) a mongrel;
c) Spanish breed.
