Tips for young artists. How to draw summer Tips for young artists Draw a drawing on a summer theme

Help your child draw his summer: a river, a sea, a meadow or a house in the village. Learn to draw a girl that symbolizes summer.

Summer is a fertile time, a vacation time that children spend walking on the streets and parks, relaxing on the sea or by the river, being close to nature in the village with their grandparents. In September, when they return to school, they have something to tell. Sometimes there are so many emotions that you want to create - to paint a picture on the theme "Summer".

What can you draw on the theme of summer for children? How to draw a drawing for children - "How I spent my summer"?

What is summer in the understanding of the child? What can he depict in his drawing?

Summer is a bright, hot sun, green trees, blooming flowers, butterflies and bees. The child can draw a meadow or clearing - summer nature.

Children's drawing "Summer".

If a child spends his summer holidays in the city, he can depict a playground with slides and swings, children playing in the sandbox, riding bicycles, roller skates and scooters.

Children's drawing "Summer on the playground".

Another popular theme of children's drawings about summer is the river bank. The child draws sand, reeds, running water, the sky and the sun, birds in the sky and, of course, himself and his family, swimming and sunbathing.

Children's drawing "Summer on the river".

Did the child go to visit his grandparents living in the village in the summer? He will draw their house, garden, friendly dog ​​in the yard and domestic animals: goats grazing in the meadow, cows and horses, geese and chickens running in the yard, a pig with piglets eating from a trough.

Children's drawing "Summer in the village".

Summer vacation at sea for a child is very diverse. He will draw what impressed him the most: dolphins, sailboats and ships, a moonlit path on the sea surface, people relaxing on the beach and swimming in the sea.

Children's drawing "Summer at the sea".

How to draw summer with a pencil in stages for beginners and children?

Summer is a flowering meadow.

In the drawing on the theme “Summer”, the child draws a sunlit meadow with grass, flowers and green trees. In this clearing, he can portray himself.

  1. The child takes a piece of paper, a pencil and an eraser. First, he needs to mark the sheet - draw a line - the "horizon" that separates heaven and earth.
  2. Before him is the task - to draw a meadow. With thin pencil lines, he should mark where the grass bushes will be.
  3. Each blade of grass should be drawn.
  4. At the next stage, you can add several colors to the meadow image, and erase the auxiliary lines.

Summer meadow: step 1.

Summer meadow: step 2.

Summer meadow.

How to draw grass.

You can draw summer flowers, for example, daisies and cornflowers.

Cornflower step by step.

Chamomile step by step.

Now the child moves on to drawing himself, for example, a girl picking summer flowers.

  1. You should start by designating the head, torso and hands of the girl, they are indicated by ovals.
  2. The line of the hips (the girl will be in a summer dress) is drawn in a semicircle.
  3. Lines of symmetry should be drawn on the face for the eyes, nose and lips. Next, the face is detailed.
  4. smooth, light movements pencil draw girl's hair.
  5. Draw the girl's dress and her hands. She draws a flower in her hands.
  6. Erase auxiliary lines. With the help of pencil shading, the figure of the girl in the figure is voluminous.

Girl in the meadow: step 1.

Girl in the meadow: step 2.

Girl in the meadow: step 3.

Girl in the meadow: step 4.

Girl in the meadow: step 5.

Girl in the meadow.

Let the child revive the drawing - complement it with images of insects: butterflies and ladybugs.

Addition to the landscape "Summer": ladybug step by step.

Addition to the landscape "Summer": a butterfly in stages.

VIDEO: Draw a summer meadow

How to draw summer in the village?

In the drawing on the theme “Summer”, the child often draws a house in the village.

  1. First, the horizon line is marked on the sheet, thinly so that it can be easily erased where it will not be needed.
  2. The sky depicts the sun and floating clouds (several pieces to make the weather look sunny).
  3. Trees will grow near the house, their trunks are drawn.
  4. Trees are detailed - their branches and crowns are drawn.
  5. Draw a house. So that he does not look flat, they look at him as if from an angle. Designate the house with two rectangles.
  6. It will be easier for a child to draw a roof if he looks at the drawing - instructions on how to do this.
  7. A pipe is drawn on the roof. An attic is being drawn over the future entrance to the house.
    Draw the windows and the entrance to the house.
  8. It's time to add bright details to the drawing - a fence, grass, a path leading to the house, flowers.

Summer in the village with a pencil: step 1.

Summer in the village with a pencil: step 2.

Summer in the village with a pencil: step 3.

Summer in the village with a pencil: step 4.

Summer in the village with a pencil: step 5.

Summer in the village with a pencil: step 6.

Summer in the village with a pencil: step 7.

Summer in the village with a pencil: step 8.

Summer in the village with a pencil: step 9.

Summer in the village with a pencil: step 10.

Summer in the village in pencil.

You can also add animals to the drawing - a dog in a booth, a cat on a fence, or even a goat nibbling grass.

Addition to the landscape "Summer in the village": a dog house.

Addition to the landscape "Summer in the village": a dog.

Addition to the landscape "Summer in the village": a cat sitting on a fence.

Addition to the landscape "Summer in the village": a goat.

VIDEO: How to draw a house in the village?

How to draw a summer landscape in stages with a pencil and paints?

Summer landscape for many children is associated with the sea, the beach and sandcastles.
The simplest version of the drawing Summer holidays on the sea" - an image of the water surface, the shore, a sailboat floating on the water and seagulls flying in the sky.

Sea in summer.

You can also draw an exotic beach with palm trees.

  1. The sheet is marked out: a horizon line and a line where land meets water are drawn with thin lines, determine the places where palm trees, a beach umbrella, and a deck chair will be depicted.
  2. They draw and hatch trees, detail an umbrella and a deck chair.

Beach: step 1.

Beach: step 2.

Beach: step 3.

Pencil drawing "Beach".

The drawing with children building sand castles on the seashore looks very summery.

  1. Draw a horizon line, as well as a line separating the coast and the sea.
  2. On the shore they draw the figures of children, a boy and a girl, as well as the outline of a sand castle.
  3. Draw children's faces, hairstyles and clothes. They draw shoulder blades in their hands, and a bucket on the sand.
  4. They detail the sand, decorate the sand castle with shells and starfish.

Children on the beach in summer: step 1.

Children on the beach in summer: step 2.

Children on the beach in summer.

VIDEO: How to draw a summer beach in watercolor?

How to draw the nature of summer in stages with a pencil and paints?

The beauty of nature in summer can be conveyed by drawing a river bank. It is so much fun for the whole family to have picnics on it!

  1. Have the child draw the line of the shore with a thin pencil line. It is also necessary to outline the horizon. There will be a fishing boat on the shore. It is necessary to outline its contours, and then detail it.
  2. The river will be surrounded by forests, so the contours of the trees are drawn on the background first, after the trees are detailed.
  3. Hills overgrown with grass and bushes framing the river are also drawn.
  4. The reflection of trees on the water is marked by shading.

The river bank in summer with a pencil: step 1.

The river bank in summer with a pencil: step 2.

The river bank in summer with a pencil: step 3.

Bank of the river in summer in pencil.

On foreground such a picture can depict a picnic scene - a girl sitting on a wicker basket, a bedding, a fire.

First, the contours of the girl’s figure are drawn, under her hips is a rectangle, which later turns into a basket.

  1. Draw the ears and hair of the girl. Detail the shoulders and arms, draw them with smooth lines.
  2. Draw the girl's face.
  3. Then make out a wicker basket.
  4. Draw clothes for the girl and a wide-brimmed hat with a bow. Folds are depicted on clothes with light strokes.
  5. Remove auxiliary lines.

Girl on a picnic: sketches.

Girl on a picnic: drawing detail.

The fire is drawn according to the following scheme.

Bonfire in stages.

Summer: picnic in nature.

How to draw a girl Summer?

The girl, symbolizing summer, the sun and warmth, is usually depicted in a light sundress, with loose, wind-blown hair, surrounded by greenery and flowers.
You can depict summer in a feminine way as a little girl, a teenage girl, or a young girl.
You can draw a girl -Summer according to the scheme, as in the figure below.

For sketching: summer on the river.

VIDEO: Quick Drawing | Her name is Summer | Watercolor

Summer... For everyone, this time of the year is associated with something different. For some, this is the sea and volleyball on the sand, for others - the first love. Someone sees the summer as cool, in the canopy of dense green trees, and someone sees it as bright and sunny.

How can you draw summer? There are many answers to this question. After all, every person is an artist at heart, even if he does not have professional skills. Human fantasy is limitless, and the more memories a person has, the brighter his ideas. This article will discuss how to draw summer. For novice artists, it is very important to know the sequence of actions in order to draw Good work. In fact, there is no single algorithm, but, knowing several useful tips, you can create a decent picture.

How to draw summer: getting started

The easiest way to depict summer is to paint a landscape. It can be an image of the sea, a flower field, an urban view or green mountains.

Select the format for the picture and the layout of the sheet. Horizontal or vertical orientation - depending on the composition you want to draw.

Divide the sheet into two unequal parts: heaven and earth. The sky can be either smaller or larger than the earth, depending on what the artist considers the main thing in his drawing.

Immediately decide which detail will be the main one. In the case of the field, these are several elaborate blades of grass and flowers in the foreground; if it is the sea - the waves closest to the artist. If you are faced with the task of depicting the sky, you should “write out”, that is, draw in detail, clarify several clouds. The background is usually drawn blurry, indistinct, but the shapes of objects should be guessed from the outlines.

How to draw summer: landscape

If you work with color (gouache, oil, watercolor, acrylic) - this is called picturesque landscape. In this technique, colors and their shades should be evenly applied to different parts of the work, leaving no empty spaces.

Don't forget to mix colors on the palette. It can be a plastic palette or a piece of paper. The main thing - do not write with pure colors "from a can".

Graphic Landscape- this is another, no less interesting technique. Working with pencils of different softness, pens, liners, etc. is another way to draw summer. A classic example of a graphic landscape is any work by Shishkin. Graphics does not require special rules, the main thing is accuracy in the execution of details.

Most main advice, relating not only to graphics, but also to painting: at the very beginning of the work, determine what will be the main and what will be secondary. In the case of graphics, without choosing the main thing, it is very easy to darken the background. After that, it will be almost impossible to emphasize the main thing.

Trees can be depicted as shaded clouds of leaves, shadows as dark spots, and any object in the foreground can always be distinguished by making it more contrast (black). Unlike painting, where the mood, the overall impression is assessed, in graphics, the exact transfer of form is important. The shape of tree trunks, stumps, leaves and branches - all these seemingly insignificant nuances create a holistic work.

Summer look

This version of how to draw summer is suitable for those who like to depict people. The main idea of ​​the “summer-image” painting is the image of someone who personifies the ideas about this season. For the image of summer, the presence of attributes is necessary: ​​ripe fruits, impenetrable foliage, bright flowers or golden ears.

For images, as a rule, people are chosen. Summer can be personified by a child, a woman or a man. The image of the summer-image does not exclude the writing of a figure in full growth.

Summer portrait

Consider the option with a portrait. Portrait- just for those who want to know how to draw summer in stages. With a medium soft pencil, outline the main lines. These are the head, neck, hair cloud and image attributes. Make sure that the composition of the picture looks correct: do not draw a person too big or too small on the sheet. It is advisable to step back from the top and bottom of the sheet by approximately the same distance (a little more from the bottom). If everything that you have in mind fits in the paper and there is still space left, the first step has been completed.

Start working on different parts of the face with the material you have chosen. If this is a pencil, be attentive to contrasts: light and shadow are very important points in every

Don't forget to paint the background at the end of the portrait. It can be fields, the sea or something related to summer.

Summer mood

Abstraction- the simplest and interesting idea how to draw summer. Such a drawing is especially easy for children: they are emotional and sincere, so they are not afraid to splash out their feelings on paper with bright colors.

Such work is carried out with any materials, you can even make an application, mix several techniques in one drawing. The complete freedom of the artist is the main
feature of abstract works. Patterns, chaotic lines, colored spots, various textures - all this can be combined into a general idea of ​​​​summer.

Summer still life

Still life painting is the best way for beginners to learn all about form and color. Still life is a group of objects united by some common idea. Usually in still lifes they paint vases, fabrics, food, cutlery, flowers and other things that first come to hand. Objects are combined according to their belonging to a certain area: a bathroom still life, a kitchen or garden (dacha) still life. However, you can distribute items and the seasons.

Summer still life will look like a transparent vase or a glass with a bouquet of small flowers. different colors and shades. Nearby you can put a light, the same translucent fabric and a few berries or fruits. Such a composition will look both light and colorful.

The best materials for the execution of such a picture are watercolor or oil. Depending on the technique, you can refine different details on a glass, a bouquet, or draw barely noticeable folds of fabric.

Summer color combinations

Such a pattern will be unforgettable if you make it bright and balanced in color. Color combinations in paintings are a fine line between beauty and illiteracy, which is very easy to cross. When creating a drawing, remember the basic rules for combining colors.

The main contrasts that look advantageous in the works:

  • Red Green.
  • Blue - orange.
  • Purple - yellow.

By combining these and their shades, you can achieve good results. But you can not add them to the drawing in equal proportions. Each of the two colors should be present in a smaller amount, as if diluting the picture.

Do not use pastels, that is, light colors diluted with white, they are more suitable for a fresh spring. For summer picture juicy colors will do. It can be the contrast of primary colors or some bright colors with black. Here you need to be careful: there should not be many dark areas in the picture, this will ruin the color balance.

Summer is flowers, butterflies, bright blue skies and green grass. This is the picture we will draw today. From this drawing you can make a postcard.

Necessary materials:

  • Sheet of white paper;
  • Colored pencils in yellow, orange, red, pink, dark green, light green and blue flowers. Pink color can be replaced with purple, then you get a real rainbow;
  • Fine black marker
  • A simple pencil (preferably soft 3B);
  • Eraser.

At first with a simple pencil mark where the flowers will be located. The lines should be very light, barely noticeable. The shape of the flower fits into an oval. Place the ovals at the bottom of the sheet, at different angles to the edges of the paper and to each other.

In the upper part, make room for the butterfly, use light lines to determine its size and direction of flight.

If you connect the corners of the wings of any butterfly with lines, you get a trapezoid. Therefore, you need to start drawing a butterfly with this figure. Having outlined its contours, divide the trapezoid with a line approximately in the middle. From the corners to the center of the trapezoid, round the shape of the wings. Define the body and head.

Now you need to draw flowers. In the middle of each intended oval, you need to make smaller ovals.

From these small ovals draw diverging lines separating the petals.

Round the petals without disturbing the intended shape of the flower.

Light lines mark the location of several leaves. They should be in different directions. First, draw the middle line of the sheet, then two lines from the tip with a corner. Draw the leaves by rounding the lines.

Carefully circle the resulting contours of flowers, leaves and butterflies with a marker. Try to keep the lines smooth.

Take a blue pencil. With transparent lines, sketch out the horizon line approximately in the middle of the sheet, as well as the lines of the hills below. Lightly shade the sky. Start tinting from top corners sheet to the horizon line, gradually weakening the pressure.

From the horizon line it is also very easy, with loose strokes with a gradual weakening of the pressure, mark the distance with the hills.

Color the wings of the butterfly with a yellow pencil. This should be done in small strokes with uniform pressure. Do not press too hard on the pencil, it is better to go through the hatching in one place several times until you achieve the desired tone.

Color the body of the butterfly orange, and draw small details with a marker: spots and black corners on the wings, eyes and antennae.

Now it's time for the flowers. Use a yellow pencil to shade the middle.

Then start toning the petals. To make the tinting look neat, outline and color each petal separately. The strokes should be small, and the pressure on the pencil should be even.

In our drawing, red, orange and pink flower. But you can think of other combinations.

Color the leaves in this way: one half of the leaf is dark green, and the other is light green.

Finish the drawing by working out the details with a marker. In the middle of the flowers, apply a few dots, draw veins on the leaves.

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Summer is one of the brightest and most beautiful seasons of the year. After all, it is during this period that the most fragrant flowers bloom, fruits and mushrooms appear. To understand how to draw summer, you should familiarize yourself with the creations contemporary masters and painters of past centuries. Also, high-quality photographs taken by yourself or found on the pages of magazines and books will help you learn how to draw summer with a pencil or paints.
Before you draw summer, you need to prepare:
1). paper;
2). Pencils having different shades;
3). Regular pencil;
4). Eraser;
5). Liner (preferably black).

It will be much easier to understand how to draw summer with a pencil if the whole process is divided into several steps:
1. With thin lines, mark the foreground, the path. And also outline the horizon line;
2. In the foreground, draw the trunks of three trees and sketch the flowers;
3. Draw birch trees more clearly. Draw the branches and foliage of these trees;
4. On the other side of the path, draw a bunny hiding in the tall grass. In the background, depict haystacks and a grazing horse. In the distance, draw a wooden house, a church and the outlines of a forest;
5. Now you understand how to draw summer with a pencil in stages. Of course, now the image looks unfinished. Before coloring this sketch, carefully outline it with a liner;
6. Use an eraser to remove the pencil sketch;
7. in green paint over the foliage of the trees, and lightly shade their trunks with gray. With a black pencil, paint over the branches and stripes on the birches;
8. To depict a summer evening, you need to pay special attention to the shade of the sky. Shade the lower part of the sky with a pencil of a pale pink shade, and tone the rest of the sky blue pencil;
9. Blue-green paint the forest in the distance. Color the grass in the background with green pencils;
10. With pencils of various tones, paint the horse, haystacks, village house and church;
11. Paint the path brown. Color the grass with green crayons. Hare hatch gray pencil, and make the inside of his ears and nose pink;
12. bright pencils paint the flowers and grass near the birches.
The drawing is ready! Now you know how to draw summer step by step. To create an even brighter and more creative landscape, you should use some paints. For example, watercolor is perfect, as well as gouache.

Drawing on the theme of Summer for younger students

Children love to draw!
Let's look at summer through the eyes of a child:
Who will we see? I see an elephant
Which passes slowly across the sky
And it turns into something...
We will also see a mermaid by the river,
Who came to go fishing this morning.
It doesn't matter that it is a neighbor, Alenka,
We look at summer through the eyes of a child.
And in the thicket of the forest we will see a mushroom,
And happiness from that stream - we take a sip,
Let's get carried away by the moth ... Quietly!
We look at summer through the eyes of a child ...
And the rain is a joy to us, because there is a hole in the sky
And someone there waters us for laughter ...
And it became clear that it was possible for so long
See us at the summer through the eyes of a child ...
(Author Anna Grushevskaya)

Summer is fun Martynenko Natalia
Butterflies fly
Nightingales sing.
Pigeons are walking
And they drink from the puddle.
No, not all of course
But I do not care,
Summer has come!
I love him!
Butterflies in the net I will catch!
I will feed the pigeons from my hands!
It's summer, mom, let me out!
Let's walk in the park together!
I don't care, mom
Even if "No"
Most importantly, we are here!
There is no more happiness!
(Author Sebil Jabragimova)

Zeiser Eva

View of the river Burla in Ilyinka Polyakov Danila

Summer flowers are beautiful and joyful Nemchenko Ksenia

We are going on a trip with the whole family. Rogalsky Veniamin

In the summer I admire the beauty of nature and watch insects Grits Anna

We are at sea. Only in summer you can have so much fun Gavrikova Daria
