The face of a hare in pencil. Draw a hare

It is very easy to draw cartoon bunnies, but to draw a hare in his natural form- this is a much more difficult task! But not everything is as complicated as it seems at first glance. If you have at least some skills in drawing, then you can easily draw such a wonderful animal very beautifully.

Proceed to the first step, where you need to designate the silhouette of a bunny. Then go to the next step to draw a sketch, and already at the sixth you can take a breath and circle your finished work with a marker. Finally, you should make a tone. It will give the animal color and beauty at the same time!

Necessary materials:

  • marker;
  • eraser;
  • pencil;
  • pink and blue colored pencils.

Drawing steps:

1. In order to realistically portray a hare, its silhouette should be marked with simple forms. Let's do it in the form geometric shapes- circles. The large oval will be the body, and the small one will be the head.

2. Draw a pair of long ears at the top of the head with a pencil. But below we draw on the left side the front paws, which will be folded next to each other. Below on the right side, be sure to draw a tail for the bunny.

3. Remove the lines with an eraser.

4. We combine all the elements of the picture into a single whole. Create the outline of a bunny. We detail the ears, paws, tail, muzzle.

5. Now you need to bring the drawing to full readiness so that you can draw a black outline, and then decorate it. We finish the hind paw on foreground, long mustache, big eye. Once again we will go through the silhouette and, if necessary, add small details, which will add naturalness to the finished drawing.

6. Outline the silhouette of a hare. With gentle touches with a marker, draw small features on the muzzle to make the lines neat and thin.

7. blue pencil decorate the body of the bunny.

8. With stronger pressure, apply a blue tint to the darkened areas of the picture. We will also add pink touches. Be sure to apply color to the nose and the middle of the ears.

Today we will learn how to create drawings with very cute and fluffy creatures, which most of you will surely like very much. In this lesson we will learn how to draw a hare, we will analyze inspiring examples of the work of other artists with these good-natured little animals.

Before you start drawing, find a few good photos with these animals, they will serve us as nature, or see the examples collected at the end of this lesson.


Hares are covered with a fairly dense layer of wool, so most of the anatomical features are securely hidden under a warm coat. Nevertheless, let's look at the angles in which the features of the structure of the bunny are clearly visible.

Line of motion and form

In order to draw an animal in motion, and correctly display its position and dynamics, it is best to start the drawing from a line showing this movement. If the animal's legs stand out strongly, it would be useful to outline their position with the same lines. In the illustration, these lines are shown in red.

Pay attention to the fact that the head is slightly elongated, has an ovoid shape. Build the hare's body from primitive shapes, ovals will suffice. The head is the smallest, the thorax is larger and the back is elongated, the largest egg.


A hare or a rabbit can be thin and fit, or, conversely, soft and fluffy. Adding to the oval of the torso and head, long ears and legs, as well as a short tail, you get a completely recognizable silhouette.

Note that the movement emphasizes not only the direction of the paws and torso, but also the direction of the ears and muzzle. The bunny must look where it is going. Since the ears are long, and relatively light, they will succumb to the dynamics of movement, almost like human hair. If this is not taken into account, then perhaps your drawing will look somehow unnatural.


When creating a drawing with any shaggy animal, it is impossible to miss the theme of its fur. Be sure to take into account the direction of the pile, stiffness and, of course, color.

The hair of all rabbit hares grows one at a time general principle from nose to toe. This is quite simple and clear. Length, stiffness and color may vary.

Young Hare, by Albrecht Dürer, 1507

In this illustration, the hare's fur is beautifully shown, and the paws are also clearly visible.


In order to understand how to draw a hare correctly, let's look at the simplified structure of his body, so that later it would be easier to draw these animals from different angles.

Hares and rabbits are arranged, like most other animals, on the same principle as a person: head, chest, pelvis (marked blue color), all these parts are interconnected by the spine (red line). The front legs have a small foot (paw), the hind legs (the part that touches the ground) are very large. This structure of the hind legs helps these animals run very fast.


Let's make some sketches and practice drawing a portrait of a hare. It's not difficult at all, the main thing is to draw out the muzzle and attach long ears, if we have enough simple drawing. If you need something more serious, you need to detail this primitive.

If you draw the head in three quarters:

    So, the head of hares and rabbits is egg-shaped. The pointed end of the oval is the muzzle, the blunt end is the back of the head. You need to outline this shape, and divide it with a straight line, ears, eyes, and nose (red line) will be placed on it. This line should be slightly above the center of the oval. We also outline another axis passing at the widest point of our oval (green line). At the intersection of the two outlined lines, the eyes will be placed.

    Further, imagine that this form is in volume and conditionally divide it in half. Thus, we will add another line of symmetry (blue line), passing through the center of the head between the eyes, ears and dividing the nose and mouth into two equal parts. On this line we outline the nose and the line of the mouth.

  1. We show the eyes, nose, mouth and ears, slightly adjust the shape of the head and neck.
  2. We will clarify and draw all the details. Let's show the direction of the wool with short strokes of different intensity.
  3. Let's add color. Please note that the brown hare has lighter hair around the nose, mouth and eyes. Tips of ears with dark spots.
  4. Rabbits are very similar in appearance to hares, but can have a wide variety of color variations. Therefore, when showing color, look at nature.

    Full face

    To draw a full face, you also need to outline:


    The rabbit's head in profile is also placed in an ovoid shape. Slightly above the center of this oval, we outline horizontal line and vertical (as in a three-quarter figure). At the intersection of these lines we outline the eyes.

    Please note that the nose, eye and ear in this perspective are on the same line.


    The illustration below shows the stages of drawing the ears. Everything is quite simple here, the main thing is to correctly outline the direction inside the auricle.

    Do not forget that the ears, nose and eyes should be on the same line. It is shown in red in the illustration.


    The eyes of bunnies are large and expressive. The illustration shows the drawing steps and the shape of the eye. The eyes are most often framed by dark thin eyelids. They can also be distinguished by lighter-colored wool and small folds.

    Here is an illustration in which all the eyes, ears and nose are very clearly visible. Excellent watercolor by Lucy Newton:


    The muzzle will be easy to depict. It is necessary to outline a relatively large flattened nose, under it we outline a large upper lip, divided in the center, vertical line. The lower lip is barely visible, it can be outlined with a thin line between the two halves of the upper lip.

    If you look at the muzzle in profile, then the upper lip can be outlined as a large oval under the nose.

    Video tutorial

    Watch the video tutorial on how to draw a hare easily and correctly:

    Works for inspiration

    shaggy rabbit, modern painting, oil painting
    oil painting, author Pavlova Maria
    by Lucy Newton, amazing watercolor
    classic, author F. Schlesinger, oil painting

    On the net you can find a huge number of wonderful naive works with images of hares and rabbits, it is difficult to choose from them, something the most interesting, all are good in their own way. Here are two of them:

    I hope this lesson was useful and interesting for you, and you will definitely create cute drawings with fluffy animals.

    I wish you good luck and creative success!

    Let's sketch the torso and head little bunny on a white sheet of paper with a simple slate pencil of medium hardness. Also the head will be in the form great circle. Draw another circle under it, which will later become the body. Add two oblong ovals to the head to represent long ears.

    Find the location of the nose and mouth. Also draw an eye on the left side. Draw the outline of the head and add hair on the muzzle in the form of short strokes.

    Draw the outline of the ears and their texture. After that, you can remove the auxiliary lines from the head.

    We turn to the body, where it is necessary to determine its contour. In the middle we draw curves with hatching to give a fluffy bunny look.

    We paint over the entire drawing with a beige pencil. After all, this color will become the base in the formation of the coat of a fluffy and cute animal. Then you should circle all the lines with a marker to get the outline.

    We use pink and brown shades to form a three-dimensional view of the bunny. On the ears and the front of the muzzle, more pink shades should be applied, and on the body - dark brown.

    We darken the fur of the animal with a dark pencil. It can be either black or dark brown. We paint over the eye, leaving a small gap for the highlight.

If the kid wants to see colorful pictures for children with hares, their photos in nature, in the snow, with a carrot in their teeth, cartoony and drawn, this article is just for him. He will find out whether these animals are rightly called oblique, whether they are really as harmless as they seem due to their pretty appearance.

We will teach him to distinguish between hares and rabbits, show you how to draw them in stages. The video at the end of the article will entertain the child, expand his knowledge about the world of wild animals.

You can download and print all the pictures you like for free for a child, use for presentations and essays, set as desktop wallpaper.

hare photo

What a cute bunny! He has a sharp muzzle with a tiny nose and pink-brown eyes, funny long ears, short front and strong long hind legs, a short fluffy, bubo-like tail. The structure of the animal is fragile, but outwardly this is compensated by a fluffy thick fur coat. Directly soft toy that you want to grab and hold. But this is almost impossible, because the hare is an absolutely wild animal, which could not be domesticated.

In total, there are three dozen species of hares, somewhat different from each other. On average, the size of the little animal is 20-70 cm, weight - 1.5 - 7 kg.

This photo on a transparent background does not depict a hare at all. This is a rabbit brother. Both animals belong to the hare family, outwardly they are similar, but not the same. There are also many behavioral differences between these animals. Rabbits are denser, their fur is more fluffy. The ears of rabbits are shorter and narrower than those of a hare. Rabbits are both wild and domestic. Rabbits dwell in underground burrows, while hares build nests on the ground. Rabbits are born blind and hairless. For a long time they are in burrows under the care of their mothers. Rabbits are more formed - they hear from birth, their bodies are already covered with a thick coat. Perhaps because of this, bunny mothers are not so caring, they leave their babies as early as a week after birth. Unfortunately, most of the crumbs die, unable to resist their natural enemies.

Cool and funny pictures with bunnies

The hare has a lot of nicknames: runaway, jumper, drummer, eared, oblique, coward, and others. Are they all fair? Let's deal with each in detail!

Runaway and jumper - yes! If desired, in case of danger, the animal can gallop at a speed of 70 km per hour. In doing so, he uses tricks! For example, running uphill. It is more convenient for him to do this because of the short front legs. Hares run away from birds against the wind, so that it would be harder to keep up with them through the air.

Drummer - yes. The bunny can stand on its hind legs and start drumming on the stump. Such a forest telegraph.

Eared - yes. Long ears allow animals to detect danger and ... cool off during the heat. Bunny ears should be protected from moisture - if water gets into them, they will fester.

Oblique - no. Yes, hare eyes are located on the sides of the muzzle, the animal does not see too sharply. But the structure of his organs of vision allows him to successfully escape from enemies.

Coward - not quite yes. Indeed, the hare has many enemies - wolves, foxes, owls and other birds of prey, and, undoubtedly, a person. The best way for the animal to escape is flight. But if it is not possible to escape in time, the hare takes the fight. He falls on his back and starts to fight back with his hind legs with sharp claws. The wounds inflicted by them can even be fatal, especially for birds such as owls, pictures and photos of which you can see here. By the way, cute little ears often arrange unexpectedly cruel fights among themselves.

Gray and white hare. With a carrot on a stump

You can hear that hares change the color of their coats in spring and autumn for better camouflage. And when the animal is white, it is called a hare, and when it is gray, it is called a hare. In fact, everything is not so. Rusak and hare - different types bunnies. The American hare can change the color of its coat.

Looking at funny pictures with a bunny with a carrot, you might think that a cute animal is exclusively herbivorous. Indeed, the beetle feeds mainly on shoots, stems and roots of plants, seeds, but it does not refuse meat either. In fairy tales and cartoons for kids, this fact is silent, because it is unlikely that the little ones will like it if their favorite fluffy attacks a small bird and devours it.

Footprint pictures. Hare in winter, summer

So why did they decide that the eared oblique, if he does not have strabismus? This nickname was given to the animal by hunters because, when running away, it winds and confuses its tracks. The ability, by the way, he developed due to the congenital asymmetry of the hind legs.

The fur coat of the animal serves as a kind of camouflage for it, masking it in the snow in winter, and on the ground and among the dried grass in summer.

Cartoon and fabulous hares. Guess the cartoon from the picture

Fairy tales and cartoons, the character of which is a runaway, can not be counted. With your funny appearance and unpredictable behavior of a cartoon bunny (or a rabbit, because the animation does not convey the differences between these little animals) immediately becomes cute for kids.

Drawn animals. Drawings of a hare in pencil

Children meet a painted hare in illustrations for fairy tales, in coloring books, on greeting cards. The little animal is often depicted standing on its hind legs, with a carrot, with a bow on its neck or ear.

In the pictures drawn with a pencil, the oblique appears before us in nature - in a forest or field.

Pencil drawing step by step for children and beginners

If the kid is asked to draw a bunny, he is unlikely to be confused. It is very easy to draw a round muzzle, a nose with a mustache and long ears. To make the drawing less schematic, you can use one of the schemes we have proposed.

The easiest way to learn how to draw a coward in stages with a pencil is with the help of a video.

To draw an eared, you do not need to have the makings of an artist. Watch this video and you can help your kindergartner draw their favorite animal.

Poems and videos for kindergarten and elementary school children

For children kindergarten a bunny is something close and familiar, a kind of embodiment of kindness. Kids will be happy to watch a cartoon or an educational video about it, learn one easy-to-remember rhyme.

short rhymes

Agnia Barto's verse about a bunny, albeit a toy one, is probably immortal. He is loved and taught by many generations of kids.

It is very easy to recognize traces of an oblique in the snow by characteristic loops. This is what the next short poem is about.

The poem about a bunny who decided to steal cabbage and carrots from the garden turned out to be cute. But the author was a little mistaken - the animal does not make reserves for the winter.

Baby video about bunnies

A three-minute educational video will allow kids to learn the most famous and Interesting Facts about bunnies.

The main idea of ​​the cartoon: overcoming your own fears, you can not only adequately get out of difficult situations but also learn how to achieve the most incredible goals.

Every child, from about the age of one, picks up a pencil and begins to draw his first scribbles, and subsequently various drawings. Thus, he tries to express all his knowledge about the world around him, obtained during the game. Classes are incredibly useful for kids, it contributes comprehensive development, brings up in the child patience, attentiveness and perseverance.

The greatest interest in young children is caused by animals. The baby quickly begins to repeat after you how the cow, dog, cat and frog “says”, how the horse clatters, how the tiger growls and much more. A little later, he learns to show pictures of animals in a book and will certainly ask you to draw, for example, a bear, a fox or a bunny.

In this article we will tell you how to easily and correctly draw a hare in stages. To a small child you will definitely like the image of a bunny that he saw somewhere - in a cartoon or a picture book, and you can draw this character easily and quickly. To get a fun and funny picture, try the following scheme.

How to draw a fabulous hare in stages?

At first glance, it may seem that drawing this drawing is quite difficult, but if you try, you will immediately realize that this is far from the case. Let's see how even easier it is to draw funny hares in stages with a pencil.

This is how you can very easily, in just four steps, portray a funny bunny.

According to this scheme, you can easily portray a cute hare who eats a carrot.

For older children who are already seriously mastering the technique of drawing, you can offer more complex pattern real rabbit.

How to draw a hare step by step?

If your child loves to draw, but his pictures are clumsy and the lines are crooked, never laugh at his creativity, but, on the contrary, be sure to encourage him. Even if your child does not become a great artist, they will not go in vain, because the reflection of their thoughts in pictures is very important for kids. With the help of a drawing, they can express what cannot be said in words, and show you their desires, as well as what worries them.

Try to draw as often as possible with your child, be sure to voice everything that appears on paper. But if the crumbs do not have an attraction to creativity, and it is not interesting for him to sit with a pencil in his hands for a long time, you do not need to force him. Drawing through force, at your command, will not bring the desired results, but will only anger the child and discourage him from any desire to further development their artistic abilities.
