How to win 100 lotto Russian. A Russian who wins the lottery shared his secrets: here's what you need to do to make you lucky too


instead of a preface.

Many people sometimes, and maybe often, want to try their luck. I want to fast money, big wins. I didn’t play anything for a long time, but then I gave up under the onslaught of my husband. I also wanted to try.

My husband and I decided to play Russian loto. Behind Lately played more than once. Bought one ticket or several. Last time participated in the anniversary edition. Bought 6 tickets. Each of us took 3 pieces.

In my childhood, there was one story that discouraged me from acting. One day, my mother and I went to the market, and near the market we were selling lottery tickets. The draw was instant, it was only necessary to erase protective layer. I started to persuade my mother to play, but she did not want to. Then she told me to choose: buy fruit or a ticket. I chose a ticket. We bought and erased the protective layer, but there is nothing. I got upset. Plus still remained without fruits. It was a shame and I did not look in the direction of lotteries for a long time.

Where can I buy a Russian Lotto ticket.

This can be done at the post office, in some communication stores, at a point of sale or online. We bought once at the post office, the rest of the times at the point of sale. The post office is not very convenient. For a long time. And the queue to wait and for some reason the data is being entered for a long time. But it is convenient if you still need to go to the post office. I wouldn't go specifically for the ticket. Probably, many people buy this way - at the same time.

At the point of sale, everything is much simpler. There are few people. Even if there is someone, everything happens quickly. We choose a ticket, we speak the data. After they print the purchase receipt and the receipt with the ticket numbers and you are free.

How much does a Russian Lotto ticket cost.

The cost of one ticket is 100 rubles.

When is the draw of the Russian Lotto.

Every week on NTV at 8:20. Generally, it starts at 8 am, but first they draw the Housing Lottery. This time is not very convenient for me. If possible, I get up later on weekends.

Anniversary drawing took place at 14:20. There were other conditions of the draw, so the time was shifted. In any case, information about the date and time of the event can be found on the receipt with the numbers of the purchased ticket. It is very convenient that this information is printed there.


The TV show itself is boring. There isn't much to see and it's not really necessary. You can sit and worry, cross out the numbers, but this is not at all necessary. If you bought a ticket with SMS informing, you will receive an SMS if you win. In addition, you can download the Russian Lotto application. There appears information about whether the ticket was won or lost. This happens about an hour and a half after the end of the TV show.

The ticket itself has an attractive and bright design. On the back there is information about the rules of the lottery and a field with numbers. There are 30 numbers in total. Each ticket has a series and a pack number.

Our prizes.

We only won in the anniversary draw. We won 4 tickets out of 6 (they just promised that they would win two tickets out of three). Only one keg remained in the bag in that edition.

We won insignificant amounts, but the cost of the purchased tickets was recouped in the circulation. One ticket won 175 rubles, 3 more tickets for 150 rubles each.

We didn't win the rest of the draws.

How to receive a prize.

Since our winnings were small, my husband and I went to the point of sale. We did it the next evening. It turned out that there was nothing in the box office. The saleswoman said that she gave everything away. Then we came again on Wednesday and Thursday. On Wednesday, she gave away the winnings on one ticket and only on Thursday the remaining money. But, when there was no money at the box office, she offered to take tickets. We refused.


If the winnings are from 4,000 rubles to 15,000 rubles, then you need to pay the tax yourself and fill out a declaration. If more than or equal to 15,000 rubles, then the tax will be withheld and paid to those who give out the winnings. The tax is 13%. For non-residents, this amount is higher and amounts to 30%.

General impressions.

The Russian Lotto ticket is not hard to get. It is inexpensive and generally accessible to the public. You can try your luck, but the probability of winning is small. It is possible that we will buy more in the future. 4 stars from me.

Thank you for your attention!

You can read my review about participating in the housing lottery.

Monopoly, but not quite state

Worst of all, Stoloto in Russia is a monopoly on the Russian lottery market. Because of this, ticket prices are constantly rising, thanks to which the company's revenues are growing, and the chances of winning are more or less big prizes players fall, despite the fact that initially they are not very high.

How much money does Stoloto get? Here is the data for 2016 ():

24,5 - billion rubles - turnover
12,9 - billion rubles - prize fund
1,3 - billion rubles - target allocations
9.7 - billion rubles - operator remuneration

Actually, according to these data, it can be seen that the phrase “state lotteries” is rather conditional, since most of the profit goes not to the state, but to the operator.

Without a lottery drum, without live broadcasts, but with an RNG

Players have a lot of questions about how draws are held. Namely, to the fact that a generator is used to generate combinations random numbers, not a lottery machine. At the same time, no one has ever seen how these combinations are issued and how they are generated.

Of course, Stoloto has all the necessary papers confirming that this super equipment gives out combinations completely by accident, that no one can fake the results, etc., but, as it shows real life this is not so true.

Prices keep rising

As mentioned in the first paragraph, the monopoly status allows you to raise prices as you like. As a result, the chances of winning big prizes are reduced. You can read more about this in .

Huge withdrawal fee

If you want to replenish your wallet on the Stoloto website, then in most cases this will be done either without a commission or with a minimum commission. However, when withdrawing winnings to a card or electronic wallet (Yandex.Money, WebMoney, etc.), you will be charged a commission, and much more (from 2.5%) than the standard commission of these payment systems (for poison it is 0, 5%, for WebMoney - this is 0.8%).

Winnings are taxed

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, tax is taken from winnings in the lottery. It is clear that the company itself has nothing to do with this, but at the same time, it does not take any action to improve the conditions for the players.

Currently, all lotteries in Russia are state-owned, that is, the state already receives as much profit from these lotteries as it wants by receiving its share from the income of the lottery operator. And no need to tax the players in this case No.

As a result, a situation is obtained when the player remains in the most losing position: he takes risks, spends money on tickets, that is, he actually gives them away, and if he wins, he must also pay tax.

This does not even take into account his expenses for tickets, which can easily exceed the amount of winnings. At the same time, both the operating company and the state receive money.

Players don't know how bad things are going for them

Information on all expenses for all time is not published in the player's profile on the Stoloto website. That is, a person does not know how much money he has already spent, or rather how much he has already lost. Thus, due to lack of information, he continues to play, unable to soberly assess the real state of affairs.

Draws are too frequent

Thanks to the introduction of RNG, Stoloto has the opportunity to conduct draws whenever and as many times as desired. As a result, people can now play every few minutes. In fact, the stoloto site has become a virtual replacement for the currently banned slot machine.

In addition, in this way, the spirit of the lottery was killed with its obligatory attributes in the form of a lottery drum, balls with numbers, waiting for a draw, crossing out numbers on tickets, etc.

Non-public leadership

Stoloto has groups and accounts in most major social networks, where he answers questions from players and all those interested. However, employees are responsible on behalf of the company, hiding from people with a corporate account, behind which neither the person’s face, nor his first and last names are visible.

Also, we do not observe any activity of the management of this company in these groups, communication with customers, answering questions, explaining their decisions.

This was acceptable when Stoloto was a private company with no relation to the state. But at present, it acts on behalf of the state, enjoys the confidence of citizens in the phrase "state lotteries", and, therefore, must bear all the responsibility associated with such a position.

Lottery with the smallest probability of winning in history

To attract players to the TOP-3 lottery, an additional round was introduced in it and a drawing of a guaranteed super prize in the amount of 15 million rubles was introduced in it. However, in order to win it, it is necessary that the combination of 9 digits issued by the RNG matches the number of the purchased receipt. 9 digits is one billion combinations (from 000,000,000 to 999,999,999). Accordingly, the probability of winning this prize is 1 in 1,000,000,000…

Too small bonuses

Bonuses are given for buying tickets on the Stoloto website. However, firstly, they give very little. And, secondly, in order to buy something for these bonuses, you need to save up quite a lot of them.


To buy 1 Rapido ticket (60 rubles) for bonuses, you must have 420 bonuses. Those. the price of one bonus is equal to:

60 rubles = 420 bonuses 1 bonus = 60 / 420 = 0.14 rubles = 14 kopecks

At the same time, they give a 1.8 bonus for buying a Rapido ticket.

1.8 x 0.14 = 0.25 = 25 kopecks

That is, for every 60 rubles spent, Stoloto returns only 25 kopecks ... How much is this as a percentage?

(0,25 / 60) * 100 = 0,4 %

Let me remind you that when the Golden Key lottery existed, when buying a ticket on the site, they returned 5% of each purchase. Returned in cash, not bonuses ...

Unattractive referral program

Stoloto offers to invite friends to play loto. However, in order to receive the promised 9 bonuses and a promotional code for 100 rubles, it is necessary that the referral buy tickets for more than 150 rubles. At the same time, there are no lotteries on the site for more than 100 rubles, that is, a new player must buy several tickets, only in this case the invitation will be successful.

It is also necessary to remember that some people spend quite a decent amount on lotteries. Stoloto, on the other hand, proposes to receive only 100 rubles from them, and then a person can spend at least a million - this will have nothing to do with you. It would be much more logical to make sure that the person who invited someone received at least the standard generally accepted 10% of all expenses on the site from the invitees, and not once, but always, because this is how it is always done.

Removed the ability to pay for tickets via WebMoney

It is not at all clear why this is done. It is possible to pay in absolutely stupid ways such as through the balance mobile phone or some obscure Single Wallet. And WebMoney was removed, although the turnover there is much higher. As a result, you have to change WebMoney to Yandex.Money and pay like that.

All players, both those who have been playing the Russian lotto and other lotteries for a sufficiently long time, and those who have joined not so long ago, already know that in case of a win, in order to receive it, they must contact the place where the ticket was purchased. But it is not always possible to receive a win at the place of purchase, this may be due to various reasons.

We will tell you how to get winnings without leaving your home. Looking ahead a little, we want to note that remote receipt of winnings is not possible in all cases, only if you have specified your cell phone number.

If there is a pack number on the ticket, then, unfortunately, it is impossible to receive the winnings remotely. As a rule, these are tickets purchased at the Russian post office, in lottery kiosks of distributors.

How to get a win on a Russian Lotto ticket or any other lottery

The first thing to do is register on the website of the Stoloto lottery operator, and during registration you need to indicate the number that you called when buying a ticket. To describe briefly - then register, after registration you log in personal account and go to the tickets tab. The previously purchased ticket will already be there. All you have to do is click on the win button. Then it can be used to purchase new tickets or withdraw to a plastic card.

We wish you good luck and big wins!

) —"Rapido" “The super prize was drawn today, January 21st. 4 858 511 rubles will go to a resident of Moscow. Good luck brought a ticket bought in a mobile application for 450 rubles " .

Big winnings in the Rapido lottery from 01/20 to 01/31/19, including 4.8 million, which are discussed in the article

You can get, you can not demand

The winner did not postpone receiving the prize and the very next day, January 22, he came for the money. About how his battle for the won jackpot proceeded, in the materials of the civil case:

The court found that the plaintiff took part in the draw No. 141705 of the lottery with the commercial name "Rapido" and provided the winning receipt to VGL 3 Sport (Rapido) JSC "Technological Company" Center ", which in turn on 22.01.2019. issued a receipt to the plaintiff, in which a unique key, winning code, circulation and winning amount are indicated.

As follows from the contents of the receipt for the acceptance of the lottery ticket dated 01/22/2019. (………. lottery tickets.

The wording is clear and interesting in its own way: - you can apply for a win, but you can’t demand it. Not provided.

“In accordance with Part 4 of Article 1063 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Clause 6 of Art. 20 of the Federal Law of November 11, 2003 No. 138-FZ “On Lotteries”, the period for paying out winnings is determined in accordance with the Lottery Terms.

JSC "State Sports Lotteries", objecting to the plaintiff's claim, referred to clause 9.8 of the Lottery Terms, according to which, the transfer or provision of winnings begins no later than 30 days after the corresponding lottery draw and lasts at least six months from the date of publication of the draw results prize fund such a draw (the exact period is set by the lottery operator). Payment is made no later than 180 days from the date of presentation by the lottery participant of the lottery ticket, receipt.

Not later than 180 days. What can an ordinary citizen assume? That the law specifies the maximum possible payment period, the violation of which will be punished. Not later, Means - before the specified period. What does the operator / distributor of the lottery think about this? From his point of view, everything is simple: not later means not earlier. It is said that they must give in 180 days, so expect for 179-180 days

The court's decision

From the point of view of the court, there is no violation either. No one refuses to pay the winnings, the deadline has not yet come, so everything is in order.

According to paragraph 5 of Art. 18 of the Federal Law "On Lotteries" the results of winning the prize fund of each draw drawing lottery must be published in the media and posted by the lottery operator on the Internet within ten days from the date of the said draw.

Payouts of winnings for the Lottery draw No. 141705 are continuing at the present time.

And the resolutive part:

In satisfaction of the claim<….>to the Joint-Stock Company "GSL", JSC "Technological Company "Center" to refuse to recover the winnings.

Quickly, but publicly or long, but anonymously?

In the first half of this year, 93% of the 464 winners who won over 500 thousand rubles in the lottery wanted their story to be published on the website. This is 20% more than in the same period last year (citation source

Interestingly, a few years ago, the big winners of Stoloto, all as one, categorically avoided publicity or any mention. And here, it turns out that people just want to know about them.

The secret of such a change is likely simple: the winner is offered a choice - consent to the disclosure of data and a photo shoot (which leads to payment within a reasonable time), or - refusal of publicity and payment of winnings for 179-180 days. Harsh, but effective. Who wants to wait another six months for their money? So it turns out that everyone suddenly wanted publicity.

And as this case has shown, it will not work to get money out of the operator through the court before the specified (maximum) period.

* Respecting privacy we do not indicate the winner's personal data

Instead of an afterword and for comparison

In Australia, the big win (jackpot) is issued within two weeks. In Canada within a week. In the UK, winnings over £50,000 are paid out within 48 hours.

Publicity of winners: In Australia and the UK, anyone can remain anonymous. Interestingly, a third of the winners in England, despite this right, go to a public announcement (perhaps this is due to the fact that it is easier to spend the money won this way).

In the United States, in most states, lottery organizers are required by law to publish information (name, city, winning amount and photo) about everyone who has won more than $600. This measure is aimed at eliminating fraud and increasing transparency.

The lottery online supermarket located at is largest company for various state lotteries. Among the most popular are such brands as "Russian Lotto", " golden horseshoe”, “Bingo” and many others. Given the large number of participants and considerable winnings, many winners are wondering how to withdraw funds from the Stoloto wallet to a Sberbank card.

Buying Stoloto tickets

The online supermarket offers several options for purchasing tickets that allow you to participate in lotteries. Among them:

  • lottery shops open all over the country;
  • sending SMS messages from a mobile phone;
  • directly on the company's website;
  • special mobile app with the same name;
  • vending machines Stoloto, which are installed in various shopping and entertainment centers.

When choosing a specific lottery to participate in, you need to know their main varieties available in trading house Stoloto:

  • lotteries that provide the opportunity to win multimillion-dollar winnings (Gosloto series - “5 out of 36”, “6 out of 45”, etc., “Zodiac”, “Sportloto Matchball”);
  • lotteries, in which not only cash, but also valuable prizes in the form of apartments or cars ("Russian Lotto", "Bingo-75", " housing lottery" and others);
  • fast lotteries, drawings of which take place every quarter of an hour (“Rapido”, “Top-3”, “12/24”, etc.);
  • instant lotteries, the most famous of which is Sportloto.

When deciding on the choice of a lottery for participation and the subsequent purchase of a ticket, you should study the rules for obtaining a possible win. They depend on its size. The smallest winnings - up to a thousand rubles - can be received directly at a vending machine or a retail point of sale, as well as by transfer to a wallet that is created on the Stoloto website during registration. Getting larger winnings involves several other procedures.

Up to 100,000 rubles

For winnings not exceeding 100 thousand rubles, there are three ways to receive:

  • transfer to a bank account;
  • retail points of sale, taking into account the limit set for each of them (from 5 thousand to 300 thousand rubles);
  • non-cash transfer to the Stoloto wallet.

Up to 1000000 rubles

With a win within 1 million rubles. the easiest way to receive money is by bank transfer to the winner's personal account. With a relatively small amount of winnings - up to 300 thousand rubles. – Funds can be collected at retail lottery ticket outlets. The only condition for this is that they have the appropriate limit.

From 1000000 rubles

Getting the biggest winnings - 1 million rubles. and more - provides for a mandatory personal visit by the winner to the central office of Stoloto. This condition is mandatory, regardless of the type of lottery. A visit to the company's office is necessary to complete all the documents that are required for the issuance of winnings.

Prerequisites for the winner

The conditions for identifying winners depend on the rules of a particular lottery. In some cases, to determine the possibility of winning, it is enough to simply erase the protective film from the purchased ticket. In other cases - and this applies mainly to multi-million dollar lotteries - long draws are held with the participation of a large number of guests and well-known hosts.

You can take part in the lottery and purchase tickets both directly on the website of the online supermarket, and in the already mentioned points retail or vending machines. The service posted on the company's website will help you find the nearest of them.

How to transfer winnings

As mentioned above, the method of receiving the winnings depends on the amount of the amount and the place where the ticket was purchased. A few of the more popular ones are described below.

Step-by-step instruction

The procedure for transferring winnings to the Stoloto wallet, which is used by the majority of participants playing directly on the site, is as follows:

  • authorization in your personal account (registration has already been completed, since without it it is impossible to participate in online lotteries);
  • go to the personal account page with information about the winnings;
  • follow the link "Transfer winnings to the Wallet", after which money in the amount of up to 100 thousand rubles. translated automatically.
It is important to note that in order to receive winnings from 15 thousand rubles to the wallet. you will need not only registration on the site, but also additional identification with the operator of the Internet site - the United Cashier company.

The second option for receiving a win, which appeared a long time ago, allows you to automatically withdraw funds to your mobile phone. It is available for amounts not exceeding 3 thousand rubles, and for participants playing directly on the site. For getting Money on a mobile phone, before the start of the drawing, it is enough to put a tick in front of the phone number specified during registration. After that, in case of winning, the money is automatically credited to the phone balance.

The third way to win is to visit retail outlets sales. These include not only specialized divisions of Stoloto, but also numerous partners of the lottery online supermarket, in particular:

  • Rostelecom offices and Megafon salons (winning amount does not exceed 1,000 rubles);
  • salons "Svyaznoy" and "Euroset" (winnings in the range from 1 thousand to 10 thousand rubles);
  • branches of the Russian Post (also up to 10 thousand rubles);
  • offices of the bookmaker "Baltbet" (up to 100 thousand rubles);
  • branches of the Balt-Loto lottery network (up to 200 thousand rubles)
  • the head office of Stoloto, which is located in Moscow at the address Volgogradsky pr-t, 43/3 (up to 200 thousand rubles)

The last way to receive the winnings is by bank transfer to the winner's personal account. To bind it to a specific lottery participant, you will need to send a set of documents to the company by mail, which includes:

  • filled in according to a special form, which can be downloaded from the Stoloto website, an application;
  • data on the winning lottery ticket;
  • the code received by sending an SMS message indicating the mobile phone number for which the lottery ticket was purchased;
  • a copy of the document allowing to certify the identity of the winner;
  • bank details of the personal account;
  • copy of TIN.

When receiving a win from 15 thousand rubles. you will need to go through additional identification with the operator of the Internet site, already mentioned above.

Difficulties in translation

The Stoloto company has long and very successfully been working on Russian market. Therefore, the system for issuing winnings can be called well-established and very effective. An additional plus there are several ways to receive a prize and the subsequent withdrawal of funds.

However, difficulties are quite possible. Most of them are due to the mistakes of the participants themselves. The most common problems encountered in practice are:

  • the need for additional identification to receive a win of 15 thousand rubles;
  • lengthy procedure for registering a bank account;
  • the inability to receive winnings by persons under the age of 18;
  • the impossibility of receiving winnings in case of loss of a mobile phone;
  • the impossibility of receiving a win if incorrect data is indicated during the registration process on the Stoloto website;
  • the presence of a complex system of limits on the issuance of funds and restrictions on the methods of obtaining winnings, which is quite difficult to understand;
  • problems with withdrawals to Maestro cards.

Ways to withdraw money Stoloto

Most of the participants play directly on the site of the lottery online supermarket or receive winnings by withdrawing to the Stoloto wallet. In the future, he has a need to transfer funds to other payment instruments for practical use. This can be done in several ways.

To a bank card

To withdraw funds placed in the Stoloto wallet to a card of Sberbank or any bank, you need to perform a few fairly simple steps:

To payment systems (EPS)

In addition to the bank card, funds from the wallet can be withdrawn to a variety of payment systems, including the most popular of them - Yandex Money, Web Money and QIWI. In addition, it is possible to withdraw money to the mobile phone balance.

The procedure for transferring funds is quite simple and completely identical to that described above for a bank card. The only difference is that you must select from the list that opens. options the withdrawal of money is necessary.

At the company office

Another option to get cash is to contact the company's office located in Moscow at the address indicated above. This method is the only one for big wins. To receive money, you just need to contact one of the company's specialists and follow his recommendations.

How to withdraw money from the Stoloto wallet to a Sberbank card?

The procedure for withdrawing funds to a bank card was described above. For Sberbank plastic, it is completely similar.

It is important to remember that there is a reverse possibility to replenish the Stoloto account through Sberbank.

Do not forget that for any withdrawal option, limits and commissions are set. They change quite often, therefore, before starting a money transfer operation, it is advisable to carefully study the rules of Stoloto that were relevant at the time of the withdrawal.

taxes on winnings

The current legislation provides for the collection of income tax on winnings in the lottery in the amount of 13%. The exception is prizes for an amount not exceeding 4 thousand rubles.

Moreover, since the beginning of 2018, with a win of 15 thousand rubles. deduction occurs when the winnings are issued, that is, the amount received is automatically reduced by the specified amount. In fact, Stoloto pays the tax, but at the expense of the lottery winner.
