Russian proverbs about the written form of communication. Proverbs and sayings, how not to confuse

Subject: " I am among the people
Target: formation of ideas about the meaning of communication, about the rules of cultural communication.
1) help students understand the value of communication;
2) to reveal the content of the concept of "communication";
3) show the importance of communication in human life;
4) introduce the rules of cultural communication.
The form of the event: a dialogue with elements of the game.
Design: posters with statements.
- “The only real luxury is the luxury of human communication” (Antoine de Saint-Exupery).
- Proverbs about communication.
Preparatory work:
preparation of proverbs about communication;
preparation of questions for competitions on separate cards;
preparation of prizes for all participants of the game (reminders with the rules of cultural communication).

Once upon a time there was a young man with a bad temper. His father gave him a full bag of nails and said, "Hammer one nail into the garden gate every time you lose patience or get into a fight with someone."

On the first day, he drove 37 nails into the gates of the garden.
In the following weeks, I learned to control the number of hammered nails, reducing it from day to day.
I realized that it is easier to control yourself than to hammer nails.
Finally, the day came when the young man did not drive a single nail into the garden gate.
Then he came to his father and told him the news.
Then the father said to the young man: "Take one nail out of the gate every time you do not lose your patience."
Finally, the day came when the young man was able to tell his father that he had pulled out all the nails.
The father led his son to the garden gate:
“Son, you behaved very well, but look how many holes are left on the gate!”
They will never be the same again.
When you quarrel with someone and say unpleasant things to him,
you leave him wounds like those on the gate.
You can stick a knife in a man and then pull him out
But there will always be a wound.
And it doesn't matter how many times you ask for forgiveness. The wound will remain.
A wound brought by words causes the same pain as a physical one.
Communication with people is a rare wealth!
They make you smile and cheer you up.
They are always ready to listen to you.
They support and open their heart to you.
Be patient with people!
Event progress

Host:- Guys, now you have listened to the parable of a young man and his wise father. What meaning do you see here? (children's answers). Please look at the blackboard, here is the statement of Antoine de Saint Exupery "The only true luxury is the luxury of human interaction." How do you understand this statement? The topic of our meeting today is the communication of people. Learning to live among people, to be able to communicate, is just as important as studying mathematics or economics, conquering mountain peaks or exploring the depths of the sea. And if you want to live an interesting, fulfilling life, you can't do without the ability to live in harmony with other people, for this you need to learn how to communicate. Our conversation will take place in the form of a dialogue with elements of the game

Leading: - And we will begin our conversation with the game-exercise "Greeting". - Guys, let's form a circle. The task is to call the partner by name and greet him. The partner must respond by saying the name and also greet the neighbor.

Leading: For the word "communication" you need to pick up (write) as many words of the same root as possible: (community, general, sociable, accomplice, together, hostel ...).

Leading Guys, listen to the poem and think, what word did the heroine of the poem forget?

Masha knew a lot of words,

But one of them is missing.
And it's like a sin
Most often spoken.
This word follows
For a gift, for dinner,
This word is said
If you are thanked.
(Answers of the audience). That word is "thank you!"
Leading: do you guys often use the word thank you when communicating with people?
Leading: The people have been creating their oral culture for centuries, passing on wise instructions from father to son, from grandfather to grandson, teaching the younger generations to reason. One of the instructions are proverbs that praise, sympathize, and most importantly - teach. And now we will find out how the proverbs that you have prepared teach us to communicate.

A horse is recognized in riding, a person in communication.

Whoever is respected is praised.

Good glory lies on the stove, and the thin one runs around the world.

Don't judge people, look at yourself.

If you don't know a person, look at his friend.

Respect is hard to earn but easy to lose.

Glory warms, shame burns

Conscience without teeth, but will bite

A man is like a castle: you need to pick up a key for everyone.

A pig with a golden collar is still a pig..

From the same lips one day poison will flow, one day honey

You recognize a person when you eat a pood of salt with him.

I will say - I will burn my tongue, I will not say - my heart.

The spoken word is gold, the unspoken is diamond.

Shooting does not mean being a shooter; not the one who speaks with his tongue.

Language is the translator of the heart.

Even if you sit crooked, speak directly.

At all times and to this day, there has been and still is a punishment-imprisonment in solitary confinement. People don't tolerate solitary confinement very well. Many even go crazy.
Leading Q: So what is communication? (Answers guys). Let's turn to the dictionary. Communication is a form of communication between people, interaction, an action performed together, together. And if we look into Dictionary V. Dahl, we learn that the word "communicate" means to be at one with, to know someone, to be friends, to share together, to give someone a share of participation. You see how many synonyms there are in the Russian language, how rich and varied the Russian language is. Language is necessary for people to communicate. But how sometimes in communication we lack the right words. It is important to understand that the word has a huge impact on a person: “With a word you can kill, with a word you can save, with a word you can lead troops.” Listen to V. Soloukhin's poem "A Word About Words".

Reader. When you want to speak a word

My friend, think - do not rush,
It gets harsh
That is born from the warmth of the soul.
It curls like a lark
That copper mourning sings.
Until you weigh the word yourself,
Don't let him fly.
They can add joy
And poison people's joy.
They can melt the ice in winter
And crush the stone into crumbs.
It will bestow, or rob,
Let it be inadvertently, let it be joking,
Think how not to hurt them
The one who listens to you.
Game "Photo of a friend."
Purpose of the game: develop attention, memory, communication and analytical skills, observation.

Game progress

Children turn to each other (desk neighbors). Their task is to learn as much as possible about the neighbor (appearance, where he lives, what he is fond of, about his family, etc.) is given 2-3 minutes. Then two guys from the same desk come out and tell everything they have learned about each other. The rest of the guys evaluate whose pair was the best.

Leading: Any appeal addressed by us to anyone can be colored by various emotions, feelings, moods. Sometimes people say the same words, but in one case they are established with the interlocutor a good relationship, and in others - bad, leading to quarrels, conflicts. What's the matter here? (Answers of children). Yes, a lot depends on intonation, on the facial expression of the speaker.
Leading: I suggest doing the following task.

Participants are invited to receive cards with a list of intonations.

Participants (in turn) must pronounce the word “friend” as expressively as possible, reflecting in the intonation (written on the card) the following feelings. (surprise, joy, grief, anger, indifference,

Leading it is very important to monitor not only what you say, but also with what intonation you address a person.
Leading: Gestures are an important element in communication. We offer you the next contest "Sign Language".

Participants are given cards with words.

Words are written on the cards. Using sign language, you need to depict these words: demand, promise, request, order, indignation.

- aimlessly twirling an object in your hands;
- rub your eyes with fists;
- to scratch;
- to pull someone by the sleeve.
Human movements should be appropriate and natural, corresponding to the meaning of the conversation.

Leading: I propose to solve simple problems.
1. Three girlfriends - Katya, Zina and Olya - are sitting on a bench in the yard. Olya needs to tell Katya a secret from Zina that concerns only the two of them. Can it be done right there? Why? (Answers of the audience).
2. You were given an item that you have, or you don't need or don't like. What do you say to the person who gave it? (Answers of the audience).
Leading: Each of us has dozens of meetings with different people- at school, on the street, in the store. And every time, our mood, well-being, and our work capacity largely depend on whether they were friendly, benevolent, or irritable and rude? Can you remember such moments in your life?

Leading: Everyone knows that everyone healthy person five senses - sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch. With their help, a person gets acquainted with the outside world. But there is a sixth sense that helps to establish contact with people. It, unfortunately, is not given to us from birth, and we must educate it in ourselves. Let's try to check if you have the ability to establish contact with people. We offer you short stories where you have to determine what mistakes their heroes made during communication.

1st story

Ira came to visit her friend Tanya. A wonderful bright bird was sitting in the cage - Tanya's favorite parrot.
- Wow bird. Pretty, - said Ira, - I had the same one. Just died. They don't live long. Very gentle.
Tanya became sad and fell silent. Ira could not communicate with Tanya that day.
(Think about what mistake Ira made? How would you behave in her place?)

2nd story

Five minutes before the first lesson, the students sat in the classroom. Olya came last. She had a distressed look, tear-stained red eyes.
Why are your eyes wet? Katya screamed loudly. - What has happened with you? Tell! Who hurt you?
- Come on, come on, tell me! Natasha jumped up to Olya.
- What's happened? Why are you crying? they all shouted.
Olya burst into tears and ran out of class. Everyone shrugged in disbelief.
(What was the mistake of Katya and Natasha? What would you do in their place?)

3rd story

Dad gave Vova new stamps for his birthday. Vova showed them to his friend Slava and happily said:
- Here are some brands! Rare and beautiful! Do you like it?
- Yes, I have such bulk! Slava laughed. – What is so special about them? They are of no value. Oh you! I'm also a philatelist! And your father is good - he does not understand stamps! Nonsense, not stamps! Do you want me to show you mine?
But Vova did not want to. And then for three more days I did not talk to Slava.
(Why do you think?)
Leading: So, the heroes of these little stories do not know how to properly communicate with their comrades. They don't have a sixth sense. What is this feeling that helps to be courteous and not offend anyone? (getting acquainted with the concept of "tactfulness"). Anyone who has a sense of tact - the sixth sense, will never be intrusive, will not tire the one with whom he communicates, will not offend, will not joke inappropriately.
Leading: Guys, learn to feel what another needs, what is important for him, what is insulting to him, what he needs most of all. - Cultivate tact in your communication. Start with loved ones. Look at mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. What do you see in their eyes: anxiety, peace, concern? Think about how you can help

[cheer up. How to express sympathy and understanding?

Take a closer look at how your classmates work in class, how your classmates participate in social work. Do not miss the opportunity to express your [approval and gratitude to them. Do not hide your positive attitude towards others.

We communicate a lot with each other, but very often we do not notice in some of our classmates those wonderful qualities that are visible to others.

In fact, for various reasons, we did not see the good in a person, but noticed and at the same time exaggerated ten times, his small flaws. And I want to end our hour of fellowship with one more parable.

Five blind men met an elephant for the first time in their lives.

One of them touched his trunk and said:

The elephant is like a thick hose.

The elephant is like a pillar, another responded, feeling the elephant's leg.

The third touched the elephant's belly and said:

The elephant is like a huge barrel.

It looks like a mat, - touching the elephant by the ear, objected the fourth.

What are you saying! A fifth exclaimed, holding the animal by the tail. -The elephant is like a rope!

They were all right. And nobody was right...

Indeed, we see only one side in a person and do not notice others, we do not notice that any person is more complicated than it seems to us at first glance.

Take a closer look at each other and you will see a lot of good things.

Presenter 2: So let's treat the people around us kindly. Although we are all different, we must remember that another may have qualities that you may not have.

This is also why we touched on this topic. there are a lot of single people these days. There are people with disabilities among us who cannot fully communicate with other people because they simply cannot go outside and do not even have telephones.

Do not shy away from such people and, if possible, help them, at least with a kind word.
Leading: And now we will complete such a task. I'll ask everyone to stand up. Stretch next standing hand with the words: “I am glad to communicate with you,” and the one to whom you extend your hand will extend it to the next with the same words. So along the chain, everyone joins hands and forms a circle.
Moderator: And in conclusion, all participants receive a memo with the rules of communication.


(rules of cultural communication)

Respect the interlocutor.
Be tactful.
Do not humiliate the interlocutor.
Do not underestimate his dignity and

don't put him in an awkward position.

Be attentive to the interlocutor.
Know how to listen and hear, do not interrupt him.
Strive for mutual understanding.
Now that you've learned a little more about communication, I hope you'll make many new good friends. I wish you health, smiles and good mood.

The purpose of the communicative speech act in the life of society (society), in human life; ethics of communication; the conditions for its effectiveness have long attracted the attention of the people, the creator and bearer of the national Russian language. The people expressed their judgment about all this in well-aimed, capacious, figurative proverbs and sayings. What do they draw our attention to, what do they teach?

Speech, conversation, any kind of communication has long been valued for its content, they must have an inner meaning. It is no coincidence that in Old Russian one of the meanings of the word meaning was "reason, reason, mind." In this sense, it remained known in the XIX century. Let us recall the lines from "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by A.S. Pushkin: “Ruslan languished silently, / And meaning and lost his memory. Thus, the content of speech depends on the degree of mental development of the speakers, on their intellect. This is confirmed by the proverb "The field is red with millet, and the conversation is with the mind."

Hence the warning that defines the attitude to the word, speech, language: When you speak - think, The word is not in vain spoken, You should not waste words in vain, You will keep the Horse on the reins, but you will not turn back the words from the tongue. And in these proverbs there is concern about the content side of speech: think about what you want to say; choose the words according to the meaning.

How much humor, irony contains a saying From empty to empty pour! An empty case is like an empty conversation. Neither one is of any use. They said that they welded on, but look - there is nothing; In verbosity, not without idle talk; Much has been said, but little has been said. As you can see, proverbs condemn meaningless speeches, conversations that give nothing to either the mind or the heart.

In order for the speech to be meaningful, informative, enrich listeners, attract their attention, it is important, when working on its text, to comprehend:

What provisions will be developed;

What is new in solving the issue;

What remains controversial and requires further reflection;

To what extent the expressed thoughts are reasoned;

Since at least two people are involved in communication, it largely depends on them what kind of communication will be.

Proverbs emphasize what qualities the interlocutor should have in order for the conversation to bring satisfaction, not to be a burden: Be able to say in time, be silent in time, i.e. know the measure in the conversation, do not tire the interlocutor, give him the opportunity to speak out. It's very frustrating when they don't listen to you. But it is even worse when one of the participants in the dialogue, without listening to his interlocutor, joins the conversation and two voices begin to sound at the same time. Such communication is more like a bazaar, and not like a conversation of people who respect each other. It is especially bad when this is observed at meetings, school debates, when discussing some issue in the class. The proverb warns: Sing well together, but speak apart. What do people appreciate in an interlocutor, what do they condemn? We find the answer in proverbs: He does not throw words into the wind; For a word, it will not climb into your pocket. Responsible attitude to what was said, the absence of idle talk, boasting, resourcefulness in conversation are the positive qualities of the speaker. Here comes the omniscience (he has an answer for every demand), inability and unwillingness to understand the interlocutor (speak different languages; their conversation is the conversation of the deaf); stubbornness in defending one's judgments (with you won’t talk to him on an empty stomach; you have to talk to peas after eating); lack of logic in the conversation (I tell him about Thomas, and he tells me about Yerema); inconsistency of presentation, inconsistency of statement (started for health, and finished for peace); excessive talkativeness (you give him a word, and he gives you ten) - all these qualities are undesirable, not creating comfort in communication.

The Russian people have a negative attitude towards quarrels that often arise between speakers. The proverb warns: It is better to stumble with your foot than with your tongue. Therefore, you should be especially careful in choosing words, remember: The word is not an arrow, but it strikes more than an arrow; A wound from a knife heals, a wound, inflicted by a word, the doctor is powerless; From one word - yes, a quarrel for a century.

Proverbs call to be merciful, to be able to empathize, to understand someone else's misfortune, someone else's grief, to be patient with others, not to forget: A quarrel does not lead to good; In quarrels and in nonsense there is no way; He scolded a lot, but did not achieve good.

But if a quarrel could not be avoided, proverbs call for reconciliation: Every quarrel is red by the world; With whom I quarrel, with that I will make peace; By the way, swear, and not put up by the way; Make peace with people, but fight with sins.

Word scold ambiguous. In addition to the meaning of "quarrel", it means "to utter swear words, swear." The people's attitude towards war is ambivalent. On the one hand, proverbs emphasize that swearing is common: Scolding is not a reserve, and without it not for an hour. It doesn't do much harm. Swearing is not smoke - the eye will not eat out; Scolding of the eyes will not eat out; Hard words break no bones. It seems to even help in the work, you can’t do without it: Without swearing, you will not do the job; Do not curse, and you will not unlock the lock in the cage.

WITH On the other hand, proverbs warn: Argue, argue, but scolding is a sin; Do not scold: what comes out of a person, then he will be filthy; Swearing is not resin, but akin to soot: it doesn’t cling, it stains like that; With abuse people dry, and with praise they get fat; You won’t take it with your throat, you won’t beg with abuse,

Bee has an end. No matter how interesting communication is, no matter how we forget about time, carried away by the conversation, it is important not to drag out the conversation, to stop it in time. This is indicated by proverbs: No matter how much you interpret, you can’t reinterpret everything; No matter how much you talk, you can't be full of conversation.

How wise and instructive are folk sayings! It is difficult, and most often impossible, to say when each of them appeared, how many centuries ago. One thing is clear: created by the wisdom of the people, tested by life and experience for many decades and even centuries, they are one of the most powerful means of expressing the spiritual life of the Russian people, their thoughts, aspirations, and aspirations. Acquaintance with proverbs introduces a person to folk art, helps to get to know the people and their language more deeply, and learn a lot.

Communication And society- related words. It was the unification of people, their joint work, obtaining food, protection from attacks, natural disasters that gave rise to the need for communication. Word communication(like society) goes back to the word general. This is no coincidence. When communicating, there should be a common need and interest in transmitting and receiving information, a common topic of conversation, but most importantly - a common language with its system of sounds and signs, with a special “voice” that allows you to convey the most subtle shades of thoughts and feelings of a person.

Task 5. Tell us what you learned about communication? Why is communication a social phenomenon?

Task 6. What lessons have you learned from this topic?

Task 7. Using proverbs, name the positive and negative qualities of the participants in the conversation. Which of the proverbs would you attribute to yourself, to one of your friends, comrades?

Task 8. Read phraseological units with the word language. Write down those that characterize the speaker, dividing them into two groups: positively evaluating and negatively.

Write down combinations in which the word language has the meaning "movable muscular organ in the oral cavity." Come up with suggestions with them.

Strike on the tongue. Keep your mouth shut/on a leash. Long tongue. Bite/bite your tongue. Angry on the tongue. Spins on the tongue. Find mutual language. Hold your tongue. Sharp on the tongue. Swallow your tongue. Get on the tongue. Untie tongue. Loosen the tongue. Ripped off the tongue. Asks for the tongue. Pull / pull the tongue. Pip on your tongue. Well suspended/suspended tongue. The tongue is twisted. Boneless tongue. Tongue stuck / stuck to the larynx. The tongue won't/doesn't turn to speak. Wag your tongue / scratch / chat / grind. Swallow the tongue. The tongue itches. You will break your tongue. The language is gone. Shorten your tongue. Shorten your tongue! The devil pulled his tongue. Run with your tongue out / sticking out / sticking out your tongue. As if / as if / as if a cow had licked it with its tongue. How the tongue licked. Show/show language. Shoulder tongue. Rolls on the tongue/tip of the tongue. Unleash the language. Does not leave the tongue (for whom). Aesopian/Aesopian language. speak in different languages.

Task 9. Tell me how you understand the expressions: find a common language; give free rein to the language; speak different languages; Aesopian language.

Describe the situations that can be characterized by the above phraseological units,

Task 10. Read proverbs and sayings with the word language. Explain the meaning of each saying.

Write down proverbs that talk about language as a means of communication.

My tongue is my enemy: it speaks before the mind. Eat mushroom pie, keep your mouth shut. Grind your tongue, but don’t let your hands free. Language will bring to Kyiv. The tongue is small, but it owns the whole body. She sewed and washed, stroked and rolled, spun and polished, and all with her tongue. Don't rush with your tongue, hurry up with your deeds. You can’t weave a bast shoe with your tongue. On the tongue is honey, and under the tongue is ice. Don't be afraid of the knife, but the tongue.

Task 11. Read proverbs and sayings with the word speech. Explain their meaning. Write down those folk sayings that characterize the speaker.

We heard speeches, but we do not see deeds. Speeches are like snow, but deeds are like soot. Speeches are like honey, but deeds are like wormwood. It’s not about the fact that there is nowhere to lie down, but that it’s about the fact that there is nothing to bake. Silly speech is not a proverb. Do not rush to cut off your head, order the speech to be spoken in advance. Rechist, but unclean on the hand. You are eloquent people, all paths are clear to you; we are dumb people, all passages are narrow for us.

Task 12. Write an essay on the topic: "Proverbs about communication."

Task 13. Describe several situations of your communication (with schoolmates, with relatives or with someone) that are interesting in some way, instructive. Use proverbs and phraseological units in your essay.

Proverbs are called short whole sentences, with a complete thought, deep meaning and morality. Proverbs are written in a simple and understandable folk language, often have their own rhythm and simple rhyme. Examples :

  • "Repetition is the mother of learning."
  • "Who does not work shall not eat ".
  • "To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest."
  • "A full man is not a friend to a hungry man."
  • "The quieter you go, the further you'll get ".

Proverbs and sayings, how not to confuse

The main difference between sayings and proverbs is that a proverb is a whole sentence with meaning, and a saying is a beautiful and symbolic phrase or phrase. The proverb “small spool, but expensive”, the saying “small, but daring”.
Also a saying because of its incompleteness is not used independently, but is more part of the sentence, giving it a brighter artistic coloring to certain facts, situations or things. Example: " stay with the nose" ( be deceived). In the sentence: the cat Basilio and the fox Alice left Pinocchio with a nose.

Sayings as part of the people

Proverbs and sayings are an invaluable legacy left to the Russian people. In ancient times, when there was no written language, proverbs and sayings were transmitted orally from the older generation to the younger, which made them the oldest folklore genre. Thanks to the richness and diversity of the Russian language, they have collected the wisdom of thought, imagery, and the brightness of simple colloquial speech.
Proverbs and sayings are the wisdom of the people, collected by generations. They teach us to be smarter, praise us for kindness, courage, diligence, warn, give advice, ridicule negative human qualities such as evil, meanness, cowardice, selfishness and encourage positive ones - kindness, diligence, perseverance.
The life situation became the basis for the creation of proverbs, they reveal a hint or an indication to the right action.
Knowing the main differences between proverbs and sayings, you can confidently write 5 proverbs about people's communication:

  1. Among the people that are in a cloud: in a thunderstorm everything will come out.
  2. In the language of honey, in the heart of ice.
  3. A horse is recognized in riding, and a person in communication.
  4. A sharp word that hurts the heart.
  5. If you are afraid - do not speak, if you said - do not be afraid.
