Pisces sign compatibility with other zodiac signs. Which zodiac sign is compatible with Pisces for marriage

According to the compatibility horoscope, the Pisces woman captivates at first sight. She has an uncanny knack for capturing men. reveal in them the need to be strong and caring.

The chosen ones of this woman usually belong to one of two opposing categories. She is attracted to weak men, whom she can bestow with maternal care and participation. She also falls in love with representatives of the opposite type - strong, determined, able to protect, cherish, guide and support her.

By Pisces Woman Compatibility- love for her is the basis, the meaning of life. If she is happy in love, everything else seems wonderful. If she suffers because of unrequited love, nothing else matters. Therefore, if you want to win her, prove that your feelings for her are strong and unchanging.

Any man secretly dreams of such a Pisces woman. She is so fragile, tender, pure and defenseless that it seems that it would be much better for her to be born in the century before last! Pisces Woman seems to have descended from the pages of one of the novels of that time. Looking at it, the word “emancipation” will immediately fly out of your head, but you will immediately understand what Tolstoy had in mind when he wrote about “trembling eyelashes”, “languid look” and similar things that are incredible today.

Compatibility Pisces Woman Taurus Man

According to the compatibility of Pisces women and Taurus men, this family union is one of the most ideal. The couple live together happily ever after. Having found each other, they no longer imagine their life with someone else. Pisces Woman reveals all her best qualities and becomes a real keeper of the hearth. And the Taurus man tries to do everything to make his beloved "fish" happy. There is nothing in the world that can destroy this couple, as their union is built on a very reliable foundation. They also have a strong physical attraction, loyalty and devotion, they are attached to each other until old age.

The pair of Pisces and Taurus have a lot in common. For both, peace of mind is more important, both love convenience, comfort, beauty, expensive and high-quality things. The only difference is that people born under the sign of Pisces are lazy by nature, living only for today, and Taurus are great workers who provide their own future. ..

Pisces Woman Compatibility - Gemini man

Compatibility of Pisces Woman and Gemini Man- they are so different that it seems that they live in parallel worlds. According to statistics, this family union is very rare. However, despite the complete opposite in their views on life, if these partners meet, they can make up a fairly happy and long union.

In the Pisces woman, the Gemini man is primarily attracted to her fragility and defenselessness. And she turns a blind eye to all his shortcomings. The Gemini man energizes everyone around him, and the Pisces woman is no exception, with her energy and enthusiasm. If a Pisces woman is talented in any field, then a Gemini man can help her commercialize her creative talents by becoming her agent or impresario. . ..

Pisces Woman-Cancer Man Compatibility

Family union in the compatibility of the Pisces woman and the Cancer mancan rightfully be considered ideal. According to statistics from many countries of the world, divorces in this couple are extremely rare. These two are literally made for each other. They have similar temperaments, lifestyle. They are able to understand each other perfectly, together they create their own little cozy world in which they can live happily ever after. Real, sincere, deep love in this pair flashes at first sight.

Both the Pisces woman and the Cancer man always have a lot of plans and ideas that they always consider and discuss together. True, the Cancer man prefers to live in a world of illusions, fantasies and imagination, while the Pisces woman prefers real world with all his earthly joys and material goods . ..

Pisces Woman - Leo Man Compatibility

By compatibility, the Pisces woman and the Leo man are simply delighted with each other at the stage of establishing a relationship. This love story will not forget from no one and never, so much vivid impressions he will give them. But, the more they are together, the more they will begin to recognize each other and the more dissimilarity in temperament, character, mores, in views and opinions, in literally everything, will tell. And the Pisces woman will have to make incredible efforts to maintain this union.

But it also happens that when partners are very different, their dissimilarity can be not only a cause of disagreement, but also reverse side giving the opportunity for lovers to find in each other what they lack in themselves, and live happily...

Compatibility Pisces Woman - Virgo Man

According to the compatibility of Pisces women and Virgo mentheir family union can be very strong, only on condition that both partners strive for spiritual growth and work on themselves every day. The Pisces woman can be considered the exact opposite of the Virgo man. Forming a couple, they can give each other a lot, of course, if both want to take what the partner offers them. If both love each other and want to maintain a relationship, then they will be able to rise above everyday difficulties and form a harmonious whole couple. Otherwise, both may look for a more suitable mate in order to avoid working on improving their personality.

The Pisces woman finds in the hardworking and responsible Virgo man what she was looking for - care and tenderness. Very often, the Virgo man works for two, and even takes on some of the household chores, allowing the Pisces woman to do what she likes, namely: going to exhibitions, theaters, and various creative evenings. ..

Compatibility Pisces Woman - Libra Man

According to the compatibility of Pisces women and Libra men- their relationship can hardly be called an ideal family union, but they can get along well if the Pisces woman can maintain the distance that the Libra man needs for his comfort.

The expression that someone else's soul is dark is very suitable if applied to this union. The Libra man with his unstable and changeable mood and the dreamy Pisces woman are rarely sincere towards each other. Each of them has their own secrets and "their skeletons in the closet." On the other hand, their sense of independence and inner freedom is fully preserved, even after many years. life together. And this, by the way, does not prevent the compatibility pair Pisces and Libra from feeling comfortable and good together. . ..

Compatibility Pisces Woman - Scorpio Man

The family union of the compatibility of a Pisces woman and a Scorpio man can rightfully be called ideal. This is the most durable and happiest union, it can even be called mystical: in it, the energy of the partners flows into each other, making them feel an inseparable, deep connection between them.

The compatibility pair of Pisces and Scorpio has everything: fidelity and devotion, constancy and strength, reliability and security, a friendly and warm family atmosphere and, of course, love. The Pisces woman and the Scorpio man are so attached to each other from the moment they first met, and intertwine their destinies so closely that they never even have the thought of parting...

Compatibility Pisces Woman - Sagittarius Man

Compatibility of Pisces Woman and Sagittarius Man, this family union can have the most various options development of events. Their relationship is not easy, but they can find the missing qualities in each other, and will complement each other, thereby strengthening the relationship. Or maybe vice versa, such a strong dissimilarity of characters will prevent them from being together. In any case, these relationships, no matter how long or short-lived they are, will leave vivid and happy memories in the soul of the Pisces woman.

The Sagittarius man is sincere and cheerful, while the Pisces woman is dreamy and secretive. The ideal for a Pisces woman is a strong and responsible man who can and will take care of her. Ideal woman in the eyes of a Sagittarius man, it should be as cheerful and easy-going as he is. Therefore, it is obvious that none of the partners can fully meet the ideal ...

Compatibility Pisces Woman - Capricorn Man

According to the compatibility of Pisces women and Capricorn men- these two often do not notice each other, the force of attraction between them is small and this family union is a very rare occurrence. But, this couple can become very happy by building their relationship on the basis of mutual respect. They can perfectly complement each other, smooth out flaws and roughness of characters, and enhance positive traits. Despite all the differences between the Pisces woman and the Capricorn man, they have a deep common similarity, which helps them understand each other. And most importantly, they are always comfortable and good together. And they perceive love not only as passion, but also as tenderness, care, affection and friendship.

The Capricorn man is a hardworking and reliable partner. Therefore, the Pisces woman, who connected her life with him, dreams of a rich and reliable partner come true ..

Compatibility Pisces Woman - Aquarius Man

Compatibility of Pisces Woman and Aquarius Manthis family union brings many difficulties. It is difficult for spouses to understand each other and their marriage can be built only if you have patience, mutual respect and a condescending attitude towards the shortcomings of the other. Both the Pisces woman and the Aquarius man seem to be out of this world. But, they themselves different worlds. The Aquarius man is extroverted and dreams of giving all of humanity something new and grandiose. He constantly lives in the future, and the Pisces woman is immersed in her inner reality and focuses on feelings.

Despite all the contradictions, the compatibility union of Pisces and Aquarius is very bright and emotional. This is not surprising, because both are extraordinary, creative personalities with a rich inner world. There is everything in their relationship: love and tenderness, jealousy and painful experiences. . ..

Pisces Woman - Pisces Man Compatibility

Compatibility Union of Pisces Woman and Pisces Mancan rightly be called happy and strong. They get along well with each other, together they are never bored. In this union, both find their "half". They have an amazing similarity of characters that will delight, not disturb, as they perfectly understand what their partner is doing and thinking. And for Pisces women and for the Pisces man, emotions are very important in relationships. And something, something, so this each partner can give in abundance. Both spouses have calmness, compliance, sensitivity, as well as independence, dreaminess, and impracticality.

What will be the relationship between the Pisces man and the Pisces woman is difficult to describe, since in each case they will be individual and unique, like themselves. The only thing that unites all couples Pisces is that they just go with the flow serenely...

Almost everyone wants to find their perfect soul mate. Horoscopes help to find out whether this or that person is suitable for the character. Consider the compatibility of Pisces with other signs of the zodiac.

Characteristics of Pisces

  • They are calm, do not like stormy showdowns.
  • Have a deep inner harmony.
  • Dreamy.
  • They do not like to change something in their life drastically prefer to go with the flow.
  • Calmly evaluate their capabilities and blessings given by fate.
  • Fish have a subtle flair. Most often they become famous artists.
  • They love helping other people. This sign of the zodiac differs from others in gullibility and kindness. Pisces are difficult to adapt in society and life, they often have many problems and misunderstandings.
  • Despite their talents, this zodiac sign does not always achieve great success. He is hindered by the lack of incentive and dreams, but if they show character, then fate will give them a chance to reach heights.
  • They are in harmony with nature, therefore, they more often than other people dream prophetic dreams. They have a well-developed intuition.
  • The planet of the sign is Neptune, the element is Water, so they are sensitive, emotional and mysterious. They often protect themselves from everyday problems, therefore they consider themselves the most happy people. Due to the influence of Neptune, people born under the sign of Pisces love truly without self-interest.
  • If Pisces get angry, they become sarcastic. Their anger helps to pacify the cold water of Neptune.
  • They have an excellent memory.
  • They don't like being criticized.

fish woman

Every sign of the zodiac dreams of a fish woman. She is gentle, pure and defenseless. But what signs of the zodiac is it compatible with:

  • Aries man: compatible in marriage up to 90%, in love - up to 80%. You don’t often meet such couples, but if it is formed, then the relationship will last long years. Aries will be annoyed by impracticality and unwillingness to do household chores. He will love a fish woman for femininity. Aries men like it when they need their guardianship and care. They like to perform feats for the sake of women. The Pisces woman will appreciate the Aries man as the head of the family. If he does not find fault with the order in the house, then this marriage can last a long period of life.
  • Taurus Man: compatible in marriage and love - 80%. Taurus love to take care of weak people, so such a marriage is guaranteed to succeed. Pisces will tenderly love a Taurus man for his a strong character and courage. Taurus may begin to suffer in a union due to ambiguities and inconsistencies that arise through the fault of Pisces women. The Taurus man is the head of the family, providing him financially, the fish woman is femininity, which will smooth out sharp corners.
  • Gemini male: compatible in marriage by 70%, and in love relationship by - 80%. This couple is rare. These signs live in different worlds, but if they meet, then the relationship will be strong. The twin man is undemanding, he doesn’t care if the house is in order or not, which will quite suit the fish woman. He will love her for her defenselessness and fragility, and she will close her eyes to his little weaknesses.
  • Cancer man: compatible in union and love up to 80%. Both signs are dreamy, it will be good for them to dream together, be silent, sitting in a cozy living room. But this can eventually lead to secrets and mysteries, omissions and withholding. Cancer and Pisces will hide their grievances, instead of talking and sorting out the relationship, which most often leads to a break in relations.
  • Lion Man: compatibility in love and marriage up to 90%. This is very different signs zodiac. If an alliance arises between them, then it will be strong and durable. Opposites, as they say, attract each other. A Pisces woman will accept a Leo man as he is. The head of the family in such a marriage is Leo, which will completely suit his other half. Quarrels will arise due to domestic problems, the Leo man loves order and comfort, which is alien to Pisces women.
  • Virgo Man: full compatibility 100% - Perfect marriage. The Virgo man is hardworking and responsible, while the Pisces woman is helpless and defenseless. A man in this union will love and take care of his soulmate. He will provide the family financially, take on some of the household chores, thus the woman will be able to attend theaters, exhibitions and enjoy art. Pisces will appreciate all the qualities of a male virgin and will admire them for many years.
  • Libra Man: compatible in love union by - 100%, and in marriage - 80%. There will be little trust in such a marriage, but this will not prevent them from loving each other and living happily together for many years. A fish woman is not pretentious, she quarrels over trifles, she won’t. Libra will share with her in gratitude her creative endeavors and love of art.
  • Scorpio Man: compatible in a love union up to 100%, in marriage up to 90%. Both are very energetic signs. They will draw strength from each other. By nature, it is absolutely different people. Scorpio is temperamental and assertive. Pisces is a dreamy and calm woman. But this will not prevent you from creating your union and loving each other for many years.
  • Sagittarius man: compatible in marriage up to 30%, and in love up to 70%. Such a marriage is quite infrequent, only if Fate does not intervene. The Sagittarius man is a sincere and cheerful person, and the female fish is secretive and dreamy. Their opposites can prevent them from establishing a life, or vice versa will help. It happens differently for everyone. Most often, they diverge due to unjustified hopes.
  • Capricorn male: compatible in marriage up to 100%, and in love - 90%. These relationships can be called the subject of the ideal. Both signs have a similar inner world, they will have something to talk about. In everyday life, they will jointly smooth out all the bumps, and exalt each other's virtues to the ideal. In marriage, they will find tenderness, friendship, passion and affection.
  • Aquarius man: compatible in love relationships by 90%, and in marriage by 60%. Emotional and vibrant relationships. Both signs creative people with a rich imagination. They can love each other, but they will prevent them from creating a strong bond of jealousy and worries about quarrels. Strong emotions can harm a marriage.
  • Pisces man: compatible in marriage by - 60%, in love by -100%. In a love relationship, this perfect couple two halves of one whole. To create a strong marriage, they will be prevented by everyday problems, secrecy and secrets.

fish man

  • Aries woman: compatible in marriage by 80%, and in love by 90%. A favorable outcome depends on the nature of the man. If he is a philosopher, then marriage in this case is doomed to failure. If he is an artist, then perhaps the marriage will last for many years. Aries woman will also play a big role in maintaining the relationship. They prefer to see a romantic person next to them. talented man. All domestic problems in such a family are solved by an Aries woman.
  • Taurus Woman: compatible in love relationships - 90%, in marriage - 100%. Such relationships are ideal for Pisces men. The Taurus woman will take care of everyday life and household chores, in some cases, material problems fall on her shoulders. Pisces man surrounds his soul mate with kindness, love and attention, while earning money with creativity.
  • Gemini Woman: compatible in marriage by - 40%, in love by - 80%. Both signs are distinguished by secrecy, secrets and dreaminess. Inconsistencies most often destroy such marriages.
  • Cancer Woman: 100% compatible with Pisces. They are two halves of the same whole. Both signs are dreamers and dreamers. They will quickly find mutual language. Cancer woman stimulates fish man to exploits and he begins to earn more. She, in turn, takes care of household chores.
  • Lion Woman: compatible in marriage by - 50%, and in love by - 80%. You rarely meet such relationships, but if they arise, their period is short. The lioness does not like it when they are indifferent to money and a career, and they are of little interest to a man. In the early stages, a lioness can be attracted by romance and dreaminess. young man, after she will be disappointed in the relationship and a break is inevitable.
  • Virgo Woman: compatible in marriage by 40%, and in love by 60%. Such an alliance can only last for friendly relations between them. For a stronger union, they have too different views on life.
  • Libra woman: compatible in marriage by almost 60%, in love by 80%. It is difficult for these signs to find a common language. Libra women often express their dissatisfaction with the fish, because of their impracticality and unwillingness to make money. Ultimately, this begins to annoy the man and the relationship comes to an end.
  • Scorpio Woman: compatible in love relationships - 90%, and in marriage - 80%. In general, this is a favorable union. They are both sexy and in the mood for a long and lasting relationship. A scorpion woman can also put pressure on a fish man in solving everyday problems, but this does not happen often. Such relationships are based on mutual assistance, love and friendship.
  • Sagittarius woman: compatible in marriage by - 40%, in love by - 70%. Such relationships are quite rare. Sagittarians will try to stir up the Pisces men. If they succeed, then the marriage will last for many years, if not, then the relationship will eventually cease to exist.
  • Capricorn Woman: compatible in love relationships by - 70%, in marriage by - 80%. From the outside it may seem that the marriage is perfect, but the Capricorn woman loves order, and the fish man is a philosopher in life. Because of these different views, they will have disputes.
  • Aquarius Woman: compatible in love relationships - 100%, in marriage - 60%. Both signs love the colorful world, they love to dream. If the spouses are engaged in one creative business, then their marriage will last for many years.
  • Fish Woman: compatible in love relationships - 100%, in marriage - 60%. Both signs are sensitive and dreamy. Their relationship is strong and individual, but they will not trust each other with all their secrets. It happens that they remain a secret to each other throughout their lives.

In the end, I want to sum up the compatibility of signs:

Pisces Best Compatibility:

  • with male Virgos;
  • with male lions;
  • with Capricorn men;
  • with a Cancer woman;
  • with a Taurus woman.

Pisces Worst Compatibility:

  • with Sagittarius women;
  • with Virgo women;
  • with Gemini women;
  • with female lions;
  • with a male Sagittarius.

Love between two Pisces is a complicated thing, but exciting. Neptune, the planet that rules the sign of Pisces, dictates to them to be a kind of gentle dreamy lovers, trying to satisfy the desires of their partner as much as possible. When a Pisces woman and a Pisces man fall in love with each other, they begin to give away what each of them has in abundance. It's like a tender relationship between two teenagers: everything is romantic, like in Romeo and Juliet, but not viable. Why? Because the Pisces woman will expect strength and stamina from her partner - qualities that are opposite to the sign of Pisces. The Pisces man, you guessed it, will also look for strong features in his partner. Perhaps, an Amazon woman would be more suitable for him, while a Pisces woman can only be compared with a mermaid: languid and romantic.

Sex between two representatives of the Pisces sign will be a little insipid. Most likely, both of them will lack fire and technicality, but they will be able to practice such forms of sexual intimacy as, for example, tantric sex. Everything that requires serious work of the imagination, Pisces can do it, here they are, if you like, like fish in water, but when it comes to something more carnal, bodily, materially expressed - sorry, this is not their area. In general, it is better for a Pisces woman to look for another partner - stronger, stronger and more stable than her sea brother.

Family and marriage

If they get married, then they will have big problems with what is commonly called a joint life. Neither the woman nor the Pisces man is accustomed to devoting much time and attention to the material side of life. They are like hippies - content with little. And until they decide to build something strong and stable (in our case, a family), their usual way of life will not become an obstacle. But as soon as they become husband and wife, the question of who will provide for the family will come to a head. Both of them are not examples of a responsible attitude to life, therefore it is better for them to choose representatives of the earthly or fiery signs of the zodiac as marriage partners.

Whatever, they can be friends! Here, two Pisces will definitely find an outlet for their thoughts and emotions: talking to each other, a woman and a Pisces man will feel that they are communicating with their reflection, their ideas about life and the problems they face day by day will be similar. Their friendship will be easy and not to say that strong: nevertheless, both the man and the Pisces woman are not used to making promises and swearing to eternal love or friendship, and if they do give them, they do not consider it necessary to keep them.

Work and business

What they should not do together is business. Although the representatives of the Pisces sign have a very sensitive scent for profitable directions and money, they still need the help of representatives of other signs and elements to realize it. Pisces man and Pisces woman can form a good creative union: their common talent is enough to win the sympathy of the audience, listeners, and even unwitting witnesses of their joint work.

Let's try to find out the compatibility of the signs Pisces and Pisces.

Pisces man and Pisces woman

Their union can be very harmonious and even full of happiness. It will be bright as a rainbow, and this couple will live in a castle in the air.

They have a very kind soul, they are both very careful. This means that they will rarely take risks, and are unlikely to achieve tops. But they will be able to render each other a great service with their support, help, and ability to forgive. Thanks to mutual empathy, they will be able to maintain their relationship for a long time.

If there were more people on earth of the Pisces zodiac sign, then he would definitely become brighter, kinder and more romantic. They love music, poetry, books and art in general. But all this makes our life brighter.

In general, if two Pisces meet together, then they may have several options for how their relationship will develop.

First, they can cooperate very well. They are good at any business from the humanities to the architectural sciences.

They are naturally soft and calm, which can weaken many of their actions. All Pisces are very sensitive. Many may have psychic abilities that they don't even know about. Their life, like their mood, can largely depend on what they see in a dream, what their intuition will feel, or what insight they will have.

If two Pisces decide to be together, they need to learn not to succumb to delusions, illusion, self-deception, and temptation from other people. Of course, they will not be able to avoid light quarrels over trifles, resentments, and irritability. But in general, they will understand the partner well, and will be able to avoid the difficulties that would arise if they lived with someone else.

As a rule, acquaintance between Pisces occurs naturally and easily. They themselves do not notice how they are attracted to each other. Sex between them is unlikely to be passionate and ardent, but it suits them. Because at the same time they experience very deep and romantic feelings. Pisces and Pisces - compatibility in love is very good.

The Pisces man, deep down, dreams of being a traveler and following his dream. But the materialistic world does not allow him to admit it. And for a Pisces woman, if time changes mood, tears flow, and she is silent for a long time, it means that she is close to living locked up. She wants to leave the house and go to the wild, to adventure.

Horoscope Pisces and Pisces

They perfectly understand each other in sex. If the rest of the problems against this background fade into the background, then they will be the best of all possible couples! But they need a strong and powerful partner who will control their emotions. They themselves are not able to fight them. Marriage will be built on sexual relationships.

Representatives of the Pisces sign have excellent emotional compatibility, they are very comfortable together. Alone with each other, fish are capable of such revelations that they consider unacceptable in communicating with other people. They are tactful, kind and tolerant of human weaknesses, each of them is not afraid of being rude or unpleasant remarks from the other. Pisces do not like to criticize and bring bad news, so they carefully avoid such situations. This is one of the difficulties of their relationship. If one sees that the other is clearly on the wrong path, is mistaken in something, or trusts those who should not, then he is unlikely to hasten to open his eyes to the truth. Most of all, fish are afraid of offending, because they themselves are very vulnerable and suffered a lot from the rudeness of other people. Having let the situation take its course, one of the fish will silently observe how the second representative of this zodiac sign frankly harms himself, but will not intervene under any circumstances. It is unlikely that this will contribute to their rapprochement, because in difficult situations These people are not helping each other.

♓ + ♓: In a love relationship

UNWANTED UNION- Representatives of the Pisces sign dream of such love, which in real life does not exist. Alone with each other for the first time, they will feel absolute happiness. They are not fans of casual relationships and simple flirting, so each of them will appreciate the seriousness of the other's intentions. After some time, their opinion of each other will change significantly, and the reason for this will be false hopes and unjustified expectations.

The Pisces Girl wants her beloved to be strong in spirit, to dominate relationships, but at the same time not have the manners of a tyrant, be gentle with her and not look around. If you try to imagine the earthly appearance perfect man from her dream, you will get a madly in love representative of one of the fiery signs of the zodiac in the first weeks after they met, that is, a very rare and short-term phenomenon. The fish guy does not dominate the relationship, he does not deal with the problems of his beloved. He is just next to his love and moral support. Most likely, the girl will not stop her choice on him.

A young man born under the sign of Pisces, like his beloved, is inclined to dream of the unreal. In his view, a girl should be gentle, feminine and understanding, but at the same time not demand anything from him except love. He is not ready to become someone's reliable shoulder, as he himself often needs support and support. The fish girl will disappoint him by not being ready to accept him for who he is. His basic requirement will be left unattended, so he will soon continue his search for the ideal life partner.

♓ + ♓: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- A Pisces woman can find happiness in this marriage only after a divorce from her previous tyrant husband. If this marriage is the first in her life, and she is still very young, then her requirements for life with her husband risk becoming mutually exclusive. She longs for a prosperous life, so he will be forced to disappear at work. At the same time, she also wants attention that her husband cannot give her in the desired amount due to employment. If he changes his job to a less profitable one in order to spend more time with his family, his wife will again reproach him for his low earnings. The result is a vicious circle.

The Pisces man often has creative occupation which cannot guarantee material stability. At the same time, he sincerely believes that the situation is about to change in better side. With the advent of the first family difficulties that require speed in making decisions, he immediately makes it clear to his wife that it is hardly worth relying on him. The husband begins to get noticeably nervous, does not take any specific actions, and in general, hopes that the problems will be resolved by themselves. If his wife had not been born under the same zodiac sign, she would have dealt with all this on her own. Most often, someone helps this family, for example, older relatives.

Sexual compatibility is very high. Representatives of the Pisces sign often have such fantasies that they are embarrassed to admit to a partner for fear of being ridiculed. Alone with each other, they are completely liberated and are not afraid of rude criticism. If for some reason their marriage breaks up, the former spouses can remain lovers for a long time.

♓ + ♓: In friendship

THE PERFECT COUPLE- born under the sign of fish, has every chance of becoming strong. For fish, the emotional connection that they will gain in these relationships is important. They perceive each other as a reflection of their own. inner peace, and feel that no one else will understand them so well and morally support them. The girl and the fish guy are aware of all the events in each other's lives, with such friends there is no need to Personal diary and cry into your pillow.

The complexity of the relationship lies in the fact that if one of them is in trouble, the second will be nearby, suffer with him, but will not help. Pisces are not capable of decisive action, they are afraid to take the initiative, because they are not confident in their abilities. In any case, they have no closer friends even among people who readily rush to help. For fish, intimacy is more important, this is their choice.

Video: PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign
