Wives according to the signs of the zodiac. Ideal woman according to zodiac sign

Soon the day will come that all women are waiting for. Men with bouquets of luxurious tulips, sweets and will please their companions, without thinking about whether he is perfect or not. And rightly so, because, contrary to all beliefs, every representative of the fair sex is ideal and standard. However, the site still offers to find out which of the zodiac signs can be safely called perfect, referring to Marketium.

Rating of the standard of women according to the signs of the zodiac

12th place - Gemini

The twins are well aware that they do not fit into the standards of the generally accepted standard among women, but this, to put it mildly, does not bother them much. Gemini take pleasure in being different from others. They do not strive for any ideals of beauty. They just live and enjoy life, not claiming titles.

11th place - Virgo

Virgo likes to be “in her own board”. If she wants, she can become both a standard and a beauty queen, call it what you want. But she has a question: “Why?” Why all these statuses, titles, standards, when she already lives well. She gets along well with both men and women, and she is ready to give in to other ladies with pleasure.

10th place - Sagittarius

Sagittarius is an inherently ideal young lady, but she didn’t even stand close to the standard. Yes, she can have a lot of admirers, admirers, boyfriends, but they are all attracted by the spontaneity of Gemini rather than their standard. Men, as you know, love everything new and quickly get tired of the monotony. And Gemini can just provide men with change. Yes, such that wow!

9th place - Aries

The young lady-Aries is also far from the title of “Standard of the Century”, despite all the prerequisites. She is smart, and beautiful, and active, and ambitious. In a word, she is one of those who will stop a galloping horse and ... Well, you understand. This is what prevents Aries from approaching the ideal of a woman. Such young ladies simply scare away men. No, of course, there are daredevils who are ready to conquer this stubborn one, but there are not so many of them.

8th place - Capricorn

Capricorn, in principle, is perplexed why someone should be awarded some titles, standards, and so on and so forth. She's doing so well. Moreover, she can easily become a beauty queen if she wants to. And if he doesn’t want to, he can walk around in sweatpants, this will not diminish his natural charm.

7th place - Taurus

Taurus from his youth builds a chants-girl out of himself. She loves all sorts of dresses, rings, sweets, long hair. In addition, the Taurus lady can, when necessary, pout her lips, flap her eyelashes and exclaim that she did not touch anything, it broke by itself. But it is far from standard. Because she can’t be a chorus for a long time. Men's notes in character begin to break through, no matter how she tries to hide them.

6th place - Aquarius

Aquarius is the embodiment of Ninochka from the "Diamond Hand". Everyone loves her, this smart and beautiful woman, an athlete and a Komsomol member. Only here the problem looms: Aquarius does not really want to love someone. She would just be friends. It's so easy! But to love ... No, thank you. Let them go to Scorpions for love!

5th place - Cancer

Cancers are close to being the perfect woman. They are beautiful, sweet, accommodating and, most importantly, caring. Young ladies-Cancers quickly cut through the chip that they are very good in the role of a mother, and begin to live according to this scenario. Only they forget that the mother is only one component of the standard woman. This is not enough!

4th place - Pisces

Pisces know how to pout, take offense, find adventure. In a word, they ideally play the role of those who want to be saved and taken into their hands. Men are willing to do it. But here's the problem: in most cases, Pisces dream of one thing - to finally be left alone, and they could continue to sit, blow their lips and think about their own, plunging into such a cozy world of pink ponies.

3rd place - Leo

Lionesses would have every chance of becoming the standard among all women. They are beautiful, smart and confident. But one thing prevents them: the desire to strangle all their competitors with their bare hands. Alas and ah, for this reason, the Lionesses can only be awarded third place.

2nd place - Scorpio

Second place can be safely given to Scorpio. Reference woman No. 2 - do not subtract, do not add! Beautiful, smart, cunning and moderately insidious. Men lose their heads from the mere sight of a Scorpio young lady. There is some unknown force in these ladies that makes men turn their necks and lose their heads. Scorpios know that they have this ability, and are terribly pleased with themselves.

1st place - Libra

Scales - the standard number 1! They embody all the qualities that are inherent in real woman. Moreover, even those that cannot be called positive, but in Libra they are combined in such an ideal balance that all people, without exception, are drawn to it. Adds to the charm of Libra is the fact that she does not bother at all about who the reference woman is. She just lives, enjoys life and wishes us the same.

An incredibly attractive, enchantingly smart and breathtakingly beautiful Scorpio young lady is the worst wife in the world. Because marrying a Scorpio means selling yourself into slavery. Of course, it is even honorable to serve such a beautiful mistress in some way, but there is one problem: while you are rubbing against her complex nature and learn how to dodge sudden slaps, have time to earn a bald head, erectile dysfunction and old-age pension. And this is where she will change you for a sultry thirty-year-old macho with such a mustache.

11th place - Pisces

Marrying Rybka is the same as getting a cat: a very beautiful creature will live in the house, which will look at you all your life as a sadly fragrant result of a long digestion process. At the same time, Rybka costs much more than cats, but they bring the same benefits: sometimes, if Rybka deigns to be in a good mood, you can take it in your arms and squeeze it a little. Maybe she'll even purr. And they get addicted to this purring like hard drugs: from the first time and forever. Because even if you get off the needle, life will still remain empty and meaningless. It's great, right?


10th place - Leo

Wife-showcase and exhibition of achievements of the national economy. If National economy did not work out a carat in each ear of the Lioness and a couple of carats in her ring finger - write wasted: a heavy clawed paw will hit this very household. Very painful. And, what is even worse, irreversible. In the sense that it still won’t work to divorce the Lioness: theoretically, of course, it is possible, practically - all other women after marriage with the Lioness seem to be pale copies of living people. And for the other Lioness, someone is now too poor, ha ha.

9th place - Sagittarius

Satan's wife She honestly warns that she does not need anything from her husband, except for his immortal soul, but here it is, kindly, provide it for undivided use. Not that Sagittarius is very interested in what is happening in this very soul, she just needs guarantees for the future. And the joint future in the understanding of Sagittarius is as follows: as she says, so be it. Always. Otherwise - here is the clause in the contract - you will burn forever in hell. Forever!

8th place - Gemini

Gemini is a dangerous wife. There are women next to whom a man sees himself as a magnificent hero, there are women next to whom a man feels like a failure, and there are twin ladies. They know who he really is. It is useless to pretend: the Gemini look to the very essence, feed other people's internal monsters from the hands, scratch them behind the ear and let them on the sofa. The problem is that in fact, few people are ready to get to know their inner monsters so closely. And it will have to.

7th place - Aries

Everyone knows that living with an Aries is like sitting on a volcano, but few people really understand why it is worth risking such a precious seat. And we know: in the flame of Aries temperament, you can heat any metal chock, beat it a little, and then harden it, and then you get some kind of thing - beautiful and useful in the household. Actually, this is approximately what happens to the husbands of Aries, and they, as a rule, are very pleased with this. Every single one. Dissatisfied Aries are handed over to ferrous metal, for remelting.

6th place - Libra

Marrying Libra is a profitable enterprise from all sides: on the one hand, this is the very “real woman” that all men dream of: a soft, gentle and compliant young lady, a wonderful, albeit somewhat nervous hostess, a skilled cook, a clever, beautiful and sexy thing. In those days when Libra tends to goodness and joy. Which, frankly, rarely happens. Libra devotes the rest of the time to tantrums, suffering, scandals, sobbing and eating other people's brains with a teaspoon. But they also do it very, very beautifully.

5th place - Virgo

The top five wives are opened by Virgo - not so much a wife as best friend and companion. The Virgos are convinced that the husband and wife should not look at each other, but in one direction, and in the one that the Virgo chooses. So, on the one hand, being a Virgo's husband is extremely beneficial - it's like being an alpha male in a wolf pack: the leader, of course, is not you at all, but a she-wolf, but formally you have a status. Unless, of course, you are a sheep in a wolf's clothing. It is very easy to check yourself for “horseness”: if the insightful Virgo, seeing the ring, did not immediately say “yes”, but stated that she “needs to think” - you are still a sheep. Run bro. Run fast.

4th place - Taurus

An honorable fourth place goes to Taurus - a woman worth marrying if you are a cheerful beggar gouging. Because Taurus has a gift - to grow successful gouges from poor gouges, but gaiety, as a rule, is lost somewhere. So you need to marry a Taurus if you think that a plate flying at your head is a lot of fun. Yes, and three thousand five hundred and eighteen times - just as fun as the first.

3rd place - Capricorn

Closes the top three Capricorns - women who know the recipe exactly family happiness. Elementary Watson! The perfect man should marry the perfect woman, it couldn't be easier, right? So Capricorns get married, guided by common sense and sober calculation, and not some kind of semi-mythical love. And then they live with their ideal husband in love and harmony until death separates them. We, perhaps, will not give the criteria for ideality: whom Capricorn chooses - they can look in the mirror, and the rest do not need to know such terrible things. You won't sleep afterwards.

2nd place - Aquarius

An honorable second place goes to Aquarius - only and exclusively because Aquarians do not like to be first: what to strive for then, huh? The Aquarius wife is an almost mythical woman, the main character of men's dreams: forever young (ninety-year-old Aquarius can giggle like freshmen); eternally beautiful, because the temperament of Aquarius is not subject to time; forever amazing, because Aquarius will always live his life next to her husband and will never live by him alone. There is only one problem here: you will stop seven pairs of iron boots, bro, while you are dragging after her and whining: “Marry me, please!”

1st place - Cancer

It is not so easy to persuade a Cancer young lady to marry, but if she already succeeded, she will show herself in all her glory: she is both smart, and beautiful, and a hostess. Ideally leads the house, flawlessly nurtures the kids, makes friends with her husband's relatives. Always support a loved one, always please him. Because family is the most important thing. Most importantly, she said! And who will skimp on their family responsibilities, she will take him with a steel claw for some place. And here, of course, one could regret not marrying some Scorpio, but ... You can’t regret it. Clack-clack.

Every person needs love, but everyone sees happy relationship differently. For someone the most important component is passion, for someone - tenderness, and someone needs comfort. You can find out what will make you happy by the sign of the Zodiac.

Sometimes we meet a person who kindles a fire in the heart. And ironically, it is this person who leaves ashes behind, burning bridges and feelings to ashes. And if you consider that the influence of stars and planets is superimposed on the hormonal storm caused by love fever, then you involuntarily begin to wonder how these relationships managed to hold out for so long.

Such a bitter experience was, if not for all, then definitely for most women. And you can’t say that you didn’t love - even as you loved, just not in the way you would like. The stars decided to give a categorical answer, telling what type of love the representatives of the zodiac constellations are waiting for in a relationship. It turns out that women do not have excessive requirements for men, except for a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba partner, love and happiness.

Aries Woman

You like to keep the initiative in pairs, constantly competing with a man. It is impossible to tame such an ambitious young lady, who first came up to meet, called herself, invited her on a date and took her to her home. And all because you are confident and do not want to waste time on shyness and medieval prejudice. You are not used to hearing “no” because you give it your all so that life always says “yes”. Aggression and assertiveness is a rather familiar state of the Aries woman. The fiery temperament often burns close people, however, the partner gets the most. That is why you need a man who will take the hit without regarding your behavior as weakness or indifference. He will know that you are too responsible for others, so he will take responsibility for your happiness.

Taurus Woman

Representatives of the Taurus Sign can be safely called true women. In a relationship, it is important for you to take care of your man, surround him with love, caress him, wait from work, cook a delicious dinner, feed him, ideally from a spoon, in general, make him happy every day. Otherwise, why did the Universe reward you with such a set of qualities: you are tender, and sensual, and open, and economic. True, occasionally eclipses are found on you. A friendly woman, whom a man is used to seeing you, turns into a stubborn, demanding, self-serving young lady. The season of whims begins spontaneously, but it always ends the same way - with the moral exhaustion of a partner. But this is only if the person next to you is not your person. The one who can love you even in the form of a domestic dictator is the best match. Such a man will idolize you, admire you, but at the same time reckon with your opinion.

Gemini Woman

You are a sociable and inquisitive lady: you can quote Dostoevsky and laugh at stupid jokes without being afraid of politically incorrect statements and dirty insinuations. Bad manners and stupidity makes you allergic. And if someone advises you to find a man from the category “if only he was” - gently point the expert to the door. You are a high-flying bird, which means that at least an eagle should fly next to you. Look for a man to match yourself: a smart aesthete with an exaggerated sense of curiosity. The fact is that people who do not reach, so to speak, up to your level, will drag you to the bottom with an anchor. Do not forget about your amorousness, which comes to recklessness. It is not your fault that you love deeply, passionately, desperately. Not every person can experience such an expression of feelings, but you can, and your man must accept it. You need someone to help you express your repressed emotions.

Cancer Woman

Representatives of the constellation Cancer are fluent in the technique of mirroring. You treat people the way they treat you. Everything is simple. If you are loved, you love in return, and with all your heart, giving yourself without a trace. But if a man was not just cold towards you, but offended, cheated, abandoned, trampled, the outcome is already a foregone conclusion - you will force the villain to repent of his deed and be punished. Despite this, the stars consider you the most the best choice For life together. And all because your huge heart desperately needs love. He needs a patron who will not scream about love, but will prove it with his actions. The intentions of this man will be transparent: he will do everything possible to help you cope with heartache find yourself and your feminine happiness.

Leo Woman

Born by a Lioness in love, she remains. You are initially looking for yourself ideal partner, the image of which was worked out in detail in childhood. And therefore, the problems in the field of love for you - so, a performance for a couple of acts, where you, your reaction and your decision are in the lead roles. Your word is the law, and whoever disagrees with this, please do not waste time, will agree anyway. The confidence you exude attracts men. Attention deficit is not about you, about you - its overabundance. It seems that such Lady Perfection does not need an assistant in life. This is wrong. Still as necessary, and attentive, loving, intelligent and ready to make concessions. With it, you do not have to re-educate yourself, suppress your ego, which means that there will be an opportunity for personal growth.

Virgo Woman

Virgo is an organized and practical woman who appreciates simplicity and specificity in relationships. She doesn't need drama. You are considered "cold", but you know that you simply do not see the point in relationships in which there is no love. And where it is, why the tragedy? You need the right man. A self-organized person who will not allow a relationship to develop according to the scenario of a soap opera. He, like you, must love to create - love, comfort, trust. And, of course, your companion needs to be empathetic in order to understand you. You don't feel the need to show emotions or openly express your feelings, but that doesn't make you weird or aloof. This is your nature, which a loved one will definitely fall in love with.

Libra Woman

You always strive for harmony, and relationships are no exception. Your life is following a set course: move from chaos to order, which speaks of you as a person endlessly striving for order. The search for balance does not tire you, rather, on the contrary, it stimulates development. You value comfort, mutual understanding, peace, tranquility and serenity, but at the same time you are constantly drawn towards bright emotions and new adventures. Only a temperamental man is able to ensure your female happiness. You are a passionate nature, which, moreover, constantly needs emotional nourishment, without war, bloodshed and victims. From time to time you need a scandal to blow off steam, nothing more. So look for a quick-tempered partner for yourself, who will be ready not only to scandal, but also to seek compromises. Together you will learn to perfectly maintain balance, extending it to all areas of life.

Scorpio Woman

The Scorpio woman is the embodiment of fortitude. She is flint, granite, a fortress that cannot be taken by storm. Depression, obsessive thoughts, aching melancholy, anxiety are not for you. You are not scattered on trifles, clearly knowing what and how to do to achieve success. You have an undeniable opinion on everything. And it's not even that you are stubborn and do not hear anyone but yourself, you just live with your thoughts, and that's it. No one has yet been able to tame such an unbridled temper. And what to do? First, look for someone passionate. Sex is the only proven way to tame an angry predator, and a pink-faced romantic can't handle you. Secondly, your man must control himself. Your temperament is jealous, assertive, cruel - two such relationships will not survive, exploding from tension.

Sagittarius Woman

You, a tireless and independent adventurer, do not fully understand why a relationship is needed. You don’t seem to need male support: you won’t be able to sit on someone else’s neck, because you are self-sufficient, self-confident and proud, and getting married to the joy of your grandmother is a so-so idea. But the main stop factor that prevents you from building a happy relationship is the fear of losing your individuality, becoming one instead of two. Do you dream of living full life, develop, travel, go to self-development courses. It is clear that not everyone will be able to keep up with you. So there is no need to drive the laggards, your partner has already won this race a long time ago. And now it is waiting for you to run together towards a new life, which will be full of crazy deeds, adrenaline, happy days, freedom, experiments, development.

Capricorn Woman

You are constantly putting things in order in your life simply because you don’t know how to do otherwise. You knew from birth that every thing should have its place. So you live: plates by size, spices alphabetically, personal life according to a schedule. Perfectionism has already been recognized as a disease modern women, but it doesn't bother you - too busy schedule. You are able to change any man beyond recognition in just a month, instilling in him organization, responsibility, diligence. But this love story does not have a happy ending, everything ends tragically. And all because initially you need to look for a reliable partner who shares your values. You are an earth sign that needs to stand firmly on its feet. This is what your man will take care of - he will create a solid foundation on which, through joint efforts, a happy family life will be built.

Aquarius Woman

Independent, strong, cheerful Aquarius women sincerely need love that cannot deprive them of their freedom. A completely ordinary desire for an extraordinary woman, and so on in everything. Your out-of-the-box thinking simply tears the usual picture of the world to shreds. But you are honest, so honest that you can kill with a word. Not planned, of course, but simply "blurted out without thinking." You live the way you want to live, choosing only the best for yourself. Yes, you have high demands, but you know that you deserve it. Our recommendations are completely useless for you, because intuitively you always choose the ideal candidate for yourself.

12th place - Gemini

They do not fit into the generally accepted standards of femininity, but Gemini does not care at all. They like that they are not like most women, they revel in their uniqueness. Unlike many, they do not strive to meet the standard of beauty. They just live, enjoying life and the fact that they are who they are.

11th place - Virgo

Virgo - a girl "her own on the board." Actually, with her reference appearance, she could easily become Miss Universe, but why? Why all these titles, recognition, glory, if Virgo is already having a great life? She is great at finding mutual language with people, gets along with both men and women. And the title of beauty queen can be given to the one who needs it more.

10th place - Sagittarius

The Sagittarius young lady can be called ideal, although she is incredibly far from the standard. This lady has a crowd of admirers, boyfriends and admirers are standing outside the door. But they are attracted not by the standard of Sagittarius, but by its spontaneity and originality. Men quickly get tired of monotony and strive for novelty. And Sagittarius will provide constant change, will surprise and amaze. And believe me, she definitely knows how to impress.

9th place - Aries

The title of the gold standard also does not threaten Aries, although she has excellent initial data. This woman is smart and ambitious, beautiful and active. It was Nekrasov who sang it in his poem. But it is precisely the power that allows stopping horses at a gallop that prevents Aries from gaining female happiness. Such a lady simply scares men away. Only a daredevil will dare to conquer a brave lady. But there are not many such men.

8th place - Capricorn

If you tell Capricorn about standards, standards, beauty contests, she will shrug her shoulders in bewilderment. She does not understand this excitement around the title of the most beautiful. Capricorn lives well without titles. Although, if desired, she would easily become a beauty queen. But while she doesn’t feel like it, Capricorn walks in old sweatpants, a stretched T-shirt, with a careless ponytail on her head - and looks amazing.

7th place - Taurus

Meet the cheering girl. Since childhood, Taurus wears dresses, uses cosmetics and perfumes, loves jewelry and styles her hair. She knows exactly when to pout or show flashing tears. But she is still far from the standard, because the “refrain” is a mask. Soon Taurus will show true character traits that are more suitable for a man.

6th place - Aquarius

Do you remember Ninochka from The Prisoner of the Caucasus? This is the embodiment of Aquarius, clever, beautiful, sportswoman, Komsomol member. It would seem that such a woman will make any man happy. But there is a problem: Aquarius does not want to make the stronger sex happy. She prefers friendship to love, because that is much simpler.

5th place - Cancer

Cancer is very close to the title of an ideal woman: sweet, beautiful, flexible and very caring. Cancer can become a wonderful mother and strives to be her everything. True, she sometimes forgets that such a role is only one of the components female character. It's not enough to be a perfect mother.

4th place - Pisces

At the sight of Pisces, a knight wakes up in men, ready to rush towards the dragon with a spear at the ready. Pisces awaken this desire by skillfully pouting, captivatingly capricious and getting into adventures. Men willingly lead and pick up Pisces in their arms. But there is a problem: Pisces often do not want to be rescued and generally touched. They prefer to continue to sit in one place, immersed in the world of their own fantasies.

3rd place - Leo

That's who has every chance to become a standard! The beauty of Lionesses is combined with self-confidence and remarkable mind. But they have a small minus - the desire to strangle potential rivals with their bare hands. Because of this, they fail to get the first place, they take the “bronze”.

2nd place - Scorpio

Scorpio is an ideal woman without any “buts”, neither subtract nor add. This is a smart and moderately cunning beauty. Her mere appearance makes men lose their heads. Scorpio has some kind of mystical, otherworldly power, forcing the stronger sex for a long time, without stopping, to look after her. Scorpio is well aware of her ability and loves to use it.

1st place - Libra

Libra is a real standard of femininity! They are endowed with those qualities that are attributed to the ideal woman. By the way, not all character traits of Libra are positive. But also negative qualities they look like a highlight, and the pros and cons are in balance. Libra adds a special charm to the fact that they do not even think about their own perfection, but simply enjoy life.

Every woman is beautiful and unique in her own way. And for every man there is an ideal woman. However, astrologers say that many of the qualities that are inherent in an ideal woman depend on which zodiac sign she was born under. Let's find out who took first place in this ranking.

Women born under this sign have all the qualities of an ideal woman. Moreover, Libra never thinks about the ideal. They simply enjoy life, and those around them are drawn to them with irresistible force, both men and women.

2. Scorpio

The mysterious Scorpios take an honorable second place for a reason. The sexuality and mystery of Scorpios are legendary. They are smart, beautiful and cunning. Able to drive a man crazy with just a glance.

Leos are also in the top three. They were prevented from topping this list by the fact that in the pursuit of leadership they sweep away everything in their path. Leos are incredibly confident and very attractive.

Pisces are those women who want to be behind a man like behind a stone wall. They need to be protected and rescued at all times. And men, like real defenders, are in a hurry to fulfill this desire of Pisces.

The woman of this sign is very close to the ideal role. The only negative is that the instinct of motherhood is too strong. Having become a mother, such a woman completely forgets about her other sides.

6. Aquarius

Aquarians are real smart and beautiful. But they don't always need love. In most cases, they are just ready to be friends with men.

Girls - Taurus are real coquettes and seductresses. However, in many situations they show a rigid male character. This is not to say that this is bad, but for an ideal woman it is undesirable.

8. Capricorn

Women born under this sign do not need any titles at all. They themselves know very well what they are worth. They look equally royal both in home clothes and in a luxurious dress.

Aries women scare men away with their perseverance, assertiveness and stubbornness. Although they are damn beautiful, smart and ambitious, these qualities do not allow them to take the lead in this rating.

10. Sagittarius

You won't get bored with archers. They are not the least bit predictable. This is what makes them attractive in the eyes of men. Nevertheless, this alone is not enough for the title of "ideal woman."

Virgos are overly cunning and quick-witted. They get along well with men and adapt to any life circumstances.

12. Gemini

It seems that Gemini does not need anyone at all. They are so good with themselves that they cannot think about competing in some kind of “ideal qualities”. Nevertheless, their sociability attracts men and they always find their lover, for whom they are undoubtedly the ideal.
