Analysis of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata 1st movement. "Moonlight Sonata"

Piano Sonata No. 10 in G major, op. 14 No. 2 was written by Beethoven in 1798 and published together with the Ninth Sonata. Also, like the Ninth, it is dedicated to Baroness Josef von Braun. There are three movements in the sonata: Allegro Andante Scherzo ... Wikipedia

Piano Sonata No. 11 in B flat major, op. 22, was written by Beethoven in 1799-1800 and is dedicated to Count von Braun. The sonata has four movements: Allegro con brio Adagio con molt espressione Menuetto Rondo. Allegretto Links Notes ... ... Wikipedia

Piano Sonata No. 12 in A flat major, op. 26, was written by Beethoven in 1800-1801 and first published in 1802. It is dedicated to Prince Karl von Lichnowsky. The sonata has four parts: Andante con variazioni Scherzo, ... ... Wikipedia

Piano Sonata No. 13 in E flat major, Sonata quasi una Fantasia, op. 27 No. 1, was written by Beethoven in 1800-1801 and is dedicated to Princess Josephine von Lichtenstein. There are three movements in the sonata: Andante Allegro Allegro molto e vivace ... Wikipedia

Piano Sonata No. 15 in D major, op. 28, was written by Beethoven in 1801 and is dedicated to Count Joseph von Sonnenfels. The sonata was published as "Pastoral", but this name did not stick. The sonata has four movements: Allegro Andante ... Wikipedia

Piano Sonata No. 16 in G major, op. 31 No. 1, was written by Beethoven in 1801-1802, together with Sonata No. 17, and is dedicated to Princess von Braun. There are three movements in the sonata Allegro vivace Adagio grazioso Rondo. Allegretto presto ... ... Wikipedia

Piano Sonata No. 18 in E flat major, op. 31 No. 3 was written by Beethoven in 1802, along with sonatas No. 16 and No. 17. This is Beethoven's last sonata, in which the minuet is used as one of the parts, and in general ... ... Wikipedia

Piano Sonata No. 19 in G minor, op. 49 No. 1 composition by Ludwig van Beethoven, written presumably in the mid-1790s. and published in 1805 together with Sonata No. 20 under the general title "Easy Sonatas" ... ... Wikipedia

Piano Sonata No. 1 in F minor, op. 2 No. 1, was written by Beethoven in 1794-1795, together with sonatas No. 2 and No. 3, and is dedicated to Joseph Haydn. The sonata has four parts: Allegro Adagio Menuetto: Allegretto Prestissimo ... ... Wikipedia

Piano Sonata No. 20 in G major, op. 49 No. 2 a composition by Ludwig van Beethoven, written presumably in the mid-1790s. and published in 1805 together with Sonata No. 19 under the general title "Easy Sonatas" ... ... Wikipedia


  • Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata
  • "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven, S. Khentov. The book tells in a popular and fascinating way about the history of the creation of the MOON SONATA, about the "performing life" of this brilliant work...

Giulietta Guicciardi... the woman whose portrait Ludwig van Beethoven kept along with the Heiligenstadt Testament and the unsent letter addressed to the "Immortal Beloved" (and it is possible that she was this mysterious lover).

In 1800, Juliet was eighteen years old, and Beethoven gave lessons to a young aristocrat - but the communication of these two soon went beyond the relationship between teacher and student: “It became more comfortable for me to live ... This change was made by the charm of one sweet girl,” the composer admits in a letter to friend, associating with Juliet "the first happy moments in the last two years." In the summer of 1801, which Beethoven spends with Juliet on the estate of her Brunswick relatives, he no longer doubts that he is loved, that happiness is possible - even noble birth the chosen one did not seem to him an insurmountable obstacle ...

But the girl’s imagination was captured by Wenzel Robert von Gallenberg, an aristocratic composer, far from the most significant figure in the music of his era, but the young Countess Gvichchardi considered him a genius, which she did not fail to inform her teacher about. This infuriated Beethoven, and soon Juliet informed him in a letter of her decision to leave "from a genius who had already won, to a genius who was still fighting for recognition" ... Juliet's marriage to Gallenberg was not particularly happy, and she met Beethoven again in 1821 - Juliet turned to former lover with a request for ... financial assistance. “She harassed me in tears, but I despised her,” Beethoven described this meeting, however, he kept a portrait of this woman ... But all this will happen later, and then the composer was hard pressed by this blow of fate. Love for Juliet Guicciardi did not make him happy, but gave the world one of the finest works Ludwig van Beethoven - Sonata No. 14 in C-sharp minor.

The sonata is known under the name "Lunar". The composer himself did not give her such a name - it was assigned to the work with light hand German writer and music critic Ludwig Relshtab, who saw in the first part of her " Moonlight over the Firwaldstadt Lake. Paradoxically, this name took root, although it met with many objections - in particular, Anton Rubinstein argued that the tragedy of the first part and the stormy feelings of the finale did not at all correspond to the melancholy and "gentle light" of the landscape of the moonlit night.

Sonata No. 14 was published in 1802 together with. Both works were defined by the author as "Sonata quasi una Fantasia". This implied a departure from the traditional, established structure of the sonata cycle, built on the principle of contrast "quick - slow - fast". The fourteenth sonata develops linearly - from slow to fast.

The first movement, Adagio sostenuto, is written in a form that combines two-part and sonata features. The main theme seems extremely simple when viewed in isolation - but the persistent repetition of the fifth tone gives it exceptional emotional intensity. This feeling is intensified by the triplet figuration, against which the entire first movement passes - like a haunting thought. bass voice the rhythm almost coincides with the melodic line, thereby strengthening it, giving significance. These elements develop in a change of harmonic color, juxtaposition of registers, representing a whole gamut of feelings: sadness, a bright dream, determination, “mortal despondency” – as Alexander Serov aptly put it.

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« Moonlight Sonata» Beethoven is a work that has been striking the feelings of mankind for more than two hundred years. What is the secret of popularity, unfading interest in this musical composition? Perhaps in the mood, in the feelings that a genius puts into his offspring. And which even through the notes touch the soul of every listener.

The story of the creation of the "Moonlight Sonata" is tragic, full of emotions and drama.

The appearance of "Moonlight Sonata"

The most famous composition appeared to the world in 1801. On the one hand, for the composer, these times are the time for a creative dawn: his musical creations are gaining more and more popularity, Beethoven's talent is appreciated by the public, he is a desired guest of famous aristocrats. But looking cheerful happy person tormented by deep feelings. The composer begins to lose his hearing. For a person who previously had amazingly thin and accurate hearing, this was a huge shock. No medicine could cure musical genius from unbearable noises in the ears. Ludwig van Beethoven tries not to upset his loved ones, hides his problem from them, and avoids social events.

But at this difficult time, the composer's life will be filled with bright colors by the young student Juliet Guicciardi. Being in love with music, the girl played the piano beautifully. Beethoven could not resist the charm of the young beauty, her good nature - his heart was filled with love. And along with this wonderful feeling, the taste of life returned. The composer again goes out into the world and again feels the beauty and joy of the world around him. Inspired by love, Beethoven begins work on an amazing sonata called “Sonata in the Spirit of Fantasy”.

But the composer's dreams of marriage, family life have crashed. Frivolous young Juliet turns on love relationship with Count Robert Gallenberg. The sonata, inspired by happiness, was completed by Beethoven in a state of deep melancholy, sadness and anger. The life of a genius after the betrayal of his beloved lost all taste, his heart was completely broken.

But despite this, feelings of love, sorrow, longing from parting and despair from unbearable physical suffering associated with the disease, gave rise to an unforgettable work of art.

Why Moonlight Sonata?

The name "Moonlight Sonata" this famous musical composition acquired thanks to a friend of the composer Ludwig Relshtab. The melody of the sonata inspired him with a picture of a lake with a quiet surface and a boat sailing under the languid light of the moon.

What is the difference between the words: confession and monologue?

A monologue can be on any topic, confession is very personal, it is the state of mind of an individual.

Today we will listen to the music of L. Beethoven, about which French writer R. Roldan said: "This is a monologue without words, a true, amazing confession, similar to which can be found in music ... there is not a single word here, but this music is understandable to everyone."

Sounds like I Part Analysis.

Melody - basses - triplets.

Man - Man's grief - the world around.

How are these three components developed?

Tenderness, sadness, meditation. Measured, rocking movement of the middle voice. Then comes the pleading melody, a slight upward movement. “Is it with me? - the man thinks. She passionately, persistently tries to reach the bright registers, but gradually the melody goes to the bass. Man dissolved in grief, went into it completely, and nature remained unchanged. Merged with misfortune. The last chords are like a heavy plate covering a person.

Sounds P part

What image does this melody evoke?

This is an island of small happiness. B. Aget called her "a flower between two abysses."

What is this lyrical part?

Some people think musical portrait Giulietta Guichardi, others refrain from figurative explanations of the enigmatic part. Intonations can be interpreted from unpretentious grace to noticeable humor. The person probably did something long gone, beloved, corner of nature, a holiday, G. Neuhaus said that it is "A flower with drooping leaves."

Sounds part III

What associations have emerged?

Sounds like a storm sweeping away everything in its path. Four waves of sounds rolling with great pressure. Each wave ends with two sharp blows - the elements are raging. But here comes the second theme. Her upper voice is wide, melodious: complains, protests. The state of extreme excitement is preserved thanks to the accompaniment - in the same movement as during the stormy beginning of the 3rd movement. Sometimes it seems that complete exhaustion sets in, but the person rises again to overcome suffering.

This is the main part of the sonata and the natural conclusion of its dramatic events. Everything here is like in the lives of many people, for whom to live means to fight, to overcome suffering.

"Pathetic Sonata" No. 8

The sonata was written by L. Beethoven in 1798. The title belongs to the composer himself. From the Greek word "pathos" - with an elevated, elevated mood. This name refers to all three parts of the sonata, although this "elevation" is expressed in each part in different ways.

I Part written in fast pace in sonata allegro form. Unusually the beginning of the sonata "The slow introduction sounds gloomy and at the same time solemn. Heavy chords, from the lower register the sound avalanche gradually moves upwards. Formidable questions sound more and more insistent. They are answered by a gentle, melodious melody with a touch of prayer against the background of calm chords.

After the introduction, a swift sonata allegro begins.

Main party reminiscent of surging waves. Against the background of a restless bass, the melody of the upper voice anxiously runs up and down.

Linking party gradually calms the excitement of the main theme, and leads to a melodic and melodious side party.

Contrary to the established rules in the sonatas of the Viennese classics, the side part of the "Pathétique Sonata" sounds not in the parallel major, but in the minor of the same name.

Control questions and tasks for students

1. In what year was L, Beethoven born?

A). 1670,

B). 1870

IN). 1770.

2. Where was Beethoven born?

A). in Bonn,

B). In Paris,

IN). In Bergen.

3. Who was Beethoven's teacher?

A). Gendel G.F.

B). Nefe K. G.

IN). Mozart W.

4. At what age did Beethoven write the Moonlight Sonata?

A). At 50.

B). At 41.

IN). At 21.

5 . Just right for what woman did Beethoven write Moonlight Sonata?

A). Juliet Guichardi.

B) Juliet Capulet. IN). Josephine Dame.

6. Which poet gave the name to the sonata No. 14 "Lunar"?

A) and Schiller.

B). L. Relshtab.

IN). I. Shenk.

7. Which work does not belong to the work of Beethoven?

A). "Pathetic Sonata".

B). "Heroic Symphony".

IN),."Revolutionary Etude".

8. How many symphonies did Beethoven write?

Exercise 1.

Listen to two works, determine by style which of them is L. Beethoven, explain your opinion.

Sounds: “Prelude No. 7” by F. Chopin and “Sonata” No. 14, 3rd part of L. Beethoven.


Symphony (from the Greek συμφωνία - “consonance”) - a genre of symphonic instrumental music of a many-part form of fundamental worldview content.

Due to the similarity in structure with sonata, sonata and symphony are united under the general title " sonata-symphony cycle ". In a classical symphony (in the form in which it is presented in the works of the Viennese classics - Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven) there are usually four parts.

the 1st part, at a fast pace, is written in sonata form;

2nd, in slow motion, is written in the form of variations, rondo, rondo sonata, complex three-part

3rd - scherzo or minuet - in three-part form

4th movement, at a fast pace - in sonata form, in the form of a rondo or a rondo sonata.

A program symphony is one that is associated with known content, set out in the program and expressed, for example, in the title or epigraph - Beethoven's "Pastoral Symphony", Berlioz's "Fantastic Symphony", Tchaikovsky's symphony No. 1 "Winter Dreams", etc.

Tasks for students

Listening and analysis of fragments from symphonies by program Kritskaya E. D. "Music".

In Mozart Symphony No. 40, exposition.

1. Sing the main melody of solfeggio, vocalization, to a text invented by yourself.

2. Listen and draw the melodic line of the main theme.

3. In the process of listening, draw an artistic image that has arisen.

4. Compose a rhythmic score for DMI.

5. Learn the proposed rhythmic movements and compose rhythmic improvisations.

A. P. Borodin Symphony No. 2 "Bogatyrskaya"

1. The main theme: sing, play the metallophones, the piano.

2. Compare musical image with art - A. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs".

P. Tchaikovsky symphony No. 4 final

1. Sing main theme with pauses for the words of the song "There was a birch in the field."

2. Perform rhythmic accompaniment on noise musical instruments.

The history of the creation of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata is closely connected with his biography, as well as with hearing loss. While writing my famous work experienced serious problems with health, although he was at the top of popularity. He was a welcome guest in aristocratic salons, worked hard and was considered a fashionable musician. On his account there were already many works, including sonatas. However, it is the essay in question that is considered one of the most successful in his work.

Acquaintance with Juliet Guicciardi

The history of the creation of Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" is directly related to this woman, since it was to her that he dedicated his new creation. She was a countess and at the time of her acquaintance with famous composer was at a very young age.

Together with her cousins, the girl began to take lessons from him and conquered her teacher with cheerfulness, good nature and sociability. Beethoven fell in love with her and dreamed of marrying the young beauty. This new feeling caused him a creative upsurge, and he enthusiastically began to work on a work that has now acquired cult status.


The history of the creation of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, in fact, repeats all the vicissitudes of this personal drama of the composer. Juliet loved her teacher, and at first it seemed that marriage was on the way. However, the young coquette subsequently preferred a prominent count to a poor musician, whom she eventually married. This was a heavy blow for the composer, which was reflected in the second part of the work in question. It feels pain, anger and despair, which contrast sharply with the serene sound of the first movement. The author's depression was exacerbated by hearing loss.


The history of the creation of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata is as dramatic as the fate of its author. He was suffering from serious problems due to inflammation of the auditory nerve, which led to an almost complete loss of hearing. He was forced to stand close to the stage in order to hear the sounds. This could not but affect his work.

Beethoven was famous for being able to accurately select the right notes, choosing the right musical shades and keys from the rich palette of the orchestra. Now it was becoming more and more difficult for him to work every day. The gloomy mood of the composer was also reflected in the work in question, in the second part of which the motive sounds rebellious impulse who doesn't seem to find a way out. Undoubtedly, this theme is connected with the torments that the composer experienced when writing a melody.


Of great importance for understanding the composer's work is the history of the creation of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. Briefly about this event we can say the following: it testifies to the composer's impressionability, as well as how close he took this personal tragedy to his heart. Therefore, the second part of the work is written in an angry tone, which is why many believe that the title does not match the content.

However, a friend of the composer, poet and music critic Ludwig Relshtab, she reminded the image of a night lake at moonlight. The second version of the origin of the name is connected with the fact that at the time under consideration the fashion for everything that was somehow connected with the moon dominated, so contemporaries willingly accepted this beautiful epithet.

Further fate

The history of the creation of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata should be briefly considered in the context of the composer's biography, since unrequited love influenced his entire subsequent life. After parting with Juliet, he left Vienna and moved to the city, where he wrote his famous will. In it, he poured out those bitter feelings that were reflected in his work. The composer wrote that, despite the apparent gloom and gloom, he was predisposed to kindness and tenderness. He also complained about his deafness.

The history of the creation of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata 14 helps in many ways to understand further developments in his destiny. Out of desperation, he almost decided to commit suicide, but in the end he gathered his strength and, being already almost completely deaf, wrote his most famous works. A few years later, the lovers met again. It is indicative that Juliet was the first to come to the composer.

She recalled a happy youth, complained about poverty and asked for money. Beethoven lent her a significant amount, but asked her not to see him again. In 1826, the maestro fell seriously ill and suffered for several months, but not so much from physical pain as from the consciousness that he could not work. IN next year he died, and after his death a tender letter was found dedicated to Juliet, proving that great musician retained a feeling of love for the woman who inspired him to create his own famous essay. So, one of the most prominent representatives was Ludwig van Beethoven. The "Moonlight Sonata", the history of which was briefly revealed in this essay, is still performed on the best stages around the world.
