French writer Charles Perrault was. The fairytale story of the storyteller Charles Perrault

Charles Perrault (1628-1703) - French storyteller, critic and poet, was a member of the French Academy.


On January 12, 1628, twin boys were born in Paris to the family of Pierre Perrault. They were named François and Charles. The head of the family worked as a judge in the Parliament of Paris. His wife was engaged in housekeeping and raising children, who were already four before the birth of the twins. After 6 months, little Francois fell ill with pneumonia and died, and his twin brother Charles became a favorite in the family and in the future glorified the Perrault family all over the world with his famous fairy tales. In addition to Charles, his older brother Claude was also famous - a great architect, author of the eastern facade of the Louvre and the Paris Observatory.

The family was wealthy and intelligent. Charles' paternal grandfather was a wealthy merchant. Mom came from a noble family, before marriage she lived in the village estate of Viri. As a child, Charles often visited there and, most likely, later drew stories for his fairy tales from there.


Parents did their best to ensure that their children received a decent education. While the boys were small, their mother worked with them, taught them to read and write. Father was very busy at work, but in free time always helped his wife. The Perrault brothers all studied at Beauvais University College, and Papa sometimes tested their knowledge. All the boys showed themselves excellently in their studies, for the entire period of study they were not flogged with rods, at that time it was a rarity.

When Charles was 13 years old, he was kicked out of class for arguing with a teacher. The guy dropped out of school, because in many ways he did not agree with the teachers.

Further education he received on his own with his best friend Boran. In three years they themselves learned Latin, the history of France, Greek language And ancient literature. Charles later said that all the knowledge that was useful to him in life was obtained precisely during the period of self-study with a friend.

Having reached the age of majority, Perrault studied law with a private teacher. In 1651 he was granted a law degree.

Career and creativity

While still in college, Perrault wrote his first poems, comedies, and poems.
In 1653, his first work was published - a poetic parody "The Walls of Troy, or the Origin of Burlesque". But Perrault perceived literature as a hobby, he built his career in a completely different direction.

As his father wanted, having received a law degree, Charles worked as a lawyer for some time, but this kind of activity soon seemed to him not interesting. He went to work as a clerk to his older brother, who by that time contained an architectural department. It should be noted that Charles Perrault built his career successfully, rose to the rank of adviser to the King, chief inspector of buildings, then headed the Committee of Writers and the Department of the Glory of the King.

Jean-Baptiste Colbert, statesman and chief controller of finances, who actually ruled France during the time of Louis XIV, patronized Charles. Thanks to such a patron, in 1663, when creating the Academy of Inscriptions and belles-lettres Perrault received the post of secretary. He achieved wealth and influence. Along with the main occupation, Charles successfully continued to write poetry and engage in literary criticism.

But in 1683, Colbert died, and Perrault became unmerciful at court, first he was deprived of his pension, and then the position of secretary.

During this period, the writing of the very first fairy tale about the shepherdess called "Grisel" falls. The author did not pay much attention to this work and continued to engage in criticism, writing a large four-volume collection of dialogues Comparison of Ancient and Modern Authors, as well as publishing the book Famous People of France in the 17th century.

When, in 1694, his next two works, “Donkey Skin” and “Funny Desires,” were published, it became clear that a new era had come for the storyteller Charles Perrault.

In 1696, the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty" published in the magazine "Gallant Mercury" became popular in an instant. And a year later, the success of the published book “Tales of Mother Goose, or Stories and Tales of Bygone Times with Teachings” turned out to be incredible. The plots of the nine fairy tales included in this book, Perrault heard when the nurse of his son told them to the baby before going to bed. He took folk tales as a basis and gave artistic processing thus opening the way for them to high literature.

He managed many years folk art tie to the present, his tales were written in such an accessible way that they were read by people from high society and from simple classes. More than three centuries have passed, and all over the world, mothers and fathers read to their children before bedtime:

  • "Cinderella" and "Thumb Boy";
  • "Puss in Boots" and "Little Red Riding Hood";
  • Gingerbread House and Bluebeard.

Based on the plots of Perrault's fairy tales, ballets were staged and operas were written in the best theaters peace.
Perrault's fairy tales were first translated into Russian in 1768. By the number of published works in the USSR, Charles became the fourth among foreign writers after Jack London, Hans Christian Andersen and the Brothers Grimm.

Personal life

Charles Perrault married quite late, at 44. His chosen one was a young, 19-year-old girl Marie Guchon. They had four children. But the marriage did not last long, Marie died at the age of 25 from smallpox. Charles never remarried and raised his daughter and three sons on his own.

In the Chevreuse Valley, not far from Paris, there is the "Possession of Puss in Boots" - the castle-museum of Charles Perrault, where wax figures of characters from his fairy tales are found on every corner.

The fairy tales of Charles Perrault are known to all. They inspired many composers to create musical works. Directors and screenwriters also did not disregard the amazing tales of this author, and many wonderful films were created based on his works. Fairy tale characters Perraults come to life in amusement parks, on theater stages, in computer games and remain among the most beloved, like hundreds of years ago.

History of French fairy tales

In France XVII century Classicism was the dominant trend in art. Including in literature. The works of ancient authors were considered a role model. During the reign of King Louis XIV of France, the cult of antiquity flourished in art.

Mythological plots and heroes of ancient stories prevailed in the work of painters and poets. They glorified the triumph of reason and duty over feelings and, of course, glorified the power of the monarch, supposedly uniting all the forces of the nation. Soon the interests of the bourgeoisie came into conflict with the interests of the monarch invested with power, and opposition sentiments intensified throughout France.

The mood of society, of course, was reflected in art. Among French writers, a dispute ensued about the superiority of ancient and modern authors. A few opponents of classicism argued that it was possible to write beautiful works without imitating ancient authors. In addition, the new authors surpass the ancient ones already by the fact that they have the best knowledge and outlook.

Among the initiators of this historic debate about the need for change was Charles Perrault, a royal official and member of the French Academy. In his work Comparison of Ancient and New Authors, he urged authors to display modern life, draw images and plots from the surrounding reality, and not from ancient literature.

about the author

Charles Perrault was known primarily as a poet and publicist, one of the founders of the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Painting. Even writing fairy tales for children, he remained a moralist and used his works for learning and personal development. But before listing the works, including the list of fairy tales by Charles Perrault, I would like to acquaint readers with the writer's life story.

Charles Perrault was born on 01/12/1628 in the family of a judge. His parents were preoccupied with the education of their children and at the age of eight the boy was sent to college, like his brothers. All of them studied well and were never punished with rods, which is absolutely not typical for that time. While still in college, Charles was engaged in literary studies, but after disagreements with his teacher, he decided to leave his studies.

He studied biblical texts, the works of the Church Fathers and secular writers, the history of France and was engaged in translations. At the same time, Charles attended law classes and soon became a certified lawyer. Having bought a license, Perrault has been a lawyer for some time. But he quickly gets tired of it. Charles decided to gain a foothold at court and, leaving the practice of law, he got a job as a clerk to his brother, who held the position of chief tax collector.

In 1663, Charles took the position of secretary at the Academy of Inscriptions and served under the leadership of Jean Colbert, the Minister of Finance of France. Charles Perrault also worked as Comptroller of the Inspectorate for Royal Buildings. Master of all trades, Perrault was directly involved in the creation of Versailles, he also wrote the first guide to the labyrinth of the Versailles gardens.

A rather prolific writer, Charles wrote both light poetry, such as the gallant "Dialogue of Love and Friendship", and "impressive" works on the theme of architecture. Many of his works are forgotten, although they represent a rather extensive list. But forever entered the history of literature and, in addition, brought its author worldwide fame a small list of fairy tales by Charles Perrault.

Founder of the fairy tale genre

Perrault, in order to prove the correctness of his words, decided to show by his own example that morality can also be extracted from plots that display folk life and modern life. He took up the processing of folk tales, which at that time were not considered at all as a separate literary genre. As a result, Charles Perrault published fairy tales in 1697. The list in alphabetical order of the works included in the first collection "Tales of Mother Goose" looks like this:

  • "Cinderella";
  • "Puss in Boots";
  • "Little Red Riding Hood";
  • "Boy-with-finger";
  • "Rike with a tuft";
  • "Blue Beard";
  • "Sleeping Beauty";
  • "Fairies".

The fairy tale "Rika with a tuft" belongs to the pen of the author himself. Seven other works in the collection represent folk tales he heard from his son's wet nurse. The writer ennobled the famous folk stories with his characteristic humor and talent. I omitted some details, added new ones. And fairy tales, cut by the great master, became widely known outside the literary circle.

The works were instructive in nature, which the author also noted in the title of the collection - "Stories with moral instructions." Charles Perrault showed his compatriot writers that a folk tale, no worse than ancient works, can be instructive.

In secular society, a fashion for fairy tales appeared. Gradually, the works of other authors began to appear - philosophical tales, ancient stories in a modern presentation and fairy tales own composition. The following editions of the collection "Mother Goose" include three more fairy tales by Charles Perrault. The list in alphabetical order is short:

  • "Griselda";
  • "Donkey skin";
  • "Funny Desires"

Thanks to all this, an independent literary genre.

The list of fairy tales of Charles Perrault is not long, as a lawyer, academician and dignitary, he was afraid that such a frivolous occupation would cast a shadow on him. Therefore, he published the first collection, indicating the name of the eleven-year-old son of P. D'Armancourt. Nevertheless, the truth that the author of fairy tales is none other than Charles Perrault, Paris learned very quickly.

Author's works

In 1653, Charles Perrault published The Wall of Troy. In writing a parody poem, he relied on his many years of research. Perrault, like his brothers Claude and Pierre, defended the superiority of the new writers over the ancients. On Boileau's treatise poetic art"He wrote the works" Age of Louis the Great "and" Parallels of the ancient and new.

To prove his assertion that his contemporaries are no worse than the ancient authors, he publishes an impressive volume " famous people France of the 17th century”, where he collected biographies of famous historians, artists, poets, scientists of the 17th century.

In the philosophical study "Apology of a Woman", a father tells his son about the need to get married. beautiful language the author talks about the virtue of a woman, about love, about serious and tender feelings, about mercy and compassion. In a word, he teaches his son to seek ideal wife- "pearl" in the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife. Other works of the author:

  • Portrait d "Iris ("Portrait of Iris", 1659);
  • Ode sur la paix ("Ode to the World", 1660);
  • Ode aux nouveaux convertis ("Ode to Converts", 1685);
  • La Création du Monde ("The Creation of the World", 1692).

In 1755, Charles wrote "Memoirs of my life", in which he spoke about milestones of his life: serving with Colbert, editing the first French dictionary, works dedicated to the king, translations, a three-volume book dedicated to comparing ancient and modern authors. But he did not mention a word about the collection "Mother Goose", and it was this list of fairy tales by Charles Perrault that became a masterpiece of world culture.

What are his stories about?

The author's works written for children are very popular in all countries. Despite the somewhat French grace, the fairy tales of Charles Perrault have taken their rightful place in literature. Cheerful, entertaining, with a touch of folk poetry, they easily reveal the foundations of human morality. Children perceive these magical and wonderful stories much easier than moralizing conversations.

Charles Perrault perfectly showed by the example of his fairy tales that children are able to notice good and bad, good and evil. Amusing themselves with the beauty and prettiness of a fairy tale, they extract needed lessons. Undoubtedly, fairy tales leave room for the imagination, and children believe the miracles of a fairy tale. But, as soon as the time comes, they will learn to distinguish the imaginary from the real. And the lessons learned from the first books will stay with them forever.

The first collection in Russian

"Magic Tales" by Perrault were translated into Russian famous writer I. S. Turgenev and published in St. Petersburg in 1867. Turgenev worked on the translation for almost 2 years and, judging by his articles, was dissatisfied with its quality. But despite this, his translation has been considered one of the best for more than a hundred years. The illustrations by Gustav Doré made the first edition particularly charming.

Let's list the fairy tales of Charles Perrault once again. Full list their looks like this:

  • "Griselda" (1691);
  • "Cinderella" (1697);
  • Puss in Boots (1697);
  • Little Red Riding Hood (1697);
  • "Boy-with-a-finger" (1697);
  • "Donkey Skin" (1694);
  • "Riquet with a tuft" (1697);
  • "Bluebeard" (1697);
  • "Ridiculous Desires" (1693);
  • Sleeping Beauty (1696);
  • "Fairies" (1697).

The collection was a resounding success and was translated into many languages ​​of the world. Based on fairy tales, many musical works, animated and feature films and even masterpieces of classical ballet.

  • Explore the work of Charles Perrault.
  • Find out what place fairy tales occupied in the writer's work.
  • Understand what the heroes of the fairy tales of Charles Perrault taught.
  • Find out how the students of our class know the fairy tales of Charles Perrault.
This is Charles Perrault, the famous storyteller who wrote the beloved Cinderella. The story of a beautiful hardworking girl who is known all over the world!
  • This is Charles Perrault, the famous storyteller who wrote the beloved Cinderella. The story of a beautiful hardworking girl who is known all over the world!
  • Before becoming a storyteller, Charles Perrault was engaged in state affairs and was a poet. For twenty years he faithfully served the king and managed the construction of royal palaces and services.
  • Then he devoted his life to literature.
  • However, Perrault's fairy tales would never have succeeded and would not have survived to this day if he did not possess one rare quality for those times - love and attention to children. He was engaged in raising 4 children who remained with him after the death of his wife.
  • Perrault did this not only out of a sense of duty, but also because he was really interested and fun with children. The family lived together, fairy tale evenings were often held, at which the adventures of favorite heroes were retold again and again: Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Puss in Boots.
  • "Cinderella".
  • "Sleeping Beauty".
  • "Little Red Riding Hood".
The tale of a hardworking poor stepdaughter, very kind and very sympathetic. And a person with such qualities will surely be rewarded. Cinderella first
  • The tale of a hardworking poor stepdaughter, very kind and very sympathetic. And a person with such qualities will surely be rewarded. Cinderella first
  • gets to the ball, and then the prince falls in love with her.
  • A story about a princess who was cursed by an evil fairy and fell asleep for many years, and a handsome prince saved her, because good always triumphs over evil!
There are probably few children in the world who have never heard the story of how Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her grandmother.
  • There are probably few children in the world who have never heard the story of how Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her grandmother.
  • and met a wolf on the way. Let's take a look at the moral of this story. You can not talk to strangers, it can be dangerous.
Fairy tale quiz
  • Fairy tale quiz
  • Charles Perrault
1) "Black beret".
  • 1) "Black beret".
  • 2) "Dog in sneakers."
  • 5) "Girl-giantess".
  • 6) "Watching Witch".
Next to whom did the stepmother's daughters seem worse than ever?
  • Next to whom did the stepmother's daughters seem worse than ever?
  • with the Stepmother with Cinderella with the Queen with the Godmother How many fairies were invited to the christening of the newborn princess?
  • three four seven five What was in Little Red Riding Hood's basket?
  • Mushrooms A pie and a pot of butter Butter and milk Chips and juice Why is Cinderella called Cinderella?
  • She was wearing a golden dress She was sitting on a chest of ashes She was so named by her mother at birth How many years did the princess sleep?
  • 100 years 130 years 10 years 200 years
  • The life of Charles Perrault was very eventful and interesting. He tried himself in different professions, but soon realized that his element was fairy tales. Creativity of the writer is appreciated on merit.
  • I have read many fairy tales by Charles Perrault. These fairy tales contain entertaining stories, but they all teach us to be kind, fair, teach us to love beauty.
  • Thank you
  • Attention.
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    • Riddles for children with answers Riddles for children with answers. A large selection of riddles with answers for fun and intellectual activities with children. A riddle is just a quatrain or one sentence containing a question. In riddles, wisdom and the desire to know more, to recognize, to strive for something new are mixed. Therefore, we often encounter them in fairy tales and legends. Riddles can be solved on the way to school, kindergarten, used in various competitions and quizzes. Riddles help the development of your child.
      • Riddles about animals with answers Riddles about animals are very fond of children of different ages. Animal world diverse, so there are many mysteries about domestic and wild animals. Riddles about animals great way introduce children to different animals, birds and insects. Thanks to these riddles, children will remember, for example, that an elephant has a trunk, a bunny has big ears, and a hedgehog has prickly needles. This section presents the most popular children's riddles about animals with answers.
      • Riddles about nature with answers Riddles for children about nature with answers In this section you will find riddles about the seasons, about flowers, about trees and even about the sun. When entering school, the child must know the seasons and the names of the months. And riddles about the seasons will help with this. Riddles about flowers are very beautiful, funny and will allow children to learn the names of flowers, both indoor and garden. Riddles about trees are very entertaining, children will find out which trees bloom in spring, which trees bear sweet fruits and how they look. Also, children learn a lot about the sun and planets.
      • Riddles about food with answers Delicious riddles for children with answers. In order for children to eat this or that food, many parents come up with all kinds of games. We offer you funny riddles about food that will help your child view nutrition in a positive way. Here you will find riddles about vegetables and fruits, about mushrooms and berries, about sweets.
      • Riddles about the world with answers Riddles about the world with answers In this category of riddles, there is almost everything that concerns a person and the world around him. Riddles about professions are very useful for children, because at a young age the first abilities and talents of a child appear. And he will first think about who he wants to become. This category also includes funny riddles about clothes, about transport and cars, about a wide variety of objects that surround us.
      • Riddles for kids with answers Riddles for the little ones with answers. In this section, your kids will get acquainted with each letter. With the help of such riddles, children will quickly memorize the alphabet, learn how to correctly add syllables and read words. Also in this section there are riddles about the family, about notes and music, about numbers and school. Funny riddles will distract the baby from a bad mood. Riddles for the little ones are simple, humorous. Children are happy to solve them, remember and develop in the process of playing.
      • Interesting riddles with answers Interesting riddles for children with answers. In this section you will find your favorite fairytale heroes. Riddles about fairy tales with answers help magically turn funny moments into a real show of fairy tale connoisseurs. A funny riddles perfect for April 1st, Maslenitsa and other holidays. Riddles of snag will be appreciated not only by children, but also by parents. The ending of the riddle can be unexpected and ridiculous. Riddles tricks improve mood and broaden the horizons of children. Also in this section there are riddles for children's parties. Your guests will definitely not be bored!
  • Charles Perrault (fr. Charles Perrault; January 12, 1628, Paris - May 16, 1703, Paris) - French poet and critic of the Classical era, member of the French Academy since 1671,

    Charles Perrault was born to Pierre Perrault, a judge of the Parlement of Paris, and was the youngest of his six children.
    Mostly the mother was engaged with the children - it was she who taught the children to read and write. Despite being very busy, her husband helped with the lessons with the boys, and when the eight-year-old Charles began studying at Beauvais College, his father often checked his lessons. A democratic atmosphere reigned in the family, and the children could well defend a point of view close to them. However, there were completely different orders in college - here cramming and stupid repetition of the words of the teacher were required. Disputes were not allowed under any circumstances. And yet the Perrot brothers were excellent students, and according to the historian Philippe Aries, they were never punished with rods during their entire training. For those times - the case, one might say, is unique.
    However, in 1641, Charles Perrault was expelled from the lesson for arguing with the teacher and defending his opinion. Together with him, his friend Boren left the lesson. The boys decided not to return to college, and on the same day, in the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris, they drew up a plan for self-education. For three years, the friends studied Latin, Greek, French history and ancient literature together - in fact, taking the same program as in college. Much later, Charles Perrault claimed that he received all his knowledge that was useful to him in life during these three years, studying independently with a friend.

    In 1651, he received a law degree and even bought himself a lawyer's license, but he quickly got sick of this occupation, and Charles went to work for his brother Claude Perrault - he became a clerk. Like many young people at that time, Charles wrote numerous poems: poems, odes, sonnets, and was also fond of the so-called "court gallant poetry." Even in his own words, all these writings were distinguished by a fair amount of length and excessive solemnity, but carried too little meaning. The first work of Charles, which he himself considered acceptable, was the poetic parody "The Walls of Troy, or the Origin of Burlesque", written and published in 1652.

    Charles Perrault wrote his very first fairy tale in 1685 - it was the story of the shepherdess Griselda, who, despite all the troubles and hardships, became the wife of the prince. The tale was called "Grisel". Perrault himself did not attach any importance to this work. But two years later his poem "The Age of Louis the Great" was published - and Perrault even read this work at a meeting of the Academy. For many reasons, it aroused the stormy indignation of the classic writers - Lafontaine, Racine, Boileau. They accused Perrault of a dismissive attitude towards antiquity, which was customary to imitate in the literature of that time. The fact is that established writers The 17th century believed that all the best and most perfect works had already been created - in ancient times. Modern writers, according to the established opinion, had the right only to imitate the standards of antiquity and approach this unattainable ideal. Perrault, on the other hand, supported those writers who believed that there should be no dogma in art, and copying the ancients means only stagnation.

    In 1694, his works "Funny Desires" and "Donkey Skin" are published - the era of the storyteller Charles Perrault begins. A year later, he lost his position as secretary of the Academy and devoted himself entirely to literature. In 1696, the Gallant Mercury magazine published the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty. The tale instantly gained popularity in all sectors of society, but people expressed their indignation that there was no signature under the tale. In 1697, at the same time in The Hague and Paris, the book “Tales of Mother Goose, or Stories and Tales of Bygone Times with Teachings” goes on sale. Despite its small size and very simple pictures, the circulation sold out instantly, and the book itself gained incredible success.
    Those nine fairy tales that were included in this book were just an adaptation of folk tales - but how it was done! The author himself repeatedly hinted that he literally overheard the tales that his son's nurse told the child at night. However, Charles Perrault was the first writer in the history of literature to introduce folk tale into the so-called "high" literature - as an equal genre. Now it may sound strange, but at the time of the release of Mother Goose's Tales, high society enthusiastically read and listened to fairy tales at their meetings, and therefore Perrault's book instantly won the high society.

    Many critics accused Perrault of not inventing anything himself, but only writing down plots already known to many. But it should be noted that he made these stories modern and tied them to specific places - for example, his Sleeping Beauty fell asleep in a palace that was extremely reminiscent of Versailles, and the clothes of the Cinderella sisters fully corresponded to the fashion trends of those years. Charles Perrault simplified the "high calm" of the language so much that his tales were understandable and ordinary people. After all, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, and Thumb Boy spoke exactly as they would speak in reality.
    Despite the enormous popularity of fairy tales, Charles Perrault, in his almost seventy years, did not dare to publish them under own name. On the books was the name of Pierre de Armancourt, the eighteen-year-old son of the storyteller. The author was afraid that fairy tales, with their frivolity, could cast a shadow on his authority as an advanced and serious writer.
    However, you can’t hide an awl in a bag, and very quickly the truth about the authorship of such popular fairy tales. It was even believed in high society that Charles Perrault signed with the name of his youngest son in order to introduce him into the circle of the Princess of Orleans, the young niece of the sun-like King Louis. By the way, the dedication on the book was addressed to the princess.

    I must say that disputes about the authorship of these tales are still ongoing. Moreover, the situation in this matter was finally and irrevocably confused by Charles Perrault personally. He wrote his memoirs shortly before his death - and in these memoirs he described in detail, with details, all the most important events and dates of his life. Mention was made of the service of the almighty minister Colbert, and the work of Perrault in editing the first Dictionary French”, and every single ode written to the king, and translations of the Italian fables of Faerno, and research on comparing new and ancient authors. But Perrault never even mentioned the phenomenal “Tales of Mother Goose” ... But it would be an honor for the author to include this book in the register of his own achievements! In modern terms, the rating of Perrault's tales in Paris was unimaginably high - only one book store Claude Barben sold up to fifty books a day. It is unlikely that today even the adventures of Harry Potter can even dream of such a scale. For France, it became unheard of that the publisher had to repeat the circulation of "Tales of Mother Goose" three times in just one year.

    The death of the storyteller finally confused the question of authorship. Even in 1724, "The Tales of Mother Goose" was printed with the name of Pierre de Amancourt in the title. But public opinion nevertheless decided later that the author of the tales was Perrault Sr., and so far the tales are published under his name.
    Few people today know that Charles Perrault was a member of the French Academy, the author scientific papers and celebrated poet of his time. Even fewer people know that it was he who legalized the fairy tale as a literary genre. But any person on Earth knows that Charles Perrault - great storyteller and author of the immortal Puss in Boots, Cinderella and Bluebeard.
