Andrey Malakhov became a father. Andrei Malakhov: It turns out that he is the father of four children! Love in the factory canteen

Andrei Malakhov does not talk about his children. As well as about everything that is going on in his personal life.

How does a popular presenter live, washing the bones every day to everyone who comes to him on a TV show?

Malakhov's wife is pregnant! This news has recently flooded all the media. The TV presenter has been married for five years, but the couple still has no common children, and the country is impatient: when will he finally become a dad?

But before everyone had time to be happy for Andrei, he posted a photo on the Internet, where he holds a boy of four years old in his arms. Nearby is the wife of Malakhov and Nikolai Baskov.

“My family,” the TV presenter signed this idyll. Fans were amazed: does he already have such an adult son? And he hid it? .. And a few days later a new sensation thundered: Malakhov secretly baptized his fourth child! ..

“Let them talk” is not only the name of the program that Andrei leads, but also his credo for life. A few years ago, Malakhov decided that he would not give his life to be torn to pieces by the curious. They can guess, speculate, discuss and gossip - in general, let them say what they want. He neither confirms nor refutes anything.


Social networks are an ingenious invention for those who want to learn a lot about another person. But not in the case of 44-year-old Malakhov. His Instagram is like a mirror of Narcissus - Andrey is there in all forms: half-naked, with six-pack, white-toothed contented smile. Look how good I am!

There are almost no photos with his wife. But she has: every photo - so in an embrace with her husband.

Natalya Shkuleva seems to be boasting: this is what love we have! Or trying to prove to the whole world that their marriage is not fictitious at all. As many people still think...

Until the age of 39, Malakhov walked as a bachelor. And in the summer of 2011, unexpectedly for everyone, he married the daughter of media mogul Viktor Shkulev, whose Publishing House publishes, among other things, the StarHit magazine, whose editor is Andrey. Natalya (she is eight years younger than her husband) is the president of her father's company, a businesslike lady and very strict at work.

Malakhov says with nostalgia that he saw her in the canteen of the factory, on the territory of which the editorial office is located, and immediately fell in love. This version does not suit many people too much - after all, it is known that Shkuleva dine only in cool restaurants. Before the wedding, they were seen together only a couple of times, and that communication was like business meeting. Around the same time, Malakhov gave an interview in which he talked about marriages of convenience: “There is something correct in the contracts. You need to be able to be happy with yourself, that's the most important thing. And all the rest are transit passengers on your life path. Sooner or later, you will be left alone.”


At first, Malakhov did not hide the fact that they had a guest marriage with Natalya - they live in different apartments, but meet. However, recently, when Andrei was tired of vile gossip that marriage was just a cover for his true preferences, he said that he had moved from his luxurious apartment overlooking the Cathedral of Christ the Savior to live with Natasha. Now she cooks oatmeal for him in the morning, and they have a real family.

“Whoever wants to see me with boys - let him represent with boys, who wants with girls - let there be girls. It's stupid to prove something. Take the same Maxim Galkin: half the country thinks that their relationship with Alla Pugacheva is a PR stunt and deceit. And then, I will not hide, I am pleased that I like everyone. This is a real success!” - says Malakhov, behind whom is an impressive Don Juan list. It includes Elena Korikova, and Ksenia Sobchak, and businesswoman Marina Kuzmina, and Anna Semenovich.

True, ill-wishers say that he invented and directed all his novels himself. Just like a high-profile story with his illegitimate child, a boy from Veliky Ustyug. “We launched this duck to promote the Big Wash magazine,” admits producer Larisa Krivtsova, who worked with Andrey for a long time.


Maybe the gossip came from appearance Malakhov? Always dressed with a needle, all polished: hairstyle, manicure-pedicure, depilation of the whole body, colored contact lenses ...

“I like this image: a tanned brunette with blue eyes! I go to the solarium all the time. I need it in the same way as some women - silicone breasts, - he confesses. - I believe that any man, even if he has only an hour of free time, should spend it in gym. But sometimes you leave work and think: “I already have a wife. Everything is fine. Who am I to surprise? Natasha tells me that I am already beautiful. I'd better go home."

But at home - only the wife. A wealthy couple still does not have common children. But Malakhov is the father of four children at once. Three sons, four daughters, recently two more daughters appeared. Godparents. Andrei willingly visits them. And the older ones - Alla Victoria and Martin, the children of his bosom friend Philip Kirkorov - all the time pampers with expensive gifts.

But when will he get his own? Fans closely follow the figure of Natalia, but every time it seems to them that her tummy is growing, this turns out to be a mistake.

“I recently learned that beer improves sperm quality. If I used to drink about a couple of bottles of beer a month, now I’ll probably have to buy all five, ”Malakhov jokes sadly.

He believes that only “children give meaning to everything,” but for some reason they are not all in his family. So life is filled not with children's laughter, but with selfies in the gym and at resorts. And various rumors about personal ...

Photo by A. Lomokhov.

The TV presenter baptized the granddaughter of a colleague and the winner of the StarHit project. Two significant events in the life of Andrei Malakhov occurred with a difference of two weeks. Now the celebrity has five godchildren.

Today, the TV presenter and editor-in-chief of the StarHit magazine for the fifth time became godfather. In the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands in Gireyevo, he baptized one of the winners of the project “On Vacation with Andrei Malakhov”, 38-year-old Olga Prosviryakova, who just recently returned with 11 other lucky ones from a holiday in Sardinia. Olya's godmother was her colleague, closest friend, mentor, named sister Valentina Govorova. Read the story of Olga Prosviryakova in one of the latest issues of StarHit magazine.

To go through the rite of baptism has long been Olya's big dream. She believes in God, fasted on bread and water, often goes to church, wears a cross and an icon around her neck. The sacrament passed in an atmosphere of solemnity, lasted about an hour, and the rector of the temple personally conducted the rite, Father Andrei, who handed the girl the first prayer book in her life. At the end, happily smiling Olya was congratulated by all the parishioners. And godfather Andrei Malakhov gave her small gold earrings and an icon with a guardian angel.

Two weeks earlier, on September 11, the TV presenter became the godfather of the two-month-old Maria, the granddaughter of the permanent producer of the programs “Let them talk” and “Tonight” Natalia Galkovich.

“Andrey and I have been friends for over 16 years,” Natalia shared with StarHit. - He is like a brother to me, my daughter Dasha grew up before his eyes. And it was her request that Andrei become Masha's godfather. This is very important point in life. The sacrament took place in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word, the ceremony was conducted by Father Igor. Masha behaved very dignified, burst into tears only when she was dipped into the water. The christening took a little longer, and the granddaughter also missed one feeding, so by the end of the ceremony she began to act up a little. Andrei presented Masha with a large icon of St. Mary Magdalene.”

The godmother became the baby Native sister her father is Ekaterina. The photo with her son Alexander, which Andrei shared on social networks on the day of the christening, made a lot of noise. “And here is the boy,” Malakhov signed the picture.

Malakhov has three more godchildren: the children of Philip Kirkorov Alla-Victoria and Martin, as well as the son of close friends Boris.

TV presenter Andrei Malakhov had a son, according to the StarHit portal, whose editor-in-chief is Malakhov himself.

“Yesterday, late at night, at 23.30, in the Lapino clinical hospital near Moscow, TV journalist and StarHit editor-in-chief Andrey Malakhov and his wife Natalya Shkuleva became happy parents. The couple has been married for 6 years, and this is the first child in their family - a boy! — stated in the message of the portal. As noted, the height of the newborn is 54 cm, and the weight is 4.020 kg.

The TV presenter himself noted that he and his wife had not yet chosen the name of the child, planning to take a closer look at the character of the baby. According to Malakhov, he himself was not present at the birth, but he can no longer wait to begin his father's duties. “I look forward to the moment when I can change my son’s first diaper!” - speaks famous TV presenter.

The fact that the famous TV presenter will become a father became known in mid-August after a long scandal associated with his departure from Channel One.

According to the rumors that circulated then, Malakhov decided to leave Channel One precisely because of the inability to combine work as a TV presenter with caring for a child. Assumptions that he may leave Channel One because he wants to go to maternity leave, appeared on the same day as the information about his wife's pregnancy.

“The producer of Channel One, Natalia Nikonova, gave him a choice: either he stays with the company or becomes a babysitter. The journalist preferred to pay attention to the family, ”StarHit wrote then.

The same information was published in the glossy women's magazine Elle, where Malakhov's wife plays the role of brand director and publisher. “After the TV presenter reported that he wanted to go on parental leave, a comment was received from the new talk show producer that “Let them talk” is not a nursery, and

Malakhov needs to make a choice whether he is a TV presenter or a babysitter.

Such a statement of the issue, according to sources, seemed to the presenter absolutely cynical and unacceptable, ”the publication said in a statement.

The couple remained silent for some time - at that time they were vacationing in Sardinia. However, after returning from the trip, Malakhov immediately confirmed the rumors about his intention to go on maternity leave. “I hasten to please good citizens and those who, during the six years of our marriage, attacked my wife with unceremonious questions about the perinatal situation in the family. Yes, Natasha and I are expecting our first child!” - wrote Andrey Malakhov.

“Today, the most popular publication in our family is Happy Parents, and the conversation revolves around children. Last time we discussed from which series of the educational cartoon “Child. Einstein ”it’s better to start introducing the baby, - Baby da Vinci, ready to send the baby on a musical trip from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, or limit himself to a video under the promising name “Baby Shakespear,” the TV presenter said about his fatherhood preparation.

Andrei and Natalia have been married for six years.

The future spouses met at work: Natalya is the daughter of businessman Viktor Shkulev, president of the Hearst Shkulev Media holding, which, among other publications, also includes the already mentioned places of work of the future spouses - Elle and StarHit magazines. The wedding of the newlyweds took place in 2011 at the Palace of Versailles in France.

Suggestion future wife Andrei did a year after the start of the relationship during their vacation in New York. Over the long six years of marriage, social media users have repeatedly made assumptions about the possible pregnancy of Natalia Shkuleva. Each time, Malakhov denied the rumors on this topic, and Natalya said that when the family was really waiting for replenishment, the public would know about it.

Describing his marriage, Malakhov claims that he is absolutely happy. According to the TV presenter, the wife changed his life. “I wake up early in the morning and watch her sleep. My face breaks into a smile, and I gently stroke her hair, which has already faded in the sun for three days at sea. I like everything about her: kindness, taste, her ability to hear and listen, tenderness and independence, ”says Malakhov.

The famous showman and TV presenter Andrey Malakhov published a new picture with his wife in social network Instagram.

Subscribers noticed the round belly of Natalia Shkuleva, which she tried to hide in a loose dress.
After seeing the photo, the fans came to the unequivocal conclusion that Andrei Malakhov can be congratulated on the addition to the family. Literally with the first comments came questions and congratulations.

However, not everyone is of the unequivocal opinion that Malakhov's wife is in a position. Some commentators believe that Natalia just got better and nothing more. Shkuleva herself official information on this issue until it gives.

Recall that Andrei and Natalia got married in 2011, but the couple has no children yet. Latest Rumors about Natalia's pregnancy appeared in February last year. Then Malakhov himself prompted fans to doubt with the phrase: “We have great love and soon there will be little happiness.”

— Correspondent of RIA VistaNews

2016-06-29T09:00:14+00:00 admin Show Business

The famous showman and TV presenter Andrey Malakhov published a new picture with his wife on the social network Instagram. Subscribers noticed the round belly of Natalia Shkuleva, which she tried to hide in a loose dress. After seeing the photo, the fans came to the unequivocal conclusion that Andrei Malakhov can be congratulated on the addition to the family. Literally from...

[email protected] Administrator Art review

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