Group of animals poster of concerts. Tickets for animals

The concert of the Zveri group will become a truly attractive event for many fans of pop-rock. After all, this program promises to be jubilee and festive.

Despite its relative youth, this team has already entered the history of modern Russian musical art. After all, he is the author of many hits, as well as the creator of recognizable music and poetically accurate romantic texts. This team was born in Taganrog in 2001. Its creator and permanent leader is Roman Bilyk, acting under creative pseudonym and nicknamed Roma the Beast. From the first days of their activity, the musicians successfully combine rock and punk with bright and catchy pop melodies. The first fame for the project came in 2003, when his debut album "Hunger" was released. She had a considerable number of songs that quickly became true hits. Therefore, the team's songs appeared on the TV and radio broadcasts of our country. And many music lovers began to strive to buy tickets for the concerts of the Zveri group. By the way, in the shortest possible time it became one of the most concerting teams in Russia. With each new release, the band's fame never ceased to grow. Over time, he moved to Moscow. Throughout the entire time of activity, the musicians remain true to the general style. At the same time, they perform their compositions both electronically and acoustically. This band has always been famous for its live performances, where a truly soulful atmosphere reigns.

TO today this team has become almost legendary. Her work is marked by an impressive number of prizes and awards. The project has seven albums, which are highly appreciated by both ordinary listeners and critics. During this time, the composition of the group has changed more than once, but at the same time, Roma, who is still considered by many to be one of the brightest domestic rock poets of our time, remained its leader and songwriter.

A concert by one of the most popular bands, new compositions and long-hyped hits. In the near future, the musicians of the "Zveri" group will play a big set on the site, the hall of which is always full during their performances.

And today you just need to buy tickets for the Beasts, and your favorite music will whirl you, as the melody “girls, boys, let's dance” has been whirling for 10 years now in the discotheques of the country. "Beasts the Best" - this live record was released recently, it has 25 tracks - popular compositions commands are presented in new arrangements.

He is Roman Bilyk, or Roma the Beast. The leader of the Beasts.

The popularity of musicians is just crazy. But that's not the point. They are loved and loved "from the heart" - this is the secret and phenomenon of the Beasts. Why? For what? Our firm knows the answer and will share it with you when you purchase tickets for Zveri in Moscow. The premieres of songs are waiting for you - that's absolutely for sure, because today the work on the new album is in full swing at the recording studio.

As soon as their album "Rayny-Kvartaly" was released in February 2004, one could already talk about a new phenomenon on the country's music scene. A flurry of all the most prestigious awards and first places in the charts turned the group into an idol of youth pop culture. Therefore, tickets for the Beasts are not stale at the box office.

It would seem that an ordinary guy from Taganrog, who graduated from vocational school. As everybody. Like millions. Maybe that's the point? Maybe it’s worth buying tickets for the Zver, so that your Fate inspires you too.

"Stronger drinks, shorter words." Everything is simple, everything is like in life. That's why it's brilliant. That is why the youth is “torn apart”. And so everyone wants to get tickets to the concert of the Animals.

Cheeky artist Roman Bilyk's group "Beasts" needs no introduction to Russian fans. Moreover, she has fans abroad. The group is greeted equally noisily as in North America as well as in the Middle East. And in Russia, of course, auditorium explodes when the musicians appear.

It's no secret that a large number of fans will want to visit the show. Therefore, the VipTicket site, attentive to the treatment of each client, advises in advance buy tickets for the Zveri concert.

Deeply symbolic and energetic songs were very fond of Russian music lovers from the first moment the band appeared. The first album “Hunger” made the public seethe with interest in such compositions as “Rain-Pistols”, “Koltsevaya”, “For you”, “Just such a strong love”. It is difficult to calculate how many hundreds of thousands or even millions of times these songs sounded on the air of radio stations or music TV channels. And they wanted to see the group live both in the capital and in the regions. Fans in their twenties and older literally cheered for their music. Tickets for the concert of the Animals sought to buy a huge number of youth.

Unforgettable meeting with the "Beasts" group

And the release of the second album "Districts-Quarters" caused the appearance of boundless love for the group. Now her lines “I'm leaving, I'm leaving beautifully” already sounded in unison with the stadiums. Such a success could not be appreciated music awards. And the group quite zaluzhenno collected prize figurines.

Only in the nomination Best Rock Group” On Muz-TV, they won seven times! Fantastic success and numerous concerts - in this style the group lived for several years. Tickets for Animals is an opportunity to meet with one of the brightest groups of Russian show business.

Anyone who wants to buy Animals concert tickets, will hear the band's most recognizable hits. It's nice that the story of the group that exploded the pop scene continues. In 2013, the musicians released the promised album “The Best Animals”, which included best songs band for more than ten years of studio and concert life. As for the tenth anniversary, the group celebrated it with big concerts held in Moscow and St. Petersburg. As for the founder of the “Beasts” group, he still plays music, and also works as a creative director of the fashion house he created. But the main thing is that he continues to remain the way millions of listeners in Russia loved him. It is very easy to see the performance of a group with a famous vocalist if you use the VipTicket service and carry out order tickets for the concert of the Animals.
