The dark horse of the "plasma" group is Maxim bed. Maxim Bed: “Eight people can sleep in my bed Maxim Plasma Group bed personal life

Facts: The PLAZMA group is Roman Chernitsyn (vocals, music, lyrics) and Maxim Postelny (backing vocals, keyboards, music, arrangements). The style the band plays ranges from soft

The PLAZMA group is Roman Chernitsyn (vocals, music, lyrics) and Maxim Postelny (backing vocals, keyboards, music, arrangements). The band's style ranges from soft synth-pop to full pop rock drive, but for the most part it's melodic dance music for the hopeless romantics. PLAZMA is the first Russian pop group that dared to sing on English language for the Russian-speaking audience and won the recognition and love of listeners throughout the country. The first 2 albums of the group were sold with a circulation of more than 1 million copies, songs regularly occupied the top lines of various charts. Since the release of their debut album in 2000, PLAZMA has won almost all possible national music awards and was awarded the Popov Prize for the largest number of radio broadcasts.

Roman and Maxim were born and raised in the hero city of Volgograd, where they created the duet Slow Motion right after school, which over the years of its existence has received the status of the most popular group cities. Even then, the guys decided that all songs would be performed exclusively in English, and this is their principled position. Firstly, Roma and Max are big fans of progressive Western music, the lion's share of which is performed in English. Secondly, they believe that Russian-language music is practically unknown abroad, as a result of which Western listeners get the impression that there are no bands in Russia that make quality music.

Pretty soon it became clear that the potential of the group is not limited to walls hometown. Moscow recording companies began to show interest in Slow Motion, and in 1999 Roman and Maxim moved to the Mother See and signed a contract with Dmitry Malikov, who became the band's producer for the next 5 years. First of all, it was decided to abandon the old name, which translates as "Slow Movement". The new name had to be bright, memorable and sound the same in all languages. This is how the PLAZMA group appeared.

The very first single of the group “Take My Love” (for which the first video clip was soon shot) quickly broke into all the radio charts. This song was written by Roman and Max right after school and managed to become a hit in their native Volgograd. Later, at Malikov's studio, it was re-recorded, acquired a brighter arrangement and received its final form, to which the whole country danced in 2000.

In May 2004, the hearts of many PLAZMA fans were broken - Roman Chernitsyn made an offer to the winner of "Star Factory - 4" Irina Dubtsova. A confirmation of the feelings of the newlyweds was the addition to their family. The son of Roman and Ira was born on March 3, 2006. The boy was named Artem - in honor of sibling Roman. But, after almost 4 years of family life, the marriage of Irina and Roman broke up. Their breakup is still widely discussed. Meanwhile, the PLAZMA group continues to exist.

What are the members of the PLAZMA band working on now? How did the drama in the personal life of one of the soloists affect his creative activity? How is their cooperation with the former participant of the reality show "Dom-2" Alena Vodonaeva?

Roman and Maxim, members of the PLAZMA group, answered these and other questions in live KM TV 4 September.


Maxim Postelny: "Yes, there was no concept. We just tried to do everything the way our foreign idols did."
Roman Chernitsyn: "The fact is that we started writing our first songs back in school years. And then there could be no talk of conjuncture, format. Music only later became our work, which brings little money. "

Roman Chernitsyn: "We spent a lot of time to prove that this is absolutely normal."
Maxim Postelny: “Our country is jingoistically patriotic, and for any reason. Therefore, it’s still hard for us. And it has never been easy. And why do we sing songs in English? Yes, because we can do it, as it seems to us , good. The voice is an instrument. And English fits well with music. After all, in the West, no one really listens to the text."

Maxim Postelny: “We ended a five-year contract with him. So we honestly worked all these years for the common good. As they say, from start to finish. After we became free, we felt the strength to move on on our own. When spouses live long together, then during a divorce, the division of property does not always take place peacefully. It seemed to Dima that everything was fine, but we saw what was happening unfairly. The main thing is that everything ended well. "

Maxim Postelny: "And who do the French, Irish, Germans send? Non-professionals! And it's not very pleasant when our top artists compete with biology teachers."
Roman Chernitsyn: "And it often happens that they do not look in the best way against their backdrop.
Maxim Postelny: “That’s not even the point. It’s just that they treat this competition easily and freely. And it’s like they send us into space. Like athletes to the Olympics. Only victory! Forward, Russia! And what kind of competition can there be when this competition - clean water taste? There, victory does not always depend on the quality of the song. The head of everything is the geopolitical situation in the world. Therefore, from this point of view, the competition is no longer very interesting. How can you tell which song is better and which is worse? It can only show time. That's the first reason why we don't really want to go there. And the second - we do not decide this, everything is done by specially trained people with budgets. And if in Russia something has a huge rating and resonance, then the big sharks of show business are doing it."

Roman Chernitsyn: "I just got divorced this year."
Maxim Postelny: "Are you divorced?"
Roman Chernitsyn: "In what sense?"
Maxim Postelny: "Officially".
Roman Chernitsyn: “What does officialdom have to do with it? It doesn’t matter. I broke up with the person I lived with. Therefore, this year I’m unlikely to have time to start a family, give birth to a child. But next year I’ll try.”

Maxim Postelny: "A family for an artist is a grave!"
Roman Chernitsyn: "But I do not share his views. This is nonsense. You can't generalize like that in any way. All people are different."
Maxim Postelny: "And I said about myself."
Roman Chernitsyn: "For someone a grave, for someone - an incentive and inspiration."

Maxim Postelny: “Initially, we just wanted to attract a girl to the group. It was interesting for us to collaborate with a person who took place as a person. to say that "Plasma" sang in Russian. And then, it was not a duet story, then we would have really invited a real artist. "

Maxim Postelny: "Girls, music, drugs! (Laughs.) Just kidding! Roman, how do you relieve stress? Do you drink?"
Roman Chernitsyn: "What?"
Maxim Postelny: "Roman drinks, and I, of course, go to the climbing wall, to the gym, to the pool. It's also a joke that Roman drinks. (Laughs.)"
Roman Chernitsyn: “Yeah! We already joked once! In one magazine I was exposed as a complete alcoholic. My mother was in shock! They wrote that I like to drink vodka around the corner, in the gateway and from the throat! And they wrote about Max that he doesn't drink at all! Is that normal?"
Maxim Postelny: "Well, I know what to say. And you decided to joke."
Roman Chernitsyn: "Yes, I was joking. And it turned out that I was drinking myself in the doorways!"

Madonna, Rihanna, Tina Turner, Kristina Orbakaite, Jasmine, Ekaterina Arkharova… all these beautiful and popular women suffered from domestic violence. Some immediately broke off relations, others suffered beatings and humiliation for years.

Why do men beat the women they love? How to get away from a tyrant husband? And what if you have nowhere to go?

Marat Basharov and Ekaterina Arkharova: who is to blame?

novel by one of the most beautiful couples Russian show business ended with a magnificent wedding, and family life- a big scandal. Public opinion was divided, some argued that Basharov was a monster, others that Arkharova herself was to blame, and still others that this was just a PR stunt. But who is really right in this story? And is it possible to justify a man who raised his hand against a woman? In the special issue of Domashny, the quarrel of the former spouses is commented on by their friends and acquaintances.

Tatyana Shitova, actress:"It's clear that she (Ekaterina Arkharova - approx. "Homemade")speaks the truth, I think that the whole country sympathizes with her. I don't see any publicity. And then, forgive me, PR at such a cost ... "

Aigul Milshtein, TV presenter: "Marat - talented actor, wonderful person. But there are no excuses for this act ... What can I say - it's a pity. It's a shame he turned out like this."

Elena Knyazeva and Maxim Postelny. Photo:

Star stories

Aigul Milshtein learned from her own experience how to be disappointed in a loved one. Her former lover popular actor Alexander Domogarov repeatedly raised his hand to her.

Aigul Milstein: « I have seen many cases where a man abused a woman. And when this happened in my life, I experienced a huge stress. I was confused, I just had a tantrum ... "

The sex symbol of the 90s and the star of the film Don Cesar de Bazan, actress Natalya Lapina, marriage to an American almost cost her her life.

Natalya Lapina:“When I ended up in the hospital, instead of forgiving, I started a criminal case…”.

Actress Olga Spirkina got married four times, but all divorces had one reason.

Olga Spirkina: « It so happened that men always offended me. And my mistake is that I endured all this. Probably, you still need to know your own worth. ”

Singer Elena Knyazeva in a relationship with a famous Russian politician I learned how the jealousy of a beloved man for the profession ends.

Elena Knyazeva: « I realized that he just ran out of patience, and he hit me in the face very hard ... ”.

Lily Richter. Photo:

Counter attack

A well-known nutritionist, star trainer, multiple winner of Thai boxing competitions, Lily Richter, once found herself in a similar situation. Out of professional habit, Lily, of course, decided to strike back.

Lily Richter:« He pushed me away quite aggressively. I started screaming. And then something happened - he hit me in the face, a slap in the face. Boxers speak at half strength. But you must understand what half strength is for a professional boxer! The reaction was immediate.And the moment he felt my fist on his face, I knew I had to run…”

When the victim is a man

In 99% of cases, the victims of domestic violence are women. Soloist Plasma groups Maxim Postelny was once in the rare 1%.

Maxim Bed: « All this happened quite harshly and ugly. At one point, even the police arrived. I don’t quite understand who called her: either the neighbors, or she(ex-girlfriend of Maxim. - Note. "Homemade"). But, nevertheless, the police came, saw what condition I was in (torn face), and I was offered to write a statement.”

Why famous director Dmitry Meskhiev declared war on his wife, actress Kristina Kuzmina? How actress Anna Kalashnikova was captured by former lover? Why did producer Alexander Shapovalov beat the singer Lama? And what did Maria Dashivets have to go through?

Published: May 14, 2012

Maxim Postelny: “Eight people can sleep in my bed”

Exclusive photo report by KM.RU special correspondent Kiril Zykov

"Plasma" is the first Russian pop group that decided to perform their songs exclusively in English. The success turned out to be simply phenomenal, already the first album of the group was sold with a circulation of more than 1 million copies. Today, the backing vocalist of this group, Max, decided to invite us to visit him.

Max: Hello! Come in. Welcome to visit.

Max invited us to a newly purchased apartment, which he only started redecorating three weeks ago. The singer warned our film crew in advance that he had nothing to show except for the bare walls. But that didn't stop us.

Max: Let's go to the back room, let's start from the back room, because I like to start from the tail.

Max began his tour of the apartment from the place where new musical creations are born.

Max: In this room we will have a rehearsal base, there are drums somewhere in the corner. Roman will probably sit here, I will be here, there will be a bass player, a guitarist. In general, we will all rehearse here.

I would like to note that this studio is very well located. Max may not be afraid that the neighbors will complain about him to the police, demanding to stop rehearsals.

Max: There are no neighbors below, neighbors are constantly absent from above, there is a wall, and there is a hall. Therefore, we can play as much as we like, as long as we like, and as noisily as we like.

By the way, the ideological inspirer of this repair is the soloist of the group Roman. He literally gushes with ideas. The rest of the group helps make his dreams come true. This process is especially captivating for Plasma guitarist Nikolai.

Max: He so entered the role of a person who (I'll show you later) brings everything here to life, all the most daring plans of Roman, and it turns out absolutely amazing.

The guys are trying so actively not only out of friendly motives, there are other reasons for that.

Max: We will all live together here as soon as we repair it.

From the studio, we smoothly moved into the bedroom, in which Max plans to put an incredible size bed.

Max: There will be a common bedroom, the bed will stand. She will be somewhere from here, we measure about 190 in height, and that's all, right down to the battery. We'll make some kind of trestle bed, and in stacks of 8 people, I think they'll fit in here.

On the opposite wall, the owner plans to hang a large plasma TV.

Max: Here, of course, we will hang the plasma, that is, we will hang the plasma panel, it will be large. From now to now, 1m 80cm wide plasma panel. We will hang speakers here, some kind of VCR will stand here, I have a wonderful rare VCR, a whole collection, I like to collect them. I will arrange them all in a row here, and before going to bed we will compare which one shows better. So we had a great time in the 90s.

Now the main discussion in the group is the color of the walls. The musicians can not decide which color scheme suits them best, but it seems that they are already close to a compromise..

Max: And since we argue about color all the time, I suggested to everyone, we have just the number of people in the team is approximately equal to the number of walls in the rooms. Well, a little more, we will give Roman two walls, let him paint them in his favorite color. I am for red, just like a Ferrari, radically red, Roman, of course, will have something blue, we have people who want to paint it black. I won't give you a ceiling, the ceiling will be white.

Despite the fact that the guys have not yet decided on the color of the walls, Max already knows exactly which border tape they will stick.

Max: I'll go to Volgograd, bring my favorite collection of match labels, and, I think, two rows will go like this.

It is quite possible that soon the answer to the old Russian riddle “no windows, no doors full of people” will not be a cucumber, but Max’s bedroom. At least the idea of ​​making a windowless bedroom is now visiting Roman.

Max: Roman is a very bright person, but he offers to close up the windows, just make them with plasterboard so that there are no windows, because he loves darkness very much.

If Max still manages to defend the windows, then he will not hang blinds or curtains on them.

Max: And as for me, I would leave it like that, I would not even rip off these stickers, I love extreme.

By the way, as a legacy from the previous owners, Max got a good parquet, which needs only a little restoration..

Max: Roman called these masters, I showed them everything here. They said that this is a wonderful parquet, despite the fact that it is 40 years old. In general, the work of the master is afraid, we believed them.

Here, Max is going to place a lot of household appliances.

Max: This will be the kitchen. Since it has a very strange shape, we will not live here, as they live in large kitchens. No, we will arrange everything that we have here, each one will put an electric stove for himself, each one will put a small refrigerator for himself. I’m lying, of course, there will be one large stove and, of course, there will be one stove, and we will cook here, the girls will cook something, and we will consume it. We will consume, of course, not here.

The process of eating will take place in a room that will combine a dining room and a cinema, in which everything will be done in the spirit of minimalism.

Max: There will be a TV here, I have a wonderful TV, I will bring it from home. Here we will put a sofa, speakers in the corners, and here the entire wall will be occupied by a film library, lockers, shelves will simply lie on the floor, I think, because I probably already have about 1000 DVDs and about 500 cassettes.

At the end of the tour of the apartment, Max nevertheless admitted that he was going to live here alone, and not arrange a commune, but at the same time the doors of his house would always be open to friends.

Max: In principle, I will live here for the most part, and everyone who will somehow have a crisis will come here and live too. Thank you very much for coming, goodbye.

Rosa   January 10, 2013

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The group's first two albums sold over one million copies. Not every artist of the national scene can boast of such achievements. Roman Chernitsyn and Maksim Postelny in the regular column "Urban Crazies".

- You started performing in the 90s, more than one generation has grown up on your songs. Not tired?

Maksim: No, not tired. At that time, everything was quite simple for us, because we did not have to invent anything. We did what we felt. It was easy, pleasant and even exciting. Now it is much harder for us, because times are changing and no one is given to be a trendsetter for a long time. We try to experiment and come up with something new, sometimes we succeed. When you find some simple solution, you win, but it is very difficult to be simple. More complex things are worse perceived by listeners.

How old are your fans now?

Maksim: Judging by the club audience, this is the public different ages. I often notice with surprise and joy that the majority of listeners in the hall are active young people who believe that we really did a lot of good and we should be appreciated for this, despite the fact that there are a lot of other contemporary artists. This cannot but rejoice. It is difficult for us to be aware that we have done something epoch-making. It's amazing because we always did what we wanted and loved. 15 years have passed, at concerts we are announced as legendary band- it's just incredible!

You can be called veterans of Russian show business. What can you say about him, is the devil as terrible as he is painted?

Novel: Depends on the context in which it is viewed. If from the point of view of the creativity that it brings to the world, yes, it is scary. From the position of a society of people, the public is as diverse as any other. It cannot be said that all are exceptionally spiritualized or exceptionally bad people.

- Is there a difference between Western and Russian artists?

Novel: Of course, it's different, because our show business has grown from Soviet stage, where everyone obeyed other laws than the world music industry. Everything is concentrated in the hands of a small number of people. Our producers can be counted on the fingers, they are on the central channels and they do all this show business. A huge number of interesting and talented people stays behind the scenes. Our people are already poorly educated in music, and this is also fueled by the media, which do not raise the bar for the people, but follow their lead, offering a product of not the highest quality.

- What do you think is the secret of success?

Maksim: It is very difficult to say what the secret is. Creativity must be honest, you need to do what you can. We are often asked why we sing in English, because we sincerely believe that in this language we can sing honestly. We've always liked European music, but that doesn't mean we don't like Russian music. We even sang in Russian several times and, they say, it worked out well, but we don't feel that it's ours. But I love Russia very much and I am proud that I was born in this country.

- Are there now fans and critics who complain that the groupPlasmais not the same, the sound is different?

Maksim: Those who truly love accept everything we do. And critics are very mysterious people, their task is to distribute everything according to shelves and formats. When we are asked what style of music we have, we cannot answer unequivocally, so we advise you to ask the critics, they know better (smiles).

- Were there moments in the band's life when you wanted to quit everything?

Maksim: Of course, more than once. When what you do and what you sincerely believe in is accepted with skepticism, you start to get a little offended, because it seems to you that you did everything cool, and people react very coldly ... You are at a loss. Over time, this feeling passes, because we live and work to please people. To be understood, you need to try, and if you were received badly, it means that you did not try hard enough.

Some artists say that due to the current situation in the world, people are not up to music now, so there is a decline in the professional field. Do you agree with this observation?

Maksim: I completely disagree with this. Despite what's going on in the world, people make really cool music. Now young people have other needs, other musical thoughts. If you're not catching up, then that's your problem. You have to be open and try to understand how people think. If you could not understand this, then you are unlikely to be successful in creativity. It is foolish to hope that after 20 years you will be as popular. People need new geniuses. I really like what young and modern guys are doing. The main problem is that there are so many talented musicians for every musical taste, so the interests of the listeners were dispersed. Every person in modern world can find his artist, exactly according to his taste. For every demand there is an offer.

- Recently you filmed a video, tell us about it?

Novel: We filmed a video for new song"Tame your ghosts". We are not talking about the plot yet, the video is not very typical for us.

- Are there any global plans?

Novel: An album should be released next year.

Maksim: There were some cool things done by the fans. In the early 2000s, it was fashionable to wear ripped clothes with pins and studs, and once in an interview we joked that we ourselves ripped our own clothes, although everything was very designer and expensive. After the interview was released, we had a concert at which Roma extended his hand to auditorium, and some girl pulled his sleeve with incredible strength and tore off the sleeve of an expensive shirt. She thought that she would help her favorite artist to make a designer thing (laughs).

- Our traditional question What is your outlook on everyday life?

Novel: I have some ideas about how to do it, but this does not mean that I live like that. I would like to appreciate every hour of life given to us, not to waste it and live every day as if it were the last. But, apparently, in order for such a worldview to appear, you first need to experience serious stress. I admit, I have days when I spend my time completely mediocre and watch low-quality TV shows (smiles).

Maksim: You need to be as honest as possible, including to yourself, responsive, try to help when people really need help. I would like people to understand their belonging to the state and begin to unite in order to develop great country. Stop measuring your worth by the amount you eat and buy. I want there to be no war.
