What is art in the life of modern man. The role of art in human life: what the world of beauty has in store for us

Humanity, a specific kind of spiritual and practical development of the world. Art includes varieties human activity, united by artistic and figurative forms of reproducing reality, - , , , , , theater, dance, .

In a broader sense, the word "art" refers to any form of human activity, if it is done skillfully, skillfully, skillfully.

What kind of art do you see on these pages?
What other types of art do you know?
Select reproductions for an exhibition featuring masterpieces visual arts.
What kinds of art are closer to you? Write down your impressions of your favorite works of art in a creative notebook.

All the diversity of the world around us and the attitude of man towards it, thoughts and , ideas and representations, people - all this is transmitted by a person in artistic images. Art helps a person to choose And . And so it was at all times. Art is a kind of textbook of life.

“Art is an eternal joyful and good symbol of a person’s desire for goodness, for joy and perfection,” wrote the famous German writer T. Mann.

Each art form speaks its own language eternal problems life, about good and evil, about love and hate, about joy and sorrow, about peace and human soul, about the height of thoughts and aspirations, about the comic and tragic life.

Various types of art are mutually enriched, often borrowing from each other means of expressing content. It is no coincidence that there is an opinion that architecture is frozen music, that this or that line in the picture is musical, that an epic novel is like a symphony. And when they talk about any kind artistic activity, including performance skills (creativity), often use such concepts as composition, rhythm, , plastic, , dynamics, musicality - common in direct or in figuratively for various arts. But in any work of art there is always a poetic element, what constitutes its main essence, its pathos and gives it an extraordinary power of influence. Without a sublime poetic feeling, without spirituality, any work is dead.

Listen to snippets musical compositions. Is it old music or modern?

Match character sounding music with figurative structure architectural monuments, features (costumes) of different eras and .

What culture - Western, Eastern, Russian - do the works belong to? various kinds art? Explain why.


Art has existed since ancient times. It accompanied man throughout his existence. The first manifestations of art were very primitive drawings on the walls of caves, made primitive people. Even then, when every day you had to fight for your life, a person was drawn to art, even then a love for beauty was manifested.

Nowadays there are many different types of art. These are literature, musical and visual arts, etc. Now the natural talent of a person is combined with the latest technologies creating fundamentally new trends in art. Of course, before there were no such opportunities as in our time, but every artist sought to come up with something special, to contribute to the development of this type of art.

And yet, why do we attach such great importance art? What role does it play in a person's life? Figurative recreation of reality creates our personality. Cultural and spiritual development has a great influence on our lives. Indeed, in most cases, people are judged not by their appearance, but by what they have inside. A person with a very unattractive appearance can be beautiful, you just have to get to know him better. Comprehensively developed, spiritually rich people have always aroused the interest of others, it is interesting and pleasant to communicate with them. We all need to develop, improve ourselves, and art helps us in this difficult task. It helps to better understand the world around us and ourselves.

Knowing yourself is one of milestones formation of the human personality. Often art is a way to assert oneself, to say something to the whole world. It is like a message to the future, a kind of appeal to the people. Each work of art has its own purpose: to acquaint, teach, encourage reflection. Art requires understanding. Thoughtless contemplation of pictures or reading books of great masters does not make any sense. You need to understand what exactly the artist wanted to say, for what purpose this or that creation appeared. Only under this condition will art fulfill its task, teach us something.

It is often said that in our time people have almost ceased to be interested in art. I don't think so. Times change, generations change. Do not remain unchanged and views, tastes. But there are topics that will be relevant at all times. Of course, our society gives greater value material enrichment than spiritual. But this does not mean that people do not pay attention to cultural life, do not appreciate art. We should not forget about art, because it plays an important role in our life.

1. Purpose of art.

What role does art play in human life, is as old as the first attempts at its theoretical understanding. True, as Stolovich L.N. , at the very dawn of aesthetic thought, sometimes expressed in mythological form, in fact, there was no question. After all, our distant ancestor was sure that to pierce the image of a buffalo with a real or drawn arrow means to ensure a successful hunt, to perform a warlike dance means to defeat your enemies for sure. The question is, what doubts could there be in the practical effectiveness of art, if it was organically woven into practical life people, was inseparable from the craft that created the world of objects and things necessary for the existence of people, was associated with magical rites through which people sought to influence the reality around them? Is it any wonder they believe that Orpheus, to whom ancient Greek mythology credits with the invention of music and versification, could bend tree branches with his singing, move stones and tame wild animals.

The world of artistic images, according to ancient thinkers and artists, “imitated” life, became an integral part of the true life of a person. Euripides, for example, wrote:

No, I will not leave, Muses, your altar ...

There is no real life without art...

But how does the amazing world of art affect a person?

Already ancient aesthetics sought to give answers to this question, but they were not unambiguous. Plato, who recognized only such works of art that strengthen the moral foundations of an aristocratic state, emphasized the unity of the aesthetic effectiveness of art and its moral value.

According to Aristotle, the ability of art to have a moral and aesthetic impact on a person is based on the “imitation” of reality, shaping the very nature of his feelings: “The habit of experiencing grief or joy when perceiving what imitates reality leads to what we begin to experience. the same feelings when confronted with reality.

The history of artistic culture has captured many cases when the perception of art served as a direct impulse to commit certain actions, to change the way of life. After reading chivalric novels, the poor hidalgo Kehana turned into Don Quixote of La Mancha and set off on skinny Rocinante to assert justice in the world. The very image of Don Quixote has since become a household name, has served as an example to follow in real life.

Thus, we see that the origins of art are in reality, but a work of art is a special world that implies a perception that is different from the perception of life reality. If the viewer, mistaking art for reality, tries to establish justice, physically cracking down on the actor playing the villain, shoots at the movie screen or throws himself at the picture with a knife, threatens the novelist, worrying about the fate of the hero of the novel, then all these are obvious symptoms or mental pathology in general, or at least pathology artistic perception.

Art does not act on any one human ability and strength, whether it be emotion or intellect, but on the person as a whole. It forms, sometimes unconsciously, unconsciously, the very system of human attitudes, the effect of which will manifest itself sooner or later and often unpredictably, and does not simply aim to induce a person to one or another specific act.

The artistic genius of the famous poster by D. Moor “Have you signed up as a volunteer?”, which was so widely promoted during the Second World War, lies in the fact that it is not limited to a momentary pragmatic task, but appeals to the human conscience through all the spiritual abilities of a person. Those. the power of art lies in this, to appeal to the human conscience, to awaken its spiritual abilities. And on this occasion, we can quote the famous words of Pushkin:

I think this is the true purpose of art.

Art never gets old. In the book of academician philosopher I.T. Frolov "Perspectives of Man" contains arguments about why art does not become obsolete. So, in particular, he notes: “The reason for this is the unique originality of works of art, their deeply individualized character, ultimately due to the constant appeal to man. The unique unity of man and the world in a work of art, the “human reality” cognized by it, deeply distinguish art from science not only in terms of the means used, but also in terms of its very object, always correlated with the personality of the artist, his subjective worldview, while science strives to beyond these limits, rushes to the “superhuman”, guided by the principle of objectivity. Therefore, science also strives for a strict unambiguity in the perception of knowledge by a person, it finds the appropriate means for this, its own language, while works of art do not have such unambiguity: their perception, refracting through the subjective world of a person, generates a whole gamut of deeply individual shades and tones that make this perception is unusually diverse, although subordinate to a certain direction, common theme» .

This is precisely the secret of the extraordinary impact of art on man, his moral world, lifestyle, behavior. Turning to art, a person goes beyond the limits of rational unambiguity. Art reveals the mysterious, unyielding scientific knowledge. That is why a person needs art as an organic part of what is contained in himself and in the world that he knows and enjoys.

The famous Danish physicist Niels Bohr wrote: "The reason why art can enrich us is its ability to remind us of harmonies that are beyond the reach of systematic analysis." Art often highlights universal, “eternal” problems: what is good and evil, freedom, human dignity. The changing conditions of each era force us to re-solve these issues.

2. The concept of art.

The word "art" is often used in its original, very broad sense. This is any sophistication, any skill, skill in the implementation of any tasks that require some kind of perfection of their results. In a narrower sense of the word, this is creativity "according to the laws of beauty." Artworks artistic creativity, as well as works of applied art, are created according to the "laws of beauty". Works of all types of artistic creativity contain in their content a generalizing awareness of life that exists outside of these works, and this is mainly human, social, national-historical life. If the content of works of art contains a generalizing awareness of the national historical life, then in it, therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between the reflection of some general, essential features of life itself and the consciousness of the artist that generalizes them.

A work of art like all other kinds public consciousness, is always the unity of the object cognized in it and the subject cognizing this object. Known and reproduced by the lyric artist " inner world”, even if it is his own “inner world”, is always still the object of his knowledge - knowledge active, comprising the selection of the essential features of this "inner world" and their comprehension and evaluation.

This means that the essence of lyrical creativity lies in the fact that it generally recognizes the main features of human experiences - either in their own temporal state and development, or in their focus on external world, for example, on the phenomenon of nature, as in landscape lyrics.

Epos, pantomime, painting, sculpture have huge differences among themselves, arising from the characteristics of the means and methods of reproducing life in each of them. And yet everything they are pictorial art, in all of them the essential features of national-historical life are recognized in their external manifestations.

In a primitive, pre-class society, art as a special kind of social consciousness did not yet exist independently. It was then in an undifferentiated, undifferentiated unity with other aspects of syncretic consciousness and creativity expressing it - with mythology, magic, religion, with legends about past tribal life, with primitive geographical ideas, with moral requirements.

And then art in the proper sense of the word was dismembered from other aspects of social consciousness, stood out among them in its special, specific variety. It has become one of the forms of development of the social consciousness of various peoples. This is how it should be considered in its later modifications.

Thus, art is a special meaningful kind of consciousness of society, it is - artistic content not scientific or philosophical. L. Tolstoy, for example, defined art as a means of exchanging feelings, contrasting it with science as a means of exchanging thoughts.

Art is often compared to a reflective mirror. This is not accurate. It would be more accurate to say, as Nezhnov, the author of the brochure Art in Our Life, noted: art is a special mirror with a unique and inimitable structure, a mirror that reflects reality through the thoughts and feelings of the artist. Through the artist, this mirror reflects those phenomena of life that attracted the attention of the artist and excited him.

3. Artistic socialization of the individual and the formation of aesthetic taste.

1. Art in the life of modern man. Kinds of art.

2. Artistic image - style - language.

3. Science and art. Scientific knowledge and artistic knowledge.

4. Art tells about the beauty of the Earth. Landscape - poetic and musical painting.

5. Man in the mirror of art: the genre of the portrait.

6. Portrait in the art of Russia. Portraits of our great compatriots.

7. Musical portrait. Alexander Nevskiy.

8. The role of art in bringing peoples together.

9. Art literary translation- the art of communication.

10. Art is a conductor of spiritual energy. Signs and symbols of art.

11. Frozen music. Architectural monuments.

12. Laws of beauty

13. Art and power.

14. By what means does art influence?

15. Temple synthesis of arts.

16. Synthesis of arts in theater, cinema, television.

17. Predictions in art.

18. Aesthetic shaping of the environment by art.

19. Architecture of the historic city

20. Architecture of the modern city.

21. Specificity of images in printing.

22. The development of design and its importance in the life of modern society.

24. Music in everyday life.

25. Mass, public art.

Art in the life of modern man. Kinds of art.

Art is part of the spiritual art of mankind. Art includes painting, architecture, sculpture, music, fiction, theater, dance, cinema. All the diversity of the world around us and the attitude of a person towards it, thoughts and feelings, ideas and ideas, beliefs of people - all this is transmitted by a person in artistic images. Art helps a person to choose ideals and values. Art is a kind of textbook of life. Each type of art speaks in its own language about the eternal problems of life, about good and evil, about love and hate, about joy and sorrow, about the beauty of the world and the human soul.

Artistic image - style - language.

Each time has its own face, its own image, its melodies and rhythms. When we see the majestic Egyptian pyramids or St. Basil's Cathedral, listen to the music of Bach, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, read epics and folk legends, the works of Shakespeare or Dumas, Pushkin or Chekhov, we are imbued with the atmosphere of bygone times, we recognize the people who lived then. Future generations will better understand our time if they listen to music, read books, look at the paintings and sculptures of our era. After all, contemporary art is what our world is embodied in, we are with you. And by what is now created, descendants will judge us.

An artist and sculptor, composer and performer, poet and writer, director and actor need contact with the viewer, listener, reader who participate in the creative process and empathize with it. To get closer to art, to enter the artist's world, to discover the uniqueness of the creator's personality, one cannot do without understanding such categories as artistic image, style, language.

Artistic image- this is a generalized idea of ​​reality, expressed in the language of art, the attitude to life, to the world around. Revealing his inner world, the artist is always attuned to the wave of his time with all its anxieties and joys, anticipating certain changes. Therefore it becomes possible creation artistic image of the era.

Style(from the Greek. stylos - literally a stick for writing) means handwriting, a set characteristic features, techniques, methods, features of creativity. In art, a distinction is made between the style of an epoch (historical), national style (belonging to one or another people), the individual style of a particular artist in the broadest sense of the word. Describing the style in architecture, they say that "style is an era", in other arts - in painting, music, literature - "style is a person."

Language of any art helps to hear in the work the living voice of the artist, the centuries-old wisdom of the people. Expressiveness, emotionality, figurativeness of the language of painting and graphics, music and sculpture, poetry and dance are provided by composition, form, texture, rhythm, tone, intensity. This is common - in the language of art.

At the same time, each type of art speaks its own language: painting - with color, graphics - with line and spot, sculpture - with volume, music - with sound, intonation, dance - with the plasticity of gestures and movements, literature - with a word. The authors in their works, with the help of means of expression specific to this or that art, place semantic accents, highlight the most essential. This allows them to convey various feelings to viewers, listeners, readers, to convey to them the content of their works.

To learn to understand all the diversity of art, you need to understand figurative system work of art, belonging to a certain style, direction.

Science and art. Scientific knowledge and artistic knowledge.

In order for science to bring people benefit and joy, and not harm and grief, it must be closely connected with art. Both a scientist and an artist ... And in ancient world, and in the Middle Ages, art was inseparable from religion. ... In the Renaissance, for the first time, an understanding of art, close to modern, was established. Art united all kinds…

The Man in the Mirror of Art: The Genre of the Portrait.

The attitude of the artist to the model is involuntarily conveyed to the viewer. Everything that expresses emotions, attitude to life, to people is important: facial expressions ... Often we interpret a work from the position of a person of today, ... Portrait (French portrait) - an image of a certain person or group of people. The portrait genre has received ...

Portrait in the art of Russia. Portraits of our great compatriots.

In the middle of the eighteenth century the portrait becomes a part of everyday life associated with architecture, furniture, utensils, the inhabitants of the dwelling themselves, their costumes, ... Thanks to the “portrait harmonies” of the Russian artist Fyodor Stepanovich ... A special place in the artist’s work is occupied by the portrait of A. Struyskaya (1772). He is a prime example poeticization...

Musical portrait. Alexander Nevskiy.

In music, there can be no resemblance to a specific person, but at the same time, it is not by chance that it is said that "a person is hidden in intonation." Since music ... The word "portrait" in relation to musical art, especially to ... A character, a lyrical hero, a narrator, a narrator - these concepts are important not only in a literary work, but also ...

The role of art in the rapprochement of peoples.

Thanks to the communication of people with outstanding works of world art of the past and present, a dialogue of cultures becomes possible. According to… Vaults artistic masterpieces are museums. Known all over the world… Thanks to the educational activities of these museums, the booklets and albums they publish, their travels…

The art of literary translation is the art of communication. How is the message conveyed in art?

Mountain peaks Sleep in the darkness of the night; Quiet valleys Full of fresh haze; The road does not dust, The sheets do not tremble... Wait a little, You will rest too. Thanks to the work of translators, poems, stories, novels by Russian writers and poets - A. Pushkin and N. Gogol, L. ...

Art is a conductor of spiritual energy. Signs and symbols of art.

Every art has its own special language Therefore, the meaning of the work is more fully revealed to those who speak the language in which it is “written”. … Art is a channel of communication not only between individuals, but also… How does the transmission of a message take place in art? Let's figure this out by analogy with a regular message composed by ...

Frozen music. Architectural monuments.

A white-stone temple stands above the mirror of the calm surface of the Nerl River, as if admiring its reflection in the water. A poem etched in stone is called ... The deep sadness of the Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky for dead son... The Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye (XVI century) is one of the few surviving monuments of the era of Ivan the Terrible in ...

Laws of beauty

The main laws, common to all types of art, which determine beauty, are based on harmony. Harmony is inherent in the World and all its components. You just need it ... Symmetry, proportions, rhythm are closely related to mathematics. It is no coincidence that the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras and ...

Art and power.

Thanks to works of art, power strengthened its authority, and cities and states maintained prestige. Art embodied in the visible ...

How does art influence?

Composition is the construction of a work of art, due to its content, character, purpose. Compositional balance… Features of the composition focus on certain subjects… The form is the sum of techniques, expressive and visual means to create an artistic image in ...

Temple synthesis of arts.

In architecture, decoration of temples, musical accompaniment divine services reflected a person’s ideas about the world, the attitude of the era and the people, ... Temples are religious buildings that embody the image of the world order in ... The temple is like an earthly dwelling of an unearthly and omnipresent God, a place of finding God through prayer, a place of unity with ...

Synthesis of arts in theater, cinema, television.

The viewer and the listener are influenced by the plot of a literary work that underlies the script of the film or the libretto of the play. ... A special stage genre is the musical, where they merge in an inseparable unity ... The genre of the musical was formed in the USA at the beginning of the 20th century. and soon began his triumphal procession around the world. Some…

Predictions in art.

The German Renaissance painter and graphic artist Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) created the Apocalypse series of engravings. The artist expressed an anxious expectation… According to the plot of the Apocalypse, horsemen appear on the earth in turn, but the artist… Examples of predictions by the art of social changes and upheavals can be considered the etchings of F. Goya, the paintings “Guernica”…

Aesthetic shaping by art of the environment.

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Historic city architecture

If we compare architecture with other arts, then music is closest to it in terms of conventionality. After all, music is the same as architecture and ... Since ancient times, man has learned to build a home for himself. For this… The planning and construction of cities is one of the fields of architecture, it has been called “urban planning”.…

Architecture of the modern city.

In modern microdistricts, typical, very similar residential buildings are being built. However, public buildings are often erected according to special ... The language of architecture is always modern, as it takes into account the physiology and ... The peculiarity of the architecture of the XX century, which served as the basis for the architectural forms and technologies of the XXI century, has become unprecedented ...

Specificity of images in polygraphy.

The book is a synthetic work; people of different backgrounds are working on it. creative professions: writers, editors, designers, artists. book graphics includes the design of the book, the choice of its components ... The specifics of the design of the book depends on the type of publication: a children's book, fiction, textbook, book on ...

The development of design and its importance in the life of modern society.

Rapid technological progress in the twentieth century. determined the emergence of factories and plants that replaced handicraft workshops. At the new production in... Classicism, modern, art deco, minimalism, hi-tech, kitsch, ethno - this is far away... England has become the birthplace of a new style in art - modern. Art Nouveau originated in the work of the Scottish architect and ...

Decorative and applied art.

Works of arts and crafts are usually closely associated with the architectural and spatial environment, the ensemble (on the street, in the park, in ... A person has long sought to decorate his home and everything that he had to ... In folk art always reflected native nature. Flowers and herbs familiar to everyone since childhood, ...

Music in the home.

Everyone probably has their own music library - a collection of favorite musical works, to which you can turn in moments of joy and fun, and ... Serious music is the music that has passed the test of time and has not ... The content of light music is changeable and largely depends on fashion: today you are fond of some works and their ...

Mass, public art.

The word "photography" is translated as "light painting", which reflects the fundamental role of light in the process of photographing. Photography technique… Photography, being one of the most common mass media… Artistic photography has become widespread. Looking through the lens of a camera allows you to see...

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"Chaltyrskaya middle comprehensive school No. 3"

Art section.

Research work.

Topic: "The role of art in human life"




    Introduction _____________________________________________ 3 – 4

    Cultural values ​​of mankind ____________________ 5 -16

2.1. Art around us ______________________________________5 - 7

2.2. Man in the mirror of art ________________________________ 8 - 10

2.3. What is beauty? ________________________________________________________ 11 - 14

2.4. Beautiful awakens good ____________________________ 15-16

    Practical part _________________________________ 17-18

    Conclusion __________________________________________ 19-20

    List of used literature ______________________ 21

    Annex __________________________________________ 22



The relevance of research . At all times, people have sought to capture their attitude to life in various forms of art. All life impressions are refracted through the inner world of the artist and addressed to the experience of each viewer, reader, listener.

Feelings embodied in art are not identical to life. They always depend on the artistic ideal, the system of value ideas. Artistic emotions are not a cast of momentary experiences, but the result of reflection, life experience.

Perceiving a work of art, a person can experience delight, joy, admiration, shock, anger, grief, pain. But the miracle of art is in catharsis - overcoming ordinary feelings, enlightenment, purification, elevation of the human soul. And fear, and pain, and excitement, when they are caused by art, contain something beyond what they contain. Psychologist L. Vygotsky wrote: “Art encourages you to seek and find the main thing, to think, to worry again and again about the fate of the characters, correlating them with your own life.”

Research problems:

How does art express human feelings and the world around?

What is beauty?

What role does art play in a person's life?

Object of study : the impact of various types of art on human life.

Subject of study: means that contribute to the formation of human values.

The significance of various types of art in human life, the formation of spiritual and cultural property human personality and is the mainpurpose our research work.

In accordance with the purpose definedtasks research:

Reveal the essence of art;

Consider the relationship between man and art in society;

Clarify ideas about the understanding of beauty in different eras.

Expected Result: After studying this topic, it is expected more

high level development of emotional and value attitude to the world, phenomena of life and art; understanding the place and role of art in people's lives.

Research methods. To solve the tasks, we used

complex of research methods: theoretical research methods ( theoretical analysis cultural, pedagogical and

methodical literature); empirical methods(observation, questioning); methods of mathematical statistical processing.

Research base: 8 "a" and 8 "b" classes MBOU secondary school No. 3s. Chaltyr.

2.1. Art is around us.

“Art gives wings and takes you far, far away!” -
said the writer A.P. Chekhov.

How nice it would be if someone created a device that would show the degree of influence of art on a person, society as a whole, and even on nature. How do painting, music, literature, theater, cinema affect human health, the quality of his life? Can this impact be measured and predicted? Of course, culture as a whole, as a combination of science, art and education, is capable of beneficially influencing both the individual and society as a whole when choosing the right direction and priorities in life.

Art is a creative understanding of the world around talented person. The fruits of this reflection belong not only to its creators, but to all mankind living on planet Earth.

Immortal beautiful creations ancient Greek sculptors and architects, Florentine mosaic masters, Raphael and Michelangelo ... Dante, Petrarch, Mozart, Bach, Tchaikovsky. It captures the spirit when you try to embrace with your mind everything created by geniuses, preserved and continued by their descendants and followers.

IN primitive society primitive creativity is born with a view as a way of human activity to solve practical problems. Originating in the era of the Middle Paleolithic, primitive art flourished about 40 thousand years ago, and was a social product of society, embodying a new stage in the development of reality. The oldest works arts such as the shell necklace found in South Africa date back to 75 millennium BC. e. and more. In the Stone Age, art was represented by primitive rituals, music, dances, all kinds of body decorations, geoglyphs - images on the ground, dendrographs - images on the bark of trees, images on animal skins, cave painting, rock paintings, petroglyphs and sculpture. 5

The appearance of art is associated with yokes, rituals, and rituals, including those conditioned by mythological and magical representations.

Now the word "art" is often used in its original, very broad meaning. This is any skill in the implementation of any tasks that require some kind of perfection of their results. In a narrower sense of the word, this is creativity "according to the laws of beauty." Works of artistic creativity, as well as works of applied art,

created according to the "laws of beauty". A work of art, like all other types of social consciousness, is always a unity of the object cognized in it and the subject who cognizes this object.

In a primitive, pre-class society, art as a special kind of social consciousness did not yet exist independently. It was then in unity with mythology, magic, religion, with legends about past life, with primitive geographical ideas, with moral requirements.

And then art stood out among them in its special specific variety. It has become one of the forms of development of the social consciousness of various peoples. That is how it should be considered.

Thus, art is a kind of consciousness of society, it is an artistic content, not a scientific one. L. Tolstoy, for example, defined art as a means of exchanging feelings, contrasting it with science as a means of exchanging thoughts.

Art is often compared to a reflective mirror that reflects reality through the thoughts and feelings of the creator. Through him, this mirror reflects those phenomena of life that attracted the attention of the artist, excited him.

Here one can rightly see one of the most important specific features of art as a form of human activity.

Any product of labor - be it a tool, tool, machine or means

life support - created for some special need. Even such spiritual products as Scientific research, may well remain accessible and important for a narrow group of specialists, without losing anything in their social significance.

But a work of art can be recognized as such only under the condition of universality, "general interest" of its content. The artist is called upon to express something that is equally important for both the driver and the scientist, which is applicable to their life activity not only to the extent of the peculiarities of their profession, but also to the extent of involvement in public life, the ability to be a person, to be a person.

2.2. Man in the mirror of art.

All arts serve the greatest

from the arts - the art of living on earth.
Bertolt Brecht

Art helps to know a person. Not only to see it appearance but also to understand its essence, character, mood.

Now it is impossible to imagine that our life would not be accompanied by art, creativity. Wherever and whenever a person lived, even at the dawn of his development, he tried to comprehend the world around him, which means he sought to understand and figuratively, intelligibly convey the knowledge gained. next generations. This is how wall paintings appeared in caves - ancient camps of man. And this was born not only by the desire to protect their descendants from the mistakes already passed by their ancestors, but by the transfer of the beauty and harmony of the world, admiration for the perfect creations of nature.

Mankind did not stagnate, it progressively moved forward and higher, and the art that accompanies man at all stages of this long and painful path also developed. If you turn to the Renaissance, you admire the heights that artists and poets, musicians and architects have reached. The immortal creations of Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci still fascinate with their perfection and deep awareness of the role of man in the world, where he is destined to go through his short, but beautiful, sometimes tragic path.

Art is one of the most important steps in human evolution. Art helps a person to look at the world from different points of view. With each epoch, with each century, it is more and more improved by man. At all times, art has helped a person develop his abilities, improve abstract thinking. For centuries, man has tried to change art more and more, to improve it, to deepen his knowledge. Art is the great mystery of the world, in which the secrets of the history of our life are hidden. Art is our history. Sometimes in it you can find answers to those questions that even the most ancient manuscripts cannot answer.
Today, a person can no longer imagine life without reading

novel, without a new movie, without a premiere in the theater, without a fashionable hit and beloved musical group, without art exhibitions… In art, a person finds new knowledge, and answers to vital questions, and comfort from everyday bustle, and enjoyment. A real work of art is always in tune with the thoughts of readers, viewers, listeners. The novel can tell about a distant historical era, about people, it seems, of a completely different way and style of life, but the feelings that people penetrated into everything

times, understandable to the current reader, are consonant with him, if the novel is written

real master. Let Romeo and Juliet live in Verona in ancient times. Not the time or place of action determines my perception great love and faithful friendship, described by the brilliant Shakespeare.

Not only ancient creations attract our attention. We are constantly confronted with works of art in everyday life. Visiting museums and exhibition halls, we want to join that wonderful world, which is available at first only to geniuses, and then to the rest, we learn to understand, see, absorb the beauty that has already become a part of our ordinary life.

Pictures, music, theater, books, films give a person incomparable joy and satisfaction, make him sympathize. Eliminate all this from the life of a civilized person, and he will turn, if not into an animal, then into a robot or a zombie. The wealth of art is inexhaustible. It is impossible to visit all the museums of the world, not to listen to all the symphonies, sonatas, operas, not to review all the masterpieces of architecture, not to re-read all the novels, poems, poems. Yes, and nothing. From all the variety, a person chooses for the soul what is closest to him, which gives ground to his mind and feelings.

Art makes the world of people more beautiful, alive and bright. For example, painting: how much has come down to our time vintage paintings, which can be used to determine how people lived two, three, four or more centuries ago. Now there are many paintings painted by our contemporaries, and whatever it is: abstraction, realism, still life or landscape, painting is fine art, with the help of which a person learned to see the world bright and


Architecture is another of the most important art forms. A huge number of the most beautiful monuments are scattered all over the world, and they are not just called "monuments" - they contain greatest secrets history and memory. Sometimes these mysteries cannot be unraveled by scientists around the world.
Of course, in order to perceive the beauty of opera art, for example, it is necessary to know its features, understand the language of music and vocals, with the help of which the composer and singers convey all the shades of life and feelings and influence the thoughts and emotions of the listeners. The perception of poetry and fine arts also requires some preparation and appropriate understanding. Even an interesting story will not capture the reader if he has not developed a technique for expressive reading, if he spends all his energy on composing words from spoken sounds and does not experience their artistic and aesthetic influence.

The effect of the means of art on a person can be caused by long-term or perspective. Art does not act on any one human ability and strength, whether it be emotion or intellect, but on the person as a whole. It forms, sometimes unconsciously, the very system of human attitudes.

2.3. What is beauty?

what is beauty
And why do people deify her?
She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,
Or fire flickering in a vessel
N. Zabolotsky

Each of us, at least once in our lives, has experienced admiration for beauty. winter forest, a blooming garden, sunrise over the sea of ​​folk tunes that enchant the ear, ageless melodies of classical compositions, incendiary rhythms contemporary music. Why do we understand that all this is beautiful? The answer to this question is both easy and difficult. You can say without hesitation: "I see that this is beautiful," or "I feel that all this is beautiful." But no one can answer exactly what beauty is. After all, the understanding of beauty extends to objects, phenomena, and to the appearance of a person, and to his inner, moral essence. When we say "beautiful person" what do we mean? Correct facial features, slim figure? Or his spiritual beauty, kindness, nobility? Or maybe both together?

human culture based on the unity of truth, goodness and beauty. It is generally accepted that truth is the lot of science, good is religion, beauty belongs to art. However, in art, their inseparable connection is especially clear.

In works of art, people have long embodied their idea of ​​ideal beauty. Through the centuries, wonderful things have come down to us female images: Nefertiti, the wife of the Egyptian pharaoh, and Aphrodite, Greek goddess love, filled with sorrow, the spiritualized face of the Mother of God and the mysteriously smiling Mona Lisa. They are all different. But each of them is an image-symbol of beauty for all time.
The art of each era seeks to create the image of a beautiful person who has absorbed best features of his time. eleven

According to the change of ideals, views, tastes of people, styles in art also changed.

Nefertiti. Legends say that never before has Egypt produced such a beauty. She was called "Perfect"; her face adorned temples all over the country. Nefertiti played an extremely important role in religious life

Egypt of that time, accompanying her husband during the sacrifices,

rituals and religious festivals. She was a living embodiment of the life-giving power of the sun, giving life.

Cleopatra. The true appearance of Cleopatra is not easy to discern because of the romantic flair surrounding her and numerous films; but there is no doubt that she had enough courage and firmness of character to disturb the Romans. There are no reliable images that accurately, without idealization, would convey her physical appearance. But some historians note the lack of feminine beauty in her. The profiles on the coins show a woman with wavy hair, large eyes, a prominent chin, and aquiline nose. On the other hand, it is known that Cleopatra was distinguished by powerful charm, attractiveness, she perfectly used this for seduction and, in addition, she had a charming voice and a brilliant, sharp mind.

Renaissance ideal of beauty. During the Renaissance, a pale complexion, a beautiful mouth, white teeth, red lips and long silky strands of blond hair became the canons of beauty. A slender “swan neck” and a high clean forehead were elevated to the rank of standard. To follow this fashion, to lengthen the oval of the face, women shaved their hair in front and plucked their eyebrows, and in order to make the neck seem longer, they shaved the back of their heads. The ideal is calm, "healthy" beauty, which can be seen on the canvases of Titian or Rembrandt, which depicts young ladies with curly hair and a charming blush on their faces. Leonardo da Vinci portrayed the standard of the beauty of the Middle Ages - "La Gioconda". Main riddle portrait - in an inexplicable facial expression, in an incomprehensible "elusive" smile. Some consider her a lofty ideal of femininity and charm, others find her unpleasant.12

In the Middle Ages earthly beauty was considered sinful. The figure was hidden under a layer of heavy fabrics, and the hair was hidden under a bonnet. Now the ideal of a medieval woman was the Blessed Virgin Mary - an elongated oval face, huge eyes and a small mouth.

beauty will save the world

The greatest psychologist, a subtle connoisseur of the human soul, Dostoevsky was right. Beauty will save the world. In our life, not everything is perfect. This imperfection leads to wars and family strife, suicides and environmental disasters.

Beauty will save the world... But what kind? No, of course, not the owners of beautiful faces from the bright covers of magazines, Dostoevsky had in mind. He meant the harmony of human relations, the human soul.

beauty true love, sung by Shakespeare, Remember: “... my love, like the sea, is limitless. The more I give, the more remains."

The beauty of a person who sacrifices his life for the salvation and happiness of people. Bulgakov's Yeshua and Aitmatovsky Avdiy are wonderful, because they spare neither strength nor energy, they go to their death in the name of God-Tomorrow - the future renewal of mankind.

And if we talk about beauty, then how not to remember the impetuous impulses Chekhov Seagull and Gorky Sokol! Isn't it true that there is nothing more attractive, more graceful and more defenseless at the same time?

Extraordinary personalities, heroes, daredevils are always beautiful. Most best legends- about them.

And who, at least once in his life, did not freeze in reverent delight before Raphael's Madonna? The beauty of motherhood, the willingness to go to any torment for the sake of your child will not leave, but I think, indifferent hearts.

“Times are changing, and we are changing with them,” as one of the ancient sages said. Time is running, and tastes change with it: today you like one thing, tomorrow another. It is very difficult to find a standard that would be relevant at all times. How not absolute truth so there is no absolute beauty. We can only be surprised, looking at the portraits of the beauties of the past, and shrug our shoulders: and what is “such” about them? But if there is no standard of external beauty, then there are those qualities that have been valued at all times among all peoples: kindness, mercy, love... These are contextual synonyms for the word “beauty”.

“Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.” These lines of Chekhov, which have become a textbook, refer not only to the people of his time. They are also addressed to us. We must be beautiful, and not only when we want to be considered so. Always. Then, perhaps, humanity will finally stop being afraid of wars, famine, and environmental disasters. Because these are ugly phenomena, because everything in the Universe is interconnected, and, therefore, human beauty creates harmony in the universe. And then, of course, beauty will save the world.

2.4. The beautiful awakens the good.

There is no living being on earth
So tough, tough, so damn evil
So that she could not, at least for one hour,
In it, the music to make a revolution.
W. Shakespeare

Artists have always thought about the purpose of art, their gift. “And I awakened good feelings with a lyre…” - A. Pushkin wrote. “Reliable support by inspiration was given to me from childhood in beauty,” said Michelangelo. “A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. Not our own - our thoughts make the poet sing inside us.

He delightfully awakens in our soul our and our grief. He is a wizard. Understanding him, we also become poets, like him,” said A. France.

Art has a huge effective power, imperceptible at first glance. Reading watching a movie or play, visiting an art

museum or exhibition, listening classical music or modern songs, a person seems to be just resting, spending his leisure time. In fact, while communicating with art, plunging into piece of art and sympathizing with the heroes, characters, he seems to try on other characters, various situations, gain new experience: he empathizes with positive characters, he is indignant when he sees injustice towards the weak and defenseless. Artistic images serve as aesthetic which manifest themselves in relation to life, in the characteristics of positive and negative characters and are embodied in a variety of forms: in a heroic poem and satire, in tragedy and comedy. Art affects the mind, heart, soul of a person, restores mental and emotional balance, helping to relieve internal tension and excitement generated by real life, 15

harmonizes the inner world of the reader, listener, viewer who perceives it. Real art is calm, unobtrusive, it "does not tolerate fuss", " art is “quiet work” (F. Schiller).

Mass culture, on the contrary, is deafening, intrusive, hectic, entertaining, easy to understand. She is so firmly entrenched in consciousness

many people that places for high spiritual values ​​are almost

not left. Both art and mass influence the views, tastes and worldview of a person gradually, often not consciously for him.
Art is many-sided, eternal, but, unfortunately, it cannot influence people without their will, mental effort, a certain work of thought. A person should want to learn to see and understand the beautiful, then art will have a beneficial effect on him, society as a whole. This will probably be in the future. In the meantime, talented creators should not forget that their works can influence millions, and this can be beneficial or harmful.

    Practical part.

Having studied and analyzed the theoretical material of the research work, we decided to conduct a survey among 8th grade students in order to find outwhat functions does art perform, what is the role of art in human life, the relationship between man and art in society, in order to further discuss this from the point of view of a knowledgeable person.

After analyzing and processing the data obtained, we made the following conclusions and proposed our own solutions this issue. The children were given an open-ended questionnaire. After receiving the answers to this questionnaire, we learned about the attitude of the guys to different types art.

QuestionWhat role do you think art plays in modern life human?" 67% of the guys used the answer “great”, “none” - 10%, “helps to live” - 23%.

“What does art teach us, and does it teach at all?”

Beauty - 70%

Understanding life - 5%

Right actions - 2%

Expands horizons - 23%

Doesn't teach anything - 0%

Preferences in art directions were divided as follows:

90% of the guys are fond of such types as cinema and music, painting, architecture and sculpture - 10%. It seemed interesting to me that young men prefer, or at least our guys answered so, to do homework to music, believing that it helps with homework.

All of our respondents are passionate about some kind of art and it plays a positive role in their lives.

The survey showed that the work will help people understand the significance of art and, I think, will attract many, if not to art, then at least arouse interest in the problem.

My work also has practical significance, because the materials can be used to prepare for an essay on literature, for oral presentations in lessons on history, literature, art, and later to prepare for exams.

Philosophical and pedagogical treatises of the past centuries talked about the softening and ennobling of morals under the influence of various types of art, and I am very pleased that our guys have come to such conclusions. true art it should be beautiful, have a good, humane beginning with centuries-old traditions.

4. Conclusion.

Art plays an important role in our life, helping future generations grow spiritually and morally. Each generation contributes to the development of mankind, enriching it culturally. Without art, we would hardly be able to look at the world from different points of view, in a different way, to look beyond the ordinary, to feel a little sharper. Art, like a person, has many small veins, blood vessels, organs.

Passions, aspirations, dreams, images, fears - everything that every person lives by - acquire a special color and strength in creativity.

It is impossible for everyone to be creators, but it is in our power to try to penetrate into the essence of the creation of a genius, to come closer to understanding the beautiful. And the more often we become contemplators of paintings, architectural masterpieces, listeners of beautiful music, the better for us and those around us.

Art helps us master the sciences and gradually deepen our knowledge. And as mentioned above, it is an essential part of human development:

Forms a person's ability to perceive, feel, correctly understand and appreciate the beautiful in the surrounding reality and art,

Forms the skills of using the means of art to understand the life of people, nature itself;

Develops a deep understanding of the beauty of nature, the surrounding world, the ability to protect this beauty;

Arms people with knowledge, and also instills skills and abilities in the field of accessible arts - music, painting, theater, artistic word, architecture;

Develops Creative skills, skills and abilities to feel and create beauty in the surrounding life, at home, in everyday life;

Develops an understanding of beauty in human relationships, the desire and ability to bring beauty into everyday life.

So, art affects our life from all sides, makes it

diverse and bright, lively and interesting, rich, helping a person to better and better understand his destiny in this world.Our earthly world is woven from perfection and imperfection. And it depends only on the person himself how he will make his future, what he will read, what he will listen, how he will speak.

“The best means for educating feelings in general, for awakening the feelings of beauty, for developing creative imagination, is art itself,” pointed out the scientist-psychologist N.E. Rumyantsev.

5. List of used literature.

1. Sergeeva G.P. Art. - M., "Enlightenment", 2012.

2. Pospelov G.N. Art and aesthetics. - M .: Art, 1984.

3. Solntsev N.V. Legacy and time. M., 1996.


    What role do you think art plays in modern human life?

Big, None, Helps to live

    What does art teach us, and does it teach at all?

Beauty, Understanding of life, Right actions, Expands


Doesn't teach anything

    What kinds of art do you know?

Theater, Cinema, Music, Painting, Architecture, Sculpture

    What kind of art do you do or are you passionate about?

Passionate - Not Passionate

    Have there been times when art has played a role in your life?

Yes (describe)

