A friend of Victoria Karaseva explained her mysterious disappearance. Victoria Karaseva: biography, photo now

In 2009, a tragedy happened in the life of Victoria Karaseva. The girl, along with Vyacheslav Dvoretkov, went to one of the Moscow restaurants. The seafood dish served to her was poorly cooked, a sharp fragment from a mussel shell cut her esophagus. Victoria underwent several operations to save her life, and after discharge, Karaseva's weight was only 32 kilograms.

Terrible incident Tori can not forget to this day. In his Instagram ex the star of "House-2" is still writing about the difficult path that she had to go through after the operation. “Yes, the doctors said that it would get easier with time, but such a miracle did not happen. I waited, did all sorts of manipulations to relieve the pain, but miracles do not happen, so the first five years were spent realizing what had happened to me for the sixth year. I decided that I needed to learn to live with pain for the seventh year. I studied and already only in the eighth year I learned. I decided that the pain would not go anywhere, would not leave, would not slam the door, so it should become a part of me and I learned to live with the remnants of health, and with pain. It happens so twisted that the nail plates are cracking at the seams, ”Victoria wrote in her microblog.

Karaseva also spoke about breast plastic surgery, which she was forced to do due to surgical interventions related to the injury.

Victoria Karaseva often posts photos with her lover

Woman.ru / Photo: Instagram

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The ex-participant of "House-2" Victoria Karaseva disappeared from the field of view of fans on February 23 this year. Many followers of her Instagram began to sound the alarm, as they were worried about the fate of the woman. StarHit conducted its own investigation and found out where the spectacular brunette was all this time.

The correspondent managed to contact Victoria's friend, Oleg. The young man explained that this moment his friend had communication problems, as she moved to a new cottage in the Pushkinsky district of the Moscow region. He also noted that Karaseva finally broke up with Dvoretkov, but she was not going to speak frankly on this topic.

“Now Victoria and Slava are not together. Tory is out of town, doing home improvement in his private home. So far without access to the Internet, but in the near future plans to return to the online space again. Victoria also continues to restore lost health and creativity, preparing a new musical material and is writing his own book, ”Oleg told StarHit.

“Victoria bought the house with her own, earned money. First, she purchased a plot, and then built a two-story cottage on her own. Prior to this, a friend lived in Moscow, and she came out of town only on weekends or holidays, sometimes with Slava. Dvoretskov was not involved in any way in the acquisition of the site, ”Vicky’s friend explained.

Karaseva continues to visit doctors and remove scars from several operations that she had to go through after an incident in a Moscow cafe. Recall that eight years ago, a fragment from a mussel shell hurt the girl's esophagus. Thanks to the efforts of doctors, she managed to restore her health and learn to eat again.

Victoria Karaseva pleased her fans for a very long time with a rather emotional relationship with Ruslan Proskurov, with whom long time was a couple on the television project "House 2". However, the flamboyant Moldavian rapper did not become Karaseva's husband, and an equally eccentric lover Vyacheslav Dvoretskov appeared in the girl's life, with whom she later legalized her relationship.

From the project, Victoria was taken to intensive care, where doctors fought for the life of the participant for many months. The cause of the disease is an injury resulting from eating pizza with seafood, where, due to the inattention of the cook, there was a piece of mussel shell that scratched Victoria's esophagus. Then Tori miraculously survived, but when she returned to the project to say goodbye, the household did not immediately recognize the once spectacular brunette with charming forms, since she weighed 38 kg. On that day, Victoria and her husband Vyacheslav left Dom 2 forever in order to build their own destiny in the future.

The life of Victoria Karaseva after the project began with a difficult trial with one of the Moscow restaurants, where this terrible story took place, which radically turned her life upside down and made her a disabled person of the second group. However, the management of the restaurant chain did not admit their fault, categorically denying the low-quality product. As a result, the court sided with Karaseva and for the negligence of the cook, the ex-participant of Dom 2 received two million rubles in compensation from the defendant. At that time, Tori, having broken the contract with the House 2 project, remained unemployed, but her husband was always there and supported her in everything.

After some time, the couple celebrated another wedding, but this time a magnificent one, as Victoria always dreamed of. Her husband gave Tori a two-level six-room apartment in Moscow, and later the family set to work on the construction of a two-story country house. But what is Victoria Karaseva doing now, and what's new in her creative activity?

Victoria Karaseva Today Karaseva continues her career as a singer, recording new hits and performing with them on stage. The girl also became a co-founder of the capital's wedding salon, where she personally helps brides choose a worthy wedding dress, and also tries herself as a designer and creates her own clothing line.

Tori does not plan to have children yet, she wants to give birth after 35 years, because in her plans the conquest of the star Olympus is in the first place. IN free time practices yoga, often fresh air, and most importantly, vigilantly monitors his already undermined health.

Tori is reluctant to talk about her personal life, although she convinces everyone that she is insanely happy. However, Rustam Solntsev published information on the Pipkin House TV show forum that Tori had been divorced from Dvoretkov for two years. According to the same Rustam, she was tired of supporting her husband, Alphonse. The girl herself does not comment on this information on her official website.

Victoria Karaseva (Tori)- ex-participant. A native Muscovite, born June 23, 1979.

Vika was a gifted child from childhood and dreamed of becoming an actress. She attended a dance studio for five years and also graduated music school. The girl participated in many international competitions by singing. After school, she studied opera vocals at the Schnittke Institute. Later, got a second higher education after graduating from GITIS.

Before joining the TV show, she managed to work as a host on the Europe + radio, Victoria, together with Anton Kamolov, hosted the Full Version program.

I came to the project, but the guy was indifferent to Vika.

First love story on the project began a relationship with a rapper from Chisinau, Russell (Ruslan Proskurov). The couple looked harmoniously together, they were united by common interests (love of music). Over time, the guys began to quarrel, and the scandals grew stronger every day and often ended in fights! The parting was natural ...

Then in Tori's life was "always smiling". A guy with a beautiful appearance charmed Victoria, and she was even ready to marry him. But, it didn't work out...

Victoria with Dmitry Chizhevsky

The result of being on the project was a relationship with a new participant, Vyacheslav Dvoretsky. An eccentric and charismatic young man won Vika's heart and they formed a strong couple, and a little later, they got married.

Later, a tragedy happened in the life of the couple, in one of the capital's restaurants, due to the negligence of the staff, Victoria cut her esophagus with a fragment of a clam shell in a seafood pizza. The girl ended up in intensive care and miraculously survived. In the operational and postoperative period, Slava looked after his beloved wife.

After returning from the hospital, Tori and Slava decided not to return to the project.

Slava Dvoretskov and Victoria Karaseva (Tori) met on the show "Dom-2". Not many believed that young people would be able to build strong relationships, but the lovers are still together. Slava and Vika left the television set in 2009. Outside the perimeter, the couple played a wedding, where Olga Buzova, Stepan Menshchikov, Andrey Cherkasov, Victoria Bonya and other stars of House-2 walked.


Recently, on her Instagram, Victoria told subscribers that she and her husband are celebrating their 10th anniversary. "Hooray. Me and my boyfriend have been together for 10 years now. Take care and appreciate if you met your person. Let love reign in the world, ”wrote Karaseva (Spelling and punctuation authors hereinafter. — Note. ed.).



The relationship between Vika and Slava has been a real test of strength. In 2009, an accident occurred with Karaseva: in one of Victoria's Moscow restaurants, a pizza was served, in which there was a fragment of a mussel shell. As a result, Vika seriously damaged her esophagus and underwent several surgeries. Karaseva's life hung in the balance, doctors miraculously managed to save her.


During this difficult period, Slava was always next to his beloved, supported and helped to cope with all the difficulties. Victoria had to endure a lot: hospitals, courts, disability ...

" Expensive. Yes, I am a disabled person of the 2nd group. Yes, my life turned upside down in 2009. Yes, it was very difficult for me to pull myself out into the white light. Yes, doctors said that it would get easier with time, but such a miracle did not happen. I waited, did all kinds of manipulations to relieve the pain, but miracles do not happen, so the first 5 years were spent on realizing what happened to me. In my 6th year, I decided that I had to learn to live with pain. The 7th year I studied and already only the 8th year I learned. I decided that the pain would not go anywhere, would not leave, would not slam the door, which means that it should become a part of me. I learned to live with the remnants of health, and with pain. It happens so twisted that the nail plates “crack at the seams”. But you know, I’m a great fellow - I myself, without lawyers, proved that the restaurant is guilty (however, the courts are still ongoing). I proved in court that a double wrong diagnosis was made in hospital No. 79, precious time of almost 3 days was lost, and because of this I almost “did not give my soul to God”, but I forgave them, did not punish the doctors, so to say, she curtsied, “in one hospital they cripple, in another they treat” (in Sklifa they pulled me out, I survived) in short, I won 3 most difficult trials, ”Victoria frankly said.
