And in reading the use is small. Griboyedov: Woe from Wit

Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov - manager in a government place
Sophia - his daughter Lizanka - maid
Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin - Famusov's secretary, lives in his house
Alexander Andreevich Chatsky
Sergei Sergeevich Skalozub - Colonel
Gorichi - Natalya Dmitrievna and Platon Mikhailovich, her husband

Prince Tugoukhovsky

Princess, his wife, with 6 daughters

Hryumins - Grandmother Countess and Granddaughter Countess

Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky

Old woman Khlestova - Famusov's sister-in-law
Parsley and some talking servants

The action takes place in Moscow, in Famusov's house.

Action 1

Yavl. 1

Morning, living room. Lisa wakes up in a chair. Sophia did not let her sleep the day before, because she was waiting for Molchalin, and Lisa had to make sure that they were not caught together. Sophia asks what time it is, and in order to convince her that it's time for the lovers to leave, Lisa moves the clock. The clock strikes and plays.

Yavl. 2

Famusov appears. He flirts with Lisa. Lisa is trying to reason with him, saying that Sophia can come in, who fell asleep only in the morning, and “read the whole night” in French. Famusov: “And reading is not great: she can’t sleep from French books, but it hurts me to sleep from Russians.” Sophia calls Lisa, and Famusov tiptoes out of the room. Lisa (alone): "Bypass us more than all sorrows and master's anger, and master's love."

Yavl. 3

Lisa reproaches Sofya and Molchalin for being late. Sophia: "Happy hours are not observed." Leaving, Molchalin faces Famusov at the door.

Yavl. 4

Famusov is surprised and advises Molchalin "to choose a nook for walking further away." Shame on Sophia for her inappropriate behavior for a young girl. “And all the Kuznetsky Most and the eternal French, from there fashion to us, and authors, and muses: destroyers of pockets and hearts!” (during the time of Griboyedov, there were many shops on the Kuznetsk bridge owned by French merchants - ed.). Famusov says that after the death of Sophia’s mother, all the worries about raising his daughter fell on his shoulders and he tried very hard: “We don’t need a different model, when the father’s example is in the eyes ... Free, widows, I am my own master ... Known for monastic behavior! » Expresses dissatisfaction with modern customs ("A terrible age"), teachers who teach girls only "dances and singing, and tenderness, and sighs." He reproaches Molchalin, whom he did good. Sophia intercedes: "Walked into the room, got into another." She tries to calm her father and tells a dream that she was gathering grass in a meadow, and “a nice person appeared”, “both insinuating and smart, but timid ... You know who was born in poverty.” Famusov: “Ah, mother, do not complete the blow! Who is poor, he is not a couple for you. Sophia continues to tell the dream - they ended up in a dark room, “the floor opened up” - from there Famusov, he drags Sophia with him, and monsters torment the “dear man”, who for Sophia is “more precious than all treasures”. Famusov sends his daughter to sleep, and Molchalin offers to deal with papers. "I'm afraid, sir, I'm deadly alone, so that a lot of them do not accumulate ... My custom is this: signed, so off my shoulders."

Yavl. 5

Sophia and Lisa together. Liza: “There will be no such use in love ... Your father is like this: he would like a son-in-law with stars and ranks ... For example, Colonel Skalozub: and a golden bag, and aims for generals.” Sophia: "I don't care what for him, what's in the water." Lisa recalls Chatsky, with whom Sophia was brought up together. He left about three years ago, shedding tears, because he had a presentiment that Sophia's attitude towards him would change. Lisa: "Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp, like Alexander Andreyich Chatsky?" Ho Sophia objects: “The desire to travel attacked him, oh, if someone loves whom, why look for the mind and travel so far?” Molchalin, according to Sophia, on the contrary, is “the enemy of insolence”, behaves very modestly. Lisa inappropriately recalls the story of Aunt Sophia, from whom a young French lover ran away. Sofya (with chagrin): "They will talk about me the same way later."

Yavl. 6

A servant enters and reports on the arrival of Chatsky.

Yavl. 7

Chatsky appears. He passionately assures Sophia that he rode seven hundred miles without rest to see her, but it seems in vain: she is cold. Sophia assures Chatsky that she is glad for him. Chatsky: “Let's assume that it is. Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world. He compliments Sophia: “At seventeen, you blossomed charmingly.” He asks if Sophia is in love. Ta is embarrassed. Chatsky assures that nothing else interests him: “What new will Moscow show me?” Sophia: “The persecution of Moscow. What does it mean to see the light! Where is it better? Chatsky: "Where we are not." Chatsky asks about mutual acquaintances, whose life during his absence probably has not changed at all. “You will get tired of living with them, and in whom can you not find spots? When you wander, you return home, and the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us! Speaking about education, Chatsky notes that in Russia “They are busy recruiting regiments of teachers, more in number, at cheaper prices,” and “from an early age we got used to believing that there is no salvation for us without the Germans”; Chatsky says that at receptions, in order to demonstrate their education, the nobility is explained in "a mixture of languages: French with Nizhny Novgorod." Recalls the "wordless" Molchalin. Sophia (aside): "Not a man, a snake!" He asks Chatsky if he can talk about anyone without bile. Chatsky: "I love you without memory."

Yavl. 8

Sofya informs Famusov, who has appeared, that the dream she saw turned out to be "in her hand", and leaves.

Yavl. 9

Chatsky talks with Famusov about Sophia. Famusov also asks to tell about the journey. Chatsky: "I wanted to travel around the whole world and did not travel around a hundredth."

Yavl. 10

Famusov alone. He wonders which of the two - Molchalin or Chatsky - is the chosen one of Sophia's heart: “What kind of commission, creator, to be adult daughter father!"

Action 2

Yavl. 1

Famusov dictates to Petrushka a list of his tasks for the week ahead: Tuesday - lunch (“Eat three hours, and in three days it won’t be cooked”), on Thursday - burial (“The deceased was a respectable chamberlain, with a key, and he knew how to deliver the key to his son; rich, and was married to a rich woman; married children, grandchildren; died; everyone sadly remembers him, Kuzma Petrovich! Peace be upon him! - What kind of aces live and die in Moscow! ”, Friday or Saturday - the baptism of an unborn child.

Yavl. 2

Chatsky appears, asks Famusov about Sophia. Famusov wonders if Chatsky has thought of marrying his daughter, because you need to ask him first, and he would advise Chatsky: “do not be blissful, brother, don’t manage bluntly, but, most importantly, go and serve.” Chatsky: “I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve.” Famusov delivers a monologue about his uncle Maxim Petrovich, who made a successful career, pleasing his superiors and fawning at court. Maxim Petrovich served under Catherine and, when it was necessary to "serve", Maxim Petrovich "bent into an inflection". One day, the old man slipped and fell during a reception at the palace, which caused the empress to smile and approve. Then Maksim Petrovich fell a second time, already on purpose, then a third time. All the courtiers laughed. "A? What do you think? In our opinion, smart. He fell painfully, got up great. But, it happened, who is more often invited to whist? Who hears a friendly word at court? Maxim Petrovich! Who knew respect before everyone? Maxim Petrovich! Joke! Who gives ranks and gives pensions? Maxim Petrovich! Chatsky: “The legend is fresh, but hard to believe”, “he was famous for whose neck bent more often”, “now laughter frightens and keeps shame in check”, “the age of humility and fear was direct, all under the guise of zeal to the king. Famusov is frightened by Chatsky’s speeches, and in an undertone he notes: “ A dangerous person"," What does he say! And he speaks as he writes!”, “He wants to preach liberty”, “Yes, he does not recognize the authorities!”

Yavl. 3

Skalozub comes to visit Famusov. Famusov is very happy. He believes that the colonel “is a solid person, and he picked up a lot of insignia; beyond his years and an enviable rank, not today or tomorrow a general. However, he adds that he is in no hurry to marry Sophia.

Yavl. 4

By the courtesy with which Famusov hurried to meet Skalozub, Chatsky suspected that Famusov would still be glad to marry his daughter to a colonel.

Yavl. 5

Famusov fusses around Skalozub. Skalozub: "I'm ashamed as an honest officer" (Puller's speech is rude and primitive). Famusov tries to talk to Skalozub about relatives, as well as Skalozub's brother, a hero. Ho Skalozub replies that he is not interested in his relatives, because he did not serve with them, and his brother changed for the worse (“he got some new rules firmly. The rank followed him: he suddenly left the service, began to read books in the village”). Otherwise, Skalozub can only talk about the service. Famusov hints that Skalozub's career is developing very well and "it's time to start talking about the general's wife." Puffer is not averse to getting married. Famusov talks about society: “Here, for example, it’s been said from time immemorial that it’s honor to the father and son: be poor, but if there are two thousand family souls, that’s the groom”, “The door is unlocked for the invited and uninvited, especially from foreign; though fair man at least not." Famusov notes that the current old men constantly find fault with “this, that, and more often nothing, they will argue, make noise and ... disperse”, ladies “judge everything, everywhere, there are no judges over them”, girls “A word in simplicity is not they will say, all with a grimace; French romances are sung to you and the upper ones bring out notes, they cling to military people. But because the patriots”, “At home and everything new way". Chatsky argues with Famusov ("Houses are new, but prejudices are old").

Chatsky delivers a monologue:

And who are the judges? - For the antiquity of years
TO free life their enmity is irreconcilable,
Judgments draw from forgotten newspapers
The times of the Ochakovskys and the conquest of the Crimea;
Always ready to churn
They all sing the same song
Not noticing about yourself:
What is older is worse.
Where, show us, fathers of the fatherland,
Which should we take as samples?
Are these rich in robbery?
They found protection from court in friends, in kinship,

Magnificent building chambers,
Where they overflow in feasts and extravagance,
And where foreign clients will not resurrect

The meanest traits of the past life.
Yes, and who in Moscow did not clamp their mouths
Lunches, dinners and dances?
Is it the one you are to whom I am still from the veil,
For some incomprehensible intentions,
Were the children taken to pay respects?
That Nestor of noble villains,
Crowd surrounded by servants;
Zealous, they are in the hours of wine and fight

And honor and life saved him more than once: suddenly
He traded three greyhounds for them!
Or the one over there, which is for pranks
He drove to the fortress ballet on many wagons
From mothers, fathers of rejected children?!
He himself is immersed in mind in Zephyrs and Cupids,

Made all of Moscow marvel at their beauty!
Ho debtors did not agree to the postponement:
Cupids and Zephyrs are all SOLD OUT!!!
Here are those who lived to gray hair!
That's who we should respect in the wilderness!
Here are our strict connoisseurs and judges!
Now let one of us
Of the young people, there is an enemy of quests,
Not demanding either places or promotions,
In the sciences, he will stick the mind, hungry for knowledge;
Or in his soul God himself will excite the heat
To creative arts, lofty and beautiful, -

They are the hour: robbery! fire!
And they will be known as a dreamer! dangerous! -

Uniform! one uniform! he is in their former life
Once sheltered, embroidered and beautiful,
Their weak-heartedness, reason poverty;
And we follow them on a happy journey!
And in wives, daughters - the same passion for the uniform!
Have I renounced tenderness to him for a long time?!

Now I can’t fall into this childishness;
Ho who wouldn't follow everyone then?
When from the guard others from the court
They came here for a while, -
The women shouted hurrah!
And they threw caps into the air!

Yavl. 6

Skalozub heard from Chatsky's passionate monologue only what was related to the military, but did not understand the meaning.

Yavl. 7

Sophia and Lisa enter. Sophia sees through the window how Molchalin fell off his horse, and faints. Skalozub calls Molchalin a "miserable rider".

Yavl. 8

Lisa and Chatsky bring Sophia to her senses. Ta is concerned about the state of Molchalin and does not pay attention to Chatsky. He guesses that Sophia is in love with Molchalin.

Yavl. 9

Skalozub and Molchalin appear. The last one is unharmed. Based on Sofia's reaction, Chatsky realizes that his guesses are correct and leaves.

Yavl. 10

Sophia invites Skalozub to the ball in the evening, and he takes his leave.

Yavl. eleven

Sophia asks Molchalin about his health. Molchalin reproaches her for being too frank with strangers. Sophia says that she is not interested in someone else's opinion. Molchalin: "Ah! evil tongues are worse than a gun." Lisa advises Sophia to play nice with Skalozub and Chatsky to divert her eyes. Sophia leaves.

Yavl. 12

Molchalin flirts with Lisa, assures that he loves Sophia only "by position", promises Lisa gifts, invites her to her place.

Yavl. 13

Sophia tells Lisa to tell Molchalin to come and visit her.

Yavl. 14

Lisa (alone): "She to him, and he to me."

Action 3

Yavl. 1

Chatsky decides to get recognition from Sophia and find out who she is still in love with - Molchalin, "the most miserable creature," or her chosen one, Skalozub, "a hoarse, strangled man, bassoon, a constellation of maneuvers and mazurkas." Sofya replies that she does not like Chatsky, because he is “ready to pour out everyone with biliousness.” Chatsky decides to pretend, to say what Sophia expects to hear from him, Chatsky admits that he was wrong about Molchalin, but expresses doubt “does he have that passion, that feeling? Is that ardor? So that, besides you, the whole world seemed to him as dust and vanity? Sofya assures that Chatsky would have liked Molchalin if they had come closer - “he acquired the friendship of everyone in the house”, disarming even Famusov with humility and silence. Chatsky concludes that Sofya does not respect Molchalin and asks what she thinks of Skalozub. Sophia waves it off: "Not my novel."

Yavl. 2

Sofya goes "to the prikhmakher" and does not let Chatsky into her room.

Yavl. 3

Chatsky: “Is Molchalin chosen by her! Why not a husband? There is only little mind in him; but to have children, who lacked intelligence? Molchalin appears. In a frank conversation with Chatsky, Molchalin claims that he has two talents - "moderation and accuracy", retells the gossip about Chatsky of a certain Tatyana Yuryevna, recalls Foma Fomich, who "was the head of the department under three ministers." Chatsky believes that Foma Fomich is "the most empty person, one of the most stupid." He asks what Molchalin himself thinks about the writings of Foma Fomich. Molchalin evades the answer: "At my age, one should not dare to have one's own judgment" and asserts that "it is necessary to depend on others."

Yavl. 4

The guests come to the ball at Famusov's house.

Yavl. 5

Chatsky meets with Natalya Dmitrievna, who wants to introduce him to her husband, Platon Mikhailovich, a retired military man.

Yavl. 6

Plafon Mikhailovich turns out to be Chatsky's old friend. A “happy” marriage has changed his lively character, he does not do anything new, he spends all his time in Moscow, his wife keeps him under his heel. Platon Mikhailovich: “Now, brother, I’m not the same,” as I was at the time of my acquaintance with Chatsky - “only morning - foot in the stirrup.”

Yavl. 7

Prince and Princess Tugoukhovsky enters with six daughters, the Princess, having learned from Natalya Dmitrievna that Chatsky is "retired and single", sends her husband to invite him to visit, but then finding out that he is not rich, she withdraws her invitation.

Yavl. 8

The Countess Grandmother and the Countess Granddaughter enter, "evil, in girls for a century." In a conversation with Chatsky, she disapproves of men who married foreign women of humble origin. Chatsky is surprised that he has to hear such reproaches from the lips of girls who are trying their best to imitate these foreigners.

Yavl. 9

Lots of guests. The obliging Zagoretsky gives Sofya a ticket for tomorrow's performance, which, according to him, he got with the greatest difficulty. Platon Mikhailovich recommends Zagoretsky to Chatsky: “A notorious swindler, a rogue: Anton Antonych Zagoretsky. Beware with him, endure much, and don’t sit down at cards: he will sell. Zagoretsky, however, is not at all embarrassed by such a recommendation.

Yavl. 10

Khlestova arrives with an Arab girl, whom Zagoretsky, the “master of service,” gave her at one time, whom, however, Khlestova herself considers “a liar, a gambler and a thief.”

Yavl. eleven

Famusov enters, who is waiting for Skalozub.

Yavl. 12

Skalozub and Molchalin appear. Khlestova does not like Skalozub's uncouth campaigner, but she is delighted with Molchalin's timely helpfulness.

Yavl. 13

In a conversation with Sofia, Chatsky notes how skillfully Molchalin smooths out tense situations - “Molchalin! - Who else will settle everything so peacefully! There he will stroke the pug in time, then he will wipe the card just right! Chatsky leaves.

Yavl. 14

In a conversation with G. N. Sofya drops, as if it seems to her that Chatsky has gone crazy.

Yavl. 15

G. N. conveys this news to G. D.

Yavl. 16

G. D. informs Zagoretsky that Chatsky is out of his mind.

Yavl. 17 and 18

Zagoretsky conveys the story with new details to the Countess-granddaughter.

Yavl. 19

Zagoretsky retells the news to the half-deaf Countess-grandmother. Ta decides that Chatsky is a criminal.

Yavl. 20

The countess-grandmother conveys the news to the deaf Tugoukhovsky - Chatsky is being taken into the soldiers.

Yavl. 21

All the guests are discussing Chatsky's madness. Everyone remembers that Chatsky's speeches seemed crazy to them before. Famusov: “Learning is the plague, learning is the reason that now more than ever, crazy divorced people, and deeds, and opinions”, “If you stop the evil: take away all the books and burn them.” He believes only Platon Mikhailovich.

Yavl. 22

Chatsky appears. In a conversation with Sophia, he describes the scene in the next room. The "Frenchman from Bordeaux", a complete nonentity, came to "barbarian" Russia and found that he was here at home - "Not a sound of a Russian, not a Russian face", and "feels like a little king here." Chatsky adds: “Ah! If we were born to adopt everything, at least from the Chinese we could borrow a little from their wise ignorance of foreigners. Will we ever be resurrected from the foreign power of fashion? So that our smart, peppy people, although by language, do not consider us Germans.

Action 4

Yavl. 1

Departure of guests. The Countess-granddaughter is dissatisfied with those invited - "Some freaks from the other world, and there is no one to talk to, and with whom to dance."

Yavl. 2

Platon Mikhailovich and Natalya Dmitrievna are leaving. Platon Mikhailovich hates balls and rides them only to please his wife. Platon Mikhailovich: “A ball is a good thing, captivity is bitter; and who will not marry us!”

Yavl. 3

The footman cannot find Chatsky's carriage in any way. Chatsky is very disappointed with the evening spent.

Yavl. 4

Repetilov comes running. Exaggeratedly rejoices at the meeting with Chatsky. He loudly repents that he used to live unrighteously, which irritates Chatsky very much. Repetilov had just come from the English Club, where he knew "the smartest people," calling Chatsky to go with him, saying that this was "a matter of state," but "you see, it hasn't matured." Repetilov informs Chatsky “in confidence” about “society and secret meetings on Thursdays. The most secret union ... "Chatsky tries to get rid of, going home, says that he is not interested in the club -" are you making noise? But only?" Repetilov talks about "the smartest people" - Prince Grigory, who imitates the British in everything, the writer Udushyev, who puts "an excerpt, a look and something" in magazines, and other members of the club about whom "you don't know what to say." Repetilov reports about himself: “God did not reward me with abilities, he gave me a good heart, that's why I am nice to people. I'll lie - forgive me.

Chatsky frankly tells Sofya that her love for Molchalin was inexpensive. Chatsky: “People with a soul are a persecutor, a scourge! Silencers are blissful in the world.

Yavl. 14

Famusov appears with servants, sees Sophia and Chatsky alone and decides that they have a secret date. He decides to send the shameless daughter "to the village, to my aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov." Chatsky forbids appearing in his house. Chatsky says that he was cruelly deceived in Sophia, wasted tender words in vain, advises her to make peace with Molchalin, who will make an excellent "husband-boy, husband-servant." Famusova assures that she is not going to marry them. Chatsky:

Everyone is racing! everyone curse! crowd of tormentors,
In the love of traitors, in the enmity of the tireless,

Indomitable storytellers,
Clumsy wise men, crafty simpletons,
Sinister old women, old men,
decrepit over fiction, nonsense, -

Insane you glorified me with all the chorus.
You are right: he will come out of the fire unharmed,
Who will have time to spend the day with you,
Breathe the air alone
And his mind will survive.
Get out of Moscow! I don't come here anymore.
I'm running, I won't look back, I'll go looking around the world,
Where there is a corner for the offended feeling! ..
Carriage for me, carriage!

Yavl. 15

After the departure of Chatsky, Famusov worries only about public opinion: "Ah! My God! What will Princess Marya Aleksevna say!



List of sources


For Russian society 18-19 centuries. with its characteristic accelerated pace of development, reading has become the most important stimulus and at the same time a means of mastering European and world spiritual culture. In this regard, the period of formation and development of the Russian classical novel was no exception.

Reading, as the most important element of culture and everyday life, naturally found its natural reflection in literature. The attitude to the book, the circle of reading, and finally, the process of reading itself - all this changed in accordance with the prevailing aesthetic ideas. The theme of reading itself was interpreted differently in the literature.

For the classical novel, this phenomenon was not an innovation - even in the works of the 18th century, we observe the emergence of a new type of hero - a hero in whose life and fate reading plays a significant, and sometimes even decisive role. The "bookish" nature of such a hero essentially reflected the most important processes that took place in the life of Russian society in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Thus, Russian writers and poets, introducing the “reading hero” into literature, not only used the experience of Western European authors, but, above all, turned to the domestic reality itself.

The purpose of this work is to determine the reading circle of the heroes of the works of Russian classics. Achieving the goal is possible when performing the following tasks: to conduct a general review of the works of Russian classical literature to identify the reader's preferences of their characters; to analyze in detail the works "Fathers and Sons" by Turgenev and "Eugene Onegin" by Pushkin, which most reflect the given theme.

1. What and how did the heroes of Russian classics read? Review of works and their heroes

The book is a source of knowledge - this common belief is familiar, perhaps, to everyone. Since ancient times, educated people who understood books were respected and revered. In the information about Metropolitan Hilarion, who has made an enormous contribution to the development of Russian spiritual and political thought with his treatise The Sermon on Law and Grace, which has survived and has come down to the present time, it is noted: “Larion is a good man, fasting and bookish.” It is "knizhen" - the most accurate and most capacious word, which, probably, in the best way characterizes all the advantages and advantages of an educated person over the rest. It is the book that opens the difficult and thorny path from the Cave of Ignorance, symbolically depicted by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his work "The State", to Wisdom. All the great Heroes and Villains of mankind scooped thick and fragrant jelly of knowledge from books. The book contributes to the answer to any question, if, of course, there is an answer to it at all. The book allows you to do the impossible, if only it is possible.

Undoubtedly, many writers and poets of the "golden age", characterizing their heroes, mentioned certain literary works, the names and surnames of great authors, who were either raved about, or admired, or who were lazily revered from time to time by artistic characters. Depending on certain characteristics and qualities of the hero, his book addictions, his attitude to the process of reading and education in general were also covered. Going a little beyond the time frame of the given topic, the author considers it appropriate to make a short digression into history in order to understand, using some examples of earlier literature, what and how the heroes of Russian classics read.

For example, take the comedy D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth", in which the author ridiculed the narrow-mindedness of the class of landowners, the unpretentiousness of his life attitudes and ideals. central theme The work was formulated by its main character, directly immature Mitrofan Prostakov: "I don't want to study, I want to get married!" And while Mitrofan painfully and unsuccessfully tries, at the insistence of the teacher Tsyfirkin, to divide 300 rubles into three, his chosen one Sophia is engaged in self-education through reading:

Sophia: I was waiting for you, uncle. I have now read a book.

Starodum: What?

Sophia: French, Fenelon, about the education of girls.

Starodum: Fenelon? The author of Telemachus? Good. I don’t know your book, but read it, read it. Whoever wrote Telemachus will not corrupt morals with his pen. I fear for you the present sages. I happened to read from them everything that was translated into Russian. True, they strongly eradicate prejudices and uproot virtue.

The attitude to reading and books can be traced throughout the comedy "Woe from Wit" by A.S. Griboyedov. "The most famous Muscovite of all Russian literature," Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, is quite critical in his assessments. Upon learning that his daughter Sophia "everything is in French, aloud, reading locked up," he says:

Tell me that it's not good for her eyes to spoil,

And in reading the prok is small:

She has no sleep from French books,

And it hurts me to sleep from the Russians.

And he considers the cause of Chatsky's madness to be exclusively teaching and books:

If evil is to be stopped:

Take away all the books and burn them!

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky himself reads only progressive Western literature and categorically denies authors respected in Moscow society:

I'm not stupid,

And more exemplary.

Let's move on to later works of literature. In the "encyclopedia of Russian life" - the novel "Eugene Onegin" - A.S. Pushkin, characterizing his heroes as they get to know the reader, pays special attention to their literary preferences. The protagonist was "cut in the latest fashion, dressed like a dandy in London", "he could speak and write in French", that is, he received a brilliant education by European standards:

He knew enough Latin

To parse epigrams,

Talk about Juvenal

Put vale at the end of the letter

Yes, I remember, though not without sin,

Two verses from the Aeneid.

Branil Homer, Theocritus;

But read Adam Smith

And there was a deep economy.

Onegin's village neighbor, the young landowner Vladimir Lensky, "with a soul like that of Gottingen," brought back the "fruits of learning" from Germany, where he was brought up on the works of German philosophers. Particularly concerned about the mind young man reflections on Duty and Justice, as well as the theory of the Categorical Imperative by Immanuel Kant.

Pushkin's favorite heroine, "dear Tatyana", was brought up in the spirit characteristic of her time and in accordance with her own romantic nature:

She liked novels early on;

They replaced everything for her;

She fell in love with deceptions

Both Richardson and Rousseau.

Her father was a good fellow

Belated in the last century;

But he saw no harm in books;

He never reads

They were considered an empty toy

And didn't care about

What is my daughter's secret volume

Slept until morning under the pillow.

His wife was herself

Mad about Richardson.

N.V. Gogol in a poem Dead Souls", when we get to know the main character, does not say anything about his literary preferences. Apparently, collegiate adviser Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov did not have those at all, because he was "not handsome, but not bad-looking, not too fat, not too thin ; one cannot say that he is old, but not so that he is too young ": a gentleman of an average hand. However, about the first to whom he went for dead souls Chichikov, the landowner Manilov, knows that "in his office there was always some kind of book, bookmarked on the fourteenth page, which he had been constantly reading for two years."

The triumph and death of "Oblomovism" as a limited and cozy world of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, against the backdrop of whose metamorphosis it beats with an irrepressible key active life Andrei Stolz, covered in his novel I.A. Goncharov. Undoubtedly, the difference in the reassessment of the values ​​of the two heroes casts its shadow on their attitude to reading and books. Stolz, with his characteristic German perseverance, showed a special desire to read and study as early as childhood: “From the age of eight, he sat with his father at a geographical map, disassembled Herder, Wieland, Bible verses into warehouses and summed up the illiterate accounts of peasants, philistines and factory workers, and I read Sacred History with my mother, taught Krylov's fables and dismantled Telemaka according to the warehouses.

Once Andrei disappeared for a week, then he was found sleeping peacefully in his bed. Under the bed - someone's gun and a pound of gunpowder and shot. When asked where he got it, he replied: "So!" The father asks his son if he has a German translation of Cornelius Nepos ready. Learning that he wasn’t, his father dragged him by the collar into the yard, kicked him and said: “Go, where you came from. And come again with a translation, instead of one or two chapters, and mother learn the role from the French comedy that she asked: without this don't show up!" Andrei returned a week later with a translation and a learned role.

The process of reading Oblomov as the main character I.A. Goncharov gives a special place in the novel:

What did he do at home? Read? Did you write? Studied?

Yes: if a book, a newspaper, falls under his hands, he will read it.

Hears about some wonderful work - he will have an urge to get to know him; he is looking for, asking for books, and if they bring it soon, he will take it, he begins to form an idea about the subject; another step and he would have mastered him, and look, he was already lying, looking apathetically at the ceiling, and the book lay beside him unread, misunderstood.

If he somehow managed to get through a book called statistics, history, political economy, he was completely satisfied. When Stoltz brought him books that needed to be read beyond what he had learned, Oblomov looked at him for a long time in silence.

No matter how interesting the place where he stopped was, but if the hour of dinner or sleep caught him at this place, he put the book with the binding up and went to dinner or extinguished the candle and went to bed.

If they gave him the first volume, he did not ask for the second after reading it, but brought it - he slowly read it.

Ilyusha studied, like others, until the age of fifteen in a boarding school. "Of necessity, he sat straight in the classroom, listened to what the teachers said, because there was nothing else to do, and with difficulty, with sweat, with sighs, he learned the lessons given to him. Serious reading tired him." Oblomov does not perceive thinkers, only poets managed to stir up his soul. Books are given to him by Stoltz. "Both were worried, wept, gave each other solemn promises to follow a reasonable and bright path." But nevertheless, while reading, "no matter how interesting the place where he (Oblomov) stopped was, but if the hour of lunch or sleep caught him at this place, he put the book with the binding up and went to dinner or extinguished the candle and went to bed" . As a result, “his head represented a complex archive of dead deeds, faces, eras, figures, religions, unrelated political, economic, mathematical or other truths, tasks, positions, etc. It was like a library consisting of some scattered volumes in different areas of knowledge. It also happens that he is filled with contempt for human vice, for lies, for slander, for evil spilled in the world, and flares up with a desire to point out to a person his ulcers, and suddenly thoughts light up in him, walk and walk in his head, like waves in the sea. ", then they grow into intentions, ignite all the blood in him. But, you look, the morning will flash by, the day is already drawing to evening, and with it Oblomov's weary forces are tending to rest."

The apogee of the well-readness of the heroes of a literary work is, without a doubt, the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Pages simply abound with names, surnames, titles. Here there is Friedrich Schiller and Johann Wolfgang Goethe, whom Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov respects. Nikolai Petrovich instead of Pushkin "children" give "Stoff und Kraft" by Ludwig Buchner. Matvei Ilyich Kolyazin, "preparing to go to the evening to Mrs. Svechina, who then lived in St. Petersburg, read a page from Candillac in the morning." And Evdoxia Kuk-shina really shines with erudition and erudition in a conversation with Bazarov:

You, they say, began to praise George Sand again. Retarded woman, and nothing more! How is it possible to compare her with Emerson? She has no ideas about education, or physiology, or anything. She, I am sure, has never heard of embryology, but in our time - how do you want without it? Oh, what an amazing article Elisevich wrote about this.

Having reviewed the works and their characters in terms of the literary preferences of the latter, the author would like to dwell in more detail on the characters of Turgenev and Pushkin. They, as the most vivid exponents of literary predilections, will be discussed in the following parts of the work.

2. Literary preferences in the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

The mention of Pushkin's name at the beginning, then closer to the middle of the narrative performs a complex function in the text of Fathers and Sons. Pushkin is both the signifier and the signified in Turgenev's text.

His name sets the reader in a certain context in which the author wants to be perceived. This is a conventional act. The author, as it were, agrees with the reader about what common starting points they should have. On the other hand, the name of Pushkin forms a certain circle of reading. The heroes of the novel constantly read something, including Pushkin.

In addition to Pushkin ("Eugene Onegin", "Gypsies"), "French novels" are mentioned, Odintsova reads them, but coldly, falling asleep; Heine, read by Katya Odintsova; Father Bazarov reads a lot, his reading consists of educational and scientific literature 18th century; the protagonist's mother reads little, mention is made of "Alexis or Huts in the Forest" - a French sentimental and moralizing rum by Ducret-Duminil, written in 1788 and translated into Russian in 1794; Bazarov himself reads little, basically advises someone to read something, but in a dispute with Pavel Petrovich he demonstrates good erudition. The circle of his reading at first glance is opposed to the circle of reading "old people", but such a contrast is not entirely correct. The fact is that the line of demarcation in reader preferences is somewhat more complicated, it runs in two ways: "everyone and Bazarov", that is, useful, "practical" literature (for example, Buchner's "Stoff und Kraft") is opposed to the old, old times, where the name of Pushkin, and the names of old scientists quoted by Bazarov's father.

The second boundary does not lie so directly: the name of Pushkin becomes synonymous with high art, romantic, requiring great mental expenditure, therefore, the heroes, one way or another ready for a spiritual feat, are described positively in the author’s sphere, hence the strange conversation between Arkady and Katya, who says: " ... wait, we'll remake you yet." This "alteration" lies in the sphere of literature: Arkady notices that Katya "does not reproach him for the fact that he expresses himself beautifully," and Katya reflects on Hein, whom she loves, "when he is thoughtful and sad." "We will remake" should be understood as "we will change your literary inclinations", in the case of Arkady - "we will revive". In this second division, Bazarov is not so alone, here, with varying frequency, either Arkady gets here, when he affectionately advises reading Buchner instead of Pushkin (an incredibly witty and ironic episode), then Odintsova, falling asleep over "stupid novels", then Pavel Petrovich, who "does not was a romantic, and his smartly dry and passionate, French-style misanthropic soul could not dream ... ".

The motif of "literary expectations" is practically not realized in any way in "Fathers and Sons", perhaps only once very reduced and comically we are reminded of the futility of Bazarov's searches: "... So you will be covered with cold," Fenechka complained to Dunyasha, and she answered her sighed and thought of another "insensitive" person. Bazarov, without knowing it, became a cruel tyrant of her soul.

Literature is comparable in Turgenev's novel with the choice of worldview, in Eugene Onegin it performs a completely different function. But Pushkin's name is included in this circle, and therefore he is enriched with Onegin's allusions. According to reading habits, Turgenev's heroes learn a lot about each other, and the author also learns about the reader. Arkady at some point is likened to Tatyana, who exclaims in Onegin's library: "Isn't he a parody!" Arkady, in one of his disputes with Bazarov, once again protesting internally against what he says to him, is surprised: "Hey, ge!. - ... and then only for a moment did the whole bottomless abyss of Bazarov's pride open to him. - We, therefore, are the gods with you? that is, you are a god, but am I not an idiot?" Intonation is what brings these two surprises together, but not only: the principle of inversion continues to work here.

Onegin's allusions, like particles in a kaleidoscope, create in "Fathers and Sons" an almost limitless number of patterns-combinations. Here it seems an understandable, many times commented episode about Bazarov's understanding of Pushkin's poetry, but the word "slander" meets the word and we already have new meanings and new questions. The same element is the mention in "Fathers and Sons" of "beautiful legs".

In "Eugene Onegin" for the first time "legs" are mentioned in the stanza of the 30th first chapter. Nabokov, in his comments, calls this passage one of the marvels of the novel. He notes that "... the theme goes through five stanzas (from 30 to 35) and the last nostalgic echoes are: chapter One, stanza 49, where Pushkin mentions drawing female legs with a pen on the margins of his manuscripts; chapter Five, stanza 14, where Pushkin describes with loving tenderness how Tatyana's slipper gets bogged down in the snow in her dream; Chapter Five, stanza 40, where Pushkin, about to describe a provincial ball, recalls the digression in Chapter One, caused by an appeal to the St. Petersburg ball; Chapter Seven, stanza 50, where Pushkin narrows lyrical circle, referring to the play Terpsichore, from which it all began: the flights of Istomina ... ".

The theme of "beautiful legs" in "Fathers and Sons" does not belong to the author, but to ... Odintsova. It is she who argues what "still lovely legs" her sister has. This whole passage will become even more interesting if you see that Turgenev’s themes of “shoe” and “legs” are combined: “... They brought you shoes from the city, your old ones are completely worn out. In general, you don’t do it enough, but you still have such lovely legs And your hands are good ... only big; so you have to take them with your legs. But you are not my coquette ... " For a moment, the emerging juxtaposition with Tatyana (the slipper from her dream) is confirmed by another stroke, the mention of the theme of Odintsova's dream in a conversation with Bazarov following the previous episode. But Katya is not Tatyana, and the author does not think of comparing them, although the reader sometimes really wants to do this, because he seems to have no other novel expectations, except for the one set at the very beginning. "Lovely legs," she thought, slowly and easily ascending the stone steps of the terrace, heated by the sun, "pretty legs, you say ... Well, they will have him." I recall Pushkin's "Eugene fell at her feet ... / And now! - what brought you to my feet ... ". Allusions remain outside the narrative, but within the reader's expectations. In this Onegin intonation, Turgenev changes Onegin: he follows the intentions of the Author of the 3rd chapter, stanza 14, where he draws the reader a possible development of the novel, however, which turned out to be false, which emphasizes "the contradiction between the literary idyll and the true life tragedy."

Turgenev writes "a novel on old fret"for Arkady and Katya, and truly tragic - for Bazarov; these two topics will be realized in the mind of the reader, brought up on the Onegin tradition. Bazarov's line, however, will always develop tangentially to Onegin, in motion towards - and always bypassing him .... Bazarov's tragedy is Turgenev's novel, which, perhaps, would not have taken place without reflections on the "fate" of Onegin, but which does not leave Bazarov "at a moment that is bad for him", alone with himself and fate, but "kills" its ridiculous and "meaningless"...

3. Reading circle of Pushkin's heroes

The study of the reading circle of characters that came out from the pen of a genius solves several problems. Firstly, the colossal breadth of the masterpieces of foreign and Russian authors used by Pushkin is another proof of the poet's highest culture, his exceptional erudition. Secondly, according to the preferences of the heroes of the works, the literary views and assessments, likes and dislikes of their creator are judged. And, finally, a person's reading interests are a kind of indicator, a criterion of a person's culture. For Alexander Sergeevich, the reading circle is the most important way to reveal the character artistic character. It is from this point of view that we will try to explore the circle of reading Pushkin's characters.

Some call such a phenomenon as the mention by one author of other writers in his work "literary art". It's a delusion! If we talk about the writers of the past, then "disrespect for the ancestors is the first sign of savagery and immorality" (excerpt "Guests gathered at the dacha."). As for contemporaries, ignoring their names in the works indicates the absence of a sense of "guild unity".

Pushkin showed that in the first half of the 19th century in Russia not only literature of world significance was created, but also a noticeable layer of the reading public was formed. In the 1930s, there were more than 100 bookstores. According to Pushkin, the nobles of the late 18th century, as a rule, did not read books and at best leafed through some newspaper, but in the "high society" and among the district nobility of the first half of the 19th century, reading became a mass phenomenon. Readers' interests become important characteristic personality.

Let's move on to Pushkin's texts. Let's start with an unfinished draft of "A Novel in Letters". After returning from the Caucasus, Pushkin actively participates in the literary life of the capital. In the autumn of 1829, the “Pushkin group” united, the members of which were the brilliant writers of that time: Zhukovsky, Vyazemsky, Pletnev, Baratynsky, Delvig. This circle produced the famous Literary Gazette. Echoes of the literary struggle of that time we meet in the "Novel in Letters".

Although this work was not finished, we will take the liberty of saying that it is there that the most interesting female image of all written by Pushkin. Proud and independent Liza, who lived with Avdotya Andreevna, the wife of a friend of her late father, could not come to terms with her position as a "pupil" in a strange house. She leaves Petersburg for the village to her grandmother.

Liza's letters to her friend Sasha in St. Petersburg perfectly reveal the character of this wonderful Russian girl. She is distinguished by her broad education, erudition, independence in judgments about light and literature, and poetry. In Liza, you can see some features of Tatyana ("Eugene Onegin"), but unlike Tatyana, Lisa lived in the capital and was more cultured than the heroine of "Onegin". Her judgments about literature are distinguished by maturity and, of course, reflect the predilections of Pushkin himself.

In the village, Liza meets a landowner's family, reminiscent of the Larins. The daughter of this landowner, a girl of about seventeen, was brought up "on novels and clean air." Liza found in their house a whole cupboard of old books, and above all novels by S. Richardson.

Let's remember Onegin. Tatyana "fell in love with the deceptions of both Richadson and Rousseau." "Crazy" from Richardson was the landowner Larina herself.

"She loved Richardson

Not because I read

Not because Grandison

She preferred Lovlace."

It's just that the Moscow princess Alina, Larina's cousin, often talked about these novels.

Samuel Richardson (1689-1761) - English writer, author of sensational novels in letters - "Pamela", "Clarissa", "The Story of Sir Charles Grandison". Richardson's novels are didactic, full of moral sermons and unbearably boring.Ch. Dickens believed that if the reader is interested in their plot, he will hang himself from impatience, without having read to the denouement. All these novels were translated into Russian and published in Russia.

Lisa's judgment of Richardson is quite remarkable. "It's boring, there is no urine," - this is her sentence. Richardson, in her opinion, sings of the ideals of grandmothers, not granddaughters. The difference in ideals is manifested not in women, but in men. Comparing Clarissa's seducer, the frivolous dandy Lovlas (his name has become a household name) with the protagonist of the novel French writer B. Constant "Adolf" (1816), Lisa does not find anything in common with them.

Pushkin appreciated Constant's novel, in which

"the century was reflected

And modern man

Depicted quite right

With his immoral soul

Selfish and dry

A dream betrayed immeasurably,

With his embittered mind,

Boiling in action empty."

This difference was able to catch and Lisa. As for women, they, in her opinion, have hardly changed compared to Clarissa, because the characters of women are not based on fashion and momentary opinions, like men, but on "feeling and nature that are eternal." IN late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, the idea of ​​the unchanging, "eternally feminine" will become one of the main ideas in the work of symbolist poets V. Solovyov, A. Blok, A. Bely and others. However, Pushkin's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eternally feminine principle is devoid of any mysticism.

Speaking about the impression of the novels of the 70s of the 18th century in 1829, Lisa remarks: “It seems as if we suddenly enter from our living room into an old hall upholstered with damask, sit down in satin downy chairs, see strange dresses around us, however familiar faces, and we recognize them as our uncles and grandmothers, but rejuvenated." In Russian literature of the first half of the 19th century, we are unlikely to find another girl capable of such deep assessments. Lisa writes about the extraordinary popularity of Russians literary magazines in the provinces: "Now I understand why Vyazemsky and Pushkin love the county ladies so much. They are their true audience." A magnificent example of Pushkin's self-irony! At the same time, Lisa considers the "flatness and servility" of the criticism of Vestnik Evropy to be disgusting. Probably, they are referring to the articles by Nadezhdin and Polevoy directed against Pushkin and his circle.

Lisa - indeed new type Russian educated girl. There were, of course, few of them. Pushkin was ahead of his time here too. Liza in "A novel in letters" is confronted by Sashenka - a typical secular young lady. Her favorite poet is Lamartine, whose "Poetic Meditations" were a huge success in the salons. Sashenka is engulfed social life, balls, gossip. She couldn't even read Walter Scott, finding him boring.

Lisa's admirer Vladimir is concerned about the decline of the Russian nobility. He compares the petty nobility with the Prostakovs and Skotinins. Vladimir also knows modern Russian literature, quoting Griboedov's "Woe from Wit".

Even a brief acquaintance with this unfinished work shows how important the book was for characterizing the heroes in Pushkin's work! Tell me what you read and I'll tell you who you are!

The young master Count Nulin returned to Russia from foreign lands "with a supply of tailcoats and vests, hats, fans, raincoats, corsets, pins, cufflinks, lorgnettes." This empty dandy and wast, a child of the "whirlwind of fashion", carries with him Guizot's books, Beranger's poems, a new novel by Walter Scott. Already such a motley circle of various, but fashionable in the West, authors testifies to the extra-cultural, as we would say today, attitude of the dandy to the book. She is for Nulin the same sign of fashion as a lorgnette or a fan. Let's pay attention to how the graph reads:

"Lying in bed, Walter Scott

He runs through his eyes." (Italics mine. - L.K.)

The landowner Natalya Pavlovna, brought up in a noble boarding school, reads the 4th volume of the sentimental novel "The Love of Eliza and Armand, or the Correspondence of Two Families." This:

"A novel of classical, ancient,

Perfectly long, long, long,

Instructive and ceremonious,

No romance."

Pushkin emphasizes the ironic attitude to this novel with old turns of speech ("oh" instead of "th"). The manner of reading Natalya Pavlovna differs little from the manner of the count. She was soon distracted by "a fight that arose between a goat and a yard dog, and quietly took care of it."

Onegin, who fell out of love with reading, made an exception for Byron's books and two or three more novels. Looking through these books, Tatyana drew attention to the notes made by Onegin "that short word, now with a cross, now with an interrogative hook." Thanks to these notes, the real (and not invented) Onegin began to open up to her - "a Muscovite in Harold's cloak", a parody of Byron's heroes.

After returning from a trip, the enamored Onegin began to read "indiscriminately." Pushkin lists the names of writers and philosophers who are completely different in their creative aspirations (Gibbon, Rousseau, Manzoni, Herder, Chamfort, Madame de Stael, Bish, Tissot, Belle, Fontenelle.). His reading was very superficial. "His eyes read, but his thoughts were far away." Isn't it true, what a resemblance to Count Nulin?

We do not know anything about the reader's interests of the grown-up Tatyana, although Pushkin does hint at them. The attentive reader remembers that Vyazemsky met Tanya at the "boring aunt" and "he managed to occupy her soul." The change in Tatyana's spiritual world is easily traced by her reading interests: from Richardson and Rousseau to the writers of the Pushkin Circle.

"Indiscriminately", "extremely much" was read by Princess Polina ("Roslavlev"). She knew Rousseau by heart, she was familiar with the major French authors from Montesquieu to Crebillon. From a writer-philosopher to the author of quirky novels - such is the spectrum of Polina's reading. There was not a single Russian book in her library, except for the writings of Sumarokov, which she never opened. Pushkin explains this by saying that Russian literature began with Lomonosov and is extremely limited. "We are forced to draw everything, news and concepts, from foreign books; in this way we think in a foreign language." There were very few good translations. Madame de Stael, who can hardly be attributed to the classics, aroused almost superstitious admiration and worship in Polina.

The hero of The Young Lady-Peasant Woman, the landowner Berestov, did not read anything, except for the Senate Gazette. But the county young ladies drew all their knowledge about light from books. Not far from Berestov is gentleman Troekurov ("Dubrovsky"), who read only "The Perfect Cook". His rich library, consisting of French literature of the 18th century, was at the disposal of his daughter Masha. Her further behavior was largely determined by the ideas of virtue and honor borrowed from there.

Petrusha Grinev ("The Captain's Daughter") wrote poetry. In literature, he considered himself a student of Sumarokov (let's not forget, we are talking about the 70s of the XVIII century). The old woman ("House in Kolomna") read Emin2, which speaks of her education and old-fashionedness. The old countess Queen of Spades") asked Lizaveta Ivanovna for some new novel, but "not one of the current ones." Moreover, she insisted that the hero of the novel "do not press either father or mother," and that "there were no drowned bodies," which the countess was "terribly afraid of" "Liza was forced to say that there were no such novels, and offered the countess one of the Russian novels, the existence of which the countess learned with surprise. Prince Pavel Alexandrovich also sent books to the countess. But as soon as Lisa began reading the first of them, the old woman announced her "nonsense" and ordered to send it to the prince with gratitude.The whole character of the countess, an unbearable and eccentric old woman, is clearly outlined in these scenes.

Probably, the analysis carried out is not exhaustive, but it is obvious that Pushkin deeply and skillfully used the reader's interests to reveal the character of the characters in his works (and not only prose ones). Here, Pushkin's genius opens up to us with another remarkable side.

The artistic creativity of the poet helps to understand his literary views, sympathies, antipathies, no less than his articles and reviews. It is unlikely that another writer of that time was as easily and freely oriented in a huge number of foreign and Russian books.

For a sociologist, analysis of reader interests Pushkin's heroes has one more important meaning. Readers' interests are usually the object of sociological research; meanwhile, they can be successfully applied as one of the means. Modern domestic sociology cannot be content with the study of abstract, faceless masses; it is increasingly turning to a concrete living person. However, the social portrait of a personality cannot be complete and complete without taking into account its reader's interests, tastes and passions. Pushkin was far ahead of his time here too, for the first time showing the role of readers' interests in revealing a certain type of personality.

4. The role of the book in the novel "Eugene Onegin"

In the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" characters read a large number of books. But what effect does the book have on the character and outlook of the characters? What role does she play in the dynamics of the plot of the novel?

Lensky, Tatyana and Onegin - different people and therefore read various books. Consequently, one can also judge the hero himself by the tastes in literature. Books contribute to the transfer of his inner world.

Eugene Onegin did not like poetry, but he was attracted to economic issues.

Branil Homer, Theocritus;

But read Adam Smith

And there was a deep economy ...

Eugene did not care and was not worried about feelings, they were far from the first place in his life. He did not believe in love, but considered it possible only the science of tender passion, which Nazon sang , - self-deception and deception of another person who believes in this feeling.

... But any novel

Take it and find it right

Her portrait...

Allow me, my reader,

Take care of your big sister.

For the first time with such a name

Gentle pages of a novel

We will consecrate…

His novel A.S. Pushkin called "Eugene Onegin". But throughout the novel, the author shows sympathy for Tatiana Larina, emphasizing her sincerity, depth of feelings and experiences, innocence and devotion to love, calling her "a sweet ideal." It is impossible to pass by Tatyana indifferently. No wonder Eugene Onegin, having visited the Larins' house for the first time, says to Lensky:

"Are you in love with a smaller one?"

And what? - "I would choose another,

When I was like you, a poet.

Olga has no life in features.

The formation of Tatyana's character was influenced by such factors as:

-communication with nature;

-the way of life in the Larin estate;

-babysitter influence;

-reading novels.

Indeed, Pushkin himself, characterizing his heroine, emphasizes that novels "were replaced by everything." Tatyana, dreamy, alienated from her friends, so unlike Olga, perceives everything around her as a novel not yet written, imagines herself to be the heroine of her favorite novels. Who are they, Tatyana's favorite heroines?

imagining a heroine

Your beloved creators

Clarissa, Julia, Delphine,

Tatiana in the silence of the forests

One with a dangerous book wanders,

She seeks and finds in her

Your secret heat, your dreams

The fruits of heart fullness,

Sighs and, appropriating

Someone else's delight, someone else's sadness,

In oblivion whispers by heart

A letter for a cute hero...

Clarissa is the heroine of Richardson's novel Clarissa Harlow (1749); Julia - the heroine of Rousseau's novel "The New Eloise" (1761); Delphine is the heroine of Madame de Stael's novel Delphine (1802).

Why does Pushkin call the books that Tatyana reads "dangerous"?

She liked novels early on;

They replaced everything for her;

She fell in love with deceptions

And Richardson, and Rousseau ...

Tatyana perceives the whole surrounding reality, the whole world as another novel, she builds her line of behavior according to the novel models familiar to her. Keywords: "appropriating someone else's delight, someone else's sadness", "they replaced everything for her", "deceptions"

First of all, the sincerity of feelings, Tatyana is close to the idea of ​​sentimentalism about the moral equality of people ("And peasant women know how to love!" N.M. Karamzin " Poor Lisa"). Tatyana imagines herself the heroine of her favorite novels and sees in Onegin the hero of such a novel. But Pushkin is ironic: "But our hero, whoever he was, certainly was not Grandinson."

A completely different world opens up to Tatyana when she visits his estate.

Then I turned to books.

At first she was not up to them,

But their choice seemed

She is strange. Indulged in reading

Tatyana is a greedy soul;

And another world opened up to her.

So, for Tatyana, novels were more than just stories.

She liked novels early on;

They replaced everything...

Tatyana spends a lot of time in dreams, mentally imagines herself as the heroine of the books she has read. She also looks at life as a novel: she thinks that the same twists and turns of fate await her in life, that life cannot proceed otherwise.

And so the three heroes meet. Each of them has their own ideas about life, and it is quite difficult for them to find a common language.

So, Lensky was not ready for Olga's frivolity. After all, he was sure that the dear soul must unite with him, that, languishing despondently, she is waiting for him every day . Lensky expects from Onegin that he, as a friend, is ready for his honor to accept the shackles and that will not falter ... the hand to break the vessel of the slanderer . And yet, having accidentally deceived and offended Onegin, Lensky encourages Yevgeny to commit an act that Onegin did not want to do before: to destroy the ideals of the poet. The soul nurtured by Schiller and Goethe did not understand the act deep economy . The philosophy of books ruined Lensky, but it is through books that one can see that at first Eugene tried to preserve the fragile world of the poet:

The poet in the heat of his judgments

Reading, forgetting, meanwhile

Fragments of northern poems,

And condescending Eugene,

Although I didn't understand them much,

Diligently listened to the young man.

The reader knows that Eugene was not particularly fond of reading:

He set up a shelf with a detachment of books,

I read and read, but to no avail:

There is boredom, there is deceit or delirium;

In that conscience, in that there is no sense ...)

When Onegin meets Tatyana, both heroes perceive each other through the prism of the books they have read: Tatyana looks for either Grandison or Lovlas in Onegin (either nobility or meanness), and Onegin does not believe Tatyana's feelings, he still considers love a fairy tale. Onegin thinks that Tatyana's feelings are no different from his own, invented and simulated. Having fallen in love, Tatyana begins to look for Onegin's features in the heroes of her favorite novels:

Now with what attention is she

Reading a sweet novel...

Everything for a gentle dreamer

Clothed in a single image,

And, having seen a dream about Onegin, Tatyana is looking for explanations in books:

But she, not noticing her sister,

Lying in bed with a book

Turning over the sheet after the sheet,

It was, friends, Martin Zadeka,

Head of the Chaldean wise men,

Fortune teller, interpreter of dreams.

But in matters of love, the book cannot help in any way:

…Her doubts

Martin Zadek will not decide...

But soon Onegin and Tatyana will be separated for a long time by Lensky's duel with Onegin and, as a result, Lensky's death. The last thing Lensky did was, on the eve of the duel, he Schiller discovered but after some time closes the book, picks up a pen - in the last hours of his life, Lensky communicates with the book.

Onegin and Tatyana will part for a long time. But before the meeting, their attitude towards each other changed. Tatyana visited Onegin at home: now she knows (or rather, she thinks she knows) his thoughts. She reads books with his notes, and little by little my Tatyana begins to understand now more clearly - thank God - the one for whom she is condemned to sigh by the fate of the imperious . Now Tatyana is looking at Eugene through the prism, but of other books.

But Onegin is no longer the same: he fell in love. If before he was bored with books, now began ... he read indiscriminately . Cause? Apparently, he no longer understands who he is and what he expects from life. He does not have certain established life principles: he said goodbye to the old ones, but did not find new ones. But Tatiana doesn't care anymore. She believes that she figured out Eugene and found a description suitable for him (taken now from Onegin's books). She did not like the man whom Tatyana now saw.

And what was the attitude towards the books of the older generation? Tatyana's parents did not find books harmful: father I saw no harm in books ... I considered them an empty toy , A wife ... his was herself crazy about Richardson . They let Tatiana's relationship and the books take their course. Most likely, they were not very involved in raising their daughter (confirmation of this: she seemed like a stranger in her own family ), if Tatyana perceived life as a novel, but in which the heroine is herself.

We do not know what Onegin's father read, but after reading Adam Smith, the son failed to convince his father of the importance of the content of this book. But about Uncle Onegin it is absolutely known that he read calendar of the eighth year: the old man, having a lot to do, did not look at other books .

And yet, the generation of young people does not always attach such importance to books (not all books can judge them). Living in the village, Onegin every morning drinking coffee, sorting through a bad magazine ... In turn, Lensky sometimes reads a moralizing novel to Olya , but at the same time two or three pages (empty nonsense, fables, dangerous for the hearts of virgins) he skips, blushing . It turns out that Lensky sometimes reads a little frivolous literature to Olga, but this should by no means speak of the frivolity of the hero himself.


Books play a very important role in novels. They create the worldview of the heroes, determine their attitude towards others.

Such a phenomenon as "books in books", that is, the mention by some authors in the works of their "colleagues in the shop", named with someone light hand"literary" (which is absolutely ridiculous), actually helps in the best possible way characterize the characters. After all, it is literary preferences that can convey the character, mind and intellect of a person.

This technique is not new for the classic novelists - earlier it was used by both sentimentalists and symbolists. We see what and how the heroes of Griboyedov, Karamzin, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Pushkin and many others read. etc. The most detailed in his study, the author dwelled on the outstanding works of Russian literature - "Fathers and Sons" and "Eugene Onegin".

Of course, it is impossible to talk about the literary preferences of all the heroes of Russian classics. They are quite numerous and varied. Some heroes are admired for their originality and exquisite delicate taste; other characters are quite predictable and strictly follow the book fashion. A book within a book, like a mirror reflected in the mirror opposite, helps to get a true idea of ​​a particular character, his education, his mind. In turn, it is the characters that set a worthy example, drawing the reader's attention to certain pillars of world literature, arousing interest and a desire to turn to them, to learn with their help all their lives. Truly they say: "Learning is light, ignorance is darkness."

List of sources

1.Golzer S.V. The Onegin word in the novel "Fathers and Children" // Actual problems of socio-humanitarian knowledge. M., 2004.

2.Kogan L.N. Reading Circle of Pushkin's Heroes // Sociological Journal. - No. 3., 1995.

.Kudryavtsev G.G. Collection. Fascinated by the Book. Russian writers about books, reading, bibliophiles. M.: "Book", 1982.

.Lotman Yu.M. Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". A comment. - L., 1983.

.Nabokov.V. Commentary on "Eugene Onegin" by Alexander Pushkin. - M., 1999.

Similar works to - Reading circle of literary characters in the Russian classic novel

Comedy in 4 acts in verse
Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov - manager in a state-owned place.
Sophia is his daughter.
Lizanka is a maid.
Alexei Stepanovich Silence - Famusov's secretary, lives in his house.
Alexander Andreevich Chatsky.
Sergei Sergeevich Skalozub - Colonel.
Gorichi - Natalya Dmitrievna and Platon Mikhailovich, her husband.
Prince Tugoukhovsky.
The princess is his wife with six daughters.
Hryulshpy - Countess Grandmother and Countess Granddaughter.
Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky.
Old Khlestova is Famusov's sister-in-law.
The action takes place in Moscow, in Famusov's house.

Morning, living room. Lisa wakes up in a chair. Sofya did not let her sleep the day before, as she was waiting for Molchalin, and Liza had to make sure that they were not caught together.
Phenomenon II
Famusov appears. Flirting with Lisa. Lisa is trying to reason with him that Sophia can enter, who fell asleep only in the morning, and "read the whole night" in French. Famusov: "And reading is not great: she can't sleep from French books, but it hurts me to sleep from Russians." Sofya calls Lisa, and Famusov tiptoes out of the room. Having sent him away, Liza: "Bypass us more than all sorrows and master's anger, and master's love."
Phenomenon III
Lisa reproaches Sofya and Molchalin for being late. Sophia: "Happy hours do not watch." Leaving, Molchalin faces Famusov at the door.
Event IV
Famusov is surprised, and advises Molchalin "to choose a nook for walking further away." Shame on Sophia for her inappropriate behavior for a young girl. Famusov says that after the death of Sophia's mother, all the worries about raising his daughter fell on his shoulders, and he tried very hard. Expresses dissatisfaction with modern morals, teachers who teach girls only "dances and singing, and tenderness, and sighs." He reproaches Silent * on whom he did good. Sophia intercedes: "Walked into the room, got into another." She tries to reassure her father and tells soybeans that she was gathering grass in a meadow, and "a nice person appeared", "and insinuating, and smart, but timid ... You know who was born in poverty." Sophia tells how they ended up in a dark room, “the floor opened up” - from there Famusov, he drags Sophia with him, and monsters torment the “dear man”, who for Sophia is “more precious than all treasures”. Famusov sends his daughter to sleep, and Molchalin offers to deal with papers.
Phenomenon V
Sophia and Lisa together. Liza: "There will be no such use in love ... Your father is like this: he would like a son-in-law with stars and ranks ... For example, Colonel Skalozub: and a golden bag, and aims for generals." Sophia: "I don't care: what's for him, what's in the water." Lisa recalls Chatsky, with whom Sophia was brought up together. He left about three years ago, shedding tears, as he had a presentiment that Sophia's attitude towards him would change. Molchalin, according to Sophia, the opposite of Chatsky - "the enemy of insolence", behaves very modestly. Lisa inappropriately recalls the story of Aunt Sophia, from whom a young French lover ran away. Sophia (with chagrin): "They will talk about me the same way later."
Appearance VI A servant enters and reports on the arrival of Chatsky.
Appearance VII
Chatsky appears. He passionately assures Sophia that he rode 700 miles without rest to see her, but it seems in vain: she is cold. Sophia assures Chatsky that she is glad for him. He compliments her. Chatsky asks Sophia if she is in love. She is embarrassed. Chatsky assures that nothing else interests him: "What new will Moscow show me?" Sophia: "The persecution of Moscow. What does it mean to see the light." Where is it better?" Chatsky: "Where we are not." Chatsky asks about mutual acquaintances, whose life during his absence probably has not changed at all. They talk about education. , at a cheaper price," and "from an early age we got used to believing that we have no salvation without the Germans." Chatsky recalls the "dumb" Molchalin. Sophia (aside): "Not a man, a snake!" talk about someone without bile. Chatsky: "I love you without memory."
Appearance VIII
Sofya informs Famusov, who has appeared, that the dream she saw turned out to be "in her hand", and leaves.
Appearance IX
Chatsky talks with Famusov about Sophia. The same asks to tell about the journey. Chatsky: "I wanted to travel around the whole world, but did not travel around a hundredth."
Phenomenon X
Famusov alone. He wonders which of the two - Molchalin or Chatsky - is the chosen one of Sophia's heart: "What kind of commission, creator, to be a father to an adult daughter?"
Famusov dictates to Petrushka a list of his tasks for the week ahead.
Phenomenon II
Chatsky appears, asks Famusov about Sophia. Famusov wonders if Chatsky has thought of marrying his daughter, since you need to ask him first, and he would advise Chatsky: "Do not be blissful, brother, do not manage by mistake, and most importantly, go and serve." Chatsky: "I would be glad to serve, it's sickening to serve." Famusov delivers a monologue about his uncle Maxim Petrovich, who made a successful career, pleasing his superiors and fawning at court. Maxim Petrovich "bent into an inflection point". One day, the old man slipped and fell during a reception at the palace, which caused the empress to smile and approve. Then Maksim Petrovich fell a second time, already on purpose, then a third time. All the courtiers laughed. Chatsky: "It was a direct age of humility and fear, all under the guise of zeal to the king."
Famusov is frightened by Chatsky’s speeches, and in an undertone he notes: “A dangerous person”, “What he says! And he says how he writes”, “He wants to preach freedom”, “Yes, he does not recognize the authorities!”.
Skalozub comes to visit Famusov. Famusov is very happy. He believes that the colonel "is a solid man, and has picked up a lot of distinctions; beyond his years and an enviable rank, not today or tomorrow a general." He adds that he is in no hurry to marry Sophia.
By the courtesy with which Famusov hurried to meet Skalozub, Chatsky suspected that Famusov would still be glad to marry his daughter to a colonel.
Phenomenon V
Famusov fusses around Skalozub. Skalozub can only talk about the service. Famusov hints that his career is going very well, and "it's time to start talking about the general's wife."
Puffer is not averse to getting married. Famusov talks about society: "Here, for example, we have been saying from time immemorial that honor is due to father and son: be inferior, but if there are two thousand family souls, that is the groom", "The door is unlocked for the invited and uninvited, especially from foreign; whether an honest man or not. Famusov notes that today's old men constantly find fault with "this, that, and more often nothing, they will argue, make noise and ... disperse", ladies "judge everything, everywhere, there are no judges over them", girls "there is no word in simplicity everyone will say with an air of slyness, French romances are sung to you and the upper ones bring out the notes, they cling to military people. Chatsky argues with Famusov: "The houses are new, but the prejudices are old." Chatsky's monologue:
And who are the judges? - For the antiquity of years
Enmity is irreconcilable to a free life,
Judgments draw from forgotten newspapers
Bremen Ochakovsky and the conquest of the Crimea;
Always ready for the draw
They all sing the same song
Without noticing about yourself:
What is older is worse.
Where, show us, fathers of the fatherland,
Which should we take as samples?
Are not these rich in robbery?
They found protection from court in friends, in kinship,
Magnificent building chambers,
Where they overflow in feasts and extravagance,
And where foreign clients will not resurrect
The meanest traits of the past life.
Yes, and who in Moscow did not clamp their mouths
Lunches, dinners and dances?
Isn't it the one you are to whom I am still from the cradle,
For some incomprehensible intentions,
Were the children taken to pay respects?
That Nestor of noble villains,
Crowd surrounded by servants;
Zealous, they are in the hours of wine and fight
Both honor and his life were saved more than once: suddenly
He traded three greyhounds for them!
Or the one over there, which is for pranks
He drove to the fortress ballet on many wagons
From mothers, fathers of rejected children?!
He himself is immersed in mind in Zephyrs and Cupids,
Made all of Moscow marvel at their beauty!
But the debtors did not agree to the postponement:
Cupids and Zephyrs all
Sold out individually!!!
Here are those who lived to gray hair!
That's who we should respect in the wilderness!
Here are our strict connoisseurs and judges!
Now let one of us;
Of the young people, there is an enemy of quests,
Not demanding either places or promotions,
In the sciences, he will stick the mind, hungry for knowledge;
Or in his soul God himself will excite the heat
To creative arts, lofty and beautiful, -
They are the hour: robbery! Fire!
And they will be known as a dangerous dreamer !!! -
Uniform! One uniform! He is in their former life
Once sheltered, embroidered and beautiful,
Their weak-heartedness, reason poverty;
And we follow them on a happy journey!
And in wives, daughters - the same passion for the uniform!
Have I renounced tenderness to him for a long time?!
Now I can’t fall into this childishness;
But then who would not be attracted to everyone?
When from the guard others from the court
Came here for a while
The women shouted hurrah!
And they threw caps into the air!
Event VI
Skalozub heard from Chatsky's passionate monologue only what was related to the military, but did not understand the meaning.
Appearance VII
Sophia and Lisa enter. Sophia sees through the window how Mol chal them Fell off his horse, and faints. Skalozub calls Molchalin "a miserable rider".
Appearance VIII
Lisa and Chatsky bring Sophia to her senses. She is concerned about the state of Molchalin, and does not pay attention to Chatsky. He guesses that Sophia is in love with Molchalin.
Appearance IX
Skalozub and Molchalin appear. The last one is unharmed. Based on Sofia's reaction, Chatsky realizes that his guesses are correct and leaves.
Phenomenon X
Sophia invites Skalozub to the ball in the evening, and he takes his leave.
Phenomenon XI
Sophia asks Molchalin about his health. Molchalin reproaches her for being too frank with strangers. Sophia assures him that she is not interested in someone else's opinion. Lisa advises Sophia to play nice with Skalozub and Chatsky to divert her eyes. Sophia leaves.
Appearance XII
Molchalin flirts with Lisa, assures that he loves Sophia only "according to her position", promises Lisa gifts, invites her to him.
Appearance XIII
Sophia tells Lisa to tell Molchalin to come and visit her.
Appearance XIV Lisa (alone): "She to him, and he to me."
Chatsky decides to get recognition from Sophia and find out who she is still in love with: Molchalin, "the most miserable creature", or her chosen one Skalozub, "a hoarse, strangled man, bassoon, a constellation of maneuvers and mazurkas." Sofya replies that she does not like Chatsky, since he is "ready to pour out all of them with bile." Chatsky decides to pretend, says that he was mistaken about Molchalin, but expresses doubt "does he have that passion, that feeling? That ardor? So that besides you, the whole world would seem to him as dust and vanity?" Sofya assures that Chatsky would have liked Molchalin if they had come closer, that "he gained the friendship of everyone in the house," disarming even Famusov with humility and silence. Chatsky concludes that Sofya does not respect Molchalin and asks what she thinks of Skalozub. Sophia replies: "Not my novel."
Phenomenon II
Sophia goes to the hairdresser, and does not let Chatsky into her room.
Phenomenon III
Chatsky: “Is Molchalin chosen by her! Why not a husband? There is only little intelligence in him; but in order to have children, who lacked intelligence?” Molchalin appears. In a conversation with Chatsky, Molchalin claims that he has two talents "moderation and accuracy", retells gossip about Chatsky and Tatiana Yuryevna, recalls Foma Fomich, who "was the head of the department under three ministers." Chatsky asks what Molchalin himself thinks about the writings of Foma Fomich. Molchalin evasively replies: "At my age, one should not dare to have one's own judgment," and asserts that "one must depend on others."
Scene IV Guests arrive at a ball at Famusov's house.
Phenomenon V
Chatsky meets with Natalya Dmitrievna, who wants to introduce him to her husband, Platon Mikhailovich, a retired military man.
Event VI
Platon Mikhailovich turns out to be Chatsky's old friend. The marriage changed his lively character, he does not do anything new, he spends all the time in Moscow, his wife keeps him under his heel.
Appearance VII
Enter the Prince and Princess Tugoukhovsky with their six daughters. The princess, having learned from Natalya Dmitrievna that Chatsky is “retired and single,” sends her husband to invite him to visit, but, having then found out that he is not rich, withdraws her invitation.
Appearance VIII
Enter the Countess Grandmother and the Countess Granddaughter. In a conversation with Chatsky, she disapproves of men who married foreign women of humble origin. Chatsky is surprised that he has to hear such reproaches from the girls who are trying their best to imitate these foreigners.
Appearance IX
Lots of guests. The obliging Zagoretsky gives Sofya a ticket for tomorrow's performance, which, according to him, he got with the greatest difficulty. Platon Mikhailovich recommends Zagoretsky to Chatsky: "A notorious swindler, a rogue: Anton Antonych Zagoretsky. Beware of him, endure much, and don't sit down at cards: he will sell." Zagoretsky is not embarrassed by such a recommendation.
Phenomenon X
Khlestova arrives with an Arab girl, whom Zagoretsky once presented to her, a "master of service", whom, however, Khlestova herself considers "a liar, a gambler and a thief."
Phenomenon XI Enter FAMUSOV, who is waiting for Skalozub.
Appearance XII
Skalozub and Molchalin appear. Khlestova does not like Skalozub's uncouth campaigner, but she is delighted with Molchalin's timely helpfulness.
Appearance XIII
In a conversation with Sofia, Chatsky notes how skillfully Molchalin smoothes out tense situations: "Molchalin! - Who else will settle everything so peacefully! Chatsky leaves.
Appearance XIV
In a conversation with G.M. Sofya drops, as if it seems to her that Chatsky has gone crazy.
Appearance XV G.M. conveys this news to G.O.
Appearance XVI G.O. informs Zagoretsky that Chatsky is out of his mind.
Hoop-Hush Phenomenon
Zagoretsky conveys the story with new details to the Countess-granddaughter.
Phenomenon XIX
Zagoretsky retells the news to the half-deaf Countess-grandmother. She decides that Chatsky is a criminal.
Phenomenon XX
Phenomenon XXI
All the guests are discussing Chatsky's madness. Everyone remembers that Chatsky's speeches had shaken them insane before. Famusov: "Learning is the plague, learning is the reason that now more than ever, crazy divorced people, and deeds, and opinions", "If you stop the evil; take away all the books and burn them." Only Platon Mikhailovich does not believe.
Phenomenon XXII
Chatsky appears. In a conversation with Sophia, he describes the scene in the next room. The "Frenchman from Bordeaux", a complete nonentity, came to "barbarian" Russia and found that he was at home here: "Not a sound of a Russian, not a Russian face." Chatsky adds: “Ah! If we were born to adopt everything, at least we could take some of the wise ignorance of foreigners from the Chinese. Will we ever rise from the foreign rule of fashion? So that our smart, cheerful people, although in language we are not considered Germans. "
ACT IV Event I
Departure of guests. The countess-granddaughter is unhappy with the guests: "Some freaks from the other world, and there is no one to talk to, and no one to dance with."
Phenomenon II
Platon Mikhailovich and Natalya Dmitrievna are leaving. Platon Mikhailovich hates balls and rides them only to please his wife.
Phenomenon III
The footman cannot find Chatsky's carriage in any way. Chatsky is very disappointed with the evening spent.
Event IV
Repetilov comes running. Exaggeratedly rejoices at the meeting with Chatsky. He repents that he used to live unrighteously, which irritates Chatsky very much. Repetilov had just come from the English Club, where he knew "the smartest people," and invited Chatsky to go with him. Repetilov informs "secretly" Chatsky about "society and secret meetings on Thursdays. The most secret union ..." Chatsky tries to get rid of him, is going home, says that he is not interested in the club.
Phenomenon V
Skalozub enters, and Repetilov immediately switches to him, calling him to the club. Skalozub replies that all the "smartest people" should be "built in three lines." Repetilov tells how he got married: he fawned over the bride's parents, lost large sums of money to them in cards, but his expectations were not met: "He took a dowry - shish, in the service - nothing."
Event VI
Skalozub's place is taken by Zagoretsky, who reports that Chatsky has lost his mind.
Appearance VII
Everyone is discussing crazy Chatsky. Repetilov does not believe at first, but society convinces him.
Phenomenon VIII Khlestov hopes that Chatsky will be cured.
Appearance IX
Repetilov is left alone, then leaves in an unknown direction.
Phenomenon X
Chatsky learns that a ridiculous rumor has been spread about him. Chatsky discovers that Sophia has made an appointment with Molchalin and decides to follow them.
Appearance XI Lisa calls Silent to Sophia.
Appearance XII
Molchalin flirts with Liza, says that he sees “nothing enviable” in Sophia, and adds: “My father bequeathed to me: firstly, to please everyone without exception - the owner, where I happen to live, the boss, with whom I will serve, the servant him, who cleans dresses, to the porter, the janitor, in order to avoid harm to the janitor's dog, so that he is affectionate. Tries to hug Lisa. Sofya finds them, and tells Molchalin to get out of the house. Chatsky appears from behind the column. Molchalin hides in his room.
Appearance XIII
Chatsky frankly tells Sofya that her love for Molchalin was inexpensive.
Appearance XIV
Famusov appears with servants, sees Sofya and Chatsky alone, and decides that they have a secret date. He decides to send the shameless daughter "to the village, to my aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratop." Chatsky forbids appearing in his house. Chatsky says that he was cruelly deceived in Sophia, wasted tender words in vain, advises her to make peace with Molchalin, who will make an excellent "husband-boy, husband-servant." Famusova assures that she is not going to marry them.
Appearance XV
After Chatsky's departure, Famusov is only worried about public opinion: "Ah! My God! What will Princess Marya Aleksevna say!

Griboyedov: Woe from Wit

Action 1

Phenomenon 1

Morning, living room. Lisa wakes up in a chair. Sophia did not let her sleep the day before, because she was waiting for Molchalin, and Lisa had to make sure that they were not caught together. Sophia asks what time it is, and in order to convince her that it's time for the lovers to leave, Lisa moves the clock. The clock strikes and plays.

Phenomenon 2

Famusov appears. He flirts with Lisa. Lisa is trying to reason with him, saying that Sophia can come in, who fell asleep only in the morning, and “read the whole night” in French. Famusov: “And reading is not great: she can’t sleep from French books, but it hurts me to sleep from Russians.” Sophia calls Lisa, and Famusov tiptoes out of the room. Lisa (alone): "Bypass us more than all sorrows and master's anger, and master's love."

Phenomenon 3

Lisa reproaches Sofya and Molchalin for being late. Sophia: "Happy hours are not observed." Leaving, Molchalin faces Famusov at the door.

Phenomenon 4

Famusov is surprised and advises Molchalin "to choose a nook for walking further away." Shame on Sophia for her inappropriate behavior for a young girl. “And all the Kuznetsky Most and the eternal French, from there fashion to us, and authors, and muses: destroyers of pockets and hearts!” (during the time of Griboyedov, there were many shops on the Kuznetsk bridge owned by French merchants). Famusov says that after the death of Sophia's mother, all the worries about raising his daughter fell on his shoulders and he tried very hard: “There is no need for another model when the example of a father is in the eyes ... Free, widows, I am my master ... Known for monastic behavior! » Expresses dissatisfaction with modern customs ("A terrible age"), teachers who teach girls only "dances and singing, and tenderness, and sighs." He reproaches Molchalin, whom he did good. Sophia intercedes: "Walked into the room, got into another." She tries to calm her father and tells a dream that she was gathering grass in a meadow, and “a nice person appeared”, “both insinuating and smart, but timid ... You know who was born in poverty.” Famusov: “Ah, mother, do not complete the blow! Who is poor, he is not a couple for you. Sophia continues to tell the dream - they ended up in a dark room, “the floor opened up” - from there Famusov, he drags Sophia with him, and monsters torment the “dear man”, who for Sophia is “more precious than all treasures”. Famusov sends his daughter to sleep, and Molchalin offers to deal with papers. "I'm afraid, sir, I'm deadly alone, so that a lot of them do not accumulate ... My custom is this: signed, so off my shoulders."

Phenomenon 5

Sophia and Lisa together. Liza: “There will be no such use in love ... Your father is like this: he would like a son-in-law with stars and ranks ... For example, Colonel Skalozub: and a golden bag, and aims for generals.” Sophia: "I don't care what for him, what's in the water." Lisa recalls Chatsky, with whom Sophia was brought up together. He left about three years ago, shedding tears, because he had a presentiment that Sophia's attitude towards him would change. Lisa: "Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp, like Alexander Andreyich Chatsky?" But Sophia objects: “The desire to wander attacked him, oh, if someone loves whom, why look for the mind and travel so far?” Molchalin, according to Sophia, on the contrary, is “the enemy of insolence”, behaves very modestly. Lisa inappropriately recalls the story of Aunt Sophia, from whom a young French lover ran away. Sofya (with chagrin): "They will talk about me the same way later."

Phenomenon 6

A servant enters and reports on the arrival of Chatsky.

Phenomenon 7

Chatsky appears. He passionately assures Sophia that he rode seven hundred miles without rest to see her, but it seems in vain: she is cold. Sophia assures Chatsky that she is glad for him. Chatsky: “Let's assume that it is. Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world. He compliments Sophia: “At seventeen, you blossomed charmingly.” He asks if Sophia is in love. She is embarrassed. Chatsky assures that nothing else interests him: “What new will Moscow show me?” Sophia: “The persecution of Moscow. What does it mean to see the light! Where is it better? Chatsky: "Where we are not." Chatsky asks about mutual acquaintances, whose life during his absence probably has not changed at all. “You will get tired of living with them, and in whom can you not find spots? When you wander, you return home, and the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us! Speaking about education, Chatsky notes that in Russia “they are busy recruiting regiments of teachers, more in number, at cheaper prices,” and “from an early age we got used to believing that there is no salvation for us without the Germans”; Chatsky says that at receptions, in order to demonstrate their education, the nobility is explained in "a mixture of languages: French with Nizhny Novgorod." Recalls the "wordless" Molchalin. Sophia (aside): "Not a man, a snake!" He asks Chatsky if he can talk about anyone without bile. Chatsky: "I love you without memory."

Phenomenon 8

Sofya informs Famusov, who has appeared, that the dream she saw turned out to be "in her hand", and leaves.

Phenomenon 9

Chatsky talks with Famusov about Sophia. Famusov also asks to tell about the journey. Chatsky: "I wanted to travel around the whole world and did not travel around a hundredth."

Event 10

Famusov alone. He wonders which of the two - Molchalin or Chatsky - is the chosen one of Sophia's heart: “What a commission, creator, to be a father to an adult daughter!”

Action 2

Phenomenon 1

Famusov dictates to Petrushka a list of his tasks for the week ahead: Tuesday - lunch (“Eat three hours, and in three days it won’t be cooked”), on Thursday - burial (“The deceased was a respectable chamberlain, with a key, and he knew how to deliver the key to his son; rich, and was married to a rich woman; married children, grandchildren; died; everyone sadly remembers him, Kuzma Petrovich! Peace be upon him! - What kind of aces live and die in Moscow! ”, Friday or Saturday - the baptism of an unborn child.

Phenomenon 2

Chatsky appears, asks Famusov about Sophia. Famusov wonders if Chatsky has thought of marrying his daughter, because you need to ask him first, and he would advise Chatsky: “do not be blissful, brother, don’t manage bluntly, but, most importantly, go and serve.” Chatsky: “I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve.” Famusov delivers a monologue about his uncle Maxim Petrovich, who made a successful career, pleasing his superiors and fawning at court. Maxim Petrovich served under Catherine and, when it was necessary to "serve", Maxim Petrovich "bent into an inflection". One day, the old man slipped and fell during a reception at the palace, which caused the empress to smile and approve. Then Maksim Petrovich fell a second time, already on purpose, then a third time. All the courtiers laughed. "A? What do you think? In our opinion, smart. He fell painfully, got up great. But, it happened, who is more often invited to whist? Who hears a friendly word at court? Maxim Petrovich! Who knew respect before everyone? Maxim Petrovich! Joke! Who gives ranks and gives pensions? Maxim Petrovich! Chatsky: “The legend is fresh, but hard to believe”, “he was famous for whose neck bent more often”, “now laughter frightens and keeps shame in check”, “the age of humility and fear was direct, all under the guise of zeal to the king. Famusov is frightened by Chatsky's speeches, and in an undertone he notes: “A dangerous person”, “What does he say! And he speaks as he writes!”, “He wants to preach liberty”, “Yes, he does not recognize the authorities!”

Phenomenon 3

Skalozub comes to visit Famusov. Famusov is very happy. He believes that the colonel “is a solid person, and he picked up a lot of insignia; beyond his years and an offensive rank, not today or tomorrow a general. He adds that he is in no hurry to marry Sophia.

Phenomenon 4

By the courtesy with which Famusov hastened to meet Skalozub, Chatsky suspected that Famusov would still be glad to marry his daughter to a colonel.

Phenomenon 5

Famusov fusses around Skalozub. Skalozub: "I'm ashamed as an honest officer" (Speech of Skalozub is rude and primitive). Famusov tries to talk to Skalozub about relatives, as well as Skalozub's brother, a hero. But Skalozub replies that he is not interested in his relatives, because he did not serve with them, and his brother changed for the worse (“he got some new rules firmly. The rank followed him: he suddenly left the service, began to read books in the village”). Otherwise, Skalozub can only talk about the service. Famusov hints that Skalozub's career is developing very well and "it's time to start talking about the general's wife." Puffer is not averse to getting married. Famusov talks about society: “Here, for example, it’s been said from time immemorial that it’s honored by father and son: be poor, but if there are two thousand family souls, that’s the groom”, “The door is unlocked for the invited and uninvited, especially from foreign; either an honest person or not." Famusov notes that today's old men constantly find fault with "this, that, and more often nothing, they will argue, make noise and ... disperse", ladies - "judges of everything, everywhere, there are no judges over them", girls "a word in simplicity they won't say, all with a grimace; French romances are sung to you and the upper ones bring out notes, they cling to military people. But because they are patriots”, “At home and everything in a new way”. Chatsky argues with Famusov (“Houses are new, but prejudices are old”). Chatsky delivers a monologue:

And who are the judges? - For the antiquity of years

To a free life their enmity is irreconcilable,

Judgments draw kz forgotten newspapers

The times of the Ochakovskys and the conquest of the Crimea;

Always ready to churn

They all sing the same song

Without noticing about yourself:

What is older is worse.

Where, show us, fathers of the fatherland,

Which should we take as samples?

Are not these rich in robbery?

They found protection from court in friends, in kinship,

Magnificent building chambers,

Where they overflow in feasts and extravagance,

And where foreign clients will not resurrect

The meanest traits of the past life.

Yes, and who in Moscow did not clamp their mouths

Lunches, dinners and dances?

Isn't it the one you are to whom I am still from the cradle,

For some incomprehensible intentions,

Were the children taken to pay respects?

That Nestor of noble villains,

Crowd surrounded by servants;

Zealous, they are in the hours of wine and fight

And honor and life saved him more than once: suddenly

He traded three greyhounds for them!

Or the one over there, which is for pranks

He drove to the fortress ballet on many wagons

From mothers, fathers of rejected children?!

He himself is immersed in mind in Zephyrs and Cupids,

Made all of Moscow marvel at their beauty!

But the debtors did not agree to the postponement:

Cupids and Zephyrs all

Sold out individually!!!

Here are those who lived to gray hair!

That's who we should respect in the wilderness!

Here are our strict connoisseurs and judges!

Now let one of us

Of the young people, there is an enemy of quests,

Not demanding either places or promotions,

In the sciences, he will stick the mind, hungry for knowledge;

Or in his soul God himself will excite the heat

To creative arts, lofty and beautiful, -

They are the hour: robbery! fire!

And they will be known as a dreamer! dangerous!! -

Uniform! one uniform! he is in their former life

Once sheltered, embroidered and beautiful,

Their weak-heartedness, reason poverty;

And we follow them on a happy journey!

And in wives, daughters - the same passion for the uniform!

Have I renounced tenderness to him for a long time?!

Now I can’t fall into this childishness;

But then who would not be attracted to everyone?

When from the guard others from the court

They came here for a while, -

The women shouted hurrah!

And they threw caps into the air!

Phenomenon 6

Skalozub heard from Chatsky's passionate monologue only what was related to the military, but did not understand the meaning.

Phenomenon 7

Sophia and Lisa enter. Sophia sees through the window how Molchalin fell off his horse, and faints. Skalozub calls Molchalin a "pathetic rider".

Phenomenon 8

Lisa and Chatsky bring Sophia to her senses. She is concerned about the state of Molchalin and does not pay attention to Chatsky. He guesses that Sophia is in love with Molchalin.

Phenomenon 9

Skalozub and Molchalin appear. The last one is unharmed. Based on Sofia's reaction, Chatsky realizes that his guesses are correct and leaves.

Event 10

Sophia invites Skalozub to the ball in the evening, and he takes his leave.

Event 11

Sophia asks Molchalin about his health. Molchalin reproaches her for being too frank with strangers. Sophia says that she is not interested in someone else's opinion. Molchalin: "Ah! evil tongues are worse than a gun." Lisa advises Sophia to play nice with Skalozub and Chatsky to divert her eyes. Sophia leaves.

Event 12

Molchalin flirts with Lisa, assures that he loves Sophia only "by position", promises Lisa gifts, invites her to her place.

Phenomenon 13

Sophia tells Lisa to tell Molchalin to come and visit her.

Event 14

Lisa (alone): "She to him, and he to me."

Action 3

Phenomenon 1

Chatsky decides to get recognition from Sophia and find out who she is still in love with - Molchalin, "the most miserable creature," or her chosen one, Skalozub, "a hoarse, strangled man, bassoon, a constellation of maneuvers and mazurkas." Sophia replies that she does not like Chatsky, because he is "ready to pour bile on everyone." Chatsky decides to pretend, to say what Sophia expects to hear from him, Chatsky admits that he was wrong about Molchalin, but expresses doubt “does he have that passion, that feeling? Is that ardor? So that, besides you, the whole world seemed to him as dust and vanity? Sofya assures that Chatsky would have liked Molchalin if they had come closer - “he acquired the friendship of everyone in the house”, disarming even Famusov with humility and silence. Chatsky concludes that Sofya does not respect Molchalin, and asks what she thinks of Skalozub. Sophia waves it off: "Not my novel."

Phenomenon 2

Sofya goes "to the prikhmakher" and does not let Chatsky into her room.

Phenomenon 3

Chatsky: “Is Molchalin chosen by her! Why not a husband? There is only little mind in him; but to have children, who lacked intelligence? Molchalin appears. In a frank conversation with Chatsky, Molchalin claims that he has two talents - "moderation and accuracy", retells the gossip about Chatsky of a certain Tatyana Yuryevna, recalls Foma Fomich, who "was the head of the department under three ministers." Chatsky believes that Foma Fomich is "the most empty person, one of the most stupid." He asks what Molchalin himself thinks about the writings of Foma Fomich. Molchalin evades the answer: "At my age, one should not dare to have one's own judgment" and asserts that "it is necessary to depend on others."

Phenomenon 4

The guests come to the ball at Famusov's house.

Phenomenon 5

Chatsky meets with Natalya Dmitrievna, who wants to introduce him to her husband, Platon Mikhailovich, a retired military man.

Phenomenon 6

Platon Mikhailovich turns out to be Chatsky's old friend. A “happy” marriage has changed his lively character, he does not do anything new, he spends all his time in Moscow, his wife keeps him under his heel. Platon Mikhailovich: “Now, brother, I’m not the same,” as I was at the time of my acquaintance with Chatsky, “only morning - foot in the stirrup.”

Phenomenon 7

Enter the Prince and Princess Tugoukhovsky with their six daughters. The princess, having learned from Natalya Dmitrievna that Chatsky is "retired and single", sends her husband to invite him to visit, but, having then found out that he is not rich, withdraws her invitation.

Phenomenon 8

The Countess Grandmother and the Countess Granddaughter enter, "evil, in girls for a century." In a conversation with Chatsky, she disapproves of men who married foreign women of humble origin. Chatsky is surprised that he has to hear such reproaches from the lips of girls who are trying their best to imitate these foreigners.

Phenomenon 9

Lots of guests. The obliging Zagoretsky gives Sofya a ticket for tomorrow's performance, which, according to him, he got with the greatest difficulty. Platon Mikhailovich recommends Zagoretsky to Chatsky: “A notorious swindler, a rogue: Anton Antonych Zagoretsky. Beware with him, endure much, and don’t sit down at cards: he will sell. Zagoretsky, however, is not at all embarrassed by such a recommendation.

Event 10

Khlestova arrives with an Arab girl, given to her at one time by Zagoretsky, a "master of service", whom, however, Khlestova herself considers "a liar, a gambler and a thief."

Event 11

Famusov enters, who is waiting for Skalozub.

Event 12

Skalozub and Molchalin appear. Khlestova does not like Skalozub's uncouth campaigner, but she is delighted with Molchalin's timely helpfulness.

Phenomenon 13

In a conversation with Sofia, Chatsky notes how skillfully Molchalin smooths out tense situations: “Molchalin! - Who else will settle everything so peacefully! There he will stroke the pug in time, then he will wipe the card just right! Chatsky leaves.

Event 14

In a conversation with G. N. Sofya drops, as if it seems to her that Chatsky has gone crazy.

Event 15

G. N. conveys this news to G. D.

Event 16

G. D. informs Zagoretsky that Chatsky is out of his mind.

Apparitions 17 and 18

Zagoretsky conveys the story with new details to the Countess-granddaughter.

Appearance 19

Zagoretsky retells the news to the half-deaf Countess-grandmother. She decides that Chatsky is a criminal.

phenomenon 20

The countess-grandmother conveys the news to the deaf Tugoukhovsky - Chatsky is being taken into the soldiers.

phenomenon 21

All the guests are discussing Chatsky's madness. Everyone remembers that Chatsky's speeches seemed crazy to them before. Famusov: “Learning is the plague, learning is the reason that now more than ever, crazy divorced people, and deeds, and opinions”, “If you stop the evil: take away all the books and burn them.” Only Platon Mikhailovich does not believe. h

phenomenon 22

Chatsky appears. In a conversation with Sophia, he describes the scene in the next room. The "Frenchman from Bordeaux", a complete nonentity, came to "barbarian" Russia and found that he was here at home - "Not a sound of a Russian, not a Russian face", and "feels like a little king here." Chatsky adds: “Ah! If we were born to adopt everything, at least from the Chinese we could borrow a little from their wise ignorance of foreigners. Will we ever be resurrected from the foreign power of fashion? So that our smart, peppy people, although by language, do not consider us Germans.

Action 4

Phenomenon 1

Departure of guests. The countess-granddaughter is unhappy with the guests: “Some freaks from the other world, and there is no one to talk to, and no one to dance with.”

Phenomenon 2

Platon Mikhailovich and Natalya Dmitrievna are leaving. Platon Mikhailovich hates balls and rides them only to please the ash tree. Platon Mikhailovich: “A ball is a good thing, captivity is bitter; | and who will not marry us!”

Phenomenon 3

The footman cannot find Chatsky's carriage in any way. Chatsky is very disappointed with the evening spent.

Phenomenon 4

Repetilov comes running. Exaggeratedly rejoices at the meeting with Chatsky. He loudly repents that he used to live unrighteously, which irritates Chatsky very much. Repetilov had just come from the English Club, where he knew "the smartest people," calling Chatsky to go with him, saying that this was "a matter of state," but "you see, it hasn't matured." Repetilov informs Chatsky “in confidence” about “society and secret meetings on Thursdays. Secret alliance... Chatsky tries to get rid of, going home, says that he is not interested in the club - “Are you making noise? But only?" Repetilov talks about "the smartest people" - Prince Grigory, who imitates the British in everything, the writer Udushyev, who puts "an excerpt, a look and something" in magazines, and other members of the club about whom "you don't know what to say." Repetilov reports about himself: “God did not reward me with abilities, he gave me a good heart, that's why I am nice to people. I'll lie - forgive me.

Phenomenon 5

Skalozub enters, and Repetilov immediately switches to him, calling him to the club. Skalozub replies that all the "smartest people" should be "built in three lines." Repetilov tells how he got married: he fawned over the bride's parents, lost large sums of money to them in cards, but his expectations were not justified: "He took a dowry - shish, in the service - nothing."

Phenomenon 6

Skalozub's place is taken by Zagoretsky, who informs Repetilov that Chatsky has lost his mind.

Phenomenon 7

Everyone is discussing Chatsky's madness. Repetilov does not believe at first, but society convinces him.

Phenomenon 8

Khlestova hopes that Chatsky will be cured.

Phenomenon 9

Repetilov is left alone, then leaves in an unknown direction.

Event 10

Chatsky learns that an absurd rumor has been spread about him - "The fools believed, they tell others, the old women instantly sound the alarm - and that's public opinion." Chatsky discovers that Sophia has made an appointment with Molchalin and decides to follow them.

Event 11

Lisa calls Molchalin to Sophia.

Event 12

Molchalin flirts with Lisa, says that he sees “nothing enviable” in Sophia and adds: “My father bequeathed to me: firstly, to please all people without exception - the owner, where I happen to live, the boss, with whom I will serve, his servant who cleans dresses, a porter, a janitor, in order to avoid harm to the janitor's dog, so that it is affectionate. Tries to hug Lisa. Sofya finds them and tells Molchalin to get out of the house. Chatsky appears from behind the column. Molchalin hides in his room.

Phenomenon 13

Chatsky frankly tells Sofya that her love for Molchalin was inexpensive. Chatsky: “People with a soul are a persecutor, a scourge! Silencers are blissful in the world.

Event 14

Famusov appears with servants, sees Sophia and Chatsky alone and decides that they have a secret date. He decides to send the shameless daughter "to the village, to my aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov." Chatsky forbids appearing in his house. Chatsky says that he was cruelly deceived in Sophia, wasted tender words in vain, advises her to make peace with the Silent One, who will make an excellent "husband-boy, husband-servant." Famusova assures that she is not going to marry them. Chatsky:

Everyone is racing! everyone curse! A crowd of tormentors, Traitors in love, indefatigable enmity, Indomitable storytellers, Clumsy wise men, sly simpletons, Sinister old women, old men, Decreasing over fictions, nonsense - You glorified me insane with all the chorus. You are right: he will come out of the fire unharmed, Who will have time to stay with you for a day, Breathe the air alone,

And his mind will survive. Get out of Moscow! I don't come here anymore. I’m running, I won’t look back, I’ll go looking around the world, Where there is a corner for an offended feeling! .. A carriage for me, a carriage!

Event 15

After Chatsky's departure, Famusov worries only about public opinion: “Ah! My God! What will Princess Marya Aleksevna say!


For the preparation of this work, materials from the site

Comedy in four acts in verse

Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, manager in a state-owned place
Sofia Pavlovna, his daughter.
Lizanka, maid.
Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin, Famusov's secretary, who lives in his house.
Alexander Andreevich Chatsky.
Colonel Skalozub, Sergei Sergeevich.
Natalya Dmitrievna, a young lady, Platon Mikhailovich, her husband, Gorichi.
Prince Tugoukhovsky and Princess, his wife, with six daughters.
Countess grandmother, Countess granddaughter, Khryumina.
Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky.
Old woman Khlestova, Famusov's sister-in-law.
Parsley and several talking servants.
Many guests of all sorts and their lackeys at the departure.
Waiters Famusova.

Action in Moscow in Famusov's house

* ACT I *


living room, in it big clock, on the right is the door to Sofia's bedroom, from where
a pianoforte with a flute is heard, which then fall silent. Liza in the middle of the room
sleeping leaning out of chairs. (Morning, a little day breaks)

Lizanka (suddenly wakes up, gets up from her chair, looks around)

It's getting light!.. Ah! how soon the night passed!
Yesterday I asked to sleep - refusal,
"Waiting for a friend." - You need an eye and an eye,
Don't sleep until you roll off your chair.
Now I just took a nap
It's day!.. tell them...

(He knocks on Sofia.)

Hey! Sofia Pavlovna, trouble.
Your conversation went during the night;
Are you deaf? — Alexey Stepanych!
Madam! .. - And fear does not take them!

(Moves away from the door.)

Well, an uninvited guest,
Perhaps the father will come in!
I ask you to serve the young lady in love!

(Back to the door)

What time is it now?


Everything in the house went up.

Sofia (from her room)

What time is it now?


Seventh, eighth, ninth.

Sofia (from there)

Not true.

Lizanka (away from the door)

Oh! cupid *damned!
And they hear, do not want to understand
Well, what would they take away the shutters?
I will translate the clock, even though I know: there will be a race,
I'll make them play.

(Climbs onto a chair, moves the hand, the clock strikes and plays.)


Liza and Famusov.

Oh! master!

Barin, yes.

(stops hour music)

After all, what a minx you are, girl.
I couldn't figure out what the problem was!
Now a flute is heard, then like a pianoforte;
Would it be too early for Sophia??

No, sir, I ... just by chance ...

Here's something by chance, notice you;
Yes, yes, on purpose.

(Cuddles up to her and flirts)

Oh! potion, * darling.

You are a prankster, these faces suit you!

Modest, but nothing else
Leprosy and the wind on my mind.

Let go, windmills yourself,
Remember, old people...

Well, who will come, where are we with you?

Who should come here?
Is Sophia asleep?

Now asleep.

Now! What about the night?

I read all night.

Vish, whims what have got!

All in French, aloud, reading locked up.

Tell me that it's not good for her eyes to spoil,
And in reading, the use is not great:
She has no sleep from French books,
And it hurts me to sleep from the Russians.

What will rise, I will report
If you please go, wake me up, I'm afraid.

Why wake up? You wind the clock yourself
You thunder the symphony for the whole quarter.

Lisa (as loud as possible)

Yes, completeness!

FAMUSOV (holds her mouth)

Have mercy on how you scream.
Are you crazy?

I'm afraid it won't come out...

It's time, sir, for you to know you're not a child;
In girls, the morning dream is so thin;
You creak the door a little, you whisper a little:
Everyone hears...

Famusov (hurriedly)

(Sneaks out of the room on tiptoe.)

Lisa (one)

Gone... Ah! away from the masters;
Prepare troubles for themselves at every hour,
Bypass us more than all sorrows
And the lord's anger, and the lord's love.


Lisa, Sophia with a candle, followed by Molchalin.

What, Lisa, attacked you?
You make noise...

Of course, it's hard for you to leave?
Shutting yourself up to the light, and it seems that everything is not enough?

Ah, it really is dawn!

(Extinguishes the candle.)

And light and sadness. How swift are the nights!

Grieve, know that there is no urine from the side,
Your father came here, I died;
I twirled in front of him, I don’t remember that I was lying;
Well, what have you become? bow, sir, weigh.
Come on, the heart is not in the right place;
Look at the clock, look out the window:
The people have been pouring down the streets for a long time;
And in the house there is a knock, walking, sweeping and cleaning.

Happy hours are not observed.

Don't watch, your power;
And that in return for you, of course, I get there.

Sofia (Molchalin)

Go; we'll be bored all day long.

God is with you, sir; away take your hand.

(Puts them apart, Molchalin runs into Famusov at the door.)


Sofia, Lisa, Molchalin, Famusov.

What an opportunity! * Molchalin, you, brother?


Why is it here? and at this hour?
And Sophia! .. Hello, Sophia, what are you
Got up so early! A? for what concern?
And how did God bring you together at the wrong time?

He has just now entered.


Now from a walk.

Friend. Is it possible for walking
Away to choose a nook?
And you, madam, just jumped out of bed,
With a man! with the young! "A job for a girl!"
All night reading fables,
And here are the fruits of these books!
And all the Kuznetsky Most, * and the eternal French,
From there, fashion to us, and authors, and muses:
Destroyers of pockets and hearts!
When the Creator delivers us
From their hats! bonnets! and studs! and pins!
And bookstores and biscuit shops! ..

Excuse me, father, my head is spinning;
I can hardly take my breath from fright;
You deigned to run in so quickly,
I got confused...

Thank you humbly
I ran into them soon!
I interfered! I scared!
I, Sofya Pavlovna, am upset myself, the whole day
No rest, rushing around like crazy.
By position, by service, trouble,
That sticks, the other, everyone cares about me!
But did I expect new troubles? to be deceived...

Whom, father?

Here they will reproach me,
Which I always scold to no avail.
Don't cry, I'm talking
Didn't they care about yours
About education! from the cradle!
Mother died: I knew how to accept
Madame Rosier has a second mother.
He put the old woman-gold in supervision of you:
She was smart, had a quiet disposition, rare rules.
One thing does not serve her well:
For extra five hundred rubles a year
She allowed herself to be seduced by others.
Yes, there is no strength in Madame.
No other pattern needed
When in the eyes of an example of a father.
Look at me: I do not brag about my constitution;
However, cheerful and fresh, and lived to gray hair,
Free, widows, I am my master ...
Known for monastic behavior! ..

I dare, sir...

Be silent!
Terrible age! Don't know what to start!
All managed beyond their years.
And more than daughters, but good-natured people themselves.
We were given these languages!
We take tramps, * both to the house and by tickets, *
To teach our daughters everything, everything -
And dancing! and foam! and tenderness! and sigh!
As if we are preparing buffoons for their wives. *
What are you, a visitor? you're here, sir, why?
Rootless warmed and introduced into my family,
He gave the rank of assessor * and took him to the secretaries;
Transferred to Moscow through my assistance;
And if it wasn't for me, you would smoke in Tver.

I will not explain your anger in any way.
He lives in the house here, a great misfortune!
Went to a room, got into another.

Got it or wanted to get it?
Why are you together? It can't be by accident.

Here is the whole case, however:
How long ago you and Liza were here,
Your voice frightened me extremely,
And I rushed here with all my legs ...

It will probably put all the turmoil on me.
At the wrong time, my voice made them anxious!

In a vague dream, a trifle disturbs;
To tell you a dream: you will understand then.

What's the story?

tell you?

(Sits down.)

Let me ... you see ... first
flowery meadow; and i was looking for
Some, I don't remember.
Suddenly a nice person, one of those we
We will see - as if we have known each other for a century,
Came here with me; and insinuating, and smart,
But timid... You know who was born in poverty...

Oh! mother, do not finish the blow!
Who is poor, he is not a couple for you.

Then everything was gone: meadows and skies. —
We are in a dark room. To complete the miracle
The floor opened up - and you are from there,
Pale as death, and hair on end!
Here with a thunder the doors were flung open
Some not people and not animals,
We were separated - and they tortured the one who sat with me.
He seems to be dearer to me than all treasures,
I want to go to him - you drag with you:
We are escorted by groans, roars, laughter, whistles of monsters!
He screams after! .. -
Awoke. - Someone says -
Your voice was; what do you think, so early?
I run here and I find you both.

Yes, a bad dream, as I see it.
Everything is there, if there is no deception:
And devils and love, and fears and flowers.
Well, my sir, and you?


With papers.

Yes! they were missing.
Pardon that it suddenly fell
Diligence in writing!

Well, Sonyushka, I will give you peace:
There are strange dreams, but in reality it is stranger;
You were looking for herbs
I came across a friend rather;
Get the nonsense out of your head;
Where there are miracles, there is little stock. —
Come on, lie down, sleep again.


We're going to sort out the papers.


I only carried them for the report,
What can not be used without certificates, without others,
There are contradictions, and much is not efficient.

I'm afraid, sir, I'm deadly alone,
So that a multitude does not accumulate them;
Give free rein to you, it would have settled down;
And I have what's the matter, what's not the case,
My custom is this:
Signed, so off your shoulders.

(Leaves with MOLCHALIN, at the door lets him go first.)


Sofia, Lisa.

Well, the holiday is here! Well, here's some fun for you!
But no, now it’s no laughing matter;
It is dark in the eyes, and the soul froze;
Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good.

What is my rumor? Who wants to judge
Yes, the father will force you to think:
Obese, restless, quick,
It's always been like this, but ever since...
You can judge...

I judge, sir, not from stories;
If he forbids you, good is still with me;
And then, God have mercy, just
Me, Molchalin and everyone out of the yard.

Think how capricious happiness is!
It happens worse, get away with it;
When sad nothing comes to mind,
Forgotten by the music, and time passed so smoothly;
Fate seemed to take care of us;
No worry, no doubt...
And grief awaits around the corner.

That's it, sir, you are my stupid judgment
Never complain:
But here's the trouble.
What is the best prophet for you?
I repeated: in love there will be no use in this
Not forever.
Like all Moscow ones, your father is like this:
He would like a son-in-law with stars, but with ranks,
And under the stars, not everyone is rich, between us;
Well, of course, besides
And money to live, so that he could give balls;
Here, for example, Colonel Skalozub:
And the golden bag, and marks the generals.

Where is cute! and fun me fear
Hear about the fringe * and the rows;
He never uttered a clever word,
I don't care what's behind him, what's in the water.

Yes, sir, so to speak, eloquent, but painfully not cunning;
But be a military man, be a civilian, *
Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp,
Like Alexander Andreevich Chatsky!
Not to embarrass you;
It's been a long time, don't turn back
And remember...

What do you remember? He's nice
He knows how to laugh at everyone;
Chatting, joking, it's funny to me;
You can share laughter with everyone.

But only? as if? - Shedding tears
I remember, poor he, how he parted with you. —
Why, sir, are you crying? live laughing...
And he answered: “No wonder, Liza, I’m crying:
Who knows what I will find when I return?
And how much, perhaps, I will lose!
The poor thing seemed to know that in three years ...

Listen, don't take too many liberties.
I'm very windy, maybe I did,
And I know, and I'm sorry; but where did you change?
To whom? so that they could reproach with infidelity.
Yes, with Chatsky, however, we were brought up, grew up:
The habit of being together every day is inseparable
She connected us with childhood friendship; but after
He moved out, he seemed bored with us,
And rarely visited our house;
Then he pretended to be in love again,
Demanding and distressed!!.
Sharp, smart, eloquent,
Especially happy in friends
That's what he thought about himself...
The desire to wander attacked him,
Oh! if someone loves someone
Why go crazy and go so far?

Where is it worn? in what regions?
He was treated, they say, on acidic waters, *
Not from illness, tea, from boredom - take it easy.

And, of course, happy where people are funnier.
Who I love is not like this:
Molchalin, ready to forget himself for others,
The enemy of insolence - always shyly, timidly
A whole night with whom you can spend like this!
We sit, and the yard has long turned white,
What do you think? what are you busy with?

God knows
Ma'am, is it my business?

He takes his hand, shakes his heart,
Breathe from the depths of your soul
Not a free word, and so the whole night passes,
Hand in hand, and the eye does not take my eyes off me. —
Laugh! is it possible! gave a reason
To you I to such laughter!

Me, sir? .. your aunt has now come to mind,
How a young Frenchman ran away from her house.
Dove! wanted to bury
I failed my annoyance:
Forgot to dye my hair
And three days later she turned gray.

(Continues to laugh.)

Sofia (angrily)

That's how they talk about me later.

Excuse me, right, how holy God is,
I wanted this stupid laugh
Helped to cheer you up a bit.


Sophia, Lisa, a servant, followed by Chatsky.

To you Alexander Andreevich Chatsky.


Sofia, Lisa, Chatsky.

A little light on my feet! and I am at your feet.

(He kisses his hand passionately.)

Well, kiss the same, did not wait? speak!
Well, for? * No? Look at my face.
Surprised? but only? here's the welcome!
As if a week had not passed;
Like yesterday together
We are tired of each other;
Not on the hair of love! how good!
And meanwhile, I don’t remember, without a soul,
I'm forty-five hours, my eyes do not screw up in a moment,
More than seven hundred miles swept - wind, storm;
And all confused, and fell how many times -
And here is the reward for the feats!

Oh! Chatsky, I am very glad to see you.

Are you for? at a good hour.
However, sincerely who rejoices in such a way?
I think it's the last
Chilling people and horses,
I only amuse myself.

Here, sir, if you were at the door,
By God, there are no five minutes,
How we remember you here.
Madam, tell yourself.

Always, not just now. —
You cannot reproach me.
Who will flash, open the door,
Passage, by chance, from a stranger, from afar -
With a question I, at least be a sailor:
Didn't I meet you somewhere in the mail coach?

Let's assume it is.
Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world! —
Oh! My God! Am I here again
In Moscow! you! how can you know!
Where is the time? where is that innocent age,
When it used to be a long evening
You and I will appear, disappear here and there,
We play and make noise on chairs and tables.
And here is your father with madam, behind the picket; *
We are in a dark corner, and it seems that in this!
Do you remember? shudder that the table creaks, the door ...


Yes, and now
At seventeen you blossomed beautifully,
Incredible and you know it
And therefore modest, do not look at the light.
Are you in love? please give me an answer
Without thought, fullness to be embarrassed.

Yes, at least someone is embarrassed
Quick questions and a curious look…

Pardon, not you, why be surprised?
What new will Moscow show me?
Yesterday there was a ball, and tomorrow there will be two.
He got married - he managed, but he gave a miss.
All the same sense, * and the same verses in the albums.

Persecution of Moscow. What does it mean to see the light!
Where is better?

Where we are not.
Well, what about your father? all English club
Old, faithful member to the grave?
Did your uncle jump back his eyelid?
And this one, like him, is he a Turk or a Greek?
That black man, on the legs of cranes,
I don't know what his name is
Wherever you go: right there,
In dining rooms and living rooms.
And three of the boulevard faces, *
Who have been young for half a century?
They have a million relatives, and with the help of sisters
They will intermarry with all of Europe.
What about our sun? our treasure?
On the forehead is written: Theater and Masquerade; *
The house is painted with greenery in the form of a grove,
He himself is fat, his artists are skinny.
At the ball, remember, we opened together
Behind the screens, in one of the more secret rooms,
A man was hidden and the nightingale clicked,
Singer winter summer weather.
And that consumptive, relative to you, enemy of books,
To the scientific committee * who settled
And with a cry demanded an oath,
So that no one knew and did not study literacy?
I am destined to see them again!
You will get tired of living with them, and in whom can you not find spots?
When you wander, you return home,
And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!

Here I would bring you to my aunt,
To count all the acquaintances.

And auntie? all girl, Minerva? *
All the maid of honor * Catherine the First?
Is the house full of pupils and moseks?
Oh! Let's move on to education.
What is now, just as of old,
Trouble recruiting teachers regiments,
More in number, cheaper price?
Not that they are far in science;
In Russia, under a great fine,
We are told to recognize each
Historian and geographer!
Our mentor, * remember his cap, bathrobe,
Finger * forefinger, all signs of learning
How our timid minds disturbed,
As we used to believe from an early age,
That there is no salvation for us without the Germans!
And Guillaume, the Frenchman, knocked out by the breeze?
Is he not married yet?

At least on some princess
Pulcheria Andreevna, for example?

Dancemaster! is it possible!

Well, he is a cavalier.
We will be required to be with an estate and in rank,
And Guillaume! .. - What is the tone here today
At conventions, at big ones, on parish holidays?
There is still a mixture of languages:
French with Nizhny Novgorod?

Mix of languages?

Yes, two, without this it is impossible.

But it is tricky to tailor one of them, like yours.

At least not inflated.
Here's the news! I take a minute
Enlivened by a date with you,
And talkative; is there no time
That I'm dumber than Molchalin? Where is he, by the way?
Have you yet broken the silence of the press?
There were songs where brand new notebooks
He sees, sticks: please write off.
And yet, he will reach certain degrees,
After all, today they love the dumb.

Not a man, a snake!

(Loudly and forcefully.)

I want to ask you:
Have you ever laughed? or in sadness?
Mistake? did you say good things about someone?
Though not now, but in childhood, maybe.

When everything is soft like that? both tender and immature?
Why so long ago? here's a good deed for you:
Calls just rattling
And day and night in the snowy desert,
I hasten to you, breaking my head.
And how do I find you? in some strict order!
I endure coldness for half an hour!
The face of the most holy pilgrimage! .. -
And yet I love you without memory.

(Momentary silence.)

Listen, are my words all the pegs?
And tend to someone's harm?
But if so: mind and heart are not in harmony.
I'm in weirdo to another miracle
Once I laugh, then I forget:
Tell me to go into the fire: I'll go to dinner.

Yes, well - burn, if not?


Sofia, Lisa, Chatsky, Famusov.

Here's another one!

Ah, father, sleep in hand.

Damn dream.


Famusov, Chatsky (looks at the door through which Sophia came out)

Well, you threw out a thing!
Three years did not write two words!
And suddenly it burst like from the clouds.

(They embrace.)

Great, friend, great, brother, great.
Tell me, is your tea ready?
Collection of important news?
Sit down, tell me quickly.

(They sit down.)

Chatsky (absently)

How beautiful Sofya Pavlovna has become!

You, young people, have no other business,
How to notice girlish beauty:
She said something in passing, and you,
I'm tea, I'm filled with hopes, I'm bewitched.

Oh! No; I'm a little spoiled for hope.

"Dream in hand" - she deigned to whisper to me,
Here's what you thought...

I? - Not at all.

What did she dream about? what's happened?

I am not a dream reader.

Don't trust her, everything is empty.

I believe my own eyes;
I haven’t met a century, I’ll give a subscription,
To be at least a little like her!

He's all his own. Yes, tell me in detail
Where was? Roamed for so many years!
From where now?

Now I'm up to it!
Wanted to travel around the world
And did not go round a hundredth.

(Gets up hastily.)

Sorry; I was in a hurry to see you,
Didn't go home. Farewell! In one hour
I will appear, I will not forget the slightest detail;
You first, then you tell everywhere.

(In the door.)

How good!


Famusov (one)

Which of the two?
"Oh! father, sleep in hand!
And he says it out loud to me!
Well, guilty! What a hook I gave!
Molchalin daviche put me in doubt.
Now ... yes, half a mile from the fire:
That beggar, that dandy friend;
Notorious * wasted, tomboy,
What a commission, * Creator,
To be an adult daughter's father!

End of Act I

* ACT II *


Famusov, servant.

Parsley, you are always with a new thing,
With a broken elbow. Get out the calendar;
Don't read like a sexton, *
And with feeling, with sense, with arrangement.
Wait. - On a sheet, draw on a notebook,
Against next week:
To Praskovya Feodorovna's house
On Tuesday I am called for trout.
How wonderful is the light!
Philosophize - the mind will spin;
Then you take care, then lunch:
Eat for three hours, and in three days it will not be cooked!
Mark, on the same day... No, no.
On Thursday I was called to the funeral.
Oh, the human race! fell into oblivion
That everyone himself must climb there,
In that casket, where neither to stand nor sit.
But the memory itself intends to leave someone
A commendable life, here is an example:
The deceased was a respectable chamberlain,
With the key, and he knew how to deliver the key to his son;
Rich, and was married to a rich woman;
Married children, grandchildren;
Died; everyone remembers him sadly.
Kuzma Petrovich! Peace be upon him! —
What aces live and die in Moscow! —
Write: on Thursday, one to one,
Maybe Friday, maybe Saturday
I have to baptize at the widow's, at the doctor's.
She did not give birth, but by calculation
In my opinion: should give birth ...


Famusov, servant, Chatsky.

A! Alexander Andreich, please
Sit down.

You're busy?

Famusov (servant)

(Servant leaves.)

Yes, we bring different things into the book as a keepsake,
It will be forgotten, look at that.

You have become something not cheerful;
Tell me why? Is my arrival at the wrong time?
Sofya Pavlovna what
Did sadness happen? ..
There is vanity in your face, in your movements.

Oh! Father, I found a riddle:
I'm not cheerful! .. In my years
You can't squat on me!

Nobody invites you;
I just asked two words
About Sofya Pavlovna: perhaps she is unwell?

Ugh, God forgive me! five thousand times
Says the same thing!
That Sofya Pavlovna in the world is not more beautiful,
That Sofya Pavlovna is sick.
Tell me, did you like her?
Sprayed the light; don't you want to get married?

What do you need?

It wouldn't hurt to ask me
After all, I am somewhat akin to her;
At least from the beginning *
They didn't call him father for nothing.

Let me get married, what would you tell me?

I would say, firstly: do not be blissful,
Name, brother, do not manage by mistake,
And, most importantly, go and serve.

I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve.

That's it, you are all proud!
Would you ask how the fathers did?
Would learn from the elders looking:
We, for example, or the dead uncle,
Maxim Petrovich: he is not on silver,
I ate on gold; one hundred people at your service;
All in orders; he drove forever in a train; *
A century at the court, but at what court!
Then not what it is now
Under the Empress, he served Catherine.
And in those days, everything is important! forty pounds ...
Bow - dumb * do not nod.
The nobleman in the case of * - even more so,
Not like the other, and drank and ate differently.
And uncle! what is your prince? what is Count?
Serious look, haughty disposition.
When do you need to serve?
And he leaned over:
On the kurtag * he happened to step in;
He fell, so much so that he almost hit the back of his head;
The old man groaned, voice hoarse;
He was granted the highest smile;
Were you to laugh; how is he?
He got up, recovered, wanted to bow,
Fell suddenly in a row - on purpose,
And the laughter is louder, it is the same for the third time.
A? how do you think? in our opinion - smart.
He fell painfully, got up great.
But, it happened, in whist * who is more often invited?
Who hears a friendly word at court?
Maxim Petrovich! Who knew respect before everyone?
Maxim Petrovich! Joke!
Who gives ranks and gives pensions?
Maxim Petrovich. Yes! You, the current ones, are a nootka!

And sure enough, the world began to go stupid,
You can say with a sigh;
How to compare and see
The current century and the past century:
Fresh legend, but hard to believe,
As he was famous for, whose neck bent more often;
As not in the war, but in the world they took it with their foreheads,
Knocked on the floor without regret!
Who needs: those arrogance, they lie in the dust,
And for those who are higher, flattery, like lace, was woven.
Direct was the age of humility and fear,
All under the guise of zeal for the king.
I'm not talking about your uncle, I'm talking about yours;
We will not disturb him with dust:
But meanwhile, whom the hunt will take,
Though in the most ardent servility,
Now to make people laugh
Is it brave to sacrifice the back of your head?
A peer, and an old man
Another, looking at that jump,
And crumbling in shabby skin
Tea said: “Ax! if only for me too!”
Although there are hunters to scoff everywhere,
Yes, now laughter frightens and keeps shame in check;
It is not for nothing that sovereigns favor them sparingly.

Oh! My God! he's carbonari! *

No, today the world is not like that.

A dangerous person!

Everyone breathes freely
And not in a hurry to fit into the regiment of jesters.

What does he say! and speaks as he writes!

Have patrons yawn at the ceiling,
Appear to be silent, to shuffle, to dine,
Substitute a chair, raise a handkerchief.

He wants to preach!

Who travels, who lives in the village ...

Yes, he does not recognize the authorities!

Who serves the cause, not the individuals ...

I would strictly forbid these gentlemen
Drive up to the capitals for a shot.

I will finally give you rest...

Patience, no urine, annoying.

I scolded your age mercilessly,
I give you power:
Drop the part
Though our times to boot;
So be it, I won't cry.

And I don't want to know you, I can't stand depravity.

I've done it.

Okay, I shut my ears.

For what? I won't insult them.

Famusov (patter)

Here they scour the world, they beat the buckets,
They come back, wait for order from them.

I stopped...

Perhaps have mercy.

It's not my desire to prolong arguments.

Let your soul go to repentance!


Servant (in)

Colonel Skalozub.

Famusov (does not see or hear anything)

You'll be kicked
On trial, they will give you how to drink.

Someone came to your house.

I don't listen, sue!

To you the person with the report.

I don't listen, sue! on trial!

Yes, turn around, your name is.

Famusov (turns around)

A? riot? Well, I'm waiting for sodom. *

Colonel Skalozub. Would you like to accept?

Famusov (gets up)

Donkeys! a hundred times you repeat?
Accept him, call, ask, say that he is at home,
Which is very happy. Come on, hurry up.

(Servant leaves.)

Please, sir, beware with him:
Famous person, respectable,
And he picked up the darkness of distinction;
Out of years and an enviable rank,
Not today, tomorrow General.
It’s a pity, a hundred, behave modestly with him ...
Eh! Alexander Andreevich, it's bad, brother!
He often complains to me;
I'm happy for everyone, you know,
In Moscow, they will add forever three times:
It's like marrying Sonyushka. Empty!
He, perhaps, would be glad in his soul,
Yes, I don’t see the need myself, I’m big
Daughter to issue neither tomorrow nor today;
After all, Sophia is young. And yet, the power of the Lord.
It’s a pity, a hundred with him, don’t argue at random
And drop these crazy ideas.
However, there is none! whatever reason...
A! know me went to the other half.

(Quickly leaves.)


How fussy! what a rush?
And Sophia? “Isn’t there really a fiancé here?”
Since then I've been shy like a stranger!
How could she not be here!
Who is this Skalozub? their father is very delirious,
Or maybe not just a father ...
Oh! he say love is the end,
Who will leave for three years.


Chatsky, Famusov, Skalozub.

Sergey Sergeyevich, come here to us, sir.
I humbly ask, it's warmer here;
You are cold, we will warm you;
We'll open the vent as soon as possible.

Puffer (thick bass)

Why climb, for example,
Himself! .. I am ashamed, as an honest officer.

Is it really for my friends not to make a single step for me,
Sergey Sergeyevich dear! Put down your hat, take off your sword;
Here's a sofa for you, stretch out to rest.


Wherever you order, just to sit down.

(All three sit down. Chatsky at a distance.)

Oh! father, say, so as not to forget:
Let us consider ourselves
Though distant, do not share the inheritance;
You did not know, and I even more so, -
Thank you taught your cousin -
How do you get Nastasya Nikolaevna?


I don't know, sir, I'm to blame;
We did not serve together.

Sergey Sergeyevich, is that you!
No! I am in front of relatives, where I will meet, crawling;
I will look for her at the bottom of the sea.
With me, employees of strangers are very rare;
More and more sisters, sister-in-law children;
One Molchalin is not mine,
And then that business.
How will you begin to introduce to the baptism whether, to the town,
Well, how not to please your dear little man! ..
However, your brother is a friend to me and said,
What benefits did you receive in the service.


In the thirteenth year, we were different with my brother
In the thirtieth Jaeger *, and after in the forty-fifth.

Yes, happiness, who has such a son!
Does he have, it seems, an order in his buttonhole?


For the third of August; we sat down in a trench:
He was given with a bow, around my neck *.

A kind person, and look - so grab.
A wonderful man is your cousin.


But I firmly picked up some new rules.
Chin followed him; he suddenly left the service,
In the village he began to read books.


I am quite happy in my comrades,
Vacancies * are just open;
Then the elders will be turned off by others,
Others, you see, are killed.

Yes, than whom the Lord will look for, exalt!


Sometimes my luck is happier.
We are in the fifteenth division, not far away,
About our brigadier general.

Excuse me, what are you missing?


I'm not complaining, we didn't go around
However, the regiment was driven for two years.

Is it in pursuit of the regiment? *
But, of course, in something else
Follow you far.


No, sir, there are older than me in the corps,
I have been serving since eight hundred and nine;
Yes, in order to get ranks, there are many channels;
About them as a true philosopher I judge:
I just want to be a general.

And gloriously judge, God bless you
And the rank of general; and there
Why delay further
Are you talking about the general?


Marry? I don't mind at all.

Well? who has a sister, niece, daughter;
In Moscow, after all, there are no translation brides;
What? breed from year to year;
Ah, father, admit that you barely
Where is the capital found, like Moscow.


Distances * huge size.

Taste, father, excellent manner;
For all their laws there are:
Here, for example, we have been doing from time immemorial,
What is the honor of the father and son:
Be bad, yes if you get it
Souls of a thousand two tribal, -
That and the groom.
The other, at least be quicker, puffed up with all swagger,
Let yourself be a wise man
They won't be included in the family. Don't look at us.
After all, only here they value the nobility.
Is this one? take you bread and salt:
Who wants to welcome us, if you please;
The door is open to the invited and the uninvited,
Especially from foreign ones;
Whether an honest person or not
It’s equal for us, dinner is ready for everyone.
Take you from head to toe
All Moscow ones have a special imprint.
Take a look at our youth
For young men - sons and grandchildren.
We chew them, and if you make out, -
At fifteen, teachers will be taught!
What about our old people? - How will enthusiasm take them,
They will judge about deeds, that the word is a sentence, -
After all, pillar * everything, they don’t blow anyone’s mustache;
And sometimes they talk about the government like that,
What if someone overheard them ... trouble!
Not that novelties were introduced - never,
Save us God! No. And they will find fault
To this, to this, and more often to nothing,
They will argue, make some noise, and ... disperse.
Direct chancellors * retired - on the mind!
I'll tell you, you know, the time is not ripe,
But that without them the matter will not do. —
And the ladies? - put someone in, try, master;
Judges of everything, everywhere, there are no judges over them;
Behind the cards when they rise in a general riot,
God grant patience, because I myself was married.
Command before the front!
Be present send them to the Senate!
Irina Vlasevna! Lukerya Alexevna!
Tatyana Yuryevna! Pulcheria Andreevna!
And whoever has seen daughters, hang your head ...
His Majesty the King was Prussian here,
He did not marvel at the Moscow girls,
Their good manners, not their faces;
And for sure, is it possible to be more educated!
They know how to dress themselves up
Tafttsa, marigold and haze, *
They won’t say a word in simplicity, everyone with an antics;
French romances are sung to you
And the top ones bring out the notes,
They cling to military people.
Because they are patriots.
I will say emphatically: hardly
Another capital is found, like Moscow.


By my judgement,
The fire contributed much to her decoration*.

Do not remember us, you never know how to cry!
Since then, roads, sidewalks,
Home and everything in a new way.

Houses are new, but prejudices are old.
Rejoice, they will not exterminate
Neither their years, nor fashion, nor fires.

Famusov (to Chatsky)

Hey, tie a knot for memory;
I asked to be silent, not a great service.

(To Puffer)

Allow me, father. Here, sir, Chatsky, my friend,
Andrey Ilyich's late son:
Does not serve, that is, he does not find any benefit in that,
But if you want, it would be businesslike.
It's a pity, it's a pity, he's small with a head,
And he writes and translates well.
It is impossible not to regret that with such a mind ...

Can't you feel sorry for someone else?
And your praises annoy me.

I'm not the only one, everyone also condemns.

And who are the judges? - For the antiquity of years
To a free life their enmity is irreconcilable,
Judgments draw from forgotten newspapers
The times of the Ochakovskys and the conquest of the Crimea;
Always ready to churn
They all sing the same song
Without noticing about yourself:
What is older is worse.
Where, show us, fathers of the fatherland, *
Which should we take as samples?
Are not these rich in robbery?
They found protection from court in friends, in kinship,
Magnificent building chambers,
Where they overflow in feasts and extravagance,
And where foreign clients will not resurrect *
The meanest traits of the past life.
Yes, and who in Moscow did not clamp their mouths
Lunches, dinners and dances?
Isn't it the one you are to whom I am still from the cradle,
For some incomprehensible intentions,
Did they take the children to pay respects?
That Nestor * noble villains,
Crowd surrounded by servants;
Zealous, they are in the hours of wine and fight
And honor and life saved him more than once: suddenly
He traded three greyhounds for them!!!
Or the one over there, which is for pranks
He drove to the fortress ballet on many wagons
From mothers, fathers of rejected children?!
He himself is immersed in mind in Zephyrs and Cupids,
Made all of Moscow marvel at their beauty!
But the debtors * did not agree to the postponement:
Cupids and Zephyrs all
Sold out individually!!!
Here are those who lived to gray hair!
That's who we should respect in the wilderness!
Here are our strict connoisseurs and judges!
Now let one of us
Of the young people, there is an enemy of quests,
Not demanding either places or promotions,
In the sciences, he will stick the mind, hungry for knowledge;
Or in his soul God himself will excite the heat
To creative arts, lofty and beautiful, -
They immediately: robbery! fire!
And they will be known as a dreamer! dangerous!! —
Uniform! one uniform! he is in their former life
Once sheltered, embroidered and beautiful,
Their weak-heartedness, reason poverty;
And we follow them on a happy journey!
And in wives, daughters - the same passion for the uniform!
Have I renounced tenderness to him for a long time?!
Now I can’t fall into this childishness;
But then who would not be attracted to everyone?
When from the guard, others from the court
They came here for a while -
Women shouted: hurrah!
And they threw caps into the air!

Famusov (to himself)

He will get me into trouble.

Sergei Sergeyevich, I'll go
And I'll be waiting for you in the office.


Skalozub, Chatsky.


I like it with this estimate
Artfully as you touched
Moscow Prejudices
To favorites, to the guards, to the guards, to the guards; *
Their gold, sewing marvel, as if the sun!
And when did they fall behind in the first army? in what?
Everything is so fitted, and the waists are all so narrow,
And we will send you officers
What they even say, others, in French.


Skalozub, Chatsky, Sofia, Lisa.

Sofia (runs to the window)

Oh! My God! fell, killed!

(Loses feelings.)

Who is this?


Who is in trouble?

She is dead with fear!


Yes who? from where?

Hit on what?


Hasn't our old man made a mistake?

Lisa (busy about the young lady)

To whom it is appointed, sir, do not escape fate:
Molchalin sat on a horse, his foot in the stirrup,
And the horse on its hind legs
He is on the ground and right in the crown.


He tightened the reins, well, a miserable rider.
Look at how it cracked - in the chest or in the side?


The same, without Skalozub.

Help her with what? Tell me soon.

There is water in the room.

(Chatsky runs and brings. All the following - in an undertone - before
Sophia wakes up.)

Pour a glass.

Already poured.
Loosen the lace
Rub her whiskey with vinegar,
Spray with water. - Look:
Breathing became freer.
Blow what?

Here's a fan.

Look out the window
Molchalin has been on his feet for a long time!
The trifle worries her.

Yes, sir, the young lady is unhappy in temper:
Can't look from the side
How people fall headlong.

Spray with more water.
Like this. More. More.

Sofia (with a deep sigh)

Who is here with me?
I'm just like in a dream.

(hurriedly and loudly.)

Where is he? What about him? Tell me.

Let him break his neck
You almost got tired.

Deadly by their coldness!
To look at you, to listen to you there are no forces.

Would you like me to suffer for him?

Run there, be there, help him try.

To be left alone without help?

What are you to me?
Yes, it's true: not your troubles - fun for you,
Kill your own father - it doesn't matter.

Let's go there, let's run.

Liza (takes her aside)

Come to your senses! where are you going?
He is alive and well, look out the window here.

(Sofia leans out the window.)

Confusion! fainting! haste! anger! fright!
So you can only feel
When you lose your only friend.

They're coming here. He cannot raise his hands.

I wish I could kill him...

For company?

No, stay as you please.


Sofia, Liza, Chatsky, Skalozub, Molchalin (with a bandaged hand).


Risen and unharmed, hand
slightly bruised,
And yet, all false alarm.


I scared you, forgive me for God's sake.


Well I didn't know what would come of it
You irritate. * Rushed in. —
We flinched! - You fainted
So what? - all the fear from nothing.

Sofia (not looking at anyone)

Oh! I see very much: from the empty,
And I'm still trembling all over.

Chatsky (to himself)

Not a word with Molchalin!

However, I will say about myself
What is not cowardly. It happens,
The carriage will fall down - they will raise it: I again
Ready to ride again;
But every little thing in others scares me,
Although there is no great misfortune from
Though unfamiliar to me, it does not matter.

Chatsky (to himself)

He asks for forgiveness
What time did you regret about someone!


Let me tell you a message:
There is some kind of princess Lasova here,
Rider, widow, but no examples
So that many gentlemen went with her.
The other day I was hurt in fluff, -
Joke * did not support, he thought, apparently, flies. —
And without that, she, as you can hear, is clumsy,
Now the rib is missing
So for support looking for a husband.

Ah, Alexander Andreevich, here -
Come, you are quite generous:
Unfortunately for your neighbor, you are so partial.

Yes, sir, I just showed it
By my diligent efforts,
And squirting, and rubbing;
I do not know for whom, but I resurrected you!

(Takes his hat and leaves.)


The same, except for Chatsky.

Will you visit us in the evening?


How early?

early; home friends are coming

Dance to the pianoforte
We are in mourning, so you can’t give a ball.


I will appear, but I promised to go to the priest,
I take my leave.


Skalozub (shakes hands with Molchalin)

Your servant.


Sofia, Lisa, Molchalin.

Molchalin! how my mind remained intact!
After all, you know how dear your life is to me!
Why should she play, and so carelessly?
Tell me what's wrong with your hand?
Shall I give you drops? do you need peace?
Send to the doctor, should not be neglected.


I bandaged it with a handkerchief, it has not hurt me since then.

Hit the bet, that's nonsense;
And if it were not for the face, there is no need for dressings;
And it’s not nonsense that you can’t avoid publicity:
Look at that, Chatsky will make you laugh;
And Skalozub, as he twists his crest,
He will tell a faint, add a hundred embellishments;
To joke and he is much, because now who does not joke!

Which one do I value?
I want - I love, I want - I will say.
Molchalin! like I didn't force myself?

You entered, did not say a word,
With them I did not dare to breathe,
Ask you to look at you.


No, Sofya Pavlovna, you are too frank.

Where do you get the stealth from?
I was ready to jump out the window to you.
What am I to whom? before them? to the whole universe?
Funny? - let them joke; annoying? - let them scold.


This frankness would not harm us.

Do they want to challenge you to a duel?


Oh! evil tongues are worse than a gun.

They are sitting with the father now,
If only you fluttered through the door
With a cheerful face, carefree:
When they tell us what we want -
Where as it is believed willingly!
And Alexander Andreevich, with him
About the old days, about those pranks
Turn around in the stories:
A smile and a few words
And who is in love is ready for anything.


I dare not advise you.

(Kisses her hand.)

Do you want? .. I'll go to be nice through my tears;
I'm afraid I won't be able to stand the pretense.
Why did God bring Chatsky here!


Molchalin, Lisa


You are a funny creature! alive!

Please let me go, and without me there are two of you.


What is your face!
I love you so much!

And the young lady?


By position, you ...

(Wants to hug her.)


I have three things:
There is a toilet, tricky work -
Mirror outside, mirror inside
All around the slot, gilding;
Cushion, beaded pattern;
And a mother-of-pearl device -
Pincushion and scissors, how cute!
Pearls ground into white!
Lipstick is for lips, and for other reasons,
Bottle with spirits: mignonette and jasmine.

You know that I am not flattered by interests;
Tell me why
You and the young lady are modest, but from the maid's rake?


Today I'm sick, I won't take off the bandages;
Come to dinner, stay with me;
I will reveal the whole truth to you.

(Goes out the side door.)


Sofia, Lisa.

I was at my father's, there is no one there.
Today I'm sick, and I won't go to dinner,
Tell Molchalin and call him
For him to come and visit me.

(Walks away.)


Well! people in this side!
She to him, and he to me,
And I ... only I crush love to death, -
And how not to fall in love with the barman Petrusha!

End of Act II.



Chatsky, then Sofia.

I'll wait for her, and I'll force a confession:
Who finally loves her? Molchalin! Puffer!
Molchalin used to be so stupid!..
Wretched creature!
Has he really grown wiser? .. And that one -
Khripun, * strangled, bassoon, *
A constellation of maneuvers and mazurkas! *
The fate of love is to play blind man's blind man.
And to me...

(Sofia enters.)

Are you here? I am very happy,
I desired it.

Sofia (to herself)

And very unfortunate.

Surely they weren't looking for me?

I didn't look for you.

Can't I know
Though inopportunely, there is no need:
Whom do you love?

Oh! My God! the whole world.

Who is more dear to you?

There are many relatives.

All over me?

And what do I want when everything is decided?
I climb into the noose, but it's funny to her.

Do you want to know the truth two words?
The slightest strangeness in whom is barely visible,
Your gaiety is not modest,
Your sharpness is ready at once,
And you yourself...

I myself? isn't it funny?

Yes! menacing look, and a sharp tone,
And these features in you abyss;
And above a thunderstorm is far from useless.

I'm strange, but who's not strange?
The one who looks like all fools;
Molchalin, for example ...

Examples are not new to me;
It is noticeable that you are ready to pour out bile on everyone;
And I, so as not to interfere, dodge from here.

Chatsky (holding her)


(To the side)

For once in my life, I'll pretend.

Let's leave this nonsense.
Before Molchalin I am not right, I am guilty;
Perhaps he is not the same as three years ago:
There are such transformations on earth
Boards, climates, and mores, and minds,
There are important people, they were known for fools:
Another in the army, another bad poet,
Other ... I'm afraid to name, but recognized by the whole world,
Especially in recent years
That they have become smart at least where.
Let Molchalin have a lively mind, a brave genius,
But does he have that passion? that feeling? ardor that?
So that, besides you, he has the whole world
Was it dust and vanity?
So that every beat of the heart
Has love accelerated towards you?
So that thoughts were everything, and all his deeds
Soul - you, pleasing to you? ..
I feel it myself, I can not say
But what is now boiling in me, worries, enrages,
I would not wish my personal enemy
And he? .. will be silent and hang his head.
Of course, humble, everyone is not frisky;
God knows what secret is hidden in it;
God knows what you came up with for him,
Than his head has never been stuffed.
Perhaps your qualities are darkness,
Admiring him, you gave him;
He is not sinful in anything, you are a hundred times more sinful.
No! No! let it be smart, smarter by the hour,
But is it worth you? here's one question for you.
To be more indifferent to me to suffer a loss,
As a person you, who grew up with you,
As your friend, as your brother,
Let me make sure;
I can guard against madness;
I push further to catch a cold, to get cold.
Do not think about love, but I will be able to
Get lost in the world, forget and have fun.

Sofia (to herself)

Here's what drove me crazy!

What to pretend?
Molchalin daviche could be left without a hand,
I took a lively part in it;
And you, having happened at this time,
Didn't bother to count
That you can be kind to everyone and indiscriminately;
But maybe there is truth in your guesses,
And fervently I take him under protection;
Why be, I'll tell you straight,
So intemperate language?
In contempt for people so undisguised?
That there is no mercy even for the humblest! .. what?
Happen to someone to call him:
A hail of your barbs and jokes will break out.
Tell jokes! and a century to joke! how do you feel about it!

Oh! My God! Am I one of those
To whom the purpose of all life is laughter?
I'm happy when I meet funny people
And most of the time I miss them.

In vain: it all applies to others,
Molchalin would hardly bore you,
When would have agreed shorter with him.

Chatsky (with heat)

Why did you get to know him so briefly?

I did not try, God brought us together.
Look, he has gained the friendship of everyone in the house;
He served with the father for three years,
He often gets angry for no reason,
And he will disarm him with silence,
From the kindness of the soul, forgive.
And by the way,
I could look for gaiety;
Not at all: they won’t step over the threshold from old people;
We frolic, we laugh
He will sit with them all day long, glad not glad,

Playing all day!
He is silent when he is scolded!

(To the side)

She doesn't respect him.

Of course there is no such mind in him,
What a genius for others, and for others a plague,
Which is quick, brilliant and soon opposes,
Which light scolds on the spot,
So that the world at least says something about him;
Will such a mind make a family happy?

Satire and morality - the meaning of all this?

(To the side)

She doesn't put a penny on him.

of the most wonderful property
He is finally: compliant, modest, quiet.
Not a shadow of worry on your face
And there are no misdeeds in my soul,
Strangers and at random does not cut, -
That's why I love him.

Chatsky (aside)

Shalit, she doesn't love him.

I'll help you finish
Molchalin image.
But Skalozub? here is a feast for the eyes;
For the army stands a mountain,
And the straightness of the camp,
The face and voice of a hero...

Not my novel.

Not yours? who will guess you?


Chatsky, Sofia, Liza.

Lisa (in a whisper)

Ma'am, follow me now
Alexei Stepanych will be with you.

Excuse me, I have to go quickly.

To the trickster.

God bless him.

The forceps will get cold.

Let yourself…

No, we are expecting guests for the evening.

God be with you, I remain again with my riddle.
However, let me come in, albeit furtively,
To your room for a few minutes;
There are walls, air - everything is pleasant!
They will warm, revive, they will give me a rest
Memories of the irretrievable!
I won’t sit up, I’ll go in, just two minutes,
Then think, member of the English Club,
I'll sacrifice whole days there to rumor
About the mind of Molchalin, about the soul of Skalozub.

(Sofia shrugs her shoulders, goes to her room and locks herself, followed by Lisa.)


Chatsky, then Molchalin.

Oh! Sophia! Is Molchalin chosen by her!
Why not a husband? There is only little mind in him;
But to have children
Who lacked intelligence?
Helpful, modest, there is a blush in his face.

(Molchalin enters.)

There he is on tiptoe, and not rich in words;
With what divination he knew how to get into her heart!

(Turns to him.)

We, Alexei Stepanych, with you
Couldn't say two words.
Well, what is your lifestyle like?
Without grief today? without sadness?



How did you live before?


Day after day, today is like yesterday.

To the pen from the cards? and to the cards from the pen?
And the appointed hour of the ebb and flow?


As I labor and strength,
Since I've been listed in the Archives, *
Received three awards.

Caught honors and nobility?


No, sir, everyone has their own talent ...


Moderation and prudence.

The most wonderful two! and worth our all.


You were not given ranks, failure in the service?

Ranks are given by people,
And people can be deceived.


How surprised we were!

What is the wonder here?


They took pity on you.

Wasted labor.


Tatyana Yurievna told something,
Returning from Petersburg
With ministers about your connection,
Then the break...

Why does she care?


Tatyana Yurievna!

I don't know her.


With Tatiana Yurievna!!

We have not met with her for a century;
Heard it's crazy.


Yes, it's full, right?
Tatyana Yuryevna!!!
well-known, and
Officials and officials -
All her friends and all her relatives;
You should visit Tatyana Yurievna at least once.

For what?


Yes: often
We find patronage where we do not aim.

I go to women, but not for this.


How courteous! of good! sweetie! simple!
Balls can not be given richer.
From Christmas to Lent
And summer holidays in the country.
Well, really, what would you like to serve us in Moscow?
And take awards and have fun?

When in business - I hide from fun,
When I'm fooling around, I'm fooling around
And to mix these two crafts
There are plenty of artisans, I'm not one of them.


Excuse me, but I don’t see a crime here;
Here is Foma Fomich himself, is he familiar to you?


Under three ministers there was a department head.
Transferred here...

The most empty person, the most stupid.


How can you! his syllable is set as a model here!
Have you read?

I'm not stupid,
And more exemplary.


No, I had such a pleasure to read,
I'm not a writer...

And it's noticeable all over.


I dare not pronounce my judgment.

Why is it so secret?


In my summers must not dare
Have your own opinion.

Forgive me, we are not guys,
Why are other people's opinions only holy?


After all, you have to depend on others.

Why is it necessary?


We are small in ranks.

Chatsky (almost loudly)

With such feelings, with such a soul
Love!.. The deceiver laughed at me!


Evening. All the doors are wide open, except for Sofia's bedroom. In perspective
reveals a series of illuminated rooms. The servants are bustling about; one of them, chief,

Hey! Filka, Fomka, well, tricky!
Tables for cards, chalk, brushes and candles!

(Knocking on Sofia's door.)

Tell the young lady soon, Lizaveta:
Natalya Dmitrevna, and with her husband, and to the porch
Another carriage arrived.

(They disperse, only Chatsky remains.)


Chatsky, Natalya Dmitrievna, a young lady.

Natalya Dmitrievna

Am I not mistaken! .. he’s definitely in the face ...
Oh! Alexander Andreich, is that you?

Look doubtfully from head to toe,
Really so me three years have changed?

Natalya Dmitrievna

I thought you were far from Moscow.
How long ago?

Today only…

Natalya Dmitrievna

How will it happen.
However, who, looking at you, does not marvel?
Fuller than before, prettier fear;
You are younger, you have become fresher;
Fire, blush, laughter, play in every way.

Natalya Dmitrievna

I'm married.

Long ago you would say!

Natalya Dmitrievna

My husband is a lovely husband, now he will come in,
I'll introduce you, would you like?

Natalya Dmitrievna

And I know in advance
What do you like. Take a look and judge!

I believe he is your husband.

Natalya Dmitrievna

Oh no, sir, not because;
By itself, by taste, by mind.
Platon Mikhailovich is my one and only, priceless!
Now retired, was a military man;
And all those who only knew before say
What about his courage, talent,
Whenever the service continues,
Of course, he would have been a Moscow commandant.


Chatsky, Natalya Dmitrievna, Platon Mikhailovich

Natalya Dmitrievna

Here is my Platon Mikhailovich.

An old friend, we have known each other for a long time, that's fate!

Platon Mikhailovich

Hello, Chatsky, brother!

Plato is kind, nice,
A commendation sheet for you: you behave properly.

Platon Mikhailovich

As you can see brother
Moscow resident and married.

Forgotten the noise of the camp, comrades and brothers?
Calm and lazy?

Platon Mikhailovich

No, there are some things to do:
I play a duet on the flute
A-molny ... *

What did you say five years ago?
Well, permanent taste! in husbands everything is more expensive!

Platon Mikhailovich

Brother, get married, then remember me!
From boredom you will whistle the same thing.

Boredom! How? Are you paying tribute to her?

Natalya Dmitrievna

My Platon Mikhailovich is inclined to various occupations,
Which are not now - to the teachings and reviews,
To the arena… sometimes misses the mornings.

And who, dear friend, commands you to be idle?
In the regiment, the squadron will give. Are you chief or headquarters? *

Natalya Dmitrievna

My Platon Mikhailovich is very weak in health.

Health is weak! How long ago?

Natalya Dmitrievna

All rumbling* and headaches.

More movement. To the village, to the warm land.
Get on horseback more. The village is paradise in summer.

Natalya Dmitrievna

Platon Mikhailovich loves the city,
Moscow; why in the wilderness he will ruin his days!

Moscow and the city ... You are an eccentric!
Do you remember the former?

Platon Mikhailovich

Yes, brother, now it's not like that ...

Natalya Dmitrievna

Ah, my friend!
It's so fresh here that there is no urine,
You flung yourself open and unbuttoned your vest.

Platon Mikhailovich

Now, brother, I'm not the one...

Natalya Dmitrievna

Listen for once
My dear, fasten up.

Platon Mikhailovich

Now, brother, I'm not the one...

Natalya Dmitrievna

Platon Mikhailovich (eyes to the sky)

Oh! mother!

Well, God judge you;
For sure, you became the wrong one in a short time;
Was it not last year, at the end,
Did I know you in the regiment? only morning: foot in the stirrup
And you ride on a greyhound stallion;
Autumn wind blow, even in front, even from the rear.

Eh! brother! it was a glorious life then.


The same, Prince Tugoukhovsky and Princess with six daughters.

Prince Pyotr Ilyich, princess! My God!
Princess Zizi! Mimi!

(Loud kisses, then they sit down and examine each other with
head to toe.)

1st princess

What a beautiful style!

2nd princess

What folds!

1st princess


Natalya Dmitrievna

No, if you could see my satin tulle!

3rd princess

What an esharp * cousin * gave me!

4th princess

Oh! yes, bare! *

5th princess

Oh! charm!

6th princess

Oh! how cute!

Ss! - Who is this in the corner, we went up, bowed?

Natalya Dmitrievna

Visitor, Chatsky.


Natalya Dmitrievna

Yes, traveled, recently returned.

And ho-lo-stop?

Natalya Dmitrievna

Yes, not married.

Prince, prince, here. - Live.

Prince (he wraps his auditory tube around her)

Come to us for the evening, on Thursday, ask soon
Natalya Dmitrevna's friend: there he is!

(He sets off, hovering around Chatsky and coughing.)

Here's something kids:
They have a ball, and batiushka drag yourself to bow;
Dancers have become terribly rare! ..
Is he a chamber junker? *

Natalya Dmitrievna

Natalya Dmitrievna

Princess (loudly, that there is urine)

Prince, prince! Back!


The same and Countess Hryumina: grandmother and granddaughter.

Countess granddaughter

Ah! Grand maman! * Well, who arrives so early?
We are first!

(Disappears into a side room.)

Here we are honored!
Here is the first one, and he considers us for no one!
Evil, in girls for a century, God will forgive her.

Countess granddaughter (on returning, directs a double lorgnette at Chatsky)

Monsieur Chatsky! Are you in Moscow! how were they all?

What should I change for?

Countess granddaughter

Singles returned?

Who should I marry?

Countess granddaughter

In foreign lands on whom?
ABOUT! our darkness, without distant inquiries,
They get married there and give us kinship
With the artisans of the fashion shops.

Unhappy! Should there be reproaches?
From imitators to milliners?
For what you dare to choose
Original listings? *


The same and many other guests. By the way Zagoretsky. Men
appear, shuffle, step aside, wander from room to room, and so on.
Sophia comes out of herself; all towards her.

Countess granddaughter

Eh! bon soir! vous voila! Jamais trop diligente,
Vous nous donnez toujours le plaisir de l'attente *.

Zagoretsky (Sofya)

Do you have a ticket for tomorrow's performance?


Let me hand it to you, in vain would anyone take
Another to serve you, but
Wherever I went!
In the office - everything is taken,
To the director - he is my friend -
With the dawn at the sixth hour, and by the way!
Already in the evening no one could get it;
To this, to this, I knocked everyone down;
And this one finally stole by force
At one, the old man is frail,
I have a friend, a well-known homebody;
Let him sit at home in peace.

Thank you for the ticket
And for the effort twice.

(Some more appear, meanwhile Zagoretsky goes to the men.)


Platon Mikhailovich ...

Platon Mikhailovich

Go to women, lie to them and fool them;
I'll tell you the truth about you
Which is worse than any lie. Here, brother

(to Chatsky)

I recommend!
What is the politest name for such people?
Tenderer? - he is a man of the world,
Notorious swindler, rogue:
Anton Antonych Zagoretsky.
Beware of him: endure * much,
And do not sit down in the cards: he will sell.


Original! obnoxious, but without the slightest malice.

And it would be ridiculous for you to be offended;
In addition to honesty, there are many joys:
They scold here, but there they thank.

Platon Mikhailovich

Oh no, brother! we are scolded
Everywhere, and everywhere they accept.

(Zagoretsky moves into the crowd.)


The same and Khlestova.


Is it easy at sixty-five
Should I drag myself to you, niece? .. - Torment!
I rode from Pokrovka for a broken hour, * there is no strength;
Night is a doomsday! *
Out of boredom, I took with me
Arapka-girl and dog;
Tell them to feed already, my friend,
A handout came from supper.
Princess, hello!

Well, Sofyushka, my friend,
What is my arapka for services:
Curly! shoulder blade!
Angry! all cat tricks!
How black! how scary!
After all, the Lord created such a tribe!
Damn it; in girlish * she;
Do you call?

No, sir, at another time.


Imagine: they are paraded like animals ...
I listened, there ... the city is Turkish ...
And do you know who saved me? —
Anton Antonych Zagoretsky.

(Zagoretsky moves forward.)

He is a liar, a gambler, a thief.

(Zagoretsky disappears.)

I was from him and the doors were locked;
Yes, the master to serve: me and sister Praskovya
I got two blacks at the fair;
Bought, he says, cheated on the cards;
A gift for me, God bless him!

Chatsky (with laughter to Platon Mikhailovich)

Not greeted by such praises,
And Zagoretsky himself could not stand it, he disappeared.


Who is this funny guy? From what rank?

Out this one? Chatsky.


Well? what did you find funny?
Why is he happy? What's the laugh?
Laughing at old age is a sin.
I remember you often danced with him as a child,
I tore at his ears, only a little.


The same and Famusov.

Famusov (loudly)

We are waiting for Prince Peter Ilyich,
And the prince is already here! And I huddled there, in the portrait room!
Where is Skalozub Sergey Sergeyevich? A?
No; it seems not. - He is a remarkable person -
Sergei Sergeevich Skalozub.


My creator! deafened, louder than any pipes!


The same and Skalozub, then Molchalin.

Sergei Sergeyevich, we are late;
And we were waiting for you, waiting, waiting.

(He leads to Khlestovaya.)

My daughter-in-law, who has long
It's about you.

Khlestova (sitting)

You were here before... in the regiment... in that... in the grenadier? *

Puffer (bass)

In his highness, you mean
Novo-Zemlyansky Musketeer. *


I'm not a craftswoman to distinguish shelves.


And uniforms have differences:
In uniforms, edging, shoulder straps, buttonholes.

Come, father, there I will make you laugh;
Curious whist we have. Follow us, prince! I beg.

(He and the prince are taken away with him.)

Khlestov (Sofia)

Wow! I definitely got rid of the noose;
After all, your crazy father:
He was given three fathoms, a daring one, -
Introduces, without asking, is it nice for us, isn't it?

MOLCHALIN (gives her a card)

I composed your party: Monsieur Kok,
Foma Fomich and me.


Thank you my friend.


Your Spitz is a lovely Spitz, no more than a thimble!
I stroked all of it; like silk wool!


Thank you my dear.

(Leaves, followed by MOLCHALIN and many others.)


Chatsky, Sophia and several strangers who continue

Well! dispersed the cloud...

Can't we continue?

Why did I scare you?
For the fact that he softened the angry guest,
I wanted to compliment.

And they would end up angry.

Tell you what I thought? Here:
Old women are all angry people;
It's not bad to have a famous servant with them
It was like a thunderbolt here.
Molchalin! “Who else will settle things so peacefully!”
There the pug will stroke in time!
Here at the time the card will be rubbed!
Zagoretsky will not die in it!
You once calculated his properties for me,
But many have forgotten - Yes?


Sofia, then G.N.

Sofia (to herself)

Oh! this person is always
Cause me a terrible disorder!
Humiliate glad, prick, envious, proud and angry!

G.N. (fits)

You are in thought.

About Chatsky.

How was he found on his return?

He has a screw loose.

Have you lost your mind?

Sofia (pause)

Not quite…

However, are there any clues?

Sofia (looks at him intently)

I think.

How can you, in these years!

How to be!

(To the side)

He is ready to believe!
Ah, Chatsky! You love to dress up everyone in jesters,
Would you like to try on yourself?


G.N., then G.D.

Crazy! .. It seems to her! .. that's it!
Not without reason? So ... why would she take it?
You heard?

About Chatsky?

What's happened?


I didn't say, others say.

Are you happy to celebrate it?

I'll go and inquire; tea, who knows.


G.D., then Zagoretsky.

Believe the talker!
He hears nonsense, and immediately repeats!
Do you know about Chatsky?




A! I know, I remember, I heard.
How can I not know? exemplary case came out;
His rogue uncle hid him in the insane ...
They seized me, into the yellow house, * and put me on a chain.

Have mercy, he was here in the room now, here.


So from the chain, therefore, lowered.

Well, dear friend, you don't need newspapers with you.
Let me go spread my wings
I will ask everyone; however churn! secret.


Zagoretsky, then the Countess's granddaughter.


Which Chatsky is here? - Well-known surname.
I once knew some Chatsky. —
Have you heard of him?

Countess granddaughter


About Chatsky, he was here in the room now.

Countess granddaughter

I know.
I spoke to him.


So I congratulate you!
He is crazy...

Countess granddaughter


Yes, he's gone crazy.

Countess granddaughter

Imagine, I noticed myself;
And at least bet, you are with me in one word.


The same and the Countess grandmother.

Countess granddaughter

Ah! grand' maman, these are miracles! that's new!
Have you heard of the troubles here?
Listen. Here are the charms! that's cute!..

Countess grandmother

My trouble, my ears are stuffed up;
Slow down…

Countess granddaughter

There is no time!

(Pointing to Zagoretsky.)

Il vous dira toute l’histoire… *
I'm going to ask...


Zagoretsky, Countess grandmother.

Countess grandmother

What? What? is there a ball here?


No, Chatsky made all this mess.

Countess grandmother

How, Chatsky? Who sent you to jail?


In the mountains he was wounded in the forehead, went crazy from the wound.

Countess grandmother

What? to the farmazons * to the clob? Did he go to the Pusurmans?


You won't understand her.

Countess grandmother

Anton Antonych! Oh!
And he is on foot, all in fear, in a hurry.


Countess grandmother and Prince Tugoukhovsky.

Countess grandmother

Prince, prince! Oh, this prince, on the palam, he himself pokes a little!
Prince, have you heard?

Countess grandmother

He doesn't hear anything!
At least, moshe, have you seen the chief of police * ardor here?

Countess grandmother

To prison, prince, who captured Chatsky?

Countess grandmother

A cleaver to him and a satchel,
To salty! Is it a joke! changed the law!

Countess grandmother

Yes! .. he is in pusurmans! Oh! damned bastard! *
What? A? deaf, my father; take out your horn.
Oh! deafness is a great vice.


The same and Khlestova, Sofia, Molchalin, Platon Mikhailovich, Natalya
Dmitrievna, Countess granddaughter, Princess with daughters, Zagoretsky, Skalozub, then
Famusov and many others.


Crazy! I humbly ask!
Yes, by chance! yes, how clever!
Did you hear Sophia?

Platon Mikhailovich

Who disclosed first?

Natalya Dmitrievna

Ah, my friend, everything!

Platon Mikhailovich

Well, everything, so unwillingly believe,
And I doubt it.

Famusov (entering)

About what? about Chatsky, or what?
What is doubtful? I'm the first, I opened!
I've been wondering for a long time how no one will tie him up!
Try about the authorities - and they will tell you nothing!
Bow a little low, bend over with a ring,
Even before the monarch's face,
So he will call a scoundrel! ..


There from the laughing ones;
I said something and he started laughing.


He advised me not to serve in the Archives in Moscow.

Countess granddaughter

He deigned to call me a fashionista!

Natalya Dmitrievna

And he gave my husband advice to live in the countryside.


Crazy all over.

Countess granddaughter

I saw from the eyes.

I went after my mother, after Anna Aleksevna;
The dead woman went crazy eight times.


There are wonderful adventures in the world!
In his summer crazy jumped off!
Tea, drank beyond his years.

ABOUT! right…

Countess granddaughter

Without a doubt.


He drank champagne glasses.

Natalya Dmitrievna

Bottles-with, and very large

Zagoretsky (with heat)

No, sir, barrels of forties.

Here you go! great trouble,
What will a man drink too much!
Learning is the plague, learning is the cause
What is now more than ever,
Crazy divorced people, and deeds, and opinions.


And really you will go crazy from these, from some
From boarding schools, schools, lyceums, as you put them,
Yes, from Lankart's mutual teachings. *

No, in St. Petersburg the institute
Pe-da-go-gic, * that seems to be the name:
There they practice in schisms and in unbelief
Professors!! - our relatives studied with them,
And left! even now in a pharmacy, as an apprentice.

Runs from women, and even from me!
Chinov doesn't want to know! He is a chemist, he is a botanist,
Prince Fedor, my nephew.


I will make you happy: the general rumor,
That there is a project about lyceums, schools, gymnasiums;
There they will only teach according to ours: one, two;
And the books will be kept like this: for big occasions.

Sergey Sergeyevich, no! If evil is to be stopped:
Take away all the books and burn them.

Zagoretsky (with meekness)

No, sir, there are different books to books. And if, between us,
I was the censor * appointed,
I would have leaned on fables; Oh! fables - my death!
Eternal mockery of lions! over the eagles!
Whoever says:
Although animals, but still kings.


My fathers, who is upset in the mind,
So it doesn't matter whether it's from books, or from drinking;
And I feel sorry for Chatsky.
In a Christian way; he is worthy of pity;
There was a sharp man, he had about three hundred souls.


Three, sir.

Four hundred.


No! three hundred.

On my calendar...


Everyone lies calendars.


No! Three hundred! - I don’t know other people’s estates!

Four hundred, please understand.


No! three hundred, three hundred, three hundred.


The same all and Chatsky.

Natalya Dmitrievna

Countess granddaughter

(They back away from him in the opposite direction.)


Well, like crazy eyes
He will start to fight, he will demand to be cut!

Oh my God! have mercy on us sinners!


Dearest! You are not at ease.
Sleep is needed on the road. Give me a pulse... You're unwell.

Yes, no urine: a million torments
Breasts from a friendly vice,
Feet from shuffling, ears from exclamations,
And more than a head from all sorts of trifles.

(Approaches Sophia.)

My soul here is somehow compressed by grief,
And in the multitude I am lost, not myself.
No! I am dissatisfied with Moscow.


(Makes signs to Sofia.)

Hm, Sophia! - Doesn't look!

Sofia (to Chatsky)

Tell me what makes you so angry?

In that room, an insignificant meeting:
A Frenchman from Bordeaux, * pushing his chest,
Gathered around him a kind of vecha *
And he said how he was equipped on the way
To Russia, to the barbarians, with fear and tears;
Arrived - and found that there is no end to caresses;
No sound of a Russian, no Russian face
Did not meet: as if in the fatherland, with friends;
own province. - Look, in the evening
He feels like a little king here;
The ladies have the same sense, the same outfits ...
He's happy, but we're not.
Silent. And here from all sides
Anguish, and groaning, and groaning.
Oh! France! There is no better place in the world! —
Two princesses decided, sisters, repeating
A lesson taught to them from childhood.
Where to go from the princesses! —
I odal sent wishes
Humble, but out loud
So that the Lord destroyed this unclean spirit
Empty, slavish, blind imitation;
So that he would plant a spark in someone with a soul,
Who could by word and example
Hold us like a strong rein,
From pathetic nausea on the side of a stranger.
Let them call me an Old Believer,
But our North is a hundred times worse for me
Since I gave everything in exchange for a new way -
And customs, and language, and holy antiquity,
And stately clothes for another
In jester fashion:
The tail is behind, some kind of wonderful notch in front, *
Reason contrary, contrary to the elements;
The movements are connected, and not the beauty of the face;
Funny, shaved, gray chins!
Like dresses, hair, and minds are short! ..
Oh! if we are born to adopt everything,
At least we could borrow a few from the Chinese
Wise they have ignorance of foreigners.
Will we ever be resurrected from the foreign power of fashion?
So that our smart, cheerful people
Although the language did not consider us Germans.
“How to put the European in parallel
With the national - something strange!
Well, how to translate Madame and Mademoiselle?
Come on ma'am!!" someone muttered to me.
Imagine everyone here
Laughter erupted at my expense.
"Madam! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Wonderful!
Madam! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! terrible!" —
I, angry and cursing life,
He prepared a thunderous answer for them;
But everyone left me. —
Here is the case for you with me, it is not new;
Moscow and Petersburg - in all of Russia,
That a man from the city of Bordeaux,
Only his mouth opened, he has happiness
Inspire participation in all princesses;
And in St. Petersburg and in Moscow,
Who is the enemy of written faces, frills, curly words,
In whose head, unfortunately
Five, six there are healthy thoughts
And he dares to announce them publicly, -

(Looks around, everyone is circling in a waltz with the greatest zeal. Old people
dispersed to the card tables.)

End of Act III

* ACT IV *

Famusov has a grand entrance hall in his house; large staircase from the second dwelling *, to
which adjoins many side mezzanines; bottom right (from
actors) access to the porch and the Swiss box; on the left, on the same
plan, Molchalin's room. Night. Weak lighting. Other lackeys fuss, others
sleep in anticipation of their masters.


Countess grandmother, Countess granddaughter, ahead of their lackeys.

Countess Khryumina's carriage!

Countess granddaughter (while they wrap her up)

Well ball! Well Famusov! knew how to call guests!
Some freaks from the other world
And there is no one to talk to, and no one to dance with.

Countess grandmother

Let's sing, mother, I, rightly, can't do it,
Once upon a time, I fell into the grave.

(Both leave.)


Platon Mikhailovich and Natalya Dmitrievna. One lackey bustles around them,
another at the entrance shouts:

Gorich's carriage!

Natalya Dmitrievna

My angel, my life
Priceless, darling, Posh, what's so sad?

(Kisses her husband on the forehead.)

Admit it, the Famusovs had fun.

Platon Mikhailovich

Mother Natasha, I doze off at the balls,
Before them, a mortal reluctant,
But I do not resist, your worker,
I'm on duty after midnight, sometimes
You are pleased, no matter how sad,
I start to dance on command.

Natalya Dmitrievna

You pretend, and very unskillfully;
Hunt mortal to pass for an old man.

(Exit with footman.)

Platon Mikhailovich (coldly)

Ball is a good thing, captivity is bitter;
And who will not marry us!
After all, it is said, of a different kind ...

Footman (from the porch)

There is a lady in the carriage, and she will be angry.

Platon Mikhailovich (with a sigh)



Chatsky and his footman are ahead.

Shout for it to be served soon.

(Lake leaves.)

Well, the day has passed, and with it
All the ghosts, all the smoke and smoke
The hopes that filled my soul.
What was I waiting for? what did you think you would find here?
Where is the charm of this meeting? participation in whom is alive?
Scream! joy! hugged! - Empty.
In a wagon so-and-so on the way
Boundless plain, sitting idly,
Everything is visible ahead
Light, blue, varied;
And you go for an hour, and two, a whole day; that's briskly
Drove to rest; lodging for the night: wherever you look,
All the same smooth surface, and the steppe, and empty and dead ...
Annoyingly, there is no urine, the more you think.

(Lakey returns.)

The coachman is nowhere to be found, you see.

I went, look, do not spend the night here.

(The footman leaves again.)


Chatsky, Repetilov (runs in from the porch, at the very entrance he falls from all
legs and quickly recovers).


Ugh! blundered. Ah, my Creator!
Let me rub my eyes; from where? buddy!..
Heart friend! Dear friend! Mon Cher! *
Here are farces * how often they were pets to me,
That I am idle, that I am stupid, that I am superstitious,
What do I have for all premonitions, signs;
Now ... please explain,
As if I knew, I'm in a hurry here,
Grab it, I hit it with my foot on the threshold
And stretched out to his full height.
Maybe laugh at me
That Repetilov is lying, that Repetilov is simple,
And I have an attraction to you, a kind of illness,
Some kind of love and passion
I'm ready to slay my soul
That in the world you will not find such a friend,
So true, she-she;
Let me lose my wife, children,
I will be left with the whole world,
Let me die in this place
May the Lord destroy me...

Yes, it's full of nonsense to grind.


You don't love me, it's natural
With others, I am this way and that,
I'm talking to you shyly
I'm pathetic, I'm ridiculous, I'm ignorant, I'm a fool.

Here is a strange humiliation!


Scold me, I myself curse my birth,
When I think about how I killed time!
Tell me what time is it?

An hour to go to bed to go to bed;
When you came to the ball
So you can turn back.


What's the ball? brother, where are we all night until broad daylight,
We are shackled in decencies, we will not break out of the yoke,
Have you read? there is a book...

Did you read? task for me
Are you Repetilov?


Call me a vandal: *
I deserve this name.
I valued empty people!
He himself raved for a century at dinner or at a ball!
I forgot about the kids! cheated on his wife!
Played! lost! taken under guardianship by decree! *
Keep the dancer! and not just one:
Three at once!
Drinking dead! did not sleep for nine nights!
He rejected everything: laws! conscience! faith!

Listen! lie, but know the measure;
There is something to be desperate about.


Congratulate me, now I know people
With the smartest!! - I don't roam all night long.

Now, for example?


That there is only one night, it does not count,
But ask, where have you been?

And I guess myself.
Tea, in the club?


In English. To start confession:
From a noisy meeting.
Please, be silent, I gave my word to be silent;
We have a society, and secret meetings
On Thursdays. Secret alliance...

Oh! I'm scared brother.
How? in club?


These are emergency measures.
To drive away both you and your secrets.


In vain fear takes you
We speak loudly, no one will understand.
I myself, how they grab about the cameras, the jury, *
About Byron *, well, about mothers * important,
I often listen without opening my lips;
I can't do it, brother, and I feel stupid.
Ah! Alexandre! we missed you;
Listen, my dear, amuse me at least a little;
Let's go now; we, fortunately, are on the move;
What will I take you to
Humans!!... They don't look like me at all!
What kind of people, mon cher! Juice of smart youth!

God be with them and with you. Where will I jump?
For what? in the dead of night? Home, I want to sleep.


E! drop it! who is sleeping today? Well, that's it, without preludes *
Make up your mind, and we! .. we have ... decisive people,
Hot dozen heads!
We shout - you will think that there are hundreds of voices! ..

What are you so mad about?


Noise, brother, noise!

Are you making noise? but only?


No place to explain now and lack of time,
But the state business
It, you see, is not ripe,
You can't suddenly.
What kind of people! mon cher! Without distant stories
I'll tell you: firstly, Prince Gregory!!
The only weirdo! makes us laugh!
Century with the English, the whole English fold,
And he says through his teeth,
And also cut short for order.
Are you not familiar? O! get to know him.
The other is Vorkulov Evdokim;
Have you heard how he sings? O! wonder!
Listen, dear, especially
He has a favorite:
"A! non lashyar mi, but, but, but. *
We also have two brothers:
Levon and Borinka, wonderful guys!
You don't know what to say about them;
But if you order a genius to name:
Udushiev Ippolit Markelych!!!
You are writing it
Did you read anything? even a trifle?
Read, brother, but he does not write anything;
Here are such people to flog,
And sentence: write, write, write;
In magazines you can, however, find
His passage, look and something.
What do you mean something? - about everything;
Everyone knows we graze him for a rainy day.
But we have a head, which is not in Russia,
No need to name, you will recognize by the portrait:
Night thief, duelist,
He was exiled to Kamchatka, returned as an Aleut,
And firmly on the hand unclean;
Yes, a smart person can not be a rogue.
When he speaks of high honesty,
We inspire with some kind of demon:
Bloody eyes, burning face
He is crying, and we are all crying.
Here are the people, are there any like them? Hardly…
Well, between them, of course, I'm an ordinary *,
A little behind, lazy, think horror!
However, when, with my mind, I strained,
I'll sit down, I don't sit for an hour,
And somehow by chance, suddenly a pun * face.
Others in my mind will pick up the same thought
And six of us, look, vaudeville * blind,
The other six set to music,
Others clap when it's given.
Brother, laugh, but whatever, whatever:
God did not give me abilities,
I gave a good heart, that's what I'm nice to people,
I’m lying - forgive me ...

Lackey (at the entrance)

Skalozub's carriage!



The same and Skalozub, descends from the stairs.

Repetilov (to meet him)

Oh! Skalozub, my soul,
Wait, where are you going? make friendship.

(She strangles him in her arms.)

Where can I go from them!

(Included in the Swiss.)

Repetilov (Skalozub)

The rumor about you has long ceased,
They said that you went to the regiment to serve.
Are you familiar?

(Looking for Chatsky's eyes)

Stubborn! rode off!
No need, I accidentally found you
And please with me, now without excuses:
Prince Gregory now has darkness for the people,
You will see, there are forty of us,
Ugh! how much, brother, there is mind!
They talk all night, they don't get bored,
First, they will give you champagne to drink,
And secondly, they will teach such things,
Which, of course, we can not invent with you.


Deliver. Don't fool me with learning
Call others, and if you want,
I am Prince Gregory and you
Sergeant major in Walters ladies,
He will build you in three lines,
And squeal, it will instantly calm you down.


All service on mind! Mon cher, look here:
And I would climb into the ranks, but I met failures,
Like maybe no one ever;
I served as a civilian, then
Baron von Klotz to ministers methyl,
And I -
To him as a son-in-law.
Went straight ahead without further thought,
With his wife and with him he went into reversi, *
Him and her what amounts
I let go, God forbid!
He lived on the Fontanka, I built a house near,
With columns! huge! how much did it cost!
Finally married his daughter
He took a dowry - shish, in the service - nothing.
Father-in-law is German, but what's the use?
I was afraid, you see, he reproached
For weakness, as if to relatives!
I was afraid, take his ashes, but is it easier for me?
His secretaries are all boors, all corrupt,
People, writing creature,
Everyone went out to know, everyone is important now,
Look at the address-calendar. *
Ugh! service and ranks, crosses - the souls of ordeal;
Lakhmotiev Alexey says wonderfully,
That radical drugs are needed here,
The stomach does not boil longer.

(Stops when he sees that Zagoretsky has taken the place of Skalozub,
who left for a while.)


Repetilov, Zagoretsky.


Please continue, I sincerely confess to you
I am just like you, a terrible liberal!
And from the fact that I speak straight and boldly,
How much have you lost!

Repetilov (with annoyance)

All apart, not saying a word;
Slightly out of sight one, look there is no other.

There was Chatsky, suddenly disappeared, then Skalozub.


What do you think about Chatsky?


He's not stupid
Now we collided, there are all sorts of turuses, *
And a practical conversation turned to vaudeville.
Yes! vaudeville is a thing, and everything else is gil. *
He and I…we have…the same tastes.


Did you notice that he
Seriously damaged in mind?


What nonsense!


About him all this faith.



Ask everyone!



And by the way, here is Prince Pyotr Ilyich,
Princess and with princesses.



Repetilov, Zagoretsky, Prince and Princess with six daughters; A little
later Khlestova descends from front staircase. Molchalin leads her by the arm.
Lackeys in the bustle.


Princesses, please tell me your opinion,
Crazy Chatsky or not?

1st princess

What is the doubt about this?

2nd princess

The whole world knows about it.

3rd princess

Dryansky, Khvorov, Varlyansky, Skachkov.

4th princess

Oh! to lead the old, to whom are they new?

5th princess

Who doubts?


Yeah, I don't believe...

6th princess


Monsieur Repetilov! You! Monsieur Repetilov! what do you!
How are you! Is it possible against everyone!
Why are you? shame and laughter.

Repetilov (plugs his ears)

I'm sorry, I didn't know that was too loud.

It would not be public yet, it is dangerous to talk with him,
It's high time to shut down.
Listen, so his little finger
Smarter than everyone, and even Prince Peter!
I think he's just a Jacobin, *
Your Chatsky!!! Let's go. Prince, you could carry
Roll or Zizi, we'll sit in a six-seater.

Khlestov (from the stairs)

Princess, card debt.

Follow me, mother.

Everyone (to each other)


(The princely surname * is leaving, and Zagoretsky too.)


Repetilov, Khlestova, Molchalin.


Heavenly king!
Amfisa Nilovna! Oh! Chatsky! poor! Here!
What is our high mind! and a thousand worries!
Tell me what in the world we are busy with!


So God judged him; however,
They will treat, cure maybe;
And you, my father, are incurable, come on.
Made me show up on time! —
Molchalin, there is your closet,
No wires needed; come on, the Lord is with you.

(Molchalin goes to his room.)

Farewell, father; it's time to freak out.



Repetilov with his lackey.


Where is the path to go now?
And things are about to dawn.
Come on, put me in the carriage,
Take it somewhere.



The last lamp goes out.

Chatsky (leaving the Swiss)

What is this? did I hear with my ears!
Not laughter, but clearly anger. What miracles?
Through what sorcery
Everyone repeats the absurdity about me in a voice!
And for others, like a celebration,
Others seem to sympathize ...
ABOUT! if someone penetrated people:
What's worse about them? soul or language?
Whose essay is this!
Fools believed, they pass it on to others,
Old women instantly sound the alarm -
And here is the public opinion!
And that homeland ... No, on the current visit,
I see that she will soon tire of me.
Does Sophia know? - Of course, they said
She's not exactly to my detriment
I had fun, and the truth or not -
She doesn't care if I'm different or not
In her conscience, she does not value anyone.
But this swoon, unconsciousness from where?? —
Nerve spoiled, whim, -
A little will excite them, and a little will calm them down, -
I took it as a sign of living passions. - Not a crumb:
She certainly would have lost the same strength,
Whenever someone stepped
On the tail of a dog or cat.

Sofia (above the stairs on the second floor, with a candle)

Molchalin, is that you?

(He hastily closes the door again.)

She! she herself!
Oh! my head is on fire, all my blood is in agitation.

Appeared! no it! is it in vision?
Have I really lost my mind?
I am definitely prepared for the extraordinary;
But there is no vision here, the hour of goodbye is arranged.
Why should I deceive myself?
She called Molchalin, here is his room.

Footman him (from the porch)

(Pushes him out.)

I'll be here, and I won't close my eyes,
At least until the morning. If you drink grief,
It's better right now
Than to delay - and slowness will not get rid of troubles.
The door opens.

(Hides behind a pillar.)


Chatsky is hidden, Lisa with a candle.

Oh! no urine! I'm shy.
In the empty canopy! at night! afraid of brownies
You are also afraid of living people.
The tormentor-young lady, God be with her,
And Chatsky, like a thorn in the eye;
Look, he seemed to her somewhere down here.

(looks around.)

Yes! how! he wants to wander around the hallway!
He, tea, has long been outside the gate,
Save love for tomorrow
Home and went to bed.
However, it is ordered to push to the heart.

(He knocks on Molchalin.)

Listen, sir. Please wake up.
The young lady is calling you, the young lady is calling you.
Yes, hurry up, so as not to be caught.


Chatsky behind the column, Lisa, Molchalin (stretches and yawns), Sofia
(sneaks from above).

You, sir, are stone, sir, ice.


Oh! Lizanka, are you on your own?

From the young lady, s.


Who would have guessed
What's in these cheeks, in these veins
Love has not yet played a blush!
Do you want to be only on parcels?

And you, the bride-seekers,
Do not bask and do not yawn;
Pretty and sweet, who does not eat
And do not sleep until the wedding.


What wedding? with whom?

And with the young lady?


There is much hope ahead
We'll spend time without a wedding.

What are you, sir! yes we are someone
To yourself as another's husband?


Don't know. And I'm so shaking,
And at one thought I crush,
That Pavel Afanasich once
Someday will catch us
Disperse, curse! .. What? open your soul?
I don't see anything in Sofia Pavlovna
Enviable. God grant her a century to live richly,
Loved Chatsky once,
He will stop loving me like him.
My angel, I would like half
To feel the same for her that I feel for you;
No, no matter how I tell myself
I'm getting ready to be gentle, but I'll curl up - and I'll lay a sheet.

Sofia (aside)

What baseness!

Chatsky (behind the column)

And you are not ashamed?


My father bequeathed to me:
First, to please all people without exception -
The owner, where he happens to live,
The boss with whom I will serve,
To his servant who cleans dresses,
Doorman, janitor, to avoid evil,
The janitor's dog, so that it was affectionate.

Say, sir, you have a huge guardianship!


And here's the lover I assume
To please the daughter of such a person ...

Who feeds and waters
And sometimes give a rank?
Come on, enough talk.


Let's go love to share our deplorable stolen.
Let me embrace you from the heart of fullness.

(Lisa is not given.)

Why is she not you!

(Wants to go, Sophia won't let her.)


How! Sofia Pavlovna...

Not a word, for God's sake
Shut up, I'll take care of everything.

Molchalin (rushes to his knees, Sofia pushes him away)

Oh! remember! do not be angry, look! ..

I don't remember anything, don't bother me.
Memories! like a sharp knife.

MOLCHALIN (crawls at her feet)

Have mercy...

Don't be mean, stand up.
I don't want an answer, I know your answer


Do me a favor...

No. No. No.


He was joking, and I did not say anything other than ...

Leave me alone, I say, now
I'll wake everyone in the house with a cry
And I will destroy myself and you.

(Molchalin gets up.)

I haven't known you since then.
Reproaches, complaints, my tears
Do not dare to expect, you are not worth them;
But so that the dawn does not find you here in the house.
Never to hear from you again.


As you command.

Otherwise I'll tell
The whole truth to the father, with annoyance.
You know that I don't value myself.
Come on. - Wait, be glad
What about dating me in the stillness of the night
You were more timid in your temper,
Than even during the day, and in front of people, and in reality;
You have less insolence than curvature of the soul.
She herself is pleased that she found out everything at night:
There are no reproachful witnesses in the eyes,
Like daviche, when I fainted,
Here Chatsky was...

Chatsky (rushes between them)

He's here, pretender!

Lisa and Sofia

(Lisa drops the candle in fright; Molchalin hides into her room.)


The same, except for Molchalin.

Rather faint, now it's alright
More important than the long-standing reason is that
Here is the solution to the puzzle at last!
Here I am donated to whom!
I don’t know how I tempered the rage in myself!
I looked and saw and did not believe!
And dear, for whom is forgotten
And the former friend, and female fear and shame, -
Hiding behind the door, afraid to be the answer.
Oh! how to comprehend the game of fate?
A persecutor of people with a soul, a scourge! —
Silencers are blissful in the world!

Sofia (in tears)

Don't go on, I blame myself all around.
But who would have thought that he was so insidious!

Knock! noise! Oh! My God! the whole house runs here.
Your father will be grateful.


Chatsky, Sofia, Lisa, Famusov, a crowd of servants with candles.

Here! Behind me! hurry up! hurry up!
More candles, lanterns!
Where are the brownies? Ba! familiar faces!
Daughter, Sofia Pavlovna! stray!
Shameless! Where! with whom! Neither give nor take,
Like her mother, the dead wife.
I used to be with the better half
A little apart - somewhere with a man!
Fear God, how? what did he do to you?
She called him insane!
No! stupidity and blindness attacked me!
All this is a conspiracy, and in the conspiracy was
He himself, and all the guests. Why am I so punished!

Chatsky (Sofia)

So I still owe you this fiction?

Brother, do not feint, I will not give in to deceit,
Even if you fight, I don't believe it.
You, Filka, you are a straight chump,
Made a lazy grouse into doormen,
He doesn't know anything, he doesn't feel anything.
Where was? where did you go?
Senya did not lock for what?
And how did you not watch it? And how did you not hear?
To work you, to settle you: *
They are ready to sell me for a penny.
You, quick-eyed, everything from your pranks;
Here it is, the Kuznetsk bridge, outfits and updates;
There you learned how to make lovers,
Wait, I'll fix you
If you please, go to the hut, march, follow the birds;
Yes, and you, my friend, I, daughter, will not leave,
Take two more days of patience:
You should not be in Moscow, you should not live with people;
Away from these grips,
To the village, to my aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov,
There you will grieve
Sitting at the hoop, yawning at the holy calendar.
And you, sir, I ask plainly
Do not favor either directly or by country road;
And yours is the last line,
What, tea, to everyone the door will be locked:
I will try, I, I will strike the alarm,
I'll make trouble around the city
And I will announce to all the people:
I will submit to the Senate, to the ministers, to the sovereign.

Chatsky (after some silence)

I will not come to my senses ... guilty,
And I listen, I don't understand
As if they still want to explain to me.
Confused by thoughts… expecting something.

(With heat.)

Blind! in whom I was looking for the reward of all labors!
Hurry! .. flew! trembled! Here happiness, thought, close.
Before whom I daviche so passionately and so lowly
There was a waster of tender words!
And you! Oh my God! who did you choose?
When I think about who you preferred!
Why am I lured into hope?
Why didn't they tell me directly
What did you turn all the past into laughter?!
That memory even hates you
Those feelings, in both of us the movements of the hearts of those
Which in me have not cooled the distance,
No entertainment, no changing places.
Breathed, and lived by them, was constantly busy!
They would say that my sudden arrival to you,
My appearance, my words, deeds - everything is disgusting, -
I would immediately cut off relations with you
And before we leave forever
Wouldn't get very far
Who is this kind person?


You will make peace with him, on mature reflection.
To destroy yourself, and for what!
Think you can always
Protect, and swaddle, and send for business.
Husband-boy, husband-servant, from the wife's pages - *
The lofty ideal of all Moscow men. —
Enough! .. with you I am proud of my break.
And you, sir father, you passionate for ranks:
I wish you to slumber in ignorance happy,
I do not threaten you with my marriage.
There is another, well-behaved,
Low worshiper and businessman,
Advantages, finally
He is equal to the future father-in-law.
So! I sobered up completely
Dreaming out of sight - and the veil fell;
Now it would not be bad in a row
For daughter and father
And for a foolish lover
And pour out all the bile and all the annoyance on the whole world.
Who was he with? Where did fate take me?
Everyone is racing! everyone curse! crowd of tormentors,
In the love of traitors, in the enmity of the tireless,
Indomitable storytellers,
Clumsy wise men, crafty simpletons,
Sinister old women, old men,
decrepit over inventions, nonsense, -
Insane you glorified me with all the chorus.
You are right: he will come out of the fire unharmed,
Who will have time to spend the day with you,
Breathe the air alone
And his mind will survive.
Get out of Moscow! I don't come here anymore.
I'm running, I won't look back, I'll go looking around the world,
Where there is a corner for the offended feeling! ..
Carriage for me, carriage!



Except Chatsky

Well? Can't you see he's crazy?
Say seriously:
Insane! what the hell is he talking about here!
Worshiper! father-in-law! and about Moscow so menacingly!
And you decided to kill me?
Is my fate still not deplorable?
Oh! My God! what will he say
Princess Marya Alexevna!

Cupid - in Roman mythology, the god of love; in a broad sense - love.
The potion is here in a figurative sense: insidious, mischievous.
Opportunity (fr. ocasion) - case, incident.
Kuznetsky Most is a street in the center of Moscow. During the time of Griboyedov
Kuznetsky Most had many different shops owned mainly by French merchants: bookshops, pastry shops (“biscuit shops”), fashionable clothes, etc.
Fear - in the colloquial language at the time of Griboyedov, along with the word
"fright" was used "fright."
"Let's take vagabonds" - they mean teachers and governets.
“Both to the house and by tickets” - teachers who did not live “in the house”, but “come”, at the end of each lesson received “tickets” (special receipts) from the parents of their students. These tickets were charged with tuition fees.
Buffoons are wandering actors.
Assessor (college assessor) - civil rank. Receiving this rank
gave the right to personal nobility.
Frunt is an old pronunciation of the word "front", a military system.
Civilian (in later pronunciation - civilian) - a person who is in the civil service.
Acidic waters are medicinal mineral waters.
For the sake of - ancient form the words "glad".
Picket is a card game.
Sense - conversations.
Boulevard faces are regulars on Moscow boulevards. During the time of Griboyedov, the boulevards (Tverskoy, Prechistensky) were a favorite place for walks of the noble society.
“It is written on the forehead: Theater and Masquerade” - Chaiky mentions some common acquaintance who loved to arrange theatrical performances and masquerades at home.
“The house is painted with greenery in the form of a grove” - in the manor houses in the old days they sometimes painted the walls of the rooms with flowers and trees.
Scientific Committee - dealt with issues of school education and
previewing educational books from which all advanced ideas have been carefully expelled.
Minerva - in Greek mythology goddess of wisdom.
Maid of honor is a female court rank.
Mentor - in Homer's poem "The Odyssey" the educator of Telemachus, the son of Odysseus. In a common sense, a mentor is a mentor, a teacher.
Finger is a finger.
Announced - announced.
Commission (fr. commission) - order; here in the sense: chores,
A sexton is a church minister whose duty was to read church books aloud. The expression "read like a sexton" means slurred, inexpressive reading.
From time immemorial, from the very beginning.
Zug is a rich exit in which horses are harnessed by jib (German).
Toupee (French) - an old men's hairstyle: a bunch of hair gathered at the back of the head.
The nobleman in the case is a dignitary who is in favor at court, a favorite.
Kurtag (German) - a reception day in the palace.
Suddenly a row - another time, a second time.
Whist is a card game.
Carbonari (Italian Carbonaro - coal miner) carbonari; this was the name of the members of a secret revolutionary society that arose in Italy at the beginning of the 19th century. For the reactionary nobles, the word "carbonari" meant: a rebel, an unreliable person.
Sodom - by biblical legend, a city destroyed by God (simultaneously with the city of Gomorrah) for the sins of its inhabitants. In everyday language, "sodom" means: disorder, turmoil.
Jaeger regiments in the tsarist army were called special, lightly armed and mobile rifle regiments.
"He was given with a bow, around my neck." - We are talking about orders; the order of Vladimir with a bow was worn on the chest, the order of Anna was worn on a ribbon around the neck.
A vacancy is a vacant, unoccupied position.
Whether in pursuit of the regiment - in anticipation of receiving the post of regiment commander.
Distances are distances.
Bread and salt - hospitality, hospitality.
Stolbovye - nobles of ancient families, recorded in special "pillar books".
The Chancellor is the highest civil rank in Tsarist Russia.
The Senate is the highest government institution in Tsarist Russia, where
"Present" (meeted) major dignitaries.
Taftitsa - a collar made of taffeta. Marigold is a bouquet of artificial flowers made from velvet. Haze - a veil that was pinned to a hat.
"The fire helped her a lot to decorate" - After Patriotic War In 1812, Moscow, burned by the French, was quickly built up with new buildings.
Fathers of the Fatherland are figures who have brought much benefit to their homeland with their work.
Foreign clients. - IN ancient rome customers are those who
being dependent on Roman citizens, he enjoyed their support and carried out their instructions. Here Chatsky alludes to the French, who lived in rich noble houses. Among these French were many reactionary political émigrés who had fled France during the French bourgeois revolution.
Nestor - the name of the Greek commander (from Homer's poem "Iliad"). IN
in a common sense, the name Nestor began to denote a leader, a leader.
Debtor - In Griboedov's time, this word meant not only
who owes money, but also the one who lent it (the lender).
Guards - officers of the life grenadier regiments established in the Russian army in 1813; they had the advantage of one rank over army officers; while in the "indigenous" guards regiments a seniority of two ranks was established.
Irritation (French Irritation) - excitement, confusion.
Jockey is the French word for jockey.
(rider). In the old days, jockeys were called servants who accompanied the master during horseback rides.
Khripun - in Griboedov's time, army officers with dandy
manners and unfounded claims to "secularism" were ironically called "hoarse".
The bassoon is a woodwind instrument with a nasal timbre.
Mazurka is a ballroom dance.
“According to the Archives” - we are talking about the Moscow archive of the State Collegium of Foreign Affairs, where young noblemen entered in order to be listed on public service and receive ranks.
A-molny is a musical term.
Ober or headquarters? - Colloquial abbreviation of the words "chief officer" and
"staff officer" Chief officers were called officers who had the rank from ensign to captain; staff officer - the general name of higher ranks (from major to colonel).
Ryumatism is an old pronunciation of the word "rheumatism".
Turlyurlu - ladies' attire (cape).
Esharpe (French Esharpe) - a scarf.
Cousin (French) - cousin, cousin.
Barege (French: Barege) is the old name for a special kind of fabric.
Chamber Juncker is a junior court rank.
Grand 'maman (French) - grandmaman, grandmother.
“Prefer originals to lists” - Chatsky caustically calls Moscow fashionistas lists (copies) from foreign originals (originals).
"Eh! bon soir! vous voila! Jamais trop diligente, Vous nous donnez
toujours le plaisir de l'attente." — Ah, good evening! Finally! You are never in a hurry and always give us the pleasure of waiting (French).
To transfer - that is, to transfer other people's words; a hint that
Zagoretsky is an informer.
Pokrovka is a street in Moscow.
doomsday; doomsday - in the Christian doctrine, the end, the death of the world.
Maiden - a room for maids in rich manor houses.
Grenadiers in the tsarist army were called selected regiments, in which especially healthy and tall soldiers were enrolled.
In the old days, infantry regiments were called musketeers, in which the soldiers were armed with muskets - heavy large-caliber rifles.
The yellow house is a common name for houses in the old days.
the mentally ill; the walls of these houses were usually painted yellow. "Il vous dira toute l'histoire" - He will tell you the whole story (French).
Freemasons (from the French Franc-mason - "free mason") - freemasons, members secret society spread throughout Europe in the 18th century. In Russia during the time of Griboedov, Masonic lodges were under the supervision of the government and were soon banned.
The police chief is the chief of police.
The Voltairian is an admirer of the leading French writer and philosopher of the 18th century, Voltaire. During Griboedov's time, the word "Voltairian" denoted a free-thinking person.
Lankartachny - a distorted word for "Lancaster"; came from the name of the teacher Lancaster, who used a system of mutual learning, which consisted in the fact that the most successful students helped the teacher to teach the lagging behind. In 1819, a society was founded in St. Petersburg to carry out this teaching method. Many Decembrists were propagandists of the Lancaster system.
“The institute is ped-da-go-gic, that’s what it seems to be called: They practice in
schisms and disbelief Professors!” - In 1821, several .. Petersburg Pedagogical Institute was charged with rejecting the "truths of Christianity" in their lectures and "calling for an attempt on legitimate authority." Although the accusation was not proven, these professors were banned from teaching at the institute. At one time this case made a great noise and was often cited by reactionaries as proof of the dangers of higher education.
Censor is an old form of the word "censor".
Bordeaux is a city in France.
Veche - in ancient Novgorod, a people's assembly, at which important state issues were discussed. Here Chatsky uses this word in an ironic sense.
They will announce - they will announce, they will announce.
“Tail at the back…” - Chatsky mockingly describes the cut of the tailcoat (with two
long skirts at the back and with a cutout at the chest).
Housing - floor.
Mon cher (French) - my dear.
A farce is a theatrical play based on comic positions. Here the word "farce" is used in the meaning: a joke, a mockery.
The Vandals are an ancient Germanic tribe that destroyed Rome in the 5th century. IN
the nominal meaning of the vandal is a rude, ignorant person, the destroyer of cultural values.
“Taken under guardianship by decree” - That is, over the estate of Repetilov, according to the royal
by decree, guardianship (supervision) was established.
“About Chambers, Juries” - In the twenties of the 19th century, Russian youth spoke a lot about the chambers (chambers) of deputies in constitutional states, as well as the introduction in Russia of legal proceedings with the participation of jurors - representatives from different segments of the population.
Byron is the famous English poet Byron (1788-1824).
Matter - here in the sense: a theme, a subject of conversation.
Prelude - introductory part to a piece of music; here in the sense of: preliminary reflections.
"A! Non lashyar mi, but, but, but" - a phrase from the Italian romance: "Ah! Not
leave me, no, no, no."
Zauryad - an ordinary, average person.
A pun is a play on words based on a comparison of words that sound similar but have different meanings.
Vaudeville is a small comic play with inserted verses
singing to the music.
Reversi (French) is an old card game.
Fontanka is an embankment of the Fontanka River in St. Petersburg.
Address-calendar - a reference book containing information about persons
who were in the public service.
Turuses - chatter, empty talk.
Gil is nonsense, trifle, nonsense.
Chimeras - here in the sense: ridiculous inventions.
Jacobin - During the French bourgeois revolution, the Jacobins
members of the political club, which met in Paris in the building of the former monastery of St. Jacob. The extreme representatives of the revolutionary petty bourgeoisie belonged to the Jacobins. Monarchically minded Russian nobles called Jacobins anyone who could be suspected of political freethinking.
Surname - here: family.
"To work for you, to settle you." - In 1822, the right given to the landowners, without trial, to send their serfs, as a punishment, to Siberia - to hard labor or to a settlement was renewed.
Saints - a list of the names of "saints" and holidays of the Orthodox Church,
organized by month and day.
Page - a young man of noble origin, who served at court.

Year of writing: 1822-1824
