How to control a person with a doll. What to do with the doll? Voodoo doll "To attract love"

The Voodoo doll allows the magician to manipulate the person under whom it was created. After magic ritual, the doll becomes an intermediary between its creator and the victim. Pairing a person with a Voodoo doll is easy if you have their hair, pieces of clothing, or other personal bits.

Volt or Voodoo doll is a projection of a person on whom a magical effect is planned.

When creating a volt, the magician must use particles of the body of the object on whom the doll is being created. It can be nails, hair, tears, blood, anything that carries the energy of the “victim”. The doll is given the name of a person and further magical manipulations are carried out with it. Rites with volts are performed for good and for harm.

Introduction to Voodoo

You can use black or white magic on your own and make a Voodoo doll for the person you need.

  • If the sorcerer wants to take revenge on the offender, then it is better to use animal hair and rag materials. With a slight pressure on the stomach of such a chrysalis, the victim will begin to suffer pain in the stomach or intestines.
  • When creating a magical chrysalis to attract love relationship, it is desirable to attach a photograph of a loved one to the head. And on the body of the product, draw a heart, a smile and create genitals.
  • When creating a deadly doll, use wax and draw 666 or 13 on the back of your product.

Colors play a very important role in Voodoo magic. Whether it's clothes for a volt, the color of a candle, or the head of a pin.

  • Black - for the destruction of diseases, needs, addictions.
  • Red is love.
  • Green - for the acquisition of material wealth.
  • White is health.
  • Blue is a sacred color that wards off evil.

How to create a magic doll

Voodoo magic came from African continents. This is an ancient pagan magic based on the worship of one God. Shamans never speak directly to God, they communicate through the spirits of the Loa. Most people consider Voodoo to be one of the manifestations of black magic created to harm other people, but this is not at all the way black and white rites exist. This magic is based on a sacrifice that cleanses a person of negativity. But also with its help, protective talismans are created.

You can make a Voodoo doll for a person at home, the main thing is to collect all the ingredients and follow the manufacturing rules. To create Voodoo and conduct rituals, you will need parts of the victim. The more the sorcerer was able to take from the victim, the more power the magical manipulator awakens.

The main elements that give magical power:
  1. Handkerchief (used);
  2. Hair;
  3. Nails;
  4. Piece of clothing;
  5. Decoration or trinket.

If you did not manage to get to personal things, then natural materials should become the rest of the components of the doll. Only they are able to absorb the energy of the victim. It can be natural fabric, natural threads, twigs, wax and more. After collecting everything you need, you can begin to create a chrysalis.

A certain image does not exist, it is more important what materials the volt was made of. Since, it can be made not only from wax, but from branches and fabric, or from fabric and wool or hair.

Voodoo doll for a quick death

A special Voodoo doll is made of wax, it is easy to sculpt and you can easily add bits of the victim to it. Most importantly, don't forget to give the volt a name and represent your enemy during crafting. In the process of sculpting, say the words:

"I will hurt you, I will get joy, I will give my soul to demons (name)."

For the ritual you will need:

  1. Wax Volt;
  2. Needles (7 pieces);
  3. Black candles (3 pieces);
  4. A small bonfire made from twigs.

Volta must be heated over the fire, and the needles over the candles, after inserting the heated needle into the doll. If you want death for your victim, then stick no even number needles in the head and chest. If you just want to take revenge on the enemy, then the needles are stuck an even number of times in the arms, legs and stomach.

Voodoo doll for love

If you want to make a person fall in love with you, then you need to make a Voodoo doll out of fabric. It is made of good fabric, be sure to use red threads (symbolize love). If it is necessary that, in addition to love, the chosen one become successful person and brought a lot of money into the house, yellow threads are added. Before starting the ritual, lay out all the materials so that you can count them and see them, then cast the spell:

"These are all parts of the body of (person's name)."

Now we begin to collect the doll and represent our chosen one, you can even fantasize your meetings, wedding and relationships. In the manufacture, you can not use needles or other sharp objects (everything sharp will harm the chosen one, and while you make the doll, he will not only get sick or be injured, but also die). Already at the very end, you need to draw or attach a heart with the words:

"For the love of me."

Attaching the organs of the lower body (genitals) say:

"For relationships, marriage and having children."

Now your volt is ready and is the embodiment of your chosen one. Carry it everywhere with you and one day they will fall head over heels in love with you.

Doll in red clothes

Sprinkle a doll in red tones with cinnamon and say:

“Let the cinnamon in my hand become the fire in the heart (man or woman) that I seek. May he (she) not find peace until he is with me.

You need to repeat this spell three Fridays in a row.

Voodoo conspiracy to return a loved one

This spell is aimed at returning a loved one if they had a fight or parted. He will need it. Voodoo doll, sheet of paper, subjugating oil made from (bergamot oil, rose oil, frankincense), cinnamon, a piece of red silk.

  1. The ritual is performed at night.
  2. Make a doll in red clothes.
  3. The name of a loved one is written on a piece of paper and attached to the doll.
  4. Lubricate with subordinating oil, sprinkle with powder.
  5. They speak words.
  6. Repeat everything done for two more nights.
  7. On the third night, wrap the product in silk and hide in a dark place.

Voodoo magic scares many people because it has powerful power. It all depends on the intentions of the person. As in any other magic, it has a black and white beginning.

voodoo ritual for money

For you need to independently make a volt in green clothes by hiding a few coins inside. When making a doll, say the words:

“I made you to help you get rich. May money come to my house, may prosperity come with it.

Volta must be hidden so that no one would find.

In this article:

Voodoo, as a religious movement, originated in South and Central America among black slaves. Voodoo magic is built on sacrifice, which helps to cleanse a person from negativity and disease. Also, through Voodoo magic, powerful protective amulets and talismans are created. Often rituals are performed with a Voodoo doll, which will be discussed in this article.

Voodoo doll allows the magician to influence specific person under which it is made. After a special ceremony, the doll turns into an intermediary between the sorcerer and the object, connecting the first with the second. Is it easy to connect a person with a doll? It is easy enough for a magician if he has a small part of a person in the form of a strand of hair, nails, pieces of clothing and other things.

Often the doll is given the name of a person, his facial features are drawn. All this connects the doll and the person, uniting their energy into one whole.

When an invisible thread is installed on the doll, a curse is imposed, and at the same time - on the person. First, the magician beats the doll, then reads the curse, pierces the head, neck, heart with needles. Sometimes part of the doll is burned. Woodists believe that wounds inflicted on the doll will appear on the victim's body in the form of physical or energetic wounds. When the ritual ends, the doll is thrown to the victim, hidden at her house, buried in the ground.

The Voodoo doll has an analogue - the Naviy doll, which is made within three days, constantly thinking about who she identifies. Indians from Peru also indulge in dolls, who put the clothes of the victim on the mannequin, curse her and “kill”.

A negative opinion and associations have formed about the Voodoo doll, but it is not always and in all cases directed towards the negative, with its help Voodoo shamans also know how to do good.

Any magic is divided into black and white, the same applies to Voodoo magic.

A dark and bad Voodoo doll was made by MAS-MEDIA, cinema and fiction. The man, as usual, believed in what he was told and shown. But we will not deny that voodoo magic predominantly chooses dark side light, as a result of which it is often called satanic.

History of Voodoo

The Voodoo religion is the heir to the traditions of African beliefs. This religion appeared approximately from 6,000 to 10,000 years ago in Guinea and Congo (Africa). This is a fairly young religion when compared with Islam and Shinto.

Voodoo owes its popularity all over the world to the mixing of different religious traditions during the French colonial slavery. Slaves were forbidden to practice their own religion and outwardly they obeyed, but in fact they continued to practice Voodoo, which was their faith and the power that kept them on earth. But over time, the Voodoo religion mixed with other beliefs, forming a completely new religious movement, which to this day is a branch of Catholicism and is called Vodun - "spirit". This current is built on ancient African beliefs, but does not have the slightest manifestation of Voodoo black magic. The voodoo doll and deadly plots are new to the New Orleans voodoo branch, heavily influenced by the tabloids and Hollywood.

Preparing for the Voodoo Doll Making Ritual

The first step is Purification. Before making a Voodoo doll, it is necessary to clean the materials from which it will be made. Under the rite of purification is meant the removal of the energy available on the materials, that is, its neutralization. Most of the items that dolls are made of are not taken from nature, they are produced by industry, such as fabric, thread, buttons, beads, glue, paints and much more. All these materials, before falling into the hands of the magician, passed through more than one hand, which left their energy imprints on them. Purification is carried out in several ways: salt, frankincense, sandalwood oil, earth.

Salt, frankincense, sandalwood oil and earth

The second step is to create a puppet. The ritual for creating a doll is a whole ritual, and not a simple collection of designer details. Thoughts, state of mind, energy of the author are involved in the process. A store doll does not have the same power as a hand-made one, according to all the rules and canons. When creating a doll, the most important thing is the image of intentions, which must be constantly present in your head, without mixing with your emotions.

If your doll is made to attract good luck and financial well-being, during its manufacture, you should always think about money, repaying debts, repaying a loan and other monetary situations, imagining how they are resolved, improving your financial situation. When making a doll, every word, intonation, voice power, volume is important. Of course, do not be silent, but do not shout, do not curse those who are to blame for your problems and difficulties, because this is not the energy that the doll should absorb.

The third step - consecration and baptism is the final in the process of preparing the doll. To consecrate the doll, you need to light a white candle purchased in the church and put it in front of you. After that, dried sage, cedar needles or incense are set on fire. The doll is held above the smoke, and you say:

“I consecrate you with the powers of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Spirit. I conjure you to serve good, to obey my will and God. I urge you to be faithful to your master in this world, between worlds and in all worlds. Let it be so".

The spell must be cast seven times. At the end of the ceremony, the doll will serve only you and no one else, but no one should know about its existence, as well as see it, and even more so - touch it. After consecration, the doll must be named - give it a name. This way you bring the doll to life. The name of the doll should personify the person to whom it belongs and with whom it is connected by invisible threads.

Baptism. Light a white candle and place it in front of you, saying:

“I baptize you [name] in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. You are who I want you to be. I alone command your desires, dreams and actions. From now on, you are a humble servant of mine and my family, your life is for me and my thoughts.

How to make a classic voodoo doll

The classic Voodoo doll belongs to the New Orleans branch of the Voodoo religion. For its manufacture you need:

  • 2 sticks;
  • rope or lace;
  • textile;
  • glue;
  • 2 beads or buttons;
  • articles of human clothing or hair, nails, etc.;
  • spanish moss.

All materials are more than affordable, which makes making a Voodoo doll quite hassle-free and simple. It is not easy to find only the last element - Spanish moss, which is common in New Orleans. Moss can be replaced with cotton wool or straw.

Voodoo requires conscious work. Don't turn this into a game.

Now let's figure out how to make a Voodoo doll step by step:

First, a cross is made from two sticks, which is fixed with a cord. Wax helps to make the fastening stronger, with which you need to rub the cord or cord in advance. After that, the resulting cross is wrapped in moss from the middle to the head, and then from the middle to the legs. It is better to use large solid pieces of moss so that there are no gaps. Now cut the fabric into small long strips, which should be wrapped around the body of the doll. The fabric is tied to the body of the doll with threads and glued with glue. Next, the doll is given a face. Beads or buttons can be used as eyes. The mouth is embroidered with threads. The next stage is to give the doll the energy of the person for whom it is intended. Ideally, a tuft of hair from a specific person is attached to the doll's head. Also, the doll should be given the features of this very person, for example, in clothes, accessories, faces, etc. So shreds of a person’s clothes are added to the doll, smeared with blood. We can assume that the toy is ready, proceed to its consecration and baptism with the assignment of a name.

Voodoo, in our view, is inextricably linked with evil and death. However, with a closer acquaintance with the voodoo religion, not from Hollywood thrillers and horror stories from the Internet, it turns out that this ancient religion all the features of humanity are inherent - both good and evil, light and dark principles, sacrifices and healing. So, voodoo doll: what is it, how is it used, and can it serve a good purpose, contrary to popular belief?

Voodoo is a religious system that originated in western Africa, mainly in Togo, Benin and Ghana, based on very ancient beliefs. In colonial times, the cult of voodoo bizarrely mixed with Catholic trends and became extremely popular in West Africa. Today it has about 30,000,000 followers.

During the colonization of the New World, many Africans were forced to leave their homeland and move to the North and South America. They took their religion with them, and now voodoo is widespread in the eastern southern part of the United States, mainly in Louisiana, Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and some others. Caribbean Islands. New World voodoo represents two separate branches of this religion: Haitian and Louisiana.

Voodoo means a certain force, great and unknown, which at any moment can affect a person’s life and his destiny. The pantheon of voodoo gods is very numerous. It is divided into three sections headed supreme deity, unified and incomprehensible to mere mortals. In the middle are spirits that are closely associated with mortals and occupy the third, lowest level. Rites, music, dances, animal sacrifices are widely used in voodoo.

voodoo magic

There is a lot of speculation and exaggeration around voodoo. The famous voodoo black magic, zombies, voodoo dolls actually exist, but only as a separate direction of the cult, which is not the main one. His followers use magical powers, mainly for healing the sick in body or soul and calling spirits to help in ordinary life affairs - the birth of children, attracting money and good luck.

The voodoo doll is one of the main tools of voodoo magic. It is used not only to induce damage, but also for good purposes, for example, to strengthen the financial situation or cure. By itself, the doll does not carry a negative or positive energy and does not represent a specific person, as the vast majority of people believe.

Voodoo priests use dolls as a vessel for the spirit, which helps people in many actions, both good and bad. The spirit can guard its owner or cause harm to others at its behest.

How it works? The voodoo priest "lures" the spirit into the body of the doll and encases it in it. Further, with the help of needles, he inflicts physical suffering on the spirit, taming and suppressing its resistance. Thus, he becomes the full owner of the spirit and forces him to fulfill any of his requirements.

In order to “attach” a doll to a certain person in order to influence him, bad or, conversely, useful, you need to attach some part of this person to it - nails, hair, a photograph. With the help of such a “copy”, a person can be cured of an illness, protected from misfortune or wrong deeds, or can be brought to death.

How to make a voodoo doll?

The classic doll is made as follows:

  1. The “skeleton” for the doll is two sticks folded in a cross and tied in this position.
  2. Next, the cross is wrapped with soft material, making it a “body” (in the original - Spanish moss), which is wrapped with strips of fabric.
  3. After that, they draw or embroider the face - eyes and mouth.
  4. They dress a doll, attach to it a thing related to a person (if they want to influence someone), or an object that serves a different purpose (for example, a bag of coins to attract money).
  5. According to the purpose, the proper ritual is performed.

It is not difficult to make a voodoo doll at home, but to do it right so that it serves magical purposes, and its action does not turn against its creator, is impossible without special knowledge. The rituals are complex and only experienced priests can do.

Is it worth doing voodoo rituals yourself, for example, a voodoo doll: figure out what it is, make a doll and solve your problems, guided by descriptions found on the net? No and no again. voodoo really has great power accumulated over thousands of years, and only those who have secret knowledge and abilities can practice it. All the rest can achieve results that are just the opposite of what they want, and incur the wrath of the spirits. The consequences of a mistake in making a voodoo doll can be irreparable and affect the whole life of a person and his loved ones.

The fact that there is such a mystical teaching as voodoo, many of our compatriots know from Hollywood films. There, the old Creoles curse the unlucky white travelers, raise the dead from the earth, turn those who succumbed to their spell into obedient but bloodthirsty zombies. And one of the most powerful artifacts is the voodoo doll. It can be used to manage human life and even death.

Manufacturing process

Surely, many have thought about voodoo at home? Let us turn to experts in esotericism for an answer to this question. As the masters of magic say, there are two main ways, at home. The first one is more traditional. For its implementation, you need to take two small sticks.

You will also need threads, a fabric such as burlap or canvas, some natural material for stuffing. Straw, dry grass, moss or flower petals are quite suitable. How to do it right Before creating, it is imperative to clearly and in detail imagine the person or the spirit whose personification it will be.

So let's get started. First you need to make a "skeleton". We connect the cross of two sticks so that one is divided in half, and the second - in a ratio of 1: 2. So, the first will become the future hands of the doll, and the second - her body and head. The second stage in the master class is coming.

Our skeleton will be overgrown with muscles - tightly wrap the wooden cross with straw, grass or moss. If you use the latter option, try not to break it - the integrity of the moss is necessary for the ritual. After that, it is necessary to cover and sheathe the doll with a cloth over it. On the head, you can leave a little filler to simulate hair, and at the ends of the arms - to represent the palms. Now our voodoo doll, made at home, is almost ready.

Further, for greater personalization, and, as a result, to enhance the effect of magic, you can give it the features of a particular person. To do this, you can sew her clothes. Something made from his former belongings will be especially valuable. You never know, maybe you have a T-shirt or a piece of fabric lying around from the outfit of the one or the one whom the doll will designate.

You can also personalize your face. To do this, we sew on buttons-eyes, designate with charcoal or pencil, or even lipstick, mouth and eyebrows. It is especially important to depict a heart on the body of the doll. Also, to enhance the effect, you can sew beads, amulets or pieces of hair of the person you imagined while making it on it.

Another variant

The second way, how to make a voodoo doll at home, is more modern. To do this, you need a fabric, a photo of a person, as well as a filler. Print a photo on an A4 printer and transfer it to fabric or simply stick it on. Cut out the shape along the outline.

Then, make a second similar silhouette, and sew both parts together. Leave a small gap to fill in the figurine for added volume. Next, we act according to the previous scenario to personalize our doll.


Many mistakenly believe that voodoo rituals are designed to harm a person. But it's not. Any magic can be oriented towards good.

And therefore, in order to carry out such a ritual to attract good luck, love or wealth to a person, it is enough to choose pins with bright tops - red, if it is romantic relationship, green - in order to attract money, yellow - to provide positive emotions.

But it is better to avoid black pins - after all, bad thoughts about people and wishes for negativity can return a hundredfold to the caster himself.

Now you know how to make a voodoo doll at home. Good luck!

Many people want to learn how to make a voodoo doll for a person. However, not everyone understands the depth and danger of such witchcraft. In addition, most of these rituals have little to do with the true ancient tradition of African magic.

In the article:

How to make a voodoo doll on a person - the basics of doll magic

Now, in most cases, rituals do not use real attributes of voodoo magic, created according to ancient tradition, but similar tools from European magic. They are called volts and similar constructions are known in almost every magical tradition. Voodoo doll, Volts are called solely because of the external similarity, and also because of the spread of this image in Hollywood movies and thrillers.

However, both volts and real voodoo dolls have whole line similarities. In fact, they are a reflection of the person in whose likeness they are created. The rule "like attracts like" is common to any magical tradition. That is why, both in volts and in voodoo practices, the biological material of the target is necessarily used - blood, hair, nails, or at least pieces of personal belongings or clothing.

But do not underestimate the existing magical traditions that have nothing to do with voodoo magic. For most cases, you will not have to understand African culture. We will give a simple ritual for creating a volt, with which you can damage your health or make a love spell.

One key difference between a volt and magic tools voodoo is the use of wax as the main material for making. In voodoo, wax is used only to hold the elements together, and in volta, it is the main material. Volt wax is best used from cinders church candles. Or - buy a new piece of wax that has not been used by anyone before.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the volt, it is necessary to obtain the biological material of the victim. One hair, a nail or a drop of blood is enough. Even a handkerchief with sweat will do. This little thing is enclosed in softened wax, from which the likeness of a person is molded. After that, you can start either creating a love spell or spoiling it. For spoilage, you should simply slowly burn the figurine over the flame of a candle every night throughout the waning moon. And for a love spell - you need to create another volt, displaying the one to whom you want to bewitch the victim, and carefully and gently fasten the figures together on the growing moon.

How to make volta at home according to African tradition

If you want to really do everything in accordance with the African tradition, then you have to try. Firstly, it should be understood that working with a voodoo doll in the religion of the peoples of Africa and Haiti implies contact with the world of spirits. They are called Loa in voodoo. You can make a voodoo doll at home only with the help of Loa - in this matter, working with such an object reminds.

In this case, you should know not only how to sew a voodoo doll, but also about the purposes of its manufacture. Voodoo magic and rituals with a doll in the African tradition implies not only the ability to cast a love spell on it or control a person with its help, but also to do good deeds. By dressing a toy in rich outfits, you can attract wealth - this is how it works. This magic also allows you to heal diseases and break other people's curses.

Any summoning of the Loa spirit is possible only with the prior approval of Papa Legba.

First of all, to create voodoo magic tools, you need to enlist the help of Loa. If you do not know how to deal with various African spirits, you can start by contacting Pape Legba. He is a liaison between the worlds of people and spirits, he is kind and able to help. Before contacting him, you should observe a strict fast for at least a day - do not have sex, do not smoke and do not eat meat food. The best thing is to starve. After that, it is necessary to bury a cigar, fried chicken, coffee and a banana at the crossroads - Papa Legba loves these offerings the most. During santeria - a collective ritual, a live white chicken is also sacrificed to him, but in independent practice you can do without this.

As soon as you bring the offering to Papa Legba, you will need to draw a cane and a cross in a circle on the floor of your house, and sit in the center. You should say out loud:

Papa Legba, open the door, your children are waiting!

After that, it will be enough for you to tell in your own words about the goals of creating your doll and that you need the help of the appropriate spirits. If Papa Legba considers your request worthy and the offering appropriate, then the ritual will be successful and the doll will work as you need.

How to sew a voodoo doll - a detailed guide

First of all, if you are going to sew a voodoo doll, you will need to know that only natural materials can be used for it. To make a voodoo doll with your own hands, you will need to make a base. The base should be denser than the doll itself. It can be made up of two sticks. The wood and straw used in the construction should be taken of medium freshness - they should not be freshly cut, but also not old and dried up. This symbolizes being neither in the world of the living nor in the world of the dead.

A cross made of sticks and straw should be fastened with natural threads. Then it is necessary to wrap them with a cloth and sew a nail, a drop of the victim's blood or hair into it. The next on the head are the eyes of the victim, as well as distinctive signs - moles, scars. The hair color of the likeness must match the victim's natural hair color, not fake.

After that, the doll should be consecrated by invoking Papa Legba. Before weaving the doll, each material should be sprinkled clean water, washing away someone else's energy. After that, you can use the resulting doll for any purpose. But remember that everything that happens to the doll will also happen to the person it represents. Also, one of the main rules is that no one should see either the process of making the doll or the doll itself. Otherwise, other Loa can enter it and it will take on a life of its own.

As soon as you feel that you do not need the doll, you need to arrange a funeral for her by calling on the Loa Baron Samedi. He must bury the Loa living in the thing, severing her connection to whoever she portrays. If you get rid of this magical attribute without an appropriate ritual, then serious trouble can happen to the one he portrays.
