Very strong damage how to remove. What is needed for the ritual

How to remove damage or evil eye? This is a fairly common question among those who have experienced magical effects on themselves or their loved ones. Such spells can change a person's life for the worse if action is not taken in a timely manner.

Fortunately, it is possible to cleanse yourself of negative esoteric influence on your own at home. Of course, this only applies to difficult cases. When the damage is strong, the work must be entrusted to an experienced person in such matters.

Signs of spoilage

To effectively solve the problem, it is important to understand what spell lies on the object of magical influence.

The main signs of damage are:

  • Causeless deterioration of well-being;
  • Problems in the workplace;
  • Constant conflicts in the family or among friends.

These circumstances indicate the presence of damage or the evil eye. It is possible to determine the type of spell exactly with the help of salt.

For proper conduct ritual required:

  1. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of salt into a clean frying pan and put on a small fire;
  2. You need to throw needles into the salt. Their number depends on the number of people in the family;
  3. Slowly stir the salt with a tablespoon in a clockwise direction.

If the salt has darkened sharply and black smoke comes from it, then this indicates the presence of spoilage. A gradual change in color from white to yellow indicates the evil eye.

The ceremony should be carried out exclusively at night in good weather.

The main difference between the evil eye and damage is that the evil eye is directed at a person by accident. The reason for this is often jealousy. Corruption is a spell that is deliberately cast on an object. Strength depends on the skills and experience of the sorcerer.

Methods of cleansing from damage and the evil eye

There are quite a few ways to get rid of the effects of magical effects. In order for the removal of damage and the evil eye to lead to the expected results, it is recommended to put into practice only effective and proven methods.

Removing spoilage and evil eye with salt and bath

This ritual should be performed on Thursday. However, if the consequences of damage or evil eye require immediate intervention, then you can perform the ceremony on any other day of the week, except Friday. You should fill the bath with warm water and say the words of the spell:

“This is Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and this is pure, blessed water. You wash the lands, wash me too. Voditsa-voditsa, wash off the childish, old, male and female damage from me and my face. Take away adversity and bless my righteous path.

« Our Savior, who appeared through Elisha in Jericho, who blessed our world and ourselves, bless this salt too. Make it a source of joy and prosperity. For you are our Father Almighty. Everything has your will. Amen"

Spell words are required to be pronounced thoughtfully 3 times. After that, you need to pour salt into the bath and lie down in it. You need to swim for at least 3 minutes. At this time, you need to try to completely relax and let in the power of the ritual. If everything was done correctly, the person will feel a clear relief. Problems should gradually recede.

With Essential Oil

How to get rid of damage with essential oil? It's very simple and effective method removing the spell. It is required to take a hot bath with salt and 2-3 drops of essential oil every day before going to bed.

The ritual does not require spells. It is enough just to take a bath for 15 minutes during the week. 7 days after the last bath, the rite will begin to bear fruit.

Removal of old damage

How to remove old damage? If you do not take measures against the action of a harmful spell, then it will become stronger every day, so it is most difficult to influence the old damage.

A distinctive feature of chronic damage is that over the years it can spread to family members. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct a cleansing ritual for the entire close environment. Fortunately, there is a proven and relatively simple method for such an impact on chronic damage.

The ritual involves the following:

  1. You need to ask the neighbors for salt. It is required to visit as many neighbors as there are people in the family;
  2. The extracted salt must be mixed in one container and in a thoughtful whisper say 3 times the prayer “ Our Father«;
  3. Use the spelled salt in Everyday life for cooking food. Gradually, the consequences of inducing damage will disappear from the family forever.

This is a very effective way to cleanse the entire family from the negative influence of a harmful curse.

Remove spoilage with roasted salt

For the ritual, you will need a small cast-iron cauldron and table salt. It is necessary to put the cauldron on a small fire and warm it up for 2-3 minutes.

Then you need to pour a handful of salt into it with your left hand. Slowly mixing, you need to pronounce the names of those who could cause damage. If the name was called correctly, then the salt will begin to smoke with black smoke. Now is the time to say the words of the spell:

“I don’t burn salt, but my enemies. You do it for me, and I give it to you. Fly away sickness and sorrow. Return to where you came from. Amen!".

After the ritual, the cauldron should be washed. In this case, the salt should not get on the body. After that, you should silently go to bed. So next day damage will cease to bother.

If damage or the evil eye is suspected, appropriate measures should be taken as soon as possible. Otherwise, the spell will have a negative impact on a person's life, and over time, the harm will only increase.

Sometimes, when trouble comes, it turns out that there is nowhere to wait for help. It often happens that a person has been damaged. And how do you take it off?

To remove such muck from your field is yours full right! She can return back in two cases: you yourself make a mistake, or a repeated ritual will be performed.

I must say that witches do not send damage to one person several times in a row. This is fraught with consequences (this is their witch business).

In order to provide you with another round of problems, a person will need to look for another black specialist. The enemy can, of course, conduct a black ritual himself.

Only such "home" damage is easier to remove. It rarely has serious forces behind it. Prayer takes this from the first time.

If you have learned the above, you can begin to consider the details of the rituals. We will not delve into egg hauling, the techniques are quite widespread.

Let's take a look at the way to remove spoilage with salt, which can be called the "grandmother's" method, since it is the elderly generation who often use it. It is considered to be quite effective.

There are several methods. We will take the one that removes and, at the same time, puts protection. In addition, you can do the ritual yourself.

So, on Wednesday afternoon you need to buy a pack of salt (any). Put the money silently, do not take change, do not turn around to hail. In general, when going to the store, it is better to pretend to be deaf.

Home and immediately (!!!) pour into a wooden jug. It is very important. Salt for the ritual should be stored only in natural containers. No plastic should be allowed in it.

  1. Now heat the pan on the fire.
  2. Throw a handful of salt on it with your left hand.
  3. While stirring (shaking the pan), read the plot:

“Burn, salt, blaze, take the devil! Let it writhe in the fire, not on me! Burn, salt, get hot, damn, get ready for hell!”

You need to say at least twenty-five times. But you have to look at how you feel. When it begins to act, you will experience a feeling of lightness, even dizziness.

If this happened, you can wrap up for today. A few grains of salt can be sprinkled on top of the head. When everything cools down, wash it off.

The ritual is performed seven times in a row (do not skip). IN last time you will need to throw some mint leaves into the pan with salt (at the very end). Wait until everything burns out.

This (last) salt is not thrown away. They put it in a bag. On Thursday morning, you need to sprinkle it on the threshold with the words:

“I pour out the salt, I block the evil spirits!”

This will be the protection of the house. The same can be done in the car (sprinkle all thresholds). Save the salt. If you feel unwell, you can salt your food with it.

Should help.

This method is even easier. Apply it when. It is difficult for an unprepared person to independently determine this, although it is possible.

Take last photo and place it in holy water. If you immediately saw shadows on it, it means that damage was inflicted in this way.

The difficulty is that these shadows are barely visible. You can easily make a mistake. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out two rituals at once: with salt and with candles.

The order is:

  1. Light a candle in front of the Seven-shot Icon. Pray.
  2. Ask the Mother of God to help in your just cause.
  3. Now take a photograph and prayerfully burn it with fire.

But just do not overdo it so that the paper does not catch fire. Your task is to keep the photo in the flame until it becomes dark, but does not burn.

This ritual is repeated three times. The photo is then stored in a secluded place. Preferably behind the Icon under the frame.

How to remove damage, and can you do it yourself? Corruption is negative program, which is in the human biofield and destroys his life and health. Sometimes, along with damage, sorcerers attach demons or the souls of the dead to a person - in this case, they get rid of the negative for a long time. Consider a few effective rituals to help get rid of black energy at home.

How to remove damage and the evil eye at home? To do this, you need to prepare a photo and Blank sheet paper - A4. There should be no lines or cells on the sheet. Lay your photo face down on the sheet. Then, with your right hand, make a movement as if you want to press the photo into a sheet of paper - you do not need to touch the photo. Say the words several times:

Speak as many times as you feel necessary. Be guided by internal sensations - it became easier for you or not. After the paper needs to be burned, but not in the room. Do it on the balcony or on the street - the smoke should not fall on you. Cleaning can be carried out several days in a row, as needed.

Healing from corruption by earth and water

How to remove the evil eye? black energy unfriendly person breaks through the protective biofield and leaves "holes" in it. Any negative information penetrates through these holes - viruses, diseases, troubles. A person becomes unprotected against aggression environment. You can remove negativity with the help of the cleansing power of earth, water and fire.

Take two white candles and a new faceted glass. Come to a spring or natural spring in a sparsely populated place, find a flat stone. Place candles on the stone and place a glass of spring water. Light the candles, hold the palms of your hands over a glass of water and say:

Hold your hands over the glass until you visualize the black energy coming out of your palms. This may take three minutes, or it may take 20 minutes. You must give all the bad to the water, so do not rush to remove your hands from the glass.

When you feel that it has become light inside, knock over the glass. Water should pour onto the stone and flow from it to the ground. Extinguish the candles and go home. Leave all items on the stone. You can’t turn around on the way home, and you can’t talk to anyone either - you will interrupt the ritual.

Removal of graveyard damage

How to do it yourself, made through the churchyard? To do this, leave the negative in the cemetery. On the waning moon, buy a knife with a black handle (if you can't find one, paint it black). You should buy a knife on a certain day, corresponding to the gender - male or female. women's days Wednesday, Saturday and Friday count. The rest are male.

It is better to buy a knife in the market so that you can leave the change to the seller. Give money with your left hand, saying the following words to yourself:

Take the knife with your right hand and quickly leave. On the way home, you should give alms to three beggars, silently. If you utter at least one word on the way home, the rite will not take place.

In the evening of the same day, light a simple wax candle. If you can make it yourself, that would be the best. You do not need to buy a candle in the church. Sit at a table covered with a clean tablecloth and take a knife - turn the blade towards you, and the tip to the floor. Hold the knife by the handle and say three times to the candle flame:

Extinguish the candle with your fingers, leave everything on the table and go to bed. The next evening, light a candle, take a knife in your right hand and “scrape” it over a photograph - yours or another person - with the words:

The words must be pronounced 12 times, making scraping movements over the photo from top to bottom. Extinguish the candle, leave the photo and the knife on the table - and sleep. It is necessary to clean the photo with a knife three evenings in a row (before going to bed).

On the third evening after cleansing, go to the cemetery, stand with your back to the fence (not the gate!) And throw the knife over your shoulder - it should fly over the fence and end up in the cemetery. While saying:

The knife should be thrown over the left shoulder with the right hand Do not confuse anything! After that, without turning around, go home silently and go to bed. The action of cleansing will manifest itself immediately - there will be drowsiness and a breakdown, exacerbations of chronic ailments are possible. Rest, your strength will soon be restored. This cleaning can be done for another person.

How to remove damage with mirror cleaning

How to remove damage from yourself at home? Negativity can be sent through the looking glass. For the ceremony, prepare the following items:

  • 4 new square mirrors;
  • own photo in full growth;
  • 4 small church candles;
  • incense - sandalwood or incense;
  • black cover on the table and reflective surfaces in the room.

Mirrors need to be bought on the growing moon, the ceremony should be carried out on the waning or full moon. Prepare the room for the ceremony - do the cleaning, ventilate well, clean with a candle. In the evening, cover the table with a black blanket, as well as all reflective surfaces - furniture, windows. Light candles in candlesticks, put a photo between them - candles should surround the picture from four sides.

Behind each candle, place a mirror so that the photo is reflected in it (you can’t look in mirrors!). Now burn incense - sandalwood stick or incense. Look at the candles and slowly repeat the spell:

Repeat the words until the candles burn out. You should be in a state of light trance and think only about one thing - to get rid of the negativity. In the room, except for candles, there should be no other lighting. Nobody should interfere with you - lock the room. At this time, the phone should not ring, animals should be removed from the room.

When the candles burn out, immediately go to bed. Don't take anything off the table. In the morning, despite the mirror surface, hide the mirrors in a box - they will come in handy for the next ritual. Fold the black canvas, put the photo in the album. Important note - these 4 mirrors cannot be used for domestic needs, it is dangerous.

Rite of removal of demonic damage

Sometimes warlocks can send demons on a person. This is done by order of a client who wants to take revenge on a competitor or enemy. The life of the spoiled becomes unbearable - all things collapse, diseases overcome, money disappears and other troubles occur. There are so many troubles that a person does not want to live. How to remove damage from yourself? This will help the ceremony with church attributes.

This ceremony can be performed on certain days:

  • At Christmas;
  • to the Trinity;
  • on the birthday of the Virgin;
  • on your birthday;
  • on the day of the angel.

The rite is so powerful that it will remove any black effect. The rite also gives protection from black magic for a year - it becomes a powerful amulet. You need to prepare the following items:

  • church candles - 7 pcs;
  • mirrors on the leg - 2 pcs;
  • a vessel with holy water;
  • Thursday salt;
  • white tablecloth;
  • the icon of the Almighty;
  • icon of the Vladimir Mother of God.

Cover the table with a white tablecloth or linen. Place mirrors opposite each other so that you are reflected in them. Icons and 4 candles should be placed between the mirrors, put the remaining 3 candles not far from you. On the right, place a vessel with holy water.

Now you need to make a protective circle. To do this, sprinkle holy water in a circle so that the table and chair are in it. You can sprinkle with a bunch of parsley / dill. Then, closer to you, pour Thursday salt in a thin line in a circle - you will get a double circle of protection. Holy water should be external, salt - internal protection.

Sit on a chair and read the plot by heart. For safety net, you can write out the words on paper:

The plot must be read in a quiet voice, clearly pronouncing the words. Candles should burn out completely. The ceremony should be performed in a light cotton shirt without sleeves, ideally naked to the waist so that the holy water dries on the body.

Special conditions: three days before the ceremony, you need to fast on black bread and water. Continue fasting after the ceremony for three days. After the ceremony, go to the church and put 12 candles: three each to the icons of Panteleimon the healer, the Trinity, Mother of God and Jesus.

The negative impact is easier to remove if the following rules are observed:

  1. An unbaptized person must be baptized in a church - during the ceremony, every Christian receives a Guardian Angel to help.
  2. It is better for unmarried spouses to get married so as not to live in sin.
  3. Any treatment of damage should begin with reading prayers - buy a Prayer Book.
  4. Visit holy places and monasteries where miraculous icons and holy relics.
  5. Consecrate the apartment - invite the priest to conduct the ceremony.
  6. When cleaning, exclude animal products from the menu - sausage, lard, meat products.
  7. You can not smoke and drink alcohol in the process of removing spoilage.
  8. Take baths daily with the addition of holy water - pour some water crosswise into the bath and bathe with prayers.
  9. Always wear pectoral cross.
  10. Before leaving the house, wash yourself with clean water - draw water into a bucket and wash yourself from it.
  11. Light up the house every day church candles and fumigate the room with incense.

By following these simple rules, you can independently get rid of the sent negativity.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

How to remove damage, and can you do it yourself? Corruption is a black magic rite, with the help of which a sorcerer can completely destroy a person's life and even kill. Damage takes away health, blocks a person's roads, separates from a loved one. Consider a few effective ones with yourself and another person.

All rituals for water are done according to the same scheme: the conspiracy is read on spring, holy or well water, and then the person washes his face. The plot is read either at sunrise or at sunset (unless a different hour is specified in the rite). During the ceremony, a church candle should burn. No one should distract from the action: the door is tightly closed, the phone is turned off.

Rite execution scheme:

  • three times reading the prayer "";
  • prayers to the patron saints, for example, to;
  • next is the call to ;
  • prayer "";
  • conspiracy against corruption.

Water can be independently, if you follow all the rules. You should also take into account women's / men's days. Women include Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. For men - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. On Sunday, you can remove damage to a person of any gender, as well as children.

Prayer to Saints

Prayer to the Mother of God

Prayer "Let God Arise"

When reading, they make the sign of the cross on themselves.

Conspiracies for water from damage

  • drink;
  • wash;
  • sprinkle the patient's bed;
  • sprinkle the patient's clothes;
  • sprinkle the body of the patient;
  • sprinkle the room;
  • take a bath.

Conspiracy text:

Bath method

To do this, read conspiracies and prayers on a glass of water or liter jar, draw water into the bath and pour the charmed water from the glass crosswise.

While taking a bath, read prayers to God. Don't forget to put on a pectoral cross. After the bath, you can not wipe yourself - the water should dry on the body. When to collect water for a conspiracy? Better before the ceremony.

With the help of salt

This rite should be performed seven days in a row, starting with the waning moon. Prepare the following items:

  • a pack of salt specially bought for the ceremony;
  • cast iron skillet (you can use the one you use);
  • white saucer without patterns (can be glass);
  • photograph of the patient or your own;
  • church candles - 7 pieces.

In the evening, when the family is asleep, pour a handful of salt into the pan, and immediately throw the rest of the salt into the trash can. Light a candle and place it next to you. Light the gas under the pan and start reading the Lord's Prayer. When you read the prayer 3 times, read the conspiracy from corruption:

When you read the plot, pour the salt from the pan onto the saucer. Take the saucer to the room and put it on the photo of the person being cleaned - until the next evening. The next day, you need to pour salt into the pan and repeat the ceremony. And so all seven days. Hide the saucer so that your family does not see it.

On the eighth day, salt should be thrown into the river or simply flushed down the toilet, it is better to throw the saucer into the trash can on the street. If the salt turns black and smokes or the saucer bursts, it means that on a person severe damage. In this case, the ceremony is repeated for the next lunar cycle.

Roll out spoilage with an egg

How ? To do this, you will need a photograph of a sick person or your own, an icon of the Holy Trinity and three church candles. Eggs (7 pieces) are better to buy from grandmothers, it is not advisable to take them from the refrigerator.

Stay alone in the room, put the photo on a clean tablecloth, put up an icon and light candles. Roll the egg according to the photo with your right hand clockwise, without pressing. At this time, a conspiracy is read:

After reading the plot, put out the candles with your fingers, and throw the egg into the toilet - it should break. Wash three times. The same actions must be repeated the next day at the same time - and so on for seven days in a row.

If the patient does not feel better, repeat the ceremony after three days. Remember that the removal of the negative must be carried out after the full moon: they do not roll out to the growing moon.

Pour spoilage on wax

To remove damage with wax, you need to buy two or three large candles in the church and take holy water. You will also need your own photo or a photo of the person you want to remove the effect from, and a glass bowl.

In the evening, be alone so that no one interferes. Melt the wax in a saucepan while reading "Our Father". First, pour holy water into a glass bowl and place it on the photo.

When the wax is melted, remove the wicks. Pour the liquid wax slowly into the water and read the plot 3 times:

When the wax has hardened, take it out with a knife and place it on the newspaper. On the same evening, the casting should be taken out into the street and dripped into the ground or thrown into the river. Holy water should be poured under the roots of a dry tree.

If the patient's condition does not improve, perform the ceremony two more times.. The removal of spoilage can also be observed by casting - it must be even. If the bottom of the casting is bumpy, continue casting.

Keep in mind that after castings, you may become ill - either your head hurts, or you feel sick, or you feel a breakdown. This is fine. The condition will improve soon.

Candle cleansing

Watch the video of the rite of purification of negativity with a candle flame. To do this, it is not necessary to purchase church candles. However, if you want to read conspiracies to remove negativity, it is better to do a ceremony with candles consecrated in the church.

earth method

You can remove the damage yourself with the help of earth and new knives. Land is collected at the threshold, and knives are bought without change. For the ceremony, you need to cover the table with a clean tablecloth at dawn, place a church candle on a candlestick in the center and put a faceted glass with earth next to it.

Take the knives in your hands, face west and sharpen the blades together. At this time, read the plot:

The words must be repeated three times. Then cross the blades of the knives and hold them over the candle so that the flame touches the steel. After 5 minutes, stick the knives into a glass of earth and rotate them at the same time: the right one is clockwise, the left one is counterclockwise. While doing so, say:

“Thrice according to this my deeds. Truly!”

As you say, put out the candle with your fingers. Wrap knives, a glass of earth and a cinder in a black new cloth. Tie a bundle with a black cord, take it out of the house and bury it in a deserted place.

You need to get rid of items on the same evening, do not leave the bundle overnight. After leaving the house, you can not communicate with anyone. Bury the bundle silently and return home silently. You can’t look back either, three days after the ceremony you can’t give anything to anyone from the house.

After the cleansing rituals, hands should be washed under cool running water. This will protect you from intercepting the negative on yourself. Also read "Our Father" and ventilate the room where the ceremony was performed. The room can be cleaned with a candle.

The negative impact exerted by ill-wishers can have the most severe consequences for a person: weakening of physical and mental health, pursuit of failures, violation of material well-being. However, getting rid of damage and protecting yourself and your loved ones is not difficult: it is quite possible to do it yourself.

How to determine damage

Before you remove the damage with your own hands, you need to establish whether you have been subjected to an energy blow from another person or failures are caused by a simple coincidence. First of all, it is necessary to analyze the “symptoms” that made you think that your life is being negatively influenced from the outside.

Damage signs:

  • despite the fact that you are making every effort to achieve the goal and the circumstances are in your favor, your undertakings still fail;
  • relations with people do not add up, groundless quarrels flare up between you and your loved ones;
  • you find it difficult to control negative emotions;
  • you are haunted by groundless fears that were not previously characteristic of you: for example, a spontaneous fear of the dark woke up in you, a fear of interacting with other people, a fear of closed or open spaces;
  • nightmares haunt you almost every night;
  • you sometimes feel someone's presence when you are alone, and this inspires fear in you;
  • your health condition has deteriorated, while doctors cannot diagnose you;
  • you constantly feel weakness and loss of vitality.
  • If the above symptoms are observed for a long time - at least two months - it makes sense to conduct a ritual to help determine the presence of spoilage.

    First, remember what kind of people you are in Lately confronted by fate. Restore your well-being in the moments of communication with them. As a rule, an energy impact can be felt by a person at the very moment when they are trying to implement it. If, while talking to someone, you feel spontaneous fear or anxiety, this is an occasion to reflect. Perhaps the damage was already done at that moment.

    Look around the apartment. If you find items whose origin is unclear to you, this item was probably brought by an ill-wisher, and it is this item that is the source negative energy. Pay attention to the gifts that were brought to you: perhaps this was done with evil intent. Of particular danger are donated mirrors, personal items (for example, a comb), household items (knives, scissors, sewing accessories), home-made dolls. It is better to get rid of the thing on which your suspicion falls.

    A lot can be said about the condition of indoor flowers that are in your home. If for no reason they began to wither and dry out, your energy was hit. If the flowers are still in good condition, then there is no damage. By placing a healthy flowering plant at the head of your bed for one night, you can answer this question with a high degree reliability. If damage is directed at you, the flower will become lethargic overnight.

    You can check for negative effects using an egg. If cross raw egg a sleeping person, and after a few hours the egg deteriorates, it is negatively affected. You can also break an egg into a bowl of water and leave it under your bed. The presence of spoilage can be judged by the changed color of the yolk.

    How to remove damage

    You can protect yourself from damage at home by discovering the way in which it is induced. Therefore, if you find an object at home that you shouldn’t have, take it out of the house and leave it on the street, whispering over it: “I’m taking away the dark gift from the house, I’m driving away the damage from myself. Amen". Before entering back into the house, cross the door. Troubles should gradually disappear from your life.

    If you have not figured out exactly how the damage was inflicted, you need to perform a rite that will save you from this scourge. To conduct it, you will need church candles and a saucer with holy water. Before performing this ritual, try to get out of a state of despair, not to think about troubles and ailments, because you are aimed at healing. Concentrate on the thought that life will soon be filled with colors again, and the problems caused by negative interference will go away.

    The ceremony must be performed before dawn, when it is already dawning on the street, but the sun has not yet risen. Put the saucer on the table and stand facing it. Pour holy water into it, and place three candles around: two on the sides, one on top in the middle. Above the saucer you need to read the prayer "Our Father" three times. After reading the prayer, take the candle that was in the center, take it in your hand and baptize yourself with it, reading: “The Light of God illuminates my path, drives out all evil from me. As the candle melts, so the curse goes away. You need to do this until the candle burns out to half. Then return it to its place, scoop up holy water and wash your face with it. With burning candles, wait until the water dries on the skin, then extinguish the candles and repeat three times: "Amen." After the ritual, it is best to fall asleep for a few hours.

    You need to start getting rid of damage immediately after it is discovered: over time, the negative impact begins to worsen, bringing even more trouble. If you perform a healing ritual in time, troubles will leave your life, and you will again find joy and hope. Protect yourself from negative influences, don't let things get out of hand, and don't forget to push buttons and
