In which team did KVN play Gudkov. Alexander Gudkov - biography, personal life, photos and latest news

Alexander Gudkov is a popular Russian showman, actor and talented screenwriter. Like many of his colleagues, he got into television thanks to his long participation in the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Alexander is known to many viewers as a participant in the comedy show " comedy woman"on TNT and co-host of the project" Evening Urgant on Channel One.

However, few people know that most of their television activities the man held behind the lenses of television cameras. His main job is writing scripts for various comedy TV shows and music videos. In addition, he managed to prove himself and how talented actor dubbing and producer of the channel "League bad jokes» on YouTube.

Childhood and family

The future television star was born on February 24, 1983 in the small town of Stupino near Moscow. His parents, Raisa and Vladimir Gudkov, are local workers. steel plant wished their son and his older sister Natalia (born 1977) a stable future. The early loss of his father forced Alexander to get closer to his sister - even as they grow up, they remain the closest people.

In an interview, the humorist admitted that he went to his mother in character: “A squeeze of snobbery, homespun folk humor ... She loves to swear, she is not shy in expressions with my sister and me. She instilled a sense of self-irony in us.” It is the ability to self-criticism that Alexander considers one of the important human qualities.

Alexander Gudkov in KVN

According to Gudkov, as a child he dreamed of becoming a dentist, he is still fascinated by every trip to the dentist's office. But at the age of 16, the head teacher of the school where Alexander studied, decided to diversify the lives of students and invited everyone to perform at the KVN tournament. Gudkov played for the 11th grade team. No one expected that the guy would be able to behave so relaxedly and professionally on stage and joke so witty. The concert was attended by the head of the city KVN team, and soon the guy was already playing for the Stupino team.

After school, Alexander entered the Stupino branch of MATI (Technological University named after Tsiolkovsky), where he studied materials science (after graduation, he never worked in his specialty), and together with his sister began to play in the local KVN team "Natural Disaster". In 2003, the two of them organized their own Family-2 team, and in 2006 they joined a group of Muscovites, among whom were Natalya Medvedeva and Marina Bochkareva, and organized the Fyodor Dvinyatin team.

It was as part of this team that the guy achieved his first serious success, which later influenced his entire life. television career. In just a few months, the team managed to successfully perform several times in Moscow and make themselves known. In 2007, Fyodor Dvinyatin was played for the first time at the gala concert of the Sochi KVN festival, which was broadcast on Channel One. They were invited to the Premier League, and then to the Higher League, which is led by Alexander Maslyakov himself.

calling card team became a special humor, which differed from the rest of the KVN teams in absurdity and was remembered by the audience thanks to funny game words and high-class acting skills. Alexander himself became famous because of the image of the "feminine macho". He managed to make such an ambiguous character a real star, loved by millions of viewers. In the future, the guy continued his career in this way.

Alexander Gudkov in KVN: Mayor of Cheboksary

For two years, the team took part in KVN games and each time proved that such a non-standard, but funny humor has many admirers. Some members of the jury repeatedly criticized their performances, justifying their dissatisfaction with the team's inappropriate jokes. In particular, this point of view was expressed by Julius Gusman and Konstantin Ernst. Nevertheless, Alexander was able not only to prove the opposite, but also to receive a bronze award in the final of the Higher League of KVN.

Television career

The guy began his career on television not with work in front of the camera, but, on the contrary, sitting on the other side of the lens. His first experience on the TV channel was the creation of scripts for the comedy TV show "Comedy Woman". His colleague on the KVN team "Fedor Dvinyatin" Natalya Medvedeva came to the same project. In the screenwriter's chair, Alexander created easy, but at the same time incredibly funny stories for the project, which allowed him to reach his full potential and work without paying attention to television frames.

Over time, the comedian himself entered the stage of the Comedy Woman show. Most often, he performed in a duet with his girlfriend in KVN. In the future, this couple became one of the most beloved by the audience of the show. It is not surprising, because the guys differed from the rest of the participants in the show with special humor and atypical numbers.

Alexander Gudkov in Comedy Vumen: Stylist and Russian woman

From April 2010 to February 2011 Gudkov was the host of the humorous project "Laughter in big city". After that, together with famous humorist Alexander Nezlobin, he launched the Nezlobin and Gudkov project on music channel MTV.

Also in 2010, the young man accidentally got on the audition of the show “Yesterday Live”. He was asked to read a test text, which dotted the “Yo”. In the end, Gudkov was approved for the lead project.

It is worth noting that even being a famous KVNschik and presenter, Alexander still did not live up to the expectations of his parents. They still wanted their son to work at the factory, gain experience and receive a good pension in the future.

In 2012, the man had the opportunity to try himself as a dubbing actor. He spoke in his voice main character in the cartoon "Ralph" and one of the characters in the movie "Angela's School Chronicles".

By this time, Gudkov had completely “settled down” on Channel One. He began working on the humorous project "Evening Urgant". Initially, Alexander acted as a screenwriter and regular participant, and in 2013 he became a co-host Alexander Gudkov is not married yet

The man admits that working on television made him more relaxed and gave him many opportunities to meet the fair sex, but that one was not so easy to meet. He repeatedly told reporters that he dreams of hosting a TV show about animals with his future wife.

Alexander Gudkov today

Sasha Gudkov continues to work on television, in particular, he starred in Comedy Woman and Evening Urgant.

The creative biography of Alexander Gudkov is multifaceted: he is not only a famous KVN player, but also a showman, screenwriter, participant and TV presenter of various programs. The artist also acted in films, however, this work did not bring him much satisfaction.

Gudkov is not afraid to seem ridiculous and ridiculous, so he is ready to participate in any interesting project.

Participation in the school KVN team

Alexander was born in 1983 in Stupino, Moscow region. His parents had ordinary professions: father and mother worked at a metallurgical plant. His older sister Natalya also grew up in the family. The childhood years of the future showman passed quite normally, but at school he became interested in playing KVN.

Together with him, his sister also performed on the same stage. Having won the KVN school tournament, the young man became a member of the Stupino team. After leaving school, he became a student at the Technological University named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky. Gudkov did not part with his favorite pastime there either, playing for various teams. After graduation, the love of humor took over, and he decided to continue participating in KVN.

Work as a screenwriter and career as a TV presenter

Playing for the Fedor Dvinyatin team, Alexander achieved great success in his creative career. Performing parodies of the hits of pop stars, the team fell in love with many viewers, as a result of which they won third place in the finals of the Major League of KVN. His collaboration with television began with writing scripts for the program "Comedy Woman" on the TNT channel, and then the artist himself took part in several numbers of Natalia Medvedeva, whom he had made friends with since playing in KVN.

It is not surprising that many producers of television projects drew attention to the charismatic participant. He soon tried his hand as a TV presenter, appearing on shows such as Laughter in the City and Nezlobin and Gudkov. And then in his creative career appeared the program "Evening Urgant" on Channel One, where the showman had to learn a lot of new things. It was at this time that Alexander became famous among the general public, who appreciated his witty jokes, unique facial expressions and unusual voice. However, he did not quit the female team of the Comedy Woman program, managing to combine many projects. In his performances, the artist uses a very shocking image, which is why some viewers attribute him to persons of non-traditional orientation. Gudkov himself rejects these speculations, considering his performance on stage as "expressive overacting." Apart from creative activity, the showman runs his business with a friend, opening several men's hairdressers.

Romantic relationships and activities outside of work

Favorite work takes Alexander almost all the time, which is probably why he is still not married. Despite this, the artist will already think about his family and children. According to Gudkov, in his personal life there has long been a beloved girl, whose name he keeps a secret. The lovers met in the company of friends when they were still students.

showman with mom

His mother is already retired, and his father died 17 years ago. Raisa Alexandrovna has long been waiting for star son present her future wife and give grandchildren. She did not immediately come to terms with the fact that Sasha chose to work on television, considering this a frivolous matter. My sister, like my mother, lives in Supino. Over time, she changed her activities and now works in the department for youth, tourism and sports.

In the photo, Alexander Gudkov with his girlfriend.

IN Everyday life Gudkov does not wear bright clothes, but because of his height (186 cm) and light weight, he buys clothes one size larger. IN free time he prefers to sleep well, and then do household chores. Alexander loves to travel, visiting different countries peace. However, in England and Georgia, an artist can visit endlessly, enjoying not only beautiful scenery but also communication with hospitable people. The artist loves animals, dreaming of creating a show about cats and dogs. By the way, a cat named Nit lives in his apartment, which he picked up in the basement and went out.

Alexander Gudkov has a rich experience of playing KVN, in which he honed his natural sense of humor, in order to later demonstrate it to his many fans who appeared after participating in a number of humorous TV projects - "Yesterday Live" and "Evening Urgant" on Channel One, "Laughter in the Big City" on STS, "Nezlobin and Gudkov" on MTV, "Comedy Woman" on TNT. Such popularity cannot but arouse interest in the artist's personal life, including the one who wife of Alexander Gudkov. In fact, Sasha is not married yet, which is very upsetting for his mother, who cannot wait until her son finally builds his own nest and gives her grandchildren.

In the photo - Alexander Gudkov

And many viewers generally believe that there can be no wife of Alexander Gudkov, because he is gay. However, this is not at all the case. Even while playing in the KVN school team, Alexander created and successfully exploited the image of a gay. This made the audience laugh, which was what the artist needed. Gudkov says that he does not care what they write about him, the main thing is that in reality he is not like that and behaves completely differently off the stage.

And in his work, he sees many advantages, including the fact that with the advent of popularity, he has the opportunity to easily get acquainted with any girl, one of whom may someday become the wife of Alexander Gudkov. But while the artist believes that it is too early for him to start a family. He helps his mother, who lives in Stupino. Sister Alexander Gudkov, also an avid KVN-shchitsa, works in the Stupino city department for youth, tourism and sports. The showman constantly does not have enough time for his personal life, and recently he has also taken up small business - together with his friends, Sasha opened the Boy Cut hairdresser in one of the most fashionable places in the capital - Krasny Oktyabr.

A distinctive feature of this "barber" is that it specializes in serving only men - girls are not allowed to go there. Calling all their friends and acquaintances, they found hairdressers, and they accepted only professionals with extensive experience. Clients of the barbershop will also be able to shave here, as well as purchase fashion accessories, clothes and men's cosmetics. Since the founders of the new hairdressing salon are creative people, their establishment will also become a venue for various parties and themed events.
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    Sasha Gudkov - participant in KVN, participant in the Comedy Vumen comedy project

    Many adore Gudkov for his talent to show different images.

    Gudkov does not have an official family and, of course, there are rumors about orientation

    It seems to me that Alexander is a normal man, he just did not find the one that would win his heart

    Like many artists, Sasha Gudkov's work is in the first place. But who knows what will happen in the future?

    Alexander Gudkov simply tried on the image of a gay. It was in this image that he managed to make the audience laugh the best. And what else does a person of his profession need.

    He dreams of a family and a son and daughter. But, for now, being very busy at work does not give him the opportunity to start a family.

    Let's hope that Sasha's dreams will come true soon.

    Alexander Gudkov is not gay. However, this impression could arise due to the fact that in what form he appears at some events. Although if he were gay, it would be pretty funny. But still no.

    Alexander Gudkov is not gay, this is his stage image. Currently, he is one of the participants in the very popular female show Comedy Wumen. And the fact that he does not have children and a wife means only that he has not yet met the only one with whom he would like to connect his life.

    To be honest, the question made me laugh a little, you can’t judge a person based on his appearance and demeanor, he has no family, wife and children, but this is not an argument to consider him gay, he is completely normal

    Many people know Alexander Gudkov from such programs as

    He is known to many as a member of the KVN team.

    To date, Sasha is not yet married. She has no children yet, which upsets her mother more and more.

    Some believe that Alexander Gudkov is gay.

    It is not true. Sasha just thinks it's too early to start a family. He is sorely lacking time for his personal life.

    As it may seem to many, showman Alexander Gudkov has an unconventional orientation. All this is due to his demeanor and the voice with which he speaks. In fact, this is absolutely not the case, he is an ordinary guy with the same preferences in his personal life. It's just that he has not yet met the one with whom he would like to connect his life and start a family.

    Alexander Gudkov is one of the participants in the entertainment TV show ComedyWomen. He has a rather melodic voice, which Sasha skillfully uses in his work, mainly playing the role of a gay. He's not gay in real life, he's straight.

    Of course Sasha Gudkov is not gay. And this is his image, in which it was he who found the recognition of the audience. After all, any actor has his own image, and in this way he makes people laugh. After all, he began himself in humor a long time ago, while still playing in KVN.

    Now we see him in a program called Evening Urgant and we are already used to his voice there, with shades you know what, he is manipulative and just plays his role, for which he receives a salary.

    And what we can see on the screen and a person in life are completely different aspects. He is not married, because it’s too early to speak, you need to create a material base for this purpose and help financially your loved ones, mother and sister.

    Even at school, and then in KVN in the team Fdor Dvinyatin, Alexander Gudkov created and successfully exploited the image of a gay. Alexander is 31 years old, he is not married yet, because there is too much work. Gudkov's mother is expecting grandchildren, but the showman and his friends recently opened a hairdressing salon in one of the fashionable places in the capital. Gudkov says that he doesn’t care what they say and write about him, the main thing is that in reality he is not like that. So Comedy resident woman and member of the KVN team Fedor Dvinyatin is not gay. He dreams of a family, children and a family program on television.

Alexander Gudkov has a rich experience of playing KVN, in which he honed his natural sense of humor, in order to later demonstrate it to his many fans who appeared after participating in a number of humorous TV projects - "Yesterday Live" and "Evening Urgant" on Channel One, "Laughter in the Big City" on STS, "Nezlobin and Gudkov" on MTV, "Comedy Woman" on TNT. Such popularity cannot but arouse interest in the artist's personal life, including the one who wife of Alexander Gudkov. In fact, Sasha is not married yet, which is very upsetting for his mother, who cannot wait until her son finally builds his own nest and gives her grandchildren.

In the photo - Alexander Gudkov

And many viewers generally believe that there can be no wife of Alexander Gudkov, because he is gay. However, this is not at all the case. Even while playing in the KVN school team, Alexander created and successfully exploited the image of a gay. This made the audience laugh, which was what the artist needed. Gudkov says that he does not care what they write about him, the main thing is that in reality he is not like that and behaves completely differently off the stage.

And in his work, he sees many advantages, including the fact that with the advent of popularity, he has the opportunity to easily get acquainted with any girl, one of whom may someday become the wife of Alexander Gudkov. But while the artist believes that it is too early for him to start a family. He helps his mother, who lives in Stupino. Sister Alexander Gudkov, also an avid KVN-shchitsa, works in the Stupino city department for youth, tourism and sports. The showman constantly does not have enough time for his personal life, and recently he has also taken up small business - together with his friends, Sasha opened the Boy Cut hairdresser in one of the most fashionable places in the capital - Krasny Oktyabr.

A distinctive feature of this "barber" is that it specializes in serving only men - girls are not allowed to go there. Calling all their friends and acquaintances, they found hairdressers, and they accepted only professionals with extensive experience. Clients of the barbershop will also be able to shave here, as well as purchase fashion accessories, clothes and men's cosmetics. Since the founders of the new hairdressing salon are creative people, their establishment will also become a venue for various parties and themed events.
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