Miraculous icon of Archangel Gabriel. Holy Trinity of Archangels: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael

One of the highest angels, in the Old and New Testaments, appears as a bearer of joyful gospels. He announces to the priest Zechariah in the temple, while offering incense, the birth of John the Baptist, the Ever-Virgin in Nazareth - the birth of the Savior of the world.

According to the Bible, he is considered the guardian angel of the chosen people. Kabbalists consider him the teacher of Patriarch Joseph; according to the teachings of the Mohammedans - from him Mohammed received his revelations and was carried away to Heaven by him.

It is depicted on icons with candles and a jasper mirror as a sign that the ways of God are not clear until the time, but are comprehended through time by studying the word of God and obedience to the voice of conscience.

Mentioned in canon books:

Dan. 8:16 and 9: 21;

OK. 1:9 and 26.

The Holy Archangel Gabriel, as explained in the Guide to the Painting of Icons, "is depicted holding a lantern with a candle lit inside in his right hand, and a stone mirror in his left." (Fartusov, p. 226).

This mirror of green jasper (jasper) with black and white spots on it, illuminated by the light of truth, reflects the good and bad deeds of the peoples, proclaims to people the mysteries of God's economy, the salvation of mankind.

The name Gabriel, received by the Archangel from God, means in Russian Fortress of God or The power of God .

Read also:

Hello. Please tell me, are there such Archangels in Christianity: Archangel Chamuel, Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Jophiel? Thank you. Hope.

Priest Mikhail Samokhin answers:

Hello. Hope!

There are no Archangels with such names in Orthodoxy. Archangels Michael and Gabriel are mentioned in the canonical books of Holy Scripture. The apocrypha "Book of Enoch" mentions the Archangels Barahiel, Selaphiel, Yehudiel, Raphael, Uriel and Jeremiel. The names of the Archangels that you cite refer to Kabbalistic angelology, that is, in the doctrine of the Angels of the late Jewish tradition, which existed in parallel with Christianity.

Sincerely, priest Mikhail Samokhin.

Salvation History and Miracles of the Archangel Gabriel

Throughout the long history of human salvation, the Archangel Gabriel was famous for his miracles. It is believed that the memory of the Archangel Gabriel was installed on Mount Athos in the 9th century. The Archangel Gabriel appeared to the monks of Athos in a cell near Karei, where with his finger he wrote on a stone the song of the Most Holy Theotokos “It is worthy to eat.” This cell is still called “Worthy”.

  • Archangel Gabriel also appeared to the Biblical characters - Moses, while he was guarding the flock. Archangel Gabriel told the chosen one of the Lord the secret of how our world was created. It was the words of the Archangel Gabriel that Moses recorded in the Book of Genesis. Biblical prophets usually proclaimed the will of God about the future, but Moses spoke about the events of the past.
  • The Archangel Gabriel appeared to the prophet Daniel to announce the future Kingdoms, the coming of the Savior.
  • The Archangel Gabriel came to St. Anna to say that she would give birth to a daughter, the Most Pure and Blessed, the Virgin Mary, who would become the Mother of our Savior.
  • Many times the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary herself when She was in the Jerusalem temple. The high priest and prophet Zechariah learned from Archnagel Gabriel about the birth of John the Baptist. Punishment of the prophet with dumbness for distrusting the words of the Archangel, the appearance of the Blessed Virgin with the good news ... All these are stories about the Archangel Gabriel.

The angel, having entered to Her, said: Rejoice, Blessed One! The Lord is with you; Blessed are You among women. She, seeing him, was embarrassed by his words and wondered what kind of greeting it would be. And the angel said to her: Fear not, Mary, for you have found grace with God; and behold, thou shalt conceive in the womb, and thou shalt bear a Son, and thou shalt call his name: Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of David His father; and shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom shall have no end.

The angel said to him: Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will call his name: John; and you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth, for he will be great before the Lord; he will not drink wine and strong drink, and the Holy Spirit will be filled even from his mother's womb; and he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God; and he will go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to restore the hearts of the fathers to the children, and in the disobedient mindset of the righteous, in order to present to the Lord a people prepared.

  • He also came to righteous Joseph in moments of doubt. He appeared before the shepherds at Bethlehem and appeared to the Lord Himself in the Garden of Gethsemane to strengthen Jesus before the coming sufferings. It was the Archangel Gabriel who appeared after and before the myrrh-bearing women: And early in the morning on the first day of the week, that is, on Sunday, when the sun was rising, they came to the Sepulcher. And they said to each other: who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us? And looking, they see that the stone has been rolled away; and he was very large. And going into the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in white clothes; and were horrified. He says to them: do not be afraid. You are looking for Jesus, the Nazarene crucified; He is risen, He is not here. Here's the place where He was laid. But go, tell His disciples and Peter that He is ahead of you in Galilee; there you will see him, as he told you. And going out, they fled from the tomb; they were seized with trepidation and horror, and they said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid. Rising early on the first day of the week(on Sunday), Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he cast out seven demons. She went and told those who were with Him(that is, the apostles) crying and sobbing(Mark 15:46-47; 16:1-10).

Many miracles are associated with his name, which were also told by ordinary believers.

Archangel Gabriel was sent to the Lord Jesus himself to help, strengthen and support. This is a sign of the greatest trust of God the Father. Therefore, we can also apply with prayer requests to the Archangel Gabriel. If demons throw evil thoughts, then all good things come to us from the Lord through angels, to whom God has entrusted protection over people. The angels are telling the right decision, we call their voices “the voice of conscience”.

Iconographic images

On icons, the archangel Gabriel is usually depicted with a blooming branch of paradise or a lily flower. You can also find images with a spherical mirror in hand, and sometimes with a candle inside the lamp. Archangel Gabriel is often depicted on the northern doors of the iconostasis and is one of the shield holders on the Coat of Arms of the Russian Empire.

What can you ask the Archangel Gabriel?

  • Archangel Gabriel is asked for help in any difficult issues, in the need to make a difficult decision.
  • Knowing about the announcement of the birth of the long-awaited child to the righteous Anna, the believers ask the Archangel Gabriel for conception.
  • Archangel Gabriel is asked to guide a lost soul on the righteous path.
  • Help with depression and depression.

Did you know that the Archangel Gabriel is found in Judaism, Christianity and even Islam? His name is interpreted as "The Almighty is my strength." It is this Archangel who is revered as one of the closest to God, so when you pray to Gabriel, you enlist the support of one of the most powerful defenders of mankind.

In the article:

Holy Archangel Gabriel in Judaism

This celebration has a very long and rich history. There are many signs associated with this day. For example:

  • if the weather is dry on July 26, then you need to wait for a rich harvest and a dry autumn;
  • if the weather was rainy on July 26, then the harvest will be meager, the whole season will be hungry;
  • On April 8, bird cherry turns green - it's time to plant early potatoes;
  • frosts on April 8 - a protracted and cold spring.

People believed that on this day it is worth making wishes. As an angel roams among ordinary people and listen to their wishes. If the dream is bright and sincere, then it will definitely come true.

A man that day at dawn went outside and looked at the weather. If the sunrise was bright, then snow was no longer expected and it was possible to hide the sleigh.

The women had to finish the yarn before this day. Since people believed that the mistress who violated this rule would fall out of her hands.

Iconography of Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel appears before us in the guise of a beautiful young man, above whose head he shines, and behind him are beautiful wings.

Archangel Gabriel with a lily

There is another image of him, preserved only in the earliest drawings. On them, the assistant of the Almighty is immortalized in a long robe, but he does not have wings or the usual halo. Similar drawings can be found in the catacombs of Priscilla in Rome.

Who is Archangel Gabriel

Gabriel is one of the two Archangels named in the Bible, the second is. In the Old Testament Book of Daniel, Gabriel appears to Daniel to help him understand his visions of the future. In the New Testament, Gabriel appears in the Gospel of Luke chapter 1, where he announces the coming birth of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ.

When the archangel told Zacharias about his future son, he was amazed, because he believed that he and his wife Elizabeth were too old to have children. The archangel assures him ‘I, Gabriel, who stand before God and have been sent to speak with you and bring this good news to you’. Soon after, Gabriel appears to Mary and says ‘Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women’ and tells her about her future son Jesus Christ.

Gabriel is also mentioned in the non-canonical Book of Enoch as an intermediary between people and God. In Islam, the Archangel Gabriel reveals the Holy Scriptures of the Koran to the Prophet Muhammad. These biblical roles of Gabriel make him stand out as the chief messenger of God, which is why this Archangel is the patron saint of communications workers.

Artists at all times depicted the Archangel Gabriel, including in the scenes of the Annunciation with female features, with long hair in flying clothes and - if you take a closer look at his images of the Renaissance - with female figure. Perhaps the reason is that Gabriel is closely associated with female saints, their pregnancies and childbirth.

Of course, Angels do not have a clear gender division, since they do not have physical bodies. However, their energy can be feminine or masculine, depending on their specialty. — a prime example real male power. Gabriel, on the contrary, exudes soft, gentle feminine energy.

When to turn to Archangel Gabriel for help

Caring for our children

Gabriel and the Virgin Mary work together to help sensitive children. They are in charge of conception, adoption, pregnancy, childbirth and the upbringing of children.

Life purpose related to children

Since Gabriel is very concerned about the well-being of children, he helps responsible and child-loving adults who want to help the younger generation. If you feel that your calling is to work in any area related to children, please seek the help of Archangel Gabriel.

clear messages

Gabriel is usually depicted with a large copper pipe, which symbolizes the proclamation of the messages of God. If you need to receive a particularly detailed and clear message, ask Archangel Gabriel for help.

Help other messengers

Gabriel helps earthly messengers such as teachers, counselors, writers, artists, and actors. The archangel acts as a heavenly agent and guide who encourages you to hone your craft. Gabriel then opens the door for you, allowing you to work in your chosen profession, and lovingly pushes you if you hesitate to enter.

Gabriel is a hardworking, tenacious Angel who awakens the same attitude to work in those who ask for his help.

Colors- copper

Crystal- copper

Essence - Angelic protection. Empowerment.

Astrological sign Cancer is a caring and hardworking parent


Dear Archangel Gabriel, thank you for giving me clear messages to name a topic and for guiding me and helping me to be a messenger to help others like you.

You can get acquainted with the energy of the Archangel and live it with the help of a webinar either.

Archangel Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel are evangelists bringing great news. They convey to us the will of the Lord and prophecies to strengthen people's faith in God, and they are also enlighteners of minds with the light of the Gospel. Archangels reveal to us the secrets of pious faith. They are assigned to a special service and represent a reflection not only of the entire Trinity, but also of God himself. IN Orthodox Church on the same day they honor the Archangel Raphael, Michael and Gabriel. The heavenly host is a symbol of the main features of our Creator: beauty, reason and goodness.

Who are the archangels, their meaning in Orthodoxy

The Orthodox faith is distinguished by a number of traditions that have come down to our times from ancient times. The names of the archangels are found in Holy Scripture, where the structure of the entire system is explained. Even experienced theologians are not always able to decipher the biblical writings.

Studying the list of archangels, and getting acquainted with their divine appointment, it becomes clear that they are the leaders of the rest of the angels. When writing archangels on icons, artists pay special attention to their image, not even losing sight of minor details. They may turn out to be very important for our descendants. Each of the main angels is endowed with its own attribute - a trumpet, a sword and a spear, which are a kind of symbolism.

In the Orthodox faith, there are seven holy angels, whose names are known to almost all Orthodox. What does the number 7 mean, no one knows. The Bible says that only God knows this.

The archangels act as protectors of man and set him on the path of righteousness. Each of them performs certain functions.

The Church honors three archangels who have played a significant role in salvation history:

  • Michael (in translation means “Who is like GOD”) - supports a person in the battle against evil and fights with fallen spirits.
  • Gabriel (the name is translated as "Bol force") - carries news from the Creator for a person.
  • Raphael (the meaning of the name is “God heals”) - was the guardian of the young Tobias and stands before the Lord.

A true Christian must remember the presence of invisible divine forces and feel the support of their activities. Only true faith gives the right to ask the Almighty and his assistants for help and protection. If a person is not ready to receive spiritual help, then the angels are not able to do this against his will.

Saint Archangel Michael

The leader of the heavenly host, under whose feet the defeated devil is depicted. He is the chief archangel in both the New and Old Testaments. In Scripture, he is called "the leader of the army." Michael is the main fighter in the fight against the evil that exists in the world. Saint George the Great believed that angels appear to a person when it is necessary to bring a message, and Archangel Michael - before the manifestation of the power of God.

When the angel Lucifer, the closest to God, moved away from him, going over to the side of evil along with his associates, Michael called on the remaining supporters of the Lord to fight against the tempted ones. The fallen angels with Lucifer were "expelled to hell".

Michael is depicted most often in the guise of a warrior with armor, with a spear in his hand or with a sword. He does not stop fighting for the glory of God and for people. In the Old Testament, he acts as the protector of the people of Israel, and in the New, all righteous Christians.

From ancient times, the Archangel Michael was loved and honored by believers. He accompanied the souls of the righteous and repentant to paradise, performed the ritual of washing the souls before they appeared before God. Michael was accompanied by the Virgin Mary through hell. She managed to contemplate the torment of the souls of sinners. On the day of the Last Judgment, Michael will pray to God for mercy on all those who have sinned. In Byzantium, many managed to be healed at the springs, on which churches were erected in honor of Michael. If you believe the Greek legends, then at the death of a person, the soul follows the archangel. It is Michael who guards against demons and accompanies souls to the Judgment of God.

Prayers to Saint Archangel Michael

The patron of the warriors who fought for the good, the Holy Archangel Michael, is revered as a protector from evil spirits, visible and invisible forces. It keeps a person's sleep and helps in the fight against sadness.

They turn to Michael, reading prayers:

  1. About healing.
  2. Upon entering a new home.
  3. When lighting your own home.
  4. About protecting the souls of the dead.

The ancient prayer to the Archangel Michael protects the believer from the touch of the devil, human evil intentions and flattery. Reading brings peace and confidence. A prayer is read to the Archangel Michael at the onset of a new day - at midnight. Throughout the day evil forces they will be powerless and will not be able to do harm. Archangel Michael will alleviate all troubles and the one who asks will feel protected all day long.

Holy Archangel Gabriel

According to the texts from the Bible, the Archangel Gabriel was chosen by God himself to notify a person that the son of the Lord had come to earth.

He is considered the patron of the young couples who want to have children. Gabriel is asked to conceive. He protects the woman and the unborn child during pregnancy.

Archangel Gabriel occupies the second place in the hierarchy. He patronizes a person whose work is connected with communication (journalists, psychologists, managers, etc.). The icon with his image is revered by the Orthodox Church. Depicted in rich robes, sometimes with a scepter in his hand and a crown on his head. The date of the celebration is celebrated after the Annunciation.

According to legend, Gabriel guarded the Virgin Mary and was sent by God to warn her husband about the king's plan to destroy all babies. The angel taught the forefather Moses to write books.

Prayers to the patron saint Archangel Gabriel

Gabriel's help is as follows:

  • protects from troubles and adversities;
  • protects against diseases;
  • acts as a guiding star in life;
  • heals from ailments and serious diseases;
  • helps to overcome infertility and bear a healthy child;
  • cleanses from frightening thoughts and not good feelings;
  • relieves internal fears and various kinds of phobias.

Prayers to Gabriel help with depression and psychological deviations. You can ask him for love, faith, help in marriage. It is not necessary to look for separate prayers for each case. You can pray in your own words before the image. The main thing is to sincerely believe and Gabriel will definitely bless for what the request was about.

Archangel Gabriel prayers can be read not only by the priest. The request will be heard from the lips of a believer. The main thing is that faith and sincerity are present at the same time. You can read the prayer to the Archangel Gabriel at home, it is not necessary to visit a church or temple for these purposes. You need to put the image of the Saint in front of you.

Holy Archangel Raphael

Translated from Hebrew, the name Raphael is translated as "healing." The archangel is in 3rd place after Michael. Heals and reduces both mental and physical pain. They pray to him when problems arise regarding inner world, feelings and health. Archangel Raphael is prayed both for healing from ailments, and for the restoration of relationships or correction in any life situation. It is important to convey the problem correctly, because many do not know how to express their own thoughts, directing divine power in the wrong direction.

The Bible says that the Archangel Raphael imprisoned the fallen Azazel in the desert at the command of the Lord. He was punished for the craft given to man and corrupting him. He is assigned to guard fallen angels, who are among the mortals, like other archangels.

Raphael heals not only the body, but also the soul, and fights evil intent on earth. The book of Tobit says that he is the companion of his son, taking on human form. Raphael cast out the demon and healed blindness.

The archangel told mortals about the places where souls dwell before the Last Judgment. It was Raphael who gave the ring to King Solomon, intended to subdue the demons.

Prayers to Archangel Raphael

In the Orthodox Church, Archangel Raphael is:

  • assistant to travel lovers and healers;
  • patron of the sick spiritually and bodily;
  • healer of ailments and spiritual wounds.

You can ask Archangel Raphael for help both for yourself and for relatives or spiritually close people. He will appear exactly where he is needed, and will help only those who firmly believe in God. If a person does not accept spiritual help, then Uriel needs to pray. Raphael is asked for the health of man and animal. The angel will help you choose the right path in treatment and prevent death.

Prayers to the Archangel Raphael will help overcome anxiety and worries. With their help, give up destructive tendencies that are harmful to health and restore the spiritual state. Prayers to Archangel Raphael will cleanse the home of dark entities and bad energy.

Archangel Gabriel - Messenger of God

Ar-khan-gel Gav-ri-il was chosen by the Lord-by-house in order to bless De-ve Mary, and with Her and all people, do -what joy about the incarnation of the Son of God. In this way, on the next day, after the Bla-go-ve-shche-tion, pro-glorifying the Pre-clean Virgin, we b-go-da-rim the State -po-yes and in-chi-ta-em Him in-slan-ni-ka Ar-khan-ge-la Gav-ri-i-la, in the service of -she-go spa-se-niya.

The Holy Ar-khi-stra-tig Gav-ri-il is a servant of the Divine All-might-gu-s-stva. He proclaimed vet-ho-for-vet-no-mu-lo-ve-che-stvo about the future in the incarnation of the Son of God: inspire-new- lal pro-ro-ka Mo-and-sey at the pi-sa-nii of the book of Genesis; pro-ro-ku Da-ni-i-lu proclaimed about the coming fates of the Jews-on-ro-da ( ; ); appeared to the great Anna with the news of the birth of the Pre-blessed-word-ven-noy De-you Mary from her. Holy Ar-khi-stra-tig Gav-ri-il did not depart-step-but would-be-shaft with the holy Ot-ro-ko-vice Ma-ri-ey in Ieru-sa-lim- the temple and subsequently guarded Her at all times of earthly life. He appeared to the priest-no-ku Za-ha-rii, foretelling the birth of the Pred-te-chi of the Lord-under-nya - John-on the Cre-sti-te-la. The Lord sent him to St. Joseph Ob-ruch-ni-ku: he appeared to him in a dream to reveal to him the secret of the incarnation of Sy - on God from the Most Holy De-you Mary, pre-du-pre-dil about the plans of Iro-da and commanded to run to Egypt with Mla- den-tsem and Bo-go-ro-di-tsey. When the Lord crossed His-and-mi stra-da-ni-i-mi prayed in Gath-si-man-sa-du to kro-va-vo-go-ta , to strengthen Him, according to the Church of Pre-da-tion, Ar-khan-gel Gav-ri-il was sent from Heaven, the name of someone signified cha-et "Fortress of God" (). The wives-mi-ro-no-si-tsy heard from Ar-khi-stra-ti-ga the good news about the Resurrection of Christ.

Recall on this day the many-fold apparitions of the holy Ar-khi-stra-ti-ga Gav-ri-i-la and his zealous work the fullness of the divine will, is-in-breathing his ho-yes-tay-stvo before the Lord-house about christ-a-nah, Pra-vo- the glorious Church invites its children with faith and user-di-em to run in prayers to the ve-li-ko-mu An-ge- lu.

; in from-lo-same-nii St. Di-mit-ria Rostov-sko-go.


Troparion to Archangel Gabriel

Heavenly armies of the Archangel, / we pray to you forever, we are unworthy, / yes, with your prayers, protect us / with the bloody wings of your immaterial glory, / preserving us, falling down diligently and crying out: / deliver us from troubles, / / ​​as an official of the Higher powers.

Translation: Heavenly armies, we incessantly pray to you, unworthy, that you protect us with your prayers under the roof of the wings of your immaterial glory, preserving us, falling down zealously and crying out: “Deliver us from troubles, as the head of the Higher Forces!”

Kontakion to Archangel Gabriel

Blessed and Honest, and Omnipotent, / innumerable and terrible Trinity, / you, Archangel, glorious servant and prayer, / now pray unceasingly / get rid of all troubles and torments, let us call you // rejoice, your protection.

Translation: Bright, and venerable, and omnipotent, incomprehensible and terrible you, glorious Archangel, minister and prayer book. Now pray unceasingly for deliverance from all troubles and torments, so that we cry out to you: “Rejoice, protection of your servants!”

In Kontakion to the Archangel Gabriel

Archangel of God, servant of Divine glory, / Leader of angels, and mentor of men, / ask us something useful, and I will have mercy, / / ​​like the Incorporeal Archangel.

Translation: Archangel of God, servant of Divine glory, chief of angels and mentor of people, ask for useful things for us and great mercy, like the Archangel of the Bodiless.

In Kontakion to the Archangel Gabriel

In Heaven in vain the glory of God / and on earth from on high giving grace, / chief of the angels, the wise Gabriel, God's servant of glory / and the divine champion of peace, / save, observe the crying ty // be yourself an assistant, and no one is against us.

Translation: Contemplating the glory of God in Heaven and giving to earth from Heaven, the head of the Angels, the wise Gabriel, the servant of God's glory and the Divine protector of the world, save and protect those who cry out to you: "Be our helper yourself, and no one is against us."

Magnification of Heavenly Orders Incorporeal

We magnify you, / Archangels and Angels / and all the host, / Cherubim and Seraphim, / glorifying the Lord.

Prayer to Archangel Gabriel

Oh, holy Archangel of God Gabriel, always stand before the Throne of the Most High, joyful bringer of the gospel and zealous helper of our salvation! With the mercy characteristic of you, accept this laudatory singing, brought to you from us unworthy. Correct our prayers, and bring me, like incense, to the Heavenly Altar incense; illumine our minds with the light of knowledge of the mysteries of our saving faith; inflame our hearts with love for Christ our Savior, turn and strengthen our desires on the saving path of His Gospel commandments; Yes, in this belt, Tikho and favorably, in the glory of God, in the raging one, will not deprive the believer of the kingdom of the god, to get the gratitude of Christ, who, with a petition of his mere meresa let us glorify with you and other incorporeal powers of heaven and all the saints the One in the Trinity, the glorious God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Second Prayer to the Archangel Gabriel

Oh, holy Archangel Gabriel! We wholeheartedly pray to you, instruct us, servant of God (names), to repentance from evil deeds and to affirmation in our faith, strengthen and protect our souls from deceitful temptations and implore our Creator for the remission of our sins. Oh, holy great Gabriel the Archangel! Do not despise us, sinners, praying to you for help and your intercession, in this life and in the future, but our helper will always appear to us, let us unceasingly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the power and your intercession forever and ever. Amen.

Third Prayer to the Archangel Gabriel

Holy Great Archangel Gabriel! Stand before the Throne of God and be illuminated with illumination from the Divine light, enlightened by the knowledge of incomprehensible mysteries about His eternal wisdom! Pray with all your heart, guide me to repentance from evil deeds and to confirmation in my faith, strengthen and protect my soul from deceitful temptations, and beg our Creator for the remission of my sins.
Oh, holy great Gabriel the Archangel! Do not despise me a sinner, praying to you for help and your intercession in this world and in the future, but always appear to me as a helper, let me unceasingly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your intercession forever and ever. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Canon to Saint Archangel Gabriel

Canto 1

Irmos: I will open my mouth, and the Spirit will be filled;
As if the Light exists in the Light of the extreme immaterial communion, Divine and immaterial, I pray to you, the Archangel of the Lord: enlighten my mind with your prayers, as if I sing to you.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Today let us make up the face of the Divine, rejoicing, the first reverently incorporeal minds, who proclaimed the inexpressible joy that came into the world for goodness.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
The representative of thee is the greatest, and to God the intercessor, and the wall, and the affirmation, Gabriel, having, loving thee, we get rid of the troubles and harm of the serpent, praising thee.
Bogorodichen: I clean Thee, the All-Immaculate, Gabriel, as if he saw it, rejoice! To you, Mistress, cry out brightly, unskillful, human salvation, angels' praise and honesty.

Canto 3

Irmos: Your hymnologists, Mother of God, the living and unenviable Source, spiritually affirm the face of your copulation, in Your Divine glory vouchsafe the crowns of glory.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Communion of the most immaterial Light, as if truly immaterial, Gabriel, immaterially enlightened, the Light was visible if you were the second, material people always enlightening, singing to you.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Thou hast been honored with the greatest blessing, having revealed the great sacrament to us, the greatest of the Angels, by whom they would take from the earth to the greatest height of great reverence for you.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Appear to all from Heaven, who seek you forever with love, and set a storm on us, driven by misfortunes and sorrows, O Gabriel the Archangel!
Bogorodichen: Saying the secret sacrament of old, Otrokovitsa, sometimes Gabriel called out to you: Rejoice, God's chamber, settled in the nuzhe, adore all people, like Gracious.
Sedalen, voice 4. Like: Ascended:
You exalt the incorporeal servants, before the century a certain terrible sacrament, to you alone, glorious Gabriel, trust, the inexpressible Nativity of the Holy Virgin, rejoice, proclaiming to Her, rejoiced. The same thee should, faithfully, with joy we will always appease.
Glory, and now, the same.

Canto 4

Irmos: Unexplored God's advice, hedgehog from the Virgin of the incarnation to You, the Most High, the prophet Habakkuk seeing, calling: glory to Your power, Lord.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Thou stood, with communions of the God-originating of old, to Gabriel the most wonderful, enlightening the prophet Daniel and expounding the phenomenon of the unfamiliar in spirit.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Mouth of the mortal joyfully, fiery nature of being, we praise: change the fire of the always scorching fire, Divine, Gabriel, your intercessions.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
More than the sun in Divine clothes, shining with impregnable glory, dress, Archangel of servants, stand before the Heavenly King, having fun.
Bogorodichen: All of Thee, purified by the spirit of Gabriel, the All-Immaculate, having understood, cries out to You clearly: Rejoice, oaths of deliverance and the call of the forefathers.

Canto 5

Irmos: Terrified of all about Your Divine glory: You, unsophisticated Virgin, had you in the womb over all God and gave birth to a flightless Son, who gives peace to all who sing about You.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
We enlighten the mind with the communion of the first, the second was visible if you were the Light, calling with countless angels: Holy Father the Omnipotent, the Son of the Sovereign and the Holy Spirit.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Your appearance is fiery, kindness is wonderful, terrifying every thought, great glory, Gabriel the greatest, Divine incorporeal bosses, all fertilizer, faithfully singing thee.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
The divine, as if seeing thee, while standing incense of old, Zechariah, is mute: not believing in your terrible proclamation, which you proclaimed, Gabriel the Archangel.
Bogorodichen: The temple of the sanctification of the being, the All-Immaculate, with the voice of Gabriel the Archangel, in the saints of the resting gave birth to the All-Holy God, all sanctifying and seizing the fierce.

Canto 6

Irmos: This divine and all-honorable feast, God of Wisdom, Mother of God, come, let us clap our hands, we glorify the God who was born from Her.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
The earthly tongues of honoring thee, the mind of the luminous and Heavenly, will not be able to, brightly enlightened more than the mind inexpressibly by Divine lordships.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
The dawn of the sun is full of light, the fiery servants of the Archangel, with your light-bearing prayers to the Lord, singing thee of darkness of passions, escape.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Destroy the councils of tongues, affirm the Orthodox faith, set the strife of the church, Archangel, to all the Creator with your prayers.
Bogorodichen: The verbs of the Divine are obedient, Pure, Gabriel was thou, and thou didst give birth to the Pre-Beginning Word of the flesh, the wordless world of the deliverer.
Kontakion, tone 8:
You are the most bright, and the Honest, and the Omnipotent, the uncountable and terrible Trinity, Archangel, glorious servant and prayer book, now unceasingly pray to get rid of all troubles and torments, let us call you: rejoice, protect your servant.

Canto 7

Irmos: Do not serve the creature of God-wisdom more than the Creator, but, the fiery rebuke is masculinely correct, rejoicing, singing: the venerable Lord and God of the fathers, blessed be Thou.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
John's Nativity, glorious, Thou didst proclaim Zacharias sometimes, inside the Divine Temple I stand and sing to the Redeemer and God: venerable of the fathers, Lord and God, blessed be Thou.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
The glorious splendor of your temple is bright, Gabriel, sanctifies the souls of the faithful and commands them to shout loudly: venerable Lord and God of the fathers, blessed be Thou.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
We enlighten with communion, Archangel, the first Light secretly, the second Light was truly seen thou art, singing enlightening always: revered of the fathers, Lord and God, blessed be thou.
Bogorodichen: Gabriel the Archangel was sent, proclaiming joy to You, Virgin Mother of the Pure, For the sake of sadness, and the oath is truly unfruitful, and the blessing of the faithful flourishes forever.

Canto 8

Irmos: The youths of the pious in the cave Nativity of the Theotokos saved is, then squalidly formed, now active, lifts up the whole universe to sing to You: Sing to the Lord, and exalt Him to all ages.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Sacred words are sacred to the people of the sacred sing, rejoicing, you are the all-guilty Word incarnate, hedgehog for us, the Archangel, who exists from us, you invite the Virgin more than the mind and the word. The same we honor thee for all eternity.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
To the great and first mind, it is immaterial, Archangel, uniting your fiery lips, sing a terrible hymn, which all Angelic faces sing: Sing the Lord's deeds, and exalt Him forever.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Bless the veil, dotted with the Divine, transcend Heavenly, even earthly, fulfilling the sacred desires of Christ, all God, the Angels, the chief of Gabriel, beautifully praising you by faith.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Flesh according to hypostasis, the Word will be admixed with man, although, name of thee, the forerunner and pre-preparation of the sacred chamber, O sacred Gabriel, sing the Lord, crying out, and exalt Him to all ages.
Bogorodichen: As if the throne is beautiful Tsar, as if he prevailed over all creatures, as if the Existing one existed, people who deified the union of the best Christmas, inexpressible and strange, blessed let us sing the Virgin.

Canto 9

Irmos: Let every earthly one leap, Enlighten with the Spirit, let nature triumph of the incorporeal minds, honoring the sacred triumph of the Mother of God, and let it cry out: Rejoice, All-Blessed, Mother of God, Pure Ever-Virgin.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
You stand, serving the Throne of Grace terribly, and we cover with light-faced ones who are more than the mind, and we sacredly adore, and see the Light, and enlightening by faith honoring you, sacred to Gabriel the Archangel.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
As if the Sky, as you see it, is decorated with stars, Divine lordships, and, like a governor, hold the bright scepter with your hands and flow the whole earth, always doing the will of the Master and seizing the fierce faithful.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Calm down the fierce barbarian storm that is always raised on your servants, set up strife in the church, grant deliverance to those who sing of you, grant deliverance to the faithful, Gabriel, with your warm intercession.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Foreshadowing the two and the most glorious, Michael and Gabriel, the throne of the forthcoming Divine glory, ask everyone for forgiveness of sins and evil changes, as an intercession and as the goodness of the Master in everything like.
Bogorodichen: The light of the brilliance of Thy birth, and enlighten the whole sunflower, and destroy the representative of darkness, the Mother of God of the All-Pure, Praise the Angels and save all people, with unceasing voices praising Thee.

Akathist to Saint Archangel Gabriel

Kondak 1

Chosen from all the ranks of the Angels, the only one who was rewarded with the revelation of the Divine mystery about the incarnation of the Son of God from the Most Holy Virgin, who flew from heavenly circles to Nazareth, proclaiming to Her the great: Rejoice, and do not leave us earthly-born by Your intercession at the Throne of the Holy Trinity proclaiming to You: Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Ikos 1

The fiery first angel Gabriel, the Most Joyful Herald, teaching us to pray: Thyself instruct and instruct us to glorify and sing to you: Rejoice, the throne of the three-solar light of the Godhead. Rejoice, richly shone with divine lordships. Rejoice, in the Christian race - the banner of the cathedral, we are now compiling a song for you. Rejoice, beings on earth praising you, joyfully rejoice with you. Rejoice, Archangel Gabriel, rejoicing with all heavenly powers. Rejoice, help us all in the pious transmission of our temporary life. Rejoice, affirming the steps of the path of salvation. Rejoice, as you hold the bright scepter with your hands Voivode. Rejoice, always create by the will of the sovereign. Rejoice, having been one about three men who visited our forefather, Patriarch Abraham, in the form of three pilgrims. Rejoice, under the shade of the Mauryan oak, foretelling to Him of the birth of His son Isaac from his barren and decrepit wife Sarah. Rejoice, for you see the sky with stars adorned with Divine lordships. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought Great Joy to us from heaven.

Kondak 2

Seeing with the eyes of faith the spiritual beauty, strength and majesty of your lightning-fast appearance, the First Angel of God Gabriel, we earthly people are filled with great joy, surprise and great gratitude to the Holy Trinity, calling with all the Holy Angels: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Give us a bright mind to the knowledge of the will of God, wonderful Gabriel, so that we can always walk according to the commandments of the Lord and unceasingly sing to you: Rejoice, you taught the Prophet Moses from the Pharaoh who escaped in the wilderness to write books. Rejoice, having told him the world of being, I began and the creation of the first man Adam and the life of onago and those who were after him. Rejoice, having told Him and all the former generations and years about the flood and the division of languages. Rejoice, instructing him to understand the disposition celestial planets and the elements and all the wisdom of God. Rejoice, for the prophet Daniel interpreted the wondrous knowledge about kings and kingdoms, after being transformed by various beasts. Rejoice, having pointed out to Him the time of the first of Christ in the world of the coming of the incarnation from the Most Pure Virgin. Rejoice, as you flow the whole earth, saving from troubles and praying for our souls. Rejoice, vigilant guardian of God's church and church, stop strife. Rejoice, having calmed the fierce barbarian storm, which is always raised on your servants. Rejoice, thou who frees the faithful from fierce misfortunes and evils. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought Great Joy to us from heaven.

Kondak 3

Strong in divine strength, Great Archangel of God Gabriel, do not leave us praying to You with faith, all-powerful help in the fight against sin and temptations, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

If you have a great helper and a strong champion of opposing forces, we pray to you, be our patron in all the ways of our life, and with thanksgiving we cry out to you: Rejoice, appearing to the Holy Righteous Anna between the garden trees, complaining about her barrenness and praying to God with tears, proclaiming To her: Anno, Anno heard Your prayer and Your sighs passed through the clouds, but Your tears rose up before God, verbal Her great joy: rejoice Anno, behold and give birth to a blessed daughter, all the tribes of the earth will be blessed about her and salvation is given to the world, she will be called her name is Maria. Rejoice, holy righteous Joachim, who fasted in the desert, also announce the birth of a daughter, chosen from centuries to be the Mother of the Messiah, who wants to come to the salvation of the human race. Rejoice, for the infertility of the Mother of God Mary was appointed as a guardian from God. Rejoice, brought into the temple of the Lord, brought food to her every day. Rejoice, with all the heavenly powers stand before the throne of Divine glory. Rejoice, with the seven Archangels ruling over the entire heavenly host. Rejoice, glorious Gabriel, one of the seven Archangels: Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphael, Yehudiel, Barahaiel, who unceasingly glorify the Holy Trinity. Rejoice, great and glorious Maiden, together with Michael the Archangel. Rejoice, under your shelter, a good and kind protector who has come running. Rejoice, ask everyone for forgiveness of sins and evil application. Rejoice, great representative of the goodness of the sovereign to us in everything. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought Great Joy to us from heaven.

Kondak 4

A storm of evil misfortunes by Your strong intercession, our merciful intercessor, do not leave us helpless in the mournful days of life's trials singing all to the Creator and God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Seeing Your greatness before the throne of the Most High, all dark force I am horrified of you, luminiferous Gabriel, not daring to do dirty tricks to all those who honor Tisitsa: Rejoice, thou who absolves the storm of immeasurable temptations. Rejoice, bringing faithful souls to the Kingdom of Heaven, heartily honoring You with love. Rejoice, appear to St. Zechariah, standing at the right hand of the censer altar. Rejoice, the gospel to Him is the resolution of the infertility of Elizabeth, his wife, who has become pregnant in her days. Rejoice, about the birth of John the Baptist, the tongue of the unbeliever is bound by dumbness until the time of the fulfillment of his words. Rejoice, divine one, for it is as if Zachariah, standing in ancient times, is mute during the incense. Rejoice, enlightening Him, who did not believe Your terrible proclamation, but thou didst pronounce it to Gabriel the Archangel. Rejoice, thou hast gloriously proclaimed the Nativity of John to Zechariah inside the divine temple. Rejoice, holding the hand of St. Simeon the God-bearer, who labored in copying Holy books and the one who wanted to correct the word “Virgin” will conceive in the womb and write “Woman”. Rejoice, you who enlightened the doubting elder and assured Him of the truth of the words of what was written. Rejoice, proclaiming to Him: you will not see death until you meet Christ the Lord. Rejoice, south of the century revealing to us the divine great secret. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought Great Joy to us from heaven.

Kondak 5

The guiding stars of the All-Blessed and Most Holy Spirits of the Archangel of God Gabriel and all the other Holy Guardian Angels with him and all the Angels and all those in heaven, the most honorable rank of the upcoming Holy Trinity and the light of everlasting glory are illuminated, incessantly glorifying Her name, we resort to you with faith and hope. Intercede for us at the Throne of the Lord Almighty with your chief, the first angel Gabriel, who sings to the eternal King of glory: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing you, shining among the nine ranks of the Angels, as if the great Archangel Gabriel shone, we pray to you: illuminate us with the light of the radiance of your glory singing to you like this: Rejoice, having been sent from God to Nazareth and appear to the Most Pure Virgin, betrothed to the former righteous Joseph to announce to Her the conception of the Son of God overshadowing and the action of the Holy Spirit taking place in it. Rejoice, you appeared to the holy elder Joseph in a dream, assuring Him of the marriage-inept maiden, as if there is in Her conceived from the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, shepherds who guard the night, about your flock of rivers: I bring you great joy, as the Savior was born today. Rejoice, with many armies of heaven, sing: Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace, goodwill towards men. Rejoice, who accompanied the holy flight to Egypt from the murder of Herod. Rejoice, guarding the holy and upon returning to the city of Nazareth. Rejoice, accompanying the Holy Family to the Jerusalem Temple on the feast of Easter. Rejoice, serving the twelve-year-old boy Jesus with fear and trembling. Rejoice, at the baptism of the Lord invisibly to Him with heavenly powers coming. Rejoice, in the wilderness, in the temptation of the enemy with the angelic armies, you served the Lord. Rejoice, sent from heaven to the Garden of Gethsemane to Christ the Savior before His free suffering. Rejoice, praying in Vertograd your name, Gabriel, “the fortress of God” is interpreted, and you strengthened Him, as if you had this in your other ministries, even if you strengthen it in the labors of being. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought Great Joy to us from heaven.

Kondak 6

The whole Christian world preaches your great glory and service, all the saints of the Archangel and the Angel and all the heavenly powers that stand at the terrible Throne of the Holy Trinity, constantly singing, crying out and saying: Holy, Holy, Holy! We are sinners on earth with mortal lips crying out: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Ascend the whole earth with Your heavenly Light, when from the heavenly circles to the blessed Nazareth you flew off the most joyful Archangel Gabriel and appeared unskillfully with the Archangel greeting: Rejoice, Gracious, the Lord is with you, and we are sinners, rejoicing at this heavenly news in joy and gladness, we cry out to this: Rejoice, calling with countless angelic ranks: Holy Father Almighty, the Son is without beginning and the Spirit is reformed. Rejoice, we enlighten with the communion of the first light, the second light was visible. Rejoice, having your appearance of fire and wonderful kindness, terrifying every thought. Rejoice, Great Glory - Gabriel is the greatest Divine Incorporeal boss. Rejoice, fertilizer of all who faithfully sing of Thee. Rejoice, believing quiet joy in your heart to all who love the Lord and their Creator. Rejoice, earthly tongues will not be able to honor the radiant and heavenly mind. Rejoice, enlightening by faith those who honor you. Rejoice, kind and faithful mentor and leader in our earthly journey. Rejoice, all who honor the mistress of the world and earnestly pray to her, the Great Defender and patron. Rejoice, we brightly enlighten more than the mind with the inexpressible Divine Graces. Rejoice, Thy Light-bearing supplications to the Lord, who sing to Thee, shed the darkness of passions. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought Great Joy to us from heaven.

Kondak 7

Although the merciful Lord save all people from the attack of the enemy by the messenger of the holy Angels on the service of man, of them you are the first intercessor and intercessor for us, the head of the Angels, the Divine Gabriel. For this reason, we gratefully call the Lord Almighty: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Although salvation to all, our good intercessor, you grieve and lament about those who do not fulfill the commandments of God and thereby deprive themselves of eternal joy with all the saints in the Kingdom of Heaven. Help us, O Great Intercessor on our path of life, and save all those who cry out to you: Rejoice, accompanying the Lord and compassionate to Him in all the ways of His passions. Rejoice, looking with fear and trembling on the cross of your Lord Jesus crucified. Rejoice, you appeared to the holy myrrh-bearing women, sitting on the stone of the tomb, announcing Christ's uprising from the tomb. Rejoice, first to erect to the Holy Virgin Mary, this great joy. Rejoice, crying out to Her, Pure Virgin, rejoice, Your Son is risen three days from the grave. Rejoice, former for the conception of the Nativity of the Lord - the evangelist. Rejoice, thou who didst appear to be the herald of His Resurrection. Rejoice, sacredly praised and luminous. Rejoice, most joyful of all the angels of God. Rejoice, bringing the joy of all joys into the world. Rejoice, for the people of the sacred sing rejoicingly the sacred words of the sacred. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought Great Joy to us from heaven.

Kondak 8

A strange and terrible miracle is being performed today in the voice of the Archangel. God descend to earth and incarnate from the Virgin for the salvation of all people, We all call Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Your whole appearance is benevolent and fiery, and Your terrible singing, holy Archangel Gabriel, the closest servant of the Holy Trinity, One accepts the secret of Her, the eternal Council, having been the guardian of the Holy Virgin, serving Her with blessing and the first to bow to the savior God visible to you in Her womb, for this praiseworthy We bring singing to Thee: Rejoice, the glorious splendor of Your temple brightly illuminates the souls of the faithful. Rejoice, for you warm up the hearts of all those who aspire to prayer in the temple of God to fervent and fervent prayer to the Lord. Rejoice, we enlighten with the communion of the Archangel of the first Light. Rejoice, thou hast truly seen the second light. Rejoice, thou who sings thee always enlighten. Rejoice, advice az bo devastating. Rejoice, thou who didst establish the Orthodox faith. Rejoice, thou who settling the strife of the church. Rejoice, expounding the wanderings of the Hagarites against Your flock and saving all Your faithful people. Rejoice, sanctified Gabriel, in the flesh, according to the hypostasis, the word to men foreshadowed Thou who foreshadowed Thee and prepared the sacred payment. Rejoice, for you foreshadowed great joy to us, Archangel. Rejoice, you who exist from us invite the Virgin to strange singing more than mind and words. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought Great Joy to us from heaven.

Kondak 9

All the monks and Orthodox Christians, having been honored to bear Your Holy and Glorious Name, tremble and revere joy, as if they have such a great intercessor and intercessor at the Throne of the Most High, to Him, O Archangel of God, unceasingly sing the Trisagion Hymn: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The ornate tongue does not suffice to utter all Your glory in heaven, holy Archangel Gabriel of God, as if surpassing in glory and honor all the ranks of heaven, stand before the throne of all, imploring His goodness of mercy for the people who honor Thee, crying out to thee: Rejoice, fiery servants of the Archangel. Rejoice, stand before the terrible throne, servant of grace. Rejoice, leader of the angels Gabriel and mentor and intercessor. Rejoice, beautifully by faith always praising Thee. Rejoice, you are full of divine blessings. Rejoice, enlightening my mind with Your prayers. Rejoice, ineffable joy proclaimed to the world that came for goodness. Rejoice, those who love Thee and praise Thee are delivered from the troubles and harm of the serpent. Rejoice, thou who didst enlighten the immaterial Light was the second visible. Rejoice, material people who always sing and enlighten you. Rejoice, we honor Thee with the same for all eternity. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought Great Joy to us from heaven.

Kondak 10

To save even the human race, the Eternal Council of the Holy Trinity chose You, Archangel Gabriel, to serve this terrible mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God, you, as a faithful servant of the will of God, ever sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The wall is strong to all who resort to Your intercession and help, the Archangel of God, our eternal guardian from the enemy visible and invisible, contriving to destroy us at every step and always looking for eternal death for us, but protected by the roof of the wings of Your immaterial Glory and Your intercession before the Lord, we cry out with thanksgiving To you sitse: Rejoice, thou hast been granted the greatest blessing. Rejoice, trusting quiet joy in your heart, to all those who love the Lord and Creator of their fiery heavenly messenger. Rejoice, covering with light-lithic beings more than mind. Rejoice, beautifully singing and praising thee. Rejoice, having revealed the great mystery to us, the greatest of angels. Rejoice, after the ascension of the Lord, promising His disciples the second coming into the world. Rejoice, image taken from the earth to the Greatest Height, great reverence for Thee. Rejoice, having set a storm on us driven by misfortunes and sorrows. Rejoice, first of all, a certain terrible sacrament to you alone Gabriel, gloriously entrust the inexpressible Nativity of the Holy Virgin. Rejoice, for we please thee faithfully with joy. Rejoice, in the Old and New Testaments, the Holy Church remembers multiple appearances, and Your unceasing intercession to God. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought Great Joy to us from heaven.

Kondak 11

Unceasingly raising divine singing to the Most Holy Trinity, Holy Archangel Gabriel, with all the heavenly powers, instruct to glorify Thee for the multitude of Thy mercies to the Christian race with a laudatory song: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Enlightened by the Light of the Holy Trinity, you shine like an impregnable sun in the glory of unapproachable light and enlighten us with the light of Your Divine Glory, so that we can sing to You like this: Rejoice, more than the sun, we dress Divine clothes with glory impregnable shining. Rejoice, mortal mouth. You are joyfully fiery by nature, we praise. Rejoice, taking us away from the fire always scorching with the Divine Gabriel of Thy intercession. Rejoice, Archangel of the servants of the King of Heaven, stand rejoicing. Rejoice, on Mount Eleonstey, more pure to the Virgin Mother of God, who prayed warmly, appearing to announce the honest migration approaching Her and from earthly to heavenly migration. Rejoice, give Her the heavenly, fragrant, fragrant health of his own Holy Apostle John, carry in front of the tomb of the Mother of God. Rejoice, according to the Honest Assumption, she was carried by the holy Apostles to burial in the whole of Gethsemane, punish the Jew Athos with the truncation of the hands of the Jew Athos, for his impudent trick. Rejoice, during the meal of the holy Apostles, surrounding the Mother of God who appeared to them after Her Dormition with all heavenly powers. Rejoice, freeing the Holy Apostle Peter from prison bonds and iron chains. Rejoice, for you brought Him out of the dungeon, and came with him one stage and became invisible. Rejoice, ambulance and intercession to all faithful Christians. Rejoice, deliverer from troubles and circumstances through the love of those who honor Thee. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought Great Joy to us from heaven.

Kondak 12

Having great grace from the Lord, ask us this grace and accept our prayers, as a tribute brought to Thee and banish from our souls all crafty thoughts and all slander, his avenger, yes with a pure heart make us worthy to sing to the Lord a song of praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Thy Divine service of the Holy Trinity, we praise Thee, all Thy faithful servants, Holy patron and our warm intercessor, do not leave us here in our earthly wandering and there be our strong and strong intercessor on the day of the terrible judgment of God, crying out to You such: Rejoice, with Your prayers the remission of sins is accepted by the love of those who honor Thee. Rejoice, the people of God are aroused to zeal to always warmly flow to the intercession and help of such an intercessor and benefactor to the human race. Rejoice, invisibly guarding the sick and helpless. Rejoice, orphans and the oppressed, good comforter. Rejoice, luminous Gabriel, with Your warm intercession, intercede for us a blessed end, appearing to us all from heaven as a warm intercessor. Rejoice, at the hour of our exodus appear bright and joyful to us, and deliver our souls from evil demons and protect us. Rejoice, igniting the lack of our good deeds by Your Almighty intercession before the Lord. Rejoice, on the day of the Last Judgment you implored the righteous judge for mercy and the salvation of our souls. Rejoice, our Great Intercessor for our establishment in the Kingdom of Heaven in the endless blissful joy of eternal rest. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought Great Joy to us from heaven.

Kondak 13

Oh, Light-bearing, All-joyful Archangel Gabriel, receive from us this grateful singing and do not leave us falling to Your mercy. Be our helper and great intercessor throughout our lives, and after our death, save us from the eternal torment of those who sing forever: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer to the Holy Archangel Gabriel

Oh Holy Archangel of God Gabriel! Always stand before the throne of the Most High, joyful evangelizer and zealous helper of our salvation! Graciously accept from us, unworthy of you, this laudatory singing brought to you. Correct our prayers and, like incense, offer them to the heavenly altar of censers. Illuminate our minds with the light of the Orthodox faith, inflame our hearts with love for Christ our Savior, convert and strengthen our desires on the saving path of the Gospel commandments. Yes, in this age we will live quietly and piously for the glory of God, in the future we will not be deprived of the Kingdom of Heaven, and let us receive it, let us be merciful to the grace of Christ our God, the intercession of His Most Pure Mother, and your powerful prayers, and may we glorify with You and other bodiless powers of Heaven and all the saints of the One in the Trinity glorified God: the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.
