Aerobatic team "Rus". Dossier

Aerobatic team "Rus"uses aircraft L-39 "Albatross". Reactive plane L-39 - This is a light attack aircraft, which is one of the best and most massive aircraft in its class. "Albatrosses" are used in the Russian Air Force as the main training aircraft, and in a number of countries near and far abroad and as combat vehicles.

L-39 was developed by the Czechoslovak company "Aerovodochody" as part of the Warsaw Pact program, aimed at creating a single training aircraft. Serial production of the main version of the L-39 began in 1973, in the same year the aircraft entered military trials in the USSR. From 1974 to 1989, the USSR received a total of 2094 L-39s.

In the Soviet Union, the L-39 became one of the most massive military aircraft. The car quickly took root, "Russified" - the Latin "L" in the designation of its type was immediately replaced by the Cyrillic "L". Yes and given name"Albatross" aviators used much less often the slang nickname "elka". Aircraft entered the majority of flight schools: Chernigov, Kachinsky and Kharkov, which specialized in training pilots for front-line fighter aviation; Armavir (air defense fighters); Yeyskoye and Borisoglebskoye (fighter-bombers); Barnaul (front-line bomber aviation); Tambov (long-range aviation); Krasnodar (trained pilots for the countries of Asia and Africa). "Albatrosses" were also operated by several Centers for Combat Training and Retraining of Flight Personnel, a Separate Training and Test Regiment of the USSR Cosmonaut Training Center (Chkalovskaya airfield), and subdivisions of the Civil Aviation Research Institute of the Air Force. A small number of "Albatrosses" were transferred to flying clubs and training centers DOSAAF. Outside the law enforcement agencies, the LII MAP (Zhukovsky near Moscow) had "elkami". There, the L-39 was used not only as flying laboratories, but also as escort aircraft (for example, during flights of the analogue of the VKS Buran), as well as at the Test Pilot School.

"Albatrosses" are still in service with the Air Force of Russia and other CIS countries, as well as Afghanistan, Algeria, Bulgaria, Germany, Iraq, Cuba, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Libya, Romania, Syria and Thailand.

The aircraft allows you to perform simple, complex and aerobatics, as well as cross-country flights using radio navigation aids in single and formation flights.

Technical characteristics L-39

  • Crew: 1 or 2 people
  • Length: 12.13 m
  • Wingspan: 9.46 m
  • Height: 4.77 m
  • Wing area: 18.18 m²
  • Empty weight: 3455 kg
  • Normal takeoff weight: 4525 kg
  • Maximum takeoff weight: 4700 kg
  • Mass of fuel in internal tanks: 980 kg
  • Power plant: 1 × turbofan AI-25TL
  • Thrust: 1 × 1800 kgf

Flight performance L-39

  • Maximum speed: 761 km/h
  • Stall speed: 160 km/h (flaps extended)
  • Practical range: 1650 km (without PTB)
  • Practical ceiling: 12,000 m
  • Rate of climb: 21 m/s (1260 m/min)
  • Takeoff run: 580 m
  • Run length: 560 m
  • Armament

Aerobatic team "Rus"- the oldest aviation aerobatics team in Russia. The squadron was formed in 1987 on the basis of the Vyazemsky Aviation Training Center.

The history of the group began with a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the celebration of the 70th anniversary October revolution, in honor of which it was decided to arrange a grandiose aviation and sports festival at the airfield in Tushino. The Vyazemsky UAC was given the task of assembling and training a squadron of aerobatic pilots in a record short time. It was then that ten L-39 Albatross were transferred to the Center from the Air Force, on which they were to perform in front of the audience.

From left to right:

Vladimir Arkhipov, Valentin Selyavin, Kazimir Noreika, Farid Akchurin, Nikolay Chekashkin, Sergey Bondarenko, Alexander Pryadilshchikov, Nikolai Zhdanov, Sergey Bondarenko.

To participate in the air parade, they gathered nine of the best pilots, each of whom had great experience instructor work and flights within the course of flight training. But it's one thing - solo aerobatics, and completely different - flying in a team. None of the pilots had the experience of flying in close formation, not to mention the performance of the most difficult elements of group aerobatics. The task was not an easy one, because only a few months remained for preparation. Hard training began, and now, On June 3, 1987, a formation of 9 aircraft was built in the air for the first time.. This day we consider the day of creation aerobatic team "Rus".

"We didn't have any guidelines for flying in close formation, no diagrams, not even drawings. Everything was done by ourselves, from scratch. We watched videos of the performances of Patrouille de France and Frecce Tricolori, discussed, drew on paper, estimated the possibilities of technology and developed algorithms for performing various formations. In the first training sessions, the intervals between the planes were large. Then, gradually began to reduce them.

Despite all the difficulties, the first performance of the group had resounding success On August 18, a record number of visitors gathered at the airfield in Tushino - about 800 thousand people, including all the country's top leadership. Under the guidance of the leader (Head of the Center) Farid Akchurin, the aerobatic team performed passes in close formation with climb, rebuilds, and turns. WITH solo program made by Nikolai Pogrebnyak. An "air battle" of two pairs of aircraft was also shown.

From the memoirs of Sergei Bondarenko (the first composition of the group):

“I remember the first flight in nine for the rest of my life. I did not get out of the cab, but flowed out like some kind of amorphous body. At least squeeze out the overalls. I was debriefing, and I didn’t even hear what they were talking about. But I remember one thing: there were no comments.

The name of the group was decided very quickly. Leaving aside all the "bird" options, we settled on such a proud name "Rus"! The pilots wanted to emphasize the original Russian roots and the international composition of the team.

From the memoirs of Nikolai Zhdanov (the first composition of the group):

“Especially for us, the sky over Moscow was freed from clouds. Pride was bursting, but responsibility crushed. When, after the dissolution, I took the plane out of a dive over Strogino, my left knee began to twitch. Such was the tension. A year later, before the next parade, General Maslov came to us and asked straight away: « Can you make a loop?" We responded languidly like this: "We must try." I especially remember the episode of entering the "loop". They made a dive, a “hill”, military turns, suddenly the voice of the host Yura Bykov was on the air: “Are we going to do a loop?” In response, silence. He again: “Well, are we going to make a loop?” Silence again. Then Sanya Pryadilshchikov could not stand it: “We will!” Gained altitude, then - the input in a straight line, diving ... The first "loop" turned out to be clean, clean. Bykov asks: “Will we do the second loop?” Here everyone is in unison: “Well, of course, what not to do there?”.

Performance in the Czech Republic, 1997:

Today, the aerobatic team "Rus" is a team of masters of synchronized aerobatics of the highest international level. In the arsenal of Smolensk aces the most complex elements aerobatics, and a rich program of performances invariably delights even the most demanding spectators. "Zest"Groups can be called the color accompaniment of each air show. The colored smoke generation system that each aircraft is equipped with makes it possible to present well-known aerobatic maneuvers in a new light. Pilots literallypaint the sky in the colors of the Russian tricolor, and the golden train that stretches for the soloist's plane when performing complexthe most cascade of barrels, invariably gives the audience a "sunny" mood.

The group includes: leader of the group - Anatoly Marunko, followers - Nikolai Zherebtsov, Mikhail Kolle, Nikolai Alekseev, Yuri Lukinchuk, soloists - Stanislav Dryomo in and Igor Dushechkin. All pilots of the group have the qualification of a first-class pilot-instructor and have more than 3.5 thousand flight hours on various types of aircraft.

Since 2011, the Vyazemsky UAC and the Rus aerobatic team have been led by pilot-instructor and team leader Anatoly Marunko. The engineering and technical staff is led by Viktor Gurchenkov and Alexander Kotov.

The pilots of the squadron "Rus" are the only pilots in our country who perform on airplanes L-39 "Albatross". These light jet attack aircraft are used in the Russian Air Force as training aircraft. The flight performance of this aircraft is modest compared to fourth-generation fighters (wingspan - 9.46 m, maximum speed- 750 km / h, maximum takeoff weight - 4700 kg) determine the style of piloting. After all, each group is unique. The pilots of "Rus" first of all demonstrate the national school of flying skills and flying skills.

Aerobatic team "Rus" takes part in many holidays of the all-Russian scale and is always a welcome guest at aviation salons. The pilots of the group repeatedly demonstrated their skills in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine, Denmark, Belarus, where they received high marks from the audience. And for masters of aerobatics, there is no better reward than the delight of the public and the smiles of children, fascinated looking into the sky.

Video - the history of the creation of the aerobatic team:

Historical reference: Vyazemsky educational aviation center DOSAAF was founded on June 2, 1960 for the training and retraining of flight and engineering personnel of the Armed Forces. Over the entire period, about 5,000 pilots were trained to serve in the Air Force and form a reserve, first on MIG-15, MIG-17 aircraft, and then on L-29 and L-39 aircraft. Many distinguished pilots and cosmonauts were trained at the Center, including Svetlana Savitskaya.

I could not get accreditation in time, I had to go by transfer with the "Golden Barrel". And I didn't regret it.
On August 30, the day of my visit, the premiere of the aerobatics figure took place, named after the official partner of MAKS-2013, a premium beer brand.

2. In the program of the aerobatic team "Rus" of the Vyazemsky aviation training center DOSAAF, several figures were announced, which eventually became a kind of warm-up before the climax of the performance: Classical barrel - axial rotation of the aircraft by 360 degrees, Fixed barrel - barrel with fixation in various phases of rotation, and, finally, the Golden Barrel.

3. Solo on L - 39.

4. Aerobatic team "Rus" is the only aerobatic team in Russia that uses colored smoke in their performances. The color smoke generation system, which is equipped with all aircraft of the group, allows you to diversify each performance with unique patterns that make the performance more spectacular.

5. The pilots of the squadron "Rus" performed the figure without a single hesitation, but, unfortunately, due to low cloud cover, I could not make a decent shot.

6. The press secretary comments on the performance of the group "Rus".

7. After the premiere of the aerobatics for journalists accredited at MAKS-2013, a press conference was held with the participation of the brand's management and representatives of the Rus aerobatic team.



10. Journalists and pilots were offered to try premium Russian beer "Zolotaya Bochka" (non-alcoholic).

The pilots said that after Serdyukov's reforms, the Rus aerobatic team survived only thanks to businessmen and enthusiasts.

12. L-39 "Albatross" aerobatic team "Rus".

Aerobatic team "Rus" is an aerobatics team performing on jet training aircraft of the Czechoslovak production L-39 "Albatross". The aerobatic team was established in 1987 on the basis of the Vyazemsky Aviation Training Center. Since the creation of the group, pilots on "elks", as the pilots themselves affectionately call the aircraft, have been regular participants in the largest air shows (MAKS-2015 was no exception), and holidays of a federal scale. At the performances, the pilots of the Rus aerobatic team show a unique program, which includes the most complex and most spectacular elements of aerobatics, for example, Mirror, Heart, Passage through the formation, and many others. Not every pilot can do this, because working in the ranks, when the distance from wing to wing is a couple of meters at most, requires incredible concentration and for long years workouts.

Our correspondents gladly took the opportunity to visit the famous aerobatic team.

The aerobatic team is based at the Dvoevka airfield, located 9 km from the city of Vyazma. Neighbors on the airfield - the 378th air base of army aviation. IN currently as part of the group, 6 pilots perform on such bright handsome planes.

If you look into the cockpit, you can be stunned by the number of different indicators, levers, buttons. How did so many things get in there? And the long red loops on the seat are a catapult, which, fortunately, has never been used in the entire history of the aerobatic team.

A thorough pre-flight inspection is the key to a safe flight! The engineering and technical staff of the aerobatic team vigilantly monitors the serviceability of all parts of the aircraft. Before the flight, the Elks are uncovered, technical preparations are carried out, and only then the pilot enters the cockpit.

The material and technical base of the airfield (the airfield itself) deserves special attention. There is a flight control point, an aviation canteen, and a rest room. But today we are interested class where we will look. Here, pilots undergo pre-flight training. On the walls is very important information not only for cadets, but also for “experienced” pilots: a detailed layout of the cockpit of the L-39 Albatros, a description of the main aerobatics, an approach scheme ... A real air audience!

This is what the control room looks like, from which flights are controlled.

And outside the window is a runway, along which L-39s are rapidly soaring into the sky.

Near the entrance to the classroom and the control room, a plan of the territory over which flights are made is drawn directly on the asphalt.

Safety is the main element of aerobatics, therefore, in the process of preparing for flights, an ejection simulator is also involved. It completely imitates a catapult inside an aircraft and teaches how to manage it in emergency situations.

Nearby is a mini-museum, into which planes fly off their own.

Another look at the control room, now you can look into the Vyazemsky Aviation Training Center itself.

Leading aerobatic team - Anatoly Mikhailovich Marunko. On the wall of the office, you can see photographs from the performances of the aerobatic team and a portrait of the great Russian actor and director Leonid Bykov, who himself once tried to become a pilot.

Going to Gelendzhik, I thought: well, what to do there for four days!!! I’ll go for two, anyway, there’s nothing special to see and ... The Lord God punished me: in the days of my presence there was a wind. It is called Nord-Ost here, and if I understood the locals correctly, then it blows either for a day, or three, or nine days !!! In our case, a day and a little more, but that was enough so that only on the second day I saw the flights of helicopters, the Rus aerobatic team and an attempt to take off the La-8L, though unsuccessful :-(((And that's it !!!
Well, what has grown has grown and we will try to look at what is available.!!!
Today: aerobatic team "Rus"

As always, I use information from sites
and other sources found by me in the internet and literature.

This year, in addition to the site near the bay, there was also a static site in the newly opened airport!!! Here, right at the entrance, one could see the planes of this aerobatic team. L-39

Since the planes flew from Vyazma, these are their additional hanging tanks (200 liters each?).
"Rus" is an aerobatic aviation team, created on the basis of the Vyazemsky training aviation center DOSAAF in 1987. The aerobatic team performs on L-39 jet training aircraft.

In 1987, an aerobatic team was organized on the basis of the Vyazemsky UAC. For the air group being created, ten L-39 aircraft were transferred to the Vyazemsky Aviation Training Center.
one of the planes

On August 18, 1987, a group of ten aircraft (nine aircraft performed group aerobatics, one solo aerobatics) took part in the air parade in Tushino. This was the first public performance of the new aerobatic team. The demonstration program of the Vyazma pilots was watched by over 800 thousand visitors to the parade, as well as TV viewers from all over the USSR.
slightly larger

Soon, at the end of 1987, Colonel Yuri Dmitrievich Bykov was appointed head of the Vyazemsky Aviation Training Center and leader of the aerobatic team. The program of the aerobatic team was improved, and was repeatedly demonstrated at various solemn events.

the previous day the wind was 16-22 meters per second, and in gusts, and it's just heroism to fly in formation in such weather !!!

On June 7, 1991, the first aviation accident in the history of the Vyazemsky Aviation Training Center occurred. While performing a flight mission, an L-39 crashed under the control of the head of the center, Colonel Yu.D. Bykov. The pilot died.

Evgeny Burchanov, deputy head of the aviation training center, became the host of "Rus". On June 26, 1992, while working on a new element of aerobatics, the plane of V. E. Arkhipov crashed. The pilot died.

Since 1992, the Vyazemsky Aviation Training Center and the aerobatic squadron "Rus" have been headed by a first-class instructor pilot, reserve colonel Kazimir Eduardovich Tikhanovich.

Soon, Tikhanovich had a serious obstacle - the government decree issued on May 12, 1992 on the liquidation of all aviation training centers jeopardizes the fate of the aerobatic team and the training base. Ignoring the orders of officials, the group continues training, proving the necessity of its existence. As a result, the Vyazemsky aviation training center was renamed the Vyazemsky flying club, and the aerobatic team continued to perform.

In 1997, the squadron "Rus" made demonstration performances in the Czech Republic, visiting Prague and Hradec Kralove. The team was highly appreciated by foreign experts. The professionalism of the Russian pilots was especially noted by representatives of the manufacturer of the L-39 aircraft, the Aero Vodokhody company. As a gift, they made a spectacular coloring of the group's aircraft for free.
here they are in front of the lift

Aerobatics team "Rus" often performed at air shows, demonstrated its program at various holidays. However, the group is currently on the verge of breaking up due to lack of funding and logistical support.

The technical condition of most aircraft does not allow flights;

Composition of the group

Leading groups (at various times): in 1987 - Farid Akchurin, in 1987-1991 - Yu. D. Bykov, in 1991-2002 - Evgeny Burchanov. Now: Kolle Mikhail Alekseevich.

The initial composition of the group: Farid Akchurin (head of the aviation center), Valentin Selyavin, Sergei Borisovich Bondarenko, Sergei Petrovich Bondarenko, Nikolai Zhdanov, Kazimir Noreika, Alexander Pryadilshchikov, Nikolai Chekashkin, Vladimir Arkhipov, Nikolai Zolotarev. Separately, a solo performance was prepared by Nikolai Pogrebnyak.

The composition of the group in 2000:

* Flight No. 1: Evgeny V. Burchanov (flight commander and leader of the aerobatic team, in the group since 1989), Alexander Mikhailovich Savlyuk (in the group since 1991), Sergey Maksimov (in the group since 1996).
* Link No. 2: Anatoly Mikhailovich Marunko (link commander, in the group since 1990), Mikhail Alekseevich Kolle (in the group since 1990), Vasily Petrovich Kogut (in the group since 1992).
* Closing group Nikolai Zherebtsov (in the group since 1992).
* Extreme followers (perform pair aerobatics, for example, a mirror): Valentin Selyavin (in the group from the day of foundation), Sergey Petrovich Bondarenko (in the group from the day of foundation).
* Solo aerobatics is performed by Valery Viktorovich Sobolev, master of sports.

because of the strong and gusty wind, the figures were all diverging

The composition of the group in 2007 (flight director Evgeny Burchanov):
* group leader Stanislav Lvovich Dremov; Sergei Petrovich Bondarenko, Nikolai Zherebtsov, Mikhail Alekseevich Kolle, Vasily Petrovich Kogut, Anatoly Mikhailovich Marunko, Alexander Mikhailovich Savlyuk, soloist Valery Viktorovich Sobolev.

The current composition of the group: (flight director Evgeny Burchanov and Kokoulin Petr Aleksandrovich):
* leader of the group Kolle Mikhail Alekseevich
Stanislav Lvovich Dremov; Alekseev Nikolay Egorovich; Lukinchuk Yury Sergeevich; Emelyanov Pavel Valeryanovich; Rodin Denis Aleksandrovich

Currently, the squadron "Rus" is flying with 4 aircraft.

Aerobatics team "Rus" has its own program of performances, containing various elements of group and single aerobatics. G-loads experienced by pilots range from -4 to +8. The minimum distance between aircraft during flight is one meter.

All pilots of the group have the qualification of first-class pilot-instructor and flight time on various types of aircraft is about 2000 hours.
after that, they divided into two groups: 1 and three aircraft, in order to entertain the public more intensively

The engineering and technical staff is led by Viktor Vorontsov, Viktor Gurchenkov, Alexander Kotov.

Pilots of the "Rus" squadron are the only ones in our country to fly the L-39 "Albatross" - light jet attack aircraft used in the Russian air force as training aircraft. Modest in comparison with fourth-generation fighters, the flight performance of this aircraft (wing span - 9.46 m, maximum speed - 750 km / h, maximum take-off weight - 4700 kg) determine the style of piloting.

The pilots of "Rus" first of all demonstrate the national school of flying skills and flying skills.

Particular attention during demonstration performances is paid to the safety of spectators. Work on the program begins with a thorough reconnaissance of the area, calculation of the flight path and options for withdrawing aircraft in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

During the performance, aircraft do not leave the piloting area, which is at a distance of 250 meters from the audience when performing horizontal passes and 400 meters when approaching vertical figures. Elements of the program, which seem like risky improvisations, have been practiced for years and are safe for the audience.

and here, it seemed to me, the wind broke the system

but experienced pilots corrected the situation

lonely bird

And now a little about the plane:

At one gas station, Albatross can perform 14 seven-minute or 11 nine-minute flights in a circle, or two 40-minute flights to the training area.

It turned out that the machine warns of approaching a stall by shaking the control stick, then the whole aircraft begins to vibrate, and after stalling on the wing of the Albatross, on the first turn of the corkscrew, it lowers its nose and goes into a dive ..
one more figure

Tests carried out according to the test methodology adopted by the Civil Aviation Research Institute of the Air Force showed that the spin of the L-39 has an "unstable and uneven" character, the aircraft was usually withdrawn from it on the third orbit.

In the end, they limited themselves to the introduction of operational restrictions on the angle of attack and the development of a more advanced technique for bringing the Albatross out of a spin.

The behavior of the aircraft during icing was also studied, for which foam plastic ice simulators were glued on its wing and plumage. 28 flights have shown that the aircraft maintains stability and controllability in icing up to 15 mm thick, however, with the flaps extended, the maximum speed should not exceed 230 km/h. instead of 310 km/h under normal conditions.

and this is how they gathered together after that

Experiments were carried out related to the shooting of the cockpit canopy cover, and flights without it. In particular, it turned out that in such a situation the pilot retains the ability to control the machine up to a speed of 480 km/h.

very similar to what the aeroshell team does

In the Czech Republic, the death of "Albatrosses" turned out to be a very frequent occurrence. Until 1993, 9 aircraft crashed and 9 pilots died in flight accidents. Over the next 12 years, the Czech Air Force lost four L-39s and three men. Thus, out of 78 "Albatrosses" that were in combat operation, 16 crashed - more than 20% of the entire fleet.

You could see this aircraft model on the big screen as well. Fans of the James Bond epic and Pierce Brosnan's work remember well what miracles he did on the L-39 in the debut part of the film "Die Another Day". Of course. the actor did not pilot the plane. The air stunts in that picture were performed by three pilots: Tony Smith. Mark Hanna and Rolf Muem. At their disposal were two L-39C private British (board G-OTAF) and leased from "Vodokhodov".

The machine has good aerobatic qualities, allows you to perform the whole range of aerobatics (experienced test pilots even demonstrated a “bell” on it). However, from a height of more than 1000 m, a lack of engine power is felt, especially in vertical maneuvers.

Perhaps the power plant was the most weak point aircraft. Due to problems with gas-dynamic stability, the output to big angles attacks threatened to surge. overheating of the turbine and other troubles.

For example, therefore, before putting the car into a spin, it was necessary to switch the engine to “idle gas”, and after the withdrawal, do not increase the speed without making sure that the temperature of the gases behind the turbine is normal.

Besides. AI-25TL had a very low throttle response - it reached the "maximum" in 9-12 s. The pilot actually could not count on "gas" when maneuvering and landing, difficulties also arose when working out group flying. And what they get up to here !!!

and now the chronicle of building a heart

When practicing landing, many novice pilots experience difficulties due to a change in the nature of the aircraft's controllability at low speeds: if in cruising modes the car quickly reacted to deviations of the handle and pedals, then it becomes sluggish and requires the pilot to make longer movements. Many made mistakes on landings, allowing high leveling, flights, goats, etc.

The aircraft control system is rigid, consisting of rods and rocking chairs. Rocking chairs for manual and foot control installed in the cabins are interlocked. The elevator control system includes a spring mechanism that comes into operation when the steering wheel is deflected by and reduces the force on the handle.

Means of emergency escape of the aircraft in flight include pyrotechnic systems for dropping the hinged parts of the canopy and ejection installations installed in the front and rear cockpits. The VS-1 BRI ejection system consists of an ejection seat, a telescopic firing mechanism and a powder rocket engine.

The pilot's weight with uniforms and equipment on must not exceed 108 kg, and the sitting height must not exceed 98 cm.

Both pilots, in order to compensate for the effect of overloads on the body, can use an anti-g suit, for which the cockpits are equipped with AD-6E pressure automata.

so everything revolved around the sun

and again they are four

Modification L-39C
Wingspan, m 9.44
Aircraft length, m 12.13
Aircraft height, m ​​4.47
Wing area, m2 18.80
Weight, kg
empty plane 3395
normal takeoff 4337
maximum takeoff 4600
Fuel, kg
internal fuel 980
PTB 544 (2 x 350 l)
Engine type 1 TRD ZMDB Progress AI-25TL
Traction unforced, kN 1 x 16.87
Maximum speed, km/h 757 (M=0.8)
Cruise speed, km/h 700
Practical range, km
with two PTB 1750
without PTB 1000
Maximum rate of climb, m/min 1320
Practical ceiling, m 11500
Max. operating overload 12
Crew, people 2
Armament: combat load - 250 kg on 2 hardpoints
typical load: 130 mm NUR S-130,
PU UV-16-57 16x57-mm NUR, and 100-kg bombs.
