Reasons to start your own business. JA Training Center

Watching someone's business flourish: new houses are being built and old houses are being renovated, new stores are opening, shopping centers, restaurants, bakeries, dental offices, law firms, etc., we wonder if we should stop working for someone and try to open own business.

However, dreams remain dreams as soon as we imagine what difficulties and obstacles await us along the way. At the same time, there is a considerable category of people who are not stopped by difficulties, otherwise we would still live in caves. After all, as they say, those who want to work are looking for means, and those who do not want are looking for reasons.

Psychologists say that such reasons are often based on the fear that we will not cope, we will not succeed. However, we do not want to admit this even to ourselves, so our brain is looking for different excuses. Such excuses are a defensive response of the body and allow us to feel more confident without lowering our own self-esteem.

What are the most common arguments?

1. It's very difficult

Of course it's difficult. This is even more difficult than it seems at first glance. But lazy people have never achieved anything, unless an inheritance fell on their heads. Those who start a business from scratch must devote all their time and energy to it, especially on initial stage.

As the Mongolian proverb says, “If you are afraid, don’t do it; if you do it, don’t be afraid!”.

2. I still have a lot of time ahead, I will have time (or: it's too late for me to start)

There is no perfect time to start your own business. Youth has its advantages, and older people have theirs.

Young people may not have their own capital, but they are not burdened with family responsibilities, they are responsible only for themselves, they have a more flexible mind and they are not afraid of change. Older people may have start-up capital, they have experience and connections.

3. It's too risky, because you can lose the last

The possibility of losing money scares and repels many from starting their own business. Moreover, everyone will surely have friends or acquaintances who, as a result of an unsuccessful investment, are almost on the street.

Therefore, before investing money in a new business, you need to calculate the possible risks. A novice businessman should not invest absolutely all his money in a new business, take it on the security of an apartment (especially if there is no other). Dreaming about how much we will have in the near future is useful, but it is even better to think about what we will be left with if we fail.

Before starting a new business, it would be nice to get advice from a person who has already gone through this path, as well as a knowledgeable lawyer and economist.

Often people who take risks explain it this way: “He who does not take risks does not drink champagne!”. Indeed, in business, those who take risks at the right time often find themselves in big win. However, it should be borne in mind that risk is meant here not as a beautiful gesture, but as a prudent, thoughtful and justified one. Taking risks, only those who have mastered the science of risk win.

4. I'm afraid of instability

We are accustomed to going to work five times a week, even if it does not particularly suit us, and sitting there for the allotted time. Performing our usual work, we do not leave our comfort zone, we do not need to solve financial, organizational, legal and other problems - all this is done by our employer. We sleep peacefully, not worrying that we will be left without business, work and money. Of course, our incomes are small compared to the employer, but the headache is incomparably less than his.

The fear of losing such stability and, perhaps, a certain social status, of losing, albeit insignificant, but constant income, keeps many people from starting their own business.

Of course, one cannot be 100% sure that nothing like this will happen. However, the problem can also be looked at from another angle. For example, the economic situation can change at any time, and then the danger of being left without funds will arise regardless of whether you are an employer or an employee.

In addition, an employee may be fired "for own will"for a completely prosaic reason: downsizing, hostility of the boss, relations that have not developed in the team, etc.

5. My family is against

It is good if close people not only support the desire to start a business, but also help in solving many issues related to its opening. But not many people can count on such support. After all, your business requires large cash investments, and in the near future it will not be necessary to count on income.

If the business boat sinks, then along with all the household members. Therefore, when taking on a new business, it is necessary to obtain their consent and think together how to insure yourself against possible failure.

6. No money

Of course, it is tempting to become the sole owner of a business and make decisions yourself, having the amount necessary to open your business. But if there is too little or no money at all, you will have to think it over, analyze and calculate everything in advance. Moreover, if you show ingenuity, then it is quite possible to get by with small things.

First, don't quit your day job.
Secondly, be sure to draw up a business plan with detailed calculations.
Third, seek financial help from friends or relatives.

Some people sell a car, a dacha, an apartment (if it is not the only one), hoping to return all this after making a profit. Of course, if the fear of losing all this forever haunts, then there is no inner confidence in the success of the new business.

It would be nice to find an investor, offering him a percentage of the profits. If potential investors unanimously refuse to participate in the business, it is worth reconsidering our ideas and plans - perhaps they are not as good as we think.

You can try to get a loan from a bank. The refusal of several banks to provide a loan will also serve as a signal that our business idea is not well thought out and will not bring the expected profit.

Many successful people They started their business almost from scratch. For example, the future owner of a company selling jewelry with a profit of 60 thousand dollars. a year, she began by bringing several bracelets with ethnic embroidery as souvenirs from her trip to Argentina.

Having discovered that many girls pay attention to them and would like to have them, she first bought a small batch of these jewelry - a hundred pieces for $ 40, and when they were sold out in a short time, she began to supply them from Argentina. Just a year later, the funds received allowed her to officially open a company, hire employees and make her own website.

So it’s not for nothing that they say that “The degree of our luck depends on our desire to act.”

And what are your goals. If you know what the end goal looks like and feels like, you will definitely reach it sooner or later. A vision of purpose will constantly help you in Hard time, and will not give up when problems arise.

If you leave everything as it is, then you will comfort yourself and your ego all your worthless life with the idea that such is life and not everyone is destined to take into account being rich. You will constantly compare your salary with others and tell yourself that I still make good money compared to them. Also, you will console yourself with the fact that you have good team or that work is close to home. There may be many excuses, but the result is the same - you will work all your life for your "uncle" and earn a penny.

But do not scold yourself, reproach and blame. There are a number of people who, by the way, are very good specialists in their field, who are simply not created to work for themselves. Others are simply lazy. The lazy ones tell themselves that if they open their own business, they will have to constantly fuss, run, negotiate, waste their time, and so on and so forth. In this they are of course right. What a sin to hide, it is so. There will be plenty of fuss and hassle.

Other people get in the way of fear. The fear of change has ruined many good entrepreneurs, leaving them in employment for the rest of their lives. Habits play an important role in this. These people are used to waking up early every day, eating and going to work. At work, they do some of their duties, and every month they receive a stable salary. If nothing changes, it will continue like this for the rest of your life. For me, this is a very scary prospect.

If you understand all the pros and cons, if you have a burning desire to break free, then you are ready to open your own business. Of course, you may lack skills, money or something else, but mentally you are already ready for change and this is very good. One day you decide to open your own business, and this day will be one of the most better days in your life.

Let's clear up the pros and cons. Let's look at the pros and cons of your business from the outside.

Advantages of your business:

1. You have a large set of operations and complete independence. You are in complete control of your own time.

2.You can fully realize your ideas.

3. The level of your income is unlimited by anything.

Cons of your business:

1. Big problems and expenses at the initial stage of developing your business

2. Freedom and independence do not appear immediately. In the beginning, you don't have the firm, but the firm has you. As a result, there is no free time, no personal life, no money.

3. You will never have enough money. Since there is no upper limit on earnings now, you will experience a burning desire to earn even more, which is not the case when working for hire. A hired worker lives on a salary and does not count on a miracle in the form of unexpected income.

4. The success of your enterprise depends only on you and your actions. Now there is no one to blame for the problems that have arisen, but yourself. You and only you are at the head of everything, so no laziness, no indulgences to yourself and only forward!

The question asked by the classic tormented more than one generation of young and not so young people. But in times Soviet Union The answer to this question was the same for everyone. The only way, which the state pointed out to its people - wage labor. Yes, there was a choice: a plant, a factory, a shop, a barbershop, a restaurant or a school. But only as an employee. People who in those days tried to organize Own business were outside the law. And they also had one road - a prison.

After the collapse of the USSR, the situation changed radically. The most enterprising created cooperatives, and many wage workers were left without work. And most of the adult population of the CIS countries entered the markets. These countries began to trade in compliance with the laws, or in violation of them. And they themselves turned into big bazaars. Almost everything was sold: factories, enterprises, machine tools, equipment, and so on.

Some resigned themselves to their fate and remained in the bazaar. Someone was able to make money on this and opened his own small business: shop, cafe or restaurant. Someone went abroad in pursuit of a better life. And someone returned to the factory when it became possible.

Many cooperatives of that time fell apart: they went bankrupt or were eaten. But some of them have grown into large industries, firms and companies.

And so everything returned to its place. The majority of the population again became hired workers, and only a small part of the population decided to organize Own business.

Many people now dream of owning their own business. But for some reason, all ideas about entrepreneurship come down only to beautiful life. At the same time, painstaking, colossal work is omitted to create capital that makes it possible to live this beautiful life.

Most of those who dream of their own business continue to dream about it until their retirement, without doing anything. And only a small percentage of the population decides to turn their dreams into reality. Such people turn thoughts into goals, goals into plans, and plans into actions. And only by following this path, you can create your own successful life.

hired labor

It is impossible to become rich by working for someone: in a factory, plant or company. To be convinced of this, it is enough to calculate how many years you will have to work in any institution in a full-time position in order, for example, to buy a luxury apartment with a European-style renovation, a car corresponding to the level, a two-story house in an ecologically clean place, or to travel. A lifetime is not enough for this.

So employees have to live in apartments that they inherited from the same hard workers, or in rented apartments that they can afford. Ride in public transport or in a car bought with the money saved up by the whole family, or taken on credit, thereby hanging a financial yoke on yourself. Such people go on vacation when it comes, and to a place that they can afford. The second option for recreation is in dachas and gardens outside the city in order to grow crops and not die of hunger. Clothes and food are bought only those that can afford.

Is wage labor so attractive if the majority of the population works that way? Not at all. An employee is completely dependent on the employer and at any time, at his will, may lose his job. Seniority, which in the Soviet Union guaranteed a good pension, now guarantees nothing more than a beggarly old-age allowance. Health, given to the benefit of the employer, will have to be restored for their own money, if they are enough for this. The salaries of hired workers are barely catching up with the cost of living in the country.

Own business

Opening your own business does not mean an idle life. On the contrary, organizing your own business will require even more effort. It is necessary to organize and establish the process, make responsible decisions, communicate with state, controlling, financial institutions. You need to be a financier, and a strategist, and a marketer, and a lawyer all rolled into one.

Only those who are capable of decisive action will be able to organize their own business and achieve success in it. At the same time, the owner of his own business works for himself. This man is the master of his life.

A businessman decides for himself - how much to work, where to work and with whom to work. And if an employee is proud of his planned life, then for a businessman it can be said to be unpredictable. And she is beautiful in that! After all, a person is not born in order to do only work all his life. There are many pleasant moments in life. And only being wealthy, being a free, in fact, person, you can enjoy the charm of life to the fullest. To see its beautiful sides, to raise children and give them a happy future, to help the poor, to see the most beautiful corners of our planet. And most importantly, to be able to buy what you want; do not refuse the child when he asks for something; dress in clothes good quality; eat healthy and environmentally friendly products.

What's stopping

Let's dispel many stereotypes that prevent you from starting Own business:

1. To organize a business, you need start-up capital. – The experience of many successful businessmen suggests that successful business can be built without start-up capital. And in Lately more and more people are talking about good idea, with which you can start a business, is much more important than start-up capital.

2. Not enough experience and knowledge to organize your business. - The necessary experience and knowledge will come only in the process of establishing and developing a business. Only through actions, mistakes and victories can you build a successful business. Just experience and knowledge without action is worth nothing.

3. Nothing will work without a patron. We need connections that don't exist. - The richest people in the world, such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett built their business without connections and "roof". This did not stop them, and therefore they succeeded!

4. I don't know what to do. There is no idea. - Look around! Ideas are in the air. look at life and the world outside the box! Think outside the box. And success is guaranteed!

5. It still won't work! - With such a mood, you should not even leave the house, not to mention starting your own business. Only faith in one's own strength and success will help make the business successful. Only optimism and positive thinking should accompany all actions on the way to your goal!

Top reasons to start your own business.

“This is an opportunity to take control of your life.

— Independently decide where, when, how much and with whom to work.

- Buy what you want.

- Improve the quality of your life and that of your family.

- Give your friends and family, and most importantly yourself, such gifts that you dream of.

- Expanding the circle of contacts with successful people.

— Go on a trip when and where you want, regardless of the price.

- Go to restaurants and choose dishes by the names of the dishes, not by the price tags.

- Arrange the future of your children by giving them the opportunity of a good education.

- Live in a luxurious house or apartment, drive a good car.

- Take care of your old age.

- Do charity work.

- To be proud of yourself.

- Transfer business by inheritance.


Why I decided to write this article

Because many who ask me questions ask something that at first you shouldn’t even bother at all. There are even questions that a person may never face at all. In general, “Woe from Wit” occurs in the minds of many novice entrepreneurs, and we will “eliminate” this grief in this article. At least I'll try my best. Now let's talk about the errors, and then I will issue step by step plan the way I see it.

Some errors and their solutions

1. Break-even point not calculated

Many start a business without even considering how much in what period they need to sell in order to break even. This is important because many business models are cut off at this stage.

Calculating the break-even point is easy. You consider how much you incur expenses per month and then consider how much you need to sell goods or provide services per month in order to recoup these expenses. If the figure is too large and seems unrealistic to you, then it is better not to take on such a business. If you think that you can sell the right amount of goods to cover expenses or start covering expenses in a few months, then you can think about this business further.

Conclusion 1: Until you have a complete financial picture of the business in your head, you can’t borrow money or even use your savings.

2. Everything must be perfect

At the beginning of your business, you want everything to be right and beautiful: the most modern equipment is bought, the most functional website is created, the office is repaired, etc.

Striving for the best is useful, but there is one "BUT" - before you spend money, check the performance of your business model. If you are going to make an expensive website design, first make sure that your services or products are in demand at all.

Or, if you're opening a coffee shop, before making expensive renovations, try to start selling in the space you have. minimum investment. If sales go on and a place in this area of ​​the city will bring at least some profit, then you can expand or make a cool renovation.

Conclusion 2 A: Don't invest a lot of money until you're sure people want the product. And you don’t need to bring everything to perfection, thereby delaying the start. Start with what you have and gradually develop and improve.

3. Not understanding your future business or simply no love

I personally think that a business should at least like it. For example, I love each of my business projects, and if I didn’t love them, they wouldn’t turn out to be profitable.

Some start-up entrepreneurs write me questions like “What to sell”, “What services are profitable to provide”, “What kind of business is profitable to do”, etc. I answer everyone: "Open your own bank." And no one likes my answer, although it answers all these questions. Every entrepreneur has a different life situation, different interests and different knowledge. If one likes to sell toys, and the other likes to sell men's suits, then they will not be able to exchange businesses and be so successful. This is because they do not understand the model itself and simply do not feel interested.

Conclusion 3: You can't build a business on an idea just because you just know it's profitable and you're not interested in it. Business needs to be understood, loved and “be in the know”. For example, I could not open a massage parlor and lead the business to success. Not because I don't have enough money, but because I don't understand anything in this business.

How to start your own business - 10 steps from scratch

To begin with, I want to say that below I will give 2 plans on how to start your business: complete and simplified. Let's start with the complete.

Step 1. Business Idea

Of course, to start a business, you need to know what to start. I have always said, I say and I will say that an entrepreneur must have an idea. If you can't even come up with an idea, then what kind of business are you talking about. It is not necessary to be an innovator and come up with something unimaginable. You can take an already working idea, look around, find flaws in it, or simply improve it the way YOU see it and it will be a different business. It is easier to enter a formed market than to form it yourself. And the idea should not be global, you can start a micro business or.

In order to come up with or find a business idea, read the following articles and after reading you will 100% decide on the idea:

After the articles are read, the ideas are thought up, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 2. Market Analysis

After choosing a business idea, you need to analyze the market, find out if people really need your product. Assess the competition, identify positive and negative sides competitors, find in yourself what will make you different from your competitors. Compare prices, quality of service, assortment (if it is a commodity business) and look to the maximum for what you can be better at. It is necessary. Why? Read!

Once you have assessed the supply and demand, realized that you can compete with existing companies, you can move on.

Step 3. Business Planning

Step 5. Registering your business

This step cannot be missed, because the business must be registered. You can use LLC or IP. It all depends on your activity. This article will help you:

Once your business is set up, you can move on to the next step.

Step 6. Taxes and reporting

I indicated this step right away, because you must initially decide on which taxation system you will work with. This must be done immediately, because the amount of taxes and how they are paid depend on it. To do this, read the following articles:

And also read other articles of the rubric, because there you will find always up-to-date and full information on tax and accounting records. You can also ask your question and get an answer from a specialist.

Step 7. Quick idea testing

Someone will say that you can test without registering a business. And you are right! It is possible and so, but it was not in vain that I wrote at the very beginning that there would be 2 scenarios for the development of events, and in the second I will talk about it. Now let's move on to testing itself.

Initially, you need exactly quick testing - “testing in battle”. With your own money, test the idea, give minimal advertising, make the smallest possible product and try to sell it. Study demand in practice so to speak. You have to look into your plan, estimate what you need at the minimum in order to get started and start right away. Why is this being done. At the very beginning, I wrote about one of the mistakes of novice entrepreneurs, which consists in delaying the start, in constant improvements, etc. You don’t need to bring it to perfection, you need to start as soon as possible in order to test the idea in action, get the first sales and be inspired to continue development.

If the start does not give the first sales, then you need to revise the plan, idea and look for errors. A quick start is also done so that in case of failure you spend less time, effort and money. Agree, it would be more annoying to prepare for a year, and then fail? It is less offensive to realize your mistakes right away, while you still have little time to do. So you can make adjustments along the way and everything will start to work out!

To test ideas and your business can help you. It is more for testing ideas on the Internet, but it is also suitable for the real sector (offline).

Step 8. Business Development

After the tests have been carried out, the plan has been adjusted and sales have started slowly, you can develop your business and refine everything that you wrote in the plan to perfection. Now you can improve the site, increase warehouses or office, expand staff, etc. When your idea and business model has shown its performance, it is easier for you to set more global goals. Moreover, you have already received the first money from the first orders or sales and can reinvest them in development.

If there is not enough money, then here you can already resort to loans and borrowings, because business brings money and you can borrow with a clear conscience for its development. If you don't need much money, even a credit card might work. In I told how you can use credit card money for your business without interest.

Step 9. Active promotion

This step could be attributed to development, but I took it out separately. After you have wider warehouses, more powerful equipment and site, more employees, etc., you need to make it all work. This requires aggressive advertising to the maximum. You have to use a lot of promotional opportunities. Look for clients on the Internet, do offline advertising, do direct sales, etc. The more advertising tools you use, the better result. But be sure to record the results and filter out ineffective advertising tools so as not to waste your budgets.

Step 10 Scaling

Your business is doing well, making money, you are constantly developing, everything is great! But there are also adjacent areas or neighboring cities. If your business model is successful in your city, then you can make representative offices in other cities. If there is no desire or opportunity to go to neighboring cities, then you can simply capture an adjacent direction, if there is one at all.

For example, if you sell household appliances, you can simultaneously open a repair service and provide paid repair services. If your client's equipment is beyond repair, you can always offer him to buy something from your store in exchange. In general, look at your business and I am sure that you will find something to cling to.

What else can you pay attention to

During the launch of a business, there are several parameters that allow you to evaluate how effective your business is at the start, take them seriously:

If the net income of your business is above zero, excluding equipment costs and taxes, then your business will survive because it generates some money. If it is below zero, it means that your business is burning money, and it will not have enough loans and investments;

If you planned sales for 200,000, and sell for 50,000, then this is an occasion to seriously adjust your work and, possibly, the plan itself;

You should be comfortable. Business is hard. If you, too, are constantly having a hard time, then it will be difficult to cope with the tasks of the business. Give yourself enough comfort so that you don't feel left out because of your own business.

How to start and open your own business in a simplified way

As promised, I will give another simplified diagram of how to start your own business. Because I have already written all the points above, so I will refer to them here so as not to repeat myself.

I myself have used this scheme more than once, because before I started very small projects in which a lot could be missed. So the schema looks like this:

  1. Idea (it should always be);
  2. Easy planning, you can not paint, but fit the main points on a sheet of notebook. It is done in order to draw a model;
  3. Quick idea test. Perhaps even without investments and search for money. Or very little money will be required and they will simply be in your savings;
  4. Development and active promotion. After the first orders are, you can start active promotion and bring everything to mind;
  5. Business registration and scaling.

As you can see, I missed registration at the very end, because some business projects can be implemented without registration, because during the test you don’t get so much money to immediately run for them to report to the tax office. But if the business model has shown its performance and, after active promotion, it is growing, then the design should be instant.

But you still can’t do without registration even at the first stages if you need a retail space, an office or work with companies under contracts, because for this you need at least an individual entrepreneur.


In this article, I told you how to start your own business, talked about the mistakes that beginners often make and I made, and now you know what to do before starting your own business. Read my site, subscribe to it, and try to start doing your own thing. We will not leave anyone on the site without help. Thank you for your attention!

Sincerely, Schmidt Nikolai

Why start a businessinterest Ask, is not it? And it is best for you to answer it before you plunge headlong into this fascinating, but at the same time very risky world.

This article is an introduction to new section, which I open with . In the future, I will try to give answers to many other questions that may arise from novice businessmen and entrepreneurs. Of course, these publications will not be of interest to already established business monsters.

Own business, is one of the . Of course, he has both his own and his own, which I will write about in subsequent articles. And after evaluating them, perhaps you will decide whether you are ready to open your own business. But the reasons themselves why open your own business should be more in-depth than a simple pros and cons analysis.

Why start a business. The most important reasons.

  1. A business needs to be sold. Those. you create, develop, investing your money and time, after which you sell with a large margin, many times higher than the financial costs.
  2. A business is created in order to receive a constant inflow of dividends, i.e. source creation.

The premise of both reasons seems to be correct. However, business only for the sake of money works only in isolated cases. None of you will want to run your own business if main reason it will only have money to run it. Search deeper within yourself. I'll give you a few tips. Perhaps one of the listed reasons is yours, or you may have to dig longer and look for your own.

By the way, there can be several reasons for starting your own business. However, one of them will always be dominant, leading. Ignorance of one's true reasons- will most likely lead you to failure, as you will only struggle with current problems all the time, and not strive for your own goal.
