Mongolian surnames are male. Mongolian names: list, meaning

The anthroponymic model of the Mongols has always been simple and has not undergone significant changes over the past seven centuries, as can be judged from written monuments, the earliest of which date back to the 13th century, and the later - late XIX century it consisted of one personal name given at birth, and if there were no special reasons for changing it, then the person wore it until his death.

However, already in the 13th century, judging by the text of the Secret History of the Mongols, in many cases the names were accompanied by nicknames and titles: Duva-sohor "Duva-blind", Dobun-mergen "Dobun - a sharp shooter", Wang-khan "ruler of Van" , Ambagai-khan "the great ruler of Ambagai" . As a rule, nicknames “were characteristic of the common people, titles - for the hereditary nobility, but this division was not strictly observed. Often titles became names, as evidenced by the facts of the history of Mongolia.

The modern anthroponymic model of the Mongols includes not only personal name(ner), but also patronymic (ovog). The latter is a genitive form of the father's name and precedes the personal name, for example: Sodnamyn Sambu "Sambu son of Sodnom", Ayushin Namdag "Namdag son of Ayushi". In everyday everyday communication, the patronymic does not appear; it is indicated only in the documents.

Three stages can be distinguished in the formation of the Mongolian personal name: ancient Mongolian, lamaistic and modern. Among the indisputably ancient names are such names as Baatar "hero", Mergen "sharp", Tumur "iron", Munkh "eternal", Oyun "wise", Ulziy "prosperous", Naran "sun". They can be found in early Mongolian writings, legends, tales different centuries. At present, they are no less popular than in the XIII century, and are used not only by themselves, but also as part of numerous names derived from them, for example: Baatarzhargal "heroic happiness", Baatarchuluun "heroic stone", Tumurzorig "iron determination" , Tumurkhuyag "iron armor", Munkhdalai "eternal sea", Oyuungerel "light of wisdom". As you can see, such anthroponyms are formed from Mongolian appellatives.

The Lamaist layer in the name-list was formed in two periods: after the first (XIII century) and the second (XVI-XVII centuries) waves of the spread of Lamaism among the Mongols. The Sanskrit and Tibetan names that came with Lamaism were for the most part the names of the gods of the Buddhist pantheon, mythical and real preachers of Buddhism, or they were names individual works Buddhist canonical literature, terms Buddhist philosophy, names of various ritual objects, planets. All this religious terminology, having undergone certain changes in accordance with the norms of the Mongolian language, filled the Mongolian name book for almost three hundred years.

So, the names Choyoyil, Choyzhilzhav, Choyzhinhorloo, Damdin, Damdingochoo, Damdinnorov, Zhambaa, Zhambaarinchen, Zhambanyandag, Lkham, Lkhamaa, Lkhamsuren, Lkha-mochir, Dalkhaa, Dalkhzhav, Dalkhsuren, Dulmaa; Dulamdorj, Dulamzhav, Moidar, Moidarzhav go back to the names of Buddhist deities, and the names Zhanchiv, Zhanchivdorzh, Zhsmchivsenge, Samdan, Samdanvanchig, Samdangeleg, Samdanjamts, Endon, Endonnorov, Endonbazar, Endonbal, Tsultem - to Tibetan philosophical Buddhist terms: zhanchuv "holiness", samdan "contemplation", yondan "knowledge", tsultim "morality"; the names of the Buddhist sutras are at the heart of the names Ba-damkhatan, Zhadamba. Among the Mongolian anthroponyms, semantically ascending to the names of objects of religious worship, the following can be noted: Erdene (Sanskrit ratna) "jewel", Ochir (Sanskrit vajra) "thunder ax", Badma (Sanskrit padma).

In addition, Tibetan name-forming elements are often found in Mongolian names, which have a certain meaning: -zhav (Tibetan skyabs "protection", "help") - Maksarzhav, Gombozhav, Tsevegzhav, Badamzhav; -suren (Tibetan srung "caution", "vigilance") - Yadamsuren, Handsuren, Lhamsuren, Zhigzhidsuren; -san (Tibetan bsang "kind", "beautiful") - Choibalsan, Batnasan, Urtnasan; luvsan- (Tib. blo-bzang "good feeling") - Luvsanvandan, Luvsanbaldan, Luvsandan-zan; -bal (Tib. dpal "glory", "greatness") - Tsedenbal; lodoy- (Tibetan blo-gros "reason", "intelligence") - Lodoydamba; -puntsag (Tibetan p'un-ts'ogs "perfection") - Puntsagnorov.

Mongols do not have a clear boundary between male and female names, although there is still some regularity in semantic terms. For example, names that include the words tsetseg "flower", tuyaa "dawn", odon "star" (Badamtsetseg, Altantsetseg, Zhargaltsetseg, Narantsetseg, Erdenetsetseg, Enkhtuyaa) are used preferably as female names. At the same time, the presence in the name of such words as baatar “hero”, bag “strong”, bold “steel”, dorzh or ochir, zorigt “brave”, etc., suggests that these names are predominantly masculine (Khatanbaatar, Munkhbaatar , Batochir, Batmunkh, Batjargal, Oyuunbaatar, Davaadorj, Ganbaatar, Batzorigt, Chinbat, Dorzh, Natsagdorj). However, many names formed from appellatives can equally be used both as masculine and feminine, for example: Tsogtgerel "flame light", Sergelen "cheerful", Jargal "happiness", Tseren "long-lived".

Names are still very popular - the names of the days of the week and their corresponding planets. They exist in two versions - Tibetan and Sanskrit. The Tibetan row sounds like this: Nyam "Sunday", "Sun", Davaa "Monday", "Moon", Myagmar "Tuesday", "Mars", Lhagwa "Wednesday", "Mercury", Purev "Thursday", "Jupiter", Baasan "Friday", "Venus", Byamba "Saturday", "Saturn". The Sanskrit series is mongolized: Adyaa, Sum-yaa, Angarak, Bud, Barkhasvad, Sugar, Sanchir. However, if the Tibetan words now represent the official designations of the days of the week in the country, then the Sanskrit ones are used mainly as the names of the planets. All the names of the Tibetan series can act both as masculine and as female names. Of the Sanskrit series, only Sugar "Venus" is used as a female name.

The third, modern layer in the name-list was formed after the victory of the People's Revolution and the proclamation of the Mongolian People's Republic (1924). This stage is characterized by the appearance of not only new formations based on traditional Mongolian vocabulary, but also various lexical Russian and international borrowings. In the Mongolian personal names of our days, Russian names (Alexander, Alexei, Nina, Viktor, Tanya, Boris, Borya, Lyuba, etc.), Russian surnames (Ivanov, Kozlov, Pushkin), names of mountains are presented as personal names in full and diminutive versions. (Elbrus), common nouns (Active, Kamel - from the brand of American cigarettes "Camel" "camel", Korol from the Russian king). The use of Russian surnames as Mongolian names in each case has an explanation: it is either close friend one of the family members, or a friend in study, work, a war hero, a doctor who worked in the area, a famous Russian poet. However, there are few such names.

IN last years there has been a tendency towards the revival of Mongolian proper and even ancient Mongolian names such as Tergun, Mergen, Baatar, etc. For this purpose, special councils at maternity hospitals are conducting explanatory work. The results are already showing. The percentage of Tibetan, Sanskrit names, the meaning of which is often unknown to current young parents, has decreased. There is a growth and diversity of names formed from Mongolian appellatives.

Until now, there is, although rare, the once widespread custom of replacing the original name with a different, new name. The first name is forgotten. Usually this was associated with some extraordinary circumstances, for example, with recovery from a serious illness, which was interpreted as a "rebirth" of the individual; in addition, the new name was supposed to mislead those "evil forces" that caused serious illness. In the older generation, one can still meet humiliating human dignity names" that served as a kind of amulets for children from evil spirits: Enabish "not the same", Hunbish "not a man", Nergui "nameless", Khulgana "mouse", Nokhoi "dog".

The system of addressing the Mongols to each other is interesting. When addressing older men or women, a particle of respect -guay is added to the name: Sambuguay, Damdinsurenguay, Nyam-guay. If a person's name is not known, they are addressed as follows: vvgvnguay "honorable", "respectable" (conditional) if it is a man, and eme "grandmother" if it is an elderly woman, egch "older sister" if it is a middle-aged woman. When addressing children, they call the huu lines “my boy”, the duu lines “my child”.

Curious phenomena are observed at the junction of the Mongolian and Russian anthroponymic models. A Russian girl, marrying a Mongol and wanting to change her surname, finds herself in difficulty, because the Mongols do not have a surname. There is no unified way to solve such problems, therefore, in some cases new surname Russian woman becomes the name of her husband, in others - his patronymic. Children from mixed marriages usually receive names that correspond to the Russian anthroponymic model; their patronymic becomes the name of the father, decorated according to the "Russian model", and the patronymic of the father, that is, the name of the grandfather, however, no longer in the genitive, but in nominative case, turns into a surname: Galina Batochirovna Munkhbold (Galina is a personal name, Batochir is the name of the father, Munkhbold is the name of the grandfather).

A correctly chosen name has a strong positive influence on the character, aura and fate of a person. It actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and state, improves health, removes various negative programs of the unconscious. But how do you pick the perfect name?

While there are cultural interpretations of what male names, in reality, the influence of the name on each boy is individual.

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, making it difficult for the baby to form. Astrology and numerology of choosing a name have squandered all serious knowledge about the influence of a name on fate through the ages.

Calendars of Christmas time, holy people, without consulting a seeing, perspicacious specialist, do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the fate of a child.

And the lists of ... popular, happy, beautiful, melodious male names completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, soul of the child and turn the selection procedure into an irresponsible game of parents in fashion, selfishness and ignorance.

Beautiful and modern Mongolian names should first of all suit the child, and not the relative external criteria of beauty and fashion. Who don't care about your child's life.

A variety of statistical characteristics are positive features of the name, negative traits name, choosing a profession by name, the impact of a name on business, the impact of a name on health, the psychology of a name can only be considered in the context of a deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), energy structure, life tasks and the kind of a particular child.

The theme of the compatibility of names (and not the characters of people) is an absurdity that turns inside out on the interactions of different people the internal mechanisms of the influence of a name on the state of its carrier. And it cancels the entire psyche, the unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Reduces to one false characterization the multidimensionality of human interaction.

The meaning of the name has no literal effect. For example, Ochirbat (strong) does not mean that the young man will be strong, and the bearers of other names will be weak. The name can weaken his health, block his heart center and he will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, it will help another boy to solve problems for love or power, it will greatly facilitate life and achieve goals. The third boy may not bring any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The most popular Mongolian names for boys are also misleading. 95% of boys are called names that do not make life easier. You can only focus on the innate character of the child, spiritual vision and the wisdom of an experienced specialist.

The secret of a male name, as a program of the unconscious, a sound wave, vibration, is revealed by a special bouquet, primarily in a person, and not in the semantic meaning and characteristics of the name. And if this name destroys the child, then there would be no beautiful, melodious with a patronymic, astrological, blissful, it would still be harm, destruction of character, complication of life and aggravation of fate.

Below is a list of Mongolian names. Try to choose a few, the most suitable in your opinion for the child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the impact of the name on fate, .

List of male Mongolian names in alphabetical order:

Altankhuyag - golden chain mail
Altangerel - golden light
Arvay - barley

Bagabandi - little novice
Badma - lotus
Batar - hero
Baatarzhargal - heroic happiness
Baatachuluun - heroic stone
Basan - Friday, Venus
Basaan - Friday, Venus
Bayar - holiday
Byabma - Saturday, Saturn
Byambasuren - kept by Saturn
Byaslag - cheese

Ganbaatar - steel hero
Ganzorig - willpower of steel
Ganjuur - golden light
Ganhuyag - steel mail
Gond - cumin

Davaa - Monday, Moon
Damdinsuren - guarded by Hayagriva
Danzan - holder of the teachings
Danjuur - golden light
Dzhambul - fortress
Jargal - bliss
Jochi - son of Genghis Khan
Dolgoon - calm, quiet, soft
Dorj - vajra
Delger - wide, plentiful, spacious

Yerden is a jewel

Jadamba - eight thousandth, Prajnaparamita sutra
Zhamyanmyadag - sosuriya (plant)
Jargal - happiness, bliss

Lhagwa - Wednesday, Mercury
Lianhua - lotus

Monkh-Orgil - the eternal peak
Munkh - eternal
Munkhdalai - the eternal sea
Mergen - marksman
Myagmar - Tuesday, Mars

Naran - the sun
Naranbaatar - solar hero
Ninzhbadgar - swimsuit (plant)
Nohoy - dog
Nugai - dog
Nergui - nameless
Yum - Sunday, sunshine
Nyamtso - Sunday
Nyambu - Sunday

Oktay - understanding
Ongots - plane
Ochir - thunder ax
Ochirbat - strong as a vajra
Oyuun - wise
Oyuungerel - the light of wisdom

Purev - Thursday, Jupiter
Purevbaatar is a hero born on Thursday

Sohor - blind
Sukhe-Bator - a hero with an ax
Sergelen - cheerful
Serzhmyadag - poppy

Tarkhan is a craftsman
Tendzin - the holder of the teachings
Tugal - calf
Tumur - iron
Tumurzorig - Iron Determination
Tumurkhuyag - iron armor
Turgen - fast
Thuja - ray
Turbish is not the same

Ulziy - prosperous
Udvar - catchment (plant)
Undes - root
Unur - rich

Hagan is a great ruler
Khaliun - buckwheat
Hulan - wild horse
Hulgana - mouse
Hunbish is not human

Tsagaan - white
Tsogtgerel - light of the flame
Tserendorj - vajra of long life
Tseren - long-lived

Chagatai - child
Chagdarzhav - guarded by four-armed
Genghis Khan - Great Khan

Shona the wolf

Elbegdorj - abundant dorje
Enabish is not this one

Remember! Choosing a name for a child is a huge responsibility. A name can both greatly facilitate a person’s life, and harm.

How to choose the right, strong and suitable name for a child in 2019?

We will analyze your name - find out right now the meaning of the name in the fate of the child! Write to whatsapp, telegram, viber +7926 697 00 47

Name neurosemiotics
Yours, Leonard Boyard
Switch to the value of life

In total, more than 40 thousand Mongolian proper names are known. This is a huge number, especially considering the small population. By the way, Russians get by with about 2,600 names, while the British only have about 3,000 names.

The proper names of the Mongols have their roots in ancient times. Historical documents testify that even 2000 years ago the ancestors of the Mongols, the Huns, had such names as Tyuman, Modun and so on. The name Tyuman still exists, but it sounds a little different "Tumen".

In the VIII-X centuries, Mongolian names were clearly divided into male and female. The suffix " give" or " thai", to women's -" gin" or " rank», « moons". And to emphasize the beauty of a woman, they added the definition to her name " goo", which means "beautiful, beautiful." For example, in Mongolian literary monument XIII century - "The Secret History of the Mongols" - we meet the following names: Zharchiudai, Subeaday, Borjigday, female - Mongoljingoo, Alungoo, Huagchin

In ancient sources, one can find, although very rarely, such names of Mongolian daring batyrs as Meguzhin, Tsagaangoo, and the names of the princesses - Sohatai, moonhulday etc. Here it is easy to see that suffixes of female names are added to male names, as well as the definition “ goo”, emphasizing the beauty of a woman, and vice versa, to female names - suffixes of male names.

Choice correct name is not an easy task, which is also emphasized by the Mongolian proverb: “ food eaten - companion on half a day, put on clothes - companion on six months, adopted Name - companion on all life". It was usually customary to choose a name in accordance with the doctrine of the five elements (fire, water, metal, wood, earth), so that it would not only sound harmonious, but also correspond to the elements of the child. If it was not possible to choose a name from the desired options, then the pieces of paper with the name were placed in a bag of cereal, then sifted, and they gave the name that fell out first.

It was a common thing when parents did not really suffer with the selection of a name, but simply called the child the day of the week on which he was born: Nyamdavaa, Davaanyam or Nyamzhargal("nyam" - Sunday, "davaa" - Monday, "jargal" - happiness"); Lhagwa or Lhagwasuren("lhagva" - environment); Purevbaatar- ("hero, born on Thursday", "Purev" - Thursday), Byamba or Byambatsetseg("byamba" - Saturday, "tsetseg" - flower).

More recently, it happened that a girl was given a male name and vice versa. This usually happened in families where daughters did not survive or only girls were born, and the parents wanted a son, or vice versa. Occasionally, children were given completely unattractive names, for example, Henchbish- "Nobody", Terbish- "Not the one" Enabish- "Not this one", Muunohoy- Bad dog Hongbish- "Not a human", " Nergy" - "No name". Such names were usually given to children who are often and seriously ill in order to protect them from the power of spirits.

It was believed that this was the right remedy: for example, some malicious otherworldly entity would come for the child, ask him by name, and answer him: “ Nergy"-" There is no name "or even cooler" Terbish- "Not the one" ... and the confused spirit goes home without salty slurping. For the same reason, the baby could be named simply Nohoy- "dog", with the same simple purpose: to evil spirits, if anything, they mistakenly took away with them not him, but a real dog, which, although it is a pity, is still not as much as his little blood ...

In the past, the Mongols had surnames, more precisely, "family names", for example, Tatarday Shakhihutag, otherwise - Shikhihutag comes from the Tatars. To date, the practice has included the use of only the name and patronymic, for example, qengdiying Damdinsuren, that is Damdinsuren, son Tsenda. This is customary for the Mongols, but sometimes it surprises visitors when, for example, on a train ticket, a guest from Russia reads something like “Ivan” or “Sidorovich” instead of his usual last name, first name, patronymic.

Mongolian names are divided into native Mongolian and borrowed from other languages. The fund of Mongolian names includes big number names of Sanskrit and Tibetan origin. Names of Sanskrit origin, such as Sanjaa, Anand, Indra and others, entered Mongolia from India through Tibet. Tibetan names - Namdag, Danzan and others entered the Mongolian vocabulary in connection with the spread of Lamaism in Mongolia.

Some Mongolian names of Tibetan and Sanskrit origin have a religious meaning. For example, Samdan- deep thinking Dulmaa- savior, mother, Namdag- saint, while others express peace, happiness, longevity, etc. The lists of Mongolian names include a small number of names borrowed from Arabic, Chinese, Turkic, Greek, Russian languages. This is explained by the fact that since ancient times the Mongols had close ties with various peoples of Asia and Europe. In the 20th century, the names of Tibetan and Sanskrit origin were supplemented by Russian ones: Volodya, Alexei, even the names of Russian military leaders and politicians began to be used as names: Suvorov, Zhdanov, Kutuzov, Khrushev, Zhukov, Varshilov... As a sign of the peace of friendship, brotherhood, other names were invented: Seseer, October, Nayramdal. Sometimes it came to incidents: they say that someone got himself such an unexpected name as the Balcony ... although it may be that these are already tales.

If earlier Tibetan and Sanskrit names occupied a dominant position in the Mongolian nominal fund, then during the period of the Mongolian People's Republic they began to be considered unfashionable, which was also associated with the opposition of religion and the state in these times.

Today, some of the original Mongolian names are formed from simple common nouns, for example, Ariun- "pure, noble" Mergen- "sharp" baht- "strong" Chuluun- "stone" Tsetseg- "flower" , Odor- "day", English- "morning", Oroi- "evening" Mal- "cattle", khurga- "lamb", Unaga- "colt" Tugal- "calf", Botgo- "camel", Yamaa- "goat" buga- "moose" ... The current Mongolian president has the same simple name - Battulga, which in translation - "Strong tagan"

Mongolian names can be either simple, from one name base, and complex, of two or more words. For example, Bold- "steel", Narantsetseg- "solar flower" Odontuyaarakhgerel- "Light that radiates the radiance of stars", Adilsanaa- "Similar Thoughts" Altanochirt- “Golden sparkling, having golden sparks”, Bagauugan- "Younger first-born", Baserul- "One more well-wishes", Ynentogoo- "Real cauldron", Olonbayarlakh- "Rejoice many times" Zhaakhanchuluu- Small Stone.

Compound names can consist not only of Mongolian words, but also of the words of the Mongolian and Tibetan languages. Chuluundorj: “chuluun” - “stone”, “dorj” - “diamond”, as well as from two Tibetan words: Tserenchimed: "longevity" - "immortal". In addition, many names can be formed from one nominal stem, for example, Battumur, Batjargal, Batbold, Batnasan, Oyuunbat, Ganbat etc.

Sometimes, parents, when coming up with a name for a child, make it up from several words at once, as a result, very unusual and not always easy to pronounce options are obtained, for example, Lodoyerdenedorjsembe, Luvsanperenleyzhancan, Mongolakhornynegөglөө, Ochirbayanmөnkhdorzhsurenzhav, Danzanravzhaperenleyjamts, Gүrsoronzongombosurenbold, Damdinbazarmonkhbaatar, Bayarsaikhanbadamsereezhid. The translation of such names can be very poetic, for example, Yesonzhinerdenebaatar- "Bogatyr jewels in nine zhins", Erdenebilegnemehmonkhtsoozh- "Eternal bolts that increase the precious benefactor", Tsastuulynorgilkhairkhan- "The peaks of the majestic snow-capped mountains", Enkhtoguldorbayasgalan- Absolute joy. The longest of those that could be found - Dorzhsurenzhantsankhorloonergybaatar- "Keeped by the Vajra of the Victory Banner, the Wheel, the Nameless Bogatyr"
The fund of Mongolian names is also replenished due to major events taking place in the world. For example, with the flight of a Mongolian cosmonaut into space, a "fashion" for "cosmic" names began: samsar- "space", Sanchir- "Saturn", Odsar: od - "star", sar - "moon", there was even a name Zhanibekov- by the name of the commander of the Soviet-Mongolian crew ... The very first Mongolian cosmonaut is called Jugderdemidiin Gurragcha, and perhaps this name is the most famous Mongolian name in Russia. It comes from the ancient Indian "Gur" - "guru, lama, supreme" and "Ragcha" - protector, protector. His father's name is Jugderdemid- from Tibet and translates as "water without dirt" ...

By what names existed and still exist in the country, what new names fill up the nominal fund, you can learn more about the history, culture, traditions and linguistic features of the people, even the events and phenomena that have ever happened there.

The most common Mongolian names:
Bat-Erdene- Strong Treasure Otgonbayar- "Junior Joy" Altantsetseg- "Golden Flower" Batbayar- "Strong Joy" Oyunchimeg- "Decoration of the Mind" Bolormaa- "Crystal", Lhagwasuren- "Born on Wednesday" Enkhtuyaa- "Peaceful Dawn", Gantulga- "Steel tagan", Erdenechimeg- "Precious Jewelry", Gunbold- "Damask Steel".

Most short names: Az- "happiness, luck" Pts- "spark" od- "star" Alt- "gold, baht- "strong" Oyuu- "mind", Hud- "rock" Nar- "Sun", Zul- "lamp" and so on. Almost all of them are of Mongolian origin.

The names of the Mongols consist of three groups: primordially national, borrowed foreign and Buddhist names that came from Tibetan, Sanskrit, Indian languages.

Ancient Mongolian names were common nouns, denoting the phenomena of nature and the surrounding world. Mongolian female names were often formed from the names of flowers, plants, animals, symbolizing tenderness, grace, attractiveness (Kerme - "squirrel", Zambaga - "magnolia", Oyunnavch - "turquoise leaf", Delbee - "petal"). Names could also come from the names of character traits that parents wanted to give the newborn, external features (Sergelen - "cheerful", Enkhtuvshin - "calmness, peacefulness"). Names-wishes of life's blessings were also used - wealth, health, happiness (Zhargal - "happiness", Bayantsetseg - "rich flower", Battsetseg - "strong flower").

With the spread of Buddhism among the Mongols, Lamaist Tibeto-Sanskrit names came into use, meaning various religious concepts, the names of days and months of the Buddhist calendar, heavenly bodies (Dulmaa - "savior, mother", Sugar - "Venus").

In the process of interaction of the Mongols with other peoples of Europe and Asia, the national onomasticon was enriched with borrowed names of various origins: Arabic, Turkic, Chinese, Russian. These names make up a small percentage of total Mongolian names.

New names

New variants of female names among the Mongols were formed with the help of components indicating the category of grammatical gender: the endings -maa, -suu, -chin, -ka. This made it possible to distinguish female names from male ones, often having the same stem. New names also arose as a result of combining two names into one compound. The components could be both Mongolian and Tibetan names: for example, Davaatsetseg - "Monday flower" consists of Tibetan name Davaa, meaning "Monday" and the Mongolian Tsetseg - "flower".

Beautiful female names of the Mongols

Beautiful Mongolian female names are mainly formed from the names of flowers, jewelry (Chimeg - "decoration", Altan - "golden", Erzhena - "pearl", Erdene - "jewel", Khongorzul - "tulip", Sarnay - "rose"). There are many names in the national name book that come from the same stem - -tsetseg ("flower"), -tuyaa ("radiance"), introducing an affectionate coloring into the sound of the name. The name of the day of the week on which the girl or some other person was born was added to the base. good trait nature, the name of the celestial body, jewelry, etc. beautiful flower”, Byambatsetseg - “Saturday flower”, Amartsetseg - “calm flower”, Alantuyaa - “golden radiance”, Ariuntuyaa - “sacred radiance”). Many sonorous Mongolian female names and their meanings indicate attractive female qualities - beauty, grace, meekness, purity: Gerel - "illuminating", Saina - "good", Tungalak - "clear, pure".

Popular Mongolian female names

The most popular female Mongolian names are traditional national names: Misheel - "smile", Altantsetseg - "golden flower", Bolormaa - "crystal", Erdenechimeg - "precious decoration", Oyunchimeg - "turquoise decoration", Solongo - "rainbow", Anuzhin , which comes from the name of the wife of the khan Galdan Boshigto Anu Khatan. IN Lately short names come into fashion: Och - "spark", Zul - "candle", Od - "star", Anu - the name of the Mongolian queen.

Modern traditions

Modern Mongolian names for girls are closely related to the centuries-old history of the people, for the most part they are old Mongolian names, Tibeto-Sanskrit and mixed compound names. Among the Mongols, it is rare to find foreign-language names - the people keep the traditions of naming that have been established for centuries.

The mystery of the name has long worried psychologists and scientists. They tried to find out if it really affects the character and fate of a person, and also made assumptions about the meanings. Mongolia is a country with the most mysterious and beautiful names. They are unusual, exotic and sonorous. Among them are often the names of famous commanders and conquerors, and this, of course, can greatly affect the temperament of the wearer. In general, in Mongolia they take the process of inventing a name for a child very seriously. Surely this is due because, as you know, the Mongols are a very responsible and extremely patriotic nation. And they value more motherland than the country as a whole. Also, these people believe that the person who has many acquaintances and friends is “wide as the steppe”. This means that parents strive to name their baby as beautiful as possible so that people are drawn to him.

Origin and use

Mongolian names, like any others, originate from history, from antiquity. And since the Mongols respect their ancestors very much, it is a pleasure for them to name their children after them. However, the names reflected not only the traditions, customs and culture of the country, but also such factors as the religion and worldview of the people.

If we compare Mongolian names and surnames, then it must be said that a personal name for a Mongol is more important than a surname and even a patronymic. For them, it is like a symbol of a person, like a certain amulet that accompanies him throughout his life.

Mongolian names are used not only in the habitats of this nation, because they always and everywhere want to name a child in an original way, therefore they are quite popular in Russia, and in China, and even in the USA, in general, where the Mongols left some trace.

By the way, some surnames around the world have Mongolian origin, they were formed from words or names.

According to philologists, Mongolian names play a special role in the study of the language of the peoples of the East. The list, which includes names that have preserved some long-forgotten linguistic phenomena, is really large.

Mongolian name groups

Usually, names are divided according to origin, composition, social status and function. These groups are official and are indicated in many sources. The first category includes Mongolian, Tibetan, combined translations from Tibetan and Indian. For the most part, Mongolian names are represented in this section.

The next division appeared during the Middle Ages, when names made up of two independent ones came into fashion, for example, Dorzh (translated as vajra) and Tsagaan (white), resulting in Tsagaandorzh. You can also find three-piece or four-piece.

The social status of the Mongols can be shown with the help of names. Some of them are associated with wild animals, therefore, its bearer is either a hunter or a reindeer herder. A subgroup and Mongolian khans attracts those in whose family history is especially valued. Religious families name their children as disciples of the Buddha, teachers and deities. Occasionally, children are called the same as the heroes of the scriptures.

The Mongols also believe that each name must fulfill some function. There are amulets, they act as protection from evil spirits and are given if the children in the family were often sick. Among those are Terbish (not that one), Nokhoi (a dog) and Enabish (not that one).

There is another classification, which includes Mongolian male and female names, denoting the day of the week when the child was born. Neyamtso is translated as "Sunday", and Byamba - "Saturday".

Mongolian female names and their meanings

Girls are usually called names that have the meaning of jewelry or flowers. Erzhena - "pearl", Sarana - "lily", Horgonzul - "flower", Tsagaantsetseg - "white flower", Altan - "pink dawn" or "gold".

As you can see, girls in Mongolia are called very beautifully, as if repeating the curves of the petals and the brilliance of jewels. If you unusually want to name your girl, you should pay attention to the Mongolian names. Feminine can mean character traits of a person: Alima - “knowledgeable”, “smart”, Aryuna - “pure”, Gerel - “illuminating everything around”, Saina - “good”, Tungalag - “clear, clean and bright”, Unura (purely Mongolian) - “fertile”, etc.

Male names and their meanings

Some male Mongolians in our country, among them Airat - “amazing”, Arat - “shepherd”, as well as a Greek politician who lived in 271 BC, Batu - from “Batu”, in another meaning is translated as "strong"; Boris is a "fighter". Surely few could guess that the latter came from the Mongolian.

Among the truly Mongolian there are such names as Altai (“gold”, “moon gold”), Amgalan (“calm”), Baigal (“nature”), Batu (“strong”), Dalai (“ocean”), Mingiyan ( “commander of a thousand soldiers”), Oktay (“understanding”).

The most beautiful Mongolian male names

Every parent wants to give their child the best beautiful name, especially in Mongolia they treat him so reverently. Boys are most often called like this: Barlas (“fearless”, brave), Naran (“sun”), Tarkhan (“craftsman”, “master of all trades”), Shona (“wolf”), Genghis Khan (from “Genghis” - "strong").

As you can see, male names are translated mainly as “brave” or “strong”, such qualities are most important for male Mongols. Newborn boys are often given names that symbolize physical strength and inner core.

The most beautiful female names

Mongolian names for girls, on the contrary, are more focused not on the qualities of a person, but on his external attractiveness. The most beautiful are Alimtsetseg (“ apple blossom”), Delbee (“petal”), Jargal (“happiness”), Erdene (“jewel”), Tseren (“long-lived” - a talisman name).

Most often, girls are given names denoting beauty, meekness, purity and grace, most of them have just such semantics. Parents of girls believe that the children will remain as innocent as in childhood, if they call them something affectionately.

strange names

Mongolia is a country where children are named beautifully, with meaning. However, with a sense of humor there is also not bad, as well as with an understanding of beauty. Exists in Mongolian tradition a number of names that have strange and even unexpected translations, so it is impossible to take them seriously.

But it turns out that they have an important function and are given to sick children. The meaning of Mongolian names can be different, for example, “cheese”. The name Byaslag is translated in this way. Ontsog means nothing more than “airplane”. And in order for a person to live long, they give a long and difficult to read name (Luvsandenzenpilzhinzhigmed).

But the oddities of the Mongols do not end there, if the parents do not know what to name their baby, they simply turn to the lama for advice.
