Cool statuses about fun and holiday. New modern aphorisms Phrases about fun

How much fun is around, but there are no happy ones ...

Health and fun fertilize each other.

Life becomes much more fun if you approach all its challenges creatively.

Joy is in the human soul, not in a bottle.

With unrighteous joy, a person burns his life, and with despondency, his fate.

Every madness has its own terrible joy.

People who know how to have fun don't have money, and people who have money don't know how to have fun.

I have always preferred joy to fun. Joy is a demeanor, while joy is a habit of the mind. Fun is short-lived, but joy is constant and unchanging.

Favorite aphorisms about fun

Fun does not fill the heart, but only smoothes the wrinkles on the forehead...

The cheerfulness of a person is an outstanding feature of a person.

How often reckless fun is just a cure for hopeless longing.

Newly beloved aphorisms about fun

It's much more fun with you when you're sleeping.

The fun became a screen covering the readiness to get hysterical.

Of personal qualities, a cheerful disposition contributes most directly to our happiness.

I really don't understand the meaning of most of the holidays that people celebrate in my country.

Two barrels - double the fun!

Saturday night is not only the most dreary of the week, but also the only one meant for fun.

The funniest people are usually the bravest people who die first.

It is always nice to see cheerful people whom we have caused grief. It's less frustrating.

Sadness only multiplies itself. So let's do our duty and be merry.

Friendship based on laughter is always strong.

Classics are the basis of fun.

Sickness and sorrow are easily transmitted from person to person, but still there is nothing more contagious on earth than laughter and a cheerful mood...

A good friend should appear when called for joy, but come without a call when a friend is in trouble.

Rabies must be dispersed with fun, not malice.

Convulsive cheerfulness is much sadder than openly expressed sadness.

Joy of temper gives us longevity in life, and then in the memory of others.

Whoever is satisfied with his condition, to live happily.

Blog favorite aphorisms about fun

There are very decent people who know how to have fun only in one manner - making fun of their interlocutors.

A maple leaf, when it falls to the ground, looks like a butterfly, and this is strange - because the most dry and dead is similar to the most cheerful and alive.

I have always tried my best to be a philosopher; but, I don’t know how, violent gaiety constantly burst into my life

Can't I wait for fun and joy? After all, you can get sick.

There is, of course, clinical melancholia, which can sometimes still be influenced by drugs; but there is another, latently present in us even in moments of stormy fun and accompanying us everywhere, not for a moment leaving us alone. Nothing can free us from this pernicious omnipresence: it has become our "I", forever frozen in front of itself.

While there, live happily!

There is no more boring activity than imitation of fun.

How much can you show a constantly cheerful face! There is nothing more attractive and amiable than a cheerful disposition that comes from an immaculate source, and not from a heart overwhelmed with passions.

Fun is the only worthwhile cure for fear.

That ends well, that ends on time. Even too long fun ends in tears.

Most The best way cheer yourself up is to cheer someone up.

The madmen have their own, inaccessible to normal people, secret joys and entertainments.

Doctoral Beloved Aphorisms of Joy

Don't make a fool out of yourself just to make others laugh.

Inappropriate gaiety darkens the mind.

I really appreciate people who turn my sadness into laughter!

The efforts that a person expends in the pursuit of fun sometimes deserve the attention of a philosopher.

It smells of diesel fuel, fried potatoes, vomit and powdered sugar. This is what is now called fun.

We need to value friendship, and not just be able to have fun together.

I want a good life, but for some reason they only arrange a fun one for me ...

Life, every day, becomes more and more fun, and more fun, and it's sad ..

I generally live without thinking, so I always have fun.

Not everyone is cheerful who dances briskly.

Do not give in to your soul and do not torment yourself with your suspiciousness; joy of the heart is the life of a man, and the joy of a husband is a long life; love your soul and comfort your heart and remove sorrow from yourself, for sorrow has killed many, but there is no benefit in it.

Happy people do more stupid things than sad people, but sad people do more stupid things.

I love my friends: it's embarrassing with them, but it's fun.

The best doctors in the world are Dr. Diet, Dr. Peace and Dr. Fun.

A holiday should always be carried with you.

Learn to have fun!

Tactful beloved aphorisms about fun

Those who are envious cannot wait for fun.

Sometimes gaiety is sad, and sadness has a smile on its lips.

Only gaiety is the cash coin of happiness; everything else is credit notes.

Fun is the sky under which everything blooms except malice.

When the heart rejoices, the face blooms.

There is nothing more hopeless than entertainment according to plan.

The riot was wildly hilarious until they were all hanged.

If you are alive, you must shake your hands, jump everywhere, make noise, laugh and talk to people. Because life is the exact opposite of death. When you die, you remain forever in the same position. If you're too quiet, you don't live.

If there is an infection in the world that a person is not afraid of, then this is contagious fun.

Revelry is, of course, an art, just like poetry, and strong souls are needed for it.

Whoever has fun and cannot have fun, he is sick, or gives himself up to his thoughts into oppression.

One cannot expect good deeds from a person who cannot be cheered up.

Children are a miracle! They don't drink, but they're funny.

Anxiety, fear, despondency do not relieve death, but, on the contrary, hasten it; nevertheless, I believe that excessive gaiety is also not good for people, since they are mortal.

cool statuses about fun and celebration

IN from a paradox: if there are no photos worth seeing after the holiday, it means that the holiday should have been seen!!


ABOUT it is necessary to celebrate holidays in such a way that it would be a shame ... for not celebrating like this before)


E There is such a stage of intoxication when everyone thinks that he dances VERY COOL!!! …


IN from the holidays and the end, who did not drink well done !!!


D little girls, the husband left, the children are with their grandmother ... Where I live, you know what and how much to take - you know! I am waiting!


I hellishly funny, damn smart, drop dead beautiful and unrealistically modest!


D The girls danced, drank, had fun ...
The young men paid, got angry, cursed ...


E If the stars light up, light up with them!

L people who know how to have fun don't have money, and people who have money don't know how to have fun.


P a party without vodka is like a passport without a photo!!!


ABOUT tearing through life, the main thing is not to tear yourself away from life ...


E If there is an infection in the world that a person is not afraid of, then this is contagious fun.


At smile your smile)


E If I was drunk and I don’t remember something, IT MEANS IT DID NOT HAPPEN!


TO Everyone has fun to the best of his mental ability.


IN When I was a kid, I wanted to be a fireman.
But fate mixed up something, and now I don’t extinguish, I LIGHT!!! …


W whether New Year's Eve from the guests. The brother, seeing that several windows were lit in his school, said: “Evil does not sleep!


WITH hello girls!!! Drunk... eat a sim card!!!


IN The party is good because the guests leave on time. Americans - home, Russians - for new stocks of alcohol.


IN Cher was a party... The guests dispersed pretty quickly... And in earnest...

L with a walking gait, I went out for vodka


H Elevated mood... by 40°


At student two holidays: New Year and every day!


B I will no longer have a party at my house! Until the husband arrives, we must remember:
who did you give the rod to?


WITH tonight it was all - beer, chips, grapes, fish, persimmons, nuts, and then mead ...
I imagine how scared tomorrow those who live under the rim of the toilet!


TO grow sly eyes -
And let's go have some fun
People love masks
And their faces are disgusting.


B lin, my friend and I were evicted from the hotel yesterday, from the room! And not because we sang loudly, but because ... by the fire!!!


At sleeping under the tree is not a shame! Shame - to fall asleep in a round dance ...


H Adena vivacity T-shirt and good luck shorts, I'll go have fun - meet me luck!


TO no matter how serious life is, you always need a person with whom you can fool around.


WITH Tell me, what is a glamorous party? - Well, this is when there are many, many people, The shirts are all wrinkled, the jeans are torn and everything is on the head in different directions. - I told you, yesterday we were at a glamorous party, and you are a sobering-up station, a sobering-up station...

Aphorisms, quotes, phrases about laughter, fun, joy

Don't forget to enjoy the life you're walking.
Alice Hoffman "The River King"

How can you not be able to smile, if the bad things are done - to laugh, to fire, - it means that you are either dead, or you will be dead.
Stephen King

Where it is impossible to rejoice otherwise, the true philosopher knows how to make use of what he can have.
Jane Austen "Pride and Prejudice"

A person just needs a rest from himself, at least from time to time ...
Max Fry

Be careful with laughter - this is a bitter medicine: it is swallowed and contorted. Laughter can kill any disease - if you're lucky. If you're really lucky, you yourself might still be alive. And even recover.
M. Weller

Suddenly a strange thought flashed like a sharp spark of a fireball falling in the night: what if these crazy people have a different concept of joy? One idiot is happy to swing ... no, this cannot be joyful, but at least it’s joyful to look at oneself in the mirror, walk along the beach, and another idiot is pleased to gnaw at the granite of science in order to click integrals of the sixth level in his mind, and then puzzle over a new superchip, and the third one doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, doesn’t look at the women – because he also saw joy of a different order... Let’s say, how to perform Bach’s fugue on a computer...
Guy Julius Orlovsky (from the series about Richard Long Hands)

Learn to take seriously what deserves to be taken seriously and laugh at the rest!
Hermann Hesse "Steppenwolf"

Sometimes you have to laugh in order not to scream.
Robert Jordan

If you don't know how to live - know how to laugh.
M.M. Zhvanetsky

The expectation of joy is also joy.

Laughter does not give a heart attack.
Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Laughter is nothing but convulsive breathing.
Andrey Bitov

A lost day is one during which you never laughed.

This world would be no good at all if there was nothing to laugh at.
Somerset Maugham "Pies and Beer, or the Skeleton in the Closet"

You have to laugh at what torments you, otherwise you will not keep your balance, otherwise the world will drive you crazy.
Ken Kesey "Over the Cuckoo's Nest"

A sense of humor is a sense of proportion.
Gibran Kahlil Gibran.

What has become funny cannot be dangerous.

A joke is sometimes a prediction.
W. Shakespeare

An arrow is not fired at a smiling face.
Japanese folk wisdom

And you need to joke with a respite.
Japanese folk wisdom

You don't always have to be sharp. Prudence is known in the serious, it is valued higher than wit. Who always jokes is an empty person. Such people are like liars: you don’t believe either one or the other - one, fearing deception, the other, fearing ridicule. You never know if they are joking or talking, which means you can’t do business with them. Eternal fun is a hindrance to business. Another will gain the glory of a wit, but lose the respect of the reasonable. An hour of fun, the rest - business.
Baltasar Gracian "Pocket Oracle"

Good laughter is like sunshine in a house.
William Thackeray

A person is not poor if he is still able to laugh.
Alfred Hitchcock

I usually judge a person by what makes them laugh.
Wilson Mizner

If you do not learn to laugh at troubles, in old age you will have nothing to laugh at at all.
Edgar Watson Hovey
