Coordinating and subordinating connection: types of sentences. Types of subordination in Russian

To the question What are the types subordination In russian language? and how to define them? given by the author THE DEVIL WEARS THE PRADO TOO the best answer is

For example: Very cute (how cute?) ; speak while listening (doing what?).

Answer from whistle[guru]
agreement: the dependent word is an adjective. (or other part of speech with the meaning of the sign), answers the question what? (ooh, ooh, ooh...)
blue ocean...

adjacency - a connection in meaning, a dependent word is necessarily unchangeable (adverb, gerund, n. f. v.), answers questions of circumstances (how? where? where? ...)
very loud, so far...

Management - the main word subjugates the dependent with the help of Ph.D. case (except I. p), you can ask questions of cases. If there is a pretext between the main word and the dependent word, this is definitely management.

Answer from Igor Volkov[newbie]
There are three types of subordination: coordination, control, adjoining.
Agreement is a type of subordinating relationship in which the main word agrees with the dependent in gender, number and case. Form Ch. sl. =form hovered. sl.
For example: beautiful picture(feminine, singular, Nominative case) ; from the main road (feminine, singular, genitive).
Management is a kind of subordinating relationship in which the main word puts the dependent in a certain case.
For example: advise a friend (to whom? Danish case); talk about the weather (about what? prepositional case).
Adjacency is a kind of subordinating connection in which the main word is associated with the dependent only in meaning and intonation, and the dependent word is an invariable part of speech.

go to school, knock on the door to see a friend, give a notebook...

Answer from Mansion[newbie]
Evgenia Gordeeva speaks the truth

Answer from Caucasian[newbie]
There are three types of subordination: coordination, control, adjoining.
Agreement is a type of subordinating relationship in which the main word agrees with the dependent in gender, number and case. Form Ch. sl. =form hovered. sl.
For example: a beautiful picture (feminine, singular, nominative); from the main road (feminine, singular, genitive).
Management is a kind of subordinating relationship in which the main word puts the dependent in a certain case.
For example: advise a friend (to whom? Danish case); talk about the weather (about what? prepositional case).
Adjacency is a kind of subordinating connection in which the main word is associated with the dependent only in meaning and intonation, and the dependent word is an invariable part of speech.
For example: Very cute (how cute?) ; speak while listening (doing what?). agreement: the dependent word is an adjective. (or other part of speech with the meaning of the sign), answers the question what? (oh, oh, oh ...) blue sea ... adjoining - connection in meaning, dependent word necessarily unchangeable (adv., ger., n. f. v.), answers questions of circumstances (how? where? where? .. .)
very loudly, so far ... management - the main word subjugates the dependent with the help of Ph.D. case (except I. p), you can ask questions of cases. If there is a pretext between the main word and the dependent word, this is definitely management.
go to school, knock on the door to see a friend, give a notebook...

writing connection

Means of expressing syntactic links in phrases

III. Adverbial phrases

1. Phrases with an adverb (for example: very well, still good).

2. Phrases with nouns (for example: far from home, alone with my son, shortly before exams).

Syntactic connection - formal constructional relations between the components of syntactic units, revealing semantic connections (syntactic relations) and expressed by means of the language.

Means of expressing syntactic links in phrases and simple sentences:

1) word forms:

the case form of nouns;

number, gender, case of adjectives;

person, number, gender of conjugated forms of verbs.

2) prepositions;

3) word order;

4) intonation (in written speech it is expressed with the help of punctuation marks).

Syntactic links are divided into coordinating and subordinating, which oppose each other on the basis of the presence / absence of the relationship of "master" and "servant" in the syntactic construction.

At composition single function components. This connection is characterized by the number of combined structural components, i.e. sign of openness/closedness.

At closed writing connection only two of its components can be connected ( brother not sister; you love sadly and hard, and a woman's heart is joking). Necessarily expressed by opposing unions ( A, But), gradation ( not only but; yes and), explanatory ( namely, that is).

With an open coordinative connection, an indefinite number of components can be connected at once. It can be expressed without conjunctions or with the help of connectives ( And, Yes) and separating ( or, or, Also etc.) unions.

At subordination the role of the components in the creation of the structure is different, they are multifunctional. The Russian language has different formal means of expressing the subordinating relationship. These funds are grouped into three main types.

First view the formal expression of dependence is likening the form of the dependent word to the forms of the dominant word; such assimilation is carried out in those cases when the dependent word changes in cases, numbers and gender (this is an adjective, including pronominal adjectives, ordinal numbers and participles), in cases and numbers (this is a noun) or in cases, except for them. n. and, for some. excl., wine n. (numerals); eg: new house (new home, new home...), late passengers, my brother, first flight; tower house, giant plant; three tables, four tables, several athletes. The condition for the formation of such a connection is the possibility that the connecting words of the case, number and gender coincide - with the dependence of the adjective, or the case and the number, or only the case - with the dependence of the noun ( tower house, in the tower house..., nursery-new building, V manger-new building...).

Second view formal expression of dependence - setting a dependent word in the form of an indirect case without a preposition or with a preposition (attaching a case form of a name to a word); the main word in such a connection can be a word of any part of speech, and a noun can be a dependent one (including a pronoun-noun, a quantitative and a collective numeral): read a book, get angry at a student, enter the yard, marry the groom, watch the instruments, be in the city, work for seven, father's arrival, buying a house, award to the winners, math exam, city ​​on the Volga, capable of science, alone with myself, stronger than death , someone in a mask, first on the edge.

Third view formal expression of dependence - the addition to the dominant word of a word that does not have forms of change: an adverb, an invariable adjective, as well as an infinitive or gerund, which syntactically behave like independent words. In this case, the main word can be a verb, a noun, an adjective, a quantitative numeral, and also, when combined with an adverb, a pronoun-noun. With this type of connection, the immutability of the dependent word itself serves as a formal indicator of dependence, and the resulting relationship serves as an internal, semantic indicator: run fast, right turn, beige, overcoat saddle, golden side, sixth from left, three upstairs, order to advance, decide to leave, act smarter, older people, someone more experienced.

In modern Russian, three types of subordination are traditionally distinguished: agreement, control and adjunction. When distinguishing and defining these connections, not only strictly formal types of connection should be taken into account, but also the significant side of the connection that is inseparable from these types, i.e., the relations arising on its basis.

Coordination- this is a subordinating relationship, which is expressed by likening the form of the dependent word to the form of the dominant word in gender, number and case, or in number and case, or only in case, and means proper attributive relations: new house, someone else, tower house, nursery-new building. The main word in agreement can be a noun, a pronoun-noun and a cardinal numeral in the form im.-vin. n. With informatively insufficient words, agreement combines a definitive meaning with a complementary meaning and thus acquires signs of a strong connection: funny business, incomprehensible things.

Control- this is a subordinating relationship, which is expressed by attaching a noun to the dominant word in the form of an indirect case (without a preposition or with a preposition) and means a relationship that is complementary or object or contaminated: object-supplementing or object-defining. The main word in control can be a word of any part of speech: become a scientist, be ignorant, master of fiction, contemplative, two students, alone with myself; read a book, buying a house, angry at everyone; run into rudeness; get home, drive off the mountain..

adjoining- this is a subordinating relationship that exists in two forms, of which each receives an independent definition. There is a distinction between adjacency in the narrow sense of the word (or adjunction proper) and adjunction in the broad sense of the word (case adjacency). Adjacency proper - this is a connection in which invariable words act as a dependent word: an adverb, an invariable adjective, as well as an infinitive, or a participle. In doing so, there may be various relationships: when adjoining the infinitive - complementary (), object ( learn to draw, agree to go), or adverbial adjectives ( come talk); adjoining adverbs, gerunds - definitive ( To talk slowly, read faster, extremely interesting, city ​​at night, second from left) or defining complementary ( be nearby, get expensive, be listed here, get smarter); when adjoining an invariable adjective - proper definitives ( indigo, tsunami waves, mini skirt, older boy). The word of any part of speech can dominate in this connection.

case junction- this is an attachment to the main word (any part of speech) of a case (without a preposition or with a preposition) form of a name with a definitive meaning: come May 5th, come in the evening, wooden spoon, city ​​on the Volga, house with two windows, gray checkered, handsome face , teapot lid, one step ahead, someone in blue, first in line. With case adjacency, there are attributive, subject-determinative relations, or - with informatively insufficient words that require a circumstantial distributor, - adverbial-replenishing ( be on the coast, be in the factory, cost a hundred rubles, long before dawn).


Subordination, or subordination- the relation of syntactic inequality between words in a phrase and a sentence, as well as between predicative parts complex sentence.

In such a connection, one of the components (words or sentences) acts as main, the other - as dependent.

The linguistic concept of "subordination" is preceded by a more ancient concept - "hypotaxis".

Features of the subordination

To distinguish between coordinating and subordinating connections, A. M. Peshkovsky proposed a criterion of reversibility. Submission is characterized irreversible relations between parts of the connection: one part cannot be put in place of another without prejudice to the overall content. However, this criterion is not considered decisive.

The essential difference between the subordination relationship (according to S. O. Kartsevsky) is that it functionally close to the dialogic unity of the informative (question-answer) type, firstly, and predominantly has pronominal character of means of expression, Secondly .

Subordination in a phrase and a simple sentence

Types of subordination in a phrase and sentence:

  • agreement
  • contiguity

Subordination in a complex sentence

Subordinating relationship between simple sentences as part of a complex sentence, it is made using subordinating conjunctions or allied (relative) words. A complex sentence with such a connection is called a complex sentence. The independent part is called main part, and dependent - adnexal.

Types of subordinating connection in a complex sentence:

  • allied subordination
    - subordination of sentences with the help of unions.
    I don't want the world to know my mysterious tale(Lermontov).
  • relative subordination
    - subordination of sentences with the help of allied (relative) words.
    The moment has come when I realized the full value of these words(Goncharov).
  • indirect interrogative submission(interrogative-relative, relatively-interrogative)
    - subordination with the help of interrogative-relative pronouns and adverbs that connect the subordinate part with the main one, in which the member of the sentence explained by the subordinate part is expressed by a verb or a noun with the meaning of utterance, perception, mental activity, feeling, internal state.
    At first I couldn't figure out what exactly emo was.(Korolenko).
  • serial submission (switching on)
    - subordination, in which the first subordinate part refers to the main part, the second subordinate - to the first subordinate, the third subordinate - to, the second subordinate, etc.
    I hope this book makes it clear enough that I didn't hesitate to write the truth when I wanted to.(Bitter).
  • mutual subordination
    - mutual dependence of the predicative parts of a complex sentence, in which the main and subordinate clause; relations between parts are expressed by lexical-syntactic means.
    Before Chichikov had time to look around, he was already grabbed by the arm of the governor.(Gogol).
  • parallel subordination (subordination)



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See what "Subordinate relationship" is in other dictionaries:

    The connection between two syntactically unequal words in a phrase and a sentence, one of them acts as the main one, the other as a dependent one. New textbook, implementation of the plan, answer correctly. see coordination, control, adjoining; IN… …

    A connection that serves to express the relationship between the elements of a phrase and a sentence. Subordinating connection, see submission. Coordinating communication, see essay ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    A connection of words that serves to express the interdependence of the elements of a phrase and a sentence. Subordinating relationship. Writing communication… Dictionary of linguistic terms

    A connection that occurs between the components of a complex sentence. Contents 1 Description 2 Types of syntactic relationship 3 Notes ... Wikipedia

    Subordinating relationship, a formally expressed dependence of one syntactic element (word, sentence) on another. Syntactic units of 2 types of phrases and complex sentences are formed on the basis of P.. Word (in ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    This article or section describes some linguistic phenomenon in relation to the Russian language only. You can help Wikipedia by adding information about this phenomenon in other languages ​​and typological coverage ... Wikipedia

    Subordination, or subordinating connection, is the relation of syntactic inequality between words in a phrase and a sentence, as well as between the predicative parts of a complex sentence. In such a connection, one of the components (words or sentences) ... ... Wikipedia

    - (SPP) is a type of complex sentence, which is characterized by division into two main parts: main and subordinate. The subordinating relationship in such a sentence is determined by the dependence of one part on the other, that is, the main part suggests ... ... Wikipedia audiobook


Subordination, or subordination- the relation of syntactic inequality between words in a phrase and a sentence, as well as between the predicative parts of a complex sentence.

In such a connection, one of the components (words or sentences) acts as main, the other - as dependent.

The linguistic concept of "subordination" is preceded by a more ancient concept - "hypotaxis".

Features of the subordination

To distinguish between coordinating and subordinating connections, A. M. Peshkovsky proposed a criterion of reversibility. Submission is characterized irreversible relations between parts of the connection: one part cannot be put in place of another without prejudice to the overall content. However, this criterion is not considered decisive.

The essential difference between the subordination relationship (according to S. O. Kartsevsky) is that it functionally close to the dialogic unity of the informative (question-answer) type, firstly, and predominantly has pronominal character of means of expression, Secondly .

Subordination in a phrase and a simple sentence

Types of subordination in a phrase and sentence:

  • agreement
  • contiguity

Subordination in a complex sentence

The subordinating relationship between simple sentences as part of a complex sentence is made using subordinating conjunctions or allied (relative) words. A complex sentence with such a connection is called a complex sentence. The independent part is called main part, and dependent - adnexal.

Types of subordinating connection in a complex sentence:

  • allied subordination
    - subordination of sentences with the help of unions.
    I don't want the world to know my mysterious tale(Lermontov).
  • relative subordination
    - subordination of sentences with the help of allied (relative) words.
    The moment has come when I realized the full value of these words(Goncharov).
  • indirect interrogative submission(interrogative-relative, relatively-interrogative)
    - subordination with the help of interrogative-relative pronouns and adverbs that connect the subordinate part with the main one, in which the member of the sentence explained by the subordinate part is expressed by a verb or a noun with the meaning of utterance, perception, mental activity, feeling, internal state.
    At first I couldn't figure out what exactly emo was.(Korolenko).
  • serial submission (switching on)
    - subordination, in which the first subordinate part refers to the main part, the second subordinate - to the first subordinate, the third subordinate - to, the second subordinate, etc.
    I hope this book makes it clear enough that I didn't hesitate to write the truth when I wanted to.(Bitter).
  • mutual subordination
    - mutual dependence of the predicative parts of a complex sentence, in which the main and subordinate clauses are not distinguished; relations between parts are expressed by lexical-syntactic means.
    Before Chichikov had time to look around, he was already grabbed by the arm of the governor.(Gogol).
  • parallel subordination (subordination)



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  • Subordination (syntax)
  • Subordinating relationship (linguistics)

See what "Subordinate relationship" is in other dictionaries:

    subordination- The connection between two syntactically unequal words in a phrase and a sentence, one of them acts as the main one, the other as a dependent one. New textbook, implementation of the plan, answer correctly. see coordination, control, adjoining; IN… …

    Subordinating relationship (linguistics)

    syntactic connection- A connection that serves to express the relationship between the elements of a phrase and a sentence. Subordinating connection, see submission. Coordinating communication, see essay ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    syntactic link- The connection of words, which serves to express the interdependence of the elements of a phrase and a sentence. Subordinating relationship. Writing communication… Dictionary of linguistic terms

    Syntactic link- the relationship that occurs between the components of a complex sentence. Contents 1 Description 2 Types of syntactic relationship 3 Notes ... Wikipedia

    Subordination- subordination, a formally expressed dependence of one syntactic element (word, sentence) on another. Syntactic units of 2 types of phrases and complex sentences are formed on the basis of P.. Word (in ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Subordination (syntax)- This article or section describes some linguistic phenomenon in relation to the Russian language only. You can help Wikipedia by adding information about this phenomenon in other languages ​​and typological coverage ... Wikipedia

    Subordination (linguistics)- Subordination, or subordinating connection, is the relation of syntactic inequality between words in a phrase and a sentence, as well as between the predicative parts of a complex sentence. In such a connection, one of the components (words or sentences) ... ... Wikipedia

    Complex sentence- (SPP) is a type of complex sentence, which is characterized by division into two main parts: main and subordinate. The subordinating relationship in such a sentence is determined by the dependence of one part on the other, that is, the main part suggests ... ... Wikipedia Buy for 49 rubles audiobook

The methods of subordination are as follows: coordination, control, adjacency

Coordination as a way of subordination

  • Coordination- this is a kind of subordinating connection, when the dependent word takes on the grammatical forms of the main word, for example: a beautiful picture.

main word when agreed, there are a noun, a substantiated adjective or participle (that is, it has passed into the category of nouns), as well as a pronoun, a noun, for example: high spirits, student canteen.

dependent word can be an adjective, pronoun-adjective, ordinal number or participle, i.e. such categories of words in which the categories of gender, number and case are not independent, for example: the right decision, our meeting.

Management as a way of subordination

  • Control- a type of subordinating connection, when the dependent word is used in that indirect case that requires the main word, for example: write a book, click teeth, advise a friend (to whom? dative case);

main word when driving, it can act as a verb (to enjoy meeting), a noun (love for people), an adjective (worthy of regret), an adverb (not far from the city), ordinal (first in class).

When driving dependent word nouns, noun pronouns, substantiated adjectives (cover with snow, conversation with workers) always appear.

Adjacency as a way of subordination

  • adjoining- this is a kind of syntactic connection when an unchangeable dependent word is attached to the main one in meaning. For example: Very nice (how nice?).

Adjoining invariable words: infinitive, adverb, form of a simple comparative degree, gerund, some invariable adjectives (order to advance, door to the left, a little south).

Infinitive adjoins the verb (try to answer, came to visit), noun (desire to make peace), adjective (intends to rest)

Comparative forms adjoin the verb (answer better, run faster), to the noun (the news is more interesting, the drink is stronger)

Participles adjoin the verb in cases where the meaning of the adverb develops in them (read lying, sleep sitting).

Invariable adjectives such as beige, mini, maxi, Hindi, midi, flared, etc. adjoin nouns (Hindi language, peak hours).

Distinguish between connection and control

  • Her shoes- this is an adjunction (whose?),
  • To see him- management (of whom?).

In the ranks of pronouns there are two homonymous ranks. The personal pronoun answers the questions of indirect cases, and it participates in the subordinating connection - this is control, and the possessive participates in the adjunction.

  • run to the store- management,
  • go here- junction.

It is important to distinguish between the prepositional case form and the adverb, because there may be the same questions! If there is a preposition between the main and dependent word, then this is management.
