A complex sentence with a coordinating subordinating and non-union. Subordinating, coordinating, non-union connection in a complex sentence

Among sentences 44–53, find a complex sentence with an allied and an allied writing connection between parts. Write the number of this

(44) Bitterness and not very clear resentment soon left Anna Fedotovna. . .
(45) In the evening, the granddaughter, as usual, read her son’s letter to her, but Anna
Fedotovna suddenly said:
- (46) He didn’t want something, but they threatened, frightened him.
(47) Tanya! (48) Look into the box!
- (49) No, - Tanya said quietly. - (50) And the funeral is on the spot, and
photographs, but no letters.
(51) Anna Fedotovna closed her blind eyes, listened intently,
but her soul was silent, and the voice of her son no longer sounded in her. (52) He died, died,
perished a second time, and now perished forever. (53) Letters using her
blindness, they were not taken out of the casket - they were taken out of her soul, and now she is blind and
not only she was deaf, but also her soul…

Among sentences 1-6 find a complex sentence
with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this

- (1) Grandma, this is for you, - said Tanechka, entering the apartment
accompanied by two girls and one serious boy. (2) Blind
Anna Fedotovna stood on the threshold of the kitchen, not seeing, but knowing for sure that
the children shyly huddle at the threshold.
- (3) Go into the room and tell what business you came for, -
she said.
- (4) Your granddaughter Tanya said that your son was killed in the war and that
he wrote letters to you. (5) And we took the initiative: "There are no unknown heroes."
(6) And she also said that you were blinded by grief.

To explain to me what is a complex sentence with an allied and
allied coordinating connection? And a complex sentence
with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. And how to distinguish complex sentences from complex sentences?

Compound sentence with non-union and allied coordinating connection between parts: 53

Complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses: 4

complex sentence with different types ties - a complex sentence consisting of several grammatical bases, two of which, for example, are connected by a non-union connection, and the third is joined to them by a coordinating connection. For example: The letters, taking advantage of her blindness, were not taken out of the box - they were taken out of her soul, and now not only she, but also her soul was blind and deaf ... Explanation: The first grammatical basis - the predicate was taken out, the second grammatical basis also - this predicate was taken out . There is no union between them, there is a dash, that is, it is an union-free relationship. And then comes the third gram. the basis (subject to it and the soul, the predicate became deaf), and it joins the second with the coordinating union and. Thus, in this sentence there are two types of communication - non-union and coordinative.

A complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses is when the clauses refer to the same word in the main or to the entire main. Homogeneous subordinate clauses can be connected to each other without unions and with the help of unions and, but, but. Example: Your granddaughter Tanya said that your son was killed in the war and that he wrote letters to you. Subordinate clauses: that your son was killed in the war and that he wrote letters to you refer to the same word in the main part - she said. And are united by the union and.

Compound sentences are sentences consisting of two or more grams. bases connected by coordinating conjunctions and, but, etc. The parts of a compound sentence are equal in rights, can be used without each other.

Complex sentences are sentences consisting of two or more grams. bases connected by subordinating conjunctions what, how, when, where, because, etc. The parts of a complex sentence are unequal, cannot be used without each other, since the subordinate part depends on the main one.

THEORY task 14.

Algorithm for completing task No. 14

  • Find grammatical basics, make sure that the given sentence is complex. It must contain at least two grammatical bases. Do not forget that sentences can be one-part, so there is not always a subject in the stem. The main thing is that the sentences are talking about something different.
  • If there are no unions between simple sentences, then this unionless bond. This is the simplest type of connection of sentences in a complex one.
  • If there are coordinating conjunctions between simple ones, then this allied coordinating link. Remember the conjunctions.
  • If simple ones are connected by subordinating conjunctions, then this allied subordination. Do not forget that the subordinate clause can stand before the main one, then look for the union at the beginning of the sentence. The subordinate clause may be in the middle of the main one, then the answer will have two numbers denoting commas. Think about the types of subordinating conjunctions.


The private appeared at the battery with good news: he saw how the Nazis were driven out of Krasnaya Polyana.

Reasoning pattern

  • I find grammatical bases: PRIVATE APPEARED, HE SAW, KNOWED. There are three grammatical bases in this sentence.
  • There is a colon between the first and second sentences, there are no unions - this is unionless relationship.
  • The second and third sentences are connected by the conjunction HOW, this is a subordinating conjunction, so here is a subordinating conjunction.
  • I conclude that this proposal I am writing the number of this particular proposal, if there is a task: to find complex with the allied and allied subordination.


Among sentences 1-5, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Rain flooded the forest; on the edge, where Gorbunov was, boiling lakes formed. (2) The branches of the trees trembled under the weight of the water falling on them. (3) In the clouded, skewed air, no German fortifications could be seen. (4) But the mounted shelling of the enemy did not subside. (5) Bluish, ghostly pillars of ruptures tossed about in the dark depths of the downpour; flashes of fire ran across the field. (Berezko G.)

(1) Having dressed and throwing his coat over his shoulders, the general went out into the garden adjoining the house. (2) It was beginning to get light; leafless low apple trees with twisted branches crowded in the gray air. (3) The commander slowly walked along the wet path to a low fence. (4) The garden was located on the edge of a hill, and from here the half-flooded road that went around it was dimly visible - three tractors dragged along there, dragging heavy long-barreled cannons. (5) The commander - tall, corpulent, in a spacious coat - looked from above. (6) Machines roared, gasping, and crimson fire burst from exhaust pipe. (Berezko G.)

Among sentences 1-7, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

(1) The rain has gone west, but the forest has grown dark again. (2) From the east, a blue, half-sky cloud floated up, white birch trunks stood out brightly against its background. (3) Gorbunov looked through binoculars, kneeling near a tree. (4) Ulanov sat down a few steps from the commander. (5) He saw: across the field, far ahead, people were crawling, hardly distinguishable from here, because they were a little lighter than the ground. (6) Nicholas knew that this was moving to reinforce the third company of the consolidated group. (7) Eagerly waiting further developments, he was even annoyed that the attack wasn't going fast enough. (Berezko G.)

Among sentences 1-6, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied coordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

(1) The guys went all over the island in search of unmelted snow. (2) Seryozha Koltovoi was lucky to find in the crevices between the rocks the remains of last year's snow, compressed like ice. (3) Secretly from Petrovich, they lowered Seryozha, on a rope, he chopped snow with an ax and sent it upstairs in a bucket. (4) Climbing rocks in a stormy wind was dangerous. (5) Petrovich categorically forbade doing this, but the guys furtively brought buckets of last year's snow to Ilyinichna. (6) She grumbled, threatened to complain to the foreman, but did not refuse the snow: it was necessary to cook dinner. (Vurdov N.)

Among sentences 1-7, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied coordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

(1) The days are warm. (2) Spring coolness is in the air. (3) The taiga is majestic and calm, but this is only apparent calmness: inside every tree, every bush, a lot of work is going on. (4) Day and night, with all their lobes, the roots suck moisture from the earth, richly saturated with freshly melted snow. (5) The snow-white lambs on the willows have already fluffed out, the earrings on the alders have turned yellow, although the roots are still under the snow. (6) There is no greenery or flowers on the tiny lawns yet, but even here tireless activity is going on. (7) It's good in these May days in the taiga! (Fedoseev G.)

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Checheneva M.D.



Grade 9


  • introduce students to suggestions various types allied and non-union ties;
  • to form the ability to determine the types of allied and non-union connection in a complex sentence with different types of connection;
  • practice the skill of punctuation in a complex sentence with different types of communication.

Lesson type: combined.

Educational and methodological support: a Russian language textbook for the 9th grade of educational institutions. S.G. Barkhudarov, S.E. Kryuchkova, L.Yu. Maksimov and others - M .: Education, 2010.

Technologies used: computer technologies are used in the lesson (multimediaPowerPoint presentation, computer testing).

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

II. Checking homework.

III. Learning new material.

1. Analysis of the offer. (slide 3)

Rain flooded the forest; on the edge, where Gorbunov was, boiling lakes formed. (G. Berezko)

Highlight the grammatical basics, draw up a sentence scheme.

Make a conclusion about the way the sentences are connected

/ Grammatical bases: it was raining, Gorbunov was, lakes were formed.

; [ , (Where…) , ].

The parts of this sentence are connected with the help of an allied and allied subordinating connection. /

Complex sentences may consist of parts connected by various types of communication. Think about what will be discussed today in the lesson, what goals we should set for ourselves at the beginning of the lesson.

/ Students formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson. /

So, the topic of our lesson: "Complex sentences with various types of allied and non-union connection." (slide 4)

2. Teacher's word (slide 5)

Compound sentences can include sentences interconnected by different types of communication: coordinating, subordinating and non-union. Such constructions are called complex sentences with various types of allied and non-union connections.

Depending on the different combinations of types of communication in such complex sentences, the following groups are distinguished:

I. Composition + submission.

II. Composition + unionless connection.

III. Submission + unionless connection.

IV. Composition + submission + unionless connection.

IV. Anchoring

1. Analysis of proposals. (slides 6, 7)

Consider examples of sentences with different combinations of types of communication. (Analysis of proposals. Drawing up diagrams.)

1) The room we entered was separated by a barrier, and I did not see who my mother was talking to and to whom my mother bowed humbly. (V. Kaverin)

(The sentence is complex, with different types of communication: coordinating and subordinating; narrative).

2) The river also subsided; a little later and in it someone splashed more in last time and she became motionless. (I. Goncharov)

(The sentence is complex, with different types of connection: writing and non-union; narrative).

3) A Russian person is so sure of his strength and strength that he is not averse to breaking himself: he is little concerned with his past and boldly looks forward. (I.S. Turgenev)

(The sentence is complex, with different types of connection: subordinating and non-union; narrative).

4) The next day, when there was some calm, Pastukhov managed to contact the medical battalion, but they answered that Zvyagintsev had been transferred to an army hospital: a complex operation was required.

(The sentence is complex, with different types of connection: coordinating, subordinating and non-union; narrative)

2. Work with the textbook.

Consolidation of punctuation rules (ex. 245 orally, ex. 246)

3. Designing proposals. Group work. (slide 8)

Of the three simple sentences make a joint venture with different types of communication, build their schemes (on the board).

  • It was too late. We were reading a book. I didn't want to sleep at all.
  • Spring has come. The river has overflowed. There was a threat of flooding.
  • I looked at the clock. It was already nine. There was no one on the street.

4. Computer testing. (The test was created using the MyTestX program)

V. D/Z: § 18, ex. 248

VI. Summing up the lesson. Reflection. (Students continue sentences) (slide 9)

  1. Today I found out...
  2. It was interesting…
  3. It was difficult…
  4. I realized that...
  5. I will try…
  6. I managed…
  7. I was able...
  8. I wanted…

Lesson Analysis

Russian language lesson in grade 9 using computer technology.

The theme of the lesson is "Complex sentences with various types of allied and non-union connections." This is the first lesson on this topic. Lesson type: combined.

Lesson objectives: to introduce students to sentences with various types of allied and non-union communication; to form the ability to determine the types of allied and non-union connection in a complex sentence with different types of connection; practice the skill of punctuation in a complex sentence with different types of communication.

Equipment: computers, multimedia projector, screen.

The stages of the lesson are as follows: 1) Organizational moment. 2) Checking homework 3) Learning new material 4) The stage of consolidating the concept 5) Homework 6) Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

All didactic tasks at the stages of the lesson were completed.

Teaching methods that were used in the lesson: visibility, problematic, differentiated learning, student-centered approach. The methods correspond to the studied material and the results obtained can be considered positive.

The lesson uses multimediaPowerPoint presentation. The purpose of using the multimedia component is to create a visual range, systematize the material, increase students' motivation to learn. The presentation includes information on the new topic, didactic material.

The presentation is used at almost all stages of the lesson, and not just when studying new topic. Didactic material lessons can be shown on slides, which greatly increases the intensity of the lesson.

At the beginning of the study of a new topic, students analyze a sentence with various types of connections (text on the slide). Children comprehend facts, phenomena, ideas and draw their own conclusions about the way sentences are connected. Then they formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

The explanation of the new material is also accompanied by a slide show. This draws the attention of the students.

Testing is a widespread means of knowledge control today. After studying new material, students are offered a computer test as a reinforcement. , where there are tasks with a choice of answers and with open answers. Answering the test questions, students determine the types of allied and non-union connection in complex sentences, learn to find complex sentences with different types of connection in the text. In this way, you can check how students are oriented in new concepts, how they have learned a new topic.

The lesson went at an optimal pace, the parts are logically connected. Variety of species academic work ensures the stability of the educational and cognitive atmosphere.

The activity of students is adequate to the needs of the educational process, students are ready for problem situations. Various types of tasks provide employment for all students, taking into account their abilities.

The lesson created conditions for emotional openness and trust. The teacher and the student jointly create opportunities for self-realization of the individual.

The material of the lesson was learned by the students in sufficient volume.

Thus, we can conclude that the use of computer technology in Russian language lessons significantly increases the intensity of the lesson, makes learning new material more visual, and also increases the efficiency of schoolchildren, activates their attention.


Tasks for computer testing.

1. In which case is a complex sentence with different types of connection presented?

  1. To treat language somehow means to think somehow: inaccurately, approximately, incorrectly.
  2. When you see in front of you the remnants of the majestic beauty that was concentrated in such abundance in the Acropolis, you see with your own eyes how art and devastating wars opposed each other.
  3. Andersen collected the grains of poetry from peasant fields, warmed them to his heart, sowed them in low huts, and from these seeds, unprecedented and magnificent flowers of poetry grew and blossomed, delighting the hearts of the poor.
  4. Life is constant work, and only he understands it in a completely human way who looks at it from this point of view.

2. In which case is a complex sentence with different types of connection presented?

  1. Snow is still whitening in the fields, and the waters are noisy in spring.
  2. On a bright sunny morning, when the birds were still singing with might and main, when the dew had not yet dried up on the shady clearings of the park, the whole camp came to see Alka off.
  3. Thunder rumbled over the roof, growing loudly and irritated by the crackling when the reddish lightning flashed; darkened from the overhead clouds.
  4. At the railway crossing, the barrier was lowered: a courier train was coming from the station.

3. In what case is the correct description of the proposal given?

Her presence gave me a pleasure that I had not experienced for a long time, and I was afraid to look at her, so that my look would somehow betray my hidden feeling.

4. In what case is the correct description of the proposal given?

The wider the Yenisei became, the flatter the banks became, the current subsided, the river calmed down, rolled water without noise and fuss. (V.P. Astafiev)

  1. JV with composition and submission
  2. JV with writing and unionless communication
  3. JV with subordination and unionless communication
  4. JV with composition, subordination and unionless communication

5. In what case is the correct description of the proposal given?

A person must work, work hard, no matter who he is, and in this alone lies the meaning and purpose of his life, his happiness, his delights. (A. Chekhov)

  1. JV with composition and submission
  2. JV with writing and unionless communication
  3. JV with subordination and unionless communication
  4. JV with composition, subordination and unionless communication

6. In what case is the correct description of the proposal given?

There is no doubt that the desire to dazzle Russian speech foreign words needlessly, without sufficient reason, it is contrary to common sense and taste, but it harms not the Russian language, not Russian literature, but only those who are obsessed with it. (V. Belinsky)

  1. JV with composition and submission
  2. JV with writing and unionless communication
  3. JV with subordination and unionless communication
  4. JV with composition, subordination and unionless communication

7. In which case is the correct description of the proposal given?

An hour later it was possible to go: the blizzard subsided, the sky cleared up, and we set off. (A. Pushkin)

  1. JV with composition and submission
  2. JV with writing and unionless communication
  3. JV with subordination and unionless communication
  4. JV with composition, subordination and unionless communication

8. Among sentences 1-7, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Grandmother sat for days on end under a broken cherry tree. (2) One trunk of the cherry has already dried up, the one that hugged and kept the house. (3) The second barrel was still rushing into the sky with hopeless persistence. (4) Grandmother Odarka was waiting for her grandson and slowly, imperceptibly, fell into a dense slumber. (5) And she no longer heard the rustle of leaves above her head, nor the chime of birds - the world went out and moved away from her with all its fuss. (6) Only the roar of war still heard she, and shuddered from this roar. (7) And she thought: from under the roots of this clubfoot cherries, which she once planted for some reason, he comes, from the very interior of the earth, from her black womb. (Astafiev V.)

9. Among sentences 1-9, find a complex sentence with a coordinating and subordinating connection. Write the number of this offer.

(1) We sat for a long time on the shore under the elms. (2) The mosquitoes are gone. (3) A light breeze, pulling down, tilting the grass, but not moving a leaf on the trees, made the little demons hide.

(4) The evening was in no hurry, letting the sunset run amok. (5) The crimson flame in the west turned the silvery Ugra into a river of blood, and all the mosquitoes flew there to plunge their trunks into a red stream and fill with the substratum of life. (6) They soon realized that they were mistaken, and, inflamed with anger, returned back. (7) We stopped resisting. (8) Around each of us, and we were sitting on a terrace attached to the hut, a dense cloud hovered. (9) It seemed that pomegranate seeds were floating: swollen bellies shone through ruby.

10. Among sentences 44–53, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied coordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

(44) Bitterness and not very clear resentment soon left Anna Fedotovna ...

(45) In the evening, the granddaughter, as usual, read her son’s letter to her, but Anna Fedotovna suddenly said:

- (46) He didn’t want something, but they threatened, frightened him. (47) Tanya! (48) Look into the box!

- (49) No, - Tanya said quietly. - (50) And the funeral is in place, and the photographs, but there are no letters.

(51) Anna Fedotovna closed her blind eyes, listened intently, but her soul was silent, and her son's voice no longer sounded in her. (52) He died out, died, died a second time, and now he is already dead forever. (53) The letters, taking advantage of her blindness, were not taken out of the box - they were taken out of her soul, and now not only she, but also her soul was blind and deaf ... (According to B. Vasiliev)


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Complex sentences with different types of connection- This complex sentences , which consist of at least of three simple sentences , interconnected by a coordinating, subordinating and non-union connection.

To understand the meaning of such complex structures, it is important to understand how the simple sentences included in them are grouped together.

Often complex sentences with different types of connection are divided into two or more parts (blocks), connected with the help of coordinating unions or union-free; and each part in structure is either a complex sentence or a simple one.

For example:

1) [Sad I]: [No friend with me], (with whom I would wash down a long parting), (to whom I could shake hands from the heart and wish many merry years)(A. Pushkin).

This is a complex sentence with different types of communication: non-union and subordinating, consists of two parts (blocks) connected asylum-free; the second part reveals the reason for what is said in the first; The first part of the structure is a simple sentence; Part II is a complex sentence with two subordinate clauses, with homogeneous subordination.

2) [lane was all in the gardens], and [the fences grew lindens throwing now, by the moon, a wide shadow], (so that fences And gates on one side completely drowned in darkness)(A. Chekhov).

This is a complex sentence with different types of communication: coordinating and subordinating, consists of two parts connected by a coordinating connecting union and, the relations between the parts are enumerative; The first part of the structure is a simple sentence; Part II - a complex sentence with a subordinate clause; the subordinate clause depends on everything main, joins it with a union so.

In a complex sentence, there may be sentences with various types of allied and allied connection.

These include:

1) composition and submission.

For example: The sun set, and night followed day without interval, as is usually the case in the south.(Lermontov).

(And - a coordinating union, as - a subordinating union.)

Schematic of this offer:

2) composition and non-union communication.

For example: The sun had long since set, but the forest had not yet had time to subside: the doves murmured near, the cuckoo cuckooed in the distance.(Bunin).

(But - a coordinating conjunction.)

Schematic of this offer:

3) subordination and non-union communication.

For example: When he awoke, the sun was already rising; the barrow obscured him(Chekhov).

(When - subordinating union.)

Schematic of this offer:

4) composition, subordination and non-union connection.

For example: The garden was spacious and grew only oaks; they had only recently begun to blossom, so that now through the young leaves one could see the whole garden with its stage, tables and swings.

(And is a coordinating conjunction, so a subordinating conjunction.)

Schematic of this offer:

In complex sentences with a coordinating and subordinating connection, coordinating and subordinating unions may be nearby.

For example: The weather was fine all day, but when we sailed to Odessa, it began to rain heavily.

(But - a coordinating union, when - a subordinating union.)

Schematic of this offer:

Punctuation marks in sentences with different types of connection

In order to correctly punctuate complex sentences with different types of connection, it is necessary to single out simple sentences, determine the type of connection between them and select the appropriate punctuation mark.

As a rule, a comma is placed between simple sentences as part of a complex one with different types of connection.

For example: [In the morning, in the sun, the trees were covered with luxurious hoarfrost] , and [it went on two hours], [then the frost disappears] , [sun closed] , and [the day passed quietly, thoughtfully , with a drop in the middle of the day and anomalous lunar twilight in the evening].

Sometimes two, three or more simple offers most closely related to each other in meaning and can be separated from other parts of a complex sentence semicolon . Most often, a semicolon occurs in place of an allied connection.

For example: (When he woke up) [the sun was already rising] ; [the barrow obscured him].(The proposal is complex, with different types of connection: with allied and allied connection.)

In the place of an allied bond between simple sentences in complex possible Also comma , dash And colon , which are placed according to the rules for punctuation in a non-union complex sentence.

For example: [The sun has long since set] , But[the forest hasn't died down yet] : [doves murmured near] , [Cuckoo calls in the distance]. (The proposal is complex, with different types of connection: with allied and allied connection.)

[Leo Tolstoy saw a broken burdock] and [lightning flashes] : [there was an idea for an amazing story about Hadji Murad](Paust.). (The sentence is complex, with different types of connection: coordinative and non-union.)

In difficult syntactic constructions, breaking up into large logical-syntactic blocks, which themselves are complex sentences or in which one of the blocks turns out to be a complex sentence, punctuation marks are placed at the junction of the blocks, indicating the relationship of the blocks, while maintaining internal signs set on their own syntactic basis.

For example: [Bushes, trees, even stumps are so familiar to me here], (that wild clearing has become like a garden to me) : [every bush, every pine, fir-tree caressed], and [they all became mine], and [it's like I planted them], [this is my own garden](Prishv.) - at the junction of blocks there is a colon; [Yesterday a woodcock stuck its nose into this foliage] (to get a worm out from under it) ; [at this time we approached], and [he was forced to take off without throwing off the worn layer of old aspen leaves from his beak](Shv.) - at the junction of blocks there is a semicolon.

Particularly difficult is punctuation at the junction of the writing And subordinating unions (or a coordinating union and an allied word). Their punctuation is subject to the laws of the design of sentences with a coordinating, subordinating and non-union connection. However, at the same time, proposals in which several unions are nearby stand out and require special attention.

In such cases, a comma is placed between unions if the second part of the double union does not follow. then yes, but(in this case subordinate clause may be omitted). In other cases, a comma is not placed between the two unions.

For example: Winter was coming and , when the first frosts hit, it became hard to live in the forest. - Winter was approaching, and when the first frosts hit, it became hard to live in the forest.

You can call me but , If you don't call today, we'll leave tomorrow. You can call me, but if you don't call today, we'll leave tomorrow.

I think that , if you try hard, you will succeed. “I think that if you try hard, you will succeed.

Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence with different types of connection

Scheme for parsing a complex sentence with different types of communication

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative, incentive).

2. Indicate the type of sentence by emotional coloring (exclamatory or non-exclamatory).

3. Determine (by grammar basics) the number of simple sentences, find their boundaries.

4. Determine the semantic parts (blocks) and the type of connection between them (union-free or coordinative).

5. Give a description of each part (block) in terms of structure (simple or complex sentence).

6. Draw up a proposal scheme.


[Suddenly a thick fog], [as if separated by a wall He me from the rest of the world], and, (so as not to get lost), [ I decided
