Poem in I. Turgenev's prose "Sparrow"

A series of miniatures "Poems in Prose" is the result of the writer's life, its philosophical understanding, reflection of innermost thoughts and feelings.

Most of the works of the cycle are full of sadness, loneliness and reflections on the transience of life, characteristic of an elderly person. But miniature "Sparrow" written in an optimistic tone. It sounds a real hymn to life and love, before which any evil is powerless.

In a few words, Turgenev outlines a real life drama. Its main characters are animals. However, the reader will clearly understand that we are talking about about selfless love in general, and not only parental.

Composition The work is traditional: unhurried plot, rapid development of action and denouement. The hunting dog Trezor is not the embodiment of evil at all. He personifies fate, rock more. The dog, obeying instincts, grabs the game. She doesn't care that it's just a yellow-mouthed chick. For the little sparrow, the dog is "huge monster". The bird trembles with terror, but cannot "sit on a high, safe branch" and rushes to rescue "your child".

The dedication of an adult sparrow makes the dog back away. Trezor is stunned by the little bird's heroism. He respects the power that made the sparrow sacrifice himself for the sake of the chick and, even with "pathetic squeak", step on the offender of his cub.

Confusion, excitement in the presentation, as well as intermittent phrases create an additional intensity of feelings, give dynamism to the action. Turgenev vividly and emotionally describes the state of the bird with the help of a series of adjectives ( disheveled, distorted, desperate, miserable, small) and verbs ( rushed, blocked, froze, sacrificed).

Since the first publication of this touching and cautionary tale 120 years have passed about the brave sparrow. But the work is still published as a separate book for young readers and makes adults think. Turgenev ended the poem aphoristically: “only love holds and moves life”. These words are relevant and true at all times.

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This is Turgenev's blank verse about the great courage of a little sparrow.

Then something unexpected appears, and the dog reacts by speeding up its steps. It turns out that she smelled (and heard) a little sparrow. The chick, indeed, fell out of the nest, and the dog mistook it for game. The dog inexorably approached the unlucky chick. And suddenly another surprise - on her (right in front of the muzzle) a stone, like a hawk, fell old sparrow. He was protecting his chick. He was not afraid of a dog that is much bigger than him, that has claws and teeth. The author notes that the dog should have seemed like a real monster to the sparrow, but still he was not afraid. Although the author calls it “distorted”, with a disheveled look and a pitiful squeak, a person cannot but admire the courage of a small bird. The miserable (especially in comparison with the dog) sparrow twice even rushed at her muzzle - at bared fangs.

Turgenev emphasizes that Sparrow heroically protects his child. Indeed, he trembles with horror, he is stupefied and hoarse, but does not run. Sparrow sacrifices himself.

Ivan Sergeevich imagines that Sparrow could calmly (or with excitement) sit on his branch - safe. But he jumped into action! Some force greater than himself had inspired him. The bird cared not only for herself, but for her descendants. And it is not enough to say that only instinct spoke in her.

And then Trezor (that same dog) stopped ... And she backed away! She also felt this Power, although she felt embarrassed.

The owner calls the dog, leaves. And there is reverence in his heart. It is this word that characterizes the attitude towards the heroic sparrow.

In the finale, the author appeals to the reader with a request not to laugh at him. And a conclusion is made, in which this force is given a name - love. And this idea is developed by Turgenev. He concludes the poem by saying that it is love that moves the world.

The poem is very logical and concise. There are no unnecessary details in it - even the weather is not described. It is built on the contrast of a miserable sparrow and his heroic deed. Vocabulary is used neutral, and when it comes to this small feat, then solemn. The narrator witnesses the scene and she pushes him to philosophical thoughts.

Analysis 2

The work of I. S. Turgenev with the uncomplicated title "Sparrow", referring to a poem in prose, is a hymn to love in any of its manifestations. It concentrated a bunch of experiences, emotions and other feelings that are associated with surprise, admiration from what he saw. The author proved that not only a person, but also any living creature on earth is able to truly show love by doing crazy things for the sake of someone who is dear to you. It remains an unfathomable mystery to many. But the situation is clear only to a loving being or a person who is ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of another.

The lyrical hero becomes a witness to the fearless actions of the "heroic bird" in relation to his "brainchild" that ended up on earth. An adult bird, flying down with great speed, in turn, finds itself face to face with deadly danger- in front of a hunting dog. The animal looked many times stronger than her, but the bird did not think about its safety. The Trezor, which could have eaten the chick, “backed away.”

The author's attitude to the situation is positive. He remained in awe of the courage of the defenseless bird. But the main thing that the witness of what happened wanted to emphasize was that the bird decided on such a risk out of selfless love for her chick. Sacrificing her life, she acts on the call of instinct, the heart.

The images of the defender and the chick help to create expressive epithets, definitions: “barely sprouting wings”, “old ... sparrow”, “small body”, “with a desperate squeak”. They once again emphasize the physical impotence in front of those who are stronger according to the laws of nature.

However, the author on this example showed that disobedience to fear out of sacrificial love for his children is above all. This applies to all living beings, including humans. The author watches with approval what is happening, since the courage of the bird that protected its chick cannot leave anyone indifferent. After this episode, it seems to him that life is beautiful, since boundless love and heroism take place in it. A special place in the work is given to the description of a force that resembles magic. After all, it is precisely such a conclusion that suggests itself at the moment when the bird consciously goes to death.

In the poem, the author contrasts two concepts - strength and weakness, which animals demonstrate. By their actions, they make you think about what situations each person can find himself in and how to act in order to protect loved ones from trouble. At the same time, Turgenev endows animals with qualities characteristic of people.

Analysis of the poem Sparrow according to plan

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We invite you to meet one interesting work Ivan Sergeevich, to analyze it. "Sparrow" Turgenev - that's what the text will be discussed. Its genre is not quite usual - a poem in prose. This should be kept in mind when conducting the analysis. Turgenev's "Sparrow" is one of the miniatures in prose created by the author. To begin with, let us note what are the features of these works.

Features of miniatures in Turgenev's prose

Ivan Sergeevich has always been a lyricist at heart, as an analysis of Turgenev's prose shows. "Sparrow" is far from the only proof of this. All miniatures in prose created by the author, one of which is the poem we are interested in, are unusually lyrical. In addition, in these works it is presented above) reflects a deep life philosophy author. They teach us to be kinder.

Love is one of the main themes of the miniatures. However, it is not intimate, sensual, but represents an all-conquering force, is the ability to sacrifice oneself for the sake of happiness and life. loved one. As it shows - a work in which a very touching example of love in this sense is presented.

The plot of the poem

The plot of the story is quite simple. Let's briefly outline it, conducting the analysis. "Sparrow" Turgenev begins as follows. Returning from hunting main character walks down the alley. Here he sees a chick that has fallen out of the nest.

This chick is still quite weakly fledged. The protagonist's dog smells game. She wants to pounce on the chick. It seems that Turgenev (Sparrow) is preparing a tragic ending for us. wouldn't be so interesting if that were the case. The author uses an unexpected plot move - suddenly an adult sparrow breaks off a branch. He selflessly undertakes to protect his child.

In this work, the author very touchingly and accurately describes the state of a bird that is ready to sacrifice itself in order to save a loved one. The ruffled sparrow decides to attack the big dog, the food is pitiful and desperate. To the protagonist's surprise, his dog backs away in embarrassment.

How the sparrow managed to defeat the dog

Of course the little bird can't do anything big dog. However, the point, apparently, is in its moral, and not physical strength. The dog felt how sacrificial and great the feeling of the bird is. The dog understood that she decided to fight to the very end, protecting the little bird. And the protagonist of the work recalls the dog and leaves with it in high spirits. He is in Once again convinced that love is an all-conquering force.

The characters of the poem

Let us continue the analysis of the poem "Sparrow" by Turgenev with a characterization of the characters. It features 4 characters: a dog, a human, an adult and a little sparrow. Their introduction into the text is not accidental, each of the images has its own value.


What do we know about a person? This is a hunter who, in fact, is able to kill birds and animals for food. However, he is in awe as he watches the sparrow protect its child. The man is not at all upset that the dog showed weakness and did not fight the bird. On the contrary, he admires the fact that the power of love has won.


As for the dog, in the work it is not just a great threat, but a real personification of fate, fate. Obeying instincts, the dog grabs the game. He doesn't care at all that it's just a little yellow-mouthed chick. A dog for a sparrow is a "huge monster." It seemed that he could not be defeated. However, as we see, the power of love is so great that it can even change fate. This is expressed in the fact that the embarrassed dog moves away from the small bold bird.

little sparrow

The fledgling sparrow from the work is the personification of a helpless creature in need of care. He cannot face the threat, fight the dog, so he just sits still.

adult sparrow

An adult sparrow represents the power of sacrificial all-conquering love. The bird sees how great the threat is, but she still decides to throw a "stone" in front of the dog and thereby protect her child.

in the work

Excitement, inconsistency in presentation, intermittent phrases - all this gives dynamism to what is happening, creates an intensity of feelings. Turgenev emotionally and vividly describes the state of the bird. To do this, he uses a whole series of adjectives (desperate, distorted, disheveled, small, miserable), as well as verbs (shielded, rushed, sacrificed, froze). A small scene, so emotionally and lyrically described by the author, shows the great power of love, which is understandable to everyone and drives all living things. It is stronger than the fear of death.

The relevance of the poem

It was created back in 1878. More than a century has passed since its first publication. However, this work is still published as a separate book for young readers. "Sparrow" and in our days are asked to conduct schoolchildren. It makes not only children think, but also adults. The work ends aphoristically: Turgenev notes that life is kept and moved only by love. These words are true and relevant at all times.

Concluding the analysis of the poem "Sparrow" by Turgenev, we note that Ivan Sergeevich - Great master words. He knows how to hook the strings human soul capable of awakening the best aspirations in people. After reading this work, there is a desire to give true love and do good. And the analysis of the poem in Turgenev's prose "Sparrow" allows us to identify its main features that can be missed with a cursory acquaintance with the text.

Author of the stories "First Love", "Spring Waters", novels " Noble Nest”,“ On the Eve ”is, first of all, a singer of love and an admirer of nature, which he associates with the universe. In the life of both Turgenev himself and his central ones, fiery feelings occupy not only a priority, but also a truly fundamental place. It will show small work and his analysis is "Sparrow". Turgenev depicted in him one of the faces of love.

The plot of the poem "Sparrow"

A man is returning home from hunting. He is already walking along the alley of the garden. The dog, as befits a pointer, runs ahead - it is always and everywhere looking for prey. Suddenly (thanks to this adverb, the reader draws attention to the fact that something is about to begin), she changed the pace and began to slowly creep up to something. It turns out that a yellow-billed chick was sitting motionless not far from the alley.

He was completely helpless, only puffed up his slightly sprouting wings. Sympathy for the sparrow paralyzes the hunter - this is exactly what the work and its analysis show to readers ("Sparrow"). Turgenev wanted to demonstrate that a person reacts much more slowly than animals to what is happening. The man just looks and does nothing.


And the dog, slowly rearranging its paws, approaches the unfortunate. Suddenly (this adverb repeatedly abruptly changes the whole situation) from a tree in front of the very muzzle of a dog with a huge toothy bared mouth, sparrows, spreading all the feathers, bravely fall.

The writer uses participial turnover, as if accelerating the actions of the defender. The sparrow is pathetic, helpless, squeaks hoarsely, but jumps towards the dog, protecting the chick, covering it with itself. In this part of the work, the author uses antonyms, contrasting the enormity of a dog compared to the small body of a bird.

The feathered creature decided to become a victim of this beast, although he is terribly scared. All the verbs used in this case accurately and colorfully convey those actions that helped in this desperate situation. The dog was taken aback, stopped and even moved back. You should never lose hope for salvation - this is the conclusion that readers make, having disassembled the work in parts, making its analysis ("Sparrow"). Turgenev showed how powerful the natural instinct to protect his cub is.


The hunter recalled the dog, which was taken aback, and left with reverence for the behavior of the old sparrow. He wandered between the trees, thought about what had happened and unwittingly did the analysis. Sparrow ... Turgenev exalted the little bird, but left the hunter puzzled. AND main character of this story, both the author and the readers - everyone looked at the bird as a hero, bowing before her selfless love.

Art style

This is a lyrical narrative in prose, which consistently describes the entire chain of events. It widely uses epithets to describe both the old and the young sparrow. It is they who convey the horror of the ongoing action. A dog is brightly drawn, which is also led by instinct. She is completely subordinate to the passion of hunting. It is beyond her strength not to follow him. Only the owner can stop the animal, but not the game.

And then a small sparrow stood in her way, all trembling with fear, but ready to protect the chick. courage stopped the dog, who had seen a lot. The emotionality and imagery of Turgenev show us in every detail a seemingly insignificant event. The author rose to the highest generalizations in the work "Sparrow". Turgenev, whose theme in the poem is connected with love and sacrifice, in other places will call it a sacred flame and a feeling that is a reflection of eternity itself.

Poem in prose

This was written in April 1878. At this time, the author was 60 years old and he was everywhere haunted by the ghost of impending death. To distract from black thoughts, to convince himself of the eternal victory of good over evil, he will create this poem in prose. It is permeated with heartfelt lines about love, on which everything rests and moves. It is on this positive note that Turgenev's "Sparrow" ends, summary which was presented.
