Irene kao your every breath torrent. Irene Kao - Every breath you take


Proprietà letteraria riserata

© 2016 Rizzoli Libri S.p.A. / Rizzoli

© Malysheva A.A., translation into Russian, 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing House" E ", 2017

To my parents

For those who are not afraid to love

The DJ who first inspired me

Dark. Light. Dark.

She is still behind the stage, peering out from behind the curtains: there is an endless sea of ​​\u200b\u200braised hands and many bodies moving in the rhythm of the dance. Today the DJ is on a roll and the console vibrates with his crazy energy. This energy fills everyone, including her. My heart is pounding, my hands are sweaty, my legs are trembling slightly. It's not her first time on this stage, but she can't get used to this feeling: it's too new and still overwhelms her.

She wears an elegant black lace corset laced at the back with a satin ribbon. It tightens the small chest and forces the breath to be dosed. It helps to focus. Just a minute before going on stage. She stretches the muscles of her legs, leaning on high heels of perforated leather boots. Pulls on silk gloves and last time replays the performance in his head, imagining it in this atmosphere. Mistakes are unacceptable, and if they do happen, you will need to try to make everything look natural. She knows exactly what she wants: to stun and seduce. Body and mind. He takes one last look at himself in the giant orb illuminating the backstage space. Bright makeup emphasizes the blue of the eyes, Rouge Noir lipstick accentuates her lips with a heart. Hair flowing over her shoulders in wild waves, fluttering in a breath of artificial wind.

Ten seconds to exit. She clutches the droplet on her chest, kisses him and looks up. Into the sky. Everything will be fine.

Dark. Light. Dark.

The rumble comes in waves from the console. Then a sound that seems to last forever. And at that moment she comes out, in the spotlight, in the rhythm of the music. This rhythm is like the pulse of a giant heart beating in unison with thousands of hearts on the dance floor. She dances for them. With them.

At this moment, she is what she wants to be. Free. Real. Live.

At this moment, she feels.

The warm rays of the soft May sun penetrate the arched windows and illuminate the pink clouds in the center of the room. Her girls walk in a circle, making smooth movements, and the hall is filled with the gentle sounds of the piano and violin.

She is in front of them, watching. Petite, energetic, gentle and powerful at the same time. Dark hair collected in a skillful chignon. On it, as well as on the students, a tutu and pointe shoes. No loose strands - she should be an example for these little beasts in tights. Over the beige leggings - a pale blue bodysuit, the color of the eyes.

- Now lined up in rows: Alice, Ginevra, Chiara - in the first; Katerina, Beatrice, Sofia - in the second; Matilda, Vittoria, Giada - in the third.

And after a moment, the space in the center of the hall changes shape and turns from a circle into a square. Here she is, her team of fidgets.

- First position! she says louder. Their hands simultaneously rest on their sides, and their feet are deployed in one line. Bianca gives the students a satisfied look, her eyes shining. They even seem to become brighter and sparkle like two sapphires on porcelain-white skin. How clever are her girls! This year they have done a great job.

Good!– Her voice rises again, the trained body repeats the positions. - Smile, look up, pull in your stomach, back is straight! We rotate the hips, squeeze the buttocks, hands are relaxed. Higher nose, chest forward, draw in the buttocks… Deep breath…

Bianca types a name on an iPad connected to speakers; she has thin fingers and pastel pink polish on her nails. The piano composition of Lee Ru Ma flows from the speakers, from which the hall is filled with warmth, and faces with light.

- I-i-i demi-plié one, straight two Her voice drops to a monotonous whisper. - Raise up three, faster, faster, smoothly descend, grand-plié five, six, seven, eight and-and-and the second! Now you yourself, you know the movements ... Come on, without prompts ... Good! Great, little ones. Now it's the same on the other side.

She speaks a mixture of Italian, French and English: one french girls don't understand, she's already been through this. For ten years she has been teaching at this school in the center of Bassano del Grappa, and over the decade she has developed her own method, which combines rigor, dedication, and at the same time takes into account the characteristics and needs of each student. After all, every body is unique, and everyone's head is different. You need to be able to listen. But the most important thing is the inner balance of the teacher. Balance! Here is the first rule classical dance. Girls who have already moved into the fourth grade quickly learned this science. From day one, Bianca made it very clear:

– In this school, you will learn not only the science of dance - first of all, you will learn to stand on your feet, not to fall and always follow the rules. And if you do fall, then learn to get up.

Bianca stops the music. In the center of the hall, nine clouds form a string of light.

“Now the first row is back,” Bianca commands, disposing of the space like a conductor. Her arms are thin and flexible, but with well-defined muscles. She is already over thirty, but she has never loved her body the way she does now - it is athletic, elastic, honed for long years teaching.

Alice, Ginevra and Chiara carry out her commands clearly, like soldiers, their steps are light.

Yes, teacher?

- Forward. And Ginevra too, so I can see you better.

Both barely restrain themselves from snorting in displeasure, and, after exchanging tense glances, take their places.

– In the third position! Bianca stretches her legs, stands on her toes. Her height barely reaches sixty centimeters, she almost merges with the girls.

“So, do you remember how we always talk? From neck to pelvis we...

- In cement! - they answer in chorus, loudly and clearly.

- Well done! Therefore, do not forget - everything is tense here. - Bianca spends index finger from the hips to the solar plexus. I don't need pudding...

They laugh, and it seems as if the tension that held them down is easing.

- Focused! Grand battement! And one, and two, three and four, to the second uh! Bianca vigorously moves her leg aside. - Good Katerina! Derriere, sock for chignon, and-and-and hands allongees up,” she commands.

Irene Kao

Every Breath You Take. Where words end, dance begins


Proprietà letteraria riserata

© 2016 Rizzoli Libri S.p.A. / Rizzoli

© Malysheva A.A., translation into Russian, 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing House" E ", 2017

To my parents

For those who are not afraid to love

The DJ who first inspired me

Dark. Light. Dark.

She is still behind the stage, peering out from behind the curtains: there is an endless sea of ​​\u200b\u200braised hands and many bodies moving in the rhythm of the dance. Today the DJ is on a roll and the console vibrates with his crazy energy. This energy fills everyone, including her. My heart is pounding, my hands are sweaty, my legs are trembling slightly. It's not her first time on this stage, but she can't get used to this feeling: it's too new and still overwhelms her.

She wears an elegant black lace corset laced at the back with a satin ribbon. It tightens the small chest and forces the breath to be dosed. It helps to focus. Just a minute before going on stage. She stretches the muscles of her legs, leaning on high heels of perforated leather boots. He pulls on his silk gloves and replays the performance in his head for the last time, imagining it in this atmosphere. Mistakes are unacceptable, and if they do happen, you will need to try to make everything look natural. She knows exactly what she wants: to stun and seduce. Body and mind. He takes one last look at himself in the giant orb illuminating the backstage area. Bright makeup emphasizes the blue of the eyes, Rouge Noir lipstick accentuates her lips with a heart. Hair flowing over her shoulders in wild waves, fluttering in a breath of artificial wind.

Ten seconds to exit. She clutches the droplet on her chest, kisses him and looks up. Into the sky. Everything will be fine.

Dark. Light. Dark.

The rumble comes in waves from the console. Then a sound that seems to last forever. And at that moment she comes out, in the spotlight, in the rhythm of the music. This rhythm is like the pulse of a giant heart beating in unison with thousands of hearts on the dance floor. She dances for them. With them.

At this moment, she is what she wants to be. Free. Real. Live.

At this moment, she feels.

The warm rays of the soft May sun penetrate the arched windows and illuminate the pink clouds in the center of the room. Her girls walk in a circle, making smooth movements, and the hall is filled with the gentle sounds of the piano and violin.

She is in front of them, watching. Petite, energetic, gentle and powerful at the same time. Dark hair is collected in a skillful chignon. On it, as well as on the students, a tutu and pointe shoes. No loose strands - she should be an example for these little beasts in tights. Over the beige leggings - a pale blue bodysuit, the color of the eyes.

- Now lined up in rows: Alice, Ginevra, Chiara - in the first; Katerina, Beatrice, Sofia - in the second; Matilda, Vittoria, Giada - in the third.

And after a moment, the space in the center of the hall changes shape and turns from a circle into a square. Here she is, her team of fidgets.

- First position! she says louder. Their hands simultaneously rest on their sides, and their feet are deployed in one line. Bianca gives the students a satisfied look, her eyes shining. They even seem to become brighter and sparkle like two sapphires on porcelain-white skin. How clever are her girls! This year they have done a great job.

Good!– Her voice rises again, the trained body repeats the positions. - Smile, look up, pull in your stomach, back is straight! We rotate the hips, squeeze the buttocks, hands are relaxed. Higher nose, chest forward, draw in the buttocks… Deep breath…


Proprietà letteraria riserata

© 2016 Rizzoli Libri S.p.A. / Rizzoli

© Malysheva A.A., translation into Russian, 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing House" E ", 2017

* * *

To my parents

For those who are not afraid to love

The DJ who first inspired me

Dark. Light. Dark.

She is still behind the stage, peering out from behind the curtains: there is an endless sea of ​​\u200b\u200braised hands and many bodies moving in the rhythm of the dance. Today the DJ is on a roll and the console vibrates with his crazy energy. This energy fills everyone, including her. My heart is pounding, my hands are sweaty, my legs are trembling slightly. It's not her first time on this stage, but she can't get used to this feeling: it's too new and still overwhelms her.

She wears an elegant black lace corset laced at the back with a satin ribbon. It tightens the small chest and forces the breath to be dosed. It helps to focus. Just a minute before going on stage. She stretches the muscles of her legs, leaning on high heels of perforated leather boots. He pulls on his silk gloves and replays the performance in his head for the last time, imagining it in this atmosphere. Mistakes are unacceptable, and if they do happen, you will need to try to make everything look natural. She knows exactly what she wants: to stun and seduce. Body and mind. He takes one last look at himself in the giant orb illuminating the backstage area. Bright makeup emphasizes the blue of the eyes, Rouge Noir lipstick accentuates her lips with a heart. Hair flowing over her shoulders in wild waves, fluttering in a breath of artificial wind.

Ten seconds to exit. She clutches the droplet on her chest, kisses him and looks up. Into the sky. Everything will be fine.

Dark. Light. Dark.

The rumble comes in waves from the console. Then a sound that seems to last forever. And at that moment she comes out, in the spotlight, in the rhythm of the music. This rhythm is like the pulse of a giant heart beating in unison with thousands of hearts on the dance floor. She dances for them. With them.

At this moment, she is what she wants to be. Free. Real. Live.

At this moment, she feels.

Chapter 1

The warm rays of the soft May sun penetrate the arched windows and illuminate the pink clouds in the center of the room. Her girls walk in a circle, making smooth movements, and the hall is filled with the gentle sounds of the piano and violin.

She is in front of them, watching. Petite, energetic, gentle and powerful at the same time. Dark hair is collected in a skillful chignon. On it, as well as on the students, a tutu and pointe shoes. No loose strands - she should be an example for these little beasts in tights. Over the beige leggings - a pale blue bodysuit, the color of the eyes.

- Now lined up in rows: Alice, Ginevra, Chiara - in the first; Katerina, Beatrice, Sofia - in the second; Matilda, Vittoria, Giada - in the third.

And after a moment, the space in the center of the hall changes shape and turns from a circle into a square. Here she is, her team of fidgets.

- First position! she says louder. Their hands simultaneously rest on their sides, and their feet are deployed in one line. Bianca gives the students a satisfied look, her eyes shining. They even seem to become brighter and sparkle like two sapphires on porcelain-white skin. How clever are her girls! This year they have done a great job.

She shifts her gaze to another student to shift everyone's attention away from Katerina, while Jada seems to be asking, "Why me?" - however, without any objections, he lifts his right foot off the floor and jumps up.

- Fine! You are great too. Bianca helps her to complete the move. - And now plie- and back.

Jada takes a deep breath, seemingly relieved.

- Now - all together! Do not forget: the legs are tense, like pencils! She vigorously beats her hands. - Repeat all movements - each row separately. First, a couple of times all together, then take a break, and then all the rows separately. All clear?

“Yes, yes,” they answer in unison, and the hall is lit up with sincere toothless smiles: many of them are still losing their milk teeth.

The music plays again, but not for long. After a few seconds, Bianca stops the player.

- If I said "all together", then all together. She casts a stern look at the third row. - All over again!

The room is filled with the rhythmic sounds of David Plumpton's composition. Babies move in the same rhythm, harmoniously, symmetrically, clearly. “Well, just a treat for the eyes!” Bianca thinks in admiration.

- Okay, stop! Not bad, not bad ... - “excellent” must not be said in any case, otherwise they will completely stop obeying her. Now everyone is lined up.

Her toy soldiers in pink uniform are lining up.

- In a month we will perform on stage.

- Rather! Vittoria exclaims enthusiastically, and the others echo her.

- That's good! – their enthusiasm is transferred to Bianca. She does not yet know how to complete the number, but she will think of something. Maybe even start right now.

So, recently we learned sissonne Does this name mean anything to you?

The third pink soldier raises his hand.

Will you show me, Alice?

Alice performs a series of slurred steps.

- Hmm ... Well, something like that ... - Bianca twists her lips, but immediately pulls herself up: the girl deserves praise at least for her impulse.

- Everyone look here! She takes a stand.

- We start with two soubresaut , and one, and two, a jump from both legs, one is relaxed, the other is behind, stretched out like an arrow ... Remember?

- But not all together, otherwise you will push. In turn. Beatrice, Matilde, Vittoria, Sofia, Katerina - the first group; the rest - in the second. All clear?

Katerina, having already recovered from her embarrassment, decides to ask a question:

- And run back or sideways?

Good question! When you start, turn around and run straight to your seats to avoid accidents... but only for today, okay?

The music plays again and the girls bustle about taking positions.

- Alice, your arrow is crooked ... - Bianca tries to correct her and turns to everyone. - Hands are spread out, in front of us, we keep a row, only here, not there! She points to an imaginary point in space. We don't push and we don't fight! Come on, girls! Harmony!

The wall clock shows 17:56 - it's time to say goodbye.

Bianca stops the music.

– All good fellows! It's enough for today.

The girls stand in a curtsy pose and bow to the teacher.

- Spa-si-bo, u-chi-tel-ni-tsa, ho-ro-she-go-ve-che-ra! they almost sing, their legs describing a crescent moon, their hands drawing an oval in the air. Then the crescent diverges from right to left.

- Thank you too. She applauds with an infectious smile, snow-white teeth visible between heart-shaped lips covered with a thin layer of colorless balm.

She spreads her arms out to the sides and lets the pink clouds wrap her arms around her.

Katerina, hugging her tightly, almost lifts her off the ground. This girl has amazing strength for her age. Maybe she is not destined to become a great dancer, but Bianca is sure: with such big heart the girl will make happy anyone who meets on her way.

- I love you, teacher!

- And I you. Bianca strokes her head.

“Is it really possible for me to dance a piece of the dance alone?” she asks almost in a whisper.

“Of course, baby. Just like everyone else,” Bianca assures her.

Maybe she was too strict with the girl during these months, she thinks absently, tucking a strand that has escaped from her chignon behind her ear.

Do you think my mom will like the way I perform? She always swears, says, I eat a lot, I will get fat and I won’t fit into a pack!

So that's why Katerina is so unsure of herself - her mother's expectations and reproaches are weighing heavily on her shoulders.

You will be a real star on the stage, trust me. And in a brilliant suit you will become a beauty!

By the way, about the costumes. Until now, she had no time to think about them, and now, of course, the usual race is ahead: she will have to think of everything and do it with the pennies that are allocated from the budget.

- Teacher, why do you always have this drop on your neck? Katerina asks, her face breaking into a smile. Bianca looks down at her chest, runs her finger over the pendant. He is always with her, like a part of her. From the mind to the heart, like an arrow, a memory flies.

- This? I got it from my mother when she went to heaven.

She looks up, and the memory seems to float up into the sky, so far away and so close. Katerina hugs her again, tighter than before.

- What was your mother's name?

“Her name was Sarah,” Bianca replies almost in a whisper.

“It’s immediately obvious that you loved her very much,” the girl says, lets her go and runs away.

Now she is alone. In the silence of the hall, the tramp of small feet and music are still audible - this space seems to be unthinkable without them.

She unplugs her iPad and puts it in her bag, the same one she wore when she first came to this job, autographed by her first students. He puts on a beige denim jacket, fastens the top button, and heads for the door. Before turning off the light, she turns and looks around the room, pausing briefly at her own reflection in the mirror. Instinctively, almost involuntarily, he clutches the pendant. That's her whole world - in this simple decoration and in these four walls.


Propriet? letteraria riserata

© 2016 Rizzoli Libri S.p.A. / Rizzoli

© Malysheva A.A., translation into Russian, 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing House" E ", 2017

Books about love and passion

"I look at you"

Bestseller number 1 in Italy! The first book in a delightful trilogy that will take you on a journey into a world of sensual pleasures, love, art and Italian cuisine. She? restorer, and, it would seem, except for ancient frescoes, nothing can touch the strings of her soul. He is a famous Italian chef. And everything would be fine, if not for one but. They made a promise to each other not to fall in love.

"I feel you"

The journey of pleasure continues! Immerse yourself in the world of love, vice and incredible Italian passions. The second book in a delightful trilogy that the whole world is reading. "I feel you" ? the long-awaited continuation of the hot and passionate love story of Elena and Leonardo. The flame that burns people blinded by feelings flares up against the backdrop of the most beautiful views of Venice and Rome.

"I love you"

The final part of the Italian trilogy that conquered romantics all over the world! At the most difficult moment, when everyone turns away from Elena, Leonardo will again be there. But there are still many obstacles ahead: past life Leonardo gets in their way, and it seems that nothing can be changed...

"Naked Secrets"

WITH young years Niki participated in beauty contests. But for a spectacular appearance, she had to pay too high a price. Damien Stark, a former professional tennis player turned billionaire businessman, is used to getting whatever he wants. He offered a beauty with a dark past to spend a week with him, on the condition that she would do whatever he required. And Niki agreed, because this deal could be the beginning of a new life for her. Or the beginning of the end.

* * *

To my parents

For those who are not afraid to love

The DJ who first inspired me

Dark. Light. Dark.

She is still behind the stage, peering out from behind the curtains: there is an endless sea of ​​\u200b\u200braised hands and many bodies moving in the rhythm of the dance. Today the DJ is on a roll and the console vibrates with his crazy energy. This energy fills everyone, including her. My heart is pounding, my hands are sweaty, my legs are trembling slightly. It's not her first time on this stage, but she can't get used to this feeling: it's too new and still overwhelms her.

She wears an elegant black lace corset laced at the back with a satin ribbon.

It tightens the small chest and forces the breath to be dosed. It helps to focus. Just a minute before going on stage. She stretches the muscles of her legs, leaning on high heels of perforated leather boots. He pulls on his silk gloves and replays the performance in his head for the last time, imagining it in this atmosphere. Mistakes are unacceptable, and if they do happen, you will need to try to make everything look natural. She knows exactly what she wants: to stun and seduce. Body and mind. He takes one last look at himself in the giant orb illuminating the backstage area. Bright makeup emphasizes the blue of the eyes, Rouge Noir lipstick accentuates her lips with a heart. Hair flowing over her shoulders in wild waves, fluttering in a breath of artificial wind.

Ten seconds to exit. She clutches the droplet on her chest, kisses him and looks up. Into the sky. Everything will be fine.

Dark. Light. Dark.

The rumble comes in waves from the console. Then a sound that seems to last forever. And at that moment she comes out, in the spotlight, in the rhythm of the music. This rhythm is like the pulse of a giant heart beating in unison with thousands of hearts on the dance floor. She dances for them. With them.

Re-i-na! Re-i-na!1
Queen ( Spanish). – Note here and below. lane.

At this moment, she is what she wants to be. Free. Real. Live.

At this moment, she feels.

Chapter 1

The warm rays of the soft May sun penetrate the arched windows and illuminate the pink clouds in the center of the room. Her girls walk in a circle, making smooth movements, and the hall is filled with the gentle sounds of the piano and violin.

She is in front of them, watching. Petite, energetic, gentle and powerful at the same time. Dark hair is collected in a skillful chignon. On it, as well as on the students, a tutu and pointe shoes. No loose strands - she should be an example for these little beasts in tights. Over the beige leggings - a pale blue bodysuit, the color of the eyes.

- Now lined up in rows: Alice, Ginevra, Chiara - in the first; Katerina, Beatrice, Sofia - in the second; Matilda, Vittoria, Giada - in the third.

And after a moment, the space in the center of the hall changes shape and turns from a circle into a square. Here she is, her team of fidgets.

- First position! she says louder. Their hands simultaneously rest on their sides, and their feet are deployed in one line. Bianca gives the students a satisfied look, her eyes shining. They even seem to become brighter and sparkle like two sapphires on porcelain-white skin. How clever are her girls! This year they have done a great job.

Fine ( English).

– Her voice rises again, the trained body repeats the positions. - Smile, look up, pull in your stomach, back is straight! We rotate the hips, squeeze the buttocks, hands are relaxed. Higher nose, chest forward, draw in the buttocks… Deep breath…

Bianca types a name on an iPad connected to speakers; she has thin fingers and pastel pink polish on her nails. The piano composition of Lee Ru Ma flows from the speakers, from which the hall is filled with warmth, and faces with light.

- I-i-i demi-pli? one, straight two3
One - legs bent ( fr.), two - straightened ( English).

Faster, faster, smoothly down grand-pli? five, six, seven, eight5
Sit down - five, six, seven, eight ( fr., english).

and-and-and the second! Now you yourself, you know the movements ... Come on, without prompts ... Good! Great, little ones. Now it's the same on the other side.

She speaks a mixture of Italian, French and English: one French girl will not understand, she has already been through this. For ten years she has been teaching at this school in the center of Bassano del Grappa, and over the decade she has developed her own method, which combines rigor, dedication, and at the same time takes into account the characteristics and needs of each student. After all, every body is unique, and everyone's head is different. You need to be able to listen. But the most important thing is the inner balance of the teacher. Balance! Here is the first rule of classical dance. Girls who have already moved into the fourth grade quickly learned this science. From day one, Bianca made it very clear:

– In this school, you will learn not only the science of dance - first of all, you will learn to stand on your feet, not to fall and always follow the rules. And if you do fall, then learn to get up.

Bianca stops the music. In the center of the hall, nine clouds form a string of light.

“Now the first row is back,” Bianca commands, disposing of the space like a conductor. Her arms are thin and flexible, but with well-defined muscles. She is already over thirty, but she has never loved her body the way she does now - it is athletic, elastic, honed over many years of teaching.

Alice, Ginevra and Chiara carry out her commands clearly, like soldiers, their steps are light.

Yes, teacher?

- Forward. And Ginevra too, so I can see you better.

Both barely restrain themselves from snorting in displeasure, and, after exchanging tense glances, take their places.

– In the third position! Bianca stretches her legs, stands on her toes. Her height barely reaches sixty centimeters, she almost merges with the girls.

“So, do you remember how we always talk? From neck to pelvis we...

- In cement! - they answer in chorus, loudly and clearly.

- Well done! Therefore, do not forget - everything is tense here. Bianca runs her index finger from her thighs to her solar plexus. I don't need pudding...

They laugh, and it seems as if the tension that held them down is easing.

- Focused! Grand battement! And one, and two, three and four, to the second6
big batman ( fr.). And one, and two, three and four, for the second ( English).

Wow! Bianca vigorously moves her leg aside. - Good Katerina! Derry?re7
Back ( fr.).

Sock for chignon, and-and-and hands allong?es8
Extended ( fr.).

Up, she commands.

One of the girls, the chubbiest of the group, lands noisily on the parquet floor, the sound bouncing off the wood-paneled walls. In this room, everything is permeated with warmth and antiquity, the spirit of the family. Katerina is about to lose her balance, and yet, with a slightly clumsy swaying of her pelvis, she returns to her original position. Her face is flushed with embarrassment, tears well up in her eyes, but then Bianca intervenes:

- That's it, Katherine. Good girl! Returned to the starting position - just wonderful.

She smiles softly, only slightly parting her thin lips, and sees how the girl's face calms down. She is terribly insecure, perhaps because she feels different from others because of her rounded shapes. It will be necessary to come up with a solo performance for her so that the girl is more spacious. As well as others. For two months now, she has been obsessed with this two-hour performance, because this important point not only for girls, but also for their mothers. You need to make sure that everyone is happy - well, the task! After all, every mother wants her daughter to be a prima.

– Today you are doing even better than yesterday, Kate! Keep up the good work... And now Jada will show us a wonderful pas de chat!9
"Cat Pa" ( fr.) - a movement that imitates the graceful jump of a cat.

She shifts her gaze to another student to shift everyone's attention away from Katerina, while Jada seems to be asking, "Why me?" - however, without any objections, he lifts his right foot off the floor and jumps up.

- Fine! You are great too. Bianca helps her to complete the move. - And now pli?10
Squat ( fr.).

- and back.

Jada takes a deep breath, seemingly relieved.

- Now - all together! Do not forget: the legs are tense, like pencils! She vigorously beats her hands. - Repeat all movements - each row separately. First, a couple of times all together, then take a break, and then all the rows separately. All clear?

“Yes, yes,” they answer in unison, and the hall is lit up with sincere toothless smiles: many of them are still losing their milk teeth.

The music plays again, but not for long. After a few seconds, Bianca stops the player.

- If I said "all together", then all together. She casts a stern look at the third row. - All over again!

The room is filled with the rhythmic sounds of David Plumpton's composition. Babies move in the same rhythm, harmoniously, symmetrically, clearly. “Well, just a treat for the eyes!” Bianca thinks in admiration.

- Okay, stop! Not bad, not bad ... - “excellent” must not be said in any case, otherwise they will completely stop obeying her. Now everyone is lined up.

Her toy soldiers in pink uniform are lining up.

- In a month we will perform on stage.

- Rather! Vittoria exclaims enthusiastically, and the others echo her.

- That's good! – their enthusiasm is transferred to Bianca. She does not yet know how to complete the number, but she will think of something. Maybe even start right now.

So, recently we learned sissonne11
Sison ( fr.) is the type of jump.

Does this name mean anything to you?

The third pink soldier raises his hand.

Will you show me, Alice?

Alice performs a series of slurred steps.

- Hmm ... Well, something like that ... - Bianca twists her lips, but immediately pulls herself up: the girl deserves praise at least for her impulse.

- Everyone look here! She takes a stand.

- We start with two soubresaut12
Jump ( fr.).

, and one, and two13
And one and two English).

A jump from both legs, one is relaxed, the other is behind, stretched out like an arrow ... Remember?

- But not all together, otherwise you will push. In turn. Beatrice, Matilde, Vittoria, Sofia, Katerina - the first group; the rest - in the second. All clear?

Katerina, having already recovered from her embarrassment, decides to ask a question:

- And run back or sideways?

- Good question! When you start, turn around and run straight to your seats to avoid accidents... but only for today, okay?

The music plays again and the girls bustle about taking positions.

- Alice, your arrow is crooked ... - Bianca tries to correct her and turns to everyone. - Hands are spread out, in front of us, we keep a row, only here, not there! She points to an imaginary point in space. We don't push and we don't fight! Come on, girls! Harmony!

The wall clock shows 17:56 - it's time to say goodbye.

Bianca stops the music.

– All good fellows! It's enough for today.

The girls stand in a curtsy pose and bow to the teacher.

- Spa-si-bo, u-chi-tel-ni-tsa, ho-ro-she-go-ve-che-ra! they almost sing, their legs describing a crescent moon, their hands drawing an oval in the air. Then the crescent diverges from right to left.

- Thank you too. She applauds with an infectious smile, snow-white teeth visible between heart-shaped lips covered with a thin layer of colorless balm.

She spreads her arms out to the sides and lets the pink clouds wrap her arms around her.

Katerina, hugging her tightly, almost lifts her off the ground. This girl has amazing strength for her age. Maybe she is not destined to become a great dancer, but Bianca is sure: with such a huge heart, the girl will make happy anyone who meets on her way.

- I love you, teacher!

- And I you. Bianca strokes her head.

“Is it really possible for me to dance a piece of the dance alone?” she asks almost in a whisper.

“Of course, baby. Just like everyone else,” Bianca assures her.

Maybe she was too strict with the girl during these months, she thinks absently, tucking a strand that has escaped from her chignon behind her ear.

Do you think my mom will like the way I perform? She always swears, says, I eat a lot, I will get fat and I won’t fit into a pack!

So that's why Katerina is so unsure of herself - her mother's expectations and reproaches are weighing heavily on her shoulders.

You will be a real star on the stage, trust me. And in a brilliant suit you will become a beauty!

By the way, about the costumes. Until now, she had no time to think about them, and now, of course, the usual race is ahead: she will have to think of everything and do it with the pennies that are allocated from the budget.

- Teacher, why do you always have this drop on your neck? Katerina asks, her face breaking into a smile. Bianca looks down at her chest, runs her finger over the pendant. He is always with her, like a part of her. From the mind to the heart, like an arrow, a memory flies.

- This? I got it from my mother when she went to heaven.

She looks up, and the memory seems to float up into the sky, so far away and so close. Katerina hugs her again, tighter than before.

- What was your mother's name?

“Her name was Sarah,” Bianca replies almost in a whisper.

“It’s immediately obvious that you loved her very much,” the girl says, lets her go and runs away.

Now she is alone. In the silence of the hall, the tramp of small feet and music are still audible - this space seems to be unthinkable without them.

She unplugs her iPad and puts it in her bag, the same one she wore when she first came to this job, autographed by her first students. He puts on a beige denim jacket, fastens the top button, and heads for the door. Before turning off the light, she turns and looks around the room, pausing briefly at her own reflection in the mirror. Instinctively, almost involuntarily, he clutches the pendant. That's her whole world - in this simple decoration and in these four walls.

Chapter 2

A light breeze blows from the valley, penetrates under a denim jacket, caresses the skin. May this year turned out to be truly magical, I want to spend all the time on fresh air. In the locker room, she changed pointe shoes to sneakers, a bodysuit to a sleeveless T-shirt, but left leggings and a chignon. Bianca walks at a brisk pace, but is in no hurry to go home - this is her usual speed. So girlfriend Diana always teases:

“Your rear view is, of course, a waste, dear, but I already know him. Will you do me the honor of walking beside me, and not behind me? she jokes whenever they walk together and Bianca is three steps ahead.

Thinking about it, she smiles and slows down. In addition, this evening she experiences considerable fatigue after the lesson - this can be seen in her eyes: when she gets tired, they seem to decrease and change color, becoming almost green. Light circles under her eyes indicate that she would do well to sleep for an hour or two.

For a few moments she looks at the river: the waters of Brenta in the sun turned transparent blue and flow slowly, majestically, as if performing a dance. Ahead, a group of students on an excursion are taking the usual pictures on the bridge - she herself was photographed like that, about eighteen years ago. She was with Herself; It was then that they had their first kiss. This strange couple, as the most delicate of friends call them, is now eighteen years old. To others, they are simply Beauty and the Beast. He is sharp, often rude, and she is calm and thoughtful. Bianca reflects on this as she leaves the Old Bridge behind; a smile seemed to stick to her face. This smile appears on her face every time she imagines how she is about to hug her Sebastiano.

A smile of envy experienced by all those who, like them, have been together all their lives, but have already forgotten about the tenderness that was at the beginning.

She rises to Freedom Square, again adding a step. Historical Center the city gradually fills up with people - it's time for an aperitif. Wine bars with embossed signs vied with each other to invite customers, displaying local delicacies on wooden counters. Bianca waves her hand in greeting to a peasant leaning against the wall with a glass of white wine, but does not stop, but walks forward, across the street of Rome - otherwise she will never get home. When you are the girlfriend of Sebastiano Noni, the owner of the oldest and largest distillery in Bassano, be prepared that you will not be allowed to pass in any corner of the city. Over the years, Bianca learned this truth. Grappa Noni wine is featured everywhere. The new S-shaped bottle even ended up in the window of a perfume shop (however, you can see it only when you walk by), although it has just been launched on sale. I wonder who Itself had to woo to get her out there? He was always a pragmatist: if something came into his head, you would never convince him. Maybe that's why she chose him. Bianca sighs and moves on. She is happy for him, for the way things are going, and yet her heart is restless, thoughts are swarming in her head. When Bianca dances, it seems to her that her body is lighter than a feather, about to take off. But as soon as the dance ends - especially in recent months, - whiskey seems to be squeezed by someone's invisible grip. And now a whirlwind of worries and unrest for everything at once has flown.

Take at least the costumes for the final performance - what would you come up with this year? These girls are almost like family to her ... Moreover, she does not have her own children yet. Despite the death of both parents, she still feels not old enough to be a mother herself. Sebastiano understood this and respects her decision, despite the fact that both he and his father-in-law are already eager to announce the birth of little Noni to the whole world. But for now, she has enough worries of the teacher and everything that accompanies them. She also does the decorations all the time. She enjoys designing costumes, which must be her biggest passion after dancing. Although, of course, unimaginable fuss is constantly going on! After all, it is one thing to have a costume for yourself, and quite another to come up with outfits for nine girls, each of whom has her own complexion. And all this - for a measly penny of an increase in the teacher's salary. The headmistress of the school is always short on budget, and Bianca often adds money from her own pocket. Or rather, from Seba's pocket - which, of course, oppresses her a lot, because she is already thirty-six years old. Suddenly, she remembers dinner: she hasn't cooked anything since yesterday, and Seba comes in late, and everything should be on the table by then...

She gladly took on the role of the guardian of the hearth, although by nature she is not at all a housewife, only because Sebastiano is engaged in other household chores that she hates with all her heart (for example, ironing). Signor Noni is a man of the old school, but Bianca has nothing to complain about, because, unlike some of her friends' husbands, he is for a fair distribution of duties.

But in the kitchen, her ideas ran out: it’s not easy to please Yourself. His mother is an excellent cook and spoiled him completely. Besides, he is constantly hungry, like a bison - he can deal with two steaks in a few minutes. He is insatiable - and, to tell the truth, not only in food. But she was never a glutton. It's not that she doesn't like good food, but she's not used to eating her fill. In everything you need to know the measure, she believes: the main thing is to try everything, but without fanaticism.

And here is the car. She gets into a white Audi A1 Sportback with a black roof. This is one of Sebastiano's last gifts. He likes to give her expensive gifts and enjoy watching her reaction - how her cheeks flush with joy and embarrassment, almost like a child.
