Love spells for salt. Love spell on salt: how to fall in love with a person forever

Salt is a substance that has been used in magic since ancient times. Salt absorbs information very well, you can read conspiracies on it. Rituals with food are considered one of the most powerful. Salt is good because you can say it in advance, and then add it to food.

This seasoning is also used love magic. Love spell for salt, what can it be?

Rules for a love spell on salt

  • A love spell on salt can only be performed if this seasoning is thoroughly cleaned of impurities. Do not take salt for the ritual, in which there are particles of dirt. Try to choose the purest product possible.
  • Love spells of a beloved guy on salt can only be performed on seasoning, which is also purified not only physically, but also energetically. It's great if you started a ritual during the Christmas period, because it best time for seasoning cleaning.
  • A strong love spell on salt will further enhance its effect if you put a conspiracy on the salt in the church. It is not at all difficult to carry out this, but if for some reason it was not possible, then prayer will help to reinforce the conspiracy at home.
  • If you are removing a love spell through salt, then do it on a waning moon. To remove a love spell with salt is better than water sometimes. And, if this is a love spell with salt, then be sure to spend it on the growing moon. Such magical rituals are best done at dawn or dusk. Removing a love spell on spelled salt is easy to do at home.
  • A love spell on any salt can be performed only if you do not add seasoning to a person’s food. If magical rituals involve adding seasoning to a dish or on the threshold, then choose coarse salt for this. This cannot be done with fine salt.
  • A love spell for a man on salt and a photo should be done in an atmosphere of silence so that not a single extraneous sound disturbs you. Be sure to clean the room in which you will conduct the ritual. When cleaning, you can read a prayer. Thus, you will combine cleaning on the physical and energy planes.
  • How to read love spells for salt to bewitch a man? This must be done by investing maximum energy in magical texts. This applies to situations when you need to remove a love spell or, conversely, make it.

Salt spell to get husband back

It is easy to carry out a love spell on the charmed salt on your own. Unfortunately, in the lives of many wives there are situations when a rival appears on the horizon. strong women choose to fight for their happiness, for their loved one. Drying, a quarrel helps some, so that the husband's relationship with his mistress deteriorates. Other wives choose the love spell path, which simply shifts the focus of the husband's attention from the mistress to her. To cast a love spell on salt to return your husband, you will need the following ingredients: a new package of unopened salt, coarse salt, one church candle, photo of husband, new handkerchief. Agree, it is not difficult to get such simple ingredients for a love spell on salt on a loved one.

This love spell is good because it can be carried out even if the husband is already at a distance. Choose a day during the waning moon, stay indoors alone, so that there are not even pets in the room.

Start the ceremony with the following: sit down at the table, light a candle, put a photo of your husband in front of you, put salt and spread out a handkerchief. First, just look at the candle flame for 2-3 minutes, this will help you relax your mind and concentrate on the upcoming actions. This will put you in a light trance state.

Then pour some salt into your palm, wait until it becomes warm, then read the following magic lines on it:

“From the girls, I turn you away from her, I turn your heart to myself, I turn your soul. See your wife, love her again. You can't drink water without me, you can't sleep without me, you can't eat. Not bread, but you feed on me alone, binding on life, binding on love. I attract a servant of God to me, I return my beloved, my own. With your help, with solo help. Whatever you do, you will always be mine.”

Throw this handful of salt on the photo, slide your finger over the image, when you get to the face area, say the following magic lines:

“I return my beloved husband to myself, say-do, renew the bonds of love. So that I am the sexiest for him, so that I am the most loving for him. I return the servant of God (husband's name) to my heart.

After this, the photo and the charmed salt must be wrapped in a new handkerchief and put in a place where no one can see this item.

The next day, get up as early as possible and take another handful of salt from the same pack. Now it needs to be fried in a pan, while saying:

“Say-do, beloved in the house, in my heart, I return to myself, pure love is ahead of us.”

Fry and say this phrase for 10 minutes. A little of this salt should be poured on the threshold of her husband's mistress.

This love spell for salt should take effect in about a week. Now you know how to make an effective strong love spell for your husband on salt. Reviews say that the action begins in about a couple of days, and sometimes the next day, in rare cases - by the next morning.

Love spell on salt for a new man

If a man appears in your environment who is very interesting to you, and he still does not show mutual interest in you, then you can bewitch him. With the help of this love spell, you can also fall in love with yourself and a married man. But you should always think about the consequences of your actions. If there is love between the wife and the husband whom you want to take away from the family, then it will not be possible to bewitch, and this will turn out for you negative consequences that affect health and success.

To conduct this ceremony, you need to buy a new pack of seasoning, a black marker, a white sheet, a red candle, a new spool of red thread.

Stay alone indoors. Light a candle. Lay out everything for the ritual. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and exhale. With a black marker, write your initials and the initials of your loved one on the sheet. Pour a handful of seasoning into your palm and read the following text on it:

“On Thursday Friday, the old woman came out of the gate of the dugout and looked at all four sides. She looked, looked out for a young guy, all because she had a marriageable bride. That bride was the Servant of God (her name). She sat in a dugout and waited for her happiness. The old maiden on the road and saw his Servant of God (Name of the man). She took him with her to the girl in the dugout. white magic, with her help, love came to them faster. That love multiplies, among those servants of God, that love grows and matures. More and more of her, more and more saturated she. There is more love for the servant of God (Name of the man), she is dearer to him, she is more beautiful for him. His, his own, husband and wife. Own, own, not to be them separately, only together.

After that, a handful of salt should be poured onto a leaf and roll it into a ball. Hide the lump so that no one can see it. This love spell on salt is also called a village love spell. I must say that it can also be used for an early marriage. Sometimes this ritual is performed on the water.

Salt spell to strengthen relationships

Every relationship has periods of crisis. The more people are in a relationship, the more secrets they have from each other, the more the purity of the relationship is lost. To cleanse the relationship, a love spell is also performed. This energetic cleansing is beneficial. This ritual is not black, it is from white magic, therefore it does not carry negative consequences.

The magic of salt for love is carried out as follows:

You need to get up early at dawn, during the growing moon. Take a new pack of salt, go out on open space. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, exhale, then you need to read the following:

“I read a strong love spell, strong love attract. The servant of God (his name) and the servant of God (name of the man) are bright in thoughts, pure in thoughts to each other. Their house, their love, whoever does not look at them will rejoice, whoever looks back at them will have a smile. They are so good, they are so pure, their love is strong, their love is strong, their love is bright.

The text must be read three times, looking at the seasoning. Then add this seasoning to your food and your loved one. Pleasant consequences will not keep you waiting. So you can independently correct the situation in relationships, bring them to a new energy level.

It is very important to ensure that this salt does not come across to other people. By the way, such a ceremony is a great way to put protection from damage to relationships.

“And across the sea and across the ocean, remember me alone. I am the only one for you. You see me in a dream, you see me in reality. Not an hour passes so that the servant of God (the name of the man) does not think about the servant of God (his name). He dreams of her all, he sees all of her alone. The rite helps me, the rite works for me. Say, do, come, take. About me alone."

After that, you need to salt the food with which you will feed your husband with such a seasoning. last time before leaving. A little more of this seasoning should be wrapped in a piece of paper and put in his suitcase. You can sprinkle quite a bit of such charmed salt on the things of your husband or beloved man.

Salt - sodium chloride ( chemical formula- NaCl) - a mineral substance vital to man, used both for cooking and for various industrial, technological processes.

Their total- innumerable, but salt also has one more function, which is usually silent - magical.

IN magical rituals salt is conditionally divided into dark and white (light). White is treated, damage is removed, protected from the forces of evil. Dark is used to curse and create evil.

Salt-based witchcraft is available to anyone - that's why it is so popular, but special salt is needed for love spells.

This can be done on your own. On Thursday, take ordinary salt and cleanse it with any prayers, conspiracies, precious metals (silver, gold) - act at your discretion.

Types and methods

Salt is a powerful magic drug, in matters of love it does not differ in originality of use. Almost any love spell on salt has one final point - the use of salt in food by the victim of a love spell.

The methods of influence on the substance differ, but only slightly. To make a love spell on salt means to securely bind a person to yourself. Love, unfortunately, cannot be created, but this is the rule for all love spells, it is worth reconciling.

How to tell?

The easiest way is to bewitch with the help of charmed salt loved one(for example, a husband - to support a fading love). Salt prepared in any way of your choice is best suited for this. You need to add a piece of yourself to it - to literally: piece of hair, nail (not very large), saliva (not too much).

Whisper magic words on the salt, after this salt you need to salt the food and serve it on the table.

Love spell "For the love of a husband" on salt

“How people love salt and cannot do without it, so that my husband loves me the same way and cannot live without me, not a day to day, not an hour to watch, minutes to pass, everyone would follow me and admire me. Amen."

Do not overdo it, a love spell on salt is a fairly strong rite, you should not oversalt food, you won’t increase love with this, but it’s quite possible to create problems.

If you are not afraid to resort to the help of dark forces in matters of love, try calling the devils for help when you do a love spell on salt (carefully, the conspiracy is very strong, the consequences can be unpredictable).

Take a fabric bag, pour salt into it (this must be done with a growing moon), and read a plot on it.

Conspiracy "For love" on a bag of salt

“I’ll get up in the morning, go from door to door without crossing myself, from passage to passage without blessing, in an open field and on the damn sea. On the devil's sea there is an iron hut, in that hut a stone bridge, there are marble pillars under the bridge, there are twelve devils on the pillars, three of them are my older brothers. I will go closer to them and bow lower: “You are my elder brothers, do me a favor, spin and dry (name), so that he drinks - does not drink, walks - does not go in, eats - does not seize, loves - does not forget to dry about me all twelve veins, thirty hamstrings, forty joints, seventy joints and a shameful place.

Carry the bag on you all day (so that it touches the body), and in the evening it is necessary to salt the food with which you feed your victim. Do not overdo it with salt - the food should be tasty and not too plentiful, because the prerequisite for this love spell is the full consumption of food.

You can also use a red candle and a black tablecloth for a love spell (this is difficult to do, a black tablecloth is a rare occurrence). Lay a tablecloth on the table, light a candle and sprinkle salt on its flame, while reading a strong spell for a love spell.

The plot "For love" on the tablecloth

“May the slave (name) be one with the slave (your name), as Fire, Air and Water are one with the Earth. May the thoughts of the slave (dear name) be to me (your name), as the sun's rays are drawn to the Earth. May the spirit (your name) be above the spirit (name of the beloved), like Water over the Earth, and may it deprive the slave (dear name) of the strength to eat, drink and sleep without a slave (your name).

Whoever performs these rites (male or female), he must choose the correct declension of words in the conspiracy, if the conspiracy does not suit your purpose linguistically, rewrite it again.

A love spell on salt is simple, but effective method binding oneself to the object of sighing (having, however, nothing to do with love). But you should be careful - the charmer may lose interest in the object for no reason. An inattentive and irresponsible attitude to a love spell (if the one who cast a spell forgot about the intention to be with the object, or otherwise let the situation take its course) can turn into a crown of celibacy, health problems and relationships, separation from true love.

The bewitched one will strive to be physically close to the charmer, sexual interest in others will be suppressed, general apathy will appear, problems with alcohol may arise. You can help him: you need to remove the love spell. Also, true love helps victims of a love spell to cope with its consequences.

How to fight?

Like many other types of love spell, it has signs by which the victim can, on his own or at the suggestion of well-wishers, learn about the magical effect. Such signs fit into the framework of the general consequences of love spells, and if you yourself do not see changes in your behavior, listen to others.

A love spell on salt is not among the irreversible, any sorcerer can easily remove it, but recognizing a love spell in order to reverse its consequences is usually a more difficult task.

If you want (and if the situation allows), try to remove the love spell yourself. Take a white candle, heat ordinary salt in a spoon over its flame, repeating the magic text.

Lapel "Beloved" on salt

“Salt, white and clean, take the dirt from the slave (name). Soak up the evil, miserable longing, Thoughts corrupted, vicious, Feelings poisoned. Take off everything that has been induced, drunk with drink, and eaten with food, Take it back to where it came from, return it. My word is strong, so be it.

Pour the "spent" salt into a plate, cover with a scarf, and place a photo of the bewitched on top. At this moment, the bad energy of the love spell leaves the bewitched one for the fortune teller, returns to her the entire energy message embedded in the love spell - this is how the love spell can be removed. A plate and a spoon cannot then be used for food and kept in the house. Pour salt out the window, bury a plate with a spoon or throw it into the river.

Video: Love spell on salt

This article talks about where the love spell for salt came from at the present time. How does it work? Is it possible to use a love spell at home? What magical nature is salt?

Despite the fact that today's time is marked as the era of advanced technologies, ancient magic is very popular due to its effectiveness. It is worth noting that most of the rites have now passed from the villages, where divination was not something special.

A love spell on salt, like other methods, was used regularly, because it has a great effect on the desired person. ABOUT magical property Everyone knows salt. Surely everyone will remember the household habit of throwing salt over the left shoulder if it crumbles.

Also, salt, when used correctly, can protect the family from the negative impact and bad thoughts surrounding people. So, for example, from the evil eye, most villagers kept a handful of salt in small bags and carried it with them as a talisman, added a pinch at the baptism of a child and rubbed the cattle to protect it from illness.

Today, the significance of such an important mineral is interpreted as an irreplaceable source of minerals necessary for maintaining health, a raw material for technical and chemical production. But far few know that there is an effective love spell for salt, with which you can bewitch a man you like.

It is generally accepted that salt is dark and light. In fact, much depends on the rituals in which it is used. White salt is most often used to fight the most difficult ailments, when everyone modern ways struggles do not have the desired effect, and the person continues to fade away. With the help of light salt, you can create a special amulet that will protect a person from the effects of black magic, the evil eye or damage. As for the effect of dark salt, it is not difficult to guess that it is used to harm a person, change his fate or even the life of several generations.

If you turn to the magic of the ancestors, which was used in the villages, then you can find not a single type of love spell for salt. It is worth noting that each recipe has existed for centuries and, due to its effectiveness, continues to help many people suffering from unrequited love. The main advantage of this method is its ease of use, since salt can be bought at absolutely any store, and the love spell process itself is quite suitable for home use.

How long the love spell lasts is the second question that interests impatient people. In fact, it all depends on how correctly all the instructions are followed, and what method of love spell is used. One type of divination is valid in a few days, while the action of the other must be waited for several months. Also, a lot depends on how tightly the customer communicates with the bewitched person. The more often he sees him, the stronger the spell will work.

How to make a love spell on salt

The best time to do this is Fri. Surprisingly, the charmed salt can fulfill almost any request, and it does not always have the best intentions. Using it in certain rituals, you can promote a quick reunion with your chosen one, or impose a curse as revenge for an offense. Most people, succumbing to the most negative feelings, without full awareness with the help of salt, perform rituals to induce damage, but after that they greatly regret what they have done. Regardless of the goal, when using a ritual involving salt, there is no doubt about its effectiveness. Very soon, the results will be visible to the naked eye.

Important Rules

  1. Salt to buy on account.
  2. It must be free of impurities.
  3. Before the ceremony, it is important to cleanse it with the help of prayers. Or special spells.
  4. A ritual with salt to bewitch a man is carried out on the growth of the moon.
  5. Day is Friday.
  6. Conducted at sunset.
  7. When using black rites - redemption.
  8. All ritual ingredients are natural.
  9. Photo in full growth.
  10. Salt can be purchased in any size. But to make it more convenient in ritual actions, keep in mind that it is more convenient to add small crystals, and large ones to use in food.
  11. To strengthen the ritual, it is better to fast before it.
  12. Immediately before the ceremony, tune in to it, do a meditation, stop your thoughts, keep your focus on your loved one.
  13. So that there is no return and rollback, it is recommended to put protection on yourself before the love spell.
  14. If the person you are bewitching has a strong will or protection, it is important to weaken them through special practices.

Actual spell.

In order to revive the passion of your man, or to attract the attention of a chosen one who has not previously experienced any feelings, it is worth casting a love spell on salt. It must be prepared in advance in the above way and it is desirable that the ceremony be held on Thursday.

The effect of the ritual performed will be maximum if the person who told fortune adds his biological particle to the salt. It is best to use a small piece of the nail plate or saliva, as even the lightest hair can be seen with the naked eye.

Before you send it to food, you must read the following text:

“How people love salt and cannot do without it, so that my husband loves me the same way and cannot live without me, not a day to day, not an hour to watch, minutes to pass, everyone would follow me and admire me. Amen".

Many women make one of the most common mistakes. They believe that the more salt they add, the more effective the love spell will work. However, in this way you can only achieve unnecessary problems and salted food.

Ritual with salt in the cemetery

At sunset, during the growth of the moon, you should buy salt, while giving the money for settlement and making a purchase from a woman whose age is greater than yours.

To increase the effectiveness of the rite, you should have a photograph of the object of the love spell, and even better, his thing, which you can not noticeably take for a while.

In the morning put the salt crystals in a new handkerchief and tie it to make a knot. Go to the churchyard, do not forget to take a memorial with you.

Find a grave in the cemetery so that the name of the buried person matches the name of your loved one. Passing next to fresh graves, tear off 2 flowers from one of them. Leave an offering. These flowers should be taken to the burial of the chosen grave and placed there. It is also important to throw all the salt on the burial mound and say the words of the spell,

“A table without salt is like a horse without a rider. He doesn't feel his strength, he can't walk. So the Lord's servant (name) is lost without me, his soul is toiling, he is looking for love, but he does not meet. Rushing around the world, finds no peace anywhere. As soon as he sees me, he blossoms with his soul, melts with his heart. Let him toil, turn away from others, follow in my footsteps, admire the camp, hug him with his arms, don’t know anyone else!”

After the plot, put a mention and return home. Give the item back to the man.

Before you work on the graveyard, study all the subtleties of such rituals. It is important to follow them without fail.

Ritual with salt

To do this, salt must be spoken in the following way:

  1. Buy a red candle. Naturally, following the rules that we have already discussed. That is, the moon is growing, the time is night.
  2. Get the guy ready. Sharp, full length.
  3. A red candle should be lit on the altar.
  4. Place a picture in front of the candle.
  5. Take the salt bought according to all the rules, that is, without change, and start pouring it through the flame of a red candle (wax), do it in such a way that the crystals fall through the fire onto the image of your loved one. At the same time, read the plot 3 times:

As the flame in the fire, the wind in the air, the water in the sea and the salt in the earth are one, So (name) is one with me (name). As the sun's ray stretches to the Earth, So thoughts - thoughts (name) only to me. As a fire burns with a flame, So love (name) inflames the heart and feelings, And the power of the earth unites our destinies and souls. Let it be so.

  1. After that, the salt crystals need to be collected from the photo in a bag, which you sew in advance.
  2. In the morning, go to the man's house and sprinkle the contents of the bag at his doorstep. You can also add the salt that you just spoke to a man's food.

What to pay attention to.

And although a love spell on salt does not differ in a complicated procedure, its effectiveness can be felt within a few days after use. In addition, the person who decides to conduct the ceremony must approach the process with all responsibility and thoroughly study the ceremony beforehand so as not to make mistakes that will later have to be paid for.

When making gross violations existing instructions, a crown of celibacy may arise, which a person who does not have in-depth knowledge of magic cannot independently eliminate. A love spell on salt sometimes helps to reduce feelings on the part of the customer, while a bewitched man will burn with passion and not step aside.

Over time, a bewitched man can become addicted to alcohol, show unreasonable aggression, be jealous for no good reason. Of course, such behavior will not suit any woman, hence she often decides to leave her lover. After all, he is no longer the hero she once fell in love with.


Any love spell made by a person with a strong will and energy works. If you do not have the ability to magical art, then they should be developed or specialists should be sought.

In order for the rites to work, it is important to believe in their power and in the forces with which you work. Be devoted to them.

It is important to carry out a love spell on salt, like any other in a trance. Before the ceremony, it is important to tune in to your witchcraft power, to blow it in yourself. for example, in this way: imagine that power awakens in you, how it flows from your hair and hands, how you broadcast it to the world.

It is advisable to perform rituals on the altar and in a circle that is drawn clockwise and erased against.

Reasons Why Rituals Don't Work

If you perform rituals, but they do not give a result, then the reasons may be the following:

  1. Your man already has a love spell from another person. In this case, it must be removed.
  2. The object has a strong will and protection. This is also "treated". Protections are removed, the will is suppressed.
  3. You don't have enough spellcasting power. You're in a bad mood for the ritual.
  4. You don't believe in magic. And they did a love spell for the sake of the game. There should be no doubt.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will continue the theme of powerful love conspiracies for a man. This topic is extensive and very curious, love conspiracies have long been used in practical magic. The so-called white love spells of a guy, these are home conspiracies for love and relationships, backed up by visualization and powerful ritual actions called initiation.

We will not look for the strongest love conspiracy, because I am a magician Sergey Artgrom, as a practitioner, I don’t see any point in this. Working spells on a loved one and rituals - that's what interests us.

Who did Egillet - a powerful conspiracy for love or damage?

The magical ritual of Egillet is a conspiracy with a very powerful influence on the victim. However, to conspiracies for strong love, which should be read, observing certain conditions, the magical rite of Egillet has an indirect relationship. This is also not a guy, this is a strong sexual attachment that does not allow a man to have a relationship with anyone other than his wife, or his mistress, if the latter, i.e. mistress, will produce such a harsh effect on him.

There are several types of sexual love spells for a guy, and there are many conspiracies. Here are 2 simple examples such an impact.

  1. Catch the moment when the beloved man you want to tie up will relieve himself on the ground. Next, go to that place and read the love letter to the ground: “The slave (name) on me (name) is upright, and on all other women it is crocheted. Let it be so!". Throw a large needle into the ground with the tip down, and immediately leave without looking back.

Another example of an independent conspiracy for sexual enslavement, which will not create great and bright love, but will definitely keep the peasant nearby.

  1. At sunrise from church bell you need to cut off the end of the rope. Then they take it and tie 3 knots, read the words of a strong conspiracy for each knot: “As the bell hangs, so hang from the slave (name) rubbish on all women and girls, on everyone except me alone (name) from now on and forever. Exactly". The tied rope is placed on the threshold of the one who is tied.

When reading love conspiracies, according to the principle, they use different objects and substances - for example, salt. Salt is a truly magical substance, it is used in both positive and negative witchcraft. And in love magic, of course, too.

Read conspiracies for strong love for salt

Pour on right palm 3 pinches of salt, and read three times conspiracy for love husband so that your breath touches the salt.

“As bread and salt are together forever, so will the slave (name) be with me (name). He will not be able to eat, drink, or sleep, everything will grieve about me. I will charge the salt with my love, I will bind the slave (name) to myself. It will be as I said."

After reading the words of the conspiracy to love a guy for salt, pour it into a linen bag and carry it with you. Salt will attract your loved one, and will also be a talisman of mutual relationships.

You can help yourself solve the problem of unrequited love by applying ancient salt conspiracies to your beloved man.

For a magical rite for mutual feelings, you will need:

  • handful of salt
  • a container with a lid or a separate salt shaker

Salt is spoken after sunset on the growing moon. You need to read an independent conspiracy three times:

“White salt, pure salt, help me (name), wake up love in the heart of a slave (name). So that his feelings for me were strong, like the earth, strong, like the Alatyr stone. So that he misses me, yearns, he never saw life without me. So that I (name) be sweet and desirable to him now, forever. Amen".

In general, the old plot for salt for love from village magic is very, living with the one you are trying to dry under the same roof. So, with spelled salt, salt food for your lover or spouse. If this is not possible, you can add a little salt under the threshold so that the man steps over it.

Self-conspiracy for salt for a beloved husband

“Just as people love salt and cannot do without it, so that my husband also loved me, could neither live without me, nor be, not an hour, not a minute to while away, but everyone would follow me (name), yes admired me. Amen".

What you need to read independently conspiracies for love

In ancient and modern witchcraft, there are a lot of strong conspiracies working on the principle of sympathetic magic due to the visualization and energy of the performer. Effective love conspiracies are known that have the desired effect at a distance.

In addition to this, there are very effective conspiracies where the impact on a loved one is implied by direct contact with a charmed object or substance; an example is the well-known poppy conspiracy for love from ancient collections village witchcraft.

There are such conspiracies in black magic, and in the assortment of rites of white magic. Here, for example, white conspiracy on love on a flower, the source of power of which is in the magic of similarity, as well as in the intention of the magician of the performer.

Home conspiracy for a flower for husband's love

If relations do not develop between spouses, the difference in temperaments can be smoothed out by making a magical love conspiracy for flowers to improve relations. With your own hands, plant a flowering plant in the ground and read the words of the love spell:

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

“You will grow, and I (name) will bloom before my husband (name). As people will look at you, admire, so my husband (name) will look at me, have mercy on me. Amen".

I will pay a little attention to white conspiracies, through the Christian egregor. Here is an example of a white ritual - a daily love plot with an appeal to the Christian Forces.

Free love spell between husband and wife

"Mother Holy Mother of God and father Jesus Christ, I do not speak wine, but return love, so that love between us and my husband would be until the end of time a servant of God (name). In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

A strong conspiracy to love at home - to speak a man

To make this love ritual of white magic yourself, you need:

  • 3 church candles
  • White tablecloth
  • red wool thread

Cover the table with a tablecloth, light candles. Open the window and read the love spell at home three times, extinguish 1 candle after each reading. When you read the love spell and put out all the candles, tie them together with a thread and light them again. Now the candles should burn to the end.

“O Eternal Lord, I tenderly pray to You, create a high wall, a deep pit, an impenetrable fence, an insurmountable anguish. The depth is three fathoms of earth, the height of immeasurable height, and the melancholy of immeasurable depth. Lock, Lord, and block so that Your servant (name) from me, Your servant (name) does not leave, does not find himself. Lock it with a key and take it for yourself, help the Lord, Your servant. Until this lock is opened, until the slave (name) does not stop loving me. Key, lock, threshold. Amen".

Black and white conspiracies in the distance for strong love

And again we return to ancient conspiracies black magic for strong and faithful love. And here, for example, is the strongest conspiracy for the love of a beloved guy, for disturbing sleep and longing. Read on men's days at night, when the beloved man you want to bewitch is most likely asleep.

“On a dark night, I think, I think, I think, but I do business. Under the moon, mother, and the stars of the sisters, I create a conspiracy word, and let him go to (name). Let (name) not sleep about me, let him yearn and think, in reality and in a dream he sees nearby, and in a clear day, and in a dark night (name) remembers me, my image carries in the heart. She doesn’t eat in food, she doesn’t drink water in water, she doesn’t fall asleep in a dream, she dreams of me. A clear falcon flies, knocks on a portage window, carries a conspiracy word. Oh, you are a good fellow (name), listen with your heart, think with your heart, the soul converges with the soul, the light unites with the darkness, the flower intertwines with the flower, your soul is filled with longing, love languor, all dreams are imprinted by me alone. This is my will. Let it be so".

Love magic is as old as the world, and just as beautiful.

Most of the village conspiracies for a beloved guy that we use today in our practical everyday witchcraft are very old, and an infinite number of generations of guys and girls read them before us, dreaming of a happy and true love. There are many ancient conspiracies for love, where the reading goes on some subject, with which the contact of the object of witchcraft is subsequently implied.

Attract love with a spell on the castle

Friday on the growing moon to buy a small the padlock. Unlock and put at your doorstep. When the welcome guest visits you and steps over the castle, close and read the words of the conspiracy for love and relationships:

“From this day on, no one can unlock this castle, just as no one can separate us (name). Amen".

Throw the key into flowing water, and keep the castle with you as a guarantor of love and full-fledged relationships.

Effective conspiracies for a gift - love forever

This is an effective way to bewitch a guy, which can be used to enhance a black love spell done from a distance. Standing facing east, hold a gift in your right hand near your heart. Visualization: energy flows from your heart, through your hand into an object, and with it your feelings.

Read the love spell for a gift three times, and give it to your beloved guy at the right time.

“(Name), take my gift, and give me your heart. So that without me you could neither live, nor be, nor eat, nor drink. So that you don’t sit, don’t lie, don’t breathe clean air, but keep me (name) in your head. So it will be. So it is said. That's how it's done."

Easy love spell on a needle for love

A real conspiracy from the betrayal of a loved one. On a new needle, read the conspiracy words three times:

“As you sew, sew, connect the fabric, so connect me (name) with my husband (name) forever and ever, endless. Amen".

And whenever it becomes necessary to sew on a button or otherwise repair your clothes, use only this needle, and read the text of the conspiracy with a needle and thread for love as you work:

“As I (name) sew, I pull the thread with a needle, so my husband (name) would reach out to me. I do not pierce the fabric with a needle, but a zealous heart (name), so that it yearns for me, burns with love for me. Amen".

A simple conspiracy on a pin - to bewitch love remotely

Bewitch your beloved guy on a flower bulb and a pin. Situations are different, and this very simple plot with a safety pin for love is in its own way essentially light a love spell that they do on their own. To do, of course, on the growing moon. You will need:

  • bulb of a flower, such as a tulip
  • 21 pin

“Let my love and lustful passion enter the body and soul (name) as easily as this pin enters the onion. (Name) you will think about me night and day, you will suffer, suffer, and you will calm down when you tell me (name) that you love me. Amen".

Do without calling magical powers but visualization is required. After reading the words love plot leave the bulb in the sun to dry. On the last day, after magical rite, bury the bulb near the male tree.

This simple love pin conspiracy is a very effective witchcraft ritual for home use, unwinds pretty quickly and lasts for several months. But again, it all depends on the strength, as well as on the energy of your beloved husband.

Self-conspiracies for sugar - make submission and cause love

  • Speak sugar for love, for friendship

“Bake, slave (name), dry on my sugar with your body, heart, head. As flies stick to sweet syrup, so you turn in my direction. Take advice, grieve without me, appreciate me, as people appreciate the most beloved and dearest. Let it be so!".

Throw the charmed sugar under the threshold of your beloved guy. If the opportunity presents itself, put this sugar in the tea of ​​the bewitched person. Witchcraft rite is working, causes the guy's disposition towards you. Can be used for more than just love purposes.

  • Love spell on sugar - a black ritual

To independently conduct a black ritual for love, you need to have:

  • altar cloth or black cloth
  • 5 candles
  • saucer with sugar

On the waxing moon at midnight, sit at the table facing West. Cover the table with cloth, arrange candles in the shape of an inverted pentagram, and put a saucer with sugar in the middle. Move your right hand along the edge of the saucer clockwise, and read the love plot for sugar 9 times:

“Not in the name of the Father, not in the name of the Son, not in the name of the Holy Spirit, but in the name of Satan himself and all the Demons. I don’t pray to God, I don’t cross myself in front of icons, but I entrust Satan himself, I slander and I sentence. As this sugar is sweet, and the bees stick to it, so I will become sweet for the slave (name). May it begin to stick to me, stick to me, hold me alone in my mind and heart, burn with passion for me, do not forget passion day or night, do not eat in food, do not fall asleep in a dream, do not know satiety in love pleasures with me. The words of my modeling, like damask steel, are strong and firm, they cannot be interrupted, broken by anyone, never removed by a witch or sorcerer, whispered to a healer. To my words, a lock and keys. I throw the keys into the pool, the castle is strong, it cannot be broken, just as the throne of Satan cannot be broken. Let it be so".

The candles must burn out. After that, on a saucer with sugar, read 9 times a plot to love a guy: “As sugar is sweet, so I will always be sweet to you (name). Let it be so". Add sugar to the drink and food of the victim of exposure. To harmonize relationships, a real conspiracy to love through sugar is perfect. Before the witching rite, you can make a call to the Dark Forces. Redemption is needed. Any mention of demons and Satan in the conspiracy implies participation Dark Forces. If necessary, I’m a magician Sergey Artgrom, I’ll help you completely free of charge, look at the page for more details, but it’s better to read this article to the end first, there is not much left.

White conspiracy for love - bewitch a guy for honey

For a love spell for a guy with honey, you need:

  • photo of the object in full growth
  • your photo is also in full growth
  • red fabric

“Smeared with honey, (name) desirable. Do not dissuade him from me with a spell, do not excommunicate him from me with an invocative curse. Like flies stick to honey, so sticky to me (name). Neither the gray-haired grandfather, nor the enchantress girl, nor the sorceress grandmother will break us. Age (name) to admire me that I will leave him - like a sheep to be afraid of a wolf. I am smeared with honey, my seal is on my lips (name). Century by century, from now until the age, what I have planned will be, he will forget to oppose it. My honey words cannot be washed off by anything, but only stick (name) to me stronger. Cursed."

Fold the photo with the front sides, wrap in a cloth and hide. Feed the bewitched man with the rest of the honey. This conspiracy to love a guy through honey can work as an easy love spell on a relationship, or just like. If you have a serious conflict or a difficult relationship with a man, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, advise you to start correcting the situation with other magical rites, more stringent and stable.

A simple conspiracy to love through a strong wind

Read this conspiracy to love a guy in strong wind, snowstorm or snowstorm. Stand facing the wind and read the words of a love plot in a strong voice:

“Wind, Wind, Storm, bring on your wings dry dryness, aching ache. Mix that melancholy, dryness with my words, raise my witchy plot above the forests and fields. Look for a slave (name), as you find, call me. Wherever you see him, take them, stick my words into his chest. Pull him, beckon, don't let me pass by. Oh you, great winds, I bow to you, (name). Do the job, help, find my lover (name). Let him stand before me, be my husband, and I will be his wife. Amen".

Payback to the wind - flour. After reading a love spell on a lover, dispel a handful of flour in the wind.

How to fall in love with a person forever? Very simple - with the help of a love spell on salt. Home magic knows more than one way to win the heart of a lover, and each of them has helped people achieve reciprocity for many centuries.

Salt is best to speak in the morning, then throughout the day to carry it with you. Practitioners recommend putting it in a small bag and hanging it around your neck. This is done so that when you meet the lady of your heart, you have every chance to conquer her. Before the plot, sprinkle salt on a saucer or any other flat surface. Read the plot:

“In the morning I wake up, wash myself with cold water and go out of the door into the street without the blessing of God. The road will lead me to the shore, which covers the damn sea. Since ancient times, a pure silver bridge has been built in the sea, standing on 12 iron pillars. A devil sits on every pillar. Of the 12 devils, there are three whom I call brothers. I’ll go up to them, bow at their feet and say: “My brothers, your help is needed, I call on your diabolical power and ask the girl to dry the one that is loved by my heart. Now let her only remember me, follow me and admire me. Let her sleep and rest without me does not know. I call her name to you (the name of my beloved), I curse myself for this. “So be it!”.

On the same day in the evening, to enhance the love spell, you can salt your beloved's food.

Love spell on salt

To cast a love spell for mutual love, you will need a jet black tablecloth, a bright red candle and salt. Best of all, if it is Thursday salt or ordinary salt, black-hot. During the ritual, extraneous sounds should not distract you, otherwise the love spell simply will not work. Wait for the time when nothing can interfere with you, and the apartment will be completely at your disposal. Spread a black tablecloth on the table and light a candle with a match. Then pour salt on the candle flame, pronouncing the plot in an undertone:

“Servant of the Lord (name of the one you want to bewitch), become one with the servant of the Lord (whisper your name). Together we will become inseparable, like the four elements: fire, earth, air and water. Let the thoughts (name of the beloved / beloved) be occupied only with me. Let him/her aspire to me. And may my strength rise, becoming higher than his/her strength. I will do so and deprive him / her of the spirit to resist his own happiness. He won't eat, drink or sleep until he comes to me. I lock all words. As said, so shall it be."

The charmed salt, which during the ritual crumbled on your tablecloth, should be collected and placed near front door loved one.

Love spell that awakens passion

For this love spell, you will need salt lit in the church. Like all love spells, exciting passion, this one should be read early in the morning. When you wake up, put the salt in a small bag made of linen, leather or silk. Cross yourself three times and read the plot:

"How can people not daylight live, and (name of beloved / beloved) let it not represent life and happiness without me (your name). Let it hurt in soul, having lost rest and sleep, let it be tormented and not for a moment forget my name, my image and my love. Let him walk on my heels and enjoy my presence, and without me slowly die. As I want, so be it. There is power in my words.

After that, either salt your love object's food, or put a bundle of charmed salt by his front door. Until you see noticeable changes on the part of your passion, continue to perform the ritual.

A love spell will help you find love, return it or strengthen it. Salt from ancient times possessed not only healing properties but also magical nature. It is not surprising that in people's memory signs associated with salt have been preserved, which are relevant to this day. You can doubt the strength of this mineral as much as you like, but it will not become weaker from your distrust. Only the one who believes gets everything he wants. Be happy, success and don't forget to press the buttons and
