Magic rituals for birthdays. Unfavorable numbers in the date of birth

This article provides up-to-date information on this issue, as well as real advice is given and practices are described, the repetition of which allows those who will really believe in what they are doing to achieve the desired results.

Birthday rituals for wealth and fulfillment of desire

To perform a ritual for wealth, it is necessary to cook a special decoction on your birthday. Put a spoonful of cinnamon, four spoons of parsley and eight coins of various denominations into a saucepan. Fill it all up with water and boil. After the broth is ready, it must be poured into the filled bath, while pronouncing the words of the conspiracy: “Money flows like a river of gold and stays with me forever!”. After that, you need to plunge into the water five times, then just lie down in the charmed broth so that the body is completely saturated. When it comes time to get out of the bath, you do not need to wipe yourself, the body should dry on its own.

To carry out a conspiracy to fulfill a desire, you need to retire to a room on your birthday, light a candle and stand in front of a mirror. As soon as thoughts are directed to what you most want, you need to read the words of the conspiracy three times, without taking your eyes off the reflection in the mirror:

“Through a mirror reflection, through oneself a vision,
Through my double, may my wish come true,
I want (what exactly), as I myself, so I see that,
That my wish will come true.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

At the end of the plot, the candle should be put out and hidden so that no one will use it.

Magic rituals and conspiracies on a birthday according to the lunar calendar

To make a conspiracy on a birthday lunar calendar you need to light three stars different color, it is desirable to take green, which symbolizes material wealth, red, which symbolizes success on the love front, and an ordinary white church candle, which symbolizes purity and protection.

These candles must be placed in an impromptu triangle and lit. As soon as the candles flare up, you need to read the words of the conspiracy over them three times: “Lord, my God, bless and have mercy. Olya-yaksh and the devil-knight himself, go through the gate, through the window, through the black chimney to my oak table, bring me gilded dust, crushed hare's lip and three bones from a heifer. Like the moon in its hour the sky goes, so I, God's servant (name), will be lucky from this hour. Sand in the sea, the word deed is constipated. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

At the end of the conspiracy, candles cannot be extinguished, they must themselves burn out to the end. After they burn out, the cinders must be wrapped in a new white handkerchief and hidden so that no one can find them, and most importantly, that no one touches them.

Birthday rituals do's and don'ts

Birthday is considered the most energetically charged day, and that is why it is not possible to perform rituals on such a day, they must be performed. This is a time of desires and positive energy, which contributes to the fulfillment of everything that torments the soul the most.

Actual rituals that are appropriate to carry out on a birthday are rituals for the fulfillment of desires, strengthening health, improving material wealth, strengthening love and happiness, success and luck. Rituals that save a person from difficulties, worries, excess weight, unpleasant communication, hypocritical people will also not be superfluous. That is, conspiracies that renew the life of the birthday man.

On a birthday, it is contraindicated to perform rituals of various ritual actions, the purpose of which is to harm another person, to make his life unbearable and unsuccessful. Conspiracies of black magic, corruption, love spells and curses are strictly forbidden to be carried out, because by performing such rites, the birthday man attracts all this to himself.

As noted earlier, a strong karmic energetically powerful field opens on a birthday, and the negative sticks to it in the first place and it is very difficult to remove all the bad things from oneself in the future. Opposition to such rituals can cause permanent illness, mental disorders and psychological instability.

Rituals for the first birthday of a child

To conduct a protective ritual for the first birthday for your child, you need to choose a moment when he falls asleep, light three candles, place them near the child’s head and legs, as if creating a protective shell of fire. The third candle should be held in your hands, impromptu cross the child and read the words of the prayer three times:

"Holy, Holy, Lord of Hosts,
Sit in the highest, walking on the thunder,
Coming out of the crypt and the coffin,
Resurrected from the dead.
And becoming the king of heaven and earth,
Hear and see me my child,
God's servant (name)
Cover with your holy shield,
ring of fire,
From all evil and misfortune,
From any unknown passion.
Lord, save him, save him.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

At the end of the words of the prayer, it is necessary to cross and cross the child, extinguish the candles and hide them in a secluded place until next day birth.

Birthday ritual Larisa Renard, Stepanova's practical magic

Larisa Renard recommends performing not just rituals, but through meditation, which creates a powerful energy flow and directs energy to fulfill the desired. On his birthday, Renard recommends conducting a meditative ceremony directly to let go of all the bad things that happened during this year of life, and those people with whom nothing happened.

To do this, you need to light three candles, sit in the lotus position, focus on your thoughts, remember the one you need to let go and say these words:

“I release you, let the higher powers decide our fate.
I let you go with all the love you gave me
I'm letting you go with all the good things we had
With joyful moments of happiness, with understanding and moments of love.
I release you with your love.
I release you with all your flaws and weaknesses
Which drove me crazy.
I let you go with our quarrels and misunderstandings,
dissatisfaction with each other.
I let you go with your grievances and insulting to me
your words and actions.
I confidently and calmly let you go, which tormented me so much,
And you, who loved me so much.
I release you with love.
I'm letting go. I'm letting go. I'm letting go.
Walk with God and let higher powers decide your fate.”

After reading the words, you need to sit motionless in your thoughts for a few more minutes. Next, extinguish the candles and good mood and a sense of liberation to go celebrate a birthday.

Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova recommends reading a conspiracy for her birthday, which is aimed at prolonging a long and happy life. To do this, you need to retire in a room where there will be no strangers, light a candle, stand in front of the mirror and say the words: “The slave (name) will live as many years as there are versts on the road. And as long as this road is alive, no one will interrupt my words. Key. Lock. Language". After that, cross the reflection in the mirror and put out the candle.

Birthday rituals from the winners of the battle of psychics

Winners television show The “Battle of Psychics” is open to all their fans, so they share with great pleasure rituals that are useful for life, which will not only protect against the evil eye, damage and other negativity, but will also help you find yourself, succeed in your career and improve your material well-being.

One of these ritual actions is the rite on career, which is held for a birthday, is as follows: you need to purchase new beautiful clothes in advance and put them on yourself. While dressing, you should say the following words of the conspiracy:

"I put on a new thing,
new career I punch myself
I will have service and friendship,
Success at work
Understanding among people.

The charmed clothes must be worn for three days, then rinsed in clean water and sprinkle water on your workplace.

Psychics also offer a weight loss plot, which should be carried out directly on the birthday of the person who wants to lose weight. excess weight. To do this, you need to get up early in the morning, preferably before sunrise, take a beautiful bulk apple, dip it in the sacred church water. After that, the apple should be put on a clean white saucer, and next to it, light a white candle and say the words of the conspiracy:

“Eve tempted Adam with an apple, and he sinned. But he didn’t go for an apple, and he didn’t look at an apple. Just as Eve has a beautiful body, so do I (name), the way it becomes irresistible, as Eve feels strength in it, so let my body be strong. I’ll bite off an apple, and I’ll let go of the extra weight on a long journey. Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so!"

The words of the conspiracy should be read three times, and then eat the apple to the core. The main point in this whole rite is that it is allowed to conduct it only in the phase of the waning moon. If the birthday does not fall into such a phase, then it is better to postpone the ritual so as not to harm yourself even more in the end.

Birthday rituals for health and effective magic words

To conduct a birthday ritual for health, you need to get up before everyone else, draw cool water into a bucket, be sure to drip a couple of drops of sacred water and read the words of the conspiracy over it three times.

The special magical energy of birthday rituals will allow you to enlist the support of the Higher Forces and attract good luck for the next year. During such a period, ritual witchcraft is distinguished by a special positive, changing not only circumstances, but also affecting personal worldview. At this time, past mistakes are corrected and fate is corrected.

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Why perform a ceremony on a birthday?

At the moment of birth, the sacred connection of a person with the Universal Forces is especially manifested. Each subsequent birthday is Starting point personal annual cycle. It is on this day that you can change the program of a person’s life for the next 12 months.

It has long been believed that during the period of birth, Heaven itself listens to the wishes of the birthday person.

What are birthday rituals?

The main birthday rituals are birthday traditions:

  • present;
  • congratulations and wishes;
  • blowing out candles and making a wish.

However, special actions are also carried out aimed at:

  • attracting love, health and wealth;
  • neutralization of negative attitudes;
  • activation of amulets and talismans.

How to make a wish

Rules to make a dream come true:

  1. Positive light charge. They do not remember failures, defeats and do not wish all sorts of troubles to the offenders. After analyzing the situation, draw conclusions and forgive. Thus, they present themselves with a gift in the form of getting rid of destructive emotions.
  2. A clear statement of desire. If this is the attraction of the second half, they describe how she looks, what she does, what character traits she may have. For promotion, indicate the position, salary and work process for the desired vacancy. If it is a purchase, the characteristics of the purchase are precisely determined, down to the model and special functions.
  3. Lack of restrictions. Having indicated or written out the wishes on a separate sheet, they leave to the will of the Universe how they will be fulfilled.

The power of a birthday or how to make a wish from Lina Naydenova's channel "Energy and Beauty"

Birthday Prayers

Orthodox conversions are protective and grateful. They start the morning with them in order to have reliable patronage and help in difficult situations all year round.

Main appeals:

  • prayer to the Heavenly Father;
  • thanksgiving to the Most Holy Theotokos;
  • prayer to the Guardian Angel.

The main Orthodox call on a birthday sounds like this:

“Lord God, Lord of the whole world, visible and invisible. All the days and summers of my life depend on Your holy will. I thank You, most merciful Father, that You allowed me to live one more year. I know that because of my sins I am not worthy of this mercy, but You show it to me according to Your indescribable love for mankind. Extend Thy mercies to me, a sinner; continue my life in virtue, tranquility, in health, in peace with all relatives and in harmony with all neighbors. Give me an abundance of the fruits of the earth and all that is necessary to satisfy my needs. Most of all, cleanse my conscience, strengthen me on the path of salvation, so that, following it, after many years of life in this world, passing into eternal life, I would be honored to be the heir to Your Kingdom of Heaven. Himself, Lord, bless the year I begin and all the days of my life. Amen".

Prayer to the Guardian Angel:

For intercession and help, they turn to their Guardian Angel at any time.

But there is a special invocation that can only be used once a year:

Angel of my birth.
Send me your blessings
From trouble, grief deliverance,
From my enemies nine nine times,

From slander and blasphemy in vain,
From a sudden and terrible illness,
From the tip in the dark, from the poison in the bowl,

From the beast in the thicket

From the gaze of Herod and his army,
From anger and punishment
From animal torment,
From eternal cold and fire
From hunger and a rainy day -
Save, save me.

And my last hour will come,
My angel, stay with me
Stand at the head, ease my departure.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Prayer for the intended

Requests are also addressed to the Most Pure Mother of God, the intercessor of all Orthodox Christians:

« Holy Mother of God, Mother of God. Do not be angry at my request, I do not hide sins from you. For cursing and impatience, I ask Jesus for forgiveness. Let them reject illnesses, relatives do not toil, but sincerely repent for all sins. May all desires be fulfilled as soon as possible, and the gaps in unbelief be filled with the Good. If these desires lead to the Underworld, I will read the Lord's Prayer about salvation. Yes, it will be your will. Amen".

Magic conspiracies on your birthday

Conspiracies on your birthday can be pronounced:

  • for the fulfillment of desires;
  • to get rid of problems;
  • to attract love, wealth and good luck;
  • for happiness in everything;
  • for promotion;
  • to change fate;
  • to get rid of loneliness.

For the fulfillment of desires

The spell is recited three times at sunrise, palms folded together:

“I will rise, the servant of God (name), blessing, crossing myself, clean water I will wash, I will leave the hut, I will say goodbye to my father, I will bless my mother. I will go from the hut to the vestibule, from the vestibule to the porch, from the porch to the open field. Behind that field, the sea is okiyan, and in that okiyan is the island of Buyan. There are three towers on the island. The first wooden tower, in that chamber is Mother of God, I’ll go, bow to her and say: Mother of God, as you looked after Jesus when he walked the earth, look after me as long as I walk on the earth, and give me damask health and light beauty. The second golden tower, in that tower Saint Paraskeva, I’ll go, bow to her and say: Saint Paraskeva, give me good luck in money matters, so that I don’t suffer a lack of anything. The third tower of jasper, in that tower are Saints Peter and Fevronia, I will go, bow to them and say: Saints Peter and Fevronia, I ask you for hot blood, a heart seething with love, and a strong spirit, for family consent. As the door to the jamb is pretending, so my words are pretending to me, all days, all hours, at noon and midnight, day and night. Amen".

Birthday spell:

“Lord Almighty, Heavenly Father, hear my prayer! Helpers, come, come to my oak table, and let neither windows nor doors be an obstacle to you. Bring me precious dust from gold, and a bone from a mighty bull. Leave them to me as helpers, protectors, shelters. From now on, I (Name) will be lucky in all endeavors and good thoughts, luck will not go away, but gold will arrive. I lock my words tightly, and whoever tries to break them will only waste his strength in vain.

The next conspiracy is read on a birthday, on burning church candles, at least twelve times:

My God,
Bless and have mercy

Pass through the gate
Through the window
Through the black pipe
To my oak table
bring me
Dust gilded
Pulverized hare lip
And three bones from a heifer.
Like the moon at its hour
Walks across the sky
So to me, God's Servant (name),
From now on, you'll be lucky.
Sand in the sea, word, deed -
On constipation.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

To get rid of problems on a birthday

A conspiracy to save from trouble can be performed by a close person or relative.

You will need:

  • new handkerchief;
  • small coin;
  • birthday item.

At midnight the day before holiday pronounce:

“Whoever asks the Lord for help, the Lord helps him. May my great desire be fulfilled with the help of heaven. By unknown roads to the servant of God (name), happiness will come, all problems and troubles will turn away. I’m tying my scarf now, for bright help, for good deeds. Amen"

  1. In a handkerchief, they hide a coin along with the birthday thing.
  2. The bundle is placed at the head of his bed.
  3. After the wish is fulfilled, the scarf is untied.
  4. The coin is taken to the temple.

For love

Conspiracies are on:

  • attracting love;
  • search for the second half.

You can attract a person you like like this:

  1. At midnight before a birthday, church candles are lit in solitude.
  2. If there is a photograph, it is placed in front of a mirror.
  3. If there is no photo, visualize the image of the desired person.
  4. They ask him to come to the call:

“As the sun goes down in the morning, so the dear one would come to me. As a river flows to the sea, so my dear one would hurry to me, would not linger. To never be alone, but go hand in hand through life. Amen"

To search for a new commitment, they say a magic spell: “I will accept the betrothed with all my heart, I will repay his love with love! Amen"

Further ritual actions:

  1. On the flame of a red candle, 9 dry rose petals are burned.
  2. The ashes are mixed with water.
  3. Water a young houseplant.

For wealth and good luck on your birthday

For well-being, they buy a glass of poppy seeds and do not take change. A black handkerchief is laid out on the table, a circle is drawn with new soap. Grain is poured into the center with the words:

"On the sea, on the ocean there is one island,

There is land on that island.

There is the Lord God, the Mother of God and me.

I'll get closer to them

I bow down to them.

Mother of God, you lived on earth,

I took the bread in my hands

I paid money for bread

She carried money in her purse.

They won't give you food without money.

Clothes are not woven

candles will not be served in the church.

Give me, Lord, how many poppies are on this scarf,

So much money in my wallet.

I lock my words, I close my business.

Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

For happiness in everything on your birthday

In order to make a happy fate for themselves, waking up in the morning, they go to the open window and say:

“Lord Almighty, I turn to you, the Servant (s) of God (s) ( given name) give me a good and happy fate. Let all the evil that goes along with me in life go forever into the bottomless mirror. And all bad luck goes on a long journey and never comes back to me. I securely close with your holy crosses from the failures of life and remain with happiness forever. I praise and pray, you, Lord. Amen".

After the festive feast, all leftover food is collected from the table and taken out to homeless animals.

For promotion

If career growth has stalled or you want successful changes and luck at work, they read the spell in the morning before leaving the house:

“Lord, protect me and encourage me with career advancement. Amen".

After the request is fulfilled, a rich ransom is brought to the temple - a tithe from the new salary.

You can conspire on birch bark:

  1. Having broken off a piece from a birch, they say: “I took it for a good deed, with approval and a promotion went. Let the work argue, encouragement multiplies. Amen".
  2. The birch bark is sewn into a linen bag.
  3. Store at work.

To change fate on your birthday

If a person is haunted by failures and troubles, a conspiracy is required to change fate and open up new prospects.

“The mirror is dark, the heart is black. Lord, help, sanctify the soul. I light a candle (light all 7 candles) and in a prayer I ask: the prince of Darkness put the seal of Hell on me, the servant of God, reflect the fire of Christ that black seal that they put on me, the servant of God, evil people Protect, Jesus, with an unbearable protection. Lord, Jesus Christ, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, I make three bows: for the first time (cross), do not turn away from me, servants of God, for sins free and involuntary. Amen. For the second time (cross), grant salvation to my soul, Lord. Amen. For the third time (cross) to the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Protect me, the servant of God, with an indestructible cover, indestructible protection. Amen. Time after time, cross after cross, lock me, Lord, with your finger. I lay three crosses with holy water (a cross on the body with holy water), in the name of the Lord I close myself with a cross (another cross) in the name of Jesus Christ I close myself with a cross (another cross) in the name of the Holy Spirit I close myself with a cross. Amen".

Features of the ceremony:

  1. They read in front of the icon and lighted candles, in solitude.
  2. Withstand 3 days of strict fasting.
  3. In the temple candles are placed to the image of the Savior, the Blessed Virgin and the Holy Trinity.

To get rid of loneliness

If loneliness is a burden, you should enlist the support of the Higher Forces by performing the ceremony on your birthday.

For execution you will need:

  • red candle;
  • transparent glass;
  • water consecrated in the temple.

Water is a good conductor of information and magical actions with it help to get a stable result.

On the night of the birthday, they go out to a quiet intersection, light a candle and drop wax into a glass of water and say:

“I am a servant of God (name) on a dark night I will go on the road that brought trouble. I will pray, I will cross myself on three sides. I will ask for deliverance from loneliness and the crown of celibacy of oblivion. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

Rituals and rituals on a birthday

Most strong rituals and rituals that are performed only on a birthday:

  • with candles;
  • at the crossroads;
  • with shadow;
  • "Money bath";
  • to achieve the goal;
  • for protection;
  • "Floral".

From candles

To preserve and increase the state, they buy green candles, the number of years of the birthday man. A change from change is laid out in the corners of the dwelling with the words:

“I have arrived and let my house arrive”

Candles are lit and a dream is said over each.

Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish from the Samir Ali channel

A ritual performed at a crossroads

At the intersection of two roads, they ask the Higher Forces for the fulfillment of desires or for help. They find a quiet, secluded intersection and at noon, standing in the center, they say:

“I bow, servant of God (name), to the east, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I bow to (name), to the east, bow to the west, bow to the north, bow to the south. I command all four corners of the world: you will call together all the forces of heaven and the forces of the earth. May all forces fulfill my cherished desire (pronounce what you want). May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

You need to learn the words in advance and speak, turning to each of the four sides. In the form of a ransom for magic, leave a few coins.

Ritual with shadow

They stand opposite the wall so that the shadow is not obscured by anything and is visible in full height. With their hands folded in the castle, they read the words four times:

“O Lord my God, Thy servant, before Thee. How You created the Moon, and the Sun, and part of the Star, and the blue sea, and the black earth, and man, and his shadow - all this on the seventh day. And the Lord gave me a shadow for every day. I ask her and order: let (define desire) be fulfilled. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The ceremony can be performed not only for yourself, but also for children or loved one, inserting his name into the text of the plot.

"Money Bath"

For this beautiful and effective ceremony you will need:

  • candles;
  • a teaspoon of cinnamon stick powder;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • 8 coins.

Perform the following actions:

  1. Coins of different denominations are placed in a small container and sprinkled with ground cinnamon.
  2. Add 4 tablespoons of finely chopped parsley and 5 cups of water.
  3. The dishes are put on fire.
  4. The boiled broth is cooled.
  5. At this time, they take a bath, light candles in the corners.
  6. An infusion is poured into a filled container, saying: “Let the money flow like a golden river and I will always have it!”
  7. Immerse yourself in the bath, relax and visualize desire.

Ritual to achieve the goal

In traditional magic, a unique ritual takes place that activates the qualities of the individual, according to the chosen color. Multi-colored and white candles are used as the main tool.

The color shade is a conductor that accompanies desire in the information field of the Universe:

  1. Pink - healing, healing serious heart shocks, promoting recovery mental strength and balance.
  2. Green - has the energy of money, opportunities and means. It helps to quickly advance in a career, actively increasing financial strength.
  3. Red - exciting element of mutual passion, feelings and emotions. Able to bring ardor into a cooled hearth.
  4. Yellow is the color of confidence and energy, helping to easily cope with great physical and emotional stress.
  5. Silver - promotes deep self-knowledge, helps to determine life priorities and fulfill oneself.
  6. Gold is the color of action and wisdom, directing all forces towards the desired goals.

Conducting the ceremony:

  1. Having determined the tone of the candle, according to the sphere to which the wish belongs, they write on it what is being thought.
  2. White candles are placed in the center and on the right.
  3. The conductor is placed on the left and lit last.
  4. They say: “I deserve success. I have done big job and this work continues to lead to the achievement of the goal (pronounced clearly stated goal).
  5. Allow the candles to burn out while contemplating and visualizing their wish.

Protection Ritual

A protective rite on your birthday will restore energy and protect you from dark influences for the whole next year.

You will need:

  • container (glass or cup);
  • spring water;
  • inexpensive new jewelry (ring, brooch, medallion).

Perform the following:

  1. The item is purchased in advance, at least a week before the birthday, and is worn without taking it off.
  2. On the night before the holiday, the product is placed in a container, filled with water and left on the windowsill. It is desirable that it be illuminated by moonlight.
  3. In the morning, the jewelry is taken out of the water, wiped dry and clenched in a fist, asking for protection.
  4. Wear it all the time or put it on in especially difficult situations.

A modest little thing will become a powerful amulet donated by the Universe itself.

"Flower" rite

This ritual will allow you to ask the Higher Forces not one desire, but several.

To carry out you will need:

  • ribbons of the corresponding color;
  • church candle;
  • a flower from a gift bouquet.

Select one or more ribbons of the desired color:

  • to attract financial well-being- green;
  • red - if the desire is associated with love and passion;
  • blue - will help strengthen physical strength and health;
  • for femininity and external attractiveness - pink.

Action sequence:

  1. Having retired after the holiday, they light a candle.
  2. Tying a ribbon on the stem of a flower, they say: “I will tie a knot, I ask you to fulfill my desire. Let (voice the dream)."
  3. If there are several desires, repeat the ritual with the next ribbon.
  4. Having tied the last one, they say: “The flower will dry up, and my dream will become a reality. Let it be so".

Good and bad omens for a birthday

The omens that fall on this holiday will tell you whether the year will be happy, as well as what to fear:

  • break dishes on your birthday - for a successful year;
  • accept congratulations in advance - unfortunately;
  • celebrate before the actual birthday - shorten your life;
  • to borrow or lend on this day - to poverty;
  • celebrate the 40th anniversary - give up wisdom.

What not to do on your birthday

It is believed that since every birthday a person goes through the stage of creating life anew, his soul is especially vulnerable.

In order not to bring negativity into your life, first of all, you can’t do harm on your birthday:

  • committing damage;
  • inducing a love spell;
  • proclaiming the curse.


Three unique rituals from psychic Alena Kurilova on the channel "Everything will be kind"

In this article:

Rituals and magical rituals on a birthday can have a different focus, but most often - to fulfill wishes, to attract money, good luck and love. Such magic is highly effective, since the birth itself is the process of the birth of a person, on this day each of us begins independent life and with this day a person has a strong energy connection.

But do not forget that a birthday is a strong stress for a child, as his body and mind have undergone a strong negative impact on this day. That is why, shortly before your favorite holiday, various troubles can happen to a person.

magical birthday rituals

A person may love or not love his birthday, however, this does not change the fact that it is on this day that great opportunities open up for him to influence own destiny and all the world. Due to the strong energy connection of a person with the Universe, on a birthday it is best to carry out special magical rituals for the fulfillment of desires.

Before you begin to fulfill the ritual of desire, you need to clearly formulate each of your dreams in one phrase, moreover, this phrase should fully reflect your desire and leave no room for variations.

For example, if you want to find a job, then make a wish like: “I want to find a well-paid job”, you can also indicate the area in which you want to work. The more specifically your desire is formulated, the faster and more accurately it will be fulfilled, remember this before performing magical rites.

A simple ritual for a wish

On your birthday, try to allocate about an hour for the ritual. To do this, stay completely alone, close your eyes and imagine that golden rays are pouring down on your head from above. Try not only to see them, but also to feel them with your body. Imagine that these rays warm your skin, fill your body with energy and life.

After that, say in a whisper: “I (name) and the Universe are one. I (name) is the Universe. Now imagine that the golden rays become denser and brighter, they completely envelop your body, and you feel that the energy of these rays penetrates under your skin. Now think about your most cherished desire.


Say the prepared phrase aloud, hear your own words, try to imagine how your desire resonates in the physical world and your words begin to materialize. Concentrate on your desire, mentally turn it into a clot of energy and send it up - in the direction of the rays falling on you. After that, you can open your eyes, the ritual is completed and your wish is sent to the addressee.

Rite at the Crossroads

Effective rituals for the fulfillment of desires are not uncommon, each of them has a certain power, and the effectiveness fully depends only on the performer.

If you believe in your own strength, in magic, and you are completely sure that the rite you are conducting is valid, then any of your desires will surely come true.

On your birthday, carve out a moment of loneliness and, closer to noon, go to a crossroads remote from prying eyes. Stand in the center of the intersection, face east.

Make sure that no one sees you, and bow three times to each side of the world in this sequence: east, then west, north and south. After that, turn again to the east and say the words of the conspiracy four times:

“I bow, servant of God (name), to the east, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I bow to (name), to the east, bow to the west, bow to the north, bow to the south. I command all four corners of the world: you will call together all the forces of heaven and the forces of the earth. May all forces fulfill my cherished desire (say the prepared phrase with a desire). May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now again bow to all four cardinal points in the same sequence, throw four identical coins at the crossroads and say "Paid". Now turn away from the crossroads, close your eyes and clearly and clearly imagine that you have already received what you want.


Try not only to see what you wished for, but also to feel the whole range of positive emotions that you would really experience if your dream came true at this very moment. The brighter you imagine what you want, and the stronger you feel positive emotions from the fulfillment of desire, the faster and more accurately it materializes. After that, you can leave the intersection, but in no case look back. On the way home, do not talk to anyone, or better yet, do not look at other people.

In the process of conducting this magical ritual, nothing should interfere with you. The intersection should be empty of cars and strangers, so find in advance some kind of intersection on the outskirts, where there are practically no people. If something interferes with you during the ceremony, it will be interrupted, and it will be possible to repeat it only at another intersection.

Ritual to get rid of trouble

On your birthday, you can not only perform own desires, but also to get rid of various troubles and negativity forever. Best given magical rite suitable for restoring shaky health, strengthening your vital energy and getting rid of negative interference. The ritual is performed in nature in complete solitude.

Kindle a small fire, cross it and cross yourself. After that, looking at the fire, say the words of the conspiracy three times:

“As you, the King of Fire, burn branches and logs, as you burn everything in your path and overcome all obstacles, so you burn my illnesses and ailments, all ailments, all pains and suffocations forever take away. May it come true what is said. Amen".

After that, wipe your face with a damp towel, throw it into the fire (the fire should be big enough to make the cloth catch fire), and say the words:

“To you, King Fire, I give all illnesses and ailments. Go away, my pain, into the sacred, hot fire. Deliver me, Fire, take my ailment with you. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Collect the ashes left from the fire and bury them in the ground in the same place along with a few coins. After that, leave from there and do not turn around.

To attract good luck

Birthday is a unique time that allows you to radically change own life. In addition to getting rid of diseases and fulfilling desires, on this day you can also enlist the support of good luck, which will be useful in any life situation and every person needs.

The magical ritual should be done in the first half of the day. Place a small mirror on the table, light one church candle made of natural wax nearby, place a vessel with holy water to the left of it, and Thursday salt to the right.

Do not perform this ceremony in the evening or at night.

Close your eyes, throw out all extraneous thoughts from your head and read the following prayers: “Our Father”, “Our Lady, Virgin, rejoice”, “May God rise again”. After that, whisper the words of the conspiracy three times:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Lord God, Heavenly Father, grant me, your servant (name), a happy fate, a successful life. I leave my evil share forever, I send it to the mirror world. You, bad luck, go away, but don't come back. I, the servant of God (name), will remain happy, I close myself from failures with crosses. Let it come true, what is said.

After that, dip the fingers of your right hand in holy water, and cross yourself, pronouncing the words: “In the name of the Lord God, Heavenly Father, I close myself from failures forever with the Holy Cross. In the name of Jesus Christ, I protect myself from failure. In the name of the Holy Spirit, I become happy. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now eat a small pinch of Thursday salt, wash it down with three sips of holy water, bow facing east, cross yourself and put out the candle.
The next day you will need to go to church and light candles for your own health to the icons of the Holy Trinity, the Mother of God and Jesus Christ.
At the end, donate any amount of money to the needs of the temple, but do not give alms to those who ask, on this day.

For each person, his birthday is not only another milestone. This is the day on which we all wait for the fulfillment of our cherished desire. For some it is money, for others it is love and health, for others it is luck in everything and everywhere. Therefore, a birthday is considered a special holiday. If you wish that on such a day come true cherished dream or a wish made, help the Universe to make it a reality. For this purpose, you can use magic, special rituals, spells. They are called so - conspiracies on the birthday.

Special prayers and ceremonies intended for the day of birth must be said specifically at this time. As practice shows, thanks to such conspiracies, you can bring the realization of what you want closer, as well as “order” yourself happiness for the whole year.

If you want the whole year, starting from the name day, to be good, do these rites. On your special day, get up early in the morning to watch the sunrise. Get outside. Close your palms at chest level and say, looking at the first rays of the sun, the text of the prayer:

“I will get up, the servant of God (say your name) early in the morning and wash myself. Without crossing myself, without blessing I will leave the house, but I will go into a clean field. There is an ocean behind the field, and on it is the island of Buyan. Three towers stand on that island. In the first, wooden, sits the Mother of God. Bowing, I ask you to give me good health, good luck and bright beauty. In the second, golden chamber, sits the Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva. I bow to her, I ask for luck in money matters and prosperity. In the third chamber of jasper sits St. Peter and Fevronia. Bowing to them, I ask for hot love, in the family of consent. Said words lock and key for the whole year. Amen".

This prayer should be repeated three times. When finished, return home. When you cross the threshold of the house, light a candle. Having placed it near the icons, read the prayers, referring to all the saints listed in the text of the conspiracy. As a rule, such rituals are very effective and will help not only to fulfill a wish on your birthday, but also to attract good luck in many matters on your birthday. whole year forward.

Rite to attract more money

There is also a conspiracy, the action of which is aimed at attracting wealth. Such rituals have a strong effect if performed at midnight. To implement the plan, you need to prepare:

  • 1 church candle;
  • the icon of the Almighty;
  • piece of clean cloth.

To fulfill your desire to get rich, wait until midnight, which foreshadows the hour of your birth. When the arrows converge at 12, put an icon on the window. Light a candle and, holding it in front of the holy face, say the text of the prayer 12 times in a row:

“I will be baptized, a servant of God (my name), be blessed with a cross (at the same time, cross yourself and bow once). Lord Almighty, you own everything visible and invisible, hours and minutes of my life and destiny. I thank You for the happiness of living on Earth this year, because I am not worthy of mercy, because I am sinful / sinful. Please give me more of your mercy. I ask you to extend the days of my life so that your virtues accompany me, so that I can live in health and harmony, feel the abundance of earthly gifts and wealth. Bless me, Lord, and mine every day for this year. Amen".

After you pronounce this magical text, put out the candle. You need to do this with two fingers of your right hand. After that, wrap the rest of the candle in the prepared piece of cloth. As soon as you put the icon in place, put a bundle behind it. After completing these steps, go to bed.

Rite to meet the betrothed

For those who wish to meet their betrothed as soon as possible, this conspiracy is suitable. On your birthday, you can order yourself various benefits (health, luck, wealth, money), including love. And given that the day of birth is a special holiday, the chances of fulfilling the plan are great. Such rituals, which are performed on a birthday, will be effective for those who are not in love. This is one of the main conditions for success. The rest include confidentiality, conducting the ritual alone.

To attract a betrothed, to bring a meeting with him closer, do the following. Take a blank sheet of paper and draw the ideal image of a man for yourself. If you do not have the gift of drawing, you can write a list of qualities that you consider important. Then close your eyes and imagine the guy of your dreams.

On your special holiday, picking up this piece of paper, say the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as I don’t see the bright sun in the night sky, so I won’t be alone. As in the night the moon meets twinkling stars, so I will meet my betrothed. I can walk with him for days, spend the night at night, then get married and share love. To go with my beloved along the century. Everything I have said will come true. Amen".

Such rituals will help to lure love (narrowed) in the near future, if you pronounce the magic words of the conspiracy at the same time for three days in a row.

Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish

On your special day when you were born, you can ask the Universe to fulfill cherished desire. To make your dream come true, prepare the following items the day before the name day:

  • three church candles;
  • a glass of holy water;
  • 2 saucers;
  • a few peas of black pepper;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • red fabric bag.

Wait until midnight before your birthday. When the arrows close at 12, place the items on the table. Light candles, put pepper on one saucer, and cinnamon on the other. Looking at the candles, first say prayers, then you can voice your desire. After that, you should pronounce the magic text:

“As the Lord Almighty helps everyone who asks him for help, so my cherished desire will be fulfilled. It will be filled with the spirit of help, it will become a reality. Let the path of realization be unknown to me. May it be given to me, the servant of God (my name), by the Holy Spirit what I ask. I ask the Lord for help and wait. Amen".

After these words, you need to take a sip of holy water, then cross yourself. After completing the described, pour the peas on the table, and crush them with a saucer. This will symbolize getting rid of the negative. Gather the pieces and throw them out the window. Now take the cinnamon. Hold the sticks a little over the flame of the candle, once again thinking about the fulfillment of desire. Immediately put them in a bag, tie it up and put it under your pillow.

He must lie there until the day of the desired fulfillment arrives. When you meet love, try your luck or get money, you can put the bag in another place, hiding it from prying eyes. But remember that such rituals can only be performed on a birthday.

Birthday for each person is the starting point of his personal annual cycle. This day is very important not only because everyone around celebrates and congratulates. This day is important for its special energy: it is personal New Year for a person. How you spend this day will determine the success or failure of the whole year. Magicians advise after waking up to read special conspiracies and birthday rituals that will help you live the whole year without troubles and losses.

At the dawn of your birthday, stand at the window or go out towards the first rays of the sun, press your crossed palms to your chest and read the plot three times from memory:

“I will become a servant of God (your name), crossing myself.
I'll go out blessed.
I wash myself with clean water.
I will say goodbye to my father, I will bless my mother.
I will go out of the hut into the canopy, and out of the canopy onto the porch, and from the porch into the open field.
Behind the field is the ocean-sea, and in that ocean-sea is the island of Buyan.
There are three towers on the island.
The first is wooden.
In that tower, the Mother of God sits.
I will approach her, bow down and say:
“Mother Mother of God, as you looked after your son Jesus, so watch me.
Give me damask health, love and bright beauty.
Terem is the second golden one.
In that tower Saint Paraskeva sits.
I will approach her, bow down and say:
"Saint Mother Paraskeva, give me good luck in money matters so that I don't lack anything."
Terem the third from jasper.
Saints Peter and Fevronia are sitting in it.
I will approach them, bow down and say:
“Saints Peter and Fevronia, I ask you for hot blood and a heart for love, a vigorous spirit, a strong spirit for family consent.”
To all my words, the key and the lock for all days, hours and minutes.

After reading the plot, return home. At home, light a church candle near the icons and read prayers. I want to note that this charm-charm is read immediately after waking up.

You can not wash, eat, comb your hair. Also, you can not pin your hair with hairpins.

This rite for good luck and wealth is read at your hour of birth. If you do not know the time of your birth, then read exactly at midnight on your birthday.

I want to remind you that the magical day does not begin at midnight, but after sunset. All conspiracies and rituals for a birthday are carried out in accordance with magical days, and not astronomical ones.

Place the icon of the Almighty on the window and light a church candle in front of it.

Read the prayers to the Lord (which you know), and then read the plot 12 times:

“I will be baptized with the Cross (be baptized once), I will be blessed by the Lord God (bow down).
Lord God, Lord of everything visible and invisible!
All the days and hours of my life depend on your holy will.
Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to live this year.
After all, I am a sinner and not worthy of mercy.
But you are long-suffering and many-merciful, Lord.
Grant me more favors.
Extend my life in peace and virtue, in health and abundance of earthly fruits.
Grant peace and love with my relatives in order to live in harmony with your neighbors.
And most of all, cleanse your conscience, strengthen me on the path of salvation, so that I can be the heir to your kingdom of heaven.
Bless, Lord, my year and all the days of my life.

Extinguish the candle with the fingers of your right hand (with a pinch), wrap it in a clean cloth or sheet of paper and place it behind the goddess. If you do not have a goddess, put it behind the icon. On the next birthday, read the plot on another candle, and take this one to the church.

If you are unlucky in life, love has gone, a black streak has come, perform rites and rituals to return good luck.

This plot for good luck is read either on your birthday or on your mother's birthday.

Exactly at noon, leave the house with as many coins in your hand as there are letters in your full name.

Approach the first intersection from the house on the west side.

Cross this intersection diagonally, and in the center say a conspiracy:

"Lord, judge with the one who took my luck."

Cross the crossroads, drop the money and say:

"Paid bills."

Now you need to quickly leave this place, without looking back and talking to anyone. Go to the next intersection. Once you cross it, the ritual will end.

Amulet from the evil eye and damage

Conspiracies and rituals for a birthday are valid all year round. Take care of . Cover the table with a clean tablecloth, put on it the icon of the Almighty (for men) or the icon Mother of God(for women), read the appropriate prayers.

Light a candle from a match and read on it 12 times a plot from damage:

“I speak to the servant of God (my name) from sorcerers and sorcerers,
From sorcerers and sorceresses, from a croaking raven, from a skhim and a skhimnik, from an old woman and an old man.
I send everyone from the servant of God (my name) to walk through the forest, take the tar from the ground, and bother my head.
As long as the servant of God (your name) is alive, do not bewitch her, do not drink her, do not take a lesson and do not spoil her.
Not by deed, not by word, not by aspen, not by spruce, not by candle, not by stake, not by Christmas, not by Kupala night, not by one bad day and night.
Word and deed.

As you read the amulet, put out the candle with the fingers of your right hand. Hide the candle behind the icon. This amulet will protect your health, money, love and luck, preserve and increase wealth. Because all failures come from envious eyes and dirty deeds.

Talisman of desire

Make a wish on your birthday! If your desire is adequate, it will certainly come true. That is, you can not make a wish to get a star from the sky or become the Queen of England.

You can make a wish for money and wealth, for health and love. All this will come true soon. Rites and rituals for desire are made on the growth of the moon, but birthdays are an exception to the rule.

Ancient rituals for the fulfillment of desires are the most effective and powerful. Money, love, wealth, luck - everything is subject to magic squares.

Make a wish and start drawing a magic table of five squares: 5 squares vertically and 5 squares horizontally (25 in total).

In these squares you must enter the phrase:


Write the letters with a new red ink pen on a thick sheet of paper. Think about your desire all the time. It should be one: either money, or love, or health and good luck.
