Jupiter conjunct Pluto. Transiting Jupiter Aspect Uranus

Jupiter transits

Transiting Jupiter in Radix Sun.

The best period when a person is waiting for success, good luck, promotion, ascension to power, public recognition. Man actively
releases accumulated energy Creative skills, strives to become authoritative, shows interest in religion, philosophy, problems of ideology, shows organizational and teaching abilities. The person stands out from the crowd. Any alliances concluded during this period are successful, any expansion in any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife is useful. Improving physical health.
In negative aspects - arrogance, arrogance, swagger, contempt for people, dissatisfaction with everything that surrounds him. Doesn't respond to criticism. Builds unrealizable plans and projects. Performs erroneous, unreasonable actions under the influence of a sense of superiority and self-confidence.

Transiting Jupiter on Radix Moon.

Gives optimism and self-confidence, improvement emotional mood, improvement family relations and financial affairs. Draws on travel and acquaintance with other cultures. Internal impulses are actively turned on, which gives an unconscious search for new ways and intuitive inclusion in social processes. Strengthens the craving for the occult - a person can learn the laws of ancestors, traditions, religions. Successful trips, foreign business trips, sea ​​travel, new acquaintances and connections. A good period for housing affairs (housing exchange, moving). In the female horoscope - marriage or a meeting with a patron. In men - well-being in business and in family relationships.
In negative aspects - failure in the listed characteristics.

Transiting Jupiter by radix Mercury.

Strengthens and expands the intellectual sphere, a person becomes more reasonable, balanced, calm, more polite, inspires confidence, which is good for business contacts. A person actively and diversified shows his organizational skills. This is a good period for entrepreneurship, learning and passing exams, for writing and publishing, For scientific work, for negotiating and concluding agreements and contracts, for conducting court cases and for solving complicated cases in any area (instances, including issues related to social security and trade).
In negative aspects - all of the listed cases and activities will not bring good luck.

Transiting Jupiter in Radix Venus.

The period of balance, harmony, happiness, comfort and prosperity. Harmony in family and public relations, a person is satisfied with everything, everything is easy for him, he receives a lot from life, all difficulties are smoothed out. A good period for love and marriage, popularity in science and art. Protection of women from men, and men - from women.
In negative aspects - laziness and lordly behavior, parasites and opportunists, prone to sweet life. Women are kept women, men are gigolos.

Transiting Jupiter by radix Mars.

An active social position, attempts to achieve success and recognition, to become noticeable and authoritative. Here, Jupiter somewhat smoothes and slows down the impulsiveness of Mars, allows a person to see his mistakes and stop in time, not to commit rash actions, which improves relations with others and contributes to success. During this period, you can go to the risk of a favorable period for the necessary surgery.
In negative aspects, a person is forced to take on heavy social workloads that make him a "scapegoat", or he is charged with overtime work and a lot of assignments for the service, which aggravates relations with superiors. Trials and clarifying relationships at work.

Transiting Jupiter by radix Jupiter.

A period of good luck, exaltation, prosperity. Increased interest in religion, philosophy, laws, education, travel, foreigners. A good period for employment in all of these areas, for matters related to the church, hospital, charity, solving legal problems.
In negative aspects - there is no luck in conducting all the listed cases, overstrain in business and financial problems.

Transiting Jupiter over Radix Saturn.

A very important period, especially for the second half of life. Gives authority, full mastery of the profession, the stability of the social position. The path to this is through education, training, self-restraint, voluntary submission to a teacher, through a reassessment of life values ​​and awareness of one's purpose in life. Goals and objectives - long-term. During this period, a person may be involved in activities related to law, government, politics, or administrative responsibility.
In negative aspects - enslaving contracts and obligations, temporary shutdown from social processes (expelled from work, put in jail). Danger of blows, collapses, sudden loss of consciousness.

Transiting Jupiter by radix Uranus.

Includes hidden intuitive and occult abilities (astrological, clairvoyance, telepathy). Unexpected turns in social life V better side- with good planets and positive aspects, or for worse - with evil planets and negative aspects. The opportunity to receive an inheritance, to solve a complicated problem associated with society.
In negative aspects - uncontrollable situations in social area: difficult to find a job, no authority, unforeseen delays or absenteeism, conflicts with superiors. In general, during this transit it is necessary to solve all the problems of social life quickly, sharply and in an unusual way(I met a foreigner, quickly packed up and went abroad).

Transiting Jupiter by Radix Neptune.

Increases interest in occult problems, a person learns secret processes that were previously inaccessible, and everything secret becomes clear to him. Increases education at the expense of secret information, may have secret power, secret abilities. The craving for art, for the highest harmony in life, can give rise to creative inspiration, often intuitive.
In negative aspects - craving for alcoholism and drug addiction, aggravation of secret enmity, falls into negative religious sects.

Transiting Jupiter over Radix Pluto.

Gives a sharp aggravation of social activity, work with the masses, with the team. Included in social processes through the rise or coming to power of his party, the whole team. Increased personal magnetism, interest in occult knowledge (especially in reincarnation, in life after death). A person is engaged in spiritual self-improvement and sometimes changes religious and philosophical views and ideals through spiritual insight. The gift of prophecy may manifest.
In a negative aspect, large crowds of people, excessive activity and workload are dangerous for a person, which leads to plethora and stroke. To be wary of fanaticism in views on religion, culture and the use of occult abilities and knowledge to the detriment of people.

Transiting Jupiter in Radix Proserpina.

Sharp ideological and social upheavals in life, a change of authorities, a deeper study of the origins and roots of all religions, their karmic roots. Separate trifles of social life line up in a system, clarifying a lot and forcing us to change the irrevocably old point of view.
In the negative aspect - and the coups will be negative: a person is involved in anti-social activities, in the mafia, is faced with criminal activities with all the ensuing consequences.

Transiting Jupiter by radix Chiron.

Gives dual situations in social relationships, a double game in politics, social work or relationships with the boss at work. IN best case- this is the ability to sit on two chairs - it can bring good luck and even success and exaltation, but more often it is temporary.
On the negative side, there is a dangerous period of a confused and ambivalent game with society: adventures, the use of an official position for personal purposes through intrigues and services to "yours and ours." It can become completely confused, find no way out, and collapse. Or they will expose all his intrigues (during other transits).

Transiting Jupiter in Radix Rahu.

Public prestige and recognition are growing, Jupiterian tendencies are actively manifested: the desire for power, to seize social positions. A person is in solidarity with generally accepted views and standards, tries to benefit from them, taking an active part in popular, cultural, religious events and philosophical movements. Successful business trips abroad and work far from home.

Transiting Jupiter by radix Ketu.

Strengthens belief in traditional standards, a person is critical of current popular views on life, especially in the field of culture and social relations, therefore, he does not enjoy authority. He is not noticed, he is not considered, his social activity meets severe obstacles from the environment. He must fulfill certain obligations, live in artificially created conditions - as if paying the debts of society.

Transiting Jupiter by Radix Lilith.

Strengthens the bad role of society in a person's life, confronts him with the vicious aspects of life, mafias, involves him in a vicious way of life, where cruel inhuman laws prevail. This social swamp draws in a person walking on a low path, facilitating the path of a complete fall and making a person not only useless for society, but also dangerous. And worst of all, if a person who is passionate about bad thoughts and actions, falls into a malicious sect, begins to worship the devil and becomes a false teacher himself. Follow the transits of all planets in Lilith. Change of home for the worse.

Transiting Jupiter in Radix Selena.

A person comes into contact with those forces that help him spiritual growth. New spiritual horizons are opening before a person, a higher meaning social activities and its lofty goal in public life: spiritual healing environment, teaching others to improve their spiritual level and indicate the path of their evolution of development. Use this transit (once every twelve years), albeit within your family as a cell of society - this will already be a great contribution to the improvement of society. Change of home - improvement.

Transiting Jupiter by radix ASC.

Great self-confidence, expanding one's influence on others, sociability, respectable acquaintances, business entrepreneurship, personal participation in social processes. Feeling of spiritual renewal, the desire to improve their knowledge in the field of culture, religion, philosophy. During this period, a person gains excess weight.

Transiting Jupiter by radix DSC.

A prosperous period for partnership, cooperation, for marriage, for friendly settlement of disputes and for resolving court cases, for meeting foreigners.
In a negative aspect - open hostility with colleagues, members of the public., Conflicts and disagreements with partners. They benefit for themselves from relationships with others, considering this the norm.

Transiting Jupiter by radix MC.

The period of great achievements, professional and social, gives a person self-confidence, conviction that he is right. Life circumstances move him up, make him visible and authoritative, he gets complete independence, many opportunities to achieve triumph.
In a negative aspect - the use of power for personal gain.

Transiting Jupiter IC.

Opportunities are expanding for improving household and family affairs and relationships, including financial ones. It is possible to change an apartment, purchase a house or a summer residence. In spiritual people with a strongly pronounced element of water in the horoscope, it enhances occult abilities. In a negative aspect, this transit will not bring anything good.

Studying astrology taught me that there is a time for everything. There is a time to love, work or travel, have children or build a house. If you start a business at the wrong time for it, it will not bring positive results, and a lot of strength and nerves will be spent.

Usually in this case there are many obstacles and difficulties, you try to achieve what you want, but it slips right out of your hands. And there are other periods: when you do almost nothing, but you get a result that is not commensurate with your minimal efforts. This is the law of time: all living beings stand in line for the fulfillment of their desires.

The most important thing is to understand in time that now is not the time for the fulfillment of desire. And wait for a good moment when life will give you a hint: “Act! Right now!".

Usually for small but important matters, it can take from several hours to several days of waiting. In such cases, I make 1 - 2 attempts to resolve the issue, and if there is no green light, I wait. I wait, as if I were at a crossroads, and looked at the traffic lights, counting down the time until the start. Calmly and without internal demand to let me through the intersection right now!

Usually, with this approach, everything is successfully settled: the person dials your number himself or your question comes up somewhere in the environment. This is a signal that a temporary gate has now opened, into which you can enter with your desire.

Sometimes I see how much people want to settle more global and complex things as soon as possible: find a life partner, start a family, promote a business, and so on. The most interesting thing is that all these people achieve their goal. But each in its own time.

Some torment themselves and strain the whole surrounding reality with their attitude to get what they have planned here and now: it is from this person, precisely in this month, and so on. And often their hopes are dashed.

But if the desire is stable, then God gives them what they dreamed of. They create a business, families and give birth to desired children - just not at all with those with whom they previously seemed necessary.

Transits of Jupiter through the houses of the horoscope: interpretation

Astrological transits of Jupiter through the houses from the Moon set the time frame for certain life events. Usually they are determined by the transits of Jupiter (Guru) through the houses of the lunar chart of a person.

The moon and its position are taken as the beginning of the horoscope, and the houses are counted from its degree in the sign.

Jupiter transit in 1 house brings more change in life. Change of job, place of residence, partner in life.

Jupiter transit through the 2nd house gives acquisitions, success in all matters, happiness in personal relationships. During this period, it is easy to meet a future spouse or spouse, since the 2nd house is also the house of the family.

Jupiter transit through the 3rd house brings danger and difficulties, can cause moving and travel. Jupiter tells us about large-scale events, because he is a heavy guru. Astronomers recognize Jupiter as one of the largest planets solar system. That is why trips and relocations will be global: to another country, for example, as it happened in my life.

Jupiter transit through the 4th house often becomes a harbinger of a wedding, and for those who are already married, it can talk about an impending divorce. In any case, this is a change in matrimonial status, for some it is joyful, but for others it is not. Large expenses and danger to the health of relatives are additional satellites of the transit of Jupiter through the 4th Lunar House.

Transiting Jupiter through the 5th house horoscope - a very favorable period that activates the positive karma of our past lives, often this period ends with the onset of pregnancy or the birth of a child. This is a period for advancement in all directions, success.

It is good to lay at such moments the maximum base for growth and not waste a lot of time in pleasures. What good astrology is: when you know that you only have a few months to make a big leap, use them effectively!

Jupiter Transit in the 6th House can cause health problems. But it can set a person to serve others, give humility and thereby promote spiritual growth.

Jupiter transit through 7th house can give a change of job, apartment, spending on your health and unforeseen problems. Also the transit of Jupiter in the 7th house gives more money, awards, honorary titles. Moreover, a person becomes more industrious and begins to make more efforts in all areas.

The transit of Jupiter through the 7th house gives success in cooperation with other people, partnerships. But since diseases and troubles are born precisely in those areas where we spend a lot of energy (overloading this area), the transit of the Guru through the 7th house often becomes a period of illness for spouses and children.

Transiting Jupiter through the 8th house often gives the birth of a child, wanderings, unexpected opportunities and twists of fate. And it can become a period for scandals, loss of reputation and even freedom. dangerous period when it is better to moderate your desires and be quieter than water - lower than grass. The transit of Jupiter in the 8th house gives a tendency to travel and periods of loneliness, changes in home life or the acquisition of an inheritance.

Transiting Jupiter through the 9th house The lunar chart gives growth in all areas of life. It can become a period of travel, acquisitions, career success. The transit of Jupiter through the 9th house will make it possible to become a parent, to become more visible. The desire for self-knowledge and spirituality is growing.

Jupiter transit in 10th house can take away the positive fruits of the previous period. This is a period of reflection, loss of funds and difficulties. Abrupt changes at work, experience of dealing with ill-wishers or their own shortcomings.

Jupiter transit through 11th house gives a period of realization of hopes, opening one's business, acquiring new connections. Our long-standing desires are coming true. A person receives awards and honors for his labors. The transit of Jupiter in the 11th house indicates the possibility of marriage of adult children of the native. A dangerous period for the mother of the native.

Jupiter transiting 12th house from Moon just like 8, it can be a good time for having children, traveling, visiting distant countries. The 12th house symbolizes the karma that we inherited from the family and ancestors, and during this period, chronic diseases that follow the family can become more active. If the karma of the family is good, the period will bring good results.

The transit of Jupiter through the 12th house can be a time to part with obsolete relationships, work or other events.

Of course, when interpreting each period, it is taken into account which house in the horoscope is ruled by Jupiter in your chart. Because everyone works out their good and bad karma in a strictly individual order.

Study yourself, astrology and the world around you!

This period marks the beginning of a twelve-year cycle of learning and gaining new experiences. The people and circumstances that you encounter during this period will surely become catalysts that inspire you to new projects, business ventures, new career, raising the level of education or the study of a specific subject, advanced training, literary creativity, publishing or distribution business. Everything you start now will eventually expand your personal, professional and intellectual horizons. Increased spirituality and penetration cultural property into your everyday life - this is the expected result of the twelve-year cycle starting from this period. You may develop an interest in family history joint activities and contacts with family members are activated. You will start looking for more luxurious and spacious housing or make an extension to the house. You may be in the business of selling home improvement or real estate products.

Any new venture you start, as well as the purchase and sale of a house or household items, will be successful when transit Jupiter in 4th house forms favorable aspects to natal planets.

Adverse transiting Jupiter aspects in the 4th house to the natal planets can mean a halt in your personal development and loss of independence in the family circle, as well as negative prospects for a family business or new venture. (Rolling pin J.)

Jupiter transit through the 4th house of the horoscope

This transit primarily favors family and household affairs. A person tries to improve his living conditions, takes care of the well-being of his family, and he more or less succeeds. This is the most in 12 years auspicious time for the purchase of a house, apartment, cottage, land. When Jupiter passes through the II field, then the purchase of real estate is a good investment, if black days come, it will be possible to sell it and live on the proceeds. When Jupiter passes through the VIII field - this is working capital, i.e. at a certain point, the house sells profitably, and the profit goes back to buying real estate, which in turn will wait for a convenient hour, or invest in another business. When Jupiter passes through the IV field, this is buying a house for yourself, your family, so that children, grandchildren, etc. live in it. Field IV is our roots, therefore, in this case, a person is given the opportunity to settle on the earth, to become an ancestor. Although in this case the house can also be used as the basis for starting a business, but initially the house is purchased for oneself. At this time, you can also take out a loan, but it is better if these are loans for construction or overhaul buildings, agricultural loans, etc.

This transit can also indicate the acquisition of new housing, the purchase of new furniture and items designed to create comfort in the house, or the expansion of the family, which can mean not only the birth of a child, but also the arrival of a daughter's husband or son's wife into the family. Sometimes this means the beginning of life in two houses. You can count on the help of parents or their patronage. Parents can become famous or influential people. During this transit, a person often begins to study his ancestry. There may be an interest in history, archeology, the secret sciences. In some cases, it indicates the location of a treasure or a good income from agricultural land.

Negative aspects give rise to trouble in the affairs of the IV field. This may be due to material losses, such as repairs that required more expenses than originally calculated, or damage to property due to robbery, flood, fire. Someone at home can spend money intended to buy an apartment or a valuable thing. Buying a house can be thwarted by skyrocketing prices. Problems with parents are possible - illness, accident, departure or forced departure from home or from the country. What it will be, will show the analysis of the initial and transit positions of Jupiter. Real estate transactions at this time are undesirable, as is a change of residence. (Vronsky S.A.)

This is the time to appreciate your uniqueness, your physical appearance, and the various facets of your personality. You will tend to make overly spectacular gestures to impress others, but in fact you are trying to prove your advantages to yourself. Even if you avoid such actions, people may mistakenly attribute to you more high position or significance. During this period, you can and should better understand yourself and learn ways of self-improvement. There may be a tendency to over-indulge one's weaknesses, as well as gaining weight. If you can avoid this temptation, your efforts will lead to a healthier image. Your father or his position may play a prominent role in your pursuit of personal goals.

Favorable Aspects transit Jupiter in 1st house to natal planets can mean liberation from the restraining influence and the achievement of personal goals.

Adverse aspects of transiting Jupiter in the 1st house to the natal planets mean difficult situations that will slow down your growth or reduce your personal influence, and unpleasant consequences will arise due to your greed or excessive self-indulgence. (Rolling pin J.)

Jupiter transit through 1 house of the horoscope

The passage of Jupiter in the I field of the horoscope is often reflected in the appearance of a person. He becomes, as it were, taller, more solid, more majestic, an increase in weight may even occur, this especially affects people in whose chart Jupiter is the leading planet. This transit also affects the character, a person becomes more complacent, benevolent, capable of grand gestures. In general, this is a very good time for a person, and if the transit Jupiter does not have negative aspects, it can be considered one of the most successful in 12 years. The owner of the horoscope may have opportunities for personal growth, prospects in areas to which natal Jupiter. If he uses these opportunities, then he will begin new stage life. Available career, or a person opens his own business, in which he will be a full-fledged boss. He can declare himself as a high-class professional, gain respect and authority in his environment, or he develops an interest in higher education desire to improve their skills. A person may be interested in issues related to philosophy, religion, spiritual growth. A surge of energy, an optimistic attitude, a focus on the future - all this contributes to recovery if a person has been sick. At least significantly improves his physical and mental condition.

Negative aspects lead to the fact that the opportunities that the transit of Jupiter brings, a person does not use or uses incorrectly. As a result, luck bypasses him. Such a transit of Jupiter can reveal the unpleasant qualities of Jupiter. A person can become arrogant, arrogant, exaggerate his own importance and his merits. He can sincerely believe that he has the right to make comments to everyone, to teach everyone. At this time, he may not be accepted, "pushed", accused of self-interest or that he uses his position or title for personal gain. They can deliberately humiliate, undermine his authority. In any case, he will annoy others. During this period, promises must be made very carefully, since most likely they will be difficult to fulfill both for objective and subjective reasons. The affairs under the jurisdiction of Jupiter should not be put on high hopes, therefore, if possible, they should be avoided. At this time, problems with the liver, gallbladder and weight are possible, there is a tendency to high blood pressure. Even healthy people it can be kept above the norm, and therefore the risk of a heart attack or stroke increases. (Vronsky S.A.)
