How to work through stressful aspects? Aspects of the planets in the natal chart - how to correctly understand, describe, interpret.

Compilation and interpretation of the natal chart

The natal chart is the basis of any individual horoscope. It is her decoding that helps to know yourself, to find out what events await you during your life, what dangers lie in wait around the next turn and, accordingly, how these dangers can be avoided.

Drawing up a natal chart is not such an easy task, and if you are not well versed in astrology, then you can safely use special astrological programs. Those who are interested in getting to the bottom of everything themselves can try to master the independent reading of the natal chart.

At home in natal chart: decryption

Houses determine the main events in life. They, like the planets and other indicators, are in a certain sign of the zodiac, which, in fact, determines the development of events.

1st House - individual (character, enterprise, individualism).

II-nd House - acquisitions (money, property, luck).

III-rd House - exchange (communication, relatives).

IV-th House - home (home, family, inheritance).

V-th House - creation (children, love, pleasure).

VI-th House - the present (everyday life, work, health).

VII-th House - union (harmony, communication, relationships).

VIII-th House - detachment (passion, inheritance).

IX-th House - ideal (optimism, travel, escape from life).

X-th House - independence (public life, social position).

XI-th House - aspiration (plans, hopes, friendship).

XII-th House - achievement (willpower, mystery).

Planets in the natal chart: decoding

Planets in the natal chart show:

How do you live, create, express yourself (Sun);

How do you feel, what do you expect from love (Moon);

What do you think, in what direction and at what speed (Mercury);

As you desire: material needs, sexual desires, happiness (Venus);

How do you act: will, independence, activity, initiative (Mars);

How do you plan your affairs and prioritize (Jupiter);

How do you achieve your goals (Saturn);

How do you accept something new and release the old (Uranus);

How you relax and also how you anticipate (Neptune);

How do you give anything away, and also how do you feel about losses (Pluto).

Zodiac signs and aspects in the natal chart: decoding

In the natal chart, zodiac signs play the role of characteristics. And houses, and planets, and aspects, and other indicators appear to us through the prism of one or another sign of the zodiac. Hence the phrases: Sun in Leo, X-th House in Gemini or Saturn in Libra. It is the signs of the zodiac that “give” astrological indicators their features, which, accordingly, is reflected both in your character and in the events taking place in life.

Aspects the same is the individual relationship between the planets in the horoscope - the nodes, squares and trines that form the ascending and descending planets. It is the aspects that show the nuances that make you a unique person. Aspects are arcs of a certain size connecting two elements of a horoscope. They are plotted along the ecliptic (the apparent path of the Sun across the sky during the year) and are measured in degrees. In the natal chart, aspects are indicated by straight lines of various colors.

Aspects can be harmonious and tense, that is, the planets (the qualities they endow and the events they provoke) can correspond to each other, complement each other or interfere, create an imbalance in life and in the psychological sphere.

The aspects in the individual horoscope determine the events that await you at a particular stage of life, and your reaction to these events, and character traits, habits that you can acquire.

"Strange icons" in the natal chart: transcript

It is assumed that you know what the symbols of the signs of the zodiac and planets look like. But the unfamiliar, strange icons located after listing the ten symbols of the planets, we will now consider.

Rahu-dharma is denoted as an inverted Greek letter "Omega" and speaks of your destiny.

Rahu-karma is designated as "Omega" - Ω - in a direct position and is "responsible" for obstacles, fears and suffering.

Black Moon (Lilith) in the natal chart it looks like the icon of the month (the waning moon), shaded in black and held on a cross. This is the apogee of the ordinary Moon, the point farthest from Earth. lunar orbit. Lilith is "responsible" for mistakes, for everything dark that is in our soul, she shows what must be avoided in order to live life with dignity.

White Moon (Selena) in the natal chart it looks like the icon of the month (the growing moon), white, that is, unshaded. This Moon is also, as it were, kept on the cross. Selena is also not an independent planet, but simply the point of the lunar orbit closest to the Earth. Selena is "responsible" for your luck, for the opportunities that will be provided to you throughout your life, she tells you what you should not miss in order for life to turn out well.

The middle of the sky is indicated as a circle on which is the letter "K".”, and is responsible for your potential in the field of career and social status.

The depth of the sky is indicated Latin letter"N”and shows you what kind of house and what kind of family you need for complete comfort.

The ascendant is indicated as "As". This is your personality - what impression you yourself (and your actions) make on others.

The Descendant is designated as "Mc” and is “responsible” for your relationships with other people. This icon tells you with which partner you are able to create a harmonious and productive marriage or business union.

Small "R" next to the planets and other designations indicates that this object at the time of your birth was in a backward, retrograde position. And this must also be taken into account.

By the way, you can build and interpret a cosmogram (natal chart) not only for drawing up an individual horoscope, but also in order to calculate what events await you or humanity in general on a particular day. To do this, simply use the date you are interested in when compiling a natal chart, and not the date of your birthday.

The foundation of the astrological understanding of the world is, first of all, the elements.

Dominant Fire gives a person an inexhaustible source of energy. The owner of such a horoscope experiences a constant thirst for activity, and only very serious obstacles and long periods of failure can temporarily deprive him of his innate optimism. A fiery person is happy to share ideas, energy, and enthusiasm with other people.

Lack of Fire most often expressed in the absence of their own ideas and incentives for action. In principle, a person can be quite active, but he seems to have no source of energy, and therefore he has to wait until some representative of the element of Fire throws up an idea, illuminates the field of activity - then it will be possible to get down to business.

Dominant Earth makes a person a materialist, a practitioner who stands firmly on the ground and recognizes only real things. The owner of the earthly horoscope, as a rule, is distinguished by thriftiness, thriftiness, efficiency, the ability to do things with one's own hands, and diligence in financial matters.

Lack of Earth manifests itself as impractical, detached from reality. Such people can build any ideas they want, but they are unable to realize them on their own.

Dominant Air makes a person sociable, contact, interested in receiving and transmitting various kinds of information. Such people play the role of messengers - they transfer the ideas of Fire or the material means of the Earth from where there are many of them to where these resources are not enough.

Lack of air makes a person non-contact. He can be very smart, but few people will guess this because of the impossibility of extracting at least two words from such a person. Like an astronaut in a vacuum, the owner of a horoscope with a lack of Air feels isolated and needs the participation of other people.

Dominant Water gives a person emotionality, romance, imagination, the ability to synthesize. Thanks to their ability to sympathize and understand other people without words, representatives of the element of Water play a unifying role in society. They are the same "systemic factor" that makes something integral out of heterogeneous actions. Fantasies of Water give the phenomena depth and perspective.

Water scarcity manifests itself as a lack of imagination, and therefore closes a person in the framework of dry realistic schemes, deprives him of emotional support and intuitive understanding with others.

Sometimes one or another element is clearly visible in a person, in other cases different elements are expressed more or less evenly and it is very difficult to understand which of them prevails.

In this article, we will analyze how to correctly understand and interpret the aspects of the planets in the natal chart. It is more difficult to describe tense aspects (square and opposition) and some connections. Harmonious aspects are easier to interpret (trine and sextile).

The general rule for parsing and describing aspects of the natal chart:

In order to correctly interpret an aspect, one must first understand the action of each planet included in the aspect (i.e. its function). It is necessary to begin the description with the planet in the sign - this is the primary manifestation of the planet. First, we disassemble the faster planet, then the slower one. Further, we are already moving on to the aspect itself - if a harmonious aspect - it helps the planets to manifest, if a tense aspect - it interferes with the expression of the qualities of these planets (especially a faster planet), and the connection can either enhance, or distort, or add some features. And all this together (the planets in the sign and their aspect) is superimposed on the houses - i.e. expressed in specific areas of life.

Now let's take a closer look at this rule. So, “In order to correctly interpret an aspect, you first need to understand the action of each planet included in the aspect (i.e. its function)”- the article analyzes the functions of each planet. Before analyzing the aspect itself, we need to clearly understand what this particular planet is responsible for in the natal chart, i.e. what is its function. Understanding this, we consider the planet in a sign, i.e. follow this part of the rule above: “You need to start the description with the planet in the sign - this is the primary manifestation of the planet”. Description of personal planets in the signs of the zodiac, you can read in this section of the site:.

- this is very important when analyzing aspects of the natal chart, although there are some amendments here. It is more important to take this into account when analyzing aspects between personal and social, higher planets. If both personal planets are involved in the aspect, similar in their functions, then none of them gets special priority. For example, the Moon and Venus are similar in their functions - they are personal planets, they are both passive, receptive - part of the "Yin" or "Anima" in us, i.e. our female component. Mars and the Sun are also personal similar planets, they are active, influencing, this is part of the "Yang" or "Animus" in us, i.e. male component. With an aspect between Venus and the Moon, and with an aspect between the Sun and Mars, we analyze each planet in a sign separately and then combine their influence (although the influence of Mars in aspect with the Sun and the Moon in aspect with Venus will still prevail). The same should be done with the aspect of Mercury with the Moon and Venus. Mercury is loyal to all planets, even tense aspects Mercury endures more easily than others.

If the aspect involves personal, but different in function, planets, then in the analysis of the aspect, we also may not give priority to any planet, but we take into account that it is the more active planet that affects the passive, fast one. For example, the Moon in aspect with Mars - Mars influences the Moon, it is the Moon that will experience discomfort from Mars during intense interaction. Those. The Moon has some properties of its own, and Mars either allows the Moon to express these properties (subconscious needs, desires) with a harmonious combination, or makes it difficult to express them - with a tense combination, and when combined. Also, with an aspect between the Sun and the Moon - the Moon experiences the influence of the Sun, the energy of the Sun will be dominant here. The moon perceives, reflects, and the sun shines, radiates. Although it is in this aspect that there is a nuance. The moon shines with the reflected light of the sun - so when analyzing this aspect (and even just when describing the moon in a sign), you should always take this into account. The moon always has some peculiarities in connection with where the Sun is located (in what sign the Sun is). For example, the Moon in Libra with the Sun in Scorpio will be less loyal and open than with the Sun in Sagittarius.

If the personal and social planets are involved in the aspect, That “First, we disassemble the faster planet, then the slower one”. Personal planets show exactly the characteristics of the personality (aspirations, subconscious desires, activity, etc.), and social ones in aspects to personal ones (Jupiter and Saturn) show how a person fits into outer life, i.e. into society. Jupiter and Saturn in a sign also need to be considered, but the sign is already less important here than in the analysis of a personal planet. Jupiter and Saturn are in the same sign for a long time, and characterize certain qualities of a fairly large generation (especially Saturn). Therefore, the aspects of Jupiter and Saturn to personal planets are more important than their position in the zodiac sign. Jupiter and Saturn influence personal planets (and not vice versa).

If the aspect involves the personal and higher planets, then the rule “First, we disassemble the faster planet, then the slower one” also relevant here. The highest (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) influences the personal. The higher planet, by its aspect to a personal planet, can greatly modify the manifestations of a personal planet in a sign, and here we can talk about such influences that are very difficult to overcome, unlike the aspects of Jupiter and even Saturn. The sign of the highest planet in the traditional interpretation of aspects is of little importance, because. the higher planets pass one sign of the zodiac for very long periods.

If the social and higher planets are involved in the aspect, rule “First, we disassemble the faster planet, then the slower one” also applies here. It is the higher ones who exert their influence on the social ones. Higher planets in aspect with social ones modify the qualities of social planets. But the aspects between the higher and social planets have practically no psychological overtones; they cannot be interpreted as internal conflicts. Their influence is more manifested at the level of the event sphere (as rulers of houses, planets in houses), or as some features of a person's worldview.

Other articles will take a closer look at aspects of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto to personal planets, as well as aspects between social and higher planets.

Now Let's take a closer look at the aspects and this part of the rule above: “Next, we are already moving on to the aspect itself - if it is harmonious, it helps the planets to manifest, if it is tense, it interferes with the expression of the qualities of these planets (especially the faster one), and the connection can either enhance, or distort, or add some features.”

When analyzing the natal chart, we use 5 main major aspects - conjunction, square, opposition, trine and sextile. Connection is the most effective aspect - "... the connection can either amplify, or distort, or add some features". If one planet in conjunction is not related to another, then there will be a distortion, if related, then strengthening. For example, Venus and the Moon, sister planets, because. their functions are similar, as well as the Sun and Mars.

"Good" to each other are Mercury, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, ie. the connection between any of these planets does not carry any special contradictions, or a serious conflict between the planets (although the sign must be taken into account here, if both planets are weak in sign, then this connection will already be disharmonious in itself - for example, the conjunction of the Moon and Venus in Scorpio ). The Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto also perform well in conjunctions with each other, they all have active energy (it is also worth considering the sign). Conjunctions of Mars or the Sun with Jupiter or Pluto significantly strengthen personal planets (i.e. Mars and the Sun) - they increase willpower, activity, vitality, endurance (especially the conjunctions of Mars, the Sun with Pluto). And here, even if the planets are weak (Mars or the Sun in Libra, in Cancer), then the conjunction with Pluto will strengthen them.

Mercury is loyal to all planets in conjunctions, even with Mars if the conjunction itself has no other tense aspects. This can be said about any connections, i.e. if there are oppositions or squares to other planets from the conjunction of the planets, then disharmony already appears here. Those. the qualities of even strong planets in conjunction will be more difficult to express. For example, the conjunction of Venus and the Moon in Taurus squared to Mars in Leo - both planets are strong and the conjunction itself is favorable, but the square from Mars makes it difficult for the natural manifestation of this conjunction. Those. the needs for stability, calmness and comfort of the Moon and Venus in Taurus are in conflict with the need for Mars in Leo to take decisive and active action.

Saturn and Uranus conjunctions the easiest for Mercury (it can even be favorable if there are no tense aspects from the conjunction), because these planets are mental level. Any other personal planets Saturn in conjunction limits, and Uranus excites, makes restless. The conjunctions of Saturn and Uranus with the Moon can be especially difficult. For Mars, the connection with Uranus can be favorable, Uranus will make Mars more energetic, faster, although it can add nervousness when located in some signs.

Higher planets, falling into conjunction with a personal planet(and especially in the stellium of personal planets) can significantly distort the expression of the planet. For example, finding Pluto in a stellium in Libra will add imperiousness and intractability to the character.

Sextile and trine allow you to harmoniously express the energy of both planets. The planets seem to support each other, and this is felt in the character as a natural, consistent flow of energy. Although some harmonious aspects sometimes do not manifest themselves in the most positive way. For example, the aspect of Venus and Uranus, even harmonious, brings love of freedom into the character. Such a person needs a sufficient degree of freedom in personal relationships. Although this is not perceived as a problem, it may not allow (along with other indications in the natal chart) to build strong, long-term or close relationships.

Harmonious aspects from Jupiter they can also talk not only about luck, self-confidence and optimism, but also about laziness, the desire to get everything the easy way, without making any effort. Although such conclusions also require other indicators of the natal chart.

Opposition and square carry tension. These aspects almost always have a negative connotation. Although they are useful, and most likely, they are intended for our spiritual growth. If there are no tense aspects in the chart (or conflicting connections, or a certain arrangement of planets in houses), then there is no incentive for self-change, for transformation. And where there is no change, there is stagnation or degradation in the spiritual plane. From a practical, material point of view, the absence of tense aspects (especially with many harmonious or conjunctions of personal planets with Jupiter) can be a very favorable factor. And from a spiritual point of view, in terms of evolution, such a situation can mean spiritual "rest" or stagnation. In general, stressful aspects are useful in moderation, and they are the ones that push us towards our main achievements in life. For example, psychologists, and astrologers, as a rule, are people who have internal conflicts, for the resolution of which they turn to these sciences. And then it can become a profession.

So, now about the most important thing, how to combine planets in aspect? If planets in harmonious aspect, there is almost nothing complicated here - the qualities of one planet are enhanced or supplemented by the qualities of another. For example, the Sun and Mars in a sextile - this combination strengthens both planets. The needs that the Sun has are supported by Mars. It is easy for a person to fulfill the needs of his Ego (Sun) with the help of his actions (Mars). Those. this aspect facilitates self-expression.

The most favorable position in the natal chart is big trines between the three most important planets - between the Sun, Moon and Mars. Those. if these three planets are located in the natal chart in the same element and have trine aspects between them. The most favorable can be considered the earthly and fiery big trine, the air trine is also favorable, the water trine to a lesser extent, because. the water element is too sensitive, melancholic and prone to pessimism. And if Jupiter joins such a trine (to any of the three planets - to the Sun, Mars or the Moon), then such a person can be called lucky! And the more accurate the orbs of the trines and the conjunction of Jupiter, the brighter the harmonious effect of this configuration is manifested, i.e. luck will accompany a person everywhere. Although, as mentioned above, such a position in the natal chart may indicate complacency, i.e. about spiritual stagnation - for a person, everything turns out easily, and there is no need to change something in oneself. But here you need to take into account other indicators of the natal chart, because. for example, having, along with a large trine, a problematic ruler of the 1st house, life may not seem so easy and pleasant to a person.

Also always, as mentioned above, you need to take into account the signs of the planets. For example, Mars is trine with Jupiter. Jupiter in any interaction expands, increases, raises. If Mars airy or fiery, then trine Jupiter will make the manifestations of such Mars even more ambitious, i.e. it will also add activity, optimism, scope, but possibly dispersion. If Mars is terrestrial or watery, then trine with Jupiter it will also add confidence in actions, increase energy, i.e. will make cautious terrestrial or watery Mars more resolute.

Things are more difficult with tense aspects, especially personal planets among themselves. This complexity is manifested precisely in the character of a person, and when describing the interaction of planets, you need to catch this internal conflict. When describing the square and the opposition, we always use the union “but” to contrast the qualities of one planet with the qualities of another. Those. describe one planet in a sign, then write "But" and describe the second planet in the sign. For example, with a square between the Moon in Aquarius and Mars in Taurus, it may look like this: subconscious needs for freedom, change, but caution in actions. There is a clear conflict here - the need of the Moon in Aquarius for novelty, for unusual impressions - in contradiction with the need for Mars in Taurus to maintain its position unchanged. Actions can often contradict what a person aspires to with his soul, hence dissatisfaction and irritability may appear. Here a compromise with oneself is necessary and, in general, this conflict has a solution. Considering your need for novelty, you must definitely satisfy it, but before you decide on something new, you must also satisfy the need of Mars - i.e. thoroughly "test the ground". Tensions between personal planets still can be expressed in a more or less constructive way, especially with age, and especially if a person is engaged in introspection. Although complete satisfaction with intense interactions between personal planets (with the exception of Mercury) is quite difficult to achieve. One part of your personality must be constantly balanced with another part of it.

It is more difficult to understand, describe and work out (harmonize) the multiple aspect (conjunction plus opposition or square) when more than two planets participate in it, and especially when social or higher planets participate along with personal ones.

Let me give you an example of such an aspect. Mercury in the natal chart is located in the sign of Capricorn, is in conjunction with Saturn and Neputny, and all these three planets (Mercury, Saturn and Neptune) are in opposition to Jupiter in Cancer.

First of all, we start with a personal planet, i.e. from Mercury. We know that the function of Mercury is to receive and transmit information, in the ideas of a person, in his logical constructions, in the warehouse of his thinking. Looking at Mercury in a sign. Mercury in Capricorn endows a person with thoughtfulness, consistency, accuracy, perseverance and diligence in terms of mental work.

Next, we consider the conjunctions of Mercury, and the opposition later, because. the connection merges the principles of the planets (the connection is almost always more important and priority than other aspects). Mercury in Capricorn and plus in conjunction with Saturn - Mercury in this aspect is strengthened by Saturn (Mercury in Capricorn does not contradict the conjunction with Saturn, because Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn). Those. all the qualities inherent in Mercury in Capricorn are enhanced - even more patience, diligence.

Neptune in this multiple aspect can enhance a person’s intuition, talk about creativity, but can also express itself in a negative way, like doubts, inadequate assessment of situations, because Neptune here is poorly combined with Capricorn and Saturn (Neptune and Saturn are not friends with each other). Those. a person tends to rely more on logic (Mercury in Capricorn in conjunction with Saturn), But some abstract images distract his attention (Mercury in conjunction with Neptune).

Next, consider the opposition with Jupiter. Jupiter supports Neptune here, but he is also not friends with Saturn (opposite principles - Saturn limits, and Jupiter expands). Opposition from Jupiter can be expressed in the fact that a person attaches great importance to his ideas and sometimes he is biased in relation to his views and ideas (Neptune + Jupiter). Those. it turns out that Mercury in Capricorn and in conjunction with Saturn seeks to plan, wants accuracy and a real assessment of situations, But Jupiter and Neptune (especially Jupiter) prevent Mercury from adequately realizing these qualities. It is possible that Jupiter and Neptune sometimes bring confusion, or a desire to quickly realize their ideas, which can cause problems, or a person has a great desire for his ideas to be recognized, appreciated, and this pursuit of authority makes it difficult to concentrate, etc. Jupiter in tense aspects always gives excess, inflates - in this case it inflates Mercury, which is primarily under the strong influence of Saturn - i.e. the desire for accuracy, planning is inflated - too grandiose, large-scale plans that are difficult to implement. Also, the opposition of Mercury with Jupiter in Cancer may indicate that a person’s opinion can often differ from the opinion of people who are authoritative for him, which will cause discomfort to the person himself. Here it is also important to take into account the orbis of aspects - the most accurate ones will have a more significant effect on Mercury.

In general, it can be seen from this example that if we have an aspect of opposition (or a square), then in the description we use the union “but”. We also use opposition in the conjunction of planets, the principles of which are not related to each other.- Mercury is loyal to other planets, but in this example it is in Capricorn, and I repeat once again - the energy of Saturn does not combine harmoniously with the energy of Neptune and Jupiter (especially in a tense interaction).

Also when analyzing one specific aspect, its description should not stand out from the general context of the map. Those. if such Mercury, as in the example above, is in a person who has the Sun in Sagittarius, then impatience and difficulty with concentration in his character will be more pronounced than, for example, in a person with the Sun in Capricorn. Because The Sun in Sagittarius will enhance the qualities of Jupiter and Neptune (i.e. the action of the Mercury-Jupiter opposition and Mercury-Neptune conjunctions will be stronger), and if the Sun is in Capricorn, this will enhance the qualities of Saturn in this aspect.

Now consider an example with two personal planets in aspect and one social. Mars conjunct Venus in Virgo, and both planets square Jupiter in Gemini.

Let's start with Mars and Venus in Virgo. Venus in Virgo has patience, shows her feelings with restraint, is critical of others. Mars, as a mode of action, also expresses itself carefully, thoughtfully. In itself, the conjunction of Mars and Venus suggests that the principles of these planets are merged together. Those. if we take the sphere of relations, how a person positions himself during the period of courtship (Venus), this is how he will be in more intimate communication (Mars) - in this case, the person will be restrained in feelings (Venus in Virgo) and moderate in sex (Mars in Virgo). If we consider this connection in general, then its behavior, its actions (Mars) correspond to its ethical and aesthetic values ​​​​(Venus). In this example, such a person can be said to be modest, or even ascetic. In general, this combination does not introduce disharmony as such, but makes a person a critical perfectionist, i.e. striving to do everything perfectly, to take into account all the details. This situation in terms of work and household affairs is not bad, because. a responsible and diligent person, he is guided in all his affairs (both in behavior and in ethical assessments) by logic, reason, and not feelings. Although he himself, and the people around him, can torment him with his tediousness, nit-picking, obsession with minor trifles. In terms of relationships, this connection can be considered disharmonious, in contrast to the sphere of work. The mind is not the best adviser in love, and nit-picking in a relationship and constant evaluation of a partner definitely does not strengthen the union.

Next, we move on to the square from Jupiter to this conjunction. Jupiter is always "expanding", and here he will inflate the little things, the details of Virgo. The concern of such a person can be obsessive (especially if we consider the horoscope of a woman). By itself, Venus in Virgo is prone to practical help, i.e. not only advice, but also deed, because Virgo is the sign of service. A square with Jupiter increases these qualities. caring person, But excessively. Mars in Virgo is obsessed with small things, and Jupiter square can increase the amount of these small things. And because Jupiter makes a square of Gemini, then such a person can, in the course of doing his work, go into more and more small parts or grab at once for many things at the same time. Those. man is planning But it is difficult for him to keep within the framework of his plan. Also using the union "but", we can construct such a phrase in relation to this aspect: a person strives to do his job very well, But laziness (a square from Jupiter) or the fear that he will not be able to take into account a large number of small things, to cover the entire amount of work at once, may interfere with him. And in the end, he may not take on the work that he planned, or he takes on it, but is too sprayed. In this aspect, there are difficulties with an objective assessment of one's physical (Mars) and mental (Venus) capabilities. Personal planets in Virgo here are in conflict with the influence of Jupiter in Gemini - i.e. precision is in conflict with the desire to do many things at once (Mars square Jupiter), and the desire to be useful is heightened excessively (Venus square Jupiter). Again, I repeat that only consideration of the aspect in the context of the entire natal chart can give a more accurate description of it.

Next, consider an example with two personal planets in aspect and one higher. Venus in Capricorn square Moon in Libra, Moon in conjunction with Pluto (respectively Pluto square Venus). The Moon and Venus are related, passive planets that are responsible for the emotions and feelings of a person, also Venus is aesthetic assessments and attitudes towards love, and the Moon is the subconscious needs and affections of a person. We begin the interpretation of this aspect from the fastest planet, i.e. from the Moon in Libra. This position of the Moon sets up partnerships, compromises, the desire to please others and the ease of being, attachments can be shallow ( air element Moon).

But since The moon has a connection with Pluto, then we will further consider this connection. The conjunction of Pluto with the Moon in Libra distorts the manifestations of the Moon, from compliant and soft - it turns into demanding, and at times perhaps even cruel. Here, manipulations on their weakness or helplessness are likely - the Moon in Libra is so sweet, charming and dependent, and so needs the support of a partner, but the connection with Pluto dictates its own conditions - the partner must do everything as the Moon in Libra wants, otherwise the partner will not be good.

Venus in Capricorn, on the contrary, seeks stability in relationships, strength, reliability and duration, i.e. such Venus is very serious about love. The Moon in Libra could be content with such a union in which it would be simple and easy for her (and fewer problems), But Venus in Capricorn (and + conjunction of the Moon with Pluto) would “tie” your love stronger with oaths and seals. Those. on the one hand, there is a subconscious desire to have a relationship of trust, easy and not burdensome, But on the other hand, the attitude towards love is very cautious and distrustful (both the sign of Capricorn for Venus and the influence of Pluto give fear and a desire to hold on).

Pluto enhances the negative impact of this aspect in general. Pluto is directly related to power, in this aspect - to power in feelings (Moon) and in relationships (Venus). There may be manipulations on the partner's feelings, or on the sexual side of the relationship (Pluto enhances sexuality) in order to bind the partner to himself. Pluto always gives extremes, and the Moon in conjunction with Pluto and Venus square with Pluto can either talk about jealousy, the desire to humiliate a partner, or such a person will humiliate himself, obey his partner (other indicators of the natal chart can tell about this). Pluto in a tense aspect with Venus and the Moon inclines a person to look for complex relationships, emotionally filled, heated, and if a partner comes across a simple one, then a person with this aspect will either not get involved in the relationship at all, or will begin to “heat up” the relationship himself.

It is also worth considering that in aspects where Mars, Venus and the Moon are involved, the sex of a person matters. With the aspects of Venus and the Moon in the male chart, these characteristics not only describe the sphere of affections and feelings of a man, but also the type of women that a man likes. And in the female chart, Venus and the Moon and their aspects characterize the woman's attitude towards herself, i.e. whether a woman accepts her femininity in herself, whether she is satisfied with herself. In the above example, if this is a female card, then the woman may not be pleased with herself, and she may be negatively disposed towards people of her gender, i.e. such an aspect may indicate difficulties in the women's team.

I will be very grateful to you if you leave comments - describing in detail any aspects of your natal chart, but especially multiple aspects where personal and higher planets, personal and social planets are involved!


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Detailed description of aspects between planets in the natal chart

Connection (0°)

Connection in the natal chart

Strongest aspect. Connection makes us act, realize our inner potential. IN in a certain sense this aspect deals with the climax in the development of personality, here we are realized without reflection and deviation. The union proclaims the mobilization of forces for the maximum possible advance outward. It provokes us to bright actions and requires full dedication. It is the focal point of our being, where we appear in our purest form. The connection zone is a zone of increased activity. The quality of this activity largely depends on the planets involved in the conjunction, signs and houses where they stand. For example, the conjunction of the Moon with Neptune in Virgo in the 12th house speaks of activity in the inner sphere, in the subconscious, of deep feelings, strong mental tension, suffering, which, however, does not manifest itself practically on the external plane. And the combination of the Sun and Mars in Leo in the 10th house is a huge offensive power, bright volitional manifestations on the external plane. When planets of opposite nature, such as Venus and Pluto, connect, this creates a strong internal conflict. The manifestation of the planets in this case is distorted, uneven, changeable.

Stellium planets in the map

When three or more planets (stellium) connect, the qualities of the planets themselves are less noticeable than the characteristics of the sign and house in which this connection occurs. For example, stellium in Gemini in the 6th house will mean an intensive information exchange with colleagues, no matter what planets are included in this stellium. A special place in medieval astrology was occupied by the conjunctions of the planets with the Sun. So, for example, if a planet is within 6° of the Sun, it is considered " burnt"Or being in complete submission to the luminary. A distance less than 17′ from the Sun was called "Kazimi". In this case, the Sun gives all its energy to the planet, increasing its power incredibly. Modern astrologers sometimes neglect these interpretations. In practice, the conjunction of the Sun is critical factors maps, and it seems logical to take a more careful approach to differentiating the values ​​of these compounds depending on the orbis. A special case of connection is the stellium. With a stellium, 3 or more planets are in conjunction, which, of course, makes interpretation difficult. Most astrologers agree that the resulting effect primarily reflects the nature of the sign and the house in which the stellium stands.

Opposition (180°)

Opposition in the natal chart

The most stable aspect. The opposition leads to strong internal tension, almost complete impossibility of direct self-expression. The opposing forces can mutually compensate each other with an exact aspect and turn off the active action. A person is pulled in opposite directions, and it is quite difficult for him to make a decision. IN weak horoscope oppositions lead to lethargy, hesitation, volatility, strongly testify to the ability to withstand huge loads, to defend one's interests, to perseverance in resisting adverse life circumstances. Planets that are in opposition cannot act simultaneously in one place without causing damage to each other. Usually the spheres of influence of the planets are divided - planetary manifestations are incompatible. In this regard, the opposition of related planets is sometimes experienced more sharply and more painfully than the opposition of planets that are different in nature. The keywords of the opposition are attitude and awareness. Situations when external activity is difficult or impossible increase internal activity, help a person to realize what is happening. The opposition is strong in the ability to deeply comprehend the real position of man in the world. When the opposition is made up of planets of different strengths, then the temptation appears to suppress the weaker pole and identify with the stronger one. For example, with the opposition of Saturn in Capricorn in the 10th house to Mars in Cancer in the 4th house, there can be a complete rejection of one's own initiative and complete adherence to traditions and social norms. However, sooner or later the repressed pole will manifest itself, which in this case will lead to a loss of social status. Thus, the task of the opposition is to balance the opposing poles.

Square (90°)

Square in the natal chart

The most stressful aspect. The square provokes inadequate activity. Activity can be excessive, which gives rise to conflict situations. The square causes strong dissatisfaction with the status quo and makes a person act decisively and energetically, but the energy released in this aspect cannot be realized naturally. Usually, the action on the square causes a disruption in the normal course of life, explodes the situation, and leads to the destruction of the established order. In order to get constructive results with the help of a square, it is necessary to look for non-standard approaches to problems. Sometimes you have to make paradoxical decisions that do not fit into the generally accepted framework. The keywords of the square are struggle and achievement. Overcoming obstacles, a person with the help of a square enters a new level of existence. However, the square does not allow a person to rest on their laurels, stimulating continuous movement forward. The square tends to draw the whole personality into its networks, taking a lot of energy to solve its problems. Man is drawn into an endless race. For example, with the square of Jupiter and Uranus, a person is forced all the time to prove the originality of his own views. This takes away so much power from him that he is unable to use the opportunities provided by other aspects of the card.

Trine, trine (120°)

Trine in the natal chart

The most harmonious aspect. Trigon promises easy implementation internal capacity, creates favorable circumstances for any manifestations, establishes a good connection between the internal and external. The world is coming to the desires and needs of the individual. Almost everything that relates to aspected planets is obtained easily, as if by itself. You can call it talent. However, there is no incentive to improve, conquer new heights. Trigon gives quick satisfaction. A person likes the existing situation, he sees no reason to change it, to transform it. This often leads to passivity, stagnation, idleness, carelessness. Then a person easily follows the lead of tougher people, loses the ability to defend his interests, chooses the line of least resistance. The keywords of the trigon are help and stability. The planets that form a trine always support each other, there is a stable harmonious relationship between them. As a rule, the opportunities provided by the trine are poorly understood. They seem natural, taken for granted, inherent in all other people. For example, a person trine Jupiter to Uranus is often unaware that other people are not able to make the right acquaintances in any setting at any time. This makes it difficult to objectively assess the capabilities of others and their own advantages. It is sometimes more difficult to develop advantages than to overcome disadvantages.

Sextile (60°)

Sextile in the natal chart

The effect of the aspect is similar to that of the trine. The sextile is less harmonious, but more energetic. The trine is more abstract, more ideal, more potential, and the sextile is more concrete, practical, adaptable, quickly responds to changes in external environment and is able to make certain innovations in life. It is rarely associated with innate talent, but rather with the speed of acquiring skills. The keywords are skill and adaptation. Practice shows that a sextile connecting fast planets acts more powerfully and more favorably than a sextile between slow planets.

Minor aspects

Quintile (72°)

The aspect provides great opportunities for creative activity. It stimulates transformational processes, unexpected transformations. Situations where the quintile turns on are full of unique moments. A person is forced to solve the same problems in a new way every time. The key words are freedom and virtuosity. Often the quintile is associated with transcendental experience, with insight, with altered states of consciousness. The planets that form the quintile make each other play with all the colors, which gives a person artistic inclinations. S. Tompkins and D. Hamblin believe that the quintile may indicate an unusual talent or the ability to implement speculative schemes. Some astrologers believe that the quintile is especially strong if the Sun, Uranus, Mercury are involved in it.

Semi-square (45°)

The aspect symbolizes readiness to fight, internal composure and tension. Key words - mobilization, challenge. An exact semi-square between Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and the Sun can be much more effective and brighter than an inexact square between these planets. The semi-square contributes to the disclosure of new possibilities of old structures.

Sequisquare (135°)

The aspect symbolizes the conflict between different levels of hierarchies. Key words - protest, sanctioning. Particularly sensitive is the sequadra between the inner and outer planets. The sequiquadrat contributes to the conquest of a privileged position, obtaining the means to control other people's actions. A semi-square involving Pluto and Saturn from this point of view seems to be very effective in the political struggle.

Quincons (150°)

The aspect is associated with heavy responsibilities associated with the mistakes of the past. Feelings of viscosity and hopelessness are often associated with quincunx. The aspect reminds us of our weak points and brings back what we would like to forget. It is especially difficult to endure the pressure of the quincunx if the planets connected by it do not have major aspects. Key words - return, return.


Symbolizes the completeness and regularity of the corresponding activity. Semi-sextile, connecting planets of different nature, can act disharmoniously. Keyword- combination.

Septile (51°26′)

Fine tuning to the beyond. Many astrologers believe that the septile symbolizes fatality. The key word is inspiration. This and subsequent aspects are weak and poorly understood.

Nonagon (40°)

According to D. Rudhyar, this aspect can mean spiritual birth in the areas to which the aspected planets belong. Key word is dedication..

Semiquintile (36°)

Some astrologers attribute to the half-quintile the characteristics of unity, release, instability. In practice, it should be considered as a weak quintile. The key word is creativity.

Biquintile (144°)

The aspect leads to a state of intense expectation of opportunities for self-expression. According to D. Redyar, it is associated with the technique of creative introversion and can mean a certain kind of obsession. The key word is choice.

Sequiquintile (108°)

According to some astrologers, the aspect gives the ability to mimicry, adaptation to rapidly changing conditions. The key word is dispersion.

Undecile (32°43′)

According to Rudhyar, the characteristic is awareness. The weakest among the minor aspects. The key word is transcendence.

Aspects in the natal chart, many astrologers often not only erroneously interpret (having enlisted "knowledge" from the books of American astrologers), but still do not know how to find! The rules that will be discussed in this article will make you look at this element of astrology differently.

Rules for working with aspects:

1. in the natal chart are an order of magnitude less significant than major ones and in most cases can be completely ignored (for example, in horary charts). Excessive passion for them leads to loss overall picture horoscope and annoying mistakes. Believe me, a client who turned to an astrologer for advice on whether to agree to a proposed job is much less interested in the karmic background of this situation than a clear and unambiguous answer to the essence of the question of interest.

2. Aspects in the natal chart, whatever they may be, can only be formed between planets located in signs that are in the same aspect. For example, a trigonal aspect can take place only if two planets are located in signs of the same element, a quadrature aspect - only if both planets are in signs of the same quality (cardinal, fixed, mutable), etc. Even if Mercury is in 29 0 59 ‘Aquarius, and Jupiter is in 0 0 01’ Cancer, there is no trine between them, because. they are located in signs of different elements. And it is better not to make exceptions to this rule, even for connections!

3. The more precise the aspect, the stronger its manifestations in the chart. Therefore, the orbs for planetary aspects should be selected following this rule. In practice, an orb of 7-8 0 for conjunction and opposition, 6-7 0 for quadrature and trine, and 3-5 0 for sextile is seen as optimal. I give the “run-up” in orbs, taking into account that for the Septener planets it is slightly larger than for the trans-Saturn ones. If you use or plan to use minor aspects, take 0.5-1 0 for them.

4. For the North and South nodes, only the connection in the orb up to 7-8 0 with the planets, up to 5 0 with the axes of the horoscope and up to 2 0 with other points (cusps, parts) should be taken into account. For connection with the luminaries, especially when such a connection is accompanied by a lunar or solar eclipse, the orb of the connection can be increased to 10-13 0.

5. The division of aspects into "bad and good" is a dangerous delusion. Any aspect formed by evil and hostile planets (which are such in a particular chart) cannot speak of the manifestation of positive qualities of character or a favorable resolution of the situation at the event level. As well as any aspect between benefactors and planets friendly to each other (endowed with such qualities in a particular chart) will not bode something very bad.

The essence of the aspect is not to give quality to the relationship between the planets drawn into it, but to determine the way this interaction will occur:

  • with a sextile and a trine, everything will go easily (in the case of good planets, a person will easily get the desired position, and in the case of evil planets, he will lose his job with the same ease);
  • with quadrature and conjunction - things will go hard, tensely, with a creak (in the case when beneficent planets are involved - a person will win a well-deserved victory, having gone through certain difficulties, making efforts; when pests are involved in the aspect - all his efforts will not be crowned with success and end in failure)
  • the opposition stands apart in this vein of interpretation and, as a rule, says that the choice or act made according to it will not justify itself, the person will regret it, or return to its original state.

The value that aspects have in the natal chart should be established only taking into account the kindness / malevolence of the planets and their mutual relationship to each other. The degree of kindness of the planets in the horoscope is determined by their essential virtues (zodiacal position). In the signs of their domicile, exaltation, triplicity, the planets tend to show their positive qualities, even if it is Mars or Saturn; in the signs of their fall or exile, the planets always show perverted (“evil”) qualities, even if we are talking about Venus and Jupiter.

An important role is played by the relationship between the planets that form the aspect. If they “hate” each other, then nothing good will come of their interaction, even if they are essentially kind (good guys who “cannot digest” each other will never go on vacation together).

The nature of the relationship of the planets is established by taking into account their receptions. The table below shows how this is determined in practice. For example, Mars, which is in the conditions of the night chart in the third degree of the sign of Pisces, loves Jupiter (as the ruler of the sign), exalts Venus (as the mistress of exaltation and term), appreciates their qualities (located in their own triplicity), quite a little sympathetic Saturn (ruler of the face) and monstrously hates Mercury (lord of fall and exile). Using this approach, you can easily find out the relationship of the planets to each other.

However, even having established the nature of the planets forming the aspect (good / evil) and establishing their relationship (love / hate), one more circumstance should be taken into account - their ability to act (harm or benefit). This is established by finding out their accidental status (taking into account the strength of the astrological houses in which they are located, the direction and speed of their movement, the burning factor, the house of joy, etc.).

If the planets are accidentally weak, then they will not be able to have a significant impact - evil planets will not be able to significantly harm (a criminal who wants to rob your house, but locked in prison, will not be able to carry out his plan), and good ones will not be able to help you (friend I'd love to lend you money, but if he's broke himself, he's unlikely to be able to do it.)

Thus, in order to determine how an aspect will actually manifest in a chart (and whether it will work at all), the astrologer must establish:

  • the essential goodness/evil of the planets participating in it;
  • reception relationships of the planets that make up the aspect (love/hate);
  • their ability to act (accidental status).

Aspects in the natal chart, subject to the rules for working with them, can tell an astrologer a lot about a person or questions asked by him. You just need not to waste your time on trifles and use a technically correct approach to interpreting them when working on a map. By the way, all the rules given here are equally valid not only for natal, but also for other types of charts.

October 12th, 2014 03:13 am

Aspects in the horoscope basically mean the qualities of character, and only in relation to houses mean certain events in the life of the native. But there are aspects that, by the very fact of their existence in the chart, give the native certain events in life. Such aspects can be viewed even on the map, without regard to the houses of Natal. It is about them that I want to tell.

The harmonious aspect of the Moon and the Sun - improves any favorable indications in the horoscope, improves health, material security, personal life and relationships with people. Such an aspect is one of the signs of a “lucky one” (but it alone is not enough for this).

Any aspect of the Moon to Mercury means an opportunity for self-development intellect. In the 19th century, this needed a strong domestic aspect, but in the 20th century, the creative aspect will also do, although it will need to be developed. Accordingly, the fateful and karmic aspects will require even more stress for development, but as a result, the native will be able to independently develop the intellect. The absence of an aspect between the Moon and Mercury means that a person’s intellect is somehow weak, and he needs additional explanations and teachers for learning, he is not able to comprehend science on his own from books. At the same time, a person can be smart, and intellectual, and developed, and educated - but efforts for this should be made by an order of magnitude more than someone who has such an aspect in natal and acts.

The harmonious aspect of the Moon to Venus or their conjunction means favorable opportunities for love and marriage. At the time of marriage, the native's partner will have a higher social status (for example, senior lieutenant and junior lieutenant).

Any aspect of the Moon to Mars strengthens the constitution and vitality.

A tense aspect of the Moon to Mars may indicate the danger of drowning and the resulting fear of water. In the natal of a woman, such an aspect can mean some kind of female illness.

The harmonious aspect of the Moon to Mars improves the health of the native.

The conjunction of the Moon and Mars has both qualities (both harmonious and tense aspects), while the qualities of those aspects that are stronger in this conjunction prevail in it. For example, if such a connection is severely damaged from another planet, then the qualities of a tense aspect are enhanced in the connection. if there is a strong favorable aspect to such a connection, and more than one, then the qualities of the harmonious aspect are enhanced in the connection.

The harmonious aspect of the Moon to Jupiter, or their conjunction, is an indicator of happiness in natal. This is one of the signs of the "lucky one" (of course, if there are no serious injuries in natal). This aspect gives the native permanent opportunities. Many events in his life end well or neutrally even when there are no prerequisites for this. He often gets lucky. At the same time, if there are aspects of the “loser”, then periods of luck can be replaced by periods of failure from time to time. In addition, this aspect indicates a good relationship with the mother or older relatives in the family. In the natal of a woman, such an aspect indicates good women Health(or improves it, if there are other indications, not only good ones), in natal a man increases the indications for a happy marriage.

The harmonious aspect of the Moon to Saturn means constancy and depth of feelings.

A tense aspect or conjunction of the Moon and Saturn means hereditary or chronic diseases, depression, melancholy, weakening of vision, very strong and deep feelings due to any problems. Difficult relationships with mother or women in general, problems in the family, problems due to or in connection with older women. In women, motherhood may be delayed due to some external causes.

The aspect of the Moon to Uranus means a civil marriage or similar relationship without registration. If the aspect is harmonious, then such relationships will be good and happy, if tense, then vice versa, a civil marriage will bring many problems and worries and end in a break. The connection can carry both those and other qualities.

The distance from the Sun to Mercury determines the speed of thinking of the native and the speed of his development. The smaller this distance, the faster the native thinks (an exception is when a person does not think at all, but does something at once, without thinking). The farther Mercury is from the Sun, the slower the native thinks. Often such people need additional clarification on the problem.

A tense aspect of the Sun to Mars, or a conjunction between the two, can mean sudden vision problems, especially if one of these planets is in a Fire sign.

The harmonious aspect of the Sun to Jupiter or the connection between them is one of the signs of a "lucky one". A person is lucky in almost all his affairs, he is often lucky simply because the circumstances themselves develop in this way. This aspect increases the energy and vitality of the native, resistance to disease. At the same time, he is so lucky that many diseases simply do not happen to him. In the natal of a woman, this aspect improves the indications for happy marriage(or means it, if there is no contradiction to this). In natal men, this aspect improves health indications.

The harmonious aspect of the Sun to Saturn increases industriousness, ability to work, patience and the ability to succeed in life on your own, determination, work and perseverance.

A tense aspect of the Sun to Saturn or a conjunction between them can mean chronic vision problems, especially if one of these planets is located in a Fire sign. Also, this aspect means poor health. Any external problems affect the native, affecting his physical condition and health. It may be long term. Lingering. Chronic or hereditary diseases. Tends to melancholy, depression, bone diseases. Diseases from overexertion, overwork.

The harmonious aspect of the Sun to Uranus prolongs the life of the native. It does not mean a uniquely long life, but it prolongs it even if the native has a bad natal.

A tense aspect of the Sun or Mars to Pluto or a conjunction between them means suicidal tendencies in the native, interest in death or life after death, craving for death. Obsession (with an idea or something else (depends on other conditions in natal)). But death by suicide means aspects of Uranus associated with the 8th house or severe damage in the natal of the native. By itself, this aspect of death by suicide does not mean. If there is no influence of Uranus on the 8th house or on the damaged planets in natal, then suicide attempts will remain at the level of unsuccessful attempts ... or even just talking about this topic.

Any aspect of Mercury to Mars signifies quick thinking, quick decision-making, and flamboyant, quick speech, often snarky. A person draws attention to himself with his words, attracts people to his side with them. If the aspect is harmonious, then the results of this are very good for the native, if it is tense, then vice versa, because. does without thinking, speaks without understanding the problem, but is assertive in words and knows how to insist on his own. When combined, it receives the qualities of those aspects that this connection has more. If tense aspects predominate, then the result of such behavior is unfavorable for the native, if strong harmonious aspects predominate, then the aspect itself acts more as a favorable aspect.

The harmonious aspect of Mercury to Jupiter or the connection between them means pedagogical abilities, breadth of intellect, many diverse interests, a good attitude of teachers or leaders. A person is lucky in the development of intelligence and with teachers. He can be a visionary, not because he is right or can foresee the future, but because the future is shaping up according to his words on its own. His random words correspond to how things will turn out in the future. His luck is that he rarely makes mistakes and that his decisions turn out to be correct (the exception is the lack of information or the deliberate confrontation in his affairs of those persons on whom the native depends in such a matter).

The harmonious aspect of Mercury to Saturn or the connection between them is deep thinking, insight into the essence of things, innate intelligence. Ability for scientific activity. The tense aspect between them is the desire for intelligence and getting higher education but inability to achieve them for various reasons; subjection to circumstances in this regard.

The aspect of Mercury to Uranus is ingenuity, interest in electronics or astrology. The harmonious aspect between them is the ability to comprehend these things with the help of the mind. The development of the mind and intellect in this direction will be successful for the native and will bring him some benefits in life. There is a tense aspect between them - something constantly hinders or harms such development, or the native himself is not able to receive any benefits from this.

The aspect of Mercury to Neptune is the mystically tuned mind. The ability to understand mysticism with intellect and reason, the ability to develop the intellect in this regard. The aspect is favorable - it brings various benefits to the native. A tense aspect - trouble from this. Connection - the result of such a development depends on which particular aspects to this connection prevail.

The aspect of Venus to Mars indicates what will be the relationship with the opposite sex. Also, this aspect means a tendency to deep love experiences. The tense aspect between them suggests that the native is in danger of rape (but not the fact that it will take place), and he may have troubles and suffering in connection with the opposite sex. difficulties in such relationships. A harmonious aspect between them means that the native likes opposite sex and relations with him are developing well and it is pleasant that he is generally lucky with the opposite sex. Therefore, this aspect often means good luck in love. The connection between them has both qualities.

The aspect of Venus to Jupiter refers to comfortable housing and the ability to create outwardly beautiful things, clothes, any items that adorn life, create coziness and comfort in it. The harmonious aspect between them or the connection gives the native in life various benefits associated with this. A tense aspect between them, on the contrary, gives an external disorder, but at the same time, the native can be comfortable in the environment that he creates for himself, although it does not look comfortable for other people.

The harmonious aspect of Venus to Saturn inclines towards fidelity in love and in relationships with people in general.
A tense aspect of Venus to Saturn causes various problems in relationships due to broken trust, treachery, infidelity or love relationship with a free partner.
The combination of Venus and Saturn can give the qualities of tense and favorable aspects at the same time, while those qualities will prevail, which qualities have other aspects to this connection.

The aspect of Venus to Uranus means romance in life. A favorable aspect between them means a romantic nature. Such a person knows how to make courtship beautiful and romantic, he is inspired by such a relationship. In his life, romantic love and romantic courtship are possible, sometimes accompanying marriage. A tense aspect between them means the native's need for romance and romantic courtship, but his romantic aspirations either do not come true or bring him trouble. A conjunction of Uranus and Venus can have both qualities.

The aspect of Venus to Neptune means creative inspiration and the ability to translate it into a work of art. At the same time, any aspect of them can operate. The sphere in which the native creates works of art depends on all the other factors of his birth.

The aspect of Venus to Pluto means that the native influences those he loves, changing them. With a favorable aspect, changes will be in better side, and a loved one (or a friend, or in general one to whom the native has warm feelings and affection) will be happy about this. At unfavorable aspect- on the contrary, either the changes will be bad, or the partner will resist them (for example, an alcoholic may resist the fact that the native makes him stop drinking). When connecting, there may be both options, depending on other aspects to this connection.

The aspect of Jupiter to Saturn means inheritance. A favorable aspect between them means good indications for inheritance and that the native is able to dispose of it well. A tense aspect between them means that either there will be problems with the inheritance, or the native will lose it or spend it quickly and uselessly.

A favorable aspect of Jupiter to Uranus or a conjunction between them is one of the aspects of the "lucky one". This aspect means sudden favorable changes in life and circumstances, which, however, rarely persist for a long time. The native is often lucky; as if some hand takes away many problems from him, or replaces them with less serious ones. In life, he can get into very bad situations that end for him neutrally or with minimal losses.

It often happens that a person does not know the time of birth, only the date. Because of this, he cannot compose his natal horoscope. But he can see some events in his life due to the aspects that signify them. Unfortunately, in this case, talking about real forecast impossible, it turns out to be very approximate.
